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  • Old Guild Username: Amethyst
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Interacting: Starbright! @Jumbus

Eliza took the proffered business card with a trembling hand, squinting nervously at it as Starbright spoke about being on stage in a month. Again, who did he think he even was, to suggest that she’d be able to perform…in a month? Terror filled her chest and made it hard to speak, so she offered a tiny terrified smile and a nod as the man swept off out of the room as quickly as he had entered.

Wordlessly, Eliza flopped down at the table, placing her instrument down carefully before she did. For several long moments, she sat there, staring blankly between the business card, her rosin cake, and the already overstuffed music binder in front of her, her thoughts racing far too fast to make heads or tails of.

After several moments of silent contemplation, she shook her head, mouthing something that could have been the word “stupid” and bringing the heel of her hand sharply against the side of her head. It ached, but her eyes refocused and she seemed to snap herself out of her stupor, placing the business card into the clear front pocket on the inside of her music binder, which had several other business cards in it. (Mostly of various violin instructors, and a few celebrity musicians she’d managed to get autographs of.)

Letting out a thin sigh, Eliza stretched her arms up behind her head, her back and shoulders popping. She rose from her seat once more, crouching down to finish organizing her looping pedals and plugging them into her laptop, absently shouldering her instrument and playing a few long tones to check and make sure that she’d gotten the setup done properly. If she’d been distracted before, she was completely absentminded now, her brain several years away on a very different stage.

The rising melody of Clara Schumann’s Allegretto began to slip out from her fingers, and she paused for a moment, breathless – it had been years since she’d even glanced at the music for it, the overly-ambitious piece having been intended for her eighth grade solo-ensemble festival, which she’d not even managed to perform at, having run away from the concert the night before… Her face colored at the memory and her bow slipped, a jarring screech between the delicate turns of the melody. She flinched, her body turning icy cold and invisible, and she had to take a moment to shake herself free from the thoughts, resetting and flipping through her notebook to the standard pop repertoire she was planning for the fundraiser. These melodies were simple enough at least, and floated easily from her fingertips, even without any real focus or effort.

For precisely three quarters of a second, Angelica thought that her plan had worked. Her mouth leveled into a smile and she caught a breath, hoping that she’d saved them.

And then, in the next three quarters of a second, she watched it all unravel.

The first thing that registered was the pain, a throbbing ache at first that bloomed in her thigh and at first seemed to just be an incredibly intense cramp. She tried to take a step forward, she thought, and only realized the true nature of the injury as she toppled to the ground, the pain turning fiery and incredibly intense as the leg folded up under her and she clasped her hands around the injury, blood flowing out between her fingers and running down her leg. A ragged breath, of pain, or surprise, or something, rattled around in her ears, sharp and audible and pitiful, and it took several moments for her to realize that it was her own.

She realized, after some length of contemplating her own injury that might have been five seconds or five hours, that the battle raged around her. Grace knelt down beside her, trying to wrap her leg in a very fancy jacket – Angie tried, weakly, to push the other girl’s hands away, but she found that feeling in her arms and hands ended abruptly in static. As Grace tied the cloth around her leg, tight enough to try to stop the bleeding or slow it some, she flinched, biting down on her tongue to stifle the cry of pain as tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She had no idea how to handle this kind of pain, and it was obvious. Grace was in pain too, she imagined, as her eyes refocused somewhat and she caught a glimpse of the flakey grey skin on the other woman’s hand. She just had to get it together, and put a brave face on and get in there and fight. Everyone else was being hurt and taking it. She was the weak link.

She managed her bravado for what felt like three seconds before Tom hoisted her up. Stars burst behind her eyes and she cried out, collapsing against his side. Thankfully, he could use gravity to help carry her, and probably was, given that she’d effectively turned to deadweight in his hands. Her whole body trembled against his side but she – she had to try. No sooner had she managed to begin hobbling along, or at least move her legs in a way that didn’t seem immediately detrimental, than she suddenly lost her balance and was grabbed by Grace, or Patricia, or someone? and pulled away, Vinnie crashing through the ceiling and inciting another fight…

She cursed, trying to hold herself upright, every instinct screaming at her to try to help even though she could scarcely see, her vision blurring just beyond her nose as she peered at Patricia- or was it Grace? She couldn’t see, but she mumbled out a slurred apology with a tongue that wouldn’t quite cooperate, her limbs refusing to function and even try to help them carry her.

