Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Wesley || 14 || Male

Appearance Details
  • 5'3"/ 105lbs
  • Pale skin but not unhealthily so
  • Skinny, untoned body
  • Black hair and greyish-blue eyes
  • Wesley's has a somewhat relaxed take on formal wear for his every day outfit, though usually it contains a few of the following:
    • A buttoned-up T-shirt with a plain white or black shirt underneath
    • Slacks
    • Dress shoes for events and sneakers for everything else

  • A black backpack that contains his notebook and a few pens and pencils
  • His camera that is always on his person due to his love for taking photos and having a passion for photography.

Character Summary and Crest
It's ironic that Wesley Alexander Cross becomes the digidestined to represent friendship when making friends is incredibly difficult for him. Despite this, there was one person who knew him the most.

Growing up in upper class London in a family that had wealth but also prestige, it was hard for Wesley to feel like he was recognized, but there was nobody who made him feel valid in a family where only the oldest mattered and who also saw him as someone who could do great things. This person was his older brother of three years, Sylvester. Sure, he had other siblings but they were younger. Sylvester was the one who he looked up to most. To his parents, Sylvester was the apple of their eye, the one who Simon and Yvonne could place all of their hopes and dreams on. Sylvester always encouraged Wesley to follow his passions, which always centered around photography. First with polaroids, which his brother gave him for his ninth birthday, and eventually giving him his first "professional" camera that the pros use.

Sylvester was his best friend and his hero.

So when Sylvester was taken from them suddenly, by an illness of unknown origin just three days shy of Wesley's eleventh birthday. It rocked the Cross family to its core, felt not only by his parents but his younger brother and sister, Benjamin and Cassandra. The biggest change of all, however, was not the emptiness that his passing left in their home, but Wesley becoming the focus of his parents expectations. Perhaps it was their way of coping with Sylvester's death, but it didn't change anything. Simon tossed him straight into the pit of more work than fun and Wesley's confidence was practically eliminated. He became something of an empty shell who didn't speak unless spoken to and became a well-mannered, almost timid boy, doing what his parents told him to (mainly his father). His mother gave him some leeway.

Thus why he was at summer camp. His mother persuaded his father to allow him to experience some fun, claiming balance was good for him or something. The only way he'd allow it, however, was if they temporarily relocated to Salt Lake City, which was roughly an hour away.

So, Wesley has that cloud looming over him.

Digimon Partner

At his Digicore, Hawkmon represents everything that Wesley could be: confident, able to speak up without being addressed, and sure of himself. But they also share a certain genuine compassion for those close to them. Hawkmon is an assuring bird-type Digimon who always makes calculated decisions based on what's best in the given situation. That being said, he is also fiercely protective over those closest to him and if they are in danger, regardless of the size of said danger, he will do everything in his power to defend them from it - which sometimes can lead to a sliver of impulses taking over.
<Snipped quote by metanoia>

I adore Taylor Momsen but still have a real love/hate relationship with her character from Gossip Girl, honestly. 🙄

Since we can reserve, mind if I reserve Daren Kagasoff with his color being #C35817?

I'm the opposite. I loved Jenny and everything she did.
Definitely interested! And I'd love to reserve Taylor Momsen if I can with the color #e62020. :)
Just patiently waiting

"If you don't have an injury or two, you haven't truly lived!"

Jax/Jackson || 14 || Male

Appearance Details
  • 5'4"
  • 120lbs
  • Chestnut-colored hair || Spiky and usually a mess
  • Amber-colored eyes
  • A typical Jackson Drake outfit usually contains the following:
    • A hooded sweatshirt of some sort.
      • Sometimes with a single-colored t-shirt over it.
    • Blue jeans/pants or shorts
    • A camouflage headband that keeps his hair out of his face (a pet peeve of his)
    • Vans sneakers. Always.

  • Skateboard
  • Backpack with some snacks and a few cans of dew
  • Handheld camcorder to record him doing sick tricks on his board

Character Summary and Crest
Jackson Torvald Drake (yes that's his full name) has always been one to put one foot in front of the other, always one to not shy away from taking on things that would otherwise be deemed dangerous. And maybe that's why he embodies courage, because not showing any fear to new experiences has always been a part of who he is, as well as his upbringing.

Originally from Ridgewood, Utah, Jackson grew up in a fairly normal household. His father, John, is a mechanic and his mother Riley a waitress at the local diner. Understandably so, he never knew what it was like to come from a broken home. He grew up very close to his parents and they often were very supportive of his aspirations to become a professional skater. His father even bought him his first skateboard, to which he started at a very young age. It became his main focus and in his mind, that meant taking risks with tricks, setting up shots with his camcorder, and filming himself skating through places he might get into trouble for.

