House Description: The Starks are a House overflowing with good fortune an abundance of heirs, a long lived lord, and wisdom to know when to put pride aside for the good of the common folk and nobility alike. While many of his children play at the life of a mercenary or wander the world, he knows one will take up his throne and be the good ruler the lands will need. His oldest leads the mercenary company known as the Company of the Rose filled with those who could not fathom why a king might give his crown up. Though he argues and disputes with his son he loves him dearly as such the Company of the Rose may not be the Starks own men but their in reality mostly controlled by the Stark children and some of their men.
Recent History:
Since giving up his crown the North has entered a period of true growth, though many grumble about the changes such as the suspension of first night privileges or the new gift. While the hot blooded and young of the household have grumblings about service to the Targaryen household dragons are not something that they can simply overcome with blood and sweat. It would take cunning, skill, and luck beyond on any mortal man or woman to overcome them... Perhaps someone might find the way to achieve this.
Family Members:
Torrhen Stark, The King who Knelt, 71
First wife, Lywyn Bolton, killed with her children after the Boltons attempted a coup to unseat the Starks in the name of rallying against the King.
Second wife, Marion Mormont, died while sailing to visit her former home of Bear island.
Third wife, Rayiah Karstark, current wife of Torrhen. 50
Alwyn Stark, deceased
Aregerick Stark, deceased
Elanna Stark, deceased
Jociane Stark, deceased
Karlor Stark, deceased
Branwyn Stark, The Last Prince of Winterfell, 35
Alyswyn Stark, She-Wolf, 33
Barthor Stark and Artyn Stark, The Dancing Wolves, 29
Gillyn Stark, The White Wolf, 27
Lyrra Stark, The Lady of Winterfell, 25
Marwyle Stark, The Great Wolf, 22
Magna Stark, The Pup, 21
Brandon Snow The Exile, 61
Bennaric Snow, Frostblade, 30
Karlen Snow, The Mystic, 24
Elion Snow, The Apprentice, 19
Torrhen Stark, The King who Knelt
Age: 71
Appearance:Stark's do not wither into bone and crumple, to live among a frozen land such as the North is to harden ones body as much as ones resolve. Though the old Warden of the North has lost most of his ferocity he has done much to at least keep his body and mind sound. His once raven black hair now white as Snow and his great stature reduced, he cannot walk around for long in his armor or hold a great sword without leaning upon it when not in use.
Description & biography: One the mighty King of North now withered old man. His life one of great loss and great joys. For in his once foe he has found a way to make the North more powerful earning if nothing else respect and autonomy. The Northmen may not like having to pay the King's tax and nobles may grumble however they are loyal to the Starks and the Warden of the North is oathbound to the Targaryen's. He has already shown considerable judgement and care, first exiling his own brother to prevent a rebellion, then facing off against his own wife and children when they attempted to take his life and claim the throne for the Bolton's.
Having argued heavily with children over trying to convince the Targaryen's to at least allow the King in North to maintain his crown even if subservient to the Targaryen family.
Branwyn Stark, the Last Prince of Winterfell
Age: 35
Description & biography: Branwyn is the rebellious and troublesome oldest living son of Torrhen and current holder of Ice. In his youth attempted several times to prevent construction of the Highway and regularly argued for striking at the dragons. Torrhen sent his son away only for him and his sister Alswyn to steal Ice and head off to join the Company of the Rose... Which within a few year they had become leaders of. Under Branwyn the company of the Rose secured contracts and recruits from all walks of life from across Westeros his brilliant command and personal skill have carried the day for them more than Branwyn would like to admit. Now he seeks new employment after their relaxation in Dornish lands. Commanding the ten thousand men and women from across Westeros, earning scorn from more conventional commanders and praise from more progress leaders.
Alyswyn Stark "The She-Wolf"
Age: 33
Description & biography: "I've never met a man I couldn't best... But a woman? My She-Wolf sister is my match and then some." A quote from Branwyn on his dear little sister, while while Branwyn may be a charismatic leader, battle proven warrior, and inspirational Alyswyn is the quiet fierce wolf at his side. Often found side by side with her brother she rights in the vanguard, known as wolfpack these adaptable horseback heavy calvary come from across Westeros made up of the most talented men and women from across the Kingdoms. While Branwyn works to run the company Alyswyn heads up teaching, training, and weeding who is not sorted for service. She is shorter than her brother and while not as large her presence makes many feel like a they are being hunted.
Barthor Stark and Artyn Stark "The Dancing Wolves"
Age: 29
Description & biography: These brothers are the currently spies and scouts for the Company of the Rose serving as heads of intelligence and information gathering specialists. This pair of rogues left to follow their dreams and cause trouble, clearly unfit for the throne though they were beloved sons, the pair were often caught climbing, gambling, and otherwise being unruly troublemakers. Though they were popular among the soldiers and people they were disliked by the nobility for their last than stellar reputation among their fellows. They slipped away off to join their kin in the Company of The Rose drinking and whoring their way across the world, they are well liked by soldiers though their trickery and brash ways have earned them scorn as nobles of little regard for the ways of their southern countrymen.
Gillyn Stark "The White Wolf" Age: 27 Appearance: Description & biography: The most renowned swordsman of the north, hoped to bring honor to House Stark and show they glory of the First men and their ancestors to the southerners. Gillyn is an aspiring member of the Kingsguard known as the White Wolf and hopes to face off against his wayward brother to reclaim Ice in the name of his father.
Brandon Snow
Age: 61
Appearance: Once a toned and sculpted body has faded with age and lack of heavy meals so often found in Winterfell's halls. His stands like a warrior alert and sharp but he carries no sword merely a long hefty wooden staff. His beard washed and clean though wild and long, the green of his cloak and the book at his waist mark him as learned man.
Description & biography:Long ago, the house Stark decided that the Stark family needed new branch. One intertwined with the magic of the old gods and their gifts, so after years of searching and careful planning. Brandon Snow came into the world, born from a line of those blessed by the Old Gods he was educated by in the old ways. His skill as a warrior senses made him uncanny in the field of battle, yet of all things he and his older brother Torrhen were close as they could be.
When bitter survivors of a dead religion with great mutant lizards came upon the North, he devised a plan... One that might see them through the danger. However, his brother whom he cherished and was cherished by could not risk his life without a guarantee he would survive. Instead he gave up his crown, a lesson his brother would take years to fully understand... And be more proud of than anyone.