Dead weight, literally.

Dimly, she recognized a snarky voice behind them, though the onslaught of noise rattling around her brain had become as tinny and distorted as it was through the office intercom. Blake. She’d know him anywhere. The heat in the room rose sharply, for a moment warding off even the chill and numbness that filled her limbs and the back of her mind. A laugh, a confused and bitter laugh, bubbled up from somewhere in her chest as she watched the fire blooming around his hands.

Blake was here to save them.

As she watched, her eyes drying and once again fading to a blur, the terrified laughter and tears continued to build, sending waves of pain through her body with every moment and stealing her breath. She found she couldn’t stop it, not until Blake approached them, the battle seemingly won. Tears streaming down her face, body shaking with hiccups and adrenaline and pain, she leaned into his touch for the brief moment he was there, trying to say something to the effect of, “Hi, cupcake,” but managing only a pitiful whimper.

And then, inevitably, Vinnie returned.

She choked on a cry as Blake pulled away from her, her body weakly, dumbly trying to follow him. Her weight settled firmly on the injured leg which buckled under her, pulling her (and likely Grace, who had so far done an admirable job of holding her up) down to the ground. She hit the floor hard, choking on a cry as pain bloomed in her thigh and hip, but she tried vainly to push herself up onto her hands, and quickly found that her body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and her hands seemed made of rubber and utterly detached from the same plane of existence as the rest of her.

I have to help him. I have to.

She squirmed on the ground, fighting the waves of dizziness and nausea and pain that tried to keep her pinned, and in doing so rolled just wrong over the injury. Pain bloomed in white lightning bolts behind her eyes, and as Patricia began to sing, what was left of her vision darkened to black.

I’m sorry, everyone. I’ve let you all down.

Interacting: Starbright! @Jumbus

Eliza gawped at him, and how casually he mentioned announcing the album on her stream. Didn’t – didn’t he have PR people, and stuff, handling his image? Wouldn’t he have to – have to ask them, or something?

The color drained from her face, already fair complexion nearly matching the sheets of music strewn around. He really - he thought it would be this easy, to get her ready to be on stage? Really? Three years of therapy and a variety of techniques hadn’t been successful…but the promise of stardom was supposed to be. Right….

As he turned around to face her again, she stared at him blankly. “You want – me to announce the album. Your album. On my stream. I have – I m-m-mean I’d – I’d love to, but – but – I only – I only have two thousand, t-t-two thousand followers!” She could barely get the words out, she was so terrified (and some part of her, deep down, excited). “Won’t your, your – your PR people, won’t they b-be – don’t you have to announce it y-y-yourself?”

In the moment when Tommy’s gaze met hers, his face morphed into some incomprehensible anger, Angie felt all hope leave her body, all of her usual rationality and pragmatics replaced by pure panic. Her arms and legs felt they’d turned to slush, and afforded little resistance to Tommy as he wrenched her arms behind her back, goons falling into line around them.

A liability. The word flitted around in Angie’s memory, lurking somewhere behind her apparently heartbroken stare. She’d done it, again.


Another fucked-up mission. The only kind of mission where she was any good in the field, and she’d fucked it up. Again.

This time, Powers probably wasn’t going to try to get her out. She remembered vividly how angry he’d been, the last time she’d messed up. That rescue had required Division X, and had generally been more of a headache than anyone had been ready for. At least this didn’t seem it would be that bad…hopefully.

Still. She’d thought she was getting better at her job since then… but apparently, not. Thoughts of Blake flitted in front of her mind’s eye – when they’d both been teens, he’d made fun of her for getting caught, and needing rescued. On her first mission, at that. Guilt overwhelmed her, and she glared over her shoulder at Tommy, furious at herself for even thinking to have used seduction for this part of the mission. How dare she betray Blake like that.

