Avatar of Apex Sunburn


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1 yr ago
Current @Zeroth I have the same issue. DO NOT try to uninstall and reinstall because you'd be blocked from downloading the app at all from the site as well.
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2 yrs ago
My back, my back, and my back. They're all in pain.


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@Apex Sunburn hey im always up for another family member for roman he has a lot of family and the names are up for change if you want. the Ravenwood family are craftsmen and merchants at heart.

Ah, damn, I already drafted my character to be a maritime trader of sorts ;;. I appreciate the offer, though! If this character falls through, I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
<Snipped quote by Apex Sunburn>

This is a fantasy world that def goes post-industrial. We are casually picking and choosing what it features. You can be from a faraway land; I plan on eventually expanding map, but I am not going to delve into faraway lands or build upon them yet for the sake of simplicity.

I want to remind you that this has a heavy focus on romance/drama with twinkles of mystery and magic. Does your idea fit into this realm ? Let us know if you were perceiving the story differently.

- Trains
- Horse Carriages
- Hot Air Balloons
- Ships/Steamboats
Home Necessities:
- Fridge contraption known as Ice Box
- Plumbing
- Lighting
What else?
- Old Camera with Tent (camera obscura)
- Typewriters
- Muskets/older style guns

@Apex Sunburnheya discord is a bit easier to get all your questions answered, and we are really cool about newcomers joining to ask questions. BUUUT If you prefer this way I’ll boop princess and potter for you.

I can say there are muskets. there are trains and type writers and steam engines. It’s a Victorian age fantasy. So not everything is exactly historical if you get what I mean.

And no they don’t have to be, I believe we have one person who isn’t from any of the set kingdoms, but that’s a question for princess.

We do have a merchant/ lesser nobleman right now. @ReusableSword So you might want to ask if he’s ok with a similar character.

Hope you stay interested!

Thanks for the clarification!

Yes, I understand that this RP is heavier on drama; I'm not going to/planning on starting independent sub-plots unnecessarily. What I had in mind was to play a character who's either on the sidelines or interacts with established plotlines in some capacity for now...And I just realised I have essentially described roleplaying. I had some fun playing pretty much an NPC in a similar RP years ago - though back then I was too much of an NPC, so I'll be avoiding any behaviour/character traits that'll make them too passive.

Tech-wise, I wasn't expecting something historical, but the vibes I was getting from this was akin to regency/enlightenment era Europe, so I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for letting me know!

And I'll look over the CSes again to make sure I don't make a character too similar; I'll edit and adjust what I have in plan accordingly. It's still pretty vague and fluid, so I shouldn't have any problem doing so.
Hi! Thought I'd drop by and express tentative interest before joining the Discord; would hate to pop in and pop out again if my idea falls through. Just in case I missed anything, this RP is pre-industrial, yes? Does that mean no muskets or any sort of gunpowder technology? As of now, I have a lesser noble/merchantman character in mind and it'd help me describe their vessel if it comes to it.

Also, does the character have to be from the map, or can we go beyond map borders? I was thinking of a lesser noble from a faraway land on a trade mission (maybe with an agenda of their own). If necessary, I can do up maps of the region myself.
I might be interested in this; seems similar to something I took part in ages ago, on an account that has since been lost to the internet for eternity (or until something jogs my memory).

Don't have much ideas for a character now, but I'm leaning towards perhaps some minor noble from a land farther away in the area for their own reasons. Something like a wildcard sort of character (or spanner-in-the-works, depending on how you look at it) who's simultaneously bystander and unintentional - mostly - hindrance/boon.
*throws welcome party*

I'm not getting fooled; I know what happens after parties like this. I'm not going on another long adventure with a group of close-knit friends (of whom at least one will die in a glorious manner and another dies but comes back) to seal some ancient evil away for the foreseeable future despite the risk of grave personal harm. Took far too long the last time.

...Or at least my old account details. Ah well, perhaps it's best to leave the past in the past and start anew.

(Proceeds to lurk for the next 3.4 months)
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