Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
False God of Dutches
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of Fairies

While it seemed like most of everyone was fixating on their sleeping arrangements and how inadequate said arrangements were, Phoebe, in all of her limited intrigue chose to center on the mention of the warehouses. As someone who has experience with them, she found not only what was said about them potentially holding supplies but, see Phoebe enjoyed danger. The prospect of running into those from the so-called “rebellion” excited her. So when there seemed to be practically the perfect opportunity to get her feet wet, the Chinese-American was going to be all over it.

Before making a move, the introductions started to fly out of people’s mouths. The older Lebanese woman called herself Samira. She was cute enough but that last name of hers was too hard for Phoebe to make out, so she simply nodded her way.

“Nice name--”

Phoebe scowled at Gus who rudely interrupted her attempt to make nice with the Lebanese-Canadian hottie, which Phoebe might’ve taken offense if she didn’t find his introduction absolutely enthralling. Maybe it was the small-town splendor and how he had it in quantities that just made her chuckle as he finished up. Gus was quite the character even if he didn’t know it yet.

As it came back around to her, Phoebe wasn’t going to waste any time. There was no way Bluestreak was going to get to it before her. So, with a noticeable cough, Phoebe spoke, “Sup? I’m Phoebe Wang. Nothing much to say about me. I grew up in China and come from a shitty family. I hate being told what to do and I really love my magic.” She extended her hand out, sending vibrations towards an apple she spotted in a bowl. She levitated it, sent it into the air and used her other hand to guide it gently down into her hand. “And I have a weakness for granny smiths,” she added, taking a refreshing bite out of the bitter apple.

As the drinks were taken from her hands, Reyna was sure to save one for herself. While she definitely wasn’t the cheap type, alcohol at clubs was hella expensive. It always made sense to pregame.

Twisting the top off of the bottle before taking a drink, Reyna looked to Chloe, Ivy and Katie.

”Is there anyone else we want to invite? Maybe Ava?”

Katie eyed the bottles, wondering how acceptable it was to get drunk before five. She ultimately decided that she didn’t care much about how acceptable it was, especially given her earlier conversation with Carter. In fact, getting wasted before the sunset seemed like her best course of action.

“Ooooh, definitely let Ava know. She is stuck in a suite with Val after all,” Katie said, smirking as she picked up one of the glasses on the nightstand and poured a shot of Grey Goose. She tipped back her head and downed the clear liquid, wrinkling her nose as it burned a trail down her throat. She shook her head and poured herself another shot, before screwing on the lid and holding out the bottle. “Any takers?”

Chloe took a moment to blow a kiss at AJ and Aleks as they left the room, with the door shut and locked she turned her attention back to the girls, “Mm I usually like my alcohol sweet like my girls,” she took the bottle from Katie and twisted the cap off, taking a double straight from the source before passing it on to Ivy, “but I can make exceptions for french vodka. I’m glad you made it Katie, no offense but I definitely had my money on you chickening out, but here you are, hot and ready to fuck up the night with us. Let’s get Ava and get the hell on the road, I can order us a car!”

Katie grinned at Chloe. “Honestly, I’m glad I made it too, if only to see Val singlehandedly end the Tyler family tree. Though we have this girl to thank,” Katie said, playfully nudging Ivy.

Ivy couldn't help but tense up a bit at Katie's last statement, her smile faltering as she poured herself a shot from the bottle Chloe had passed on to her. It was after the young woman had forced the burning liquid down her throat that she faced the girls head on and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, it was me who gave her the details of the trip." Ivy admitted, mostly to Reyna, with a sheepish grin. And it was in that moment that she realized how grateful she was for AJ and the rest of the guys leaving the girls to their own devices. "I mean, of course I did. Katie's our girl. It wouldn't be the same without her here... I just hope word doesn't get back around to Val and AJ, you know? I don't think they'd be too happy about it. And there's enough drama as it is."

Reyna shook her head at the blonde, holding one of her mini tequila bottles up ever so slightly in the air like a trophy. ”All I need is my one true love. I’m good.” Sipping as the conversation filled the room, Reyna nearly choked on her drink and Ivy admitted to inviting Katie along. ”IVY?! Holy --- giiirrrllll,” Giving her friend a sly grin, Reyna couldn’t help but to laugh. Of course it was Ivy. Ivy was the one who usually tried to keep them together. Not as forcefully as AJ, or with as much love as some of the others, but Ivy always had a plan. ”My lips are sealed, scouts honor and all that other shit.”

