Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Ya know I'm in it!

ALso my guy! The song linked. I didn't think anyone cool listened to Lovage.

Anyway, definitely gotta think about a character and whether or not I wanna go male or female.

Collab w/@Venus || featuring His babygirl
Mentions & Interactions — Bruna @SpicyMeatball || Vann @KZOMBI3


”What a pain.”

For reasons he never quite understood, Benjamin Cross hated traveling to places he swore he’d never go. There weren't many places that made that list. Ohio was one of them. Like so many people and himself included, he loathes Ohio. It sucks and the only people who actually take pride in being there are Mormons and Machine Gun Kelly, and Benji has a very love-hate relationship with the singer-rapper. Long story short, he robbed Benji out of getting signed.


Florida was another state that Benji swore he’d never return to ever again. Bad memories. Even worse because he was fairly certain his family still lived in Palm Beach. Or at least his parents did. He knew his brother and now-wife, Florence, live in England. Yeah, Benji was so happy for them when he heard through his twin. Not from Wesley himself because, of course, the good son couldn’t be caught dead keeping contact with the black sheep. No, Cassie was the one who told him the wonderful news.

Yeah, the wonderful news that literally nobody else bothered to tell him.

But no, Benji wasn’t salty at all. Never!

It was all fine, though. His family disowned him years ago and he hasn’t looked back since. Life in LA was pretty great. He was the best underground DJ that anyone had the pleasure of seeing live and the DiFrancesco assorted product being sold in various nightclubs was a hit. He was making Bruna money and in turn, he was making himself some extra cash that obviously wasn’t being used to buy drugs for recreational use. Benji totally doesn’t use the product he sells to lucky fans of his.

Life was amazing! Phenomenal, even!

Well, all except for one little thing...

“Is she calling again?” Benji looked at his phone and sure enough, that little nympho that he was seeing on the side had called for the tenth time in the last hour.

It wasn’t that Ariana was necessarily a bad person or that he found her unpleasant. Compared to most college girls he had hooked up with over the past few years, she was one of the few that kept his attention after the first night of making all of her wet dreams come true and then some. So he kept seeing her despite the annoyances that she caused within him. She had a great body and the drive to keep him going when it really mattered, but there was one quality of hers that he wished wasn’t so…present.

As Benji got his rental, which was some Ford brand of car. It was dark blue and it did the job. He wasn’t a guy that cared about cars all that much. He just needed to get to the hotel.

“Babygirl is calling.”

Benji rolled his eyes and sent Ariana to voicemail yet again. Could he have taken her call? Probably. Did he want to while he was driving? Absolutely not.

That was the quality he wished she’d drop. She was consistently in need of his constant attention. If he wasn’t around her, then she was blowing up his phone. Whether it was text after text or requests for FaceTime, any time that Benji thought he might have to himself, Ariana Mossos was proving him wrong.

It’s not like Benji didn’t understand why she was obsessed with him. She was right to be addicted to him, but there was a time and a place and it most certainly wasn’t when he was about to pull up into the parking lot at the fancy resort that his high school reunion was at.

“Finally here.” Benji got out of the car and grabbed his bags, making his way through the entrance of the resort.

He was a lot earlier than he thought he was. Like an hour early. As soon as he checked in, he made the walk to his room. As he was in the elevator, again she was buzzing him. "A request for FaceTime?"


With a sigh, Benji finally accepted her call. He put on a smile for Ariana and when the request went through, he greeted her with his best attempt at a smile. “Sup baby girl? Sorry 'bout not getting to you sooner; it was hard to find a moment. Traffic at the airport and on the road was a motherfucker.”

"Hi Daddy!" came the girl's excited response, very obviously thrilled at finally getting a chance to speak to her boyfriend. "It's okay, I understand! I'm just happy to hear you made it okay," she told him sweetly, blowing him a kiss as she settled into bed and making sure her tank top-covered chest was visible in the frame-- she knew it would help hold his attention for longer. "How was your flight?"

