Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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@Icy Hot@fledermaus So, after doing some additional research into Nyx, I came up with a solid concept for Nyx. So put down Robert Sheehan for my FC. :)
what a wild ride's it's been these past couple of years.

Sonny's dated a few girls, tormented mari

Kavi's dated a few girls, tormented Ariel

Stella's dated a few guys, tormented Chrissie

Wow, now that I think about it, my three characters like to torture people, don't they?

@Icy Hot Heh. God truly is a woman. Who knew?
I'd like to state a claim into Nyx, Primordial Goddess of the Night, please! Still unsure how I'm gonna do it but that's the one I'm gonna be focusing on!

A @metanoia & @Ejected Collaboration
Featuring CarterStella


While Carter talked, without a doubt doing his best to offer a helpful perspective, Stella couldn’t help but feel uncertain about most of it. Her and Chrissie have had a tough time as of late. From the moment she got back from her Paris trip to before leaving for the dance, it seemed like their tropical storm of a relationship elevated into a category five hurricane.

The arguments they’ve had over the course of the past couple of months ranged from backhanded comments at the dinner table to occasional screaming matches that diffused whenever her mother put her foot down. In the beginning, their fights were motivated by how hurt Stella was by Chrissie’s betrayal and how Chrissie didn’t see it as such but it eventually escalated to actual cruelty towards each other. Even after the fact where Stella immediately felt waves of immense guilt, the damage had been done every time.

And then there was today…

Yes, who could forget all of what happened today?

It was easily the worst thing she could say to anyone. It wasn’t even the fact that it was to Chrissie, but telling someone to go back where they came from was vile and hurtful and honest to god, Stella knew she shouldn’t have said it. She honestly was done at that point that saying the worst thing she could let slip out. Nothing helped cure the pinching feeling in her gut, not even Carter trying his best to convince her things would be okay.

After taking a few slow moments of silence for herself, to take in everything, she finally looked at her boyfriend, squeezing his hand band as if to try and alleviate some of her inner turmoil. “Thank you, Carter. I’m still not sure and I want to hope that someday she and I can finally work this out and move past it, but--” She stopped herself from rambling like she usually did. “--Just thank you. I needed this right now,” she said softly, smiling at him. “I just kind of want to go home.”

Carter knew that Stella wasn't too convinced by his answer, and he completely understood why. After all, it did seem like her relationship with Chrissie had reached the point of no return. But although what she was going through at that moment was something he'd never experienced himself, he figured that he could at least be there for her whenever she needed him to be, even if it's just to offer his optimistic outlook on the situation to try and ease her mind.

Offering Stella a brief nod and half-smile, Carter squeezed Stella's hand and nodded his head towards the exit. "Come on, I'll give you a ride on my way home. I'll just send Nicole a quick text to let her know." Carter briefly scanned the crowd for the young woman, his eyebrow raising when he didn't find her as quickly as he usually did. One quick glance at his cell phone, however, told him that she'd already gotten a ride home with Jack.

“Is everything okay? We can wait for Nicole if she needs a ride too,” Stella said, “I don’t mind!” She added as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze and smiled towards him. “What did the text say?”

"Won't be necessary," Carter said with a shrug as he turned his phone so that Stella could see. "Nicole has already left the building..." As the young man spoke, he looked in the direction of both Santiago and April, who seemed to be having a pretty deep discussion by where they'd originally left them. "Maybe you should let Santiago know that you're headed out, too?"

In the middle of a step towards the exit, Stella’s mouth had opened, making something that sounded like it was going to be words, instead coming to a complete stop the minute she was reminded of Santiago. “And I oop--” She could only look at Carter with the sort of expression that was both grateful for refreshing her memory about her date. “--Yeah, I’ll do that now,” she mused, pulling her hand free from her boyfriends and sending a quick text to her date.

It read: ’Hey! Carter’s taking me home! Hope you and April have a fun night!
Xoxo, Stel 💕

As she placed her phone back inside her purse, her hand returned where it was and she smiled. “Okay! Now we can go!” Her voice trailed off into a giggle.

Letting out a light chuckle at Stella's reaction, Carter began walking once more, leading the way out of the country club and toward the parking lot. He slipped his hand out of Stella's when they came to a stop next to his bright red Lexus, only to pull open the passenger side door for her to climb inside. And it was after closing the door and settling into the driver's seat that he started the ignition, turned the radio on low, and prepared to pull out of the lot. "Tonight was pretty nice, don't you think?" he asked Stella, "Aside from... you know. Hopefully you still had a good time?"

