Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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He knew he made the right decision to remain quiet, but on some level, Kavi wanted to say something. The part of him that caused this mess that felt the need to get the last word in, that wanted to pull Ariel by the arm and make her understand his side. He wanted to tug at the part of her that he knew would listen to him because he knew he had that effect on her. He knew that she loved him. Despite all of what she said to him, despite all of the shitty things he did to her and how much harder he was going to make her life, he knew she still loved him.

As he was likely moments away, Kavi realized something. This was exactly what they meant. From Chanel and Julie to even Ryland, this was what they were talking about. The retrospect reflection of it all, Kavi cursed himself because he was stupid. He called Ryland a tool but maybe that wasn’t it. Deep down, maybe he knew who he was referring to?

Shaking his head, he snapped out of it, attempting to walk forward and wanting to reach out for Ariel’s hand. If he could get her to understand, perhaps then she could see his side of things. Yes, that’s what he had to do. Reach out and just make her see!

But then her words echoed back, playing like a bad song in his head.

“You will never be able to make me feel anywhere near as dumb as you act.”

Those words sent fire through his heart and chills down his spine. The absence of feeling in her voice and how cold she seemed stopped him in his tracks. Not even April’s kind words and tone pulled him out of just how royally he fucked up today. He thought he could fix this. He thought he could maybe get her to see this was okay and what everyone else was saying was complete and utter bullshit. Kavi thought wrong. He wasn’t right here and it took Ariel’s reality check to send him into a state where anything spoken to him fell on deaf ears.

“Everything is fucked.”

Those were Kavi’s only words as he gathered his bag and went to his first class. There was no point in getting Ariel to see his side, not when he didn’t even believe in it anymore.

Great. Just great.

Kavi knew he fucked up. Before the words had left the safe space of his lips, before he could process what a horrible mistake he made, and even before the thundering clap resounded off of his cheek, whiplashing his head to the side, Kavi knew what a grave error of judgment he made by calling Chanel a bitch. Forgetting the fact that it was accurate and she was a hypocrite, Kavi still shouldn’t have said it out loud, not with how volatile the situation was. He should’ve had the frame of mind to bite his tongue or at least say it when the rest of her best friends were out of ear-shot. That would have been the smart thing to do. But then again, when was Kavi Antonio Salvador known for taking the intelligent route?

As he lamented on what he had just done and dealt with the aftermath, Kavi realized Chanel and the others of the Unholy Trinity weren’t the only ones he had to deal with. Despite the stinging redness on his cheek being fresh on his mind, it wasn’t the only mistake created by Kavi’s stupidity. There was Ryland, who conveniently departed amidst the thunderstorm of Julie’s slap. He had to deal with the two girls in his life that caused him the most grief. Both were silent, both were refusing to look at him and talk to him (he was assuming).

Kavi rubbed the back of his neck, looking between the two and trying to figure out what the next course of action was. Lord knew right now he was in a tough spot. Say the wrong thing, especially at this point, and that would make things worse but say nothing and Kavi felt he would be betraying himself. A lot of shit happened and it did so at such a rate that made it difficult to process. But he wasn’t a quitter and despite regret for saying it out loud, Kavi didn’t feel bad for saying it. At the least, though, he had the frame of mind not to say anything about it per-se to April’s face.

So with most of his options dead and gone, Kavi kept his lips shut. He knew they were a weapon of mass destruction and the best option he could make was to not say anything.
Fuck You In Heaven — Riki Lindhome and Jason Ritter — Fuck You In Heaven (Single)
Experiment On Me — Halsey — Birds of Prey: The Album
Mama Said — Lukas Graham — Lukas Graham (Blue Album
Uptown Funk — Mark Ronson (feat. Bruno Mars) — Uptown Special
Alexis Bliss — Bowling For Soup — Alexis Bliss (Single)
Ain't Nobody — Rufus and Chaka Khan — Stompin at the Savoy - Live
Arise My Senses — Bjork and Arca — Utopia
Silver Lining — Sons of the East — Burn Bright Through
Don't Think Twice — Hikaru Utada — Face My Fears
To Build A Home — The Cinematic Orchestra (feat. Patrick Watson) — Ma Fleur
Not usually a fan of Dua Lipa but this one came to my attention and, well I dig the song.

