Midoriya shifted his posture so he wasn't pressing Nensu with too much of his weight. With her on his side, he knew they'd be fine no matter what happens. She was strong.
He nodded to her words. She's been watching for him all these years. Then another matter came to the boy's mind. Nensu mentioned her mother. They'd had chances to get to know each other, but hardly their family. Midoriya's mother met Nensu by this... inconvenient encounter. But for Nensu's mother, Midoriya barely knew anything about her.
"...how is she?"
He asked.
"I.. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, I just want to know about her."
"Can't disagree, things have been hectic."
Hiems said. Seeing her hand rest on his, he meagerly fidgeted his fingers to lace their fingers together. He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but instead he enxed up giving her an awkward, tiny grin.
"It's fine, even I would be concerned about upcoming events when things are this chaotic. But give yourself some break."