So lost in her thoughts was she that she was taken completely off-guard by the nauseating feeling of sharply losing her sense of “down”. As she drifted into a somersault from the force of Tommy’s push, unable to stop herself, she got a very good glimpse of Hero’s own Tom and Tommy struggling, hearing the crunch of Tom’s face behind Tommy’s knuckles. She winced, and then gasped out in pain herself as Tom turned the gravity back on, dropping both of them back to the floor. At least she didn’t fall nearly as hard as Tommy did, she noted, cringing at the cracking sound that came from his impact.

As she struggled to her feet, trying to force air back into her lungs, she glanced to Patricia, her gaze softening as she took in how worried the young teen was; poor thing seemed terrified and overwhelmed. It was her first undercover operation, and all, Angie knew, and she extended a hand and a soft smile in the moment, trying to offer some advice to help the younger girl keep a level head.

All of her reassurances died on her lips, however, as Vinnie Gugliano himself stepped into the corridor, a gun in his hand. Grace hit the floor pretty quickly, she saw, and Patricia soon followed, though the younger girl looked both terrified and furious… That wasn’t good.

She glanced to Tom, then back to Vinnie, weighing her options. Have to buy some time. I have to buy some time. If they separate us we’re done. I – what – what can I do? After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a second, a thought wormed its way into her mind.

She’d go quietly, alright. Though it was absolutely too late to go un-caught, she put her powers on fully, focused on Vinnie and Tommy alone, as well as any goons who might be about to enter the area. Her hands away from her sides as nonthreateningly as she could, she placed herself between the trio of other heroes and Vinnie, moving towards him slowly, trying not to flinch away from the gun. Her fear and anger and guilt and frustration at herself all bubbled up in the form of tears, spilling over her lower lashes and beginning to drag her mascara and eyeliner down her cheeks. “Please, you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to- you d-don’t have to be this violent.” Her voice shook heavily, the tears and emotion lacing her tone entirely authentic for once. “Please, you don’t have to take the rest of them. It’s my fault we’re even here. Let them go, just take – just take me, and let them go, and we won’t bring – they won’t bring ICOSA down on your head.” She did not really believe a word she said, and it was apparent in her tone that she had no real hope of rescue, but she had to get him talking and his men to not drag her friends away to such horrors as torture and certain death…

Angelica filed away the knowledge about Zero, watching Tommy through her long eyelashes, her face arranged in an attentive expression. So he did have a heart… She felt a flash of very real sympathy. “I can understand that,” she murmured, gaze finding his. “Whenever human lives are involved it gets…more difficult, to be certain. Do you have any idea what happens to these heroes? When Zero takes them, I mean.”

At his joke about being old-fashioned, she laughed. Blake says the same thing, she wanted to say, but forced the thought of him out of her mind. A pang of guilt stabbed her through the heart as Tommy brought her hand to his face, and her smile ever so briefly faltered. Eager to brush that aside and continue convincing him with her acting, however, she somewhat bashfully nodded, ducking her face demurely. “You really are a gentleman, you know. A real charmer.” Sorry, Blake. I love you, cupcake, I love you so much.

A prickle of unease settled in her stomach as she agreed, but before she could dwell on it too long his lips brushed against the back of her hand. Warm and smooth and perfectly respectful. A knot of sadness settled in the back of her throat and tears pricked at her eyes as she remembered Blake doing the same not long after they had first begun seeing each other…

And then she felt her heart fall out of her body as he pulled his lips away from her knuckles. That’s his power, you imbecile. You read his file! How could you be so stupid?! I swear… he knows. You blew it.

You blew it.

The realization was a quiet one that settled in a numbness in her limbs. She forgot how to breathe. Arranging her face into a wide-eyed, breathless expression (that awfully betrayed how terrified she suddenly was!) she took half a step away from Tommy, attempting to gently retrieve her hand from his grasp. She could play this one off. She absolutely could just – play this one off, right? Right? A nervous tremor settled into her ankles and hands as she demurely eyed the young man, trying to posture herself as vulnerably and innocently as possible.