Contrary to popular belief, I am not an irrelegular, treeless Arctic region of the world.

If there had ever been a moment in Nathan Blake’s life where his entire mood was hindering on one moment, it was the impending sense of dread growing in the pit of his stomach as he waited for Jasper’s response.

He didn’t do much. He gave her a simple greeting, acknowledged Ramona Martin, and waited for whatever response was on its way. If he was being honest, he prepared himself for the inevitable rejection. Would he prefer to get down on the dancefloor? Of course, but Nate always prepared himself for the worst-case scenario. At least then he might be able to pick up the pieces of himself that remained after the fact and find someone else. At the same time, however, nobody likes getting rejected and Nate was one of them.

So Nate waited in agonizing silene and smiled to keep his spirits away and appear ‘normal’. Jasper spoke to Mona and he lingered about awkwardly until her soul-piercing eyes landed on him. He had been through this particular rodeo to know when someone was trying to decide on rejection or giving him a chance. The way her eyes reduced all of his barriers to rubble was proof of this, so he did his best to not seem afraid for his life, but Jasper was an assertive girl and he couldn’t help but feel venerable near her. That and she was just so gosh-darn sexy that Nate couldn’t peel his gaze from hers.

“I can hold my liquor, no problem!” Nate grinned, knowing if he didn’t at least say that he could, all hopes were lost. Truth was, he never was a big fan of alcohol but whatever it took, right? “So, who’s going first?” Nate asked, exchanging a glance with Mona and Jasper.

Dead silence.

Hello silence, my old friend.

Paranoia and the voices in his head that told him the worst happened began to set in as Nate wondered if he said the wrong thing. He did this a lot and tried his best not to, but his mouth had a will of its own... sometimes. It was only a few seconds later that Nate realized what the cause of silence was and it wasn’t his mouth or overall presence that made Jasper suddenly look as though she wanted to punch someone.

“Uh, maybe I should--”

"Well come on you two. Try and keep up,"


Nate’s feet moved before common sense could advise him to think about his next action quickly. Whatever was going to happen with Jasper, her brother, and the redhead making moves on Ty, Nate knew it wasn’t going to be good. Still, like the curious, lovable dog that he was, Nate followed with gusto.

As familiar surroundings took Theodore down a path straight to the beverages table, the ginger teen couldn’t stop himself from smiling at how the party itself was starting to come together as faces he knew showed up at one point or the other. Between the gathering crowd at the beverages table that had some people that Theo preferred not to get involved with (save for Nate and Mona) and, of course, the disaster-in-the-making with Baby MacMillan and Dark and Edgy, Ty Delamar, he was keeping his distance. This was due to how he knew a storm was about to rage about and he didn’t want to be anywhere near the rising tides that was Ty’s sister, Jasper.

“Poor Nate, being forced to tag along because he has the hots for that hot mess,” Theo noted, shaking his head as he and Mona followed her.

Theo preferred it like this. Now he could get the drinks he wanted and didn’t have to bother with enduring Nate The Great's obnoxious one-liners.

He stopped in front of the table, scanning it for something specific. In less than twenty seconds after he had dragged his green eyes across the table and back multiple times, Theo cursed not so silently as he realized that not only was the whiskey bottle missing but so was the tequila bottle, leaving without his top two hard liquors. “I guess we’re going Russian.” Theo couldn’t stop himself from laughing. He knew Bas could take his liquor but if it wasn’t fruity, Maddie wasn’t going to have it.

Theo contemplated and searched for alternatives. As he did that, he turned around and spotted a few people of interest. Near Charlotte Diedrikson and the behemoth of a man, Kieran O’Connor, was the alluring beaut, Mackenna Diedrikson. Theo would be remiss if he didn’t say his crush on that Chinese bombshell was more than just a crush but all attempts to get past a certain point have been null and void.

While Theo didn’t stress easy, being Maddie’s brother and often having to console her when she didn’t get her way, he could handle uncomfortable and unfortunate circumstances. He’s dealt with disappointment for years thanks in all part to his parents and, of course, he had to endure Bastian’s often ass-kissing ways when it came to being the “good child” in their mother’s eyes. All of this was proof of Theo’s ability to tackle problems that he knew would come from doing something that wasn’t easy.

