--- Name: Mesmund "Mezz" Vinclum Gender: male Age: 37 Race: half human half demon
Personality: Mesmund is a half careless, and half selfless person of simplicity. He can carry out risky, self sacrificial plans without hesitation, and has no fear running around the battlefield casually with his mace flailing around him. This got even worse as he fused himself with the demon, turning him into a grumpy destructive half human half demon with a gun and a mace. Mesmund shows no fear for pain, and is eager to fight some more demon baddies any time. He's no man of careful planning and logical conversations, so whenever the chance comes to leave it to someone else, he's always ready to take a step back. Knowing the problems to his usual tactics, the hunter enjoys cooperating for demon busting to improve his skills and see how others blow demons up.
Vinclum is a much calmer being. After their fusion, Tether acted as a ‘voice of reason’ for Mesmund when he tried to make not so good decisions, adding a logical deadliness to the reckless demon hunter. Other than the most dangerous situations, Tether remains silent, as fighting isn’t his favorite thing. As he was the one who proposed the idea of the two fusing with each other, he does not object to Memsund’s non hesitant slaying activity.
Mesmund was a purely human demon hunter, showing up in a scene of demonic mess with his trusty gun and mace. Facing demon problems from his early age, he knew how threatening they could be, and was always on the run along with his family. He wanted at least a week's worth of a peaceful life out of the cities, where proper protection was even scarce. So he decided to become a demon hunter, slaying the big bad demons to sleep another day in peace. Time passed like that, with him hunting down demons he could find and moving on to kill another. Demon hunting became more of a life to him, with no other hobbies or job to do.
Vinclum was a part of a demonic legion of “Inquisitors”, who jailed demons that were deemed as dangerous by the legion itself or the majority of the demons. Many of them were given the power of the head demon to chain the outlaws and put them in the pits of flames they had control of. Vinclum himself was one of the stronger demons that had the chains with themselves from their creation. The legion carried on their hunt of their own kind until it split, with one of its higher generals parting off with a large number of its soldiers, including Vinclum himself, to descend to the human world for some ‘proper demonic activities’. There they started preying on humans, capturing any demons the tyrannical general found disturbing. The word about them got around, and a great number of demon hunters gathered to raid them. After a long, violent fight, the legion was annihilated, in the spot only a few dying demon hunters left waiting for their doom. Vinclum, having to survive the attack by luck, approached one of them in his injured form with one risky proposal to offer.
Mesmund took part in a raid with a handful of other demon hunters, hearing of a vicious demon legion that's been terrifying the locals. After a gigantic fight, he fell down, waiting his death, until a strange demon approached him. It introduced itself to him and offered him another chance, an opportunity to continue his life as a demon hunter... in a different way. In his dying breath, there was no reason to refuse. They fused themselves, newly born as a 50% demon and 50% human being. Mesmund's weapons of choice, his gun and mace, were fused as a part of him too, turning into devil arms themselves.
EQUIPMENT Melee Slot 1: Vinclum Mesmund’s sturdy flail was changed at Vinclum’s merging, forging it into a flail with big bladed chains on its head. Other than that, Vinclum’s chains can also serve purposes in battle too. Techniques:
-Sweep: Mezz flails his weapon in a horizontally wide arc, striking a handful of enemies with ease. -Table Flip: Mezz grabs the flail’s head with his chain arm and slams it against the ground, sending a shockwave around him and putting enemies nearby airborne. -Hammer the Nail: Attacks that mostly smash downwards, that get more violent and stronger with successive strikes. He also walks forward with each strike, marching his victims to doom. -Cartwheel: Mesmund leaps forward while spinning like a wheel midair, his flail going with him like a ribbon and hitting the enemy in front of him multiple times. -Uppercut: Mezz smacks the flail upward, sending the enemy up to the strike. can be used in the air too to continue the air combo. -360 Sweeper: Mezz charges his attack by spinning the flail around in his hand, and releases a mad spinning attack that covers all directions close range. While it lasts, Mezz walks slowly and can only cancel by rolling.
