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5 am, I want to make an oil pasta with just ground garlic and onion, weridest craving I had at 5 am
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I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

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Midoriya gripped the girl's arms gently. What did he want her to do? He surely knew what made him nervous- probably almost anything Nensu did as their mood got deeper. He was just not used to things like that. With all the experiences he was getting used to it slowly. But that wasn't fast enough-anything closer than a hand held could easily make him blush.
So what did he want her to do? He didn't really dislike her choice of moves. Leaving things silent and awkward was... not preferrable. His hand reached for his cheek and scratched it as the green haired boy tried to think of a good answer to settle things down. He went to his usual mumbling that jumped out when he got submerged in his own thoughts. 'Everything is fine, I just can't get used to it fast enough...'
"I... I'm trying to get used to it, but I'm not fast enough. You're fine, I just... hope you won't... 'surprise' me a lot like you do."
He finally said.
"N...not that I don't like surprises, it's just too much for my heart..."
I have no idea what shirts Momo and Hiems would go for.

I'll post ASAP, things are still hectic as usual.
"Will you marry me"
Mesmund's bike was powerless against the lesser demon devastating it with ease. The hunter, noticing a little interference in his search for a nice early breakfast and means of travel, reached deep into his flesh of chains with his human arm. From within he grabbed a handle and whipped out his trusty weapon. Chains extended after the handle, with the arm finally spitting out a giant head of a flail and exposing the weapon fully into the morning air.
"You want some fun, huh?"
He said. He flexed his left arm and pointed at the closest demon with the hand.
"You most certainly earned it."
Chains shot out of his arm and tied around the demon. It flinched, waiting to be pulled, only to see the fully armed hunter fly straight towards it. The figure stopped right in front of it. The flail's head hovered in the air for a split second from the momentum, before it rocketed down to the monster. The weapon slammed the poor creature against the cold floor, delivering another blow shortly after. Then another. Exactly seven hits sent it slightly deeper into the ground, the power growing with each impact, until the devil hunter stopped. He poked the motionless body of the monster with his foot a few times. Making sure it wasn't moving at all, he lunged at the second victim of his unexpected hunt. It swung the blade in its hands as a means of protest. The hunter paused his attack midair, and wrapped himself in a layer of demonic chains. The hunter-ball of chains rolled past the Draugr and landed next to it. The chains quickly disappeared, revealing five barrels pointed at the head of the demon. With massive recoil, five shots of demonic chain crushed its face, followed by the flail hitting it from below. The force lifted it into the air. Mesmund followed it up to the air, with his weapon spinning around like a ribbon. The chipped chains of the flail's head tore down the poor Draugr in no time, and the hunter slammed a tattered body to the floor.
"That all?"
He muttered. There were two more left- piece of cake. He threw his fist midair. threads of chains shot out of the arm and planted themselves into the ground between the two surviving demons. Mesmund pulled himself at full force, stunning the two lesser demons for a moment. His chains went for an unlucky victim, and wrapped around the demon and the hunter. the two spun around like a round table, ravaging the other unlucky bystander. After a lap or two, Mesmund fixed himself on the solid ground and slammed the demon down. He could hear the sound of the demon being crushed under the layer of chains. One to go. Mesmund slowly approached the staggering demon, swinging the flail casually in his hands. With only two steps away from each other, the hunter unleashed his finishing move. The flail ripped through the air in all directions, completely shredding the last demon in front of the hunter.

@Sho Minazuki
back with a.... sort of a short post.
I was kinda exhausted from staying up late a lot(which is my profession) and taking tests. Kind of.
Will try to keep things longer later on.
Midoriya reached for Nensu's arms. He rested his hands on them as he desperately thought of words that would help calm them both down. Every time she got closer it was like a whole new thing, and he was very well unnerved by each encounters. It was frightening Nensu as well, obviously.
"I'm sorry."
He said.
"I'm fine, it's just... I can't stop being nervous every time you come close. I'm trying to get used to it but... you're too good for me to stay close to...."
The boy mumbled the last sentence in a rush as he felt himself blush intensely. He tried, but he just failed miserably. It was going to take a long time for him to get used to Nensu and her getting closer to him.

Hiems shrugged. Of course, they were at a shopping mall. What else would she have suggested to go there for?
"Alright, let's get to it then."
so uhhh hate to interrupt but I got more evil plans for the future

I am seriously considering making Deku faint at some point. >:3
I looked at the calendar and realized the exam was two weeks away.
That means I shall be even less posting, unless I decide to give up and doodle instead.

....I hope I don’t.
Bit of romance for Nensu and Deku will come too, the Momo’s imagination one was the first to strike my mind.

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