Here's my two friends, sorry I got carried away like I always do!! <3

Interacting: Starbright! @Jumbus

For a long moment, it was all Eliza could do to stare at Starbright, her eyes wide and panicked. Had he not heard a word she’d said, about performing and all of that? At his smirk, her eyes narrowed briefly, as she wondered if it was a trick – was he setting her up for failure? To – well, surely, no, surely a famous musician wouldn’t do that to a well-meaning younger fan.

Maybe he was right, maybe a collaboration at this level would be just what she needed… she plastered a nervous, trembling smile on her face, listening to everything else he had to say. He spoke quickly about having her ready in a month, and she had to stifle a bitter laugh. Directors had been trying for three years, now, to get her back out of her shell, and had spectacularly failed at it.

Still. She wasn’t sure what part of her it was that spoke, but some childish eagerness bubbled up in her throat and quickly blurted, “Sure!” before the could think it through. “But I – I have a fundraiser stream I have to do, this Saturday. But I’m around after school every other day. Except Thursday nights, because I lead middle school sectionals. And then have my own sectional. And on Sundays, except I have quartet from 10am to noon. But Sunday afternoons!” She tripped over her words as she realized that she had no business telling Starbright what their rehearsal schedule had to be – surely he was even more busy than she was, and all of that.

Angelica smiled softly up at Tommy, nodding at his comment. She was about to suggest adjourning somewhere less discernible, but her comment died on her tongue as Patricia was abruptly slammed against the table.

It was incredibly difficult to resist crying out in terror as all eyes drifted to the scene, but she just covered her mouth docilely, glancing wide-eyed between Vinnie, the guard, Tommy, and Kat, who spoke quietly, and venomously, standing up to Vinnie in a way that none of the goons would have even dreamed of. Wow. She slammed down the tiny bit of fear that wondered if Patricia was really in with whatever Katharine and her father were up to – Patricia was too sweet, and a bit too blunt, of a girl to be an undercover agent, surely. Besides, she and Eliza were close enough, and spent so much time together, that the younger girl would’ve surely found out about a secret identity by now… she should just be grateful that Patricia seemed to have been given an out.

Ceasing to entertain that plausibility, she focused her attention on Tommy, doing her best to seem relaxed into his embrace, letting him guide the two of them gently from the room. It’s fine. It’s fine. He’ll think you’re just nervous about all this. Organizing her thoughts, she nodded. “If you think it would be best, I can sneak out once the worst of this blows over. I would hate for you to get in trouble on account of me… I’ve heard stories of your father’s anger.” She also would hate to have this nice man tangled up in the rescue mission – it would NOT be a good thing for him and Blake to have an altercation, that was certain. “I was hoping to get a jump on the game by being here, but I’ll just come to the next recruiting day at the bar, I suppose.” She laughed lightly, hoping the joke would take some of the edge off of her comment. “Why is he on edge? Not that it’s my business, of course, but if there’s anything a concerned community member could do, well – I have my resources.” She did her best to flash him a knowing and capable look, easing up on the seductivish vibes that she’d been channeling so hard just a moment ago.

Angelica batted her eyelashes at the pretty man who settled beside her, taking the offered business card with a flirtatious comment and biting down on the guilt she was feeling in regard to Blake as she slipped the card into her bra cup, the only pocket that she had. Sorry, cupcake. It’s just for a mission. Tommy Gugliano, her knowledge supplied...an important contact to have access to, for certain. She just pretended she didn’t feel awful, meeting Patricia’s gaze very very briefly and trying for a sweet smile.

She tried not to flinch at Vinnie’s treatment of Will. don’t blow your cover don’t blow your cover. She was mildly reassured by Tommy’s discomfort, at least, glancing to him sympathetically, trying to relax back into her flirty persona.

All sense of peace and comfort completely shattered as Brie’s voice echoed in from the next room over, and then she stalked into the room in an awful facsimile of calm. She internally flinched, casting a brief, panicked look at Patricia before slamming her mask back into place, peering up at Tommy flirtatiously and steadying her breath, a hand resting delicately against her low neckline at a convenient height to draw the gaze. She pretended to be unfazed by Vinnie’s posturing, the cruelty with which he had Malady handle Brie and the goons dragging William away, forcing herself not to pay attention to anything except her racing thoughts.