Benji resisted the urge to roll his eyes when she said that horrendous nickname she had for him. Sure, it was great to hear when he had her in his bed or he was taking her in hers. Anywhere else, however, especially in a semi-private location like the elevator of the resort-hotel-whatever he was going to be staying at was something else. “It was alright. Long as fuck, though. Shitty in-flight movie and the peanuts were staler than my family’s morals.” He heard himself laugh and looked at Ariana, but more specifically looking down at her chest. Dumb as a rock but body was banging. “I just checked in and actually on my way to my room now.”

"At least! Though I still wish I was down there with you!" Ariana whined, glossy pink lips puckering up in a pretty, sparkly pout. "We would've had so much fun."

“Yeah, no doubt.” Benji gave a fake laugh so his dead tone didn’t give off just how fortunate he felt that she wasn’t here with him. Then he saw her pouting. “There’s always next time. The cats I grew up with love throwing over-the-top parties. I mean hell, you should know. You’re probably as rich as they are, what with all that fancy money and that big ass house of yours.”

The corners of Ariana's lips curled upwards as she raised a curious eyebrow. "'The cats you grew up with'?" she repeated, a little giggle in her voice. "Nobody talks like that anymore, Daddy. And you make it seem as if you don't come from the same world I do. I thought you told me once that you and your family were pretty well off, too. The only difference between you and I is that you grew up in Palm Beach and I grew up in the Hills."

“Well, you’re half right,” he stated with a chuckle, “but there’s one difference you forgot to include there, babygirl. You still have that family money you grew up with. Mine ripped it away from me because I wouldn’t conform to their impossible standards.” Benji may or may not be leaving out a few important details, but Ariana didn’t need to know that. In fact, she didn’t even need to know that maybe his family had at least some merit to what they did…yeah, like he’d even say that out loud.

"I might be on the same boat soon with how strongly against it Dad is about us dating. He's threatened to take my money away so many times I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up one day, try to swipe my card and it gets denied," she complained, rolling her eyes at the fictitious-yet-potentially-realistic situation. "I just wished he'd understand how I feel about you! You can't control who your heart wants! He of all people should know that."

This would be the second time that Benji was overcome with the urge to roll his eyes. He wanted to do it, too. Then he heard a sound echo in the lone elevator he was riding up the floors. It was like a saved-by-the-bell moment for him. "Yeah, I guess that must really suck to have a hypocrite for a father," Benji said almost as an afterthought. Half because he just wanted to steer away from the subject of her potential feelings for him (God forbid she actually used the L word). The other half for--and this was the God-given truth--he didn't really care.

He pulled his luggage by the handle of the bag. It was one of those that had wheels, so there was somewhat of an echo as he made it to his room. His room was close to the elevator, which he was grateful for. "Holy shit!" Benji said unprompted and as-a-matter-factly as his gaze left his phone, looking around the room as he took it all in from the view to the apparent-spotless nature every inch of it did. As a result, his arm that had his phone in his hand came to his side, shielding anything other than a close up to his dark-colored jeans.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" came Ariana's worried inquiry from the phone's speaker, her eyes narrowed at the inability to see what was happening..

Benji walked further into his room, examining everything he could see within his current position in the suite. The walls and furnishings were whiter than his entire bloodline (which consisted of English white and Portuguese white). So suffice to say, he wasn’t expecting that, especially not for it to look so nice. And considering that he lived in luxury for most of his adolescent life up until he moved away in protest of reasons already mentioned, for it to stand out as fancy in his eyes was saying something.

Benji spent about twenty seconds of slow walking passed and he was near the balcony, and he saw the pool. “A private pool?” He muttered, shaking his head and grinning. He brought his phone up and saw a concerned Ariana look at him. “Don’t worry, babygirl. Everything’s fine. Just wasn’t expecting this room to be so over-the-top, is all.” But that wasn’t just it. In his mind, instead of doing what he could to ease his west coast bunny’s mind, he was thinking about all of the fun he was going to have here. The pool in particular was a place of interest that he was going to explore thoroughly. “My old class prez certainly didn’t spare any expense. Or whoever the fuck is in charge of financing this whole affair.” Benji laughed, smiling at Ariana.

The young woman's worried expression morphed into a displeased pout once again. "Ugh, I'm so jealous!" she complained, letting her bottom lip stick out and her hazel eyes roll. "This is so not fair! I should be down there with you, Daddy! What are you supposed to do there by yourself?"

