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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Andi hated boats. And she wasn't a morning person either. She hadn't even arrived in the Sinnoh region yet and she already hated it. She wasn't quite used to the cold front that the mountainous region sent off, so she sat on the deck rubbing her arms with her teeth chattering. "D-Dammit," she mumbled, looking around the deck of the ship. Twenty minutes until they docked. She could see the brief outline of land in the distance, but the air over the sea was coated in mist. Soon, she'd be on a new journey and hopefully able to find herself a coat. Though she wasn't much of a daydreamer nor was she creative either, she could only wonder: who would she meet? What would this journey be like? _Only twenty more minutes._
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Altian


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

From the cabins came an audible yawn as Ari strode onto the deck, scratching her eyes, with her Smeargle following suit. "..ah." she uttered, looking over the misty ocean. The view was breathtaking. Though it was far colder than it was back at her home in Verdanturf, the excitement of exploring new lands was too great for Ari to notice. She almost didn't notice her own shivering until she took a glance at Smeargle, who was shuddering violently and looked at her with pleading eyes. "You're so weak.." she said with a weak chuckle, before returning him back to its Pokeball. As she looked around the deck, there was another girl around her age on the deck who seemed to be enjoying her trip to Sinnoh a _bit_ too much. Ari inched over to her side and reached out for a light pat on the back. "We're almost there. Hold out for a little while longer, alright?" she said, smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sam started to wake up. He didn't sleep much at night, but the few hours he did sleep, were his precious ones. He came outside his cabin, knowing the boat should arrive soon. He saw a lot of people out on the decks, two of which were girls talking to eachother. He didn't care much about them, or anyone else, so he just stood there, leaning against one of the ship's fences up front. He called out his Riolu, which seemed to feel the cold. That was the moment Sam noticed it was a little bit chilly. He was used to it though, Mt. Silver was much colder. But Riolu was still too young for the journey to that place back then. He only just hatched a few days before, so it would be too much for him. Sam kneeled besides Riolu, and said comforting to him: "Don't worry, Riolu, once you grow big and strong you barely notice anything of the cold. But everything has its time, and you need to whait for yours. So till than, eat your vegatables." The last part was a joke ofcourse, and Riolu smiled at hearing it. Sam got up and Leaned against the fence again. He now noticed the metal was cold too, but it still didn't harm him much. Riolu tried to copy Sam, but didn't get really high. He tried to watch between the fences now, and he started to smile brightly. Sam followed his gaze and saw the first signs of land. _I can't whait to see what this region has to over for me..._
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arc tilted her head up, sniffing in the cold scent of the fresh Sinnoh's Snowpoint City air nearby, and smiled. *I'm back in Sinnoh again*, she thought. She could stand cold weathers like these, even though it was snowing really hard, as she'd been here before to beat its gym, thus her resistance to cold places formed at the time. The soft nuzzle at her leg of her Mareep who had followed behind her made her turn her attention to it. She crouched down to pat it, causing the said pokemon to bleat contentedly as she ran her hand through its wool, feeling the sparks of electricity that failed in their tries to shock her. "**We're almost there, Mar,**" she said to it, her breath forming mists. She somehow felt the need to go to Professor Rowan's lab in Sandgem Town before going to her hometown, Sunyshore City. *Oh well. I haven't visited in quite a while, so might as well go there first.*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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"Oh god I'm going to throw up-" he wheezed as he gripped the railing, his face turning a ghastly shade of green. By his feet sat his espeon, who eyed him nervously from the corner of her pristine purple eyes. Her forked tail lashed about behind her when she saw her trainer lean over the railing. Ready to dash out of the way just in case he really _did_ hurl. Ryker, his gray jacket pulled tight about him to protect from the cold, stood at the very back of the boat, on the deck facing away from land. He was so embarrassed that he was sick that he couldn't bare to face the others that he sensed were outside as well. Swaying now, he glanced down at Espeon just as his nausea began to pass, "I