If Torvald wasn't his middle name, then having no fear certainly would be.

And that's just always been the kind of boy Jackson was. He never showed any fear because he didn't know what it was and still doesn't. He doesn't care what people think because he's never been genuinely hurt or heartbroken.

Digimon Partner

At his core, Gotsumon is a mischievous, cheerful-ish rock mon. He is often the first one to want to investigate a dangerous location and will more than likely do all that he can to get others to come with him. Much like his partner, though he means well, Gotsumon makes problems worse or causes them more frequently than he does in the effort to solve them. And like Jackson, Gotsumon is quick to anger and will always use his head in the literal sense. This, apparently, makes him the perfect Digimon partner for Jackson Drake.

Digimon Adventure-inspired ♦ 4-6 Characters ♦ American Digidestined

You might not realize it, but you have been chosen for something great. You and five others experienced something incredible six years ago. That day you might’ve been too tired to understand what was happening -- the day you saw two monsters fighting in the forest in the distance. You might’ve been scared. Your minds then hadn’t fully developed what might be real and what wasn’t. But I can tell you it was real. As real as the fact you are one of lucky ones.

I can tell you that you are chosen to help save our world. You and those five others, who not--so-coincidentally, will find yourselves serving as camp counselors nearly five hundred miles away from The Incident. You all are nearly out of junior high school -- actually, you all should be around fourteen now, right? Yeah, that lines up perfectly.

Oh? My name? I’m sorry, I had completely forgot. I’m Jericho. Jericho Watson.

But who I am isn’t as important as what I can do for you.

In reading this Email, I hope you believe me or else I imagine your surprise will be most unpleasant. Just know ...you are the only hope. For your world and mine…

Yeah, six years ago there was a sighting of two giant monsters that attacked the small town of Ridgewood, Utah. A town, which hosts less than 1500 residents, made waves. Or it should have. Truth be told, the sighting was only popular on conspiracy sites. The same sights that claim bigfoot is a Bollywood sensation and the Loch Ness invented Toaster Strudel.

Nobody believed the six kids who swore they saw a red dinosaur with green scales going down back and tail fight a flying praying mantis-esque monster with long sickle-like blades for arms
Some might’ve shrugged it off while others stood firm on the belief that they saw two monsters fight for nearly seven minutes, with each getting their own licks in until a hole in the sky opened up and that was when the weirdness began.

Instead of what you might expect -- which, really, who could prepare for that -- a beam of “light” (instead of it being actual light, it was barcode and ones and zeroes) shot down from the center of the tear, latching onto both monsters. Their limbs were slowly absorbed into the light and their bodies disappeared into it. And about a minute later, the tower of “light” was gone, the rip had faded, and everything went back to normal.

But it wasn’t normal. It was never going to be normal. The six kids who didn’t know each other, who all watched it from their own neighborhoods -- they weren’t normal. They were special and, they didn’t know it at the time, but they were chosen to save two worlds. They were the Digidestined.

But as life would have it, seeing those monsters when they did -- especially for those young minds so impressionable -- didn’t do much to develop their psyche in a healthy way. They claimed to adults they saw monsters and these adults, of course, didn’t believe them. They thought they had overactive imaginations. And when they didn’t stop, the same adults who promised to believe them and love them, thought they were sick. So they went to therapy. And when that didn’t work, six years to this day, It’s a youth resort for teens, whether they're troubled or are there for their own reasons is unknown at this time.

Among several others, through circumstances unknown to them, the six who were at the same camp. During the Independence Day celebrations, when everyone will be focused on the explosions from fireworks and festivities, these six will have their lives changed forever.

Was it part of some grand plan? Well let’s find out, shall we?

Ken30MalePacific Time

About Me
Sup! I'm Eyeshine. You can call me Ken. As you might’ve guessed from the title and my snaggy header, I’m male and way too old to still be doing this, but here we are. I have been writing for the better part of the past *checks notes* thirteen years. I’m not the best and I’m certainly full of errors and typos here and there, but I like to think of myself as a literate writer.​

I can’t promise that my posting speed is going to match my partner’s every single time, but if inspired and motivated enough, my response speed may surprise you. I tend to match whatever I’m given (for better or for worse). I can post anywhere from a paragraph to full-length chapter (if I feel like it).​