He was exiled when talk from lords came to kill Torrhen and force the inexperienced and unprepared Brandon to lead them. He left with no ill will between himself and his brother still sending letters and on occasion receiving them. He has fathered three sons, wandering the world and now seeks only a quiet place to sit and wait for his end. One might call him a Greenseer it is a title he does answer to nor acknowledge when asked. Long ago it was thought if any man could slay the great dragons of the conquerors it was Brandon Stark, now as a quiet and thoughtful man he spends his twilight years educating his youngest boy. Few believe the tales told in the North about what he once was or what he could be seeing an old man believing in a dying religion in an ever changing world.
Bennaric Snow
Age: 30
Appearance: A tired and worn looking man with long unkempt raven hair and short scraggly black beard. A worn heavy cloak drapes over his form, he is tall and fit though a bit narrow shouldered compared to his fellow Northmen. He is quiet and more fond of grunts and mumbles than actual speech, only willing to have real conversations on occasion or when pushed. Usually taking one of his siblings to get him out of his shell and put a smile on his usually dour expression.
Description & biography: Usually found not far from a tavern nursing a drink and a warm meal, Bennaric ply's himself as a mercenary and monster hunter... Of a sort from unruly nobles to bastard hedge knights Bennaric has cut them all down. With a sword, horse, and armor he works whatever can be given with little care to lining his pockets more so doing right by people. He understands the ways of small folk growing up around them and often will be the first to take their defense. He has little time for nobles or titles they do not stop a blade after all.
Elion Snow, the Apprentice
Age: 19
Appearance: With soft dirt brown hair and deep hazel eyes to match Elion's constant smiles and cheerful demeanor stands in contrast to his brother's. His jovial nature and kind personality make him far removed from how many see the Stark's. Never found far from his journal or sketch book he has near unlimited appetite for knowledge.
Description & biography: A kind and seemingly innocent young man who appetite for knowledge has made him a a great learner. Through his father's teachings and borrowed books he has found himself eagerly questioning and meeting anyone he can. His training with a blade is well short of his brothers though he is still young, he has found a talent with a bow. Feeding and caring for his father by himself his skill in camping and hunting is well known. Though his modesty makes him almost impossible to take the compliment, many feel something strange about the boy.
Captain Karsten felt the Crawler lurch as it made it's way up the coast, quietly thankful this thing was tested against water. "Who the hell thought the best time to do this was during a monsoon!" A couple of bridge officers braced on consoles before moving, to check the other stations. "Please tell me we are getting close to land!" He groaned, days out at sea getting ready for the operation had made him a bit woozy; he wasn't fond of boats, it was why he joined the damn army. He grunted as the crawler came out of the deeper waters, they would be getting closer now. He flicked the intercom on, as he tried to peer out into the rainy darkness of early morning but the sky was pouring cats and dogs. "All pilots to your stations, prepare for launch. Security and engineer personnel make sure everything is tied down or off the hangar floor!" He spoke as the treads hit a sand bar bursting through it as they entered the coastline proper. "They can't see us coming but it'll be up to you to clear a path inland for the Crawler, we are ten minutes to launch repeat ten minutes to launch Phantom Brigade." He placed the intercom back down and held on to his chair, rubbing his temples as took deep breaths trying not to lose his lunch as another fifteen foot wave struck the Crawler from behind.
"Get your asses in gear! Strap it down or get it upstairs! I swear to god you lose my spare parts! I'll wring you snot nosed brats's necks and run this whole hangar myself!" Pops was barking orders as he marched up and down the catwalk watching the mechanics and engineers scramble between the legs of the Frames around them. Crates were lifted with cargo cranes or run upstairs. Freddie and Jack were running crates upstairs doing their best not to fall as Amber went over final checks on the Frames, Rosie meanwhile was working the cranes from her tablet. Remington and the Tailors were helping the scouts seal up the containers the ground vehicles were in, hoping the flooding wouldn't be to bad from the water that would get in when the hangar doors opened.
Lady Grey leaned on the catwalk cradling a cup off tea, watching as the hangar buzzed with action not even the most violent rocking of the vessel caused her to flinch or lose her balance. She stayed perfect still sipping her tea content to watch others work and observe, that was all she seemed to do anyway. She'd been in the medbay earlier though she had been pushed out as the good doctors were forced to make room for crates and supplies to be dropped in their work space to keep them dry. Of course it gave her the perfect time to evaluate this new brigade made of a bunch of ragtag soldiers from around the world. By any and all logic they'd be at each other's throat in a few weeks when supplies got thin and they had to make tough calls. Or maybe they'd band together and get through this... Either way, she was going to have an interesting time learning all about them... And seeing what the Ruzi's were up to.
Commander Walter Kaas stepped down, helmet under an arm as he looked over the Frames in their bays, nodding his head before tugging on his helmet. The heads up display appeared giving him readout on each frame and its pilot as he strode across the bay. "Listen up, we're gonna be dropped in the shallows, the storm will make it rough but we're going straight for the beach. Hit it and then hit their coastal barricades, identify targets and keep each other up to date. Crawler isn't gonna stop and neither are we, punch through and give it a corridor inland. Once we make it into the hills they can't track us. Show me what you can do, people." He spoke looking across at the different bays before he got the one upfront. The Cavalier, a temperamental beast that wanted to cook him alive unless he threaded the needle putting fire power and speed to use, he respected it... Reminded him of riding horses in his youth.
He thought over his current unit as he sealed up his cockpit. Klara Weiss, former Ruziyane nobility and ace now defected and supposedly eager to serve after her family were killed by friendly artillery strike. Not the first time he'd heard of the Empire sacrificing its own units to try and kill their foe.
Jack and Cass, an inseparable duo who knew each other inside and out... Jack was standoffish but he took orders well, a good soldier at least. Cass was a bit more wild and free, but she knew how to make her frame dance on the battlefield; he'd only seen the pair in training but they could fight like a squadron with just the two of them. While Cass would do well with the unit, Jack would need to find a way to get the stick out of his ass. Tight asses tended to be disliked among soldiers.
Next was Ingram, a family man who had lost it all. Damn good soldier too, even if he did come from Ruziyane. Irregulars didn't last without some skill and he had taken to the training and preparation well. He'd brought his little girl along... He couldn't fault Ingram, if Walter's own family hadn't been killed in the invasion of the capital he'd probably have his little boy here on the crawler... Well he'd be a man by now if he was still here he thought. He took a breath then settled on his last two pilots Rimau had been fighting with the Homeguard and he'd personally asked for her. She was the kind of soldier who just wanted a chance to do the right thing in the right place. He'd give her that chance here. Of the veteran's here she was one he was most impressed with, no one just earned a King's Star and if he had his way he'd give her a King to properly give her a medal for the service she'd given.
