Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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On My Block.
That show, while sometimes a little eye-worthy, is definitely in the vein of what I like from shows like it: real and a little over-the-top. Given it is co-created by the creator of MTV's Awkward, which was one of my favorite early-2010s teen dramas, it's no wonder I am enjoying On My Block.

When Theodore had gotten to the Bonfamille Manor in town, it wasn’t quite yet sunrise but it was late. He didn’t know if Bas or if Mads had gotten home okay but he had all the confidence in the world the two could take care of themselves. Lord knows when he sat down on the couch and laid on his side, he wasn’t in any position to double-check.

He woke up close to dinner time the next day and still felt like shit. His head pounded like someone took a hammer to it, or a hammer-like fist and it physically hurt him when he brought his left hand to touch one of his cuts.

Thinking it couldn’t get any worse than it was right now, Theo immediately was proven wrong as he reached for his phone on his nightstand and checked for any messages. There were a few but none appealed to him enough and made him open his eyes faster than he ever had done than when he saw a text message with an Instagram link. He tapped the link and it brought him to a video.

“Please don’t tell me..” Theo’s voice trailed off into silence, hating himself immediately. “They caught the entire thing,” he mused, seeing just how...aggressive he was. In the deepest part of his gut, he felt something twist as though he was disgusted with the red-haired boy he saw because that wasn’t a man he saw tackling Cass. That was someone less than.

Halfway through the video, which wasn’t at the part where Theo got kicked in the chest, a pain that was still fresh, his phone went off. He scowled when he saw who it was.

Begrudgingly, he answered. “Can you save the lecture?” Theo said, eyes closed as he laid back on his bed. “I already know why you’re calling, mother. And I know why you’re about to give me the third degree. Just save it.”

Adelaide Bonfamille didn’t speak for nearly a minute. Theo knew she was considering her words. He knew her to be precise and not one to beat around the bush, not when it came to him, at least. Always the direct one. Even as much as he hates to admit it, that’s one of the few things they have in common. They are often direct in how they act. For better or worse, Theodore and Adelaide possess that same fire in their souls.

Finally, as he heard her cough, she said, “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Theodore.”

“Oh, I’m just beaming with pride, mother! I sure love getting recorded and everyone seeing me lose a fight. Yeah, I couldn’t be happier!” He spoke with such sarcasm that how his mother sounded, the way she breathed, he knew she rolled her eyes.

“Are you done?” She asked with restraint but clearly not in the mood for his sarcasm.

“Yeah, I suppose so.”

“Good.” Adelaide cleared her throat. “This is an absolute travesty, Theodore. What on Earth possessed you to think this was a good idea?”

“Honestly?” His rhetorical tone was met with silence, so he continued. “I don’t know what you want me to say. Do I regret it? Well duh! This entire ordeal was recorded and I know everyone knows it was me. Hell, you even recognized me and you’re hardly around to know if I still have my red hair anymore.”And there it was. Direct and finally getting to his point.

“What do you mean ‘I’m hardly around’?”

Theo went to open his mouth, thinking he was going to say it. And his voice half-cracked itself, but in the end, he betrayed himself by opting for silence instead of the truth. “Forget it. I’m tired, my head hurts, and I don’t have time for this right now. Besides,” Theo said, sighing, turning on his left side, settling into a comfortable position. As he yawned, he said, “I know you have that big concert in an hour. I wouldn’t want to make you late for it.”

“Theodore, wait--”

He cut her off as he hung up with her and shut off his phone. He knew she wasn’t going to be particularly happy with him and he knew it would reach him eventually, but Theo didn’t care. He didn’t have the mental energy to spare for the likes of Madame Adelaide Bonfamille. He didn’t even have it to spare for his siblings. He only wanted to sleep and sleep he did.

It had been five minutes since Theo left the assembly. He didn’t stick around for the aftershow. As soon as the showstopping bomb was dropped, though he wasn’t exactly thrilled, the young man shrugged, caring not to focus on it right now.

There was a lot on the oldest Bonfamille’s mind. A lot of bad (for the most part). His part in that video that went around, how he acted against Cassian, and how ugly he might’ve appeared to a lot. By now, he was certain everyone knew who was in that video. Even if the Headmistress and all of those who worked for her didn’t know, everyone else had to know — or maybe it was his own worst thoughts that wanted to think that.

As he walked through the courtyard, deep in his thoughts, Theo was late to the party when he came to a stop at one of the many tables spread throughout the spacious courtyard. As he sat and checked his phone, he saw a group text that was still getting replies. His initial reaction was curiosity. Once he figured out the original sender was, he laughed.

