Avatar of Apollosarcher


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7 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
2 yrs ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
6 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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Marwood clicked his tongue and readied his lance looking at swordsman a distance away frowning, he looked as Isolde and nodded. "I can take him, help Reina and the others get past. I'll deal with the damned mercenary then join you." Marwood told them as looked at the others. "Reina, why don't you go see what that Shaman has to say? He's not our enemy it seems and he could be one of your people." He added thinking it might have been someone sent to help make sure they escaped, Reina stood the best chance of convincing them to help, either way, she was the future ruler of Grado.

He looked at Morag as Fiona had moved to charge into position the horse cantered forward, then with a tap at her sides she broke into a gallop the charger readied herself as Marwood aimed his lance. "You want a fight! Face a knight of Renais coward!" He called out as he aimed his lance for the man's chest Fiona carrying the young prince forward at considerable speed as he made his taunt.
Daniel "Spectre" Matthews

Spectre rolled up slightly late to the party it seemed, he'd been on a call with his daughter back in the states trying to find out how she was doing... Making sure she was doing okay in school and what not, being a parent usually a thousand miles away made things difficult for him to say the least. He'd cleaned up and gotten ready, mostly civilian clothes with armor and pouches mixed in didn't have a uniform and Rainbow didn't seem to have a mandatory dress code, he was pretty sure he'd seen some person with pink tennis shoes on rather than boots. Spectre hummed to himself as finished getting his gear together and pulled on his mask and sunglasses after that his hood and scarf. Made him hard ID and more importantly broke up the human outline when he was laying down lining up a shot. Finally, he picked up his crosscomm placing it in his left ear.

With that settled he headed straight out to join the others, he didn't want to be late but... Well no matter how much revenge he was trying to be a good parent too. Tugged slight on the patch on his shoulder, it had been added to the clothing he'd sent over it wasn't much... Wouldn't mean anything to the people here really, no one knew what exactly Ghost Recon meant... Hell, battalions in the army only supported three companies so anyone who knew anything probably have a question or two he'd have to duck either way it was high time to start the meet and greet, he'd feel better if he had a rifle... Fiddling with the scope made him feel better not to mention he was used to maintaining his own gear on ops having actual resources and training time.

He stopped looking at the others, then to the weapons it looked like they would be running a course, rather than target shooting or performing combat games. He preferred simulated combat personally, more dangerous and more realistic of course if they were running this course individually that would be rather annoying Ghost's were flexible but it meant very rarely were they, masters of anything, Spectre was a sniper, a comms tech, but a point man? Usually, he had someone else for that not that he couldn't do the job.

He saw the others milling around and figured it was a good time to say hello, he tapped on his cross comm helped project his voice better from behind the mask. He spotted one of FBI operators and... Hong Kon SDU he remembered. You got good at spotting special forces when you could up against any of them.

"Uh... Hi, I'm Spectre... Sorry, Daniel. More used to the callsign than a name." The sniper added as stepped towards Jamie and Ella. "Hopefully didn't miss anything too important, I had to make a call and it ran long." Unsure if he wanted to talk about his daughter to the people here... He never knew when he might end up working against one of the nations here... Another annoying part of being a Ghost was being really picky about your friends. His voice came out crisp and clear even from behind the mask, cross comm did a good job of that.

"Anyway, I'm a sniper and comms specialist if you are curious. US Army Special Forces, I'm also an engineer. Of course this was only slight truth, they just needed to know who he was and that he could be trusted and with the that hulk of a Russian that haul that relic of a gun around like it was nothing he really didn't want to mention he was part of a group that regularly conducted illegal deniable ops on other sovereign nations. Better to be the awkward slight less interesting guy, better odds of not being punched in the face.

@Oskar DiLondra @Zoey White

Marwood nodded and Fiona shot herself forward once Reina was safely on her back, as they charged forward Marwood drew up his lance once more aiming for the soldier blocking the way. Isolde was going to get a talking to after this and so would her mount, charging ahead had nearly gotten her killed, did she not have any thought to her own survival or how to best work with others? He shook that off as he neared the soldier he reached a hand back to let Reina take it and swing down as thrust the spear at merc who had encircled the rider.