Such as working up the nerve to walk up to Mac, knowing full well that the possibility of saying the wrong thing was high. Granted, he wasn’t Nathan Blake, so it wasn’t that high. Theo just got nervous around Mac for obvious reasons and it made him say the wrong thing every time. Unknowingly, he took a swig of the Vodka bottle in his hand and took it with him, following the suit of Baby and Jasper by robbing potential party goers of a specific choice of alcohol.

Five, maybe ten feet closer than he was, Theo took another hefty gulp of the burning, fermented potato water and felt himself nearly chickening out. In what took minutes to decide, a single moment flushed it down the drain as Theo made a beeline for the opposite direction and directly into the Hawk’s Nest/cabin by the lake, which had him taking the road less traveled by young men with his looks. He spotted Connor not long and sighed. “Shit man,” Theo spoke as he put the bottle of Vodka on the beer pong table. “You saw how close I was to talking to her, right?” He then looked at his blonde bro. This close, Connor!” His right thumb and index finger were raised and within an inch of touching. “I don’t know why I’m so pathetic, bro. This isn’t like me.”

After she had lingered about outside for close to five minutes, Joey had mostly avoided anyone she could. For whatever reason that penetrated and had made itself comfortable in her mind, Joey’s thoughts were going to the dark side. It started when Lottie had left her be while she made herself comfortable in Kieran’s lap. For the moments that followed, Joey was happy. It was a few months since she last set her eyes on Kiki, so she didn’t want to say she was angry about that. No, it was something else.

As the thought stewed, Joey wandered inside the cabin and found a couch she could rest on. She really just needed a quiet place to think and process exactly what it was she was feeling. As she did that, the thought of Kiki and Lottie made her blood boil for some reason -- wait, no it wasn’t just for some reason. Joey could lie to herself but it was jealousy. As old as time itself, seeing her...Lottie on Kiki’s lap made her jealous. But what for? Why was she jealous?

Her line of thought continued to dig Joey a hole in which she wallowed in for several minutes, continuously sabotaging her sanity by entertaining such negative vibes of uncertain jealously, loneliness, and feeling abandoned.

“That's enough of Debbie Downer!” Joey’s sudden change in mood bounced up just as she did from the couch.

She was on her feet and ran out of the cabin, stopping by one of the unoccupieed beverages tables and poured a line of three vodka shots, downing them in a simultaneous action. Joey let out a short, yet loud, scream as if celebrating victory over something.

The moment she did that and turned around, she had bumped into someone, their heads bumping. “Ouch!” She whined out loud, rubbing her now slightly red forehead as she looked up. Familiar brown skin sent a lightbulb off over her head. JADE Joey’s voice screeched as she grasped onto her sorority sister for dear life.

@TootsiePop @Dirty Pretty Lies - brought back an oldie for this special roleplay!

Featuring The Bonfamille Triplets

On regular days, Theo rarely got his hopes up. When it came to a lot of things and people, especially certain people in his life, he knew it was dangerous to be optimistic. Why hold out for something or someone that was likely to disappoint you? Why care about promises made that would fall flat? It didn’t make sense and Theo liked to think of himself as a sensible young man. Contrary to his mother’s opinions of the artistry on his arms, everything he did made sense.

But giving his parents time to maybe show up at the last minute, knowing full well that they were going to flake on him and his siblings yet again? Now that’s what didn’t make sense, yet there they were. The Bonfamille triplets were all dressed up exactly how their parents expected them to: Theo was in a blue suit, Bas in black and grey (like the color neutral nerd that he was), and, as fully expected by the most feminine blonde he knew, Mads wore a pink dress that was decorated in floral patterns.

They had pulled out all the stops. They were at the Bonfamille Manor in Meadow View, far away from the campus where they all knew a party wasn’t far from getting started. The staff was literally waiting for the signal to get the short-term meal prep underway. They were literally waiting on the arrival of their often-disappointing parents (at least from Theo’s perspective). As time went on and one young man with red hair started to get restless, it was at the point where he had enough.

