Avatar of Apollosarcher


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3 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
1 yr ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
5 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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@Lord Wraith Feel free to join in the fun. I know Jason just wants more people to add to the destruction experience!
The Jedi Knight known as Airus Vel Aath had only just returned to Tython from a long trip to the Republic dig site at Lannik, having helped where he could. Arriving with his Padawan in tow the young Jedi knight was curious of the goings on of Tython of course only minutes after he had landed, he was brought inside by a librarian, yet again he was given a mission. Of course, he gave Miarhi a task to research all Republic records she could find on Lannik while he away.

The situation was quickly explained to the Knight, as he was brought up to speed on what they knew, an auction was to take place on Nar Shaddaa put together by a Hutt, Krembal one of the crime lords of the planet. His casino would host several salvagers, pirates, and thieves who were putting hot items up for sale while this was outside of Republic space the Jedi knew they could not allow one of the items vanish once more. Several stone tablets from the early days of the Jedi that were once a important display piece among the order and widely regarded part of Jedi history they had managed to safe guard for generations.

It was made clear Airus had been requested for this task to hopefully use the credits provided to purchase the item and quietly return them to Tython if not extra steps would need to be taken to secure the safe return of the items. Airus was given permission to ask other Jedi for aid if he felt they could assist in his mission, Airus wasn't sure who he could ask but help sounded like a good idea marching into a den of thieves, murders, and other scum. Though he wanted to ask for help he knew of no one he could turn to on this matter, his lack of connections among the Jedi had come to bite him once again. He wondered silently if his own belief that he should not connect with other Jedi a problem more than a solution, pushing the thought aside he headed for his ship.

On Nar Shaddaa

Airus had landed a few hours ago, having received the invitation that had been acquired for him, while it didn't list who he was it made sure his name was on the list and he could enter without issue. Enough credits to the right people could get anything done, especially on Nar Shaddaa, the planet was haven for those who needed something. Airus truly believed it was perfect representation of what many systems would be like without the Republic, a haven for criminal a death trap to the poor and a truly horrifying place for anyone with even a shred of morals who dared to look beyond on the surface.

Of course for Airus he only saw what they tried to hide, much like Coruscant below the glitter and money was darkness and depravity, while he could understand some of Coruscant and even work to fix it. Here he could only treat symptoms, here he could do nothing but help who he could and then leave, this planet would not change unless something drastic happened. He could dream of that but in truth with the Hutts controlling this part of space... It was a pipe dream to change anything here until they had lost their power.

Airus walked back towards his bedroom on the ship, Goldie gave a whine at Airus that the opening would be soon as Sparks headed down to engineering. Goldie was a Jedi temple scout droid assigned to help Airus in surveying, of course the utility droid had it's fair share of weapons. Meanwhile Sparks was the ship engineer and helped plot navigation, the two little droids enjoyed the company of the bookish Jedi. Mostly because he never bothered them or thought to clean up their memories, letting them mostly act as the ships crew. Of course the two droids rather enjoyed Airus's company, to them it felt as if the ship was there for them and he was just a passenger who sat in the pilots seat.

Taking a long breath Airus started getting himself ready dressing carefully, he locked his saber hilt's to his belt as he pulled on his heavy brown cloak and pulled the hood up far enough to hide his face. "Sparks! Goldie! Lock up the ship and don't trust anyone who tries to get on board without mentioning my name." He told the droids as he descended the ramp. It was a short taxi ride over to the casino from the Republic dock, one that Airus spent playing .

Slowly Airus neared the casino he could sense the people the clamoring for the chance to enter, Airus flashed his credit chit letting the bouncers know he was here to spend credits. The building was enormous and so sleek, even Airus lacking sight couldn't help but find it impressive as he carefully strode through the ornate halls of the casino. The casino no doubt shown with brilliant lights, of course he couldn't see them and didn't care to, as he passed through the halls he could feel the passion, anger, excitement, disappointment, but somewhere among it he felt one stronger presence more clearly and it's emotion was clear the person was upset, angry, and enraged something terrible had happened, he'd have to find the source when things calmed down.

Right now it was time to blend in, slipping on a pair of glasses on that would hide his bandaged face and prevent unneeded questioning. Ordering a bottle of Corellian whiskey from a passing waitress Airus moved right to the sabacc tables, the pair of tinted glasses could be seen from under the hood, as he lowered it to look far less suspicious at the table. He wore them over a cover of bandages that he'd carefully concealed with his slightly messy red hair. Purchasing a fair amount of chips, Airus smiled at the others players as he focused on the cards around the table. Hundreds of people were moving through emotions flared all around but most were positive it seemed and easy enough to filter it out and focus on just his cards.