Ranged Slot 1: Fifth Star Mesmund’s personally modified shotgun was changed into a five barrel gun of doom, now using shots of chain created by Vinclum. It has unlimited ammo, but is a pain to reload. Techniques:
-Birdshot: Mezz stuffs the barrels with additional chains, blasting off a short ranged barrage of chains. It has higher damage in total, but has lower accuracy. -Doubletap: Mezz rapidly reloads and fires the weapon twice, suffering a longer cooldown time to attack again.
PURCHASED UPGRADES (Upgrades you have purchased will simply be listed here. This can include things like +1 Equipment Slot, Additional Skill for <weapon here>, etc.)
STYLE Name: Shambling Shackles Description: Mesmund dashes through the battlefield, concentrating on smashing enemies mercilessly with little mobility and a wave of devastating strikes. Among his combos are moves that can break an enemy’s guard, pull himself towards an enemy, and such that helps him ravage the battlefield. His dodging move is him wrapping himself in demonic chains and rolling, knocking back weak nearby enemies.
-Battlefield Tumbleweed: As an ‘evasive move’, Mezz covers himself in layers of chains and rolls towards his target, pushing away any enemies in his path. -Deliverer: Mezz shoots strands of chains from his left arm to an enemy, and pulls himself to the target. -Roundhouse: The chain arm reaches out for an enemy, and swings Mezz and the enemy around in a circle knocking any unfortunate hostiles in the way. After a full lap or two he smashes the enemy to the ground. -Bulldozer: Mezz charges forward for a short distance, breaking the guard of an enemy in his way. -Rough landing: Mezz, while airborne, can mark the ground near him to shoot chains to the destination and pull himself down immediately. The impact stuns nearby enemies in a small region for a short duration.
--- Name: Mesmund "Mezz" Vinclum Gender: male Age: 37 Race: half human half demon
Personality: Mesmund is a half careless, and half selfless person of simplicity. He can carry out risky, self sacrificial plans without hesitation, and has no fear running around the battlefield casually with his mace flailing around him. This got even worse as he fused himself with the demon, turning him into a grumpy destructive half human half demon with a gun and a mace. Mesmund shows no fear for pain, and is eager to fight some more demon baddies any time. He's no man of careful planning and logical conversations, so whenever the chance comes to leave it to someone else, he's always ready to take a step back. Knowing the problems to his usual tactics, the hunter enjoys cooperating for demon busting to improve his skills and see how others blow demons up.
Vinclum is a much calmer being. After their fusion, Tether acted as a ‘voice of reason’ for Mesmund when he tried to make not so good decisions, adding a logical deadliness to the reckless demon hunter. Other than the most dangerous situations, Tether remains silent, as fighting isn’t his favorite thing. As he was the one who proposed the idea of the two fusing with each other, he does not object to Memsund’s non hesitant slaying activity.
Mesmund was a purely human demon hunter, showing up in a scene of demonic mess with his trusty gun and mace. Facing demon problems from his early age, he knew how threatening they could be, and was always on the run along with his family. He wanted at least a week's worth of a peaceful life out of the cities, where proper protection was even scarce. So he decided to become a demon hunter, slaying the big bad demons to sleep another day in peace. Time passed like that, with him hunting down demons he could find and moving on to kill another. Demon hunting became more of a life to him, with no other hobbies or job to do.
Vinclum was a part of a demonic legion of “Inquisitors”, who jailed demons that were deemed as dangerous by the legion itself or the majority of the demons. Many of them were given the power of the head demon to chain the outlaws and put them in the pits of flames they had control of. Vinclum himself was one of the stronger demons that had the chains with themselves from their creation. The legion carried on their hunt of their own kind until it split, with one of its higher generals parting off with a large number of its soldiers, including Vinclum himself, to descend to the human world for some ‘proper demonic activities’. There they started preying on humans, capturing any demons the tyrannical general found disturbing. The word about them got around, and a great number of demon hunters gathered to raid them. After a long, violent fight, the legion was annihilated, in the spot only a few dying demon hunters left waiting for their doom. Vinclum, having to survive the attack by luck, approached one of them in his injured form with one risky proposal to offer.
