Lieutenant Inspector Airus Vel Aath (WIP)

| {Full Name} |Airus Vel Aath
| {Age} |37
| {Species} |Miraluka
| {Gender} |Male
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |Yes- Light/Grey
| {Appearance} |Airus stands roughly two meters tall, with a muscular build that reflects his own constant training, his weight is around ninety kilograms thanks to his rather dedicated psychical training. Tufts of red hair often sticking out from his rather uncombed hair and the blindfold that wraps around his head. Scars mostly healed along his chest, while usually wrapped in traditional Jedi robes Airus does favor the traditional brown and blacks color choices closer to home or when traveling on trips that involve less crawling through the dirt.
With pale skinned tanned from field work and days spent looking for items or gathering information scholars within the temple requested. At a distance with his hood up, many assume Airus is much older than he appears upon lowering it the Miraluka's rather unblemished skin, with a strong jawline his usual clothes looking more akin to traveling pilgrim or settler, than a Alsakan constable or battle tested Jedi knight who more so favor armor. He also keeps a small military locker with extra robes, his official uniform, dress uniform, clone wars era armor, tools, and equipment on board his ship.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |A refit Pelta class Frigate The Blind Luck, with large personal data stacks and a personal training dojo with high end holographic simulation droid, and a small but well stocked bar next to the kitchen. Airus keeps several datapads filled with information on criminals, activate investigations, and data records he is in the process of archiving. His two Astromech's, Sparks and Goldie. Two light sabers one in yellow and one in white, designed by Varina Vel Aath and given to her brother as gifts. Cin Drallig's training Holocron, the temple battle master and finest saber teacher the Order has had in recent memory. Jocasta Nu's Holocron the Chief librarian's holocron, a Holocron that covers the vast majority of information one might need to locate or how to locate it. The memory crystals for Holocrons are stored within his belt. Jedi equipment belt, stun pistol, deactivator, pair of binders, and Alsakani Judicial badge.
| {Physical Abilities} |Archivist and Archeologist: Trained by Jocastu Nu, Airus is the rare breed of younger Jedi with the knowledge and ability to maintain, build, and curate the data stacks the Jedi Order is known for within temples. While the Alsakan Judicial Branch has many Jedi who can patrol and serve but few who can provide more critical services. Airus and skeleton staff lorekeepers have been tasked with the enormous job of filing and securing all of the data and holocrons they can salvage from Coruscant, other locations, and recover from black market sales. Airus was also given access to Jocasta Nu's holocron which contains the knowledge she wished her successor to have, as such. Airus is considered a wealth of information and while he may not remember exactly what they need at a given time he usually can find something relevant and useful quickly enough to help.
The Last Battle Master's Chosen: The Jedi Order had many great duelists and lightsaber combatants. Mace Windu, Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, all of them however considered one man their friend, equal, and at some point another sparring partner, however, not one of them was a better teacher than Cin Drallig Battle Master and commander of the Temple Guard. Brought up in the Jedi crèche Airus was allowed to forgo form I training for form III instead by Cin Drallig after the child delivered him explanation on why Jedi should focus on protection over attack. Airus grew to become one of the most capable in practitioner in Soresu over the years, the clone wars quickly sharpening those skills. Adding Form V to skills during the clone wars and developing to near completion under the Argent before finally proving himself during his flight.
Alsakani Jedi: Keeping the peace is more so about solving practical problems rather than esoteric mystery's of the force. As such Jedi who live and work with the Judaical branch focusing more so on non-lethal duties and public service. He focused on trying to learn things that would serve him well throughout life rather than focus on combat skills and things to substitute his lightsaber skill. Taking to things that would serve him and those he cared about well in the field or help him fulfill his duties in the temple better. Taking a Sentinel like approach he asked himself what is practical and not what is powerful. Airus see's the force as something to helping him serve, not as a weapon. The Jedi is the tool the force merely the medium they depend on to get there. With investigation and critical thinking becoming the backbone of the Jedi serving Judicials.
