Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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A @metanoia & @fledermaus Collaboration
Featuring Nathaniel Blake & Millie Jean Zadorozhny

As Nate made his way through the courtyard, he spent some of the time looking down at his phone, sending Millie a few text messages to go ahead and meet him in the parking lot. A few minutes before that, he had ordered a Lyft driver who Nate saw had rave reviews.

In ordinary situations where Nate went into town, he would take the bus or hitch a ride with a friend, but given that tonight wasn’t an ordinary night and Nate wasn’t dressed like he normally would, an out of character decision had to be made. Thankfully, he had a near-perfect credit score, so tonight was going to be one to remember. That and his first Lyft ride of the year was free, so that was the cherry on top of what he had hoped would be a cake-worthy night.

He had soon arrived at the north of the parking lot and it was practically a ghost town. His first thought was how many of his classmates were in town already and just how late was it. He checked his phone. “Barely even 30 after,” he mumbled. As he waited, Nate heard something of a whistle from behind him, catching his curiosity by the ear. As he slowly turned, his jaw nearly dropped when his eyes slowly followed black heels and a tight dress until the familiar round face came into full view.

“Oh wow,” came his response. His gaze lingered for a couple of long moments. “I had no idea you owned something like that,” Nate said. Millie had always been so conservative ever since he met her. She was gorgeous, obviously, but Nate never saw as the type to flaunt herself like that. It was shocking to the least. “I mean, you look great!” Nate finally arrived at what he wanted to say but had struggled to find the words.

"You mean that?" Millie Jean asked nervously, fiddling with the ribbed off-shoulder dress. She had bought the dress months ago online at midnight when she was a bit lonely and couldn't sleep. Instead of saying all that, Millie bashfully toed the ground with her heel and said, "It was an impulse buy…"

Wearing heels wasn't something Millie was intimately acquainted with, but she wore them enough for special occasions that she didn't wobble as she walked towards Nate. Still, Millie Jean stepped daintily to prevent any twisted ankles or missteps.

Part of her wanted to turn around and change into a nice pair of jeans and blouse, feeling particularly insecure in the dress that she kept adjusting nervously. It was a weird decision on her part, to wear the dress and heels, and mostly stemmed from lingering irritation and self-consciousness from her altercation with Cassian Lee. Millie Jean blames her nervous stuttering and Cassian Lee's intimidating figure. So, to make herself feel like less of an ant in an anteater world, Millie Jean dressed up. Fake it till you make it, right?

"Have you already called the lyft?" Millie asks, pulling on the hem of her dress as if it would magically lengthen beyond her thighs.

“Oh definitely, Mills! You always look great but right now you’re a stunner!” Nate gave her a smile and checked his phone. “Also yep, the Lyft should be here soon. At least it should be if they didn’t take the route through main street. Given the week we’ve all had and, well, that it’s Main Street, the busiest portion of Meadow View, it would be wise to take some of the back roads--” Nate knew he was rambling, so he cut himself off. “Anyway…” He scratched the back of his head. “Tonight’s gonna definitely be a good time, alcohol absolutely required!”

Millie smiled at Nate. He really was her best friend and she couldn't help but notice he cleaned up pretty nice too. Millie Jean doesn't think she's ever seen that shirt before. "You look great, too, Nate. Tonight should be fun!"

There was a pause while they waited for the lyft and Millie didn't quite know what to say. She wasn't too pressed about filling the silence, it was Nate, one of her closest friends, but she was getting restless. And, well, she had been avoiding talking about it, feeling in parts guilt and awkward. Now might be the best time to bring it up, though…

"Hey, Nate." Millie's voice came out a bit more nervous than she expected it too. "Um, well, about the text...I'm really sorry about that. No one else has given you trouble for it, right? 'Cause I'll k-kick th-the-their ass if th-they do." Millie pinched her arm sharply to calm herself and stop her stuttering. "I– yeah. That's all I wanted to say."

