Avatar of Apollosarcher


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7 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
2 yrs ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
6 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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North Western Coast of Gyrland, The Crawler


Captain Karsten felt the Crawler lurch as it made it's way up the coast, quietly thankful this thing was tested against water. "Who the hell thought the best time to do this was during a monsoon!" A couple of bridge officers braced on consoles before moving, to check the other stations. "Please tell me we are getting close to land!" He groaned, days out at sea getting ready for the operation had made him a bit woozy; he wasn't fond of boats, it was why he joined the damn army. He grunted as the crawler came out of the deeper waters, they would be getting closer now. He flicked the intercom on, as he tried to peer out into the rainy darkness of early morning but the sky was pouring cats and dogs. "All pilots to your stations, prepare for launch. Security and engineer personnel make sure everything is tied down or off the hangar floor!" He spoke as the treads hit a sand bar bursting through it as they entered the coastline proper. "They can't see us coming but it'll be up to you to clear a path inland for the Crawler, we are ten minutes to launch repeat ten minutes to launch Phantom Brigade." He placed the intercom back down and held on to his chair, rubbing his temples as took deep breaths trying not to lose his lunch as another fifteen foot wave struck the Crawler from behind.


"Get your asses in gear! Strap it down or get it upstairs! I swear to god you lose my spare parts! I'll wring you snot nosed brats's necks and run this whole hangar myself!" Pops was barking orders as he marched up and down the catwalk watching the mechanics and engineers scramble between the legs of the Frames around them. Crates were lifted with cargo cranes or run upstairs. Freddie and Jack were running crates upstairs doing their best not to fall as Amber went over final checks on the Frames, Rosie meanwhile was working the cranes from her tablet. Remington and the Tailors were helping the scouts seal up the containers the ground vehicles were in, hoping the flooding wouldn't be to bad from the water that would get in when the hangar doors opened.

Lady Grey leaned on the catwalk cradling a cup off tea, watching as the hangar buzzed with action not even the most violent rocking of the vessel caused her to flinch or lose her balance. She stayed perfect still sipping her tea content to watch others work and observe, that was all she seemed to do anyway. She'd been in the medbay earlier though she had been pushed out as the good doctors were forced to make room for crates and supplies to be dropped in their work space to keep them dry. Of course it gave her the perfect time to evaluate this new brigade made of a bunch of ragtag soldiers from around the world. By any and all logic they'd be at each other's throat in a few weeks when supplies got thin and they had to make tough calls. Or maybe they'd band together and get through this... Either way, she was going to have an interesting time learning all about them... And seeing what the Ruzi's were up to.

Commander Walter Kaas stepped down, helmet under an arm as he looked over the Frames in their bays, nodding his head before tugging on his helmet. The heads up display appeared giving him readout on each frame and its pilot as he strode across the bay. "Listen up, we're gonna be dropped in the shallows, the storm will make it rough but we're going straight for the beach. Hit it and then hit their coastal barricades, identify targets and keep each other up to date. Crawler isn't gonna stop and neither are we, punch through and give it a corridor inland. Once we make it into the hills they can't track us. Show me what you can do, people." He spoke looking across at the different bays before he got the one upfront. The Cavalier, a temperamental beast that wanted to cook him alive unless he threaded the needle putting fire power and speed to use, he respected it... Reminded him of riding horses in his youth.

He thought over his current unit as he sealed up his cockpit. Klara Weiss, former Ruziyane nobility and ace now defected and supposedly eager to serve after her family were killed by friendly artillery strike. Not the first time he'd heard of the Empire sacrificing its own units to try and kill their foe.

Jack and Cass, an inseparable duo who knew each other inside and out... Jack was standoffish but he took orders well, a good soldier at least. Cass was a bit more wild and free, but she knew how to make her frame dance on the battlefield; he'd only seen the pair in training but they could fight like a squadron with just the two of them. While Cass would do well with the unit, Jack would need to find a way to get the stick out of his ass. Tight asses tended to be disliked among soldiers.