She had to buy herself some time. She couldn’t compromise the mission... she had to do this right. She had to get their intel, and get Brie and Will and then, eventually, herself out - it would take her a LOT of time, and care, but if she was careful enough she could... she could make this work until Grace and Tom and that could get to them and help. She had no idea how to tell Patricia what she was thinking; she just hoped the younger girl was good at rolling with the punches. Ideally, Patricia would try to get herself out, discreetly, while Angie tried still to get in.

Adjusting her posture to lean in towards Tommy, letting her sheer wrap fall off a shoulder flirtatiously, she glanced up to him a bit bashfully. ”Had I known this event was so exciting, I would have come more prepared,” she murmured to him, a bit embarrassed. ”I don’t have an ID on me,” she gestured to the skin-tight outfit she wore and the lack of a purse or wristlet, ”But I am here on an invitation from Martino Bernadino...he can’t keep his mouth shut when he’s, ehem.” With a soft, flirty laugh, she mimed raising a drink to her lips, adjusting her posture again. ”Talking about all kinds of money and grandeur and excitement and even, this business of dealing with heroes... it’s enough to enamor anyone, I’m sure you understand. And so I asked to tag along and see what all of this was about.” Once again she trailed off, biting her lip and trying to size up Tommy’s reaction under the guise of briefly, somewhat modestly checking him out.

”I fear Mister Bernadino might be - feeling his drink, a bit; he excused himself to the washroom when we got here and I haven’t seen him since. Would it be possible that you could...vouch for me, in his stead? While I might appear to be a simple escort, I assure you, I have plenty of ...assets that may prove invaluable.” She bit her lip, deliberately letting some of her very real nervousness seep through and offering a smile that was equal parts sweet and sensual.

Sorry, Cupcake. I’m so sorry. She tried and failed to convince herself that she didn’t have to feel bad for acting like this while trying to salvage her cover. It’s just for a mission. Just a mission. I don’t want anyone but my Cupcake. I don’t want this. It’s not - I’m not cheating, am I?
The morning dawned bright, clear, and cold over the city, the sun filtering in through the high, arched windows of the guest suite.

Miry awoke to birdsong, blinking in the rosy light. She was warm, almost uncomfortably so, rolled in a thick bedspread and encased securely in Lord Zakroti’s embrace. The sleeping lord was tangled around her still, arms twined around her back and neck and lips near her temple. She shifted in place, realizing that her legs still tangled through the lord’s. Images of the previous night flitted sleepily through her mind and she blushed deeply, a twinge between her hips a further reminder of what had transpired. She ducked her head in shame, though she couldn’t say she’d regretted the night… after a moment of enjoying the embrace, she gently leaned up to kiss her lord, beginning to extricate herself from the blankets, ideally without waking Zakroti or making much undue noise. It would be unseemly if she took too long to make herself ready, she knew…

Fetching a comb from her bags, she set about organizing her unruly hair, which had hopelessly tangled in the night’s activities. She ended up retrieving some water from the pitcher on the nightstand, just a few drops, which she worked through the length of her hair to tame the worst of the frizz as she detangled it, smoothing it out into its usual glossy sheet that could then be braided. Though yesterday she had worn it in a simple plait extending down her shoulders, she elected to pin it today, circling her braid tightly around the back of her head twice and sticking it into place with a myriad of straight pins pressed tight against her scalp to be barely-showing. It was more befitting now, she supposed, to not leave her dusty, dark lavender hair flowing free in any way. After a length of thought, she did still decide to forgo the veil that her mother had insisted upon packing. It had been included as a tongue-in-cheek commentary, though one meant well, about her eventual becoming of a proper woman, but the sudden change in appearance would cause more questions than she cared to answer. Not to mention, veils were incredibly hot and itchy, and she was sure to be on the road for a while and get all manner of dust trapped beneath it…

She refolded the veil, rolling it within its circlet band so as not to risk damaging the fabric, and set about dressing for the day. Though ordinarily she wouldn’t dare have two part-dirty sets of clothing, travelling in respectable clothes had been a dreadful mistake. The dress she picked for today was thus the simplest one she had brought, a dusty blue under dress held up by the barest of straps, and a dark charcoal layer over the top, modestly embroidered in silver around the rather low collar and tightly lacing narrow sleeves. The skirts were less voluminous and shorter than most of her other gowns, settling at the narrowest part of her ankle rather than trailing the floor – she put on thin silk stockings and her usual soft leather booties, which barely peeked out beneath the hem.