Theo and Nate weren’t exactly close and given that some of the replies ranged from downright cruel to supportive, he couldn’t imagine he was having any fun. Even still, Theodore wasn’t close enough to really care about what Nate was going through, well, not enough to help the guy out.

As he shifted his body halfway out, the right leg on the outside of the table and his left still in, this gave Theo a better view of who was around. He saw some familiar faces. He caught Joanna Hart and that Charlotte girl walk off west and he saw Jasper Delamar storm off somewhere as though she was ready to beat someone up. Everyone was going somewhere and then came someone Theodore knew but not really.

Dark hair swayed in front of him and she probably didn’t realize it, but she absent-mindedly took a seat opposite of him. If he recalled, her name started with an F or something like that. The fact she didn’t acknowledge him prompted Theo to speak first. “Hey, you’re Fi--” He tried to remember her name, “--Finna?” No, that didn’t sound right. “Salvador, right?” At least he remembered her surname.
A Knife Called Lust — Hollywood Undead — Swan Songs (Collector's Edition)
Unstoppable — The Score — Atlas
Hey Lion — Sofi Tukker — Hey Lion
Ruby — Driftwood People — Ruby
A Drop In the Ocean — Ron Pope — Daylight
Marry Me — Train — Save Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition)
Vindicated — Dashboard Confessional — Dusk And Summer
Budapest — George Ezra — Did You Hear The Rain?
The Devil's Back — The Pretty Reckless — Who You Selling For
I Swear This Time I Mean It — Mayday Parade — Anywhere But Here

An @Ejected & @metanoia Collaboration Post

9 Hours Ago — Main Courtyard

For a few weeks now, Nicholas had familiarized himself with the San Agustin campus. He had done it when he had the first chance to and realized there were a few areas he felt most like himself. From day one, Nicholas had displayed a love for dramatics, so it only made sense that something in him felt at home at the arts buildings. But that wasn’t the only place he migrated to from time to time. The main courtyard, especially when it was dark out and the lights that dangled above were lit up and that small amount of light brought out the brick pathway.

And it was there, for days even, that Nicholas spent some nights just sitting, staring at the moon and stars. On these nights, even though sometimes Nicholas feels more at home in the auditorium or the art studio, he felt most at peace and could refresh himself, looking up at the night sky.

And sometimes, though obviously not always, Nicholas wasn’t alone. Sometimes, Dwayne Freeman was in the same area, too.

In the beginning, Nicholas avoided him, well to be more accurate, he just kept to himself and enjoyed the view up. But, the longer and the more days that passed, Nicholas found himself looking horizontally instead of vertically, resulting in him occasionally taking a glance at wonder that was Dwayne. Nicholas had a bit of a high strung approach to who he liked in any way and who he didn’t. He was the definition of a materialistic person, but talking to Dwayne, regardless if it was just a simple acknowledgement or small talk, he intrigued him and eventually, Nicholas found himself engaging in full conversations and even intellectual conversations.

The night before the first day wasn’t any different except for Nicholas cutting out the middleman. It was beautiful and there was a gentle breeze making this night quite enjoyable, but Nicholas would be remiss if he didn’t prefer the sight of the creature of habit sitting in his usual spot. “You’re starting to become predictable, Freeman.” Nicholas approached him, wearing what appeared to be designer sweatpants and a silver and blue V-neck T-shirt. As the dark-haired boy took a seat next to Dwayne, relaxing his legs, allowing his feet to roam freely in front of him and his hands digging into the soil of the dirt about half of a yard below where he sat. He glanced over at D and asked, “So what’s the plan tonight, hmm?”

"Is there something wrong with being predictable?"

”No, I suppose there isn’t.”

Visiting the courtyard after sundown had become part of Dwayne Freeman's regular routine since arriving at the academy; there was something about being under the stars and moon that put him at ease. He'd sometimes spend hours on end just sitting on the same bench at the edge of the courtyard, staring up at the sky and thinking. His camera always hung like a prop around his neck, waiting to be used by its owner. This was the only time when Dwayne could truly be left alone with his thoughts, the only exception being Nicholas' occasional company. He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't noticed the young man way before they'd officially met, but it wasn't like Dwayne to be the one to initiate conversation.

When Nicholas took a seat next to him, Dwayne crossed his legs at the ankle and placed his hands in the pockets of his black joggers to make sure he had enough room. "The plan is the same as always, I suppose," Dwayne responded to his question with a shrug. "Maybe I'll switch things up this time and actually get around to taking some pictures."

