"Relax! Everything's going to be just fine."
**Full Name:** Arianne Caeffe
**Nickname(s):** Ari
**Gender:** Female
**Age:** 17
**Birthday:** March 28
**Astrological Sign:** Aries
**Starter Pokemon:** Whismur
**Team: **
Loudred, Vigoroth, Doduo, Smeargle
**Legend:** Normal
**Trainer Class:** N/A
**Hometown, Region:** Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
**Personality:** Ari is excitable and upbeat, but disorganized and forgetful. Her admittedly blunt choice of words and tendency to get too open with others moments after meeting her might drive some away, but she hardly cares as long as she's having fun.
**Small Biography: **
In the small, quaint town of Verdanturf, Aria was once a mild-mannered young girl living peacefully with her parents and the Pokemon around her. As Pokemon trainers came and went, she couldn't help but overhear alluring tales of heroes long past. Soon enough, she couldn't help but question why she was still there. It was obvious that her parents would not allow her to run off on her own, so she snuck out one night and, 'borrowing' some money from her parents, traveled to the far off land of Sinnoh to create her own story.
**Power:** Ari can sense auras, allowing her to distinguish other living things through solid objects and determine a general sense of how they're feeling. They're barely visible unless she concentrates, however.
**Themesong:** N/A
**Other:** Her time in Verdanturf was mostly spent drawing detailed images of Pokemon and their surroundings with her Smeargle.