Benji half-shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably catch up with some of the fuckers I haven’t seen in almost a decade.” Of course, Benji knew what he was going to do. First he’d find Bruna and get his stuff and then make his way to the cocktail party. Maybe he might run into Marg or Van there. Or he might find someone else who likes to have fun. All he knew was he had to end this call soon or he was going to lose what little remained of his sanity. “But don’t feel bad. I’m sure you’ll have similar fun at your own reunion… whenever it comes around. Or you can persuade your dear old dad to send you to one of these for your next birthday.” Benji had no idea if that’s what she wanted to hear, but as he spoke he followed it up with a wink and he shot her a grin for good measure.

But not even Benji's irresistible charm could cheer up his lonely, morose California babe. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't just say 'fuck it' and get on a plane and fly down there to be with you, B," she said, turning her doe eyes to Benji in a silent plead for him to agree with her splendid idea and ask her to come to Key West with him.

Fuck. Out of all things she could do--

Did Benji enjoy Ariana whenever he needed a break from his hectic life of slinging cocaine and pills to people she probably knew from her college? Of course he did. She was hot and the times they spent between the sheets were always a grand time.But did he want her around the people he went to high school with and her being a brat any time he decided to hang with Vann or Marg or whoever the fuck he wanted without her hovering over his neck every fucking second of every fucking minute that went by that he wasn’t paying attention to her? Again, no-the-fuck he didn’t.

As he contemplated what he was going to say, rambling through his words as if trying to think of what would be a good enough version of “no the fuck you can’t come here”, Benji saw a text from Vann pop up. He couldn’t hide the smirk. Knowing that Ariana would catch onto it sooner than he probably realized she would, he just took in a deep breath, which made him fall silent for a few seconds. “I’ll have to say no to that, baby girl. I’m not here for just pleasure. I’m meeting a friend of mine and they’re going to give me some stuff to sell to my old friends here, so I won't have time for you this weekend.” Maybe that was harsh, but Benji could have just said fuck no to her face and leave it at that. As far as he’s concerned, this was him being nice.

Just as Benji had expected, the sharp-eyed Ariana didn't miss the way his mouth curled upwards in that smirk she’d gotten to know so well. It was the same look that came over his face whenever she said something suggestive, or whenever he was about to indulge her in all the intimate fun they had together. And it seemed Benji had realized his slip-up as soon as it happened, because before she could do more than glare suspiciously and open her mouth to further inquire about what had just happened, her boyfriend took in a deep breath and fell silent for a few seconds-- an admission of guilt in Ariana’s eyes. As if this wasn’t enough of a red flag, the words that came next certainly were.

...I’m meeting a friend of mine… So I won't have time for you this weekend…

Ariana knew that look… Benji not only didn’t want her there, but he was getting ready to cheat on her again. She might be in denial about plenty of things, but the situation currently bubbling up between them wasn’t one of them.

Now it was Ariana’s turn to be silent. She pursed her lips for a few seconds, pondering her next words carefully. Anything she said was bound to end in one of their usual fights, with him turning the tables on her and blaming her for the argument even if it wasn’t her fault while she sobbed her heart out and begged for forgiveness. And, quite frankly, she was tired of that. She was tired of being the one to compromise, to endure betrayal after betrayal, to spend countless hours crying and wailing and whining-- all because the man she was stupidly in love with had decided to hurt her yet again…

Was she going to keep putting up with it in order to keep him? Or was she ready to finally live up to being the daughter of Audrey Mossos-Huntsberg?


His patience was continuously tested every time she called him that, but to save face and not wanting the hassle of having to deal with her any longer than he wanted to, especially since he knew he had to hang up soon, Benji decided not to make a big deal about it. “Yeah?”

“You know I love you so much…” she began innocently, batting her eyelashes and purposely using the ‘L’ word that she knew would make him bristle in annoyance before continuing.

Oh, good fucking lord where is this going--

“But if you cheat on me again like I know you’re going to do, you’re going to be very sorry about it.”

“Is that right?”

Two could play that game.