He shrugged. “It’s my own fault. I should have just told Jasper in person. People could tease or whatever, it doesn’t bother me that much. But really, it’s fine!” He offered her a smile, hoping that would be enough to ease her soul. “I appreciate it, though!” He gently bumped Millie’s shoulder, giving her a chuckling grin.

Moments later, a maroon Ford Focus pulled into the parking lot and stopped in front of them. “And our carriage has arrived!” Nate proclaimed, stepping to the side, both arms pointing to the red car, head bowed, showing exactly how big of a goofball he could be in situations where it wasn’t appropriate.

Millie Jean smiled in relief and giggled at his antics, "And they say chivalry is dead."

“Guess that makes me the White Knight,” he joked, laughing.

She climbed into the car, smoothing her dress to avoid a peep show. The driver checked to make sure they were the right customers and Millie Jean stuttered out a confirmation that they were, indeed, the Nate party. She got on the right side and Nate was fine with the left since there was a high chance his side of the car would face out when they arrived.

As Nate heard the affirming clicking sound, he adjusted his position in his seat. He found it a little difficult getting comfortable because every time he would do a half jump, his head kept hitting the roof. “This car is not tall person-friendly,” he whined, muttering somewhat quietly to himself, though he heard a slight chuckle from the driver. Choosing to ignore him, Nate glanced over at Millie Jean, who seemed to have no problem finding a position that didn’t cause immense discomfort . “No fair!” He exclaimed, giving her a pout. “How can you wear something so skin-tight and not have any trouble getting comfortable?” He asked her.

Millie Jean gave a cheeky smile to Nate and smoothed her dress down when it started to rise slightly up her thighs. “Maybe because I’m not built like the Empire State Building, gigantor. Is your head okay?” Millie Jean reached out to smooth down his hair, frazzled from banging against the ceiling of the car.

Like a mother hen, her hand went from his hair to picking at lint on his shirt. It was in part a distraction from the way her dress clung to her, unaccustomed to the tight fit, and also to give her idle hands something to do. She picked at lint and smoothed wrinkles, all the while wondering over the softness of his shirt. “I can’t believe you’ve never worn this shirt before. It’s so soft.”

Nate immediately blushed when Millie started to clean off his shirt, her fingers picking at each individual pieces of lint and straightening out his shirt. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn his Aunt Ethel was doing it. “Yeah, it’s not usually my style. I prefer my anime and fandom shirt galore to this sort of style, but Mandy told me to pick my nicest shirt.” He scratched the side of his head closest to the window, half-smiling and anxiously chuckling.

Millie’s hand stilled as a guilty flush overcame her. She didn’t want Nate to feel insecure about his usual clothing style and she could see how her comments might make him feel that way. “I didn’t mean — I just mean — well, you look good no matter what you wear.”

These two really were both peas of the same pod, because, as the air grew thick with guilt, Nate was doing his usual thing of laughing into an apology. “No, I know you didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I did, Mills.” His voice was tender and sincere. “Truth is, I don’t always get the chance to dress like this and, well I guess just hearing you compliment me was a little vindicating.” His hand was on her shoulder and he softly smiled at her. “I mean, you know that I don’t usually get called hot or even ‘hey that’s a cute guy’. It’s why I’m a total wreck most of the time.” And why I smoke more than I should but she doesn’t need to know that.

“That’s nonsense.” Millie replied, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Even if they don’t say it, they’re thinking it. You’re attractive and that’s a fact.”

“I’m glad someone thinks so.” He appreciated her compliment, but at the same time, he didn’t agree. Truth was, Nate never saw himself as an attractive guy. He knew he was pretty average and it’s been years since he’s accepted that, but that didn’t diminish the feeling he always felt in his gut he got whenever someone complimented him. It didn’t matter if it was Mandy, Jasper, or Millie Jean, of all people, that twisting, almost-butterflies-in-your-stomach-like-feeling always returned. “I just never saw myself in that way.” He chuckled slowly into silence, finding an unexplained draw to Millie’s comforting gaze, resulting in a small curve of a smile to form on his face.

