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<Snipped quote by AlternateMan>

But, I'm sure that you have a lot of ideas.

Perhaps the Sports Festival or First Kiss?


Alrighty then. >:]
Still need to catch up with season 3, finished up to the All Might fight tho.
Is there any specific doodle you want me to draw or something?
Midoriya's mother gasped as Nensu slowly took the boy's hand. She watched as Midoriya's face slowly heated up to bright red from embarrassment, almost as if she was trying to embed the moment into her brains. She then took the free hand of Nensu and looked at the dual haired girl in the eyes.
"Please take care of little Izuku well."
She said, and let go. Though the lady had been worried about her son and his reckless injuries, seeing that he had someone to rely on and stand beside, she felt relieved. Her concern was that he'd have to go through all this trouble alone, far off from his mother, but so far, he was going well. Seeing him hurt still made her chest ache, but how he was doing cut off a portion of the pain. She could finally manage to smile again.
Midoriya gingerly wrapped his fingers around Nensu's hand.
"I..it's fine, we always look after each other."
He said.

Hiems sighed. It was like the boy was drawing all the trouble to himself. Ever from USJ, where he broke his finger, to when he encountered that hero killer-though he didn't see the fight himself, he saw the injuries and figured it was a very strong foe- and now the leader of the League of Villains himself having a talk with him.
"They've got the guts to pull out big plans in times like this, when Japan's symbol of Peace stands tall."
He said.
"And for Midoriya... I honestly don't know. It's almost like he himself is pulling trouble."

A bit of a lore to how Hiems lives before dorms happen.
Also this is completely pointless, but I am building a security company lore based on MHA universe.
Pointless brainstorming for now, theres no place to put it.

And I think I have one idea I didn't draw for Abridged, but I forgot it for now. If I remember it it will happen. If I don't...
Well, something else will. Something like intense Midoriya family talk.
If I didn't mention I like the minor height difference of Midoriya< Nensu.

Also Hiems is 188 cm tall or something, so that makes him a bit taller than Momo.

Little height differences are cute.
A moment of silence loomed around them after Nensu nervously added the last part of her statement. Both Midoriya and his mom froze on the spot. Midoriya slowly, and cautiously, turned to his mom, and quickly turned away at Nensu as soon as he noticed his mom's gaze showering upon him. A cold drop of sweat rolled down his cheek. Even when he was not looking, he could sense his mom's gaze. He couldn't specify her emotion, but it definitely had a lot of curiosity mixed in it. Midoriya gulped. There was a long conversation upcoming. He could feel it.
"His... girlfriend?"
She said.
"Izuku, are you dating?"
Another question, just to confirm. Midoriya slowly nodded. He felt the grip on him tighten.
"I... I don't know how to feel about this.
"...She seems like a nice girl."
Midoriya's mom said. She turned back at Nensu. Then she leaned toward the girl.
"I hope he wasn't a bit too shy with you."
She whispered. Midoriya's face slowly lit up red.

Two new teenagers entered the police station. Hiems and Momo, having been in the mall as well, were evacuated too as Nensu called the police about Tomura's appearance. After listening to the officers' informing, they figured Midoriya and Nensu would be at a local police station. And now, after a bit of roaming around to find the right station, they finally found it. Hiems saw the scenery of Midoriya, his mom, and Nensu from a few meters away, and stopped on the spot, not to interrupt their meeting.
Ohhhh. Alright

but it surely will pressure his mom

I didn't put any pressure, did I?
I usually talk in a light atmosphere, so I hope I don't give you pressure with anything I say.
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