Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Location: Carinival (High Striker)
Interactions: Ali @King Kindred



The moment that Kyle finished trying to give Ali pointers about how to get the most of the swing of the High Striker hammer, he handed it off to her and smiled when she stepped up to plate (yes he knew it wasn't baseball but the saying still applied). He didn't know exactly where his head was going, but watching her take that hammer and successfully drop it on the platform and bell making a loud ding, he stood there with widened eyes and a very Kyle-like dropped jaw expression.

Wasn't it just a minute ago she didn't know how to swing it? Am I really that good of a teacher? Soy and the others would just love to hear about this!

But okay, so she really took your pointers to heart and applied them. He helped her be better at his favorite game. He showed her how to properly swing the hammer and get the most effective result. Kyle did that for her and he couldn't have been more proud of someone even if he was staring into a mirror and he saw himself.

Okay, that was kind of a creepy tangent. Kyle wasn't vain enough to see himself as hot in the mirror and he sure as hell didn't think Ali looked manly...although she swung that hammer like most men he knew.

Focus Kyle!

Yeah, focus Kyle. Focus on the fact that she is smiling back at you. Focus on the fact that you're able to have fun with Ali without any worry of faking how you truly feel. Focus on the fact that she's looking at you to give some kind of response.

"Y-yeah.." Kyle said, feeling choked up for some reason. "Just like that!" He smiled, looking between her and the hammer. "I can't believe my advice actually worked, though. I mean, I knew it would but, you know sometimes I don't usually help things, so I'm just really surprised that it actually worked." He knew he was rambling and he let out a nervous chuckle. "I mean, you gave that platform a hell of a swing. You're a lot stronger than you look, y'know?"



Location: Carinival (High Striker)
Interactions: Ali @King Kindred



”Okay, that wasn’t bad. Good form, but--” Kyle stepped forward after he watched Ali take first cracks at the high striker. Kyle was, after all, a gentleman first and foremost. No amount of grand confessions against some fence nearby to her would change that. Besides, Ali was looking eager to go first, so who was he to deny her that pleasure? “--you have to put more swing into your swing.”

As Kyle looked at the bell at the top,there was a moment when he turned his head around to look at Ali, who he saw was just smiling at him, and he immediately became flustered internally (no so much externally because Kyle was a master at mostly concealing it). Nevertheless, he had someone watching him. He did say he would show her how to do it...not that she did anything wrong. Kyle wasn’t trying to mansplain her or anything. He hated when he heard people did that. But he also didn’t want Ali to hurt herself. The hammer was heavy and, well, he just wanted to show her how to properly get the most out of her swing.

That’s noble of him, right? Right!

“Right..” Kyle gripped the handle of the hammer, stepping up to the plate (so to speak) and raised it up. As he took in a deep breath, making sure to breathe from his stomach, as he exhaled, the hammer came crashing down onto the rubber pad. The next thing he heard was the bell sounding off and a wide smile came across his face.

“Now you give it another shot, Ali!” Kyle cheerfully said, handing her the hammer. They were the only ones at the game, so they could play it for as long as they wanted.



Location OIC Quad → 155° Cafe
Mentions — Lola @Venus, Riley @WindsofFate
Interactions: Charlie @smarty0114

Andre's outfit of the day


"Sloth? Really?"

Andre stood in front of the bulletin board, staring at the polaroids with just about everyone who was anyone. It was titled "The Elites". He thought that was an atrocious name. Not because some of the faces he saw weren't just that: elite, but that someone decided that these people, some of whom were his friends -- best friends, even -- should be dubbed The Elite. Like they had a say who was classed as such and who wasn't. Dre hated that. He hated that someone was separating those on the board, whose picture had but a single name attached to it, like they were defined by just that.