Lastly was Edward, while he had an impressive amount of training like most Vinland soldier he had never really faced the horrors of war. He considered him greener than the twins, even if he was Vinland's golden boy. As he checked the life signs of each of the pilots climbing into their frame's he noticed Edward had been in his... And his heart rate was unusually calm, flipping on the open comm channel he decided to give the rookie a wake up call. "Royce wake your ass up!" The Black Hound barked, loud enough that anyone on the pilot's comm channel would hear it. And its result, the loud jolt and fumbling of someone who just smacked their head on the roof of the cockpit. "Get yourself together boy we are launching soon... How the hell can you sleep through this shit kid?" How the hell was he supposed to take a pilot serious when they were napping before a massive operation like this?
The Commando
Edward jolted awake at Black Houd's shouting, his face impacting the monitor in his cockpit. "Right sorry won't happen again sir!" The young man's face was flushed, thankful no one could see him at least as he began to run through the Commando's final checks. Thinking it best to stay silent for now, afraid of getting in trouble if he tried to justify his nap. The Black Hound was intimidating even if Edward Royce callsign 'Saint' was one of the best of the best in Vinland, it didn't really matter here. Most of the folks here apart from the twins had seen plenty of combat. Now embarrassed in front of all of them he figured it would be best to just not say anything.
Shaking it off he muted his comm line running a hand along the Commando's consoles. "Alright... Aurelia let's get you ready. Gonna need you helping organize all this data coming in once we get out in the storm." He talked to his machine, having still been a bit to nervous to really talk with the other pilots. But this run was supposed to be a cakewalk so... Maybe they could talk a little out in the field? "Well Aurelia at least I have you to talk with... Techs said your supposed to grow and change more with time. Maybe you'll be able to do more than collate data and predict enemy movements eventually." He added before starting up his reactor to and check his rifles charge.
Personality: A brave and honest young man from Vinland, the son of current Union senator and admiral. While still fairly young he has completed Vinland Ranger training and jump school. One of a handful certified for parachute drop via Frame where wrong correct move causes your war machine to become your coffin. Growing up educated in the best schools and attending military academy and officers school, Edward is considered a privileged son of a well of Vinland's upper crust. Big thing are expected of him... Which is why his volunteering for the Phantom Brigade came out of left field military service was supposed to a stepping stone, not a calling for young Edward... But now the only thing he can't do when others suffer, is nothing at all.
Background: Vinland native born and raised to a Admiral mother and a Senator mother, with a busy but distantly loving parents. The oldest of four siblings, he grew up in the family estate outside of Blackwater, the capital of Vinland. He spent his days under private tutors, riding horses, boxing, and learning to shoot. His family had expectation for their first born to become a officer and later politician in Vinland. Edward never questioned it growing up though he would find himself frustrated by his siblings passions being indulged while he was made to drill and attend military school.
Graduating top of his class from Shatterpoint officers academy he was expected to coast along his laurels for four years of service and exit the military. But for the first time in his life, Edward ignored his families opinion and trusted his gut. He asked to join a Battle-frame unit... One of the new Paratrooper units. Vinland having chosen to develop their own special forces drop unit with a belief they could use this new development to help the Federation forces. Becoming one of the first to do so, Edward was dropped for the sky becoming one of a handful of pilots rated for such an action. His family though annoyed for his ignorance of their fears and worries over his safety would be even more alarmed.
Edward volunteered for Ranger school, pushed to the brink of exhausted made to survive without support and evade his foes all alone for days on end. Becoming the first airborne battle-frame pilot Ranger in Vinland's military, Lieutenant Royce was still not content with his training and legacy. Hearing of the Phantom Brigade's mission, he signed on with the Brigade after leaving Vinland's military. Once the pride of the Royce family now one of the most well trained soldiers from Vinland. Volunteering to fight behalf on a people he's never met, has no connection to, against an enemy he's never even met.
Other things: Avid singer and musician in his free time. amateur artist having taken to drawing Frames and painting little designs on his Frame. Rather incredibly cook and hunter, with an impressive and near limitless understanding of fire arms.
Battle-Frame NameCOM-M0087: Commando
Primary Weapon System: M3 Series ERV (Energy Rifle Variable): A fire selecting energy rifle discharging long range bolts of plasma held in a containment field. A powerful, though it's fire rate is dependent on use of coolant to prevent the rifle from overheating. Able to fire single shot, burst, and full auto each setting reduces the power of the individual shot for faster fire rate.
Personal Defense Shield: Like most of Vinland's Frame's the Commando makes use of a specialized tungsten and depleted uranium armor shield to shrug off rounds fired at it and help it stay in the fight longer than a normal medium armor frame would.
M1 Anti-Frame Sword: Vinland's answer to close combat, able to parry and deal with foes at close range, this weapon option is best for when the rifle simply will not do.
Secondary Weapon Systems:
90mm Frame Pistol: Carried by most Vinland built Battle-Frame's this weapon limited ammo reserve pistol is meant to push back an enemy Frame to escape. While it's stopping power is impressive it's bulk and limited ammo mean once it is out of ammo if no spare magazines remain it is better to ditch the weapon.
Combat Knife: Vinland provides a combat knife on all machines for the purposes outside of combat as well as defending oneself if main weapons are lost or damaged.
Prototype Weapon/Equipment System: Aurelia, Combat Support AI: The latest in AI technology Aurelia offers strategic input and is able to help optimize the reactor, weapons, and more on the fly. Able to provide support and co-ordinate multiple Frames in battle, Aurelia makes use of Commando's systems to read the battlefield and analyze it. Offering real time tactical support and communication between command elements and forces in the field as well as allies. Her core is housed within the Crawler though she does require the Commando to be in the field to act as her relay point.
Weight Class: Medium Frame, the Commando is equipped with more powerful thrusters than most of it's size to assist it in air braking when deployed from the air or leaping off buildings.
Personality: A brave and honest young man from Vinland, the son of current Union senator and admiral. While still fairly young he has completed Vinland Ranger training and jump school. One of a handful certified for parachute drop via Frame where wrong correct move causes your war machine to become your coffin. Growing up educated in the best schools and attending military academy and officers school, Edward is considered a privileged son of a well of Vinland's upper crust. Big thing are expected of him... Which is why his volunteering for the Phantom Brigade came out of left field military service was supposed to a stepping stone, not a calling for young Edward... But now the only thing he can't do when others suffer, is nothing at all.
Background: Vinland native born and raised to a Admiral mother and a Senator mother, with a busy but distantly loving parents. The oldest of four siblings, he grew up in the family estate outside of Blackwater, the capital of Vinland. He spent his days under private tutors, riding horses, boxing, and learning to shoot. His family had expectation for their first born to become a officer and later politician in Vinland. Edward never questioned it growing up though he would find himself frustrated by his siblings passions being indulged while he was made to drill and attend military school.