Next was Ingram, a family man who had lost it all. Damn good soldier too, even if he did come from Ruziyane. Irregulars didn't last without some skill and he had taken to the training and preparation well. He'd brought his little girl along... He couldn't fault Ingram, if Walter's own family hadn't been killed in the invasion of the capital he'd probably have his little boy here on the crawler... Well he'd be a man by now if he was still here he thought. He took a breath then settled on his last two pilots Rimau had been fighting with the Homeguard and he'd personally asked for her. She was the kind of soldier who just wanted a chance to do the right thing in the right place. He'd give her that chance here. Of the veteran's here she was one he was most impressed with, no one just earned a King's Star and if he had his way he'd give her a King to properly give her a medal for the service she'd given.

Lastly was Edward, while he had an impressive amount of training like most Vinland soldier he had never really faced the horrors of war. He considered him greener than the twins, even if he was Vinland's golden boy. As he checked the life signs of each of the pilots climbing into their frame's he noticed Edward had been in his... And his heart rate was unusually calm, flipping on the open comm channel he decided to give the rookie a wake up call. "Royce wake your ass up!" The Black Hound barked, loud enough that anyone on the pilot's comm channel would hear it. And its result, the loud jolt and fumbling of someone who just smacked their head on the roof of the cockpit. "Get yourself together boy we are launching soon... How the hell can you sleep through this shit kid?" How the hell was he supposed to take a pilot serious when they were napping before a massive operation like this?

The Commando

Edward jolted awake at Black Houd's shouting, his face impacting the monitor in his cockpit. "Right sorry won't happen again sir!" The young man's face was flushed, thankful no one could see him at least as he began to run through the Commando's final checks. Thinking it best to stay silent for now, afraid of getting in trouble if he tried to justify his nap. The Black Hound was intimidating even if Edward Royce callsign 'Saint' was one of the best of the best in Vinland, it didn't really matter here. Most of the folks here apart from the twins had seen plenty of combat. Now embarrassed in front of all of them he figured it would be best to just not say anything.

Shaking it off he muted his comm line running a hand along the Commando's consoles. "Alright... Aurelia let's get you ready. Gonna need you helping organize all this data coming in once we get out in the storm." He talked to his machine, having still been a bit to nervous to really talk with the other pilots. But this run was supposed to be a cakewalk so... Maybe they could talk a little out in the field? "Well Aurelia at least I have you to talk with... Techs said your supposed to grow and change more with time. Maybe you'll be able to do more than collate data and predict enemy movements eventually." He added before starting up his reactor to and check his rifles charge.

@Smike and @ASDAValueMilk your characters are approved!

@vietmyke and @13org you approved to move them on over!
Phantom Brigade Crew

Awesome, sorry about the ping!
@Steel Legion You can make a nation of origin within the world for you character. Not a nation RP sorry!
Last Message of the Phantom Brigade, from Vremmel Highway

“Every civilian we’ve passed in the past few days they all ask me questions. Where were you? When the armies of the Ruziyane Empire invaded our border? When General Orlov’s Elite Battle Frame’s crossed the Luminous Crystal Sea? When Admiral Moritz’s drop ships and bombers brought terror to the gray sky filled with snow? Why weren’t you there with the Home Guard at Hedmark? When the King took his own Battle-Frame out with his royal guard to face the foe to create a corridor for the evacuation at Velscinna? Why are you running away? They always shout, sometimes they throw things at us.” The old recording plays as troops bustle around behind the figure of an exhausted military man, of noble birth given the house crest on his uniform currently covered up by a blood stain. His green eyes sunken back as takes long gulps of coffee still with steam curling off it, perhaps the only thing keeping him going as he pushes blonde hair back and tries to wipe a grease stain off his winter camo, to no avail. He turns back to the recording, almost frowning but catches himself, as if he knows he can’t with all the men around him.