Veteran of two wars: Airus led clones and militia's against the CIS as well fought them himself, from Outer Rim to the defense of the Inner Rim. As such his combat experience was forged in warfare against the Dark Acolytes, droids, and more. Airus's experience in the clone wars had tempered him into a capable leader and decisive leader. This would be further showcased when Airus led squads of judicials against the creatures made by the Arkanian rebels. Airus would be twice decorated and promoted during putting down the rebellion. This time spent in the field combined with study has made him fluent in nearly three dozen languages, reading many more.
Alsakani Jedi patrol pilot: Skilled in bringing the firepower and speed of an T-65 to bear or maneuvering The Blind Luck while coordinating judicial patrol craft. He is by no means an ace but a strong force sensitivity and years of flying craft have given him at enough skill to avoid his foes and strike back.
The Anaxes Connections: The Vel Aath family have been serving in the Republic and attending the war college as long as the republic navy has had a war college on Anaxes. While Airus hails from the Coruscanti branch his relatives on Anaxes have welcomed him with open arms... And grand public relations. With the Vel Aath family currently holding position of Senator from the historically military bound planet and Airus is now a ranking member of the Judicials with accolades to his name and the Chiefs favor Airus wonders where their influence ends. Though the families long service record and unblemished dedication to the Republic have made them friends to both the Mandalorian's and Corellian's with both interested in courting the martial culture of Anaxes.
Secret novelist: Airus writes several romance book series under a pen name... It is almost unknown to the galaxy as a whole and he prefers it stay that way. The books are best sellers throughout the different regions and Airus fears what would happen if his fan base found out a Jedi wrote these... Or his co-workers and friends teasing should they learn of it.
| {Force Abilities} |Force Sense
Telekinetic Defense
Force Empathy
Force Sight
Force Speed
Jedi Hibernation
Mind Trick
Mind Shield
Comprehend Speech
Breath Control
Force Heal
Alter Damage
Detoxify Poison
Force body
Force Weapon
| {Limitations} |Hyper fixation: Airus has an issue with letting things go, mysteries and puzzles are things he has to crack. From deciphering languages to solving riddles a compulsion of sorts to understand and learn about all things. Airus has trouble avoiding this even when it's in his best interest.
Argent Escapee: Airus is one of the very small number of individuals to ever leave the Argent Order and continue to live, mostly thanks to the protections his position, relatives, and the Mandalorian's afforded him after his escape with critical and damning information on the Argent and what they attempted to do. As such the Argent would love nothing more than to kill Airus and would take any excuse to bring him back or terminate him depending on what is most convenient.
Miraluka: Born without eyes, Airus can only see through the use of the force and when cut off from it by himself, by force, drugs, or other means. Without the force Airus must depend on hearing and touch alone to navigate, he has learned somewhat how to navigate without the force but is still far less graceful without the force to aid him.
Compassionate to a fault: Airus is one of the kindest people you will ever meet, his natural empathy and kindness towards others has made him into someone people from outside the order find approachable. While many would say Airus shows almost to much kindness, the truth is that he feels the need to improves others lives by doing anything he can. Believing that Jedi are more meant to pursue a better universe through all means fighting, charity, goodwill, or just simple acts of benevolence. This has also led Airus to develop a very strict practice of putting people first, the force is not used to rule over or command others.
| {Personality} |Airus is one of the more traditional knights, still having some of the traditional beliefs and ideals of the Jedi with a more modern teaching intermingling in his world view. His time under Master Drallig shaped his view on lightsaber combat and his later years serving under Master Nu. He found an understanding of more modern teachings and that the old ways while useful are not always the best ways. Flourishing as a student of knowledge and reveling in lightsaber combat, Airus did receive advanced training Light Warden training from another Jedi Master.
Airus prepares for combat and expects violence against him but never raises his fist first, taking any step he can to avoid fighting. Airus gives freely of his medical talents, force skills, and time to anyone who needs the assistance. However, the Jedi Consular can be devious having picked up a gambling as a pass time and is rather successful. Kindly, compassionate, and deviously clever Airus is strange but interesting Jedi Knight.
| {Place of Origin} |Coruscant, Jedi Temple
| {Background} |A history of your character showing important events in their past.