Graduating top of his class from Shatterpoint officers academy he was expected to coast along his laurels for four years of service and exit the military. But for the first time in his life, Edward ignored his families opinion and trusted his gut. He asked to join a Battle-frame unit... One of the new Paratrooper units. Vinland having chosen to develop their own special forces drop unit with a belief they could use this new development to help the Federation forces. Becoming one of the first to do so, Edward was dropped for the sky becoming one of a handful of pilots rated for such an action. His family though annoyed for his ignorance of their fears and worries over his safety would be even more alarmed.
Edward volunteered for Ranger school, pushed to the brink of exhausted made to survive without support and evade his foes all alone for days on end. Becoming the first airborne battle-frame pilot Ranger in Vinland's military, Lieutenant Royce was still not content with his training and legacy. Hearing of the Phantom Brigade's mission, he signed on with the Brigade after leaving Vinland's military. Once the pride of the Royce family now one of the most well trained soldiers from Vinland. Volunteering to fight behalf on a people he's never met, has no connection to, against an enemy he's never even met.
Other things: Avid singer and musician in his free time. amateur artist having taken to drawing Frames and painting little designs on his Frame. Rather incredibly cook and hunter, with an impressive and near limitless understanding of fire arms.
Battle-Frame NameCOM-M0087: Commando
Primary Weapon System: M3 Series ERV (Energy Rifle Variable): A fire selecting energy rifle discharging long range bolts of plasma held in a containment field. A powerful, though it's fire rate is dependent on use of coolant to prevent the rifle from overheating. Able to fire single shot, burst, and full auto each setting reduces the power of the individual shot for faster fire rate.
Personal Defense Shield: Like most of Vinland's Frame's the Commando makes use of a specialized tungsten and depleted uranium armor shield to shrug off rounds fired at it and help it stay in the fight longer than a normal medium armor frame would.
M1 Anti-Frame Sword: Vinland's answer to close combat, able to parry and deal with foes at close range, this weapon option is best for when the rifle simply will not do.
Secondary Weapon Systems:
90mm Frame Pistol: Carried by most Vinland built Battle-Frame's this weapon limited ammo reserve pistol is meant to push back an enemy Frame to escape. While it's stopping power is impressive it's bulk and limited ammo mean once it is out of ammo if no spare magazines remain it is better to ditch the weapon.
Combat Knife: Vinland provides a combat knife on all machines for the purposes outside of combat as well as defending oneself if main weapons are lost or damaged.
Prototype Weapon/Equipment System: Aurelia, Combat Support AI: The latest in AI technology Aurelia offers strategic input and is able to help optimize the reactor, weapons, and more on the fly. Able to provide support and co-ordinate multiple Frames in battle, Aurelia makes use of Commando's systems to read the battlefield and analyze it. Offering real time tactical support and communication between command elements and forces in the field as well as allies. Her core is housed within the Crawler though she does require the Commando to be in the field to act as her relay point.
Weight Class: Medium Frame, the Commando is equipped with more powerful thrusters than most of it's size to assist it in air braking when deployed from the air or leaping off buildings.
Captain Haymar Karsten- In charge of the Brigade's crawler and all personal, an experienced commander from Vinland who volunteered to command the crawler and lead the mission. He has served on over a dozen peacekeeping missions and has considerable experience operating without supply, formerly a Captain in the Vinland 63rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Vinland's own inhouse OPFOR. Captain Karsten has versed himself in Ruvi equipment, tactics, and put it to use in creative ways regularly defeating experimental units, guest forces, and others at their training ground. This has led to the the unofficial name of the regiment becoming "Giant's Hand". For their sudden and overwhelming attacks even when outnumbered, Captain Karsten family are from Gyrland two generations back thus making his an easy choice to head up the crawler.
Commander Walter Kaas, formerly a captain of the Royal Guard and the only member to be outside Gyrland when the nation came under attack. Known as the Black Hound for his dogged pursuit of foes and no mercy attitude when facing the foe. He has spent his time over the last ten years training pilots and helping develop the equipment for this mission. He see's the Phantom Brigade as his project and his duty to save Gyrland, he believes royal must still live somewhere and hopes to locate them on this mission. He was not thrilled about Vinland having final say over the roster of who would be on the mission.
Formerly of the Hollis Institute research team, Hugo life was nearly ended while escaping Gyrland when he stayed behind to detonate a damage prototype. Surviving the blast his mangled limbs had to be cut away, it would be nearly a year before he would walk again and ever longer before he could get back to his work. Pops is sour and sarcastic man with little patience for poor performance, however he is master at Frame engineering and tuning. No one better or more dedicated to the cause could be located, though be careful if he has yet to have his morning cup of coffee.
James Remington formerly of the Vinland 4th Marine's, the Magnificent Bastards. Assigned to be in charge of the crawlers security detail and compliment. James is lieutenant with a love of arts, history, and more originally joining the military after college to help pay off his debt, he found military life surprisingly pleasant. He joined the Phantom Brigade hoping to do more than train and practice as he believes no one would be foolish enough to attack Vinland and it's rather powerful standing military. He believes heavily freedom and Vinland's ideals, wanting to bring democracy and freedom to people who have never known it.
Another former member of the Hollis institute, Doctor Dunstan is an expert in surgery and cybernetic's having been responsible for some of the more impressive cybernetics found in Gyrland before the war. He signed on not only to free his country but with the promise of being able to treat the people of Gyrland and help those currently unable seek aid in Imperial held cities. Doctor Dunstan is also responsible for keeping pilots in good shape and monitoring their Frame's to ensure their do not endanger themselves to much. As well review the data and make notes on what could be done to make the equipment, designs, and weapons safer for future use.
Formerly of Vinland's 1st company marine recon regiment, where he was a staff sergeant. Duston is a capable scout and spotter able to survey and observe better than most. Making use of ATV's, jeeps, and he is in charge of the scouts the crawler sends out to look for enemies, supplies, friendlies, and more. While usually found tinkering with the vehicles onboard Duston is a dedicated soldier and scout with a career military service in mind. He views serving in Gyrland as just another tour of duty with less rules at least, he is similar to negative perceptions of how many around the world view Vinlanders as loud and brash gun nuts with heavy accents.
Grandson of Hugo and recently graduated with honors in Vinland, Freddy was merely twelve when his home country fell assimilating into life in Vinland under his grandfather's care he attended college. When his grandpa volunteered to oversee the Phantom Brigade Freddy refused to let him go without him. As such the talented young engineer has become a defacto second to the old man. His bright and chipper attitude a stark contrast to his more moody grandfather.
