“This is my friend, Mr. Ghostie! Mr. Ghostie, say hi!”
Full name: Rune Sayres Lantieri
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Birthday: November 26
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Starter Pokemon: Drifloon
Team: Drifloon => Drifblim, Honedge, Gastly, Shuppet
Legend: Ghost
Trainer Class: Hex Maniac
Hometown, Region: Celestic Town, Sinnoh.
Personality: Whimsical. She daydreams a lot. She never seems to be truly “in this world”. She often talks about her “ghost friends”. She hardly makes eye contact and always seems to be cheerful. Which is strange, considering she likes ghosts, too. Because of these quirks, she can be seen as strange.
Small Biography: Rune was born in raised in Celestic Town in Sinnoh. She received a Drifloon at the age of six, which has since then evolved into a Drifblim. She calls this Drifblim Mr. Ghostie.

**_"Ice is the most beautiful thing ever, don't you think?"_**
**Full Name:** Orion Valsis
**Nickname(s):** Icehead, Snowflake
**Gender:** Male
**Age:** 16
**Birthday:** May 30
**Astrological Sign:** Gemini
**Starter Pokemon:** Snorunt
**Team:** Snorunt -- Froslass, Sneasel, Spheal, Amaura
**Legend:** Ice
**Trainer Class:** Contest Idol
**Hometown, Region:** Snowbelle City, Kalos
**Personality:** Someone confident and arrogant who can easily get on your nerves, Orion has a love for three things, Pokemon, Art and himself. Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't friendly, but it may take some time before you actually see that Orion isn't all about him, his art, and his Pokemon, and that he can actually care about others.
**Small Biography:** Orion was born in Snowbelle town and, since then, has been quite affectionate of the cool weather, being almost unable to withstand something harsher than what can be found in Snowbelle city. He received his first Pokemon, an Snorunt, as a gift from his parents. Since then, he tried his hand at many different things and ended up being most attracted to Contests, where he could show the beauty of his Pokemon.
**Power:** Minor Ice Manipulation, Orion has the ability to freeze things, but only those of the size of his hand, and also the ability to produce ice, though he does not produce enough for practical uses. As a side effect of this, he is always cold, regardless of where he is and how hot the environment may be, so he always wears a scarf around his neck.
[Themesong here!](http://youtu.be/kw6r8ivydEI)
**Other:** He likes to sing, and he is actually quite good at it. More than once has he sung during contests. He actually has no fashion sense, so all of his clothes are coordinated by someone.
"I just love electricity, you know?"
Full name: Arcturus N. Rais
Nickname: Arc
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: 7 February
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Starter Pokemon: Elekid
Team: Elekid-->Electabuzz, Jolteon, Chinchou, Mareep
Legend: Electric
Trainer Class: Ace Trainer
Hometown, Region: Sunyshore City, Sinnoh
Personality: Arc is calm, compassionate and friendly. She likes being inventive and original, and cherishes her friends. She is mostly peaceful, but when challenged, she can be quite violent.
Small Biography: Born in Sunyshore City, Arc likes to visit the gym and play with Volkner's electric pokemon, when they aren't in battle against a trainer. She grows up with a growing fondness for electric pokemon, and received her elekid when she was eight. She has been with it ever since.
Power: Fairly Strong Electrokinesis
Theme song: --
Other: --

= A sword is only as strong as its wielder =
Full Name: Sam Spark
Nickname(s): Rogue
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: October 31th
Astrological Sign: Scorpion
Starter Pokemon: Honedge
Team: Honedge, Pawniard, Riolu (I know he isn't a steel type, but when he evolves into Lucario he becomes one. Too bad allot of steel types work this way) and Metang
Legend: Steel
Trainer Class: -
Hometown, Region: Camphrier Town, Kalos
Personality: He is like a lone wolf. He only let people come as close to him as he think that fits.
Small Biography: He grew up in the Kalos region, than traveled around the world to catch as much pokemon as he could. He got famous for two things: the way he catches pokemon and his stunning double battle performenses. The first one is because if he catches a pokemon, he uses his Honedge as a real sword, and uses his own power to make the attacks of his honedge stronger. Some people say it is because that way he is better connected with his pokemon, but Sam himself knew it was something special, something only he could do. After a long travel, he ended up in Sinnoh. He was always fascinated by Sinnoh's history of space and time, especially the last part of it. This way he ended up in Sandgem town, where the story now continues...