On the other side of the country, Ariana Mossos squared her shoulders and let out a long, determined sigh. If Benji was going to cheat on her this weekend, then she would do the same to him.

Benji could deal with a lot when it came to Ariana. The cringe usage of daddy for a nickname, her constant need for attention (most of which he does give her because there’s always something in it for him), but something that boiled under his skin was that not-so-subtle threat hidden under a trademark smile of hers, though what wasn’t trademark was the change in her demeanor. He was observant enough to know she meant it, but who in the hell did she think she was, anyway? Who did she think she was assuming that they were in a relationship? She wasn’t his girlfriend and he wasn’t her boyfriend. They had sex and that was it.

And it was like this every goddamn fucking time. Any time he did something she didn’t like, he had to deal with her whiny, bitchy, almost numbered-list of things she didn’t like. Of course, every time they had a spat, Benji always came up on top (in every way implied). Benji knew how to manipulate her to get what he wanted, and Benjamin Clyde Cross always got what he wanted.

He eyed her, seeing her face and seeing how she was just waiting for him to say something — anything — Benji smiled. He actually did this for a few long moments. He held the phone close to his face so she got a clear shot of his eyes and how his lips curved into a smirk. “Ariana..” He spoke in a low tone, taking a moment to get her reaction, letting the tension build just for a few seconds before he simply said, “We’ll see about that.”


In a matter of moments, Benji had hung up on Ariana. No goodbye. No “see you later”. He just ended the call, but he wasn’t done there. In an act that was done out of pure spite, Benji went into his contacts, went to Ariana, and blocked her number, erasing her out of his contacts, and effectively would render what he just knew wouldn’t be the end of her insistent nagging because he knew her that well. It was, in his mind, the only response to her demand.

And you know what? Benji had no regrets. He could finally relax for a while before he had to get ready for that party.

Over the course of the next hour, Benji managed to do just that. He took a quick shower because he wasn’t the kind of guy who ever liked to take long in it unless he had a reason to prolong his time in there. As he exited the impressive bathroom, a towel wrapped around his unclothed body, Benji held his phone in his hand and he remembered that Vann texted him a while ago. He was in the middle of his thing with Ariana that it had nearly slipped his mind.

Yeah, better text her back, Benji.

cuban delight:
- ayy vato lo que pasa
- im looking for molly you seen her
Me :
- she's around
- just have to pick her up
- she can't wait to see you bby
- and she ain't the only one ;)

"And that oughta do it."

There was a satisfied look on Benji's face. That text from Vann had reminded him that he had to speak to a special someone he knew was around here somewhere. Before he'd join the festivities, he'd have to meet with a fellow classmate of his who was his supplier and more importantly, catch up with Bruna. It's been way too long since he's spoken to her about more than his next shipment of pills and powder.

But first, he had to figure out what he was going to wear. It was a cocktail party, so obviously something formal, but did Benji really feel like busting out the suit? It would be a thing called fitting in and, o course, if he was going to make certain people at this reunion jealous (assuming they were coming), dressing like the dashing motherfucker he knew he was wouldn't be the worst idea.

"I'll make some fuckers jealous." Benji grinned and ten minutes later, as The Doctor walked out of his room looking like a motherfucking boss. He abided by the semi-formal guidelines, but he wouldn't be Benji Cross if he didn't pair it with his trademark cap. And if anyone expected any different then they didn't know him at all.

BC was in the house and he had very little time to accomplish a lot.

Not gonna lie the title had me worried for a split second. I thought you were one of the Russian bots we've been getting.

Anyway! Welcome to the Guild! Hope you have fun and enjoy yourself!
I've been watching Heroes with my son.

Oh god that brings me back. REally solid show. Even the last season had its merits.
I've fallen down back the Chicago PD rabbit hole.