“We were doing our duty, for Gyrland, for the king, for hope, for you well if you ever bother watching this.Battle Frames with new technology, specialized weapons, capabilities, and designs all equipment Vinland and our Hollis institute intended for us to build and test. Cadets from our military academies, our best and brightest are now being entrusted with it. Our goal was not to fight and die for our country but to save the work and people we who will save our nation. The brigade took a pounding on the way here...I think I’m the ranking officer right now, as we made a run for the western coast, where our navy is evacuating who they can. Our goal was to take this equipment, our trainers, and our cadets to safety... So they might bring the fight back to our home.” An alarm blared, battle-frames and even retrofitted civilian models being brought online, some still freshly scared, some looking barely operational missing arms or heads. Ground pounder troops running around grabbing launchers, tanks rolling in dug out positions. Machine guns being set up, the officer looks a little sheepish a moment before finishing his coffee, his last meal.

“But I won’t be there... The Ruzi’s forces are closing in and the boats need time to load the cadets and researchers, as well anyone from regular forces who got some real experience. The Homeguard have been ordered back... But someone needs to give them something to fight. We're set up a few miles inland, in Vremmel, a big empty town with no civilians left and just one highway from the mountains to the coast. We plan to gun them down here and fall back to the port where we’ve set traps, if we last, hold them till the ammo runs out then we can see how the fists and shields hold up. After you all cast off through... Maybe we try to break out, link up with the Homeguard or see if the King’s royal guard managed to make it out their own corridor at the capital... Or hell maybe they’ll just give up!” He laughs, happy for maybe the last time, he shakes his head knowing that won’t happen, that the fate of all those here is sealed. “This is Prince Klaus Bernadotte, of the royal special service tactics brigade... The Phantoms, signing off.” He spoke pulling on a helmet, with a ghost-like symbol holding a shield with a sword over it. Heading for one of the nearby frames. The message fizzled out, the last transmission anyone had received from the Phantoms. The Eastern Imperial Hegemony of Ruziyane had announced they had wiped out the unit to the man, showing an image of the Phantom Battleframe with a flag being buried through it.

That was ten years ago, the Homeguard still exists though they cannot hold territory very long and mostly depend on supply drops from the Union of Vinland to keep their forces going. They exist in the outlying villages and towns, if ever seen making due with patching out of date frames and stolen Ruvi equipment. Never in large numbers and far from the population centers. The Ruvi forces have not yet finished off the Homeguard but it is clear that with their more constant defeats something must change soon or hope among the populace will be lost.

Volunteers from other nations, former Gyrland native, or even survivors who managed to evacuate have been given experimental equipment still in testing and have taken up the name of the Phantom Brigade, the former famed special forces unit Battle-frame of Gyrland. The Gyrland Navy will cover your infiltration, your goal to assault and provide relief to the Homeguard. Then to reinforce them as a leaner, more elite force gather equipment, and inspire the people of Gyrland. The specialized Frame-crawler with experimental stealth tech will be used to guide you. Your other goal, as asked by our friends in Vinland, is to go after the research and data on whatever the Ruvi bastards are researching.

Hey there, thank you for your interest in Orbis! The setting is a unique world I’ve made for something I’ve always enjoyed, ground based mech combat. Some folks may not like the idea as much but I’ve always preferred the style of something with mechs fighting down in the dirt. Squaring off against tanks and conventional units. The goal here was to create an earth-like setting that lends itself to telling a story like this without using existing countries and pasts. Obviously some nations are inspired by others and I will use that while writing them but I don’t intend for them to be one to one.

The Frames in this setting are going to be ground base mecha with access to melee weapons, convention firearms, and such. However, characters and their mechs will be able to pitch a specialized piece of gear, a prototype or special equipment for their Battle-Frame. As the Brigade does have less experienced people, it is fielding very advanced equipment which can be upgraded as the RP goes on.

As for the setting you can read more about it down below, as a note I have not defined every single country within the power blocks and that’s because the idea here will give you the freedom to be a volunteer from other nations. I am happy to work with you for a nation anywhere in the setting!. The idea of Avrupa is a sort of Europe split between monarchical nations in the east with democracies and republics to the west. Gyrland is a nation caught between the two and Vinland far across the sea from any of this helping but unwilling to risk its own nation in war.

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