She cheerfully nodded, making sure he saw the satisfaction on her face. “How could I not?” Stella chortled and let her arm fall on the armrest between them. “Santiago was great, which I’m still pretty shook about how great things have become for him and I, especially with how much I loathed him.” Even saying it out loud generated a visible, almost guilty expression to consume her former grin. “It’s in the past now and I couldn’t be happier. And besides, I don’t need to dwell on the past of some guy I was into for all of five minutes or anyone who may have been someone of interest -- because I have you now, right?” She flashed a smile at him, feeling all sorts of butterfly-like wings flapping inside her stomach and the feeling increased the longer she looked at his beautiful face. Whether it was Oliver or Marcel, she knew they knew it was Carter she wanted to be with and that thought brought such a bright smile to her face.

Of course, Carter returned Stella's smile for a few moments before refocusing his gaze on the road. "Of course you have me," Carter said, reaching for Stella's hand once more. "No doubt about it."

It wasn’t that she had doubted it for a second, but she’d always felt better when she heard double, triple, quadruple, quintuple reassurances. Whether it was how much was in her bank account from her weekly allowance, her grades, or even that she was loved, Stella needed that for her own sake. Shaky Stella is what they used to call her and that was because her faith could easily be rocked by the smallest of inconveniences, but maybe now that she had Carter and that he had her, those days would not only be past her but maybe it could be the first step of many in leading her down the path of growth she’s due for.

And maybe after some time has passed, she and Chrissie could--Easy girl, that’s still a marathon away. She had to remind herself that she was the one who had ruined things, so small, baby steps had to be taken.

As she came out of her own thoughts and refocused them on Carter, she faced forward, knowing that no matter what pains came her way, with him by her side, there was nothing she couldn’t handle.

Interested. Got a few ideas brewing already.

A @metanoia & @Inertia Collaboration Post
Featuring Theo & Connor

“I have no earthly idea what just happened there.”

And boy was he trying to figure it out or what? Processing the entire scene from Edgar being uncharacteristically vague in notifying him who was on their way to Gamer Girl and Chappy the Rabbit pretty much taking over what he assumed was going to be a semi-gentle back and forth between him and his friends. It didn’t even dawn on him that it would lead to his sister being invited along for the ride. it wasn’t like he had any problems with tha, but Theo just wasn’t exactly prepared for it.

And it showed.

By now, Theo had found a pair of gray shorts to put on so he was at least halfway decent for Connor’s sake. He knew that the blond probably didn’t want to see the implication of Theo’s southern shadow, or at least, he didn’t want to run the risk of mortifying Shiloh again with his above-average body. So he opted to minimally clothe himself.

“I’ll tell you this, Con,” Theo started, walking over to his closet, picking out a pink buttoned-up shirt and a pair of dark slacks. “When I texted you guys, I wasn’t expecting my sister to be home.” He slipped off the shorts and put the jeans on. As he was halfway with putting the shirt on, he continued, “She had flown the coop after the bash for some pageant thing in Madrid.” Theo walked over to his dresser and grabbed a brown leather belt and a wristwatch. “And now that she’s back and Bas is out, I’mma have to babysit her ass.” Theo knew he was venting and he felt guilty for all of three seconds. “But I guess I do owe her. I kind of ditched her at the bash, didn’t I?”

It didn’t occur to him until his eyes met Connor’s that he had been venting his mild frustrations for a solid three minutes straight and a slow laugh escaped through his lips and he smiled. “Sorry. I guess the suddenness of it all still hasn’t clicked,” he admitted, fitting the belt through the loops on his pants.

“It’s alright.” The blond replied nonchalantly. He didn’t mind it at all, in fact, he liked to listen to rants and people’s trouble in general. It was oddly relaxing seeing someone pour out their hearts to him. “Ah, jetlagged huh? Maybe that’s why she looked off.”

Connor had idly sauntered over to a free laptop on Theo’s desk and mindlessly scrolled through a few Instagram posts. Selfies, food photos, group shots, nothing new from university students. He usually sifted through Instagram more to see if anything popped up rather than for fun or pleasure.

“That said, why so mean to your sister, eh?” He continued abruptly as he got up and stretched.

“One of the few benefits of being the oldest,” he admitted proudly, cocking a sly smirk.

“If I was you I’d spoil her, she’s cute as a button.”

“She’s already spoiled. Anymore and it’ll go straight to her watermelon-sized head.” A laugh left his lips, though part of his mind remained curious about Connor’s comment and why he decided to specifically say that.

Connor let out a laugh at his reply. “Well, someone’s gotta lookout for the younger siblings.” The ginger offered nothing but a questionable glance towards his friend as his reply.“Ah, you know Anderson, my programming professor?” He changed the subject as his mind snapped back to his professor’s words. “Said some interesting things about the, ahem, Bash.”