“If AJ does find out, feel free to tell him I held you at gunpoint until you gave me the details,” Katie said, grinning as she took a pull from the vodka bottle, ignoring her now empty glass, and sending it back into rotation. She hardly made a face this time, and as the third shot lit a fire in her stomach, she felt good for probably the first time today. Like, maybe, the world wouldn’t come crashing down.

With a half-smile, Ivy shot appreciative looks at both Reyna and Katie and said, "Let's hope it doesn't get to that point... Now, who's ready to find Ava and get this show on the road? I don't know about y'all, but I can't wait to explore Vegas."

”I’m just gonna go snatch her out of the room,” the Latina said, standing up from the bed as she shrugged her shoulders. ”She’s my main hoe. She doesn’t get a choice.”

Chloé followed suit standing up and stretching her arms above her head, “Let’s send Ivy in there to grab her, she’s the least hated by Val and Ava can never say no when it comes to her.” Chloé wagged her eyebrows as she linked arms with her sister and started towing her along to the door of the hotel room.

Reyna rolled her eyes as she finished off the last of her tequila. Val could suck her metaphorical dick for all she cared. All Reyna needed was for Ava to agree to come along. Making a pouting face in Ivy’s direction, Reyna was sure to add the puppy dog eyes for a little extra convincing. ”Can you please go rescue our Rapunzel?”

Katie grinned at Ivy, before sliding off the bed. “Chloe has made some excellent points, and I’m afraid I have to agree. You’re just too damn likable,” she joked, before turning around and giving her reflection a quick look in the mirror.

Laughing at Katie's last statement, Ivy shrugged her shoulders and let Chloe drag her along to the door. "Okay, fine. I guess I'll be the one to go get Ava... hopefully they haven't all killed each other in there." And without wasting another moment, the young woman pulled open the door and led the way to the elevator, where they'd then ride to the floor right below them, and walk down until they came to a stop at the front door of the Grand Lakeview Suite. Ivy unlinked her arm with Chloe's just before rapping her knuckles three times against the door, hoping that it would be Ava who'd answer. "Avaaa," Ivy called in a sing-song manner, slightly raising her voice so she could hear. "Come on, let's go!"

“About fucking time!”

Ava’s voice rang high, nearly seconds after Ivy opened the door. She came out from the bathroom, sporting a striped white midriff top and black shorts. Her hand was clutched tightly to her phone, a faint sight of the group chat with her and the girls in it and her purse dangling on the opposing shoulder. The room was kind of dull in activity, the looping echoes of music still playing from when she and Emilia danced for a song and a half.

“Any excuse to get the fuck out of this place is one I’ll gladly take.” Her laugh carried her out the door.

Chloe gave a short enthusiastic whoop as Ava finally made her appearance and held her hand out for a solid high five before dancing down the hallway back to the elevator, “Great to have you on board, now it’s time to jeter l’argent par les fenêtres!

<Snipped quote by metanoia>

Fanfiction is also practice, and practice is ultimately the only way to get better.

As for my submission: "Romances shouldn't be planned"

Couldn't agree more with your first statement.
"Fanfiction doesn't improve your writing"

Which is objectively false. Fanfiction helps one gain confidence to write in general (IMO) and thus will lead to one eventually writing their own stuff. It's why I also despise when people shit on fanfiction writers.

After they quickly dressed up and Joey had effectively made Jade’s hair appear as though she was given the royal treatment at Vermont’s most expensive salon, the two hotter than hell women were out of their sorority house, heels clacking on the concrete pavement, almost in unison. The symphony of leather and wood repeated for several minutes until they came to the parking lot where a white 2020 Toyota Highlander waited for them.

WIth a smile, Joanna tugged on Jade’s arm, pulling her in through the backseat directly behind the driver’s seat. Joey’s silver dress dragged against the leather, hiking it up a few inches.

By the time they were seated, despite how much of her legs were showing and that she could tell their Uber was doing his best not to stare - though he was human and fell victim to his impulses - she didn’t necessarily mind. Joey never cared about people looking. She was comfortable in her own skin and felt a sense of pride by showing it off. If only she was as confident with her emotions.

