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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Now I'm nervous ^^;

But hey may the best ranger win!
@Aces Away & @metanoia
Timestamp: The Sunday right after the Allison (Friday) Scene


Mordechai groaned as the morning sun poked through the curtains of Mary-Anne Zima's living room windows, assaulting his resting eyes and bringing him into full consciousness once more. He had woken up some time in the evening yesterday, dizzy and confused as Mika's mother all but force fed him some of the most amazing food he'd ever had. She'd given him several ibuprofen for what was shaping up to be a killer hangover and set him back down on the couch, tossing a blanket across his body as he passed back out. He'd obviously slept all through the night, but that didn't stop his body from currently feeling like it had been hit by a train, his head taking the hardest impact. He squinted painfully against the sunlight as he pushed himself up on the couch, the blanket falling from his shoulders. His head was pounding and his arms itched, so he took a sip from the cup of water left for him on the coffee table and ran his free hand up his other arm. He certainly wasn't awake or functional, but at least he hadn't thrown up or woken somewhere he didn't know. Small victories.

He put down the water, reaching for his phone to see several missed messages from Allegra and Mika in their group chat. According to the last message, Allegra was on her way and Mika was coming to pick him up for a ride to the airport. Mordechai was already lamenting having to listen to Mika's loud music on the way as some form of torture or punishment when the man himself burst through the door, the noise making Mordechai close his eyes against the new onslaught of nausea.

The door slammed louder than Mika intended, but it was whatever! Seeing Boa in better shape than he left him last night was, at the very least, something along the lines of progress. “Look at you actually appearing to be halfway decent,” Badger teased his brother, who groaned and kindly flipped him off in return. At the very least, between the two of them, Boa was probably feeling better than Mika was right now.

In truth, Mika had a long ass night. Between picking Boa’s ass from rock bottom then family dinner, which was a real treat, and then experiencing a few hours of hell with Hyde, Mika didn’t sleep worth shit. Maybe a few winks here and there, but by the time came that he had to come and pick up Mordechai, let’s just say that HB will need a lot of coffee for the trip to pick up Boa’s beloveds.

As he greeted his mother with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Mika sat down on the couch next to Boa. “So tell the truth, mom, was he a handful?”

“Not at all!” She gleamed, smiling at both boys. “He was out most of the night and when he wasn’t, he ate good food. I imagine, though, you have a bad hangover. I’m sorry I don’t have anything better than ibuprofen.” A look of self-appointed disappointment covered her face.

"It's not your fault," Mordechai croaked out, running his hands over his face as he leaned up against Badger. "I was imposin', and somethin' tells me I'm not gonna be gettin' anythin' much stronger for a while." Because there was no way, if Allegra and the kids were coming, if she'd already gotten Mika in on it, there was no way that he was gonna be able to touch anything other than a blunt and some hard sodas until the heroin and other crap was flushed out of his system. He didn't begrudge them at all, but it was going to make his next couple weeks absolute hell.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zima, for takin' care'a me on such short notice. I'm really sorry this is how we met."

That look of disappointment was quickly replaced with a smile as Mary-Anne waved her hands in front of her, shaking her head slightly. “It was out of our control. I’m just happy that we got to meet. Next time, we all can more than make up for it.” Her eyes went to her son.

And the smile was returned. “Mom’s right. When circumstances are…different, maybe we can do this again and not just in this apartment.” He half-smiled as he looked to Boa. “And perhaps I might even be able to eat some of that food I smelled last night.” It was clear in Mika’s voice that there was a tinge of jealousy that Mordechai, despite his state, was able to eat the food that he hasn’t had in some time. “I hope you savored it all,” Mika teased his brother, nudging him a few times in the shoulder.

"When have ya known me not ta savor a meal?" He retorted, an attempt of a grin twitching on his lips as he stared back into Mika's deep blue eyes. "Though I look forward ta actually havin' a meal with ya sometime soon, Mrs. Zima. I'll try ta make better conversation than drunken ramblin' next time," Mordechai promised, looking over to the woman and swallowing harshly against the spike of pain it sent through his skull. Today was going to be a very long day and he was nowhere close to being ready to face it physically, let alone emotionally. After his conversation with Mika yesterday, he'd checked out, wiped himself out, closed the door on the oversensitive part of him. The man sitting next to the Honey Badger of the Southside was no longer scared-angry-lost-confused-hurthurthurt, he was just tired and compliant. "Maybe I could cook somethin' for you ta return the favor."

