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Current he can play the honky tonk like anything
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I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe
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5 am, I want to make an oil pasta with just ground garlic and onion, weridest craving I had at 5 am
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I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

Most Recent Posts

Another member of the villain gang has a grudge against Aizawa. He's a dropout of UA, about a year or two older than the crew, and Aizawa dropped him out of the school. He's been holding a grudge against the teacher ever since about it, and ended up all the way in the bottom of the villains.
He also has an obsession of 'countering' Aizawa.
More random news: I might start drawing short "abridged" series based on my pointless OOC rambling OOC conversations and IC happenings, twisting and distorting the events to make it look like a total mess.
some nice family moments. :]

And I might introduce Hiems' sister at some casual arc, if it can happen.
just on the day when Momo decides to use the window again

you bring the most feared subject I never wanted to discuss now
There is only one solution to this...

I’ll.... think about it.
Ironic how until a moment ago I was thinking of a small event where Nensu introduces Deku to her mom.
If Nensu poked him a bit late, Midoriya would’ve imagined how their son would look like.
future plans ftw
A duet. That was going to be nice. Midoriya’s mind simply drifted off into more daydreaming just by the word ‘duet’, somehow going sideways to planning their personal future. ‘We could live in a nice house, with a pet dog on the lawn-‘ His happy dreams were only broken as Nensu playfully poked his nose. Midoriya yelped, frightened by her sudden strike. He looked at her, and poked her nose back.
“The best duo in Japan!”
He answered her.

Hiems responded with a reassuring, shallow smile. He knew she didn’t mean bad-though a kiss couldn’t mean bad no matter what- maybe she just got a bit carried away trying to help him feel better.
“No need to apologize.”
He said as he slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and slowly pulled her into a hug.
I was half planning for Hiems to kiss first but I guess Momo got tired of waiting.

Midoriya will start planning their marriage now, don’t stop me
Midoriya smiled. They’ll go on together, even if it was a long way ahead of them. He could know that, feel that it’s surely the truth. He understood her will to be a hero herself, much like she understood his. The steps they will take won’t be lonely ones. The burden they’d carry as heroes will be shared. Through life and death they’ll be together. Pressing his cheek still against hers Midoriya let out a happy hum.
“We’ll be the best heroes.”
He said in agreement to her words of encouragment. With the first ever love he felt as a lover constantly making him excited around Nensu, he could hardly object to her comments and be a negative person anymore.

Hiems froze at Momo’s reflexive, and sudden, kiss. ‘Here it is.’ His thoughts rang inside his head. ‘It happened. It did.’ Meanwhile his face lit up to a noticable tone of red from his usual pale hue, and he stumbled to lean himself against the bed.
“O...okay. Thanks.”
He said, his voice slightly shaking. Such a sneak attack could break him out of his usual mundane self good.
“But... I’d like a warning before you start kissing me out of reflex.”
He added.
Midoriya's face lit up to Nensu's compliment. He felt a bit embarrassed, feeling as if he was bragging about himself- and also happy that she liked the one thing he was good at. Chasing a dream so desperately lead him to a near paranoid level of memorizing his notes. Thanks to her, it was something else than an obsession- it was a gift now. The boy scratched his head.
He said. It seemed like all the effort was paying off so nicely-the hero of his dream himself pushing him to the road of a hero, and such a nice companion complimenting him by his side.
"A lot."
He slowly raised his face to rub his cheek against hers.

Hiems shrugged. Did he tell the class about it? According to his memory... no, it was never even a part of the discussion ever.
"At the U.S. My sister would usually travel around, but for now she's staying put."
He said. Then his hand rose from Momo's hand to her shoulder again.
"Not much of a big deal, now that I've got a whole class of lively people around me."
His eyes moved focus from the girl awkardly, and his hand retreated to scratch his cheek.
"...and you."
He mumbled the last two words.
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