”Oh? Is that so?” Nicholas asked, glancing down to Dwayne’s camera and then brought his neutral eyes up, moving them left to right as he looked at the lights that hung over them and the night sky that was so dark the stars made for a beautiful tapestry of magnificent stars. “It’s so clear out tonight. The best thing to take photos of,” he said, laughing shortly thereafter. “Well, second best thing.”

A hesitant smile appeared on Dwayne's lips as he took a quick glance at the boy who sat next to him and then back down at his own camera. "Yeah, you're definitely not wrong about that."

Nicholas breathed out a low chuckle, eyes fixated on Dwayne’s form. He turned his body slightly more to the right, his left hand gripping deep into the moist soil to support his weight so he didn’t slip off the brick they both sat on. Facing him now, Nicholas was in a better position to take in the sights.

The sky was majestic tonight and the lights above added a certain fluorescent hue to the brick pathway to give it a very Wizard of Oz feel to it. But neither of those sights held his interest long enough nor were so enticing as Dwayne was. Well, for the moment, anyway. And for the moment, Nicholas Salvador, with every inch of his body and every ounce of curiosity that was growing with every second, he focused hard on Dwayne Freeman.

“Left or right?” He asked.

In an instant, Dwayne grabbed hold of his camera and turned it on, his smile becoming more apparent as he did so. It was like he'd suddenly come to life; he'd angled his body so that he was facing Nicholas head on, and brought the Nikon up to his eye right before saying, "Either or would look fine... let's go with the right." And as soon as he followed his direction, Dwayne adjusted his position, as well as the camera lens, and captured a couple of photos. When he was finished, he scooted a bit closer to Nicholas and showed him the results. "They came out pretty well, but it'll look a lot better when I edit the background a bit... what do you think?"

“These are…” Nicholas was amazed. Not just because he always enjoyed looking at images of himself. He knew he had an uniquely-angled jawline that most either found repulsing or something to rival even models. So, that wasn’t what he couldn’t peel his eyes away from. It was how great they came out. With the limited light, even if the lights above provided enough, it was though Nicholas was staring at photos that had all the light to spare, which he knew spoke to Dwayne’s ability and his eye for making use of the best sides of his face. “It’s getting chilly out, wouldn’t you agree? If you aren’t against the idea, you could show me how you do that in your room.” Nicholas was usually a lot more subtle, but at this point, he was confident that he and Dwayne wanted the same thing.

Dwayne readily agreed, and after making sure his camera was shut off, he stood from his spot on the brick and began leading the way. It didn't take them too long to reach their destination; Dwayne shut the door behind them and tossed his camera and keys on his desk once inside. Dwayne's bedroom was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the lamp that sat on his nightstand, but it was clear to see that his room was just as neat and organized as his person.

“I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you,” Nicholas commented, chuckling mostly to himself. As he made himself comfortable on Dwayne’s bed, laying on his side and longways. His right arm was bent in an obtuse angle and his palm supported his head. This position caused his wavy, dark hair to flip itself over to one side. He watched Dwayne with a watchful, curious eye. “The bed has a nice bounce to it. I can imagine you’ve had some great sleepful nights.” Nicholas excelled at small talk. It was one of his many passions — well, so long as the person he was conversing with kept his attention long enough to reach this stage of the act of engagement.

"Hm, I suppose you'd be right," Dwayne responded as he climbed into the spot next to the other boy, mirroring his position on the bed. Unlike Nicholas, Dwayne wasn't too fond of small talk. Sure, he'd usually go along for the sake of being pleasant, but at the end of the day, he was the type of guy who much preferred to cut to the chase. "But I haven't really been doing a whole lot of sleeping since I've been here."

“No, I suppose you don’t.” Nicholas smiled at Dwayne, taking a moment to let silence fill the air before leaning halfway up. “And I don’t suppose you think tonight will be any different,” he laughed slowly, leaning closer to Dwayne. Nicholas knew what he wanted to happen but he didn’t want to force it on Dwayne. But that didn’t mean he was gonna be too subtle, so he had his hand on Dwayne’s shirt, smirking at him.

As Nicholas drew closer, Dwayne could feel his heartbeat quickening. "Right... again." The young man said with a smirk of his own. And after only a moment's hesitation, the young man finally closed the space between the two of them, and hungrily found Nicholas' lips with his own.

That caught him by surprise, but Nicholas welcomed it. The nights they had spent in the courtyard, sitting on the bricks, staring up at the night sky and talking, or even on some nights, they had only enjoyed the silent magnificence of Mother Nature. Nicholas had wanted to kiss him, but he wasn’t one to force that sort of thing on someone so reserved, so comfortable in their own space. That wasn’t the kind of person Nicholas was. As forward as he was, he respected boundaries when they needed to be respected.