And, yeah he hated that his morning started off like this. But maybe it was the fact that his polaroid had the name Sloth. He didn't know what impression he gave to whoever was behind this to deserve such an insulting name. Did he favor being inside more than going to some stupid frat or sorority party? Sure. Of course, he would. He'd prefer it if he could just go about his business, not have to deal with the idiots who got accepted to OiC because of their parents' money or whatever pull they had with the administration. And yes, Dre understands the hypocrisy of this train of thought since he has full access to a well-off trust fund.

But here's the difference between Dre and them (or at least in his mind). He wants to make his own way. He felt like the one member in his family (except his oldest brother, Xander) who didn't want to use his family's money. If it were up to him, he'd do away with his surname, but even his mother's name was recognizable. So he figured the lesser of two evils.

And speaking of two evils, as Dre kept glaring at the board, he found himself centering on Lola's that was just above his. What were the odds? Probably slim, but considering Andre had a habit of calculating them, he wanted to study this board. Part of that was to prove that he wasn't a sloth.

Looking at his phone, Dre just noticed the time. "Oh fuck..." He cursed, rushing off, picking up his electric scooter that was leaning against a nearby tree. "I'm late! And after I finally caved!" Caved to finally meet with Charlie outside of classes and meeting to fix her computer.

He hopped on his scooter and made his way to the 155° Cafe.

After a couple of weeks of nonstop nagging to get him to hang out with her, Andre finally admitted defeat yesterday. Late last night, in fact. He was out about, going for a walk to clear his head after he had a less-than-vocal conversation with his roommate, Riley, about something he couldn't be bothered to remember right now. All he knew was she buttered him up without even realizing it. Honestly, it wasn't so bad. He rushed out of his dorm so quickly after he woke up that he forgot to eat. He had his eye on his leftover chicken sandwich from a couple of nights ago. He was pretty certain that would be gone, though. Like the bull he was labeled as, Andre had no doubt it would be gone by the time he returned to the dorm later today.

And thus why he wasn't totally sour about meeting Charlie at the cafe.

Speaking of, it came into view and, as he locked up his scooter on the bike rack next to it, he took in a deep breath. He didn't know why, but whenever he felt anxious about...,well anything, really, he felt that was the thing you were supposed to do. He didn't know and he wasn't a psychiatrist, but it was done and it helped him calm whatever nerves were getting out of wack.

When he opened the entrance door, he thought he heard someone call his name and that caught him off-guard.

..Okay, so maybe he was a little tenser than he was letting on.

God, I hope Charlie doesn't pick up on that...

As his eyes scanned the room, he realized someone did call for him. Waving from a table in the back, he saw Charlie and he instinctively gave her a smile, waving back, but he didn't move. Maybe part of him froze but there was a delayed response on the physical end of things. When it finally registered, he was walking towards the table and took a seat opposite of Charlie once he reached it.

"Hey, uh, sorry if I'm late.." He offered as an apology, laughing way too nervously for his own good. "Kinda got caught up in that bulletin board and just kind of lost track of time."

Way to prove that you're not a sloth, Mossos.



Location: Carnival
Interactions:Mims @viktorseier

Outfit for The Vass Siblings


Malu definitely hated lines with a passion.

Maybe it was her innate impatience or just the fact that when she was starving, especially on a day that didn't get off to the best start, she was extra irritible. But all she knew was that watching the line go so slow and how it just seemed to be like an old person driving -- like someone in their forties. And the longer she was forced to consistently watch the people inside the truck move like snails, the more she was starting to wonder if it was even worth being at the back of the line. Not even the text she just received from Mia, saying she was on her way, asking her to save her a spot in the line, was enough to put her into a better mood.

The only thing that might set the chemical imbalance that was about to result in her fist in someone's face was three orders of crunchy chicken tacos with extra hot sauce and lime juice.

"Hurry the fu—"

Suddenly, from behind Malu felt a decent enough force cut her off and that familiar smell of a certain Italian friend of hers always smelled of. Something consisting of something you'd expect the Kardashians to wear, but way hotter. "Jesus fuck, you sure know how to make an entrance."