I like to think of myself as someone very easy to get along with and, if you find me interesting enough, plot with. My preference of tropes tends to stay in a few known, almost laughably-cliche, yet-equally-as-entertaining categories: the loveable idiot, the girl that can kill you with a jab, and a kinda-sorta-not-really Hinata clone. But I mainly just go for whatever I know the most. Is it staying in my bubble? Maybe but I like to write characters I know I can do well.​

But anyway, I’m rambling. I am an experienced writer and just love to relax and write occasionally.​

What I’m Want
It’s been a while since I’ve done any sort of interest check for a 1x1 and usually I stick with...adult ones, but recently I’ve been finding myself with a serious hankering for some fandoms, which will be listed down below. But first, a few things to keep in mind:

  • Due to my age and for my own comfort, I will only be accepting partners who are 18 and over.
  • Any idea to come from this might require we double, even triple up, which means us each tackling on 2-3 characters + any NPCs we may create down the line.
  • I do consider myself an advanced lit writer, so my partner would need to be able to write at least 2-3 paragraphs (non dialogue).
  • I love making friends and knowing my writing partners, so if you enjoy talking oocly, I'm your guy!
  • Discord is my ideal platform for OOC. I'm online practically every day unless otherwise stated.

If you’re still with me, then bitchin! Absolutely bitchin!

Current Cravings
The amount of * next to it indicate my priority for it.

Kingdom Hearts
Fish Out of Water — Back to basics, classic KH (without all the convoluted plots), very KHII-esque, double/triple-friendly
It's summer vacation and you know what that means! It's time to divide your time from making the most out of the time you have until school starts back up again by spending it with your friends at The Usual Spot and earning money so you have some to spend to make the most of vacation. But as this happens, as you and your friends just have fun, strange occurrences happen around town. People go missing, strange creatures appear and little by little, a web of mystery unravels and changes life as you know it. Through a series of unfortunate events, you become entangled in a battle of light and darkness and through some help of friendly faces, you might come to know your place in this new normal.

Some kind of Bad Empire tryna control the hearts of the worlds idea? - Think Star Wars but Kingdom-Hearts-a-fied. Could fuse with first idea too. Give the perspective of an ongoing war between darkness army and light rebels from the young hero's perspective

Vetrean Tamer x New Tamer(AU to Tamers canon) - ****
For a week now, random sightings of monsters have been making appearances in the park, at schools, near residential blocks, in downtown New York City, but nobody has been able to explain why. News stations have explained it away to it just being conspiracy theories, elaborate pranks, and other such things that most would take their word for it, but to those who know, to those who know about DIgimon, even as a concept for a wildly popular MMORPG and card game, know it when they see it: Digimon are real and more than just a card game. And they're in New York City.

For two kids no older than fourteen, probably in eighth grade who still play the games (either professionally or for fun), they know. And they are about to cross paths. One has been a Digimon Tamer (as they are called) for close to a year and one is about to be introduced to a world that nobody prepared them for. This world has a war brewing in the distance and neither veteran nor novice tamer is ready for what that'll bring to The Big Apple.

New DATS Recruits/Something akin to it - ******

I don't have a whole plot for this, but I've always liked the idea that Data Squad/Savers presented, so maybe we could do something like that. In a sort of "FBI recruitment" approach or even general young avengers style. Maybe a series DNA scanning and Behavioral tests would be how our Digimon partners are chosen? Whether that is opposite of our characters' personalities or just an extension of them remains to be seen, but yeah I'm very much interested in this idea, as well.

Re: Diginited - **********
Disclaimer, this idea is very experimental, but I think it has a lot of potential

Ten years ago, a group of four kids, who now live in infamy in the Digital World who saved both human and digital worlds from sure destruction, that were dubbed as "The Saviors". In truth, they were four kids who possessed two crests that represented two characteristics about themselves. With their partner Digimon, they put to rest GranDracmon and his army of undead dark area digimon. A foe that was so strong that he usurped the Demon Lords themselves and rose to power as the self-appointed Mad King of the Digital World. When he fell, the discord in the two worlds slowly faded. As the need for saviors faded, so did these kids' reason for being in the digital world. They said goodbye to all the friends they made along the way. To their partners and went on to live normal lives.

Now, ten years later, these kids are no longer kids. They are adults. They might be working their own job, living in their own apartment and maybe even have someone in their lives that is precious to them. But lately, they've been having dreams. As adults who might have mental health issues, they chalked it up to that, but the dreams will become progressively worse. They become a lot more vivid until there will come a point where they can't pass it off as something less than it is.

The time for the Saviors to return is at last here, with the brewing threat of a revival. A second coming of madness. Grandracmon is not dead.

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