Millie Jean doesn’t know who initiated it first, all she knows is Nate’s soft lips on hers. Millie Jean hasn’t been kissed in a very long time, not since high school, and it caused butterflies to burst in her stomach.

The kiss also made something very, very apparent. Millie Jean drew away almost immediately, her face pinched and lips twisted. “Uh,” Millie Jean said intelligently. “That was…”


Bad. Not because of the kiss itself, the kiss was actually nice and if this had been any other situation Millie might have even commented on his technique. No, it has become apparent that she has almost zero feelings for Nate whatsoever and their kiss was akin to kissing a brother. Millie Jean coughed into her hand at the thought and pointedly looked away. She thinks she sees the lyft driver smirking in the rearview mirror.

Everything happened so fast that neither Millie nor Nate had time to really react. When she looked away, the echoes of her coughs going in one ear and out the other, Nate stared blankly at her, eyes repeatedly opening and closing, thoughts frozen as he tried to process what just happened. Did she like him? No, I don’t think… But then again, Nate had always been wrong about this sort of thing before. He didn’t think Mandy had feelings for him and they dated for almost a year until his move to Vermont forced them to break up. And even Jasper, in a weird way, could like him. Jury’s still out on that one.

But Millie...No, she never once told me she liked me. And the way she’s looking away.

“Mills, that was--” FInd your words, Nathaniel. Goddamn it, she’s like a sister to you. Talk to her, you idiot! “--Look at you going for your shots. You’re just full of surprises, Millie Jean!” Nate laughed, grinning at her. “I mean hell, you went in and it was a pretty good kiss, too!” Yeah, not like Nate had a lot of experience.

At first Millie wanted to climb into a hole and die out of embarrassment. She still does, in a way, but really the absurdity of what happened dawned on her. She kissed Nate, of all people. If anything, Millie will chalk it up to a momentary curiosity. Millie smiled and, then, started to laugh.

"You know what they say, shoot your shot." And then, in hopes she could make it clear there was nothing there, she added, "Even if it turns out you put the basketball in the wrong hoop. Or something. I'm not really sure how basketball works, if I'm being honest."

“You know more than I do.”

Nate let his laugh fade into a half-chuckle and he looked at Millie. There was definitely an awkward air that filled the backseat of the car. Nate didn’t know what to say next. He wasn’t sure if silence was the best course of action or if she wanted him to say something. As he thought about it some more, time escaped him and the Lyft driver stopped.

“We’re here!” He announced, looking back at the two.

Nate let his eyes fall at the Nectar Bar and Restaurant building. It was nice as far as bars went and he could tell tonight was a popular night for the business as groups of people were already making their way into it.

After a few moments of absentmindedly gazing upon the groups, Nate felt a sensation emanating from their Lyft driver. It took him an additional moment and he immediately unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. He rounded around the back of the car and opened Millie’s door, smiling at her as she got out. This was the least he could do to make up for not speaking up when he should’ve. At least, he was hoping this could be the start of things going back to normal.

Millie Jean was careful exiting the car, hands tightly fisting her dress to keep it from rising up. "Thanks, dude." She grinned, emphasizing 'dude' to cover up her awkwardness.

While getting out of the car, she jostled his shoulder with hers playfully in hopes he would understand there were no hard feelings — after all, it was an impulsive situation with no real meaning behind it. She was careful not to linger with physical contact, though, lest he get the wrong idea.

"Let's do this?" Millie said, shaking her limbs to hype herself up. This is the first time she's gone out dressed as such, it's only reasonable she feels nervous.

Nate nodded and shot her his usual cheerful grin. And next thing either of them knew it, they were inside Nectar’s growing crowd. Nate couldn’t help but notice how most of the tables close to the stage had already been claimed, which was perfectly acceptable. Truth be told, he wasn’t keen on the idea of sitting too close to the stage. He wanted to enjoy the show without having to be entertained to deaf. So when he spotted an unclaimed table right dead center in the middle, he knew that would be their spot. And another thing that make it deal was how close it was to the bar.