"Hey, grouchy! I missed you!"

"Yeah, missed me so much you pounced me from behind." She gave Mia a teasing smirk. Their banter was always borderline sexually charged. It was a nice contrast between the nerdy one she often had with her Nala. Kind of a yin yang of her friendships. Question was, what was Mia?

And that's a question that would have to be answered later, because even before Romano spoke up, she noticed the new bangs.

"So, bangs, what are we thinking? ...Please say something nice. Vincent has been calling me a 'little lad' all morning, I need it for my self-esteem."

"About Vincent? The fact he didn't fail last year is proof I always have something nice to say about him, but after he did you dirty? He's only getting a C for the next quarter. Let's see him bitch after that." The thought made Malu laugh for a solid couple of moments. As she toned it down, she gave her girl a smile. "But you're killing it, bitch. And trust me, I bet he's just deflecting -- what with his little lad."

Someone had to stop Malu or she was going to commit verbal murder on him before the day was done.

Location — Working around town
What I'm wearing

Levi found himself frozen in more ways than one. Paralyzed from the rush of adrenaline he knew he was experiencing because his heart was beating at a rapid pace and all because of that almost fatal blow he could have taken from whatever shot out of that monster's rifle. If he hadn't tackled the girl down when he did, they'd both meet a similar fate her door met. But another reason why he felt frozen was when another shot came and she pulled him down to where they were in a very similar position and the beam of whatever-it-was shot through the wall and the roof. The sight of the debris brought Levi back to planet Earth.

“Hand over the energems and I’ll let you live!”

Huh? Levi blankly glared at the freak of nature who made such a demand with a puzzled expression. "What are you talking about?"

After the confusion set in and remained on his defined face for a few more moments, Levi found himself on his feet, turning around. When the girl went for one of those things on the ground, he saw her pick up the blue one. He couldn't explain why, but he felt a...pull towards that green one. Like something beyond his comprehension was at play. Levi wasn't a believer in things like that. He found it to be too complicated, but he knew that his gut feeling was always right and it told him two things. One, something terrible was going to happen today, which based on the past five minutes, it did. And two, if these glowing rocks were those Energems (he was venturing a guess), then there was no way the worst cosplayer ever should get their hands on these.

As he picked it up and held it in his hand, it felt rough, but at the same time, it felt as smooth as granite. As he examined it, he heard his former customer taunt the monster and he cracked a smile as he closed the hand with the crystal thing in it, looking at his former customer next to him, leaning close. "You sure you should be taunting him like that? If he hits us with his rifle, well..." Levi glanced behind him at parts of her house that were in rubble, "well if it did that to your house, what do you think it'll do to us? It's not like we have anything to defend ourselves with..."


I was inspired today lol



INTERACTING WITH The Fleeting Grey-Grey @Moro || Claire my soul sister! @KatKook


Vivian felt like she was struck by a tsunami.

Which made sense because Greyson was the Son of Poseidon, but also because as fast as her name was being called, the Daughter of Apollo soon found herself going from idle waiting to being solely responsible for showing the -- what did she say she was again? A Huntress of Artemis? Did that mean this Claire was a daughter of Artemis? Wait no, she remembered dad telling her once that Artemis didn’t birth children. She trained warriors like Wonder Woman.

Oh man, that reminded Vivian that she needed to watch the latest Wonder Woman movie. The one with Pedro Pascal in it. She’s heard mixed things, but she wanted to see it for herself.

“Wait what was I doing again?”

BLinking a few times, she heard Greyson say to meet him and the others at the hill in half an hour.

Half an hour.

Thirty minutes.

Right. This was doable, right? Yeah, she could totally show...uhh, the not-daughter of Artemis-but-still-weirdly-relating-to-Arty around.

WAsn’t there something else her father told her about Artemis? Something she was forgetting about?