Power: When he is in contact with his pokemon, for example by touching them, they get stronger. Say if two exactly the same pokemon battled and he was in contact with one of them, that one would win easily.
Themesong: [Linkin Park - Castle of Glass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-He6EzP5zY)
Other: -
*"Are you frightened? Not nearly frightened enough."*
**Full Name:** *Jadaria May Brookes*
**Nickname(s):** *Jade {strangers/friends} or May {very close friends/family}*
**Gender:** *Female*
**Age: ** *19*
**Birthday:** *May 25*
**Astrological Sign:** *Gemini*
**Starter Pokemon:** *Charmander*
**Team:** *Leo (Charizard); Mia (Trapinch); Silv (Dratini); Blake (Bagon)*
**Legend:** *Dragon*
**Trainer Class:** *Ranger*
**Hometown, Region:** *Opelucid City, Unova Region*
**Personality:** *As suggested by her zodiac Jade has two sides to her; a fun loving, care-free girl who adores pokemon and a darker, much meaner spirit. She has a large soft spot for pokemon and would never dare harm one outside of battle, however her aggression toward other trainers often pushes her into unnecessary battles.*
*"Jade" is known for her stubbornness and her need to be right, a strong young woman who desires power and status above all else. Her much softer side{May as her family calls her}cares for nothing but the happiness and well being of her pokemon. These two sides to her often clash, leaving her a bit hypocritcal and confusing to those not used to her behavior. Despite her tough outlook on life, Jadaria is loyal to a fault and would rather die than allow harm come to those whom she calls friend.*
**Small Biography:** *Jade doens't talk much about herself, revealing little even to her friends. She's the middle child of a family of five, the other two children being her brothers Kuro{older} and Sebastian{younger}. After a couple years of travelling and training, Jade decided that she wanted to be a Ranger and moved to Almia, where she lived for quite a few years before picking up traveling again on her 18th birthday. Other than those details, even her friends don't know much about what she does with her time.*
**Power:** *Telepathy: Varying degrees of telepathic communication/perception with pokemon. The tighter the bond with the pokemon, the better she can understand them{even to the point of translation to the human language}. Wild and pokemon paired with other trainers{excluding dragon types} have a much weaker bond with the Ranger and thus she can only make out what the pokemon is feeling.*
*Her abilities are limited to pokemon and are strongest with Dragon Types.*
**Themesong:** [Dancehall Soldier](http://youtu.be/1N-Xnlm5kV4) {I might change this}
**Other:** {Nothing I can think of at the moment.}
In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.Full Name:Abel MarksNickname(s):AceGender:MaleAge:20Birthday:January 5thAstrological Sign:CapricornStarter Pokemon:HoundourTeam:Crowley (Houndoom); Misha (Zorua); (Absol); Cali (Mightyena)Legend:Dark LegendTrainer Class:Ace TrainerHometown, Region:Aspertia City, UnovaPersonality:A determined youth, Abel doesn't stop once he's put his mind to something. However, when he feels he has completed his task he likes to spend a lot of time joking about and having a good time. Adventurous, Abel likes to travel far and wide, visiting famous or special places in various regions of the world.Small Biography:Born and raised in Unova, Abel had the same dream as many other young trainers do: become the next best trainer in the land. At first Abel's goal was to beat the Elite Four but after beating all of the gym leaders, Abel felt as if he'd done enough. Drawn to other regions, Abel left the Unova region with his team and began traveling, challenging other trainers to test the strength they had earned on their own journeys.Power:Umbrakinetic Combat: Abel can meld himself with his shadow or the shadows around him as a protective measure, making his body difficult to hit from a distance. However, his semi-solid state can be grabbed up close due to its hand-to-hand combat nature.Themesong:Sell Your Soul-Hollywood UndeadOther:

"Relax! Everything's going to be just fine."