Amber is young researcher and engineer from Vinland's department of war, she is responsible for tuning and maintaining the weapons used on the Frames. Her current goal is the maintenance of the frames but secondary objective is to provide information for Vinland to use in rolling more cut down versions of the weapons and prototype gear for mass production. She is nervous about working in a warzone but eager to spend time among the crew and make friends. She brought with her, her pet cat "Mittens" who has tank up resident in any empty box he can find, much to the annoyance of her brother.
Upon his sister receiving her assignment, Jack up and left his job as a Frame repair specialist for Frame boxing company in the Union to join the Brigade. Not wanting his sister to be alone and out of country Jack also hopes to learn more about Frames and use the experience (and hopefully pay) to start his own business building and repairing Frames. While on the side he hopes to meet someone in Gyrland as his love life in the Union has not gone well.
Vinland born and bred mechanic who's family have been working on Frame's since Vinland invented them, while she prefers to tinker and experiment reactors over tightening bolts she is adept at both. However a short temper and little patience for shenanigans, she and Jack fight constantly and often with little needed to set them off against one another. As since they met he started calling her firecracker... And she tossed a hammer at his head they have proven capable pair if tense.
Henry, Colt, and Winchester Tailor, these three brothers head up the different squads that provide security for the crawler. Distinguished only by their dyed hair colors, they were formerly in the Vinland army, figuring it would be interesting and that they'd get to go to new places. They agreed to join the brigade as ground forces... Maybe a mistake but hey! They are here and have each other. It can't go that wrong, right?
A doctor hailing from a small nation within the Federation, Matthew is capable doctor and diagnostician with an expertise in battlefield medicine. While not the most capable surgeon he knows the best ways to quick and safely keep a person going in the worst situations, as such his main role is to perform medical check up and mental health checks on the crew.
Ada is a former member of the Gyrland's Homeguard joining as scout she hopes to use the name of the Phantom Brigade to bring back hope to little villages like her own. A dreamer with a big heart and bigger ambitions, when the war is over she hopes to become a singer, right now she plays music and tries find pirate radio stations to listen to anything other than propoganda.
Former Gyrlander Noble, her piloting abilities are lack luster and her aim is poor but she is dead set on helping and she has a good set of eyes... If she can learn to keep quiet. Mia eager to help though must carefully watched... Her eagerness to do a job can cause it to go wrong... Also don't let her cook, it may just poison the crew, again.
Lady Grey is goes by that name alone, holding no official position and no title on the crawler. She is seen to watch and observe goings on, regularly leaving and returning to the Crawler like a scout. Going through paper work from the entire crew, the rumor is she is from Vinland's Secret Intelligence service and is using the Crawler as a base to gather intelligence on Ruvi's and Avrupa as a whole. Though no one is certain, one thing for sure is she loves to watch people work around the crawler.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: Firing a specialized revolving cylindered Frame hand cannon with multiple ammo types and making use of a super heated sword. The Cavalier while descended from the Frame's the royal guard used has lost all of it's decorative designs and embellishments to make it ready for war. Making use of an over taxed Therranite Reactor the massive shoulder fins radiate heat outwards to prevent the pilot from cooking alive. A medium Frame with the speed of a light thanks to it's simple arms and composite armor as well as enhanced performance. The Cavalier's biggest danger is that if it's fins were damaged it must cut back on power use or risk killing it's own pilot. Formerly a test machine not meant for full combat, the Black Hound himself choose this Frame for the mission believing being one of the few who can truly put this Frame to use without getting cooked in the cockpit.
Last Message of the Phantom Brigade, from Vremmel Highway
“Every civilian we’ve passed in the past few days they all ask me questions. Where were you? When the armies of the Ruziyane Empire invaded our border? When General Orlov’s Elite Battle Frame’s crossed the Luminous Crystal Sea? When Admiral Moritz’s drop ships and bombers brought terror to the gray sky filled with snow? Why weren’t you there with the Home Guard at Hedmark? When the King took his own Battle-Frame out with his royal guard to face the foe to create a corridor for the evacuation at Velscinna? Why are you running away? They always shout, sometimes they throw things at us.” The old recording plays as troops bustle around behind the figure of an exhausted military man, of noble birth given the house crest on his uniform currently covered up by a blood stain. His green eyes sunken back as takes long gulps of coffee still with steam curling off it, perhaps the only thing keeping him going as he pushes blonde hair back and tries to wipe a grease stain off his winter camo, to no avail. He turns back to the recording, almost frowning but catches himself, as if he knows he can’t with all the men around him.
“We were doing our duty, for Gyrland, for the king, for hope, for you well if you ever bother watching this.Battle Frames with new technology, specialized weapons, capabilities, and designs all equipment Vinland and our Hollis institute intended for us to build and test. Cadets from our military academies, our best and brightest are now being entrusted with it. Our goal was not to fight and die for our country but to save the work and people we who will save our nation. The brigade took a pounding on the way here...I think I’m the ranking officer right now, as we made a run for the western coast, where our navy is evacuating who they can. Our goal was to take this equipment, our trainers, and our cadets to safety... So they might bring the fight back to our home.” An alarm blared, battle-frames and even retrofitted civilian models being brought online, some still freshly scared, some looking barely operational missing arms or heads. Ground pounder troops running around grabbing launchers, tanks rolling in dug out positions. Machine guns being set up, the officer looks a little sheepish a moment before finishing his coffee, his last meal.
“But I won’t be there... The Ruzi’s forces are closing in and the boats need time to load the cadets and researchers, as well anyone from regular forces who got some real experience. The Homeguard have been ordered back... But someone needs to give them something to fight. We're set up a few miles inland, in Vremmel, a big empty town with no civilians left and just one highway from the mountains to the coast. We plan to gun them down here and fall back to the port where we’ve set traps, if we last, hold them till the ammo runs out then we can see how the fists and shields hold up. After you all cast off through... Maybe we try to break out, link up with the Homeguard or see if the King’s royal guard managed to make it out their own corridor at the capital... Or hell maybe they’ll just give up!” He laughs, happy for maybe the last time, he shakes his head knowing that won’t happen, that the fate of all those here is sealed. “This is Prince Klaus Bernadotte, of the royal special service tactics brigade... The Phantoms, signing off.” He spoke pulling on a helmet, with a ghost-like symbol holding a shield with a sword over it. Heading for one of the nearby frames. The message fizzled out, the last transmission anyone had received from the Phantoms. The Eastern Imperial Hegemony of Ruziyane had announced they had wiped out the unit to the man, showing an image of the Phantom Battleframe with a flag being buried through it.