Mary-Anne gave another smile. “That would be lovely!”

Mika didn’t say anything to Boa. He didn’t really have to, but he could tell by the way his mother was acting and also with how comfortable that Boa seemed to be around her, it was clear that last night went as well as it could be. The final moments that Badger spent seated was dividing his gaze between Mary-Anne and Boa. Part of him wanted to savor it but also he was just trying not to fall asleep. Her couch was a lot better and more comfortable than the one he had at his apartment. Guess that was what happened when you were granted the special apartment on the special floor.

As he stood up, the loss of his support sending Boa toppling into the cushions and eliciting a curse from the man, Mika grunted. The exhaustion was setting in, but he had no time to sit around. He wished he could stay and catch a few hours of quality sleep, but Allegra would kill both of them if they were late. “You about ready?” Mika asked Boa as he walked over to his mom, who had stood up from the chair that sat across from the boys on the couch. He gave her a tight hug. “I’ll try and stop by soon, mom. Promise!”

When Mika and Boa left the Lost Souls apartments, greeted the serpents standing guard in the early morning, and the New York-born Russian Badger helped his withdrawal-showing brother from another mother into the passenger side, they finally took off. He hopped on the nearest freeway entrance, letting idle chatter fill the silence of a few minutes until the two ran out of things to talk about.

Truth be told, even though he wouldn’t admit it to Mordechai, Mika was beyond impaired to drive. He was exhausted in a lot of ways that exceeded the physical sense. He had a long night that started with Boa, then dinner with the Gonzalez, then the Death Triangle. The few hours of sleep between each wasn’t enough, especially with all of the stress he found himself under thanks in all part to his always-exceeding-expectations, older brother. To make matters worse, he doubted he would have any real rest anytime soon.

But, of course, that was a matter for a later point in the day. Mika had to shove it all down because this was a very important drive. It was a long one, especially with how Mika was feeling, but one that would no doubt be of great significance.

“How about a little music since we’re clearly too exhausted to keep our thriving dialogue going,” Mika chuckled, nudging Boa in the shoulder. He made sure to snicker at Boa before reaching for his phone, gaining a wary look from the washed out man. Should he be looking at it in his impaired condition while driving on the highway? Probably not, but what was life without risk? “You’ll like this one. A…friend of mine turned me onto it.” By friend, he meant one of his boys from Brighton Beach.

Mika scrolled through his Apple Music and pulled up a classic, letting Boa hear for himself just what kind of crazy jams that Mika got down with. “Pretty good, yeah?”

The second the beat started up in Badger’s speakers Mordechai groaned in dismay and pulled the lever to release the seat back, laying it flat and throwing his jacket over his face while he used his hands to plug his ears. The man’s subwoofers had every pulsing beat shooting through his head like he was standing next to a speaker at a rave, and he desperately flung his arm to the passenger door panel to roll down the window and get some blessed fresh air circulation against the onslaught.

“You’re a fuckin’ menace Badger!” He shouted as loud as he dared.

“Pa-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!” In contrast to how miserable Boa seemed to be, Mika was, in all honesty vibing. “You can’t say this isn’t a fire beat, Boa! It’s the real shit!” Mika banged on the steering wheel to the sound of the beat.

The rest of the ride to the airport consisted of more torture for the nauseated man and amusement on a certain Badger’s part. When they arrived at the airport, Allegra was standing at the pickup curb arguing with-well, more like cussing out- a sweaty man in a suit and service vest while she held Chai on her hip and Viva clung to her leg. Mordechai stared nervously at the scene as his stomach rolled once more.

“What are the odds she’s just goin’ off for the sake of it?”He asked Mika desperately.

Internally cursing, when Mika thought the day wouldn’t get worse, regardless how it was spun, the universe just loved to prove him wrong. “Stay in the truck,” Mika said, a stern, concerned look on his face for Mordechai. “I’ll see what the hell is going on.”

“Don’t have ta tell me twice,” Mordechai relented easily, sinking back into his seat and covering his face back up with his jacket to get a little bit of peace and dark before hurricane Allegra made it into the truck.

After Mika exited his truck and made his way over to where Allegra and the two clearly older men were currently on the receiving end of a very…colorful series of words that any normal person would think shouldn’t be said in front of two young children, but Mika heard worse when he was Viva’s age. So why should he care? Besides, as he stood a few feet away from it, Mika couldn’t help but enjoy the show for a few moments before intervening.

