Avatar of Ammokkx


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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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@AmaranthineOh wow. didn't think anyone would be interested in those since you never see them in duel links.

I can't speak for Duel Links, but Forbidden Lance used to be a great card back when Spells and Traps were more commonly used for disruption rather than play kickstarting. Since the game now relies much more on monster effects, though, it stopped having a niche and doesn't see much play. The forbidden series in general actually have some really powerful and good effects, but the game in its current state does not allow for those effects to see much use.

Time is relative. For Chikako, her time moved extremely slowly ever since Aurel dropped her name. Before she could even defend herself, Ginshi, the boy who had said nothing since the trial's start, suddenly came out with an entire theory on how she did it. It was wrong; she wanted to deny it, to speak up against the accusation, but Snow grabbed the momentum of the trial. If nobody came up with an answer, she'd just vote for the Rhythm player. Aurel was much too happy to oblige, him and Hiroki starting to work together to try and bring her down.

"W-wait, hang on... this is a joke, right? This isn't funny," she stammered out, her confused and fearful face slowly morphing into an angry scowl. "Why the hell is it my turn to get accused?! Can't you all make up your minds?!"

"Oh I'm sorry, did the thief strike a nerve with you, miss killer?" Momoe taunted Chikako. With a bemused smile and a snicker, she continued: "Just for the record: I think he's the first person to talk some sense in this trial!"

"What, is this some kind of game to you?! We're all fucked if we get this wrong, you included!" she yelled back at the cyclops. Momoe nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders in response, refusing to dignify Chikako's outburst with a proper reply. "Either way," the girl angrily continued to growl, "what the hell is up with that logic?! The CD came from my lab, therefor I did it? My clothes are pink, thus I'm the killer?! Last I checked, Lilly and Flare wore pink too! Why am I being singled out? And why would I just leave the CD case lying there?!"
Alright, time for Ammokkx' before-the-sleep checklist:

-Name of the central city is "The Core" and the name of the outer city is "The Collar." Two tentative names for districts in the Collar are "Clockwork" and "Ancillary."

-Name of the gang isn't settled on yet. My current idea was to go with Junkyard dogs, but others may still have a better idea to toss out. Charak's Bulwark Breakers and Rampart Busters are also two options people can go for if they want to, as is anything mentioned before Junkyard dogs if there's support for it.

Seems like we're getting close to a definitive setting more-or-less. Don't think there's much more to think about other than character backstories as well as asking any immediately relevant questions about the Core.

Oh yeah, Speed World or Speed World II? Might be a quick but relevant question to ask.

If anyone else has something they think we need to talk about, feel free to bring it up. I'll read it when I get up from my eternal slumber.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

I'm not sure which part of my post you're referring to. If it's the former, then I'll have to say that I will need to ask you before I make the character. If it's the latter, then well... we'll see.
In any case, it's no big deal, and I won't jump at you if something I think of doesn't work.

Second part. Forgot about the first part pretty much right after I read it.

I like to think I'm pretty lenient on what I allow, but no gimmicks for the sake of gimmicks. Had a guy in a YGO RP I co-GM'd who had these three characters all within the same sheet (admittedly, in an RP where everyone played 1 main and 4 side characters):

-Fat girl who specifically set out to become the greatest female duelist
-Timid uwu trap guy with gender issues
-A girl who's personality literally boiled down to "agressively lesbian" and thirsted for the first one mentioned here

Add to that a foreigner who didn't hablo the local language quite right, and I felt more like this sheet threw in checkboxes to tick in character variety rather than actually make anything interesting that stood on its own two feet. It also felt weirdly out of place in a Yugioh setting, which mostly came down to these larger-than-life personalities playing a really passionate card game with one another. Any one of the above elements in a vacuum is fine, but the fact so many were stacked atop one-another sent off so many red flags that even Russia at its communist peak would've been proud.

I'll accept anything that's written well enough and done with good intentions, though. Charak would know all about playing aggressively lesbian characters in YGO RPs I GM.
That's very cool, I'm already super hyped to build my deck. Please tell me once the setting is relatively safe, I'll have to bug you quite a bit when making my character, I'm planning to do some very cool stuff with her (gender reveal whoa), but some of it will need your approval.

When we get to the city eventually though, we can actually get a working archetype going right? I mean our Decks will still have to be interesting, and not as streamlined as any ideal meta build would be, but going for a Darklord-Deck in the end would be possible right? (I intend to use those at a rather late point)

Depends on my mood once we get there. I'd need to see what you're doing with it at that point in time rather than make a judgement call right this second.
With people talking about their characters playing Archetypes, wouldn't that have to be when we're already inside the city? My understanding is that we'll have to make do with basically random cards, most of which are rather bad by today's standards.

So about that:

I'm not going to be forcing people to play the absolute bottomest of tiered trash, but I did play around with it a bit. I'll be playing the leader of the gang anyway, so I built his deck to be a rough example of the level I'd expect everyone else's to be at. Take this as a sort-of official deck reveal, which I'll give you the Duelingbook link for now.

There's card choices that aren't all that great in there, but I did want to make sure to leave some wriggle room for a functional deck. Take this as the example of what I expect out of everyone; you're allowed a couple of rare/good cards, but try to keep it on the down-low. Yusei had a functioning deck too, after all. I want people to have flexibility when they duel, not just be stuck playing nothing but three copies of House of Adhesive Tape.

In that regard, I'll allow a couple of archetypal cards, but no full-on archetyping right out the gate. If you have, like, 5 or so scrap monsters and a scrap synchro in your deck, I won't get on your ass about it. Just try not to run a full scrap deck.
I mean you literally had the enforcers telling every single duel gang across satellite that "We are going to be the cops when there are no cops."

I refuse to acknowledge dub-isms like that. The most you got was Kiryu shouting "SATISFACTION" at the top of his lungs every chance he got, and the goal wasn't to be cops to begin with. They wanted to dominate all of satellite. If their goal is to be the cops, Kiryu's turn to wanting to take the fight to security stops making any amount of sense. At least in the original you could see him snap from wanting to reach further and further highs. Hence, "Team Satisfaction"

Oh, and he totally murdered that fucking cop. I don't care that even the original retcon'd itself out of that, he was standing tall over a fucking corpse as far as I care.
If the inner city is the heart for stance. A gang name like "heartseeker" for instance. Or Mr Heartland, except not the last one.

If the goal itself just relates to the wall then

Elemental Hero Rampart Busters
Bulwark Breakers

Ideas like that /shrug/

A name should be a goal, afterall. Calling ourselfs junkyard dogs is just admitting that we are where we are. Not where we are going. /shrug/

I thought about it, but if they don't want security breathing down their necks at all points in time, they probably shouldn't be openly flaunting wanting to break in.
Tried to think of more names. Tried combinations with "Survivors" and "Back-Alley" but nothing really struck a chord like Junkyard Dogs did for me. Closest I got was Back-Alley Detonation.

Subway Surfers

The Tunnel Snakes.

Tunnel Snakes rule.
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