A noticeable gasp escaped Vivian’s lips as she turned her confusing expression into a wide smile, grabbing Claire’s hands as she brought the girl into an impromptu hug. “Artemis is my aunt! And even more, she and my father are twins! So that practically makes us twin sisters, doesn’t it?” As she said all of this, Vivian was squeezing the girl so close that she thought she might suffocate her.

And maybe she did, so she let go, backing away a few steps. “Sorry!” She gave the girl an apologetic expression. “I...can get carried away sometimes.” That was the God’s-honest truth and it was something Vivian was working on not doing as frequently as she did.

Nobody was perfect.

When she dialed it back and found herself brushing off not only herself, but did a mental brushing off, her hyperactiveness settled and Vivian stared at her fellow blonde, smiling at her in a normal way.

“Do it myself? Don’t be silly! Grey-Grey said I have thirty minutes. And, what you’ll probably be staying at, uhhh…” She tried to think if there even was an Artemis Cabin or not. She didn’t necessarily excel at this part. Her lessons in the layout of camp haven’t been great. She only knows her way to the beach because that’s her happy place. “I think there’s a cabin somewhere...over that way?” She pointed to her right where she saw the forest. “Or that might be where the tents are.”

Vivian thought and hummed for a few moments, looking away and to Claire frequently. “Are you more of a cabin girl or tent?” She asked matter-of-factly.

Zestasia had never felt more useless than right now, as he stood by while Pythia defended him and herself against malum’s assault.

He stood back, trying to convince himself that he was there for more than moral support. He tried to convince himself that he was helpless, but the truth was, he was of no help at all. All he could do was watch her charge head-on, fighting the malum on equal footing. It was incredible really, to see that Pythia truly was a gifted magi. He stepped back so he didn’t get caught in the way, especially when no more than a few seconds after he did, the malum went for a strike and Pythia answered with a lightning bolt.

He shielded his eyes from the brightness caused when the bolt exploded with the ground.

It was incredible and almost awe-inspiring how she continued to fight, whereas Zestasia was only able to watch, do nothing but spectate. It added on to just how weak he was in comparison. And that was a bitter pill that he had to swallow.

In his moment of self-doubt, which was only internal because Zestasia always put on a brave front, he zoned back in only to see the malum magi shoot something at Pythia. As it exploded, the blonde boy shielded his eyes as he tried to stand his ground until the smoke cleared. When it did, he watched with a genuine terror on his face as Pythia was on the ground, seemingly unmoving.

The worry was lessened when Etoile rushed to her side and Zes stood over, watching with concerned blue eyes. He tried not to over-worry, but he just stood there as all of this was happening. He understood that she was protecting him, but he really did feel like a damn moron. Maybe all of the things she said about him since they first met were true? Maybe he wasn’t as strong as Anatoli thought he was.

The thought of disappointing the man who taught him everything. Not just about how to properly use ether, but how to never let the self-doubts and anger that came from it and the trauma of losing his entire village. That thought made time stand still for Zestasia because he didn’t want to lose anyone else. He lose his master and thought he lost his brother until he found him again. Pythia might have been a mouthy little redhead who thought very little of him, but she still defended him from the person who, quite frankly, wanted to kill him. That made him kind of open his eyes.

He shook his head, zoning back in as he saw that Pythia was fine, though it seems her anger was still very much around. And Etoile was by her side, clearly concerned.


He gave Pythia a smile, showing a non-verbal relief that she seemed to be okay.

He couldn’t help but glare at her for a moment. Maybe his rationale was flawed because she had been their ally since the very beginning, but he couldn’t let go of the fact that she was an Inquisitor. The memories of his village going up in smoke because of them still haunted him when he slept and even more so when his master was taken away. He tried not to cling to the anger, but when it was right next to him, he was blinded almost.

But it was Etoile. Up until the moment he found this little piece of information out, she had been someone that fought with them, ran away from the enemy with them. She even pointed out that the sun came to say hello to him.