can't take any more of this- is land near by? Please tell me we're almost there." His reply, however, was a simple blink from his cat-like companion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Boats huh" Kite looked out at the ocean blue with a bored expression. It wasn't that he had any problem with boats but it he preferred flying over sailing. "Pigeee!" Kite glanced over at his pokemon perched about five meters away on the railing. "You don't like it either Pigeotto?" He asked as he saw a look of discontent on it's face. Pigeotto began to shake his head in discomfort. Kite guessed that any bird would feel caged when it is taken out of the sky. It is a feeling that only one who has taken the sky can understand. "Don't stay for me. You can fly around the boat as much as you want." Kite instructed his pokemon as it spread its majestic wing and took off. Kite moved back to look at Wingull and Swablu. They looked perfectly happy with the water because Wingull was a water pokemon and Swablu found it hard to ever become unhappy. That was until Swablu sneered in his direction. "What"' Kite interjected. Okay Swablu is almost impossible to upset. The only thing that could upset his best friend is an unhappy trainer. That was probably one of the reasons that Swablu was his favorite pokemon. "Okay I can get used to it." He stated defiantly to his friend. kite glanced up to see his last pokemon Skarmory. Skarmory was his newest pokemon so it didn't even wait for approval to take off flying around. It could e that water and steel do not mix or that Skarmory could end up being a big problem in the long run. Only time would tell that little detail. Kite donned his blue sunglasses and continued to wait for the boat to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orion was sitting near the railing, drinking something. He really didn't mind boats, but to be honest, he found it really boring. He preferred snowy sceneries, after all. **"How boring..."** He sighed. His Froslass let out a quiet cry to accompany his trainer's sigh. **"Well, Sinnoh is a cold region, so we'll be all right. Remember that time we went to Hoenn? You barely wanted to be out of your pokeball."** He said, laughing a bit at its white pokemon. His pokemon looked away from him, seemingly angry at its trainer. **"Now, now, don't be like that. Look, we're almost there. Why don't we go around the boat for a bit, see who we can meet? I bet they'll be dazzled to meet the star Orion Valsis, after all."** He lets out a snicker and his Pokemon nods. **"Then, let's go."** He stood up and was about to walk away when someone approached him. A girl, who looked really excited. She nervously asked for an autograph from Orion. Laughing a bit arrogantly, Orion took the notebook in his hands as well as the pen. **"How difficult it is to be famous, having to give out autographs here and there."** Though he said so, he was clearly smiling. **"Yuki."** He said as he put the notebook near his Froslass, that blowed an icy breeze on the notebook, freezing a part of it. **"Here you go."** He handed the notebook back, and the girl left running, squealing all the while. **"Let's go, Yuki. Someone else should be able to recognize us if we take a stroll."**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

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Kite eyed someone signing autographs on the boat. This person seemed to look annoying and self centered. It felt as if he was looking at the typical celebrity. the thing that got Kite's attention was that he was using his pokemon to turn his autograph's into ice as he gave them away. Kite has no interest in who this person was but he sure did not know who it was. That gave Kite an interesting idea. "Swab!" he stated as he whispered orders into his pokemon's ear. Then Swablu flew straight at the ice stranger in a circle trying to grab the notebook but missing. "Hey are you interested in a quick battle.!" Kite yelled at this trainer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The sudden Swablu trying to grasp away the notebook surprised Orion, to say the least. He looked at the person who was yelling at him and raised an eyebrow. **"My, that was sudden. However, I am not much of a Trainer, more of a Coordinator."** He motioned forward with his hand, his Froslass following suit with his gestures. **"But I am not going to back down from one. Do pardon me if my performance is not adequate. What do you think if both of us use only the Pokemon we are with right now?"