After glancing around to ensure she had gathered all her belongings, and that the lord was not yet awake, she retrieved her embroidering hoop and purse from the side of her saddlebags, settling primly into the seat beside the bed with a posture too precise to be natural. Her fingers deftly retrieved and threaded the needle in one of several colors she worked with, passing the needle through the hoop and back again in a variety of complex and intricate knots with an almost mechanical precision. It was clear her mind was elsewhere, though to a casual look she may seem engrossed in the careful work of threads.
Nenra grumbled awake, from her bed in the guest dormitory, to the sound of a cheery conversation among the men-at-arms, who busily worked to assemble a breakfast out of their rations and gather up the belongings they had brought into the space the previous night, readying saddlebags and donning their armor for the journey. Though now sober and considerably more conscious of herself, she chose to think of readying for the day as though she were in the bunkroom she shared with her siblings. It was a simple matter to pull her underthings and trousers on under her shift, then take the dress off and replace it with her shirt. Feeling quite pleased with the lack of compromise of her modesty, she returned her attention to the group, half-listening to their conversation as she rolled stockings onto her feet and laced her boots, trouser legs tucked into the tops as she often did for work or hard riding at home.

She was feeling considerably more herself today, the sleep on a respectable bed having done more good for her than she cared to admit. As she listened to the men at arms speak, her hands itched to be in control of a horse again. From the way the party spoke, it seemed they were glad to be returning too, though whether they were speaking of returning to their familiar mounts or to their homeland, or both, she could not quite be certain.

The one called Gaikus gave her a soft smile and passed her a metal mug of a steaming beverage. Tea, right, that’s what the lord said. The tea had a spicy, herbal smell, similar enough – if distinct – from a kind of tea they often made at home. She took the mug appreciatively, and the piece of bread she had been handed, munching down the food with little regard for table manners or decorum.

The variety of weaponry around made her long for her staff again – simple, smoothed lengths of wood, such as handles of long-ago-stripped farm implements, made remarkably effective weapons against would-be bandits or intrudors. In her village, children and teens often practiced with them, in addition to their more standard play weapons like clay or wooden swords and far more functional ones like simple slings, which were often carried by shepherds and the like. She knew that asking for such items was far, far beyond anything the lord or his men would be willing to do, and understandably so! But someday she would very much like to have a chance to practice, or maybe even a round of sparring or two. Her eyes flitted over the men who gathered in the courtyard, sizing them up as potential opponents. Someday, yes…
Miry practically needed to be pulled from the saddle, her legs locking up with cramps the moment she touched solid ground. Nenra had little patience for her discomfort, pulling her along by the arm and half carrying her weight as the party moved quite briskly through the city, re-energized by promise of beds and a warm meal. The smaller girl whimpered in pain as she struggled to keep up, but bit her lip and tried to look tough and well-adjusted, which she decidedly failed at.

She tried to place the city that Lord Zakroti spoke of, but was too exhausted – exhausted from doing what? There’s nothing of worth you’ve done… to properly consider it. She’d read something about it, at one point, some sort of siege and great infighting? or something. She made a mental note to ask the lord about it when they had a moment. If he wouldn’t think her an imbecile for not already knowing, that was.

The old woman looked rather grandmotherly, Nenra thought; the sun-worn leathery skin and silvered tresses of age were not so different between their two people, really. Following Zakroti’s example, she stooped into an awkward (and clearly hastily learned, given the mumbling of steps under her breath that accompanied it) curtsy-turned-bow as she remembered that she was finally, once again, wearing the trousers she was most comfortable in.