"I'm better than you and you know it!"


n a m e
Miki Park

a g e

g e n d e r
Cisfemale || She/Her

t r a i n e r c l a s s
Ace Trainer || Formerly Elite Four of Sinnoh

h o m e t o w n & r e g i o n o f o r i g i n
Oreburgh City, Sinnoh

a p p e a r a n c e
During the early years of her journey as a Pokemon Trainer, Miki was a lean, almost skinny girl with black hair with red tips that she dyed herself. Her hair in her younger years was often left unstyled due to its natural smoothness. Over the years, much like her fashion sense, she refined it, cut it a few inches shorter, but always kept the black with red tips. Miki has red eyes that appear dulled due to a silverish tint in them. Miki has also been very short, with her growth spurt really only giving her about a foot from ten to her current age, so she stands at 5'4".

Her fashion style has roughly remained the same throughout the three phases of her trainer career: beginner, experienced, and elite. In the beginning, she wore a mesh top that was one-part black and one-part red with a black jacket (typically unzipped), a choker necklace with an "M" emblem for her name, and black shorts. Over time, her style changed as her time in the world did. She kept to the hoody style, but it progressed into a black hoody with a red hood, a white shirt, and grey pants. Now, in recent years, as she has matured in age and experience and overconfidence, her look represents where she is at. Her current attire consists of a silverish-grey, long-sleeve shirt that is tailored to fit her somewhat curvaceous form now, black slacks that very much show off certain assets of hers that she's damn proud of, and a red scarf. She also wears a pair of the latest headphones that was developed to work with her PokeGear.

p e r s o n a l i t y
🔥 Passionate
🔥 Confident
🔥 And also overconfident
🔥 Anger prone
🔥 Will fight if she has to
🔥 Petty and vengeful when wronged
🔥 Rushes into danger headfirst
🔥 Adamant she is never wrong

r e c e n t h i s t o r y
🔥 Grew up in the mining town of Oreburgh, where her brother, Roark currently serves as the presiding gym leader
🔥 Like many before and undoubtedly after her, Miki set off on her journey to become the very best, a feat she presently believes she achieved.
🔥 Her mother, Saki gave her her first Pokemon, a shiny Shinx who would end up being her best friend and undoubtedly strongest pokemon (despite the current makeup of her team)
🔥 Along her travels, Miki became the fiery rival of one Melissa, who she consistently has bickered and battled any chance she got.
🔥 Throughout the duration of her journey, Miki has participated and qualified in four separate, regional leagues: Sinnoh, Hoenn, Kanto, and Johto.
🔥 She placed 4th in Sinnoh, 5th in Hoenn, 3rd in the Indigo League, and 2nd in the Silver Conference (Johto)
🔥 At just fifteen, after the Silver Conference trophy escaped her grasp thanks to a certain dragon master named Lance, she received an offer to join the Sinnoh Elite Four, being dubbed "Lava Queen", a title she proudly boasts even to this day.
🔥 After three years with the Elite Four, just a few days shy of her nineteenth birthday, Miki stepped down from her position as #4 in the Sinnoh Elite Four, citing "career opportunities"
🔥 Truth was, she received an offer she couldn't refuse.



p o k e m o n t e a m
  • Species Shiny Luxray
  • Gender Male
  • Ability Intimidate - Blitz's fierce demeanor often makes lesser Pokemon tremble in his presence and makes those equal to its strength match his.
  • Move Set Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Electric Terrain, Night Slash, Roar, Double Team, Agility
  • Body Type: Quadruped body
  • Personality: Quick-tempered, adamant, and boastful, Blitz exemplifies what it means to be part of Miki's team because of his confidence. As the oldest and undoubtedly her signature pokemon, Blitz is the most like his master out of all of them. He is quick to anger and is fiercely protective over Miki. Static flares along its body whenever it senses even a hint of danger approaching Miki. BLitz has a longstanding, mostly-friendly rivalry with Sly, Miki's Zoroark for whom he frequently battles for fun (during downtime, of course)

  • Species Zoroark
  • Gender Male
  • Ability Illusion - Sly's ability to move between pokeball and released creates a bait and switch style of fighting that Miki has mastered with him.
  • Move Set Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Claw, Taunt, Revenge
  • Body Type: Bipedal - tailed form
  • Personality: Sly is as mischievous as they come. Whether it comes to battle by teasing and mocking opponents to the point of genuinely upsetting them or tormenting those on the team, Sly is a master of causing trouble. He'll mess with Rex's private time, which almost always leads to a confrontation between the two.