But now, intertwined with Dwayne in ways he had dreamt about, deep in a longing kiss that lasted longer than any breath either of them probably could muster, Nicholas tore his lips away, Dwayne having left him literally breathless. “And he’s a brilliant kisser, as well.” Nicholas smirked, drying his wet lips. He took a moment to catch his breath and went for seconds, though this time his arms grasped around D’s surprisingly muscular back, leaning back as Dwayne himself would be enticed forward. “Now, let’s see if we can make up for lost time, yeah?”

As the early morning rays shone through the blinders of Dwayne’s room, it would immediately give way to how still so clean it was. Clothes were scattered about: Nicholas’ shirt covered Dwayne’s laptop, Dwayne's shirt was at the edge of his bed, socks and shoes were across the room, and pants on the floor, near where two heads lay close to each other.

Nicholas groaned, arm around Dwayne’s neck and his steely eyes slowly opened, immediately finding discomfort in how bright the sun was. White blankets and a thinner sheet made of cotton fabric covered Nicholas and Dwayne from the waist down, both topless, both assumingly without clothes, and one of them smiling while the other slept, peaceful and with minimal noise.

“So much for not having a sleepless night,” Nicholas quietly mused, chuckling to himself as his phone vibrated on Dwayne’s nightstand. He unlocked his phone and immediately went to his messages, ignoring the time for right now. He noticed it was a text from his sister. “She’s up early,” Nicholas mused. He smiled until he realized the time. “Ah, well that makes sense.”

Immediately, he rose from the bed, trying not to wake up the sleeping beauty next to him, but Dwayne’s arm had been over Nicholas’ chest. So when he got up, the momentum carried and he heard the young man start to come out of his slumber. “My apologies,” Nicholas said, reaching down for his shorts and pants. “Didn’t realize how late it was. Classes begin in an hour.” Nicholas had his shirt halfway on. “But, you were amazing last night.” The boy shot him a wink.

As Dwayne stirred awake from what was probably the best sleep he'd gotten in the past couple of months, he couldn't help but shield his eyes from the sudden brightness that filled his bedroom. He then sat upright in bed as he let his eyes adjust, and it was after then that he simply watched Nicholas pull on the rest of his clothing. "Don't worry about it, it's all good," Dwayne said, realizing how long they'd been asleep. While he didn't have a class as early as Nicholas evidently did, he was planning on taking an early morning trip to the gym. "And you were amazing too," Dwayne said, flashing the boy a half-smile as he momentarily thought back to just a few hours before. Really amazing.

Of course Nicholas knew he was. He did nothing to hide that particular fact, but hearing it from someone so reserved like Dwayne Freeman was refreshing and it humbled him. It was strange for him to think it but so many times, at least he felt it, Nicholas could remember the feeling of being arrogant and conceited. That and the times he felt weak at the knees with Francesca, Dwayne was different in the sense someone like him thought he was amazing. And that in itself was a remarkable thing for him.

“Well, you have my number. We should definitely hang out more often, Freeman.” Before he left, Nicholas placed a knee on Dwayne’s bed and reached to kiss him on his lips, savoring it for a few, extended moments.

Nicholas left Dwayne with quite the impression. If he was being truthful with himself, Freeman also made an impression on him. Looks were deceiving. There was no way Nicholas could have expected such a night owl be capable of...flexible feats that he experienced last night. It was...refreshing and for someone to be so confident but also so tender brought a warm smile to the boy’s face, maybe even blushing.

Shaking it off, Nicholas was in the cafeteria and there he saw his darling twin, sitting all by her lonesome, on her phone like she always had been when she was alone. “They say these things will kill us. Death by lazy memes, isn’t it?” Nicholas laughed, taking a seat opposite of her. He had a fruit bowl and a chocolate milk, clearly the breakfast of champions. “So what’s this I read about a dream?”

@Aewin Ya know I love her! Get her ass over to the char tab! whenever it suits you
When I have highs, I feel like I'm untouchable and I'm on cloud fucking 9, but when I have my lows, that's when it gets really bad.
Follow up to my previous fact: I sometimes like my eggs boiled.

Look man, it's an acquired taste texture. My 2nd favorite candy bar is a fucking Mounds/Almond-Joy.

Hey, I like the taste of coconut but miss me with that flakey, gets-stuck-in-my-teeth shit.
<Snipped quote by metanoia>
There's a small independent shop that does it. It's my favorite for non-Polish variants.

It's sublime.

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