Midoriya shrugged. He had an abundance of clothes-though he had little chance to wear them, as they spent most of their time at school- so he didn't have anything crucial to buy. But he could always suggest something, not out of need, but just so they could spend time browsing the item. Midoriya scratched his chin with his free hand. Maybe they could get something to show off that they were in a relationship, like people in comics and movies did? Now that he was actually in one, and with an awesome person, maybe he could try something bold like that. Even if he could never muster the guts to wear it out in the open, it was still worth a try.
"..what about matching shirts?"
He suggested.
The mall. When was it that he got himself a supply of fresh food? With so many meals outside school filled with canned food and cup noodles, maybe a walk out at the mall was something necessary for a growing teenager. Or not, who knew. Hiems nodded in agreement. It wasn't like he had any good options himself anyways.
"To the mall it is."
He said.