Mesmund could feel the air violently ripple as the giant flailed its limbs in a desperate attempt to swat the hunter down. Before the first could get any near him, the man launched chains to the ground, pulling him back to the solid platform with a loud crash. He bent his knees, taking a short moment to recover as gian limbs flew over his head.
'Watch out.'
Listening to Vinclum's mutter inside his head, Mesmund saw a raised foot over him, coming down with a terrifying shadow over him.
"Oh, what now?"
He complained as he rolled back. Demonic chains embeaced the hunter as he evaded the strike, unrolling the protective layer of chains around him as he landed a few meters from the foot. Pillars of ice rose in the vicinity, but Mesmund jumped out of the way. One particular pillar violently rose next to him, missing him by a finger.
"So that's how we're going, huh?"
Mesmund cocked the barrels forth, chains falling off his arm into the system to reload the weapon as he charged forth past the ice pillars. Aa he cocked the gun back up-completely reloading another good buckshot- he shot chains at the giant and pulled himself back to the foot. Back to personal distance. His flail started ravaging the demon's body again, smashing downward in successive hits. Mesmund took small steps closer with each blow, every hit gettinv heavier and more violent as they landed.