“Yeah, this’ll work!”

As they were seated, an attractive waitress with brown hair and hazel eyes came by their table and smiled at both of them. “Can I get you two anything?”

Nate nodded. “Yeah, a round of some apps would be great.” Nate had been to Nectar’s before so he already knew what he was going to order for him, Millie, and Dee. “Some chips and salsa. Oh and some chicken wings, too!” Nate hummed for a minute. “And make sure there’s enough for three people. A friend is going to be joining us soon.”

The waitress laughed. “Chips with salsa and wings it is.” She jotted it down on her notepad. “And what about to drink?”

“Just a pitcher of beer will do!”

As the cute waitress left, Nate settled into his seat and sent a text to dee. “Middle table. Can’t miss us. I’m wearing my nice shirt and Millie’s looking hella fine tonight!”

Location || Train A — Fifth Car • Interactions || @Matsuri

“Someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the thorn bed you sleep on.”

Despite his often careless nature, sometimes Caelum knew he liked to push the boundaries, to see just what sort of reactions he might get. It wasn’t always a success, but when Alberta glared at him and vocally expressed the displeasure she felt when he called her by anything but her surname, that’s how Caelum knew he got to her. Did it please him that he could get such a reaction out of her? Maybe. Did he fear for his life during the three-hour train ride? Again, that was a maybe, but if there was one thing that was clear as day to him, it was this:

“If I can get away with that, how far would I be able to push this?”

As the swordsman hummed curiously, he wouldn’t push it at this instant for, just moments after he would attempt it, Professor Nyx ordered the other students who weren't a certain prince to take a seat. Came hugged his sword, Stormbringer, close to him with one arm and another doing the same with his bag and he intentionally took a seat close to Alberta, though in a different row than she was on. It allowed him to keep her in sight whilst not invading her immediate personal space.

@Dead Cruiser Yeah, I agree. Although it just might a busy time for some what with 4th of July inching closer and closer. I do wonder how many posts we can get in before blu's gm post is required?

In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Hey Im Jordan @KZOMBI3 @Fabricant451 Finally got this bitch finished!

Eastside — Benny Blanco (feat. Halsey and Khalid) — Friends Keep Secrets
Enormous P***s — Da Vinci's Notebook — Brontosaurus
Winter Has Come — Ramin Djawadi — Game of Thrones: Season Six (Music From the HBO Series)
Dark Days — Wyland — In A Circuitry of Lonely
Kill Em With Kindness — Selena Gomez — Revival (Deluxe Edition)
Incurably Innocent — At the Drive-In — Incurably Innocent
Autopilot — Eyeshine — Gone Tomorrow
Near or Far — Us the Duo — Us
Last Living Souls — Gorillaz — Demon Days
Be Alright — Arts the Beatdoctor (feat. Skiggy Raps & Wudstik) — Progressions

Procrastination has returned

A @metanoia, @Rosalia, & @spooner Collaboration
Featuring Sonny Drake, Marisol Castillo, & Max Wallenberg

For almost two songs, the couple that had been on the brink of breaking up, had celebrated not being single again by dancing their asses off-- something that Sonny was most grateful for. They did so figuratively by letting loose with the limited amount of alcohol both of them have, screaming as loud as their lungs would allow them, pulling each other close, twirling around in some of the most ungraceful displays of white people dancing since Jersey Shore. Sonny may have had a year or so of classic training but the ungodly displays of fist-pumping and off-centered footwork was so bad that when they stopped, everyone around them cheered.

Well, that and during the last thirty seconds, they truly entered a new low for their demonstration of how not to twerk. White people could twerk, but when two flat-assed misfits did it, it truly was the thing of nightmares.

“All that dancing made me a bit horny.” Sonny muttered into Mari’s ear, biting it teasingly. He walked arm in arm, going side to side, shaking his ass with Mari’s for those with the benefit - and deathwish - of watching them make their way to the exit.