**Full Name:** Arianne Caeffe
**Nickname(s):** Ari
**Gender:** Female
**Age:** 17
**Birthday:** March 28
**Astrological Sign:** Aries
**Starter Pokemon:** Whismur
**Team: **
Loudred, Vigoroth, Doduo, Smeargle
**Legend:** Normal
**Trainer Class:** N/A
**Hometown, Region:** Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
**Personality:** Ari is excitable and upbeat, but disorganized and forgetful. Her admittedly blunt choice of words and tendency to get too open with others moments after meeting her might drive some away, but she hardly cares as long as she's having fun.
**Small Biography: **
In the small, quaint town of Verdanturf, Aria was once a mild-mannered young girl living peacefully with her parents and the Pokemon around her. As Pokemon trainers came and went, she couldn't help but overhear alluring tales of heroes long past. Soon enough, she couldn't help but question why she was still there. It was obvious that her parents would not allow her to run off on her own, so she snuck out one night and, 'borrowing' some money from her parents, traveled to the far off land of Sinnoh to create her own story.
**Power:** Ari can sense auras, allowing her to distinguish other living things through solid objects and determine a general sense of how they're feeling. They're barely visible unless she concentrates, however.
**Themesong:** N/A
**Other:** Her time in Verdanturf was mostly spent drawing detailed images of Pokemon and their surroundings with her Smeargle.

_"Don't be such a wimp and just **fight me!**"_
- **Full Name:** Andi Clancy
- **Nickname(s):** None currently.
- **Gender:** Female
- **Age:** 16
- **Birthday:** April 9th
- **Astrological Sign:** Aries
- **Starter Pokemon:** Riolu -> Lucario
- **Team:** Lucario, Heracross, Hitmonchan and Croagunk.
- **Legend:** Fighting
- **Trainer Class:** Battle Girl
- **Hometown, Region:** Ecruteak City, Johto
- **Themesong:** [Rawkfist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh2YFfeUrOA) - Thousand Foot Krutch
- **Personality:** Outwardly, she is seen as aggressive, tough and definitely has the mouth of a sailor. She can be blunt and straight-forward, believing that she can act however she pleases, however, this is far from the truth. Moreso a facade, inwardly she can be extremely reserved, sensitive and even a little timid or shy. A very strong-minded girl, she strives off of raw willpower and therefore, is extremely hellbent on dealing with her own problems and does not like to give up or share them with anyone. If the aggressive personality doesn't set you off, her tendency to push people away may do the trick -- Andi is a very difficult girl to befriend.
- **Small Biography:** Born and raised in Johto, mainly Ecruteak City. She got a Riolu for her twelfth birthday and the two had hit it off immediately as she grew attached to the Pokemon, treating him as a partner and even getting the luxury of watching him evolve. The two did little traveling in the Johto region before Andi took to realization of defeat and instead of choosing to give up, decided to become wayward to the Sinnoh region to find fellow trainers with Lucarios of their own who can help train her and her partner.
- **Power:** Muscle memory. In other words, she can copy any physical movement (such as dancing, fighting, sparring, etc) to perfect reflection. She only has to see the movement once for it to stick in her mind and be open for usage permanently.

" You get what you deserve "
Full Name: Kite Silph
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: September 10
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Starter Pokemon: Swablu
Team: Swablu - Fury Attack, Sing, Take Down, Safeguard
Skarmory - Metal Claw, Air Cutter, Swift , Sand Attack
Pigeotto - Gust , Tackle , Whirlwind, Quick Attack
Wingull - Quick Attack, Water Pulse, Mist, Wing Attack
Legend: Flying
Trainer Class: N/A
Hometown, Region: Saffron City,Kanto
Personality: Kite is a grumpy and reserved person.However he isn't afraid to openly mock anyone who he doesn't agree with. This holds true until he finds that he can trust them. As for kind words he tends to be socially awkward unless he talking to his parents or Pokemon.
Small Biography:
Kite was raised as the typical spoiled rich kid. His parents were to busy to watch him so their money did the raising for them. He surrounded himself wit toys and electronics to fill the gap left by his parents. This kind of upbringing caused Kite to be rude and anti-social for the most part until he found n injured Swablu in his yard. He asked his maid to take care of it and soon adopted the Pokemon. After years of living with it he decided that he and Swablu wanted to see the world so his parents gave him the money to fund a trip around the world where he and Swablu could continue to grow together.