Miry sank into a pretty curtsy in turn, though somewhat less assured than her presentation would normally be, her knees shaking under her skirts as she forced saddle-sore legs to comply. She clasped her hands behind her back, the speaking-screen nested behind her as unobtrusively as possible – even if Zakroti understood her handsign, she cared to keep it close until she could ascertain that about the rest of his household… but she also heard her mother’s voice, sharply in her ear, demanding that she hide it as much as she could around the company of high society. The tips of her ears brightened with her shame, and she adjusted her hold on it, wobbling and appearing to wish to melt into the ground.

Clouded by her discomfort and desire to sleep, she couldn’t be certain, but she was fairly confident that the words exchanged (and the passing of the lord’s sword) were a traditional greeting of hospitality used by Drakkan lords visiting the holdings of one…usually of the same status, or slightly less, but not all that much less?... Drakkan titles were …confusing, to say the least. She’d read about them all as a matter of her education in history, though some of those readings had been several years before the present… none of their systems made much of any sense to her, or cared to settle that well into her memory. Far easier to remember were courtly bows and spoken cues, the ways of tuning one’s voice to be a respectful mimicry of the timbre and dynamic of the host. Some part of her longed for that, the simplicity of her home, or even the imperial city; she conveniently forgot the meltdown-inducing terror that had been the weeks of decorum and etiquette (and “pretending to be normal”, but that was beside the point) instruction prior to her sister’s presentation.

Upon the sword being given back, they rose from their assorted positions of deference, one of the guards splitting off from the others to stand beside the lord while the others drifted a short distance away, towards the dormitory that had been mentioned. Lord Zakroti held up his hand with a gentle flame to create enough light for the party; Miry took note of this being one of his elemental powers, as it had been a detail skipped over entirely during their first meeting.

Nenra’s overwhelming urge was to ask to sleep alone in the stable, but she held her tongue, weighing her options. She had no desire to sleep in Zakroti’s bed; gods only knew what a lecherous lord might do with that opportunity, and she’d had far too much of Qeynate’s eyes at the Choosing to think for a moment that Zakroti would not have similar sentiments towards her form. Sleeping in a room with Narlemaewel, whom she had gathered was the lord’s chosen man – perhaps even his protégé? Seemed little better. The perversions of these sorts were impossible to overstate, and if she was to be alone with one of them…he could easily take an act against her safety, and it would be her word against his. Her, a Bride well-known for her aura of trouble, against his favored bodyguard.

“I think I should bunk with the men-at-arms,” she said plainly. Miry glanced at her, and she tacked on a cursory, “if it shouldn’t displease you,” though she thought it very much a waste of words – surely he would not have offered the choice if he would be displeased with either option! “Another night on a soft mattress may ruin my shoulders.” She was accustomed to the comforts of home, a straw-and-wool contraption laid across a frame of rope and wooden slats, a linen sheet over it and a wool blanket to ward off the chill. It had been quite enough at home, but when she became a lord’s prize, apparently that standard went up considerably – since arriving in Shadow Wroth, she’d had nothing less than feather toppers on a soft wool mattress, and it had thrown the muscles in her back and shoulders all out of alignment.

A handful of the retainer chuckled at her comment, and she flashed the men a grateful smile for their defusing of the statement. Even Narlemaewel seemed wryly amused, though she didn’t dare make eye contact with Zakroti himself. Miry, meanwhile, said nothing, edging closer to Zakroti’s left side and inching her fingers into his hand tentatively, almost as though she expected to be smacked away. Honestly, she did half-expect to be smacked away, having spent the last weeks with her head being filled with only tales (and experiences, when she’d been too slow to understand and act) of their brutality. Even Zakroti’s courtesy and pleasantries could not be enough to completely dash that from her memory.
At some length of time, both groups had made it to their quarters only to realize that in their haste, they had made no plans for feeding themselves. Among the men-at-arms, it was quickly decided to pay a visit to a tavern nearby; Nenra was pulled along before she could argue, a steaming bowl of mutton stew and large mug of ale placed before her before she could remind them that she had no currency with which to pay.