The turmoil of emotions and the feelings that coursed through each player, he thought about reading the cards but the aura's and emotions that he could see of the three other gamblers around him, was enough. The round began, it might not be where Airus wanted to spend the night but he could think of worse places to be than taking money from a bunch of pirates and smugglers who didn't deserve it. Sipping his whiskey Airus gave those around him a smile, didn't need to bluff when you could see through everyone like they were nothing. He wondered if he could earn enough credits gambling here to pay for the tablets without the Jedi order footing the bill.
Airus Vel Aath will arrive on a mission to return the lost ancient stone tablets to the Jedi Order.
Airus Vel Aath

Airus had to take a moment, he was feeling a lot of things and seeing a lot things, a few he was having trouble processing. First was the Deathwatch Commando standing outside the ship with a personal energy shield that shrugged off a turbo laser. How did he know the Deathwatch commando without seeing the pattern of the armor? He knew Deathwatch and fought them, he knew the training and the style of combat. More importantly he could see the weapon choice. Mandalorian to the core, of course the most telling sign was the advanced equipment Mandalorians loved their tech.

Airus then noted the sudden shift in the ship, the engines started without warning and as the ramp closed he was concerned at first but then realized it was being done to aid their escape. Taking a breath as they left he focused on the force, then noted Kabal wasn't present... Nor did he sense the danger the little gremlin usually kept him on alert for. That would warrant further investigation later, for now he focused on Solace as she issued orders, trying to ignore the pain of the nearby agonizing deaths the bounty hunters they had just so thoroughly cooked had been left too.

Airus thought for a moment of asking Solace what he should do next then she shot the two intruders as Airus noted the new arrivals, some he'd seen before some he had not. Either way her orders were clear, so taking a moment to compose himself he figured he would do things in a timely order namely starting with his last given order. Locate the force disturbance, namely who was causing it as he pressed through the hallway moving his staff back and forth like a blind-man navigating a hall. Airus slowly moved towards the crew rooms, passing Natasha as he set a course to look for the girl. The short one, she seemed to be giving off the rather loud sensation of her own force abilities. She was a beacon to others of who exactly was on this ship.

However, stopping in the hallway he noticed a Pantoran one he hadn't met or had any memory of seeing on this ship. While it wasn't clear what exactly had happened, he could tell her distress and pain, he did want to deal with the trouble the force sensitive had caused them but as a doctor he could leave the woman before him like this. So stepping forward Airus spoke to the Pantoran woman leaning on his staff, frowning slightly as he took in what he could of her situation. "Your hurt, rather badly not to mention the emotional trauma... Airus Vel Aath, ship doctor." Explained the Miralukan man as he stood before Alyra.

He could sense the other girl not far away while he wanted to deal with her, generally as a rule doctors treated the most injured first. "Please come with me to the medical bay. I'll administer bacta and painkillers, or rather what he intended to do was use the force to heal her truly. Minor damage like this was much easier to repair with the force and saved them on expensive medical supplies which Airus tried to keep as many of as he could. Extra medical supplies meant when poodoo finally hit the fan Airus would have supplies to keep the crew alive through more serious injuries.

Of course, Airus did forgot that to new people on the ship who didn't truly know him the idea of a blind doctor could be a little off putting to say the least. Airus mentally noted he'd need to bring the woman up to Solace after her treatment so she could find a place on the ship, Airus just hoped it wouldn't be yet another death in the day. He preferred saving lives to taking them when he had a choice on the matter.

Checking in as the person helping getting things running and get things going here.

Lannik Dig Site, Neutral Camp

The Felinx and Rodus Cantina

Airus would have blinked his usually rather hard to read face cracked into a smile, the Miraluka chuckled then laughed at the question Miarhi had asked him. He knew Miraluka were uncommon and knowledge of force sight was obscure but, this was funny. "I suppose in a manner of speaking I see through your clothes... Might sight is, unique. I can see the lightsaber on your belt or what you place in the fold of your robes. I can tell you what the owner is doing over at the bar behind me." Airus explained.