"You're fucking digusting," Marisol scolded him, lightly elbowing her boyfriend's ribs but shooting him a playful wink. "Does this mean we'll get to test out the backseat of that new ride of yours?" she asked him, biting her lower lip.

“Talk about disgusting, miss little walking irony,” Sonny teased her, bumping her shoulder. He took a glance around the dance, sighing quietly. He had plenty enough of the dance to last him a lifetime. “Yeah, let’s blow this joint.” He grinned at Mari, squeezing her hand as the two walked through the crowd, maneuvering their way through hopeless romantics and their need to fight for their right to get laid.

A few minutes later, the two were outside in the parking lot. Sonny had to take a moment to take in just how many cars filled up the parking lot. He remembered where he parked his brand new Audi TT. He scanned the front row of the lot. When he couldn’t find it under the veil of darkness, Sonny tricked the alarm from his keys and the light flashed, giving its location to his immediate left.

“There it is!” Sonny pulled Marisol with him gently. “It’s not really my style but it sure is pretty to look at.”

"Holy shit!" came the girl's enthusiastic response, rushing over to the car to carefully inspect every inch of its glistening, pristine exterior before turning back to her boyfriend with sparkling eyes. "No wonder you needed that fitted suit and the wardrobe change: you're a full-blown fancy gentleman now. I am so unworthy," she teased with a smirk.

“Are you now?” The boy looked at her, matching her smirk with one of his own, “then I guess I’ll call you an uber if you’re feeling so unworthy,” he teased her back, walking forward and sitting on the edge of the hood.

Grinning, Marisol chose to stand in front of him, reach out for his hands, and lock her fingers with his. “I know you say it’s not your style and whatever, but this car looks really nice. I think you should keep it… Even if it means I have to get a new wardrobe myself to match,” she joked with a small laugh.

“Don’t you go changing on me too,” Sonny glared at her, “don’t do exactly what your worst fears think my mother wants you to do. I’m her son, so obviously I have to change to satisfy her but as far as I’m concerned, you shouldn’t change your style, but most importantly--” Sonny kept his eyes on her and pulled her between his spread legs, “--you don’t need to. I don’t want to date a Mexican Julie. I want to date the idiot who always gets jealous whenever some slut of the week tries to seduce me.”

His hands lowered down her back, almost to the point where they were in the perfect position to get her nonexistent ass a good smack, but Sonny settled for a gentle caress. “Now how’s about a smooch, darling?” He couldn’t keep a straight face but he was completely serious about wanting a kiss.

He didn’t have to tell her twice. With a soft smile on her face and a warm feeling in her heart, Mari let her body gently clash with Sonny’s, and pressed her lips against his.

And as they tried to enjoy it, Sonny couldn’t because of some horrendous song being played over and over again. It wasn’t just any ordinary song; it was a familiar tune. How did Sonny know this? That was due to the painful memories of working out at Asgard Fitness with one of his closest friends. Day in and day out, as they pumped iron and ran on the treadmill until their legs were jelly, Max always played the same song over and over until it was a literal broken record.

Sonny broke the kiss, vocally expressing his frustration with a loud sigh. “Max is nearby,” Sonny muttered, trying to find his truck. “Only he would play such a shitty song that loud.” After looking around for a couple of moments, Sonny’s eyes kept to the limited light the lamp posts around gave way to and they illuminated a path to the left of his Audi for him to spot Max’s truck half way down the front row. Luckily for him, it wasn’t hard to find that fugly truck of his. Between the luxury of most of the cars and the sore thumb Max drove, Sonny found it. “And there it is,” Sonny announced, pointing to it. “Wanna go say hello?”

Marisol shook her head. "Nah. I'll stay here and mess around with your car a little bit," she told him cheerfully, giving him another kiss before pulling away and stepping aside.

“Suit yourself!” Sonny shrugged, digging into his pocket and handed her his keys. “If you crash it, well, it wouldn’t be the worst thing.” He almost meant that, chuckling lowly. “Seriously though, have fun.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and walked away, leaving the very excited Mari settling in the driver's side of the Audi.