**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"That's fine with me." Kite stated to his new opponent. " Pidg, Skar, stay out of this little skirmish. Give the boat some distance but not so far as you can't see it. " Kite commanded his pokemon who were enjoying themselves in the air. With that command the pokemon encircling the vessel seem to disappear from view. "There now Swab can fight your pokemon without any distractions." He stated. Kite directed all attention to his Swablu. "Get some air cover and use Safeguard." Swab flew up about fifty feet in the air and then a green aura surrounded it as it braced for an attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arc saw a Swablu flying high away from the deck and its trainer that had probably commanded it to do so. When it stopped flying higher, a green screen covered it. Arc then looked back at the deck, seeing another trainer, a blue haired one, getting to a stance, ready to battle. "**A pokemon battle,**" Arc said, standing up. She then turned to her mareep, saying,"**Mar, watch closely.**"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**"Heh, you like playing it safe, huh? Yuki! Confuse Ray!"** He ordered his Froslass, and it followed suit. It flew to where the Swablu was and threw at it the Confuse Ray. **"You cannot escape Yuki, at least that I assure you."** Orion said, while his Froslass laughed a bit. **"Now, now, Yuki, be a bit more modest against our opponent. We don't know what might ensue."**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Too bad." Kite muttered as the Confuse Ray shoots and is blocked by the Safeguard's protection. "A move like that won't get past our defenses" Kite bantered. "Now Swab, use Fury Attack." With that the Swablu dashed towards Yuki encircling it in an array of fight patterns until it has an opening. Then Swab swoops in and jabs it beak repeatedly at Yuki.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Andi took another deep breath and hadn't even heard the other girl approach her. Upon being touched, she nearly jumped out of her skin, giving a bit shake from surprise. She didn't bother to turn around to see who it was before sputtering out: "Have **you** heard of personal space?!" Almost immediately after saying that, the boat gave a slight rock, causing Andi to lurch over the railing again with a feeling of nausea. She felt her Lucario's paws on her back and she gave a bit of a cough, "N-Nevermind," she stuttered to the other girl who she had yet to see the appearance of. "I'm sorry for lashin'." --- Ross hadn't recalled falling asleep that night. Though he could feel the warmth from Rivet's fur, being able to tell that she was fast asleep. Periodically throughout the night, he would run his fingers through her silky fur. It was before sunrise when the announcement came over the intercom, saying that they would dock in twenty minutes. Taking that as a time to pull himself together, the silver-haired teen dragged himself out of bed and lazily threw his hat on. He didn't even bother with his appearance and quite frankly, he looked like shit. He was exhausted too, as indicated by the massive bags that hung under his eyes. Already, he was beginning to miss the comfort of the Professor's lab. Instead of further remaining on the topic in his mind, he left the room and decided to go for a well-deserved walk. Rivet walked beside him, though she was almost never in her Pokeball, he always carried it with him anyway. He also had the bracelet that would allow her to Mega evolve at anytime always attached as well. Turning a corner, he stopped behind a young girl with yellow hair, watching two trainers in stance. One had a Swablu and the other a Froslass. "Man," he said with a yawn to the trainer with the Mareep, "that Swablu is so screwed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"**Well, not necessarily. The Swablu could also win, seeing as the trainer with the Frosslass isn't that experienced. The Frosslass could've OHKO'ed that Swablu with a STAB'ed damaging ice type move, but no, it used Confuse Ray instead, which of course won't work with the Swablu having Safeguard on,**" Arc answered the groggy-looking silver haired teen that had approached her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well, yes, that is true, however," he glanced up to look at the fight, "Typing wise, that Froslass has the Swablu outmatched. Not even that, the trainer is directing it to use a move that doesn't even effect the Froslass." Watching the Pokemon's movement, he crossed his arms and noticed that Rivet had sat down besides him. "Either way, I feel like they'll be battling for some time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah, I guess so. Both trainers are quite inexperienced, and even if the match drags on, the Frosslass will most likely win in the end," Arc replied. Witnessing a battle, she herself felt like battling. Her Mareep nuzzled her leg once again, asking to be attended to. This time, she sat down on the deck, back leaning against the railings, which caused the Mareep to hop on her folded legs. She then repeated the action of running one hand through its wool, and the other scratching it below the chin, and also absorbing the electricity that tried to shock her. The sheep pokemon bleated contentedly again, and she smiled, then looked back to observe the battle.
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