Mind if I join?
**Name:** Shirin Illyce
**Age:** 14
**Gender:** Male
**Alignment:** Freedom Fighters
**Skills:** His self-training with bows and arrows is mediocre at best. However, he holds great amounts of potential.
**Powers:** "Luna Shooter" - Shirin is capable of focusing energy into objects, granting them special properties. His enhanced arrows, for example, sear and pierce through organic material and fly at twice the speed they normally would. However, Shirin can only use it a few times before tiring out.
**Equipment:** Shirin's worn but trusty bow is really all he has going for him.
**Personality:** Despite being one the weaker, younger members of the Freedom Fighters, Shirin's determination to better himself is unshakable.
He constantly attempts to block out all forms of communication and distractions while training, leaving him edgy and a bit lonesome, though he believes his independence is only making him stronger.
**History:** Shirin was once living as a regular human child in Arcadia. His parents were loving and his friends were always behind him, which was everything he could ask for.
However, an incident with bullying early in his schooling lead that all to change. His patience snapped, a pebble became a bullet, and soon enough some kid was on the ground, bleeding out.
Shirin was one of the metahumans he had hated so. In a panicked state, he fled the scene, not wanting to hurt anyone else. Over time, he reached the Emerald Coast, and became a Freedom Fighter so that he could make things right.