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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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Junkyard Dogs

This is prolly the first name so far that actually works. Still trying to think of something better, but if nothing comes to mind, this seems like a good one to go with.
I mean, only suggestions and ideas I haven't listed out above are names for the city or different parts of the city. I kind of like the idea of the center of the city being called "The Core." Don't have good ideas for the outer city's name, and the only gang name suggestion I would have is "The Outriders."

I don't like outriders as a gang name, but it could serve as the title for the RP. "Yu-Gi-Oh: Outriders!" or something.

I like "The core" as a name, though. Thinking what the outer perimeter would be called, then. "The Collar," "Ancillary," and "Clockwork" are my only ideas at the moment.

Can't think of anything good for the gang at the moment. Thought of doing something like "Team (insert something here)" but found that all my ideas sounded too much like Pokémon villains for my tastes. Other name I thought of sounded better for rival gangs than ours.
So they're driving around in their D-Wheel, on a racetrack, yes?

Feels like I can answer it all by just clearing this up.

It doesn't have to be a race track. At the beginning, Yusei and Ushio rode through the entirety of Satellite and even a pipeline. Since Yusei was on the run from police, and said police had a way to force him into a duel (imposed activation of Speed World), Ushio could keep Yusei in the pace he wanted by blocking out the speed counter generation. This was so Yusei couldn't reach the end of the pipeline for an easier arrest.

Outside of the situations where it was uses as a way for police to temporarily have a criminal on lockdown, Speed World has also been used in abandoned streets, on highways and even through a goddamn security building. The writers themselves knew it was a bit silly for speed to be determined on a racetrack, so instead of a speed limiter, they introduced a system where your speed counters increased by 1 for each lap you make while the other's in their pit-stop (which is there because the arc in question had a 3-man relay race). If your speed counters hit 12, the opposing speed counters start counting down. If their speed counters are at 0 and you finish a lap, they automatically lost.

So yeah, they got pretty creative with how speed counters were used in 5D's. They're also just cool and give an actual reason for being on a D-Wheel, flimsy as it may be.
Alright, 's that time of day again where I go and zonk out.

Current pressing issues:

-Need to hear from people if we're throwing speed spells in or not. Getting some mixed messages right now, so a definitive answer either way would be nice.

-Need more feedback on the idea I posted above. If anyone has anything to add to it, anything they don't like about it, or any other suggestion entirely they're free to post it, but a "this is good" is also fine because then I'll know I'm going in the right direction.

-Need to find a way to ban King Cosmos from this thread since I still hold a grudge over that master rule question
Does this mean we are set in the 'future'

Haven't all YGO shows past GX been in a future? Even Arc-V was a "world in the future where they invented solid holograms". Can't comment on Sevens quite yet, but from what little we've seen the tech there also seems more advanced than we have. Either way, if you'd ask me I'd just leave it ambiguous. Not every detail needs to too hashed out; Just knowing it's a dystopian state with police breathing down your neck should do.

Or is such technology only reserved for 'inner cityfolk' effectively making the 'inner city walls' the equivalent of heartland city. While the outerwalls are a smog-filled shithole of an industrial/manual labour district.

thought I implied this. If the setting is a satellite knockoff, that would mean half-ruined buildings, dirty streets, probably no running water in some places and just generally an unpleasant place to live. Was thinking the base of operations could be like an abandoned schoolhouse, where some parts of the building are missing parts of the wall/roof and the windows are all missing or smashed in.

Another thing is that if your doing a split like this, How do folk in the outer city get ahold of a deck?

bit of a silly question. How does a man in an apocalypse get a hold of a gun? He finds it, or steals it. Cards could find their way out of the city in all manners, and a "deck" would be more akin to whatever you were able to scrounge together. The implication with Yusei was literally that he "found some cards" and Ushio was amazed he even had a deck to begin with, so even in 5D's it didn't seem like it was too common to have one.