“So…” He awkwardly spoke, looking at Etoile, biting his lip, “I guess I should apologize, huh?” He didn’t know why he was laughing, but awkwardness tended to bring that out in him and he forced himself to stop. “I mean, I’m sorry for, uh, you know implying that you were going to kill us and everything.” He just looked her dead in the eyes as he gave the world’s worst apology ever.

Location — Working around town
What I'm wearing

"I wasn't-I mean, it's not that--"

First off, take a deep breath, Levi. You made an honest mistake, right? The restaurant was packed and everyone was in a rush. Grabbing the wrong bag by mistake in that kind of rush was an understandable excuse. Sure, it kind of tanked on the solid reputation that Levi was trying to build for himself as a DoorDash driver. And sure, maybe he was one or two more mistakes from being fired, but that didn't mean she had to be so cruel about it. Like, his name wasn't Lee. He understood that some people, when agitated, liked to bring out the nicknames.

Okay, Lee actually wasn't a bad name. To be honest, the more he thought about it, it was actually pretty killer. At least she didn't call him Vi. Kinda feminine and not exactly doing much for the kind of vibe he emits.

Levi turned around, as he was still turned around. She hit the nail on the head: he was ready to tuck his tail and run. At the very least, the driving start would prolong the agony of the bad review she was likely to leave for him. But as he did so, that dread from the anticipation only heightened when he was looking into her eyes. As pretty as she was, God was the expression on her face enough to give him nightmares. And on top of that, didn't she say she had a headache?

So, hungry, in chronic pain, and caught him about to flee? Oh yeah, this is just great! Real Chef's-Kiss-Emoji quality.

He cleared his throat and stepped forward a few feet. It might've been against his better judgment, but he's never been one to skimp on flying close to danger, especially when he knew he had to apologize. "I'm, uh, sorry. PE was packed and, well, I was seventy percent sure I grabbed the right one. But, I guess I... didn't." He laughed nervously and knew that might make his situation worse.

His mind immediately went to the retrospect of this whole situation. He knew he shouldn't have rushed, didn't matter how late he was already for his other delivery. "Oh crap!" The realization set in. His other delivery. He had to get back to his truck. "I am really sorry, but I have to--"

Cut off by the sound of what sounded something metal, Levi turned around and...he didn't know what he saw. "Is..Angel Grove's Science Convention here already?" Levi questioned, looking at his failed customer for some kind of confirmation. He didn't know if she knew. And even if she did, he doubted she'd want to tell him. She probably was still pretty peeved at him. Not that I blame her.

The weird alien cosplayer's footsteps seemed to get louder as he saw it approach his truck. "Hey! Whatcha doing here? I think the convention hall is the other way, bro--" Levi seemed to be completely ignored as he watched the guy not only go near Levi's prized truck, but he began inspecting the bed of it. "Seriously! Get away from my truck, man!"

Growing a little impatient, Levi took a step forward. There was a feeling growing in his stomach, something that was telling him it was a bad idea. He couldn't explain it but he also didn't like it when people touched his truck, never mind that's where he kept the important, top-secret package that he had to deliver.

And then he saw him lift the package up. And Levi grated his teeth together from sheer annoyance. But that's when Levi saw something rather odd. Lights were surrounding it: blue and green, like some kind of weird aura he'd seen from that ancient Anime, Naruto, he used to watch as a kid. What was obviously different was that it didn't just surround the box, but Levi watched it as it surrounded his truck too.

Yeah, that bad feeling had only intensified over ten times.

And before he even realized it, parts of his truck had exploded into the air and were heading straight for him and the chick behind him. Levi didn't think; he just acted. He ran back and tackled Jordan to the ground to shield her from the flaming part of what he assumed was his door and it flew straight through the front door of her house. Looking down at the chick who he practically saved, Levi couldn't help but feel a sudden emptiness overtake him. He was glad that she was okay, but his truck. "That was my favorite truck! What else am I supposed to drive and make a living with? My hoverboard!?" He said, glaring at the cosplayer who owed him a new truck.

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