The further he walked from his car, the louder the calming, if not terribad sounds from Max’s truck became and Sonny laughed as he found himself near the hood of his truck. It amazed him that Max could drive such a hunk of junk, but then again, people might say the same thing about his orange monstrosity. To them it was ugly, but it was just the thing he, as his grandfather would say, fancied.

Sonny announced his arrival by tapping on the hood as he went further back, keeping up the same rhythm. “Maxie!” He called out, hoping his typically obnoxious tone would overpower his workout partner’s choice in music. “Arise brother!”

Max had been dreamily staring upwards to the sky, letting the stars glitter in his eyes as he listened to one of his favorite tunes. But as soon as the sound of something slamming on the metal hit his ears he was snapped back to reality. Slowly, he sat up and looked around groggily, his blue eyes searching for the source of the sound. “Oh!” he exclaimed as he saw the short figure of Sonny standing beside the bed of his truck. “Son! How’s it going, Little Man?” he smiled widely before he rested his head on the wall of his car.

Sonny rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore that totally unoriginal pet name. “Not bad, Burger King,” Sonny clapped back, meeting Max with a smile of his own. “Dance got lame, so decided to bounce, then I heard your lamer music, so I figured I’d pop by and see what’s up.” Sonny let the silence take over for a second and a half. There was definitely something off about Max but Sonny couldn’t put the nail on the head yet. “So, what is up? Why are you laying out here all alone?” He asked Max.

Lame?! Max raised an eyebrow and was about to comment but decided against it, just chuckling and shaking his head. “Yeah, the dance is kind of lame, huh?” he agreed, while standing up, jumping off the truck and effortlessly walking around to the side where Sonny stood. He leaned back, spreading out his arms. “Nothing much, really,” he shrugged, looking around. “Just… doing some -- what’s it called?” Max screwed up his eyebrows in thought “--Head searching!” his booming laughter filled the parking lot. “I just need to deal with rejection that’s all.” he let out a weaker laugh looking at his feet. “Something that’s a bit strange to me.” The burly teen looked back up at his friend.

“Rejection?” Sonny repeated back, giving Max a strange look. He had never heard rejection and Max Wallenberg in the same area code, let alone being next door neighbors. He almost wanted to call his bluff, but knowing Max like he did, his whole vibe was both absolutely genuine and a little unnerving. “Damn bro…” Sonny scratched the back of his head and offered his friend a sympathetic smile. “It’s never a fun experience to put yourself out there and get totally crushed.” Sonny reached out and gave Max a supportive pat on his arm. “Who was the bitch that did this to you?”

Max shifted a little uncomfortably on the spot when Sonny asked about what had happened just a few moments ago. “She’s not a bitch!” he started. “Maybe Ariana just wasn’t as into me as I thought she was,” he said quietly. “You know the feeling, am I right Little Man?!” he tried to deflect with a joke. Knowing that Sonny had a past with Ariana, he knew the ups and downs of dealing with the Mossos girl.

“Ariana?” Shit, of all the-- “Damn, that’s fucking rough, buddy.”

Sonny still had conflicted memories whenever he thought of her. He could tell just by how he defensively reacted to his comment that whatever Max felt for Ariana was the real deal. Just like I had. How foolish Sonny was, but in hindsight, he knew why they couldn’t work. He was a different person two years ago, a less cool version of the slightly older boy he was now.

Not important right now. Back to Max.

“Yeah she can be a trainwreck or a beautiful mess given the right circumstances.” Sonny laughed, somewhat nudging Max’s arm. This was just between bros so Sonny could speak without any worry of pissing off Mari.

After a brief moment of silence, he asked, “So what happened between you two?”