  • Species Charizard
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Blaze - In battle, Amber's body gains a subtle red aura that enhances its capabilities, but specifically her fire-type moves.
    Solar Power - When specifically using Sunny Day, Amber will have an increase in overall fighting power for a limited time, leading to a burst of strength that will eventually have a drawback cooldown time.
  • Move Set Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Seismic Toss, Hurricane, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Dragon Dance
  • Body Type: Bipedal - tailed form
  • Personality: It's almost a universal trait among Charizards that they must give their trainers sass because nobody on Miki's team challenges her authority (to a point) like Amber does. It's nothing that Miki can't handle, but whenever she gives Amber a command, the Charizard taunts and mocks her (to a point), often leading to a clash before she stops having fun and obey's Miki's command. That is just to get her own entertainment. Deep down, Amber loves Miki and respects her strength. How else would Miki get the sass machine to obey her?

  • Species Houndoom
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Flash Fire - Ebony has a high resistance to fire-type moves and, for a time upon activation, will have an immunity to fire-type moves.
  • Move Set Fire Fang, Take Down, Swagger, Feint Attack, Protect, Double Edge, Iron Tail
  • Body Type: Quadruped - tailed form
  • Personality: Despite outward appearances, Ebony is actually quite friendly. And not just with Miki, but with anyone who approaches her. She is easily the friendliest member of the team aside from Rex, which stands to reason and why they are often seen playing/napping near each other. Ebony is overwhelmingly lazy and seldom wants to train or fight if she doesn't have to. She shares the common trait among Miki's pokemon of being fiercely loyal and protective over their trainer, so if any danger presents itself, she will fight and will live up to the Houndoom that she is.

  • Species Sharpedo
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Rough Skin - Typically, this ability will make it to where anyone touching Chompy will be cut, but that's not exactly true. It only hurts those who Chompy perceives as a threat or who may be an enemy of Miki's.
  • Move Set Crunch, Take Down, Rain Dance, Payback, Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet, Focus Energy
  • Body Type: Fins
  • Personality: Chompy is...an interesting case. It's very childish and maybe even a bit too excitable. Being her only water pokemon and only means crossing the seas, Chompy doesn't have the benefit of being able to roam freely with Miki when she's traveling the roads, so whenever she gets the chance, she lives it up. She loves seeing the sites, roaming the seas, and just lives for the moment. This can cause some headaches for Miki and it typically takes a few stern commands to get Chompy back on track, especially when she's riding on Chompy's back or is being pulled by her. All in all, though, Chompy just has an energetic demeanor and Miki tries not to ruin her parade if she can help it.

  • Species Tyranitar
  • Gender Male
  • Ability Sand Stream - On battle, every time it is called upon, it summons a sandstorm. However, when off battle, sometimes Rex just needs his privacy, so he'll surround a five feet radius around him in a sandsphere and hell be damned to those who enter it without his permission.
  • Move Set Stone Edge, Hyper Beam, Dynamic Punch, Sandstorm, Brutal Swing, Focus Energy, Dig
  • Body Type: Bipedal - tailed form
  • Nature: You wouldn't believe it by looking at him, but Rex is actually shy. Dates back to when Miki found him injured after the silver conference. Beaten and abused by unknown assailants, a rare soft spot from Miki took a liking to him and it to her. As a Larvitar, he shied away from her more assertive pokemon and even now he still does but it takes the form of more being a loner and enjoying his solitude. Rex is also very well behaved despite outward appearances. His best friend is Ebony and they often play/spar whenever they are out of their pokeballs, which happens often since Miki doesn't like to keep them restrained.
As someone who has done a fair amount of 1x1s himself, it's always been a post-to-post basis. Sometimes my posts have exceeded past 1k words and sometimes I barely passed a 300-word marker. Sometimes my posts were a single paragraph (not counting dialogue) and sometimes I wrote over 10. It all depends if what you're writing is a reactionary post or if you're setting the stage for some events.

For 1x1s, I always felt that each person controls a certain portion of events. So in short: they do as much as you feel they need to. Just make sure you and your partner understand this and all will be smooth like butter.

@Venus I know you're gonna like it

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