“Well if it isn’t my favorite spitfire!” He stepped forward, hands in his hoodie pocket, back slouched somewhat, and he gave a wave to Viva, smiling at the little munchkin. “What’s happening?”

“Unc’a Badgew!!” Viva cheered, immediately releasing her mother’s leg and running full tilt into Mika’s instead, wrapping her arms around him like an octopus while Allegra’s head whipped around to track her child. “Momma’s sca-wing people again,” She giggled as she beamed up at him, lifting her arms up to him to indicate she wanted to be picked up.

Without hesitation, Mika picked up the young Viva as he slid his hands under her arms and secured her in a tight (but not too tight cause she was fragile) hold on his side.

“Mika! Thank god, I might need someone ta hold me back if I hear the same bullshit line on more fuckin’ time abou-”

“Sir, as I’ve already told your wife-” The first man began belligerently before Allegra spun back around to glare him down with the heat of hell’s own flames.

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare cut me off ya dickless, sweaty pig. And he ain't my fuckin' husband. Just tell me how the fuck ya put my luggage on the wrong goddamn plane as though the information tag wasn’t clearly displayed,” She turned to Mika, and for a split moment she allowed him to see the pout through all her rage as she spoke directly to him. “It was my everyday clothes bag. I can’t exactly walk around in my work clothes so this,” She gestured to her black and white striped top and relaxed jeans. “is all I have in terms of home clothes until they find out wherever the fuck they sent my shit, and then it’s still not promised it’s not just lost for-fucking-ever.”

Vewy Angwy,” Viva emphasized to Mika in a whisper as she leaned into him, eyes wide. “The man’s been a meany.”

“That’s right. Also big dumb dumb!” Mika snickered with Viva, entertaining the young girl in his arms as he kept a glaring eye on the dumbasses.

Said man rolled his eyes in aggravation at the child, and he dropped his hand on Allegra’s shoulder in order to forcefully guide her towards Mika, grabbing her remaining luggage at the same time. His attention was just split enough that he didn’t have time to react as Allegra jolted and spun back around, Chai held securely to her chest while she landed a solid right hook to the supervisor’s jaw.

“You don’t fuckin’ touch me again, asshole!”

Never a dull moment. That thought carried itself into Mika’s next action as he held Viva close to his literal chest and grabbed Allegra’s luggage and ran back to the truck, tossing it in the back as soon as he could. He opened the back door, setting Viva on the seat. “I’ll be back,” Mika stated in an almost Arnold Schwarzenegger-like manner, looking and smiling at Viva as she giggled. He gestured to Allegra to get into the truck.

Shit hit the fan so fast, but in the smallest moment he had to spare, Mika admired the handiwork that Legs left on the floored man’s face. He saw another trying to grab for her and Mika rushed back, socking the other one in his face, knocking him out in the process. “That’s for losing her luggage, mudak.”

He half-smirked at Legs. “We should leave now,” Mika suggested, tugging Allegra by the hand to emphasize the sense of urgency they should prioritize.

"I think you're right," Allegra agreed easily as she slid into the back seat with her child, accepting Chai back from Mika before she began strapping Viva in single handed. Once that was done she lifted Mordechai's jacket off his face before kissing the palm of her hand and giving him a solid smack upside the head. Said man startled back awake from where he had fallen asleep as soon as Mika left the car. "Hello ta you too," she said, handing Chai over to his father to hold since there was no car seat. Mordechai took him willingly and held him close.

"I've missed you guys," Mordechai admitted instead of greeting them, catching Allegra's eyes through the mirror. "I'm glad you're here."

Allegra's gaze in the rearview softened slightly. "Of course we're here, bovo.”

Eyyy! And sounds good to me! Simpler the better though knowing me I'll find some way to make it more complicated lmao
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@OGSG PM'd ya my red ranger submission for review!
For some reason, my upstairs neighbor yells going ghost all of the time. He's weird.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I might not use Jordan if I join as I am already using her in a different RP and I hate doubling up XD

But yeah, would be happy to kick off here again.

YESSSSSSSS! Idk who I'm using either but looking forward to them getting on each other's nerves if they do
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Fucking mood I almost want to just transfer over Ross from his previous sheet, but at the same time, I have ideas for Crystal Red that aren't ross. It's so hard to choose lmao
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Yeaaaaah let's do this!

Might be eying either red or green. Need to think about it some more and see which might fit my character more and which just appeals to me most.





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