That was ten years ago, the Homeguard still exists though they cannot hold territory very long and mostly depend on supply drops from the Union of Vinland to keep their forces going. They exist in the outlying villages and towns, if ever seen making due with patching out of date frames and stolen Ruvi equipment. Never in large numbers and far from the population centers. The Ruvi forces have not yet finished off the Homeguard but it is clear that with their more constant defeats something must change soon or hope among the populace will be lost.
Volunteers from other nations, former Gyrland native, or even survivors who managed to evacuate have been given experimental equipment still in testing and have taken up the name of the Phantom Brigade, the former famed special forces unit Battle-frame of Gyrland. The Gyrland Navy will cover your infiltration, your goal to assault and provide relief to the Homeguard. Then to reinforce them as a leaner, more elite force gather equipment, and inspire the people of Gyrland. The specialized Frame-crawler with experimental stealth tech will be used to guide you. Your other goal, as asked by our friends in Vinland, is to go after the research and data on whatever the Ruvi bastards are researching.
Hey there, thank you for your interest in Orbis! The setting is a unique world I’ve made for something I’ve always enjoyed, ground based mech combat. Some folks may not like the idea as much but I’ve always preferred the style of something with mechs fighting down in the dirt. Squaring off against tanks and conventional units. The goal here was to create an earth-like setting that lends itself to telling a story like this without using existing countries and pasts. Obviously some nations are inspired by others and I will use that while writing them but I don’t intend for them to be one to one.
The Frames in this setting are going to be ground base mecha with access to melee weapons, convention firearms, and such. However, characters and their mechs will be able to pitch a specialized piece of gear, a prototype or special equipment for their Battle-Frame. As the Brigade does have less experienced people, it is fielding very advanced equipment which can be upgraded as the RP goes on.
As for the setting you can read more about it down below, as a note I have not defined every single country within the power blocks and that’s because the idea here will give you the freedom to be a volunteer from other nations. I am happy to work with you for a nation anywhere in the setting!. The idea of Avrupa is a sort of Europe split between monarchical nations in the east with democracies and republics to the west. Gyrland is a nation caught between the two and Vinland far across the sea from any of this helping but unwilling to risk its own nation in war.
Eastern Imperial Hegemony of Ruziyane: Formed by the Empire of Ruziyane after their conquests into Eastern Ruziyane. Eastern Imperial Hegemony of Ruziyane is a hegemony of nations with a deep seated dislike for more modern “Republics''. After purging several attempts to reform its monarchy and forcefully restoring monarchies in Eastern Avrupa under its Emperor known openly as King of all Kings. While their technology once put them ahead, in recent years it has become clear their sheer capacity in manpower, resources, and combat experience has killed any hope of simply waiting for their collapse or sponsoring smaller nations to war with them. They are a monolith of power directed by the Emperor and his nobles with dreams of shattering Vinland’s ability to catch up with their technological might.
Western Avrupa Federation: Formed in the wake of the Ruziyane’s conquest of the Eastern Avrupan nations, Western Avrupa is famed for being the origin of the Amaranthine Revolts. Where monarchies were forced to concede to the wills of their people and in some cases ousted completely. Formerly these nations were simply trade partners with past grudges and disputes in Western Trade Coalition with the Union of Vinland, whom they shared a common history with, for access to its advanced research and industries. Now? The Federation’s many nations are brothers in arms standing tall against oppression of autocracies and monarchies. Though Union of Vinland is not part of the Federation it is its biggest supplier and backer. The Federation does not have one central armed force but instead has many smaller professional armies, most of them using the similar or the same pattern equipment, though they warred with each other in the past now more than ever, they strive for equality and brotherhood for all. Preferring a more modern and practical approach over the Ruziyane forces using more knightley appearing Battle Frames.
The Kingdom of Gyrland: A large northerly nation sitting below the frozen arctic wastes with an abundance of resources, chiefly Therranite. They only other claimant to the Eastern Imperial Hegemony of Ruziyane control of the Luminous Diamond Sea which houses the largest deposits of Therranite in the world under its depths. With only one land border is along Ruziyane proper and a frozen sea between it and any potential ally. Gyrland, while a member of the Western Trade Coalition, did not join the Western Avrupa Federation and instead opted to seek its own defense. As a neutral nation. Gyrland is one of the leaders in refining Therranite and conducts a heavy amount of research into the mineral in conjunction with the Union of Vinland. The Monarchy in Gyrland is currently in talks about reforming and altering its status though it is mostly civil and without duress on the monarch.
Union of Vinland: Once centuries ago the many disparate colonists from the nations Avrupa, were supported in Vinland by their mother and father lands. Until a devastating plague struck Avrupa wiping out nearly a third of the population in ten years, believed to be from Vinland, they suspended trade for nearly a century until they had recovered from its effects. Returning they found the colonies of Vinland were now one nation, embracing old traditions of democracy and holding elections. Most upsetting were the meritocratic practices as they had no nobility or monarchs, yet here people from historically rivaled nations now stood arm in arm... With weapons pointed at those who had abandoned them. The Union of Vinland was formed originally by many disparate colonies, now however with aid of the natives and the trade dependency upon one another it had become a nation unto itself with enlightened ideas that would travel back to Avrupa, starting the Amaranthine Revolts.
Today Vinland is one of the two great industrial and technological powers in the world. Though it does not have access to the same amount of Therranite Ruziyane does meaning they are more dependent on trade and allies over directly controlled territories.
The History of Avrupa and Vinland: Northern Avrupa is a heavily mountainous region, with deep valleys and many distinct peoples. A strong foresting, agriculture, mining, and industry built up over the past years. With rocky sheer coastlines, cold winters, and destructive storms, north western Europa’s ports are few and far between. While the terrain does flatten eastward out it is only towards the Luminous Crystal sea most of which is frozen year around prevent use of that area for shipping. Few nations existing towards the Luminous Crystal sea remain free of the Ruviyane’s Imperial control creating a hard border. With what many considered the more free and industrious Western Avrupa on one side. This is compared to the more regimented and controlled Imperial life, which is still under a modernized feudal sytem. Eastern section of Northern Avrupa is dominated by mines and farms as Ruviyane demands resources from its subservient states.
The southern section Avrupa is warm towards the west and more temperate to the east with access to a large inland sea it finds itself a hot spot of trade. It is from these nations that most of Vinland’s colonists originate. It also this more southernly nations that have found themselves in recent years under prepared for conflict with Ruviyane.
Southern Western Avrupa meanwhile finds itself much more hilly leveling out into rolling plains before transitioning to lovely beaches. Wine, lovestock, textiles, processed trade goods, and luxury goods are commonly produced here as well being a center for ship building in Avrupa. While less these nations are less heavy industry focused and with historically less conflicts than their northern neighbors. These nations were the ones to shut down trade after the arrival of the plague three centuries ago saw them abandon their trade networks and people around the world.