“Let’s just face it, they’re not coming.” Theo sat in the foyer opposite of Bas and Mads, a more-than-disappointed frown on his face.

Bastién’s slender fingers stopped moving over the ivory keys as his brother spoke. He paused before he turned to face his siblings letting out a strained sigh. “Damn it…” he muttered quietly, his face facing the floor. The middle Bonfamille triplet had spent the better part of his last week of summer vacation planning this get together. He had double and even triple checked with their father and mother to make sure that they were free.

“You’re probably right Theo, they’re pro-” he was cut off by a buzzing coming from his jacket pocket. Bas fished out his phone unlocking it with a quick swipe of his thumb. His blue eyes moving quickly over the screen and his lips pursing as he read. “Aah…” he whispered.

Bastién: me and your mother got held up at the concert hall. We will be here until late. Tell your brother and sister we will reschedule to a later date. Please let them know we are sorry, he read in a monotone voice.

Bas wished he could say he was surprised but as he pocketed his phone he couldn’t help but feel deeply disappointed. The dark-haired young man rubbed his eyes with his and let out a groan before he flicked his head up towards where the staff stood, waiting.

“Edgar… you can clear up, they’re not coming.” Bastién said curtly to the elderly head of staff.

"Wait a second: 'clear up'?!" Madeleine cried out, leaping from the plush white armchair she'd been resting on and crossing her arms in front of her, glaring at her brother. "What do you mean, 'clear up'? I haven't had anything to eat besides a salad and some almonds since lunchtime!"

Theodore made a habit of noticing when Edgar was annoyed and he seemed peeved more than usual. He probably thought he did enough to hide it but his body tensed up whenever he was extremely bothered. Theo had always known him to despise the triplets for some reason but Theo never cared to address it. As long as he never raised his voice to any of them, no problems would arise.

As Theo would also observe Edgar silently nod and walk away, whisking the staff away too, Theo huffed, standing up as he stopped in front of the fireplace. “I want to say I am surprised, but hey! At least they’re consistent at something, right?” He wanted to laugh and he did after the fact but that didn’t make the growing anger he had for his parents (specifically Adelaide) stop from expanding. “Is it really so hard for them to put aside one day for us?!”

"After twenty-one years, I would think that you gentlemen would have gotten used to the absences and excuses," Madéleine said nonchalantly with a small shrug. She knew her comments would appear rather cold for her naturally warm, gentle nature-- but years of disappointment would do that to you. "It's been a long time since I've given much thought to or lost sleep over any of this. I suggest you follow my example."

“Well, excuse me for actually thinking they would put us over their careers. My bad!” Theodore scoffed, making no effort to mask his disappointment in his parents-- and hell! Theo might even go as far as to say he was disappointed in himself for getting his hopes up. “But never mind them! We have more important matters to discuss,” Theo led, leaning back, choosing to focus on greener pastures. “Such as deciding if we want to attend this year’s Great Bash.” Theodore remembered receiving that text that highlighted hints about how to find this party.

"Is there really anything to discuss? I thought it was a given that we would be attending. We always do,” Mads replied with another shrug. “Although I'm not going anywhere without eating my dinner first," she added with sass, bitterly glaring at where Edgar was removing the unused utensils from the table.

Bastién couldn’t do anything else but sigh and again rub his eyes in frustration at his siblings' bickering. Of course, they were both right their parents should at least honor their word and show up when they promised to be here. But then again them working overtime is what affords the triplets the life they are accustomed to. Bas let out one last sharp sigh before standing up from the piano stool.

“Of course we’re going! We are expected to at least make an appearance.” he said nonchalantly walking over to his brother putting his arm around Theo’s shoulder trying to calm him down. “Let’s just forget this fiasco and let out some steam in a game of beer pong or whatever!” He said giving his brother a reassuring shake “Huh? Right, Theodore?!” He laughed getting in his brother’s face trying to get him to cheer up. “And you’re right, Maddie!” He turned back to his pouting sister. “We should eat before we go. We don’t want a repeat of freshman year now do we?” He asked looking from his sister to his brother before letting go of Theo and walking into the dining room. “Edgar we’ll just have the main course for us three then” he ordered. Bas ignored the strained sigh coming from the elderly man as he sat down in his assigned seat.