Mesmund took part in a raid with a handful of other demon hunters, hearing of a vicious demon legion that's been terrifying the locals. After a gigantic fight, he fell down, waiting his death, until a strange demon approached him. It introduced itself to him and offered him another chance, an opportunity to continue his life as a demon hunter... in a different way. In his dying breath, there was no reason to refuse. They fused themselves, newly born as a 50% demon and 50% human being. Mesmund's weapons of choice, his gun and mace, were fused as a part of him too, turning into devil arms themselves.
EQUIPMENT Melee Slot 1: Vinclum Mesmund’s sturdy flail was changed at Vinclum’s merging, forging it into a flail with big bladed chains on its head. Other than that, Vinclum’s chains can also serve purposes in battle too. Techniques:
-Sweep: Mezz flails his weapon in a horizontally wide arc, striking a handful of enemies with ease. -Table Flip: Mezz grabs the flail’s head with his chain arm and slams it against the ground, sending a shockwave around him and putting enemies nearby airborne. -Hammer the Nail: Attacks that mostly smash downwards, that get more violent and stronger with successive strikes. He also walks forward with each strike, marching his victims to doom. -Cartwheel: Mesmund leaps forward while spinning like a wheel midair, his flail going with him like a ribbon and hitting the enemy in front of him multiple times. -Uppercut: Mezz smacks the flail upward, sending the enemy up to the strike. can be used in the air too to continue the air combo. -360 Sweeper: Mezz charges his attack by spinning the flail around in his hand, and releases a mad spinning attack that covers all directions close range. While it lasts, Mezz walks slowly and can only cancel by rolling.
Ranged Slot 1: Fifth Star Mesmund’s personally modified shotgun was changed into a five barrel gun of doom, now using shots of chain created by Vinclum. It has unlimited ammo, but is a pain to reload. Techniques:
-Birdshot: Mezz stuffs the barrels with additional chains, blasting off a short ranged barrage of chains. It has higher damage in total, but has lower accuracy. -Doubletap: Mezz rapidly reloads and fires the weapon twice, suffering a longer cooldown time to attack again.
PURCHASED UPGRADES (Upgrades you have purchased will simply be listed here. This can include things like +1 Equipment Slot, Additional Skill for <weapon here>, etc.)
STYLE Name: Shambling Shackles Description: Mesmund dashes through the battlefield, concentrating on smashing enemies mercilessly with little mobility and a wave of devastating strikes. Among his combos are moves that can break an enemy’s guard, pull himself towards an enemy, and such that helps him ravage the battlefield. His dodging move is him wrapping himself in demonic chains and rolling, knocking back weak nearby enemies.
-Battlefield Tumbleweed: As an ‘evasive move’, Mezz covers himself in layers of chains and rolls towards his target, pushing away any enemies in his path. -Deliverer: Mezz shoots strands of chains from his left arm to an enemy, and pulls himself to the target. -Roundhouse: The chain arm reaches out for an enemy, and swings Mezz and the enemy around in a circle knocking any unfortunate hostiles in the way. After a full lap or two he smashes the enemy to the ground. -Bulldozer: Mezz charges forward for a short distance, breaking the guard of an enemy in his way. -Rough landing: Mezz, while airborne, can mark the ground near him to shoot chains to the destination and pull himself down immediately. The impact stuns nearby enemies in a small region for a short duration.
Midoriya changed the hoodie to the smaller sized one that Nensu got out for him. He tidied his hair in the process, as taking off the hoodie and tucking in a new one had messed his hair slightly. This time it was much better for him. The sleeves didn't cover his hands, and it fit him perfectly. 'Much better.' He thought. The boy looked around at himself and then at Nensu. It was truly a perfect pair. Choosing an All Might hoodie was the best decision they could've made in all the possibilities. He answered her laugh with a wide smile. "It's perfect." He told her.
Hiems could clearly see Midoriya's bushy hair from the distance, and knew exactly where Momo was pointing at. The boy nodded and leaded themselves to the hero merchandise store where two familiar classmates were enjoying their time at. It appeared that the young couple themselves were on a date too.