Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

It's been a long day and quarantine got me broken. How's this?

I know pretty much all of these cards without reading them. This might unironically be the most underpowered deck yet, so

Yeah, this looks good

anything to add to the conversation or are you just here to dunk on me?
<Snipped quote by Grey>

I wanted to include mirror force in the deck I was building because it was a real fun "Screw You" back in the day (guess it still is, but I digress), but it seemed like a bit too much for my style.

Mirror force is my biggest "I hate seeing this card" card

Not because I don't like getting blown the fuck out by it, but because I've seen so many people randomly toss it into their deck with no thought that I hate it. It's up there with bottomless for the "you really don't know what you're doing, huh" points. Only, mirror force is worse because it's the one card everyone remembers from Duel Monsters despite it almost never actually going off.

Also, Go getting blown the fuck out is unintentionally hilarious, but outside that one situation, Vrains really made me sick of seeing mirror force as well.

There's only one deck I put it into in recent memory because it actually suited it for once, and I took it out again literally the second I saw someone sign up with a deck with a mirror force. I didn't even wait to see if they were accepted or not; the fact someone else had the thunk of "huh-hey mirror force" was enough for me to pre-emptively hate my own choices.
@Ammokkx Something of this level be a good starting point? I'm just thinking with less of the same cards because of the whole "cards are hard to come by" plot.

was it your intention to link me a full naturia deck equipped with bottomless, monster reborn, mirror force torrential, heavy storm and trunade? Because this is above and beyond what I'd allow, even if you cut it all down to singles lol
Since posting Deck Lists seems to be cool now, I'll do the same.
Fairy/Cyberse will make sense, I promise

I might swap Night Beam for a cooler S/T removal...
Also Glass Slippers are broken, make me take it out. (But it really fits well in there...)

Yeah this looks fine to me.
also you should now know why I leave cosmos a broken man
Figured I might as well toss this out since the offer has been made, and because I got bored and decided to start putting together a deck in between the work I've been doing. The side deck I've been using to just keep in mind a few interesting cards I've found and want to keep in mind as upgrade possibilities.

Starting Deck

how could I ever reject a deck with cyber barrier dragon in it, you absolute madman

Normally I'd be against this many multiples, but I feel like you put enough reason inside your deck for them being there. One issue I think it that your S/T lineup is a bit boring (I feel like in regards to traps you could get away with something like Fusion Guard, Interdimensional Matter Transporter, Power Wall or Pulse Mines) and that I notice you don't really have any draw options. Your deck is a bit of a resource hog, so to avoid writing yourself into a corner you might want to consider putting in at least 1 way to slightly recover you hand if you need it.

also where the fuck is de-fusion

Otherwise, though, I don't have much at all to complain about here. The above is more suggestions for ways to make me like it more, but it's fine enough as presented here, unless anyone else has any objections.
Well, I may as well put this out on the table, then. Because the Synchros are generic, the deck itself can function without relying wholly on the Mayakashi... Who, really, are here to help get Yuki-Onna out onto the board.

3/5 synchros, 4/6 main deck monsters, 2/3 spells, both traps and 1/2 link monsters. Your ratio is either half or more than half of every type of Mayakashi, leaving you needing very little expansion room.

This is what I didn't want people to do, as it's still extremely easy to play this like a straight Mayakashi deck. Add to that extremely powerful staples like Call of the Haunted, Evacuation Device, D Prison, Foolish and Allure and I don't think the one Violet crystal really balances things out. The card choices on display here are pretty boring and don't nearly take advantage of the vast card ocean Yugioh has to offer, with most stuff being either well-known or relatively recent (~1,5 generations).

I don't really like the deck, I'm gonna say. You've the chance to run something like Red-Eyes Zombie dragon, Archfiend Zombie-Skull, Revived King Ha-Des or Doomkaiser Dragon (+ assault mode) if you want to go synchro zombies, but are skipping over that in favor of just running what's essentially pure mayakashi retrofit to have the illusion of not being a Mayakashi deck.

EDIT: Also, while not relevant to the critique here, for anyone else reading: If anyone has any opinions on anybody's decks, including my own, feel free to share them. If someone goes at some of my own card choices, for example, I'm willing to debate you on the matter and change up my own stuff. Lord knows LunarStandard talked me out of quite a few poor choices back in DT.
When we getting started?

When you gonna contribute to anything?
D-ruler format


Asking on viability of using (or at least aiming for) Mayakashi with a small Synchro ladder/engine to start?

I'll repeat what I said to Charak when he brought it up to me in PMs:

Something he's doing, E HERO, is a lot easier for me to justify giving him some archetypal cards of since they not only have an assload of them (thus naturally making it somewhat easier to stumble on them) but also have an assload more mediocre cards. While I still wouldn't allow a full-on HERO deck, at the very least he has an easier time slipping a decent chunk of them by me because of the fact they're not all that intrusive and don't necessarily need to synergize with each-other immediately to still work as standalone cards.

However, when you go with an archetype that not only has way less cards in its roster, but also relies incredibly hard on synergies within itself, you start running into trouble with me. I naturally have to consider you not being allowed more than only a very small handful of the archetype's card pool because I don't want you running the whole suite, but in doing so, I also screw you over because the archetype is so reliant on having more of itself that it becomes near impossible to build it into a more generic deck.

If you can find a way to make it work without earning my ire I'll commend you for it, but the safest suggestion would be playing either a completely generic deck or finding something that's a little less xenophobic.

Either way I'd need to see a decklist and then judge it individually; while I'd prefer you wait on it once I've gotten a proper OOC going and can organize information more readily, I'm not exactly in a position to stop anyone from putting something out for review since I shared my own (and Charak would never leave me alone if I didn't give him opinions)
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