Power: Wind Rider~ Allows Kite the ability to leap further if there is a strong enough wind blowing in that direction.
Themesong: Rock You Like a Hurricane.
Other: Owns a pair of sunglasses in about every color known to man.

=SMILE. Because you want too=
**Full Name:** Ariella Mia Michelle
**Nickname(s):** Ariel, A.
**Gender:** Female
**Age:** 15
**Birthday:** November 17
**Astrological Sign:** Scorpio
**Starter Pokemon:** Eevee ==> Sylveon
**Team:** Sylveon, Swirlix, Spritzee, Floette.
**Legend:** Fairy
**Trainer Class:** Fashionista
**Hometown, Region:** Cerulean City, Kanto.
**Personality:** Ariella is very quiet and shy, she preers to stay in the background rather tha be out in the ope with everything. She loves to read books. When she is around strangers, she could be shy and quiet but around her friends very outgoing and fun. When she is aroud people she dosen't know she seems to be a bit too serious.
**Small Biography:** Ariella was born and raised in Cerulean city, but because of her father and mother being divorced, her mother moved to Kalos with her daughter, Ariella. There she received her very first pokemon, Eevee. And from then, both of them became the best friends! Because of all the love that Ariella gave to her very first pokemon, it evolved into Sylveon.-
**Power:** Telekinesis- Ariella could move objects with her mind, and even other people with the right practice.
**Themesong:** [None]
**Other:** Nothing.

"No I'm not going to read you your dumb fortune"
Full Name: Ryker Sarcenio
Nickname(s): Ry
Gender: male
Age: 17
Birthday: March 15
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Starter Pokemon: Eevee >> Espeon
Team: Espeon-- Girafarig, Ralts, Munna
Legend: Psychic
Trainer Class: Psychic
Hometown, Region: Azalea town, Johto
Themesong: Mirrors- Jhene Aiko (idek i just like this song)
Personality: Ryker is loud and fun-loving. He prefers to take a care-free approach to life. He's pretty rude and selfish though, which sucks when you have to deal with him- but he has a hidden love for cute things, which usually calm him down.
Small Biography: Rykers parents were professional Houndoom breeders- these Houndooms were sold as guard dogs and such around Johto. He left home about a year ago now, intent on carving out his own path, since his father wanted him to inherit the business or whatever. But who wants to deal with a bunch of hellish dog-pokemon? They scared him when he lived back home and he would much prefer to travel than spend the rest of his days with them. He's been traveling all over, barely ever staying in one place for more than a month at a time, and has just recently arrived to Sandgem town by boat.
Power: Energy Medicine, a psychic ability that allows him to heal his pokemon through touch.
Appearance: Brown haired ten year old that wears a T-shirt and jeans with bright colors like yellow and blue. Tanned skin and fit body showing he works outside a lot, and isn't afraid to pull his own weight. He walks confidently and energetically.
Full Name: Cody Streetman
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Birthday: May 18
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Starter Pokemon: Ponyta
Team: Ditto, Ponyta, Smeargle, Chansey
Legend: Grass
Trainer Class: Breeder
Hometown, Region: Solaceon Town, Sinnoh.
Personality: Kind and caring towards people and pokemon alike. He likes helping people, and works hard at whatever he does.
Small Biography: He grew up in Solaceon town, known for its daycare. Lots of trainers come and go, and he's seen just about every pokemon there is. He set off on his journey with Ponyta, traveling the land, and building a team to catch and raise pokemon.
Themesong: One the Road Again by Willie Nelson
Other: All of his pokemon have something to do with breeding. Chansey keeps pokemon healthy, Ditto can breed with anything, Smeargle can learn any move, and teach it to pokemon, and Ponyta keeps eggs warm with flame body. Also allows Cody to travel in style.

_"Do you ever feel like everything around you is falling apart?"_
- **Full Name:** Ross Marco
- **Nickname(s):** None, currently.
- **Gender:** Male
- **Age:** 17
- **Birthday:** September 13th
- **Astrological Sign:** Virgo
- **Starter Pokemon:** Absol
- **Team:** Absol -> Mega Absol (nicknamed, "Rivet"), Bulbasaur.