Mind on the prize, Joey! You’re going to dance the night away with the hot piece next to you!

Her sudden reassurance caused her to look at Jade for a moment or two, their eyes lingering on each other. It would’ve been longer, but the car started to move and Joey faced forward, focusing on the city getting closer and closer.

The ride into town went by in a literal flash. Maybe it was Joey’s mind constantly fading in and out, entertaining thoughts that she shouldn’t have or it was the conversations she had with Jade and their Uber driver. Or maybe it was her habit of always having to keep talking, to keep her mind moving without it ever taking a break. Maybe it was a combo of everything or maybe it was none of those and right now, Joey’s mind was playing out scenarios in which the line that separated reality and fantasy started to blur.

“We’re here,” the older Uber driver announced, his voice not as enthusiastic as Joey’s immediate reaction was.

“Right on!” Joey exited the SUV and repeated her earlier reaction by pulling Jade out with her.

And as the car drove away and Joey’s entire mood going from hopeful and excited to be absolutely crushed, she couldn’t believe what she was reading on a sign that hung freely on the door of City Limits.

City Limits is closed for renovations. 

Expected to reopen on November 2nd, 2019

Joey repeated the same word slowly over and over again, walking closer to it as though everything in her was destroyed just by reading the limited amount of text on the sign. Who could blame her? After the disaster of a week she had and especially after all of the convincing she had to do to get Jade to agree and the time spent getting themselves dolled up, Joey wanted to make mistakes tonight. She wanted to dance with anyone and everyone. She needed this for a lot of reasons. She needed to feel good, to be complemented by people she barely knew. She needed to make out in the bathroom, to get free drinks. She probably needed it more than Jade did, because Jade had confidence in herself and Joey only pretended she did.

Yeah, she needed this because, without distractions, Joey was left with the anguish and hurt that came with being all alone inside. Outside? Of course, she had Jade and there was obviously a part of her that loved Jade, but it wasn’t enough to fill up the void left by Lottie. Definitely not enough…

“What are we going to do!” Joey finally spoke up again. She was on the verge of crying into the building. “We spent all that time for nothing.” Now here came the typical Joey Hart pouts. “I mean, fuck! I need to do something Jade! I can’t go back to the house knowing we got dolled up for no reason!”
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

As the trio went deeper into the Forest of Death, mostly avoiding the natural wildlife that dwelled in the forest, Ren couldn’t deny that his mind wasn’t solely on just making sure he kept up with his sibling teammates. He couldn’t deny that, while Mai and Kai traveled on his left, zipping through the trees, Jiren kept tightening his grip on his two swords.

Every inch of his silver mane was dancing like the leaves left in their wake with anticipation, with excitement, burning with the Leaf’s fire on the off-chance he might be able to get his blades deep into that Senju that dared press him in a confrontation. Izayoi, too, though she wasn’t at the top of his priority list. Their fight was left unfinished because of the exam starting. He wasn’t able to sink his blades into Satoru's body. He wasn’t able to declare absolute victory because he let the blonde Senju get inside his head. He allowed his words to penetrate his icy walls and let his emotions get the better of him.

Jiren wasn’t going to let that happen again. As much as Mai was against it and as much as he should know that seeking confrontation would cloud his mind of what was most important - something that Mai specifically expressed multiple times to him and Kai - there was no way that the young genin could let this slide. He wouldn’t be able to rest until he felt the sweet release of victory over Satoru Senju.

But he knew that would have to wait.

“We’ve got company,” Jiren announced to Mai and Kai.

He started to unsheathe his two kodachi swords. Halfway out, Jiren positioned his body to the side, centering chakra at the base of his shoes, making sure he stuck the landing. He twisted his body and poured wind chakra into both of his swords, lighting them up with a rapidly rotating wind chakra. He swung both of them downward. “Peacock Whirlwind!” He announced as two gusts of wind had flowed out his blades and were hurled at the three Amegakure genin who had made the error in judgment of following Squad 4.

The gust of wind, though powerful, was evaded and this forced a half-smile to form on Jiren’s face. “I was hoping they would put up a fight. Need to work the rust off my blades.” Jiren glanced at his two squadmates. “I know you said you didn’t want a fight, Mai, but these posers obviously don’t know who we are and that’s the greatest sign of disrespect they could show us. There is no way we can let them walk away unharmed. They need to learn respect.”
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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