"But I also don't perceive body as more than outline I suppose, instead you are... An aura as my people call it, your emotions form colors and patterns. I could quite literally see how nervous you were, never mind feeling it through my own ability as an Empath, speaking of which. You are one too, aren't you?" He smiled at Miarhi a bit more like a proud teacher looking to a pupil. "I'm an Empath as well, bit of telepathy as well." He chuckled.

"As for my record... Well, I suppose the High Council made their choice on what they believe happened on Dantooine. However, I'm glad Master Turus was overruled on his thoughts" He frowned at that, sitting back as he turned his head towards the door. "And yes, I know what that grump of a Master thinks." He turned giving her a slightly sly grin as he added in the lower tone. "The Librarians are a rather fond of gossip, I don't just have good sight I have good hearing as well." He answered, letting her know that their had been some strife in whether Miarhi should be assigned to him.

Airus pause then groaned a moment. "Sorry, I forget myself I shouldn't speak badly of Master Turus... It's just... Master Turus only had me as a Padawan after that incident on Dantooine that denied my promotion, and spending my life in a library as much as enjoy it, is not the place for a Jedi to do their work." He added a bit annoyed.

"Oh I can guess what you got up too. I was a student not to long ago, let me guess pretty faces and feeling their emotions makes you want to connect to them, or perhaps do more than just be compassionate?" He added with a rather knowing tone. "I had another empath to train me when I was young, but I felt it too... It's hard to resist but you shouldn't lose it." He explained calmly.

"Jedi have a duty to compassion, kindness, understanding, and decency to even our enemies. Those of us gifted as Empaths, we have to set that example, you can feel another persons emotions and with those you connect to feel them even over distance. However, the moment you put one person above others to try and make their feelings better you have to consider how that affects you can help others in the future." He explained, not lecturing but speaking from what he knew from his time traveling.

"I've met grateful people who wanted something more than my compassion, I didn't give it. I won't hold you to this standard nor will I report you if something happens, I expect you to handle yourself." He spoke with a bit of authority then softened.

"You are a Jedi Padawan now, a Knight of the Republic in the making. I am going not going to treat you just as much as my student and friend, just as my Master did me. Any wrongdoing you do, I will take responsibility for and any trouble you cause or get into is my fault. You are the Padawan, you're only duty is to learn and if I cannot teach you enough to make you a Jedi, that is my failing not yours." Airus answered giving another friendly smile.

"But I am happy to have you Miarhi Gako, you will make a fine student. One I hope to see surpass me one day as a talent Jedi Knight." He spoke feel how truly happy he was to have a student and one who he could show his own talents to and share those skills with her.

Lannik Dig Site, Imperial Camp

Director's Post

Director Lyon Vargo sat behind his desk, a portly man with a pair of thick rimmed glasses. He was a well read man who had spent most of his time teaching rather than in the field. Those who can't and such, however Vargo was determined to prove he could in fact work in the field, he ached for advancement. He did not want to spend forever teaching, instead he had hoped to prove himself here at Lannik by making progress on where to dig faster than the Republic and earning himself a nice promotion. Perhaps even retire in a decade or two, he had severally under estimated the Republic.

He assumed the Coruscant University team would be mostly students and labors with a handful of personal. Instead he contended with several experts with a greater understanding of the Sith Wars and Jedi civil war than he had imagined. The Core team of Doctor Zaniah Kane had brought with her had been outpacing them as every attempt they had made been slowed by the Lannik's unwillingness to risk the destruction of more of the landscape than necessary.

Two months into the survey process he had half the data on the landscape that the Republic did, he had more qualified geologists but they had not studied alien mineral or common building materials of the time periods the fortress was from. He had less data and his experts to longer to process it, now the dark haired man grew worried results were expected and while he had assembled a team that could compete with younger fresh faced students and singular professor, what he faced was a veteran team that had dug up items from the Mandalorian Wars to the Jedi Civil war.

With the full funding of the one of the finest universities in the Republic, one that happened to have a good relationship with the Jedi even with Coruscant souring to them. As such, Director Vargo had begun to scheme he'd sent a few of his trusted colleagues to spook some of the younger Republic students and steal the data from the survey sights. That gambit had failed with the arrival of the Jedi giving the students knowledge that anyone dare harm them a Jedi would be along soon to rescue them.

Instead Director Vargo sat worriedly, listening to a friend of his tell him the Sith would be coming to ensure the dig site was on schedule. The director slumped into his chair, nervous with panic making his heart beat faster he needed someone to blame for this failure that wasn't himself if he was going to survive this.
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