"Yeah, kind of. Can we get this over with now?"
Mesmund said as he dodged a falling leg. Lucky for him, this giant wasn't much of a threat to fight. The hunter reached for his gun, when he had a shadow fall over him again. It wasn't a burst of stomps this time, it was a violent flurry of icy limbs. Mesmund rolled away just in time to dodge the second stomp. Feeling small rubbles of the ground hit his face, the hunter shot strands of chain from his left arm as an arm came for him. He'd have to end this fast. Without hesitation he pulled himself up.
His face was feeling a bit numb. He thought he'd fly up fast enough, but the giant's fist was stronger. Mesmund pulled his aching body up the ground and drew his gun. Using the short extra moment the giant was caught in his momentum of violence, Mesmund landed another buckshot of chains into the demon's body. The gun was pocketed hastily back into its place as Mesmund instinctly felt threatened.
"Come on, how many more tricks did you stuff in your icy head?"
He complained as the giant leapt into the air. Mesmund rolled away in a ball of chains as Jotunn landed on the spot the hunter remained a few seconds ago. Freezing, piercing wind littered the arena with a cold aura.
The giant demon curled up with a malevolent sigh, the air around him rapidly cooling. He encased himself in thick layer of ice that grew dangerously thicker every moment.
"Not doing your game anymore."
Mesmund muttered as he ran away from the cocoon of ice. Soon after he heard an earsplitting sound of ice cracking, the impact of the shatter missing him by an inch, as Jotunn stood up again. The demon growled at the hunter.
"What's the matter fool, too scared to fight?"
He taunted.
"About that."
Mesmund answered as he pulled himself onto Jotunn once again. This time the hunter was faster, reaching the giant's face before his fist reached the man. Mesmund's flail struck without hesitation. Mesmund hammered down at the giant's head. Each strike becoming more violent and destructive. Ice shards flew around as Mesmund mercilessly caved in the giant's skull.
Jotunn was apparently swaying when Mesmund finished his beating.
"Im...possible... a mere... human..."
Mesmund raised his flail one last time and smashed it deep into the demon's face.