“What’cha mean?” Theo asked, grateful for the swift change in subjects.

“Get this, Anderson thinks it was someone from our year that spilled the beans on the Bash.” Connor gesticulated as he spoke. “No freakin’ way, right?”

“One of us? Impossible!” Theo immediately tossed out believing that ridiculous idea, but then again. “I think Anderson’s been relying too heavily on those whiskey sours. Clearly he’s talking nonsense.” Or maybe Theo was too close-minded. Either way, even considering this had a lot of implications - such as a traitor passing as one of their own. Just thinking about it was filling him with red.

“Said the same thing, but after thinking about it, it very well could happen.” Connor replied. “Our years has been in some nasty stuff these past few years.”

“How well do we really know them?” He said. “But that’s just delving into conspiracy theory bullshit.”

It wasn’t like Theo was trying to dismiss Connor’s theory. If it was a fact, then the implication that would set, that someone from their year leaked the bash, Theo would make use of his ability to throw a punch. If it was actually someone who he shared a class with or might’ve seen at a party or even in the courtyard, a friendly wave wasn’t going to come their way but rather a closed fist aimed for their jaw. But then again, this was all a matter of what he said. There was no proof - just the drunken ramblings of an above average professor that Connor was close with.

Connor frowned, he recognized that face; the ‘punch first ask questions later’ face. ”On the off-chance that it does happen, diplomacy first, T.”

“I’m not sure if it holds any weight yet, but--” Theo smiled at Connor, walking up to him and patting his friend’s shoulder. “--it’s certainly a different angle than anyone I know has considered. For now, though, I’m more worried about keeping Mads out of trouble.” His face filled up with a weary energy he always had whenever he had to look after her.

”Such big bro energy, I like it.” Connor let out a big grin, teasing Theo. He tried his best to stifle a chuckle. ”Well, alright, but you know me. When I get a hint of something like this, I sure as hell will chase it.”

”Enough of that though.” He wore a slight look of concern on his face, Theo’s week must’ve been hell after the news broke out. ”How are you holding up this start of the sem?”

“You mean aside from bitch-ass professors living up to their rep?” He chuckled and then shrugged. “It’s no worse or better than the last two years have been. They’re just doing their job, so I won’t be the problem student by making their lives difficult regardless of recent events.”

”More on the student side of things.” Connor said.
”I noticed you pretty much wiped your social media presence, which, to be honest, is pretty smart.”

Theo grabbed his phone from his bed and pocketed it inside his left jean pocket. “If you were getting as many notifications as I was, you’d deactivate everything too.” When he was near his nightstand, Theo grabbed his keys, too. “The break has been nice but boredom might demand I reactivate soon.” The weakness was real.

”If I was as popular as you, heh, probably.” Connor patted his jeans to check if he still had his essentials; keys, wallet, phone. ”Well if nothing’s new, let’s call the girls and go.”


Theo found it wasn’t long after he and Connor had finally left his room and gathered their better halves that they had been waiting for them, which either spoke to how annoyed they were or how much more their patience increased. He could stand there and entertain the idea they were probably gossiping about him and Connor, but he quickly arrived at the conclusion it would result in more headaches than he’d care to have, so that notion was dropped in favor of leaving for Nectar.

In contrast to his usual style and because the backseat of his truck wasn’t equipped for Shiloh and Maddie’s big personalities - if it could barely fit mine, no way it could handle two thirds of triplets and Gamer Girl. So they took the white SUV that was regularly used by Edgar. Seeing as how he had the house to himself, Theo knew the older man would probably listen to some classical music or have a glass of scotch.

As they arrived at Nectar’s, the sight of the crowd lingering around the entrance made Theo visibly grimaced but he sucked it up, lest he get a few comments from the peanut gallery. Time played a factor and eventually they were inside.

Nectar had always been a popular spot. With cheap drinks, cheaper food, and a decent karaoke set, it was the ideal location for a relaxing night out with the squad.

Or for Theo, a relaxing night out to be a babysitter.

Gotta stop doing that to yourself. At least pretend you’re going to have a good time.

“Go find us a table. I’ll grab a pitcher,” Theo told the group, parting ways with them for a few minutes.

He had to struggle his way through the crowd of his rowdy third years that centered around the bar, but eventually with a little luck and having the superior strength, Theo managed to force his way to it. He let out a relieved breath and smiled at the bartender. She was a few years older than he was and radiated with a weary, exhausted expression like someone who didn’t care for whatever one-liner Theo might’ve had brewing, like she heard them all and just wanted to know what he wanted.

That was Ivanka for you. She never took any shit and Theo admired her for that.