Max let out a deep sigh, “I might as well let it all out, huh?” He let out a defeated chuckle. “Well…” He threw his head back so he could look up at the stars again “I decided tonight was the perfect night to ask her to be my girl.” he paused focusing his attention back to his bro. “And man Son, you should have seen the look of sheer panic on her face when I asked.” He shook his head as if to get rid of the image. “It was as if she had lost her ability to talk! She didn’t say a word.” He crossed his arms in front of him.

“It’s obvious she doesn’t think of me in that way… I’m just another body to her.” He sighed “Another name on her list…” he trailed off, looking past Sonny and into the woods.

Listening to Max explain what went down between him and Ariana hit him with a rather familiar, stinging-like pain in his gut. It wasn’t the same, but there was a time where Sonny felt that much for Ariana and he couldn’t help but feel for Max. Even if he didn’t intend to, he fell hard for Ariana and got bitch-slapped by Cupid’s open palm - something Sonny had experienced when Ariana dumped him.

Hell, Max is exactly what Sonny was two years ago. “I’m sorry man. This isn’t right. What she’s doing to you, it’s just not right.” With a mix of repressed anger, Sonny made sure Max saw his eyes. “Guys like us don’t need her, bro! You really want someone good? Get yourself a crazy bitch. They might gut you if you cheat, but you’ll never find someone more loyal than a bitch with a disorder.” Sonny found himself laughing a little too much, knowing full well if Mari heard him, he would lose one of his intestines.

Max cracked a smile and let out his signature laugh slapping Sonny on the shoulder. “Thanks man! I guess I needed this.” he continued letting small laughs escape him. “Don’t worry dude, I’ll get over it” he shrugged. “Right now I just want to get out of here! You wanna join me for a late workout session?” he asked, pointing his thumb towards the front of his truck. “You know who’s working the late night shift at the gym?”

Sonny had to think for a moment and not just to remember who in the hell was manning the Asgard fort. Today was Saturday, so that meant-- “Justin is working tonight, but knowing that pothead, he’s blazing it up in the back so we’ll practically have it all to ourselves.” Sonny recalled that Justin loved the night shift because it meant he could get high as much as he wanted. “But just let me text Mari real quick, tell her what’s going down.”

And it was in that moment, Sonny realized that his girlfriend had the keys to the new car his mother bought for him. That was going to be a nice story that’ll end up with him being grounded. “Ah well, not like it’s my style, anyway,” Sonny muttered, chuckling. About seven seconds later, he sent Mari a text:
‘Hey, Max got big R’d by Ariana, so we’re gonna hit the gym.
Feel free to take your time with that silver and black beaut.’

Looking at the two messages, Sonny felt iffy about it but it was going to be fine. I hope.

Before dread could find itself into his already-pacing mind, Sonny pocketed his phone and grinned Max’s way. “Alrighty! Let’s get the fuck out of here!”

It was strange being Kavi Antonio Salvador right now. This has been the longest he’s ever gone without talking to anyone who wasn’t here or working his game on some unsuspecting girl who might not even know he spotted them. Of course, he could have just easily and swooped in on Jasper’s attempt to woo that Danielle girl. Compared to him, Jasper was cute but not hot like Kavi knew himself to be, but then again, when he overheard them talking and Lil J doing his best to work up the courage, Kavi only smiled and continued on.

“Way to subvert everybody’s expectations of your game, Jay,” Kavi muttered to himself, hands in pockets as he played spectator to the entire dance.

He watched them like he was a ghost, like he was a literal spectre, watching them, observing them, seeing his friends and his acquaintances mingle amongst themselves. He saw Max rush out and Chrissie go to the bathroom. He saw the two hot lesbians dart out in each other’s arms and then he saw Mari and Sonny leave hand in hand. He saw Stella and Carter dance like they had no control over it, then park themselves at the edge of the beverage table in the back of the room.

Kavi saw all of his classmates enjoy themselves, he witnessed all of the events of laughter and happiness unfold before his very eyes.

Even Ariel was having fun.

She was probably the only person who ever made him feel something...real, was striking up a similar conversation that Jasper did with Dani but with Sawyer Lockwood. He, of course, didn’t hear them, but he didn’t have to because he remembered that look. She used to look at me like that.