The men-at-arms, thankfully, afforded her remarkably few of those same slimy stares that she’d grown to associate with the nobles of their kind. Their party was not left without stares; a group of armed and armored men and one, conspicuously un-armored, woman among them was not an unnoteworthy group by any stretch of the imagination. Upon facing down an onlooker who could not hold his tongue (a poor sod who’d seemingly had more ale that night than brain juice, if he thought he could confront a party of a dozen-odd soldiers) and threatening to lay him into the pavement using only a dinner fork, the oversized guardsman called Kzaar gave her a hearty smack between the shoulder blades and told her that she’d fit in with them, at least, just fine.

She tried not to show how much the compliment meant. Some part of her cautioned that word of her bravado might make it back to Zakroti, and that there might be hell in the morning if whoever-this-was made a stink about it, but she drowned her caution with another sip of the ale. The flavor was already beginning to grow on her.

After they had eaten and drunk their fill, they returned to the dormitory building, the hour late but not disrespectfully or irresponsibly so. Nenra found herself a bunk alongside the men-at-arms, mildly inebriated and tired enough to have foregone her care about modesty or respectability – she shed her day clothes and donned a shift, mostly as a layer of protection against whomever might have previously slept in the bunk she claimed.

Miry, meanwhile, had a considerably quieter night at a rather fancy eatinghouse on the high street, the table served by a pretty and overly-enthusiastic young drakkan woman, who took one glance at the scene and immediately read what was going on. There were several innuendos too heavily veiled for her to catch, plus a suggestion of a certain, probably-alcoholic drink, “to make the night easier” – she respectfully refused it, of course. The dinner conversation was over her head both literally and metaphorically – after much thought she’d ended up settling into the chair on her knees, when the food actually came, as otherwise her chin was on a level with her plate in the oversized Drakken furniture. Zakroti and Vain seemed to prefer their mother tongue, though they switched in and out of a variety of languages seemingly at a whim. Miry caught traces of High Drakkan, which she understood parts of, a few interspersed snippets from a variety of Mannish tongues that she knew near-fluently, and several that she could not make heads or tails of in all eighteen of her own languages. Periodically, a question was phrased in such a way that she felt inclined to answer, a glance from the lord or his guard pricking behind her eyes and almost begging a reply, even – she made herself sit on her hands so that she wouldn’t, though, not wishing to derail their fluid bandying of debate with her own inability to comprehend the context that had preceded the question.

In due time they retired to their rooms as well, though only a few cordial words were exchanged between Miry and Zakroti – she hardly wished to bother the lord with more idle chatter, for all that she moved stiffly and uncertainly and her nervousness grew more palpable with every step into their quarters. She shed her bodice and skirts fairly quickly upon realizing they were turning in for the night, her fingers deft at undoing the lacings behind her back. She pulled her hair down from its braided crown, letting it fluff up around her head as it was wont to do, and after a moment of hesitation loosened the ties on her shift, to, the fine linen clinging over her shoulders and bust in such a way that a soft tug might remove them. Look ready, but not too ready, the other brides had said. She mussed her hair up a bit further and chewed on her lips for a moment, remembering that others had said it was a way to get them to look plump and moist and – “kissable”, without needing to fumble for cosmetics, and then went to perch on the edge of Lord Zakroti’s side of the bed. She arranged her shift, suggestively bunched up, over the very tops of her thighs, letting her hair messily tumble down over her shoulders as she waited for him to emerge from the washroom. As she waited for him, she practiced an expression of desire, though without a mirror to tell she couldn’t be sure that it even worked at all.

Truthfully, she couldn’t even say that she wanted to be taken to his bed in this particular moment, but she’d heard enough stories to know that it was usually better the sooner it happened – and better if she was the one to initiate it. Her heart fluttered in her chest, but she tried to steady her breathing, arranging her face into a pretty pout once again. If she did well enough at this, if she could just do what she was supposed to for once in her gods-cursed life, he’d eventually fall in love with her, and then – everything would work out like it did in the fairy tales. Right?
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