“The usual, Ivy. A pitcher of tap and four tall glasses”

She knew Theo well and knew that whenever he arrived, his band of troublemakers weren’t far behind. “Four? So you’ve recruited yet another fool?” She was guessing, making small talk as the sound of beer started to hit the empty pitcher.

Wrong,” he stated as a matter-of-factly, “Maddie is with us. So I’m babysitting.” His tone was anything but enthusiastic.

Ivy curled up a smile. “Seems like all three Bonfamilles are here. What a treat for us.” Her tone was flat and she handed Theo the pitcher and glasses. “That’ll be $8.33.”

He whipped out his debit card. “Just keep this and charge it whenever we come up for more. I’m sure we’re going to be seeing more of each other tonight.”

Both looked at each other as they were equally as unexcited for that.

Either way, Theo returned to the table, spotting the three close to the karaoke set and he set the pitcher down, spreading the four glasses out near where they had sat. As the one who paid for it, Theo did the decent act of pouring them each a tall glass. “Here’s to, uh, I guess having a good time?” Theo raised his glass, clanking it with the others’. He was never the one who did the best toasts. Bastien was always the elegant one. “Yeah, I don’t know.” Theo shrugged and took a sip of the foamy beer. At least something good was near his mouth.
Getting shit done
And now the thread has some life!

so sorry it took me forever! It's been a crazy week for my writing habits

Location || Train → Forest → The Village — Outskirts of Genelogia Interactions || Everyone we need dat @everyone tag
Caelum couldn’t deny himself some of the simple pleasures the train had to offer. Avalice was a beautiful place on its own and Caelum had spent many hours trying to bask in her wonders as much as he could, but seeing her pass by him as the train continued on its path was a different, if not pleasant, experience. Along with some spring rolls he had ordered and some refreshing juice, the boy had no complaints about how he were to spend his time.

Though, I could do without the death glares from the Queen of Thorns, Caelum lamented momentarily, daring not to look over to her. Instead, he led his gaze out the window, seeing the hint of colors that shouldn’t be there.

It wouldn’t be long after waking up from a short nap, heeding the advice to rest up when he could, they arrived at their destination. The first alert he got was from Professor Nyx who was less enthusiastic than the train conductor announcing it a few moments after. Caelum gathered the trash he had collected, grabbed his bag, and his sword, hoisting both on his person as he followed the rest of the class out. At a nearby trash can, he deposited the empty plastic juice box and sandwich wrappings into it.

As they made their way a little further away from the train, Caelum couldn’t help but observe the professor looking at a map and muttering something. He only heard the whisperings of “northern trail”, everything else was out of his range of hearing. Not like it mattered because, within ten seconds, the focused professor declared his instructions to the class, ordering them to stick close.

“And yet I hear nobody ask about the five-mile journey ahead of us.” Caelum let out an annoyed sigh, perking up immediately when the professor gave him the task of the rear, which was just the polite way of saying to the back of the line.

But Caelum was, if nothing else, able to follow simple orders.

From the back of the line, Caelum had the distinct pleasure of not being able to see most of his class, only those who were probably two or three positions in front of him. He had Stormbringer out as a precaution.

Traveling through this forest, although nowhere as serene as the plains and countrysides he’d been to during his couple of years of travel, Caelum felt more at peace being able to put his walking boots to use than being forced to sit down in a train (or in Han’s case, stand up for a few hours). He had fond memories of developing certain skills as he went, being taught what berries were poisonous, what healed, what were best as a snack for the road.

These memories often came with a backdrop of a reminder about how he was practically without family and maybe, in some way, Caelum clung to his class as a surrogate. Or maybe he was getting too lost in his memories of the past that he was getting too emotional.

But then again, Nyx, though not exactly, had a certain tough, strict older brother vibe that Caelum was starting to like.

Smiling at the thought, it was only after he forced himself to direct all of his efforts onto the path ahead did Caelum notice the odd coloring of the leaves. He noticed earlier, but he didn’t give it much thought, but now, as he looked around, something definitely wasn’t right, he just didn’t know what.

The group arrived and that feeling from earlier held more weight than he initially thought. The sight of a guy with bark for skin would do that, which clearly wasn’t natural. Or at least I hope it isn’t natural. Caelum’s understanding of this world wasn’t as expansive as some of his classmates, but he was almost certain having dark brown, barky skin wasn’t organic.

As he nodded, he kept most of his vomit-for-thoughts to himself and simply watched as those with the proper knowledge about unnatural conditions, Caelum just listened but found himself a little bored by the details. Still, he couldn’t help but voice his approval of the idea to gather information. “I second that notion!” Caelum added, which was nothing useful but it was out there nevertheless! “We’re strangers in a strange land with strange happenings,” Caelum mused to the others. “It’s all just very strange.”
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