- **Legend:** None.
- **Trainer Class:** Scientist
- **Hometown, Region:** Lumiose City, Kalos
- **Themesong:** [It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY) - R.E.M
- **Personality:** Openly seen as an anxious and paranoid individual, it's apparent that Ross has trust issues and false concepts of reality going on his mind. Although a little stand-offish, he can be friendly at times, though a bit detached from both emotion and expression. He is extremely kind towards others, especially Pokemon and will go to great lengths to protect them. He tends to keep to himself and is generally quiet, however, he is far from shy as he is blunt, straight-forward, formal and extremely well spoken. Ross is deeply curious about the world and the principles that surround it, though he does not put much stock in "magic", he can't help but to feel connected to the chosen eighteen and their story.
- **Small Biography:** Orphaned at a young age, Ross doesn't remember much of his childhood. He considers the start of his life the moment that he took an interest in Science. Deciding to pursue the study of Pokemon, Ross became apprenticed under the watchful eyes of Augustus Sycamore. Within the past year, Ross has become an international superstar for his research on Mega Stones, claiming that it may be possible create them artificially. In order to learn more about the ancient world and from Professor Sycamore's urging, Ross set off on a journey to the Sinnoh region.
"This should be fun"Full Name: Diego Pike
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: July 15th
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Starter Pokemon: Lotad
Team: Sharpedo, Skrelp, Lombre, Eevee
Legend: Water
Trainer Class: -
Hometown, Region: Slateport City, Hoenn
Personality: Diego is relaxed and laid back. He trusts that things will work out and is rarely seen showing negative emotion. He is a friendly social guy and is always willing to spend time with someone or try something new. Despite his relaxed nature, he has a sharp eye and mind... when he chooses to pay attention. While more focused on the experiences to be had with his Pokemon, he's a decent battler and did okay in his only contest. There's very little that drives him to anger, but lack of basic respect for people or Pokemon is one thing he cannot stand.
Small Biography: Diego grew up in Slateport City, spending all of his free time at the beach. He fell in love with being in the water from an early age. When he was seven, his older brother gave him a Lotad egg to take care. The pokemon and Diego took an instant liking to each other, Lotad becoming his companion to the beach, the market and everything in between. Diego took up surfing, his Lotad of course riding every wave with him. When Diego turned 12, the two took off to explore Hoenn, mostly the eastern half. They learned to battle and got to now the region well. Looking for some adventure, Diego travelled to Unova though his time there consisted of a trip to Undella Town before being given a ticket to Sinnoh by an old woman who couldn't make the trip herself. Never one to turn down an opportunity for something new, he accepted and made his way to Sinnoh.
Power: Liquification - Diego can melt into a water-like form and move around a bit, letting squeeze through tight spaces. He can join with other bodies of water and move much more quickly through them as well as assert some direct control over a small area around his liquid form.
Themesong: Aqueous Transmission - Incubus
"If my presence or my existence bothers you, accept it and it will hurt less."
Full Name: Giovanni Blackheart
Nickname(s): Agni
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: November 28th
Astrological Sign: Sagittarus
Starter Pokemon: Yamask
Known Moves: Shadow Sneak, Spite, Screech, Feint Attack
Known Moves: Detect, Astonish, Fake Out, Leer
Known Moves: Ominous Wind, Haze, Disable, Night Shade
Legend: Ghost
Trainer Class: Phantom Trainer
Hometown, Region: Icirrus City, Unova
Personality: Giovanni is a rather cold and lone person. He prefers to act by himself than depending on others. He accepts help in occasions that he really needs. Otherwise, he resolves the situation by himself.
Another notable thing is that Giovanni hates lies. People who lie a those which he'll truly hate.
Although he rarely shows this side to others, he cares deeply for his sister and her Pokémon as well, at the point of not letting her enter in many fights as possible.
Small Biography: Giovanni lived as an orphan in his childhood, until he was adopted by the Blackheart family. He lived with his mother, his father and his sister Rafaella in Icirrus for all of their lives. On a day, as he was walking outside at night, Giovanni found a Yamask, who seemed to be lost. He took the Pokémon back with him and showed to his family. While his sister liked it, his mother was completely against having a Ghost-type Pokémon, but due to his insistence, she eventually accepted it.