After they ate and took some extra time to relax, the triplets left the Bonfamille Manor in town. With time on their side, they took their sweet time making their way through the city, avoiding the celebrations still going on if at all possible as they were on campus and in the forest where a ten-minute hike was in store. Usually, Madéleine was the one to complain but she seemed to be excited to make an appearance. She was probably more excited about getting there than Theo or even Bas was.

It didn’t occur to Theo why she was so excited but seeing a smile on her face did make him happy. He wasn’t sure if Bastien was happy or not but at least, the siblings looked great. Of course, Madeleine was wearing her usual colors: that god-awful fluffy pink coat of hers with a white dress, as if it wasn’t obvious she was the most stuck-up of the trio. As for the brothers, while Bas chose to wear a striped shirt of white and pink (again what was up with that), he also wore dark slacks. Similarly, Theo had similar hued pants but with the one noticeable difference of wearing arose-patterned shirt and red shoes.

Joining the party with his siblings, Theo chuckled to himself at the choice of locations. “Lakeside, huh?” He murmured, turning his head to both Mads and Bas. “Last year, it was held at the abandoned warehouse in town.” Theo found humor in how the hosts of the bash always seem to pick the most isolated place. “It’s almost like we’re about to be in a slash horror flick.” He laughed but on some level, that could be a very real possibility.

Madéleine's blue eyes widened as her excitement was replaced with a hint of fear. "Do you want me to be terrified all night?!" she asked her brother, taking hold of his arm and nervously looking around. "Because if you keep saying things like that, I will stick to you like glue for the rest of the night so you can protect me from Freddy, or Jason, or that Scream guy chasing people around with a knife."

“Oh, relax! I’m sure Ghostface is too busy being bled dry by Fun World as they prepare to do another season of the godawful television adaptation of Scream.” Theo turned to Bas for a quick minute. “Back me up here, bro. Please tell our scaredy-cat of a sister that we’re not gonna be carved like a pig carcass by some slasher horror icon!”

While Mads shot Theo a disgusted look at his detailed description, Bastién let out a breathy laugh as he carefully navigated the freshly made path, making sure that he didn’t get his shoes dirty. “Maddie, I don’t think Vermont is a good fit for the next slasher backdrop if you know what I mean, and besides that, I don-” Bas’ voice trailed off as the bright lights of ‘The Great Bash’ blinded him. The party planner had outdone themselves this year. The music was pumping out of huge speakers and the crowd was moving to the said music as if they were in some sort of a trance. Alcohol and various recreational drugs would do that to you.

The middle triplet turned to his siblings with a wide grin “And who has the time to worry about weirdos in masks when you’re in Wonderland!” he laughed spreading his arms walking back towards the huge party.

“See? Now, will you stop worrying about psycho killers and just go with us to enjoy the party? It’s no fun if only two of the Bonfamille triplets have fun!” Theo tugged at his sister’s arm to guide her to his and Bas’ way of thinking.

"I'm not so sure about this anymore … This isn't exactly my scene…" Madéleine grumbled like she did every year, nervously looking around the large crowd. "I like balls, and galas, and glam events. This is… different."

“Oh Maddie… why not both? Come now we’ll keep you safe. Theo will fight off the ruffians won’t you?” The dark-haired man said softly as he swiftly and dancelike stepped behind her sister ushering her toward the party. “We can probably find you a makeshift throne here somewhere.” He mused beaming down at his sister trying to calm her nerves as he always did. This earned him a shy little giggle from the blonde, who nodded, let go of Theo's arm and grabbed onto Bastien's for dear life now.

“I’ll tell you what: you help her with the throne and I’ll get us some drinks. At this rate, we’re gonna have to start the alcohol consumption a lot earlier than anticipated,” Theo mused, smiling at both of his siblings.

“Deal” Bas stated offhandedly as he and Mads continued toward the crowd, while Theo went off to fetch them a drink or two.
Congrats! Kinda surprised it took this long considering how helpful you've been over the years.
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