Well, it's not unheard of for people to like equality, even if it means losing something in return. As such, it could be a possibility for our group to have some very small amount of allies inside the fence, if communications are good enough for that. That way, the funny guy in a business suit could happen :)

's not impossible, I'll give you that, but someone inside the fence would separate them from the main cast at all times. I think it's best that, if we do go with the idea I proposed, we keep to a cast that's outside it at all times.
@Ammokkx There goes my dream of being the funny guy in a business suit

If me throwing out 3 of my own proposed ideas should've taught you anything, it's that I'm not particularly attached to anything I throw out there.
So are we pulling an FF7 here or, like...?

Would you believe me if I said I've never played Final Fantasy VII?

My only played FF games are III, IV, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns (currently playing) and XIV. And I guess Mystic Quest but that one doesn't count.
This topic already has more replies than anything in the last 4 pages here
Are we shitposting too much or is it the hype? Or can it be both? Find out next week, when we...

To be fair, it's a brainstorm thread. Not having a lot of replies would be a bad things. It's not quite as fair as to compare this to a regular interest check, considering we started close to 0 and are slowly building something up together.

On that note, I'm still trying to figure out what kind of united goal would bring everyone together. Team Satisfaction had it easy since it was a group of 4 bored kids that already knew each-other, but...

Well, first, we should probably think about the nature of the city. Trying not to be "a disaster caused the city to split into two" and "poor/rich" divide like we have, maybe it could be that the "Dystopian" part of the city is the outer perimeter of a larger whole. There's an almost circular fence coiling around a much more well-faring part, though it's mostly filled with normal people instead of super rich folk. Resources are scarce, so the ones who were lucky enough to be inside the walls are the ones taken care of.

Being inside the walls means you're like a scientist or an engineer, tasked with keeping the infrastructure of the city going. Outside the walls is manual labor; They recycle scrap to useful materials, create the food which is funneled back into the walls, take care of the sewage system, craft general commodities, ...

Security distributes food at checkpoints, but they're heavily guarded and it's never a lot. Some people manage to smuggle stuff from underneath their noses, and the currency everyone trades in is cards. Money has no real value, so being a duelist is the only way to prove yourself. This is why gangs band together; If they want to settle territorial disputes, they'll need whatever duelists they can get. Whoever's in control of an area takes care of the people in it, too.

The goal of our gang is simple: Get inside the walls by any means. What you do inside of it when that happens is up to you. Of course it's a daunting task, and it's a dream really anyone in the outer rim shares, but it's a simple enough goal as to why people would band together.

Just spitballin' for now. Gonna need feedback on it.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Pot of Greed is a nice card when you're doing a more thematic duel, cause it allows you to put two cards into your hand to change the tide of a duel. At least from what I remember with Jaden using it in like every single duel in season one of GX.

Pot of Greed, alongside every draw card, is a get-out-of-jail-free card when you realise you've used up your hand but don't want to go back and re-do half the duel to make your plays more efficient. Judai was, indeed, notorious for drawing half his deck in one turn, though not for pot of greed. No, instead, lemme run you through the absolute asinine amount of draw power he had:

Elemental HERO Bubbleman
Card Trooper
Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss
Mirage of Nightmare
Pot of Greed
Fifth Hope
Graceful charity (+ bonus Disgraceful Charity)
Emergency Evasion
Hero Medal
Bubble Rod
Convert Contact
Alchemy Cycle
Dummy Marker
Neospace Road
Impact Flip
Take Over Five

Yusei is also guilty of this with his mind-numbing amount of draw 1 and draw 2 traps, but he doesn't have as many draw spells Judai has (due to mostly dueling on a motorcycle). The two of them are the absolute kings of draw power. This isn't even mentioning how insanely recursive Judai's deck is, as he keeps recycling and searching out cards from his deck over and over.

The original mostly relied on Pot of Greed and Card of Sanctity (which drew both players up to 6 cards in their hand) for most duelists, with Kaiba getting his very own Card of Demise to work with. People didn't tend to go much further for draw power in DM.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
but what does Pot of Greed do?

Send 2 cards from the top of your deck to your hand.
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