Ariel had a tell that Kavi locked onto the first time they met. It wasn’t so much a physical tell but the way she laughed. She had a cute tone of voice and it kind of cracked when she was into someone. Kavi knew that because every time they talked before things got bad, her voice cracked when he made a joke or just said something mildly inappropriate. All of the things that Kavi was going to miss, that was just an example of the number of reasons why he’ll miss her: her laugh, her ability to make him feel on top of the world while keeping him grounded.

Not like I have any right, but..

But nope, she looked happy. That’s all Kavi ever wanted. It didn’t matter if it was with him. So taking one last look around the dancefloor, Kavi took in the sights of friendship and love, seeing the couples either getting their last dances in or just getting started and he turned away, heading for the parking lot.

And once there, he smiled, spotting Ariana and Chrissie--well, more in the sense that Ariana was crying in Chrissie’s arms. Again, he simply observed and didn’t interact -he didn’t need to. Chrissie had it handled and again, like with Ariel, he smiled.

Standing there, Kavi was fighting against the part of him that wanted to leave them be and the part of him that wanted to see if they needed a ride. Chrissie looked like she had it handled, but Ariana was a friend and he considered Chrissie to be one too. But then again, who was to say they wanted his company?

“Fuck it!”

Kavi was walking even before he made up his mind and was a few feet away from them. “Seems like you both are just about as done with the dance as I am.” He laughed off his less-than-enthusiastic tone. “I was gonna jet out. You two want a ride to...wherever it is you wanna go? My ride’s got plenty of room--” His eyes went directly to Chrissie “--as I’m sure you know.”

“That was great, Carter! I haven’t danced like that in a really long time!” Stella smiled gleefully at her boyfriend.

Looking at him made her smile. Seeing him next to her made her smile. The way he smiled back at her, in what she was going to assume a case of I’m happy because you’re happy, made her smile. Everything about the evening right after they talked out in the garden and how Stella was just overwhelmed with emotions after the fact was bringing such a jovial grin to her face that her old self was starting to return.

And she was starting to realize it.

Before Chrissie did what she did, before all of the stress that came after her ex-best friend’s betrayal, everyone knew her to be a wholesome, unproblematic person. She never did anything out of spite. While that might still ring true to this day, she’s definitely changed. Sometimes when Stella looked at herself in the mirror, she didn’t always like the person staring back at her. She knew it was the direct result of how much she hurt when her cousin betrayed her. Slowly but surely, she was starting to come back from it. She knew it was because Carter had a positive influence on her even before they became official.

Which now had her thinking about something that was kind of weighing heavily on her heart. Maybe Carter noticed it or maybe she had become such a different person that she was able to hide certain things from him.

As they reached the beverage table, they were near the end of it so Stella could take a seat in a chair that was no longer being occupied by one of the students at the dance. She let out a heavy, almost exhausted sigh. “Whew, those last couple of songs sure wiped me out,” she admitted, leaning her head back against the wall. Her heart was still beating rapidly, sos he had to take a couple extra breaths to calm herself. “Carter…” She looked up at him. “Do you think I’ve been too harsh with Chrissie? Today before the dance, we had a pretty terrible argument. We said a lot of really ugly things and it got to the point where the water boiled over. And, well I think the point of no return was reached, but if not..” She let the thought trail off as she looked down, fiddling her index fingers and thumbs. “If not, do you think it’s possible we--I mean, her and I--could work some stuff out?”

If she was being completely honest with herself, Stella missed having her best friend but she also felt extremely hurt by what she did. Stella was so angry when she spilled her Paris trip secret to Carter without her permission and held onto it like the pain was the human body her leech-like grudge was holding onto, but Stella was starting to reconsider everything. Maybe finally being someone’s girlfriend again was putting some things into perspective for her. Or maybe Stella missed her best friend that much.

“I don’t know, maybe I’m just being stupid,” she said somewhat low.

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