Once Reina was safely down he tapped Fiona's sides to have her shift her weight, he wanted at the mercenary on the other side of the soldier once the lancer went down.
@PlatinumSkink Yeah sorry just been busy! I'll drop a post in a few hours.
Daniel Matthews

Daniel was exhausted, he'd just come off a CIA babysitting job in the States, they were working with others to gather intel on Vegas incident as the reports called it. He'd call it a bloodbath, he'd been the only GST not on a mission or assigned without a word he caught the first commercial flight for the U.K. once he arrived the transfer papers had begun meanwhile he prepped his mission kit. He wasn't used to the idea of this by the books lets wear our colors openly stuff. He was in intelligence, a spook to most of the proper military types and police organizations he was nothing but trouble. Of course, he'd do his best not to let it slip that he was Ghost or a spook he was here to help them take revenge, he went back to never existing after this was done probably never even record he was in Rainbow.

He'd arrived in civilian clothes, unlike the others he didn't have a uniform and no doubt they wanted him to stand out for the older operators to take notice. He wore a pair of jeans and a white hooded jacket similar to his combat kit, he was sure he'd get funny looks but what mattered was his skill. He'd been a Ghost for years he'd served in places and conditions people here had probably never experienced, he'd had training in everything Rainbow did except usually he worked with fewer resources and far less restraint. Settling into a seat he relaxed as introductions began.

The speech was nice but it wasn't for someone like him, Daniel understood what they were going through. They were running down the list of more veteran members, senior staff as it was hurt no doubt. The crowd meanwhile was nothing than replacements they weren't comrades, it had no doubt angered the other operators to see all the new faces where comrades should have been. Daniel didn't plan on dying and he certainly didn't plan on letting anyone he was working with die due to bad intel, he was a comms specialist and a sniper he'd make sure they knew what was behind every door.

The civilian clothed man walked up taking an envelope, he'd made a request to keep his old code name... He didn't like the idea of changing it. Smiling as he looked it over he paused a moment looking at the other operators unsure if he should mingle or press on towards his room, he was tired but... First impressions could only be made once and it wasn't like he needed the extra sleep. He saw two other American Operators chatting, from what he could hear they were FBI.

Of course, how would he introduce himself? Spectre former Army Ranger now assigned to Rainbow, yes former military here in civilian clothes. That wouldn't raise flags, for the moment Spectre decided to hang back he didn't know what exactly to say but he figured it best not to just wander off to find his room even if sounded perfect. He wanted the people here to trust him or at least know enough about them that he wouldn't be afraid they would ostracise him for being a spook rather than military or police, especially when Ghosts considered the whole world as there area of operations.

Marwood sighed as Isolde rushed forward with reckless abandon, how the hotheaded Cavalier became the voice of reason and caution he'd probably never understand. "Right then. The fast way it is! Fiona!" Marwood gave a click of the tongue and nudge in the side the horse's hooves struck the cobblestone harder she picked the pace as Marwood leaned low in the saddle taking aim with the tip of the lance for the open back of the retreating mercenary, the poor fool would never be able to outrun a well-trained horse. Striking at the running man he withdrew his lance his target would be wounded or dead he didn't care. Marwood stopped with that he looked at Reina a moment frowning as he could see she'd have trouble keeping up.

"Reina, I've got room on Fiona if you want to stay close." He didn't want to sound condescending, but she wasn't exactly like he'd faced combat before now and it was a trial by fire and he wanted to support his friend. "I don't mind since your bodyguard seems to be heading right for the fray." He added offering his hand to climb if she wanted to climb on his horse or continue on foot.

@LetMeDoStuff Added a couple extra paragraphs about his home life and more personal data to psych profile.

Well, I see we have a bigger team than last time I'm interested for sure might use my characters for last time, rather liked him.
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