However, things wouldn't go as easy as he thought. Giovanni was constantly being bullied by other children because of Yamask. In Pokémon battles, he was always losing and ended up being mistreated by everyone. Eventually, he lost his friends in the process, leaving him to his family and to his only Pokémon. As the days passed, Giovanni wished more and more to be ignored by the eyes of others. One day, he tried to talk with some of the other children, but neither of them responded. They seemed to be ignoring him, as if he didn't exist at all. That left Giovanni really sad and he ended up growing loneliness inside of him. However, Yamask was always cheering him up, even in the worst of moments.
As time passed, he eventually grew colder, but stronger as well. He graduated school faster than the other children. He began to be admired, but he was always showing that he didn't cared for what others thought about him. Rather, he wasn't caring about anyone except himself and his family. When he completed 18, he decided to leave his home and travel around the regions, to see if he was strong enough to make sure that no one will enter in his way.
Power: Forced Ignorance - Giovanni can use his subconscious to make himself ignorable by people. However, this can be nullified if someone is searching for him, if his presence is subconsciously perceivable before he uses his ability or if the person is a psychic.
Theme Song:The fear is oneselfOther: He is always carrying a black suitcase and is always using his headphones, even if he isn't listening to music.
"I deeply love my brother. He's the reason I became what I am today."
Full Name: Rafaella Blackheart
Nickname(s): Artemis
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birthday: February 10th
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Starter Pokemon: Cottonee
Known Moves: Fairy Wind, Stun Spore
Legend: None
Trainer Class: Cute Trainer
Hometown, Region: Icirrus City, Unova
Personality: Rafaella can be described as a cute, yet mature girl. She isn't that innocent, being able to differ a person from another. She loves cute things, including Fairy-type Pokémon in general. Rafaella has a big love for her brother.
Small Biography: Rafaella was born in Icirrus. She and her brother were really young, but she always noticed that he cared for her. That care was never missed from her parents either, but she was deeply attached to Giovanni. When he had all of his problems, she stood near him, supporting him with all of her strength.
While she was walking with her father into the routes near the town, Rafaella saw a wild Cottonee around the grass. She had asked her father if she could have it. Her father obliged to her wish and captured it for her. Rafaella was happy and wanted to show it to her brother, but he was growing sadder and more distant from her. She was eventually sad about it, but lived her life, hoping one day to show to her brother that she had a Pokémon.
When she turned 14, Rafaella learned that her brother is travelling. She talked with her mother and her father so she could leave Icirrus after Giovanni. Although reluctant about it, they decided to let her leave after him, since they were missing Giovanni as well. Rafaella left after her brother, in hopes of staying by his side more than even, so she could erase the moments she left him alone.
Theme Song:春風 (Spring Wind)Other: She carries a white purse with her.
The one in black
Full Name: Hakobo rangti
Nickname(s) Lingering death, Plague, doc
Gender male
Age 20
Birthday August 1st
Astrological Sign leo
Starter Pokemon weezing
Team Weezing, muk, oddish, seviper
Legend poison
Hometown, Region Jubilife, sinnoh
Personality Though outward he seems gritty and cruel based of his choice of pokemon and attire, Hakobo is actual nice. He has a poetic lookout of life and never lets him cheer to others get away unless truly challenged by a battle. He is also a complete perv and tends to pretend to be a hero, charging in to help others without thought.
Small Biography: as a child in a big city like jubilife, the smog from the factories attracted many street urchin and poison pokemon, the only ones that were nice stayed in the town center. Here he met his koffing as it followed him home and he snuck it into his house. They played and grew up together, eventually teaming up as an espionage team for one of the tycoons in jibilife. It was not until he was 19 that he learned the error of his ways, and left, hoping to help others to make up for the others he put out for personal gain.
Power An immuntiy to poison and ability to tell poison based on taste
Themesong skyscraper cover by streetlight manifesto
Other: a vegetarian.