South Eastern Avrupa saw the least gains by Ruviyane thanks to the peoples' aggressive dislike of foreign powers. While this Southeastern section did not join the Federation it is more likely due to the fact that many of these nations wish to war upon each other once Ruviyane and the Federation are distracted, this region has the longest history of violence in Avrupa. With cooler temperatures and more farmland historic border constantly changed and have made the people their contentious with one another over their long history.
While Southern Avrupan nations were ravaged by the plague, Northern Avrupa and Ruviyane's harsher cold environments (And smaller populations) prevented it from spreading as fast and aggressively. When these nations returned to Vinland, which had been thought to ensure the wealth of their nations for centuries to come, the survivors of their colonies had declared independence.
With Vinland being across an ocean and their populations only just recovered from the plague, Southern Avrupa agreed to trade their technology for raw resources which they normally depend on northern nations for. However with this and the arrival of Union Vinnies into Avrupa, word of a free and democratic nation spread like the wind. Seeing nobles ousted or capitulate. In some cases violent outright revolts.
Ruviyane is a truly massive nation wrapping across three continents and possessing the world's largest army, navy, and now Battle-Frame force. Expanding its Hegemony wherever it can, the nation found itself on the brink of destruction during the Amaranthine Revolts. After most of the Emperor’s children and grandchildren were sealed inside the summer palace and burned to death by revolutionaries. The Emperor cracked down with an iron fist as nobles who were for some moderate reformed abandoned the revolution. Fining they had no taste for the more extreme measures the revolts ended roughly fifty years after contact with Vinland was made.
During this time Gyrland connected only to Avrupa though Ruviyane remained one of the only surviving monarchies not to lose great power. Thanks in part to the monarchy being more reasonable and the nation having little history of great abuse of power by its nobles and monarchs. Gyrland existing away from the wars and conflicts of Avrupa had focused on defense against Ruziyane has always had prestigious military academies, advanced industry, and mandatory military service.
Ruziyane sought its lost glory having cracked down largely restored order through lack of education and peasant labor. Thanks to this their nation's industry through brute force was brought into the modern world eighty years ago. Thirty years ago Ruviyane rolled out the first crude battleframes. This coupled with Ruviyane discovering the secrets within Therranite to power them, would see the powerful nation grow into a dominant power on this side of the planet. Unleashing weapons of war well beyond their neighbors ability to fight back against alone. Nation after nation fell for five years, as Vinland and its trade partners rushed to learn the technology, accepting anyone fleeing Ruviyane destruction.
Only after the Union of Vinland producing its own Battle-frames and supplying the tech across Avrupa along with Therranite reactors, was the Imperial army halted. Fifteen years of uneasy peace reigned as the Western Avrupa Federation began its military build up, forging allies and technological advances. Gyrland became one of the number one suppliers of Therranite to Vinland and those outside of Avrupa, where the resource is much rarer. With no land border to its western friends and most of its sea access blocked by ice, if it joined the Federation it would be the first target of any operation. Joining Ruviyane was out of the question so it remained trapped with only Vinland looking out for the nation... A thousand miles away.
Ten years ago Ruviyane invaded and took Gyrland by force claiming the war was over Gyrlander’s claiming access to the Luminous Crystal Sea and that monarchy was in danger of falling to rebel factions sponsored by the Union of Vinland. The royal family is still missing and until a relative can be found a Ruvi “Governor” has been installed to rule the nation and oversee it. Resistance of the military known as the Homeguard has been fierce but limited. Seeing success in liberating provinces... Before brutal and overwhelming retaliation strikes occur. Gyrland’s people are losing hope and if nothing is done, will accept their fate.
The Brigade: The Phantom Brigade is an all volunteer unit of individuals who have been tasked with bringing an end to the occupation. The Union of Vinland has given them an experimental land crawler outfitted to support and carry their Frames. Making use of advanced stealth systems the crawler is able to move through territory without being heavily tracked. Its main benefit is its advanced repair and refit bay which allows for the construction of equipment and repair of frames on the move. Though it lacks weapons as such it depends on the Frames on board to defend it and must stay back from any fighting. The Brigade will also be able to communicate back to Vinland to work with their spies and the Homeguard to find the best ways to counter the Ruvi forces. The Crawler is staffed by Gyrlander’s for the most part though its crew does hail from all corners of the globe. While its goal is to end Ruviyane’s invasion and occupation, some see this as prelude to a true war between the Federation and Ruviyane where both sides test each other's might.
The Brigade also has access to specialized equipment allowing for them to process, mine, and if need be scrap enemy Frames for resources. Allowing the Brigade to stay mobile and autonomous though the crawler is vulnerable while it gathers these materials.