"tell me. do you think that we are alone? that this is the only world?"full name
Ruth Awyw
July 5
Astrological Sign
Starter Pokemon
gible --> garbite
gnaw (garbite), Gargantua (larvitar), Terra (vibava), stark (golett)
Trainer Class
Ace trainer
Hometown, Region
eterna city,sinnoh
he is very cold and calculating, but to those that he gets close to he is very frendly too.
Small Biography
ruth was born in eteria and had a simple child hood. however he was always attracted to the cave in the middle of town. he would contently pester those around him for any kind of info on it, as he was a bit to scared to go in himself. one day he gathered all of his courage and entered the cave, and met a gible by the entrance. the two wandered the hales of the cave and where they saw the great paintings of the trio. curious the set out to find more. they travels all across the region looking for any hints on these myths. along the why he would fight as often as he could, beveling that he would need all the strength that he could to hunt these myths. after a while he noticed some connections between the legends. they all seem to connect around one Pokemon, the god arcius, and its three creations. but one is missing. one that he thinks could lead him to the truthe. the one behind the mirror. so he headed towards sandgem city, hoping to find more info on the ruler of antimater.
geolocational sight. as long as he stands on the ground, Ruth can see any one in a 5 meter radius.
has a vast knowledge of the legends of some regions. wishes to meat Giratina
Can I have a milkshake?Full Name
Li Tomo
December 7
Astrological Sign
Starter Pokemon
Servine, Grovyle, Phantump, Deerling
LegendGrassTrainer Class
Hometown, Region
Cianwood City, Johto
Li is a sweet girl who desperately tries to stay positive. No matter what she will try to look on the fright side of life. Her positive outlook on life hides a darker part of her. The part of her that only trusts Pokemon. The part of her that believes that humans will only let her down.
Small Biography
From the outside Li's family was normal. Her siblings were great. But Li didn't live up to those standings. Only grass Pokemon would listen to her. So Li's mother punished Li out of disappointment. Each time that Li didn't succeed she was met with a stern punishment from her mother. As a result Li learned to hide her emotions behind a positive face. She tried to look at the good things in life while avoiding the negatives. But her ability to see a person's 'health' haunted her with temptation Telling her it won't be that hard to hurt people.
PowerHealth Reader- Li can judge how much life a Pokemon, human, or plant has. Allowing her to know how much longer till a Pokemon faints etc.
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python ~ Life of BryanOther
Full Name: Savannah Hache Montezuma Nickname(s) Golden rush, the yellow police, dust storm of justice, righteous indignation Gender female Age 18 Birthday september 21 Astrological Sign Virgo Starter Pokemon hippopotas Team Hippowdon, Camerupt, Stunfisk, golett Hometown zhery city Personality Savannah tries her best to be intimidation, righteous, indignant and tough, but ends up looking goofy or upsetting/embarrassing herself more than anything. She tends to strike first and ask questions later, but is the kind of person who tends to go by the ideas of southern hospitality and every rule she's been taught. Tending to be quick to romance and just as quick to get over it, Savannah could be told to be shallow if it wasn't obvious she never put herself totally into this. Nieve but quick witted and skilled, she's a unique character, but a goofy one at the most. Power able to root herself into the ground. Themesong Willie the pimp, by frank zappa Other is a pokemon ranger
Nickname(s): The Tiny Master, He who dwells in the grass, and Bug Master.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: October 31st
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Starter Pokemon: Weedle, Now a Beedrill.
Team: Beedrill, Spewpa, Nincada, and Venipede
Legend: Bug Type Legend
Trainer Class: Bug Master
Hometown, Region: White Forest, Unova
Personality: Ryan is typically a silent person who prefers to let his actions speak for him. He has been known to talk a lot when he believes that person is his friend. He generally keeps his emotions in check though.
Small Biography: Lived in the White Forest for 10 years before his home was threatened by a major corporation wishing to turn it into a city. He waged guerilla warfare along with the other inhabitants of White Forest until they eventually left. In honor of his efforts to defend White City he was awarded his very own pokemon on his 10th birthday. A few months later he started his quest to find the Ultimate Bug Type pokemon, Genesect. On his journey he fought many more corporations until he eventually became known as BUGMAN! In all seriousness though he gained the title of the Human Shedinja.
Power: Immunity to toxins, diseases and any plant based status effecting moves.