Lastly the Brigade’s main goal is to bring hope to the people as such members must maintain themselves above board and avoid any public displays that could turn opinion of the populace or supporting nations against the cause.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: A well armored but under gunned Battle-frame usually given to inexperienced pilots, the Lancer's main function is as it names implies it's lance. Functioning as miniature pile bunker it should not be taken lightly as a well played attack from one can destroy a cockpit. The lances tip is usually explosive and can be replaced after a use. It's speed and armor are good though at range it mostly depends upon a small gatling weapon along it's back. Meant more to deal with missiles, light vehicles, aircraft, and infantry than battle against Frame it's impressive fire rate makes it useful for suppression and multiple lancers can focus fire becoming a true threat. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: General line Battle-Frame, fast melee focus
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: The first mass produced suit Ruviyane ever produced and one of the more prolific, while it's bulk and weight deny it the speed of more modern counterpart it's unyielding armor and weight prevent it from being brought down by most common conventional weapons. For the most part these Frames have been phased out, often used now by soldiers from other hegemony nations whose nation can not yet meet the amount of Frames demanded by the Ruziyane's constantly expanding military build up. It's slow movements means while it's powerful guns let it engage it has trouble staying on target with faster Frames. It struggles in melee lacking any melee weapon though it's powerful missiles and rifle make it a serious threat at a distance. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: Old Generation heavy frontline Battle-Frame, exclusive ranged weapons and heavy armor.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: A close quarters capable Battle-frame, with a devastating shotgun and axe combination. It carries a submachine as a reserve weapon alongside it's tube missile launcher. A modern suit and often found in the hands of Ruvi pilots with some experience. While durable armor does not slow it's considerable swing and speed of movement though does hamper it's ability to redeploy quickly. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: CQB Battle-frame, frontline ready Frame.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: Capable of laying down a truly enormous amount of firepower with it's machine gun, this Battle-frame is specialize with comms and targeting data to allow it to direct allied fire. Usually found in the hands of NCO veterans it can turn a single squad of frames into a lethal weapon capable of defeating a superior foe. It's emergency handcannon is able to knock over most Frames though with only two concussive shots it is rarely lethal and more focused on allowing the Frame to gain the range to use it's massive machinegun. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: Squad command and support Battle-frame.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: These light Battle-frames stunned the world when they were able to successfully cross the Luminous crystal sea moving along ice and surviving long periods of massive temperatures below zero as well as being light enough and fast enough to move over thinner ice. While only equipped with a rifle and combat knife the able to survive being fully immersed in water and function in artic conditions for long periods of time with the pilot in comfort. Their aquatic nature allows them to be hidden and turned off making them prime ambush weapons. They can also deploy deep penetrating radar to track Frames from their hidden locations. Making them a true terror on both land and sea. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: Ambush Battle-frame, Aquatic capable cold weather Battle-Frame
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: Medium Battle-frames a world first of Battle-frames deployed from the sky. Their strike tactics took key bases and positions ahead of the arrive of main forces. Considered a special forces Battle-frame these infamous machines carry a rifle, two pistols, machete, and throwable grenades. While not particularly fast, well armored, or armed compared to others. The fact a squad can be placed anywhere it is needed has made them a serious threat. They have been known to reinforce the legs for landing on top of enemy BattleFrame using their wrecked hulls for cover as they push their assault. Named for their fondness for night raid operations. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: Special Force drop assault Battle-Frame
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: A long distance support frame, with access to a incredibly specialized rifle and high tech optics. It is said a Watchman's optics cost more than Ironguard. While only equipped with a combat knife and sniper rifle, the Watchman true power lies in it's optics and it's advanced jamming system. Making it hard to spot with most optics and harder to fight against as it's specialized rounds designed to cause different kinds of damage depending on where it targets. As such Watchman class Frame's should be countered or taken out in advance of an operation. Even a single one can slow down or halt a sizeable Frame based battleforce. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: Light Recon, support sniper frame
Walker-Tank Appearance:
Description of Tank and capabilities: These crawling tanks are commonly issued to support units able to skitter along firing a powerful cannon in support. While easy to destroy with most frame based weapons they are able to bring them down with concentrated fire power. Often deployed in large numbers when Frames are limited or in conjunction with Frames. Often crewed by conscripts, it is said the tank is named for the fact that those in it are either making widows of oppressed or their owned loved ones when deployed against Frames. Considerably cost effective at fighting Frames when an entire platoon can be equipped and trained to operate them in less time than squad of Frame pilots are trained. Enemies Frame commonality and tactics: Support crawling tank, expendable and cheap, dangerous cannon but then armor.
Information known: Governor Shaffen Von Grolman, currently in charge of administration and organization of Gyrland to prepare it for becoming part of the hegemony. Not only loyal to the Emperor and Ruviyane but a traitor to his people in Gyrland as he was born their but returned to his families ancestral home in Ruviyane to serve in the military and make a name for himself. One of the few people to have crawled up through the infighting of the noble houses a snake with no morals or qualms he is willing to kill thousands to maintain his position, even more to advance it.
Information known: Colonel Mira Khvostov, current head of Imperial Pilot training and recruitment. Born into the Empire and rising through the ranks. Mira is perhaps believes the heaviest in the Empire's goals because of she has risen in the ranks, while normally not meriocratic as nobility usually holds officer positions. Her skills as a pilot and battlefield leader during the invasion made her invaluable as such her main goal now is to win hearts and minds. To show the Empire isn't as bad as those Vinland backwaters would make them out to be.
Information known: General Kirill Orlov, the current head of military occupation, he personally led the Icebreakers across the Luminous Crystal Sea. Pushing inland he had planned to capture the capital before any units could reinforce it... He did not expect the Royal Guard to fight, figuring a force of Frame's and soldiers with ceremonial duties would not risk damage to those symbols of pride. General Orlov's own Frame was impacted by defenders artillery as his forces were set upon by ambushing Royal guard who has anticipated their arrival. While grievously wounded it would also cost his forces the chance to seize the city and instead it turned into a long siege. He is partically hateful towards Gyrland's veterans and has spent years trying to crush the spirit of the Homeguard and the people supporting them.
Walker-Tank Appearance:
Description of Tank and capabilities: The Centaur is the successor to the older and outdated Homeguard crawler tanks, while it is lighter than many comparable models. It features a unique design allowing to drive on tracks or stand to move up more difficult vertical terrain, a common problem in Avrupa with it's sheer mountains. An original Gyrlander design it's clever abilities and support use has seen it used in Vinland and the Federation as a simple and effective crawler tank. While it's weapons won't are not made to fight Frame's alone they can certainly annoy and damage one.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: The Gryphon is the most common Frame produced for the Homeguard, built out of older frames this machine is the grunt of the Homeguard Frames, with a death tally to match. Defensive minded these Frames use a heavy shield in addition to medium armor, along with a handheld SMG meant for surprising the target. They carry a backup knife as well, generally Gryphon's are in the hands of common units. These Frames will also generally make use of captured weapons as their well rounded status means they can make use of a various piece Ruvi gear.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: From the poisonous beast that appears in legends of Gyrland's many legends. The Basilisk makes use of advanced Federation spotting equipment, in conjunction with a Vinland produced heavy rifle. Allowing it to take lighter mechs with a single shot, it's advanced spotting system and lightness allowing it to reposition and shoot faster than many of it's counter sniper opponents. The Basilisk is is usually found among squads assigned to special missions or more veteran Homeguard commanders.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: The Werewolf is the last design produced in Gyrland, this Frame touts an impressive assault shotgun. A long range auto-cannon on one shoulder and a four tube missile seeking launcher on the other. The Werewolf is usually sent by the Homeguard as a last resort, with it's most veteran pilots onboard. However the dwindling number of Werewolves means every pilot and Frame lost reduces the number.
Battle-Frame Appearance:
Description of Frame and capabilities: Vinland's newest gift to the Homeguard, these brand new machines sport the first energy based rifles backing it with a conventional cannon. Built for long operations without resupply, the new ammo less weapon has useful but cannot be used in more dangerous situations as the risk of Ruviyane reverse engineering the technology is to great.
Appearance: What does your character look like? Pictures are highly preferred and a text description of a couple paragraphs is also fine.
Gender: Should be self-explanatory.
Age: What is your given age?
Personality: Tell me how you act, and what makes you tick.
Background: Tell me about your past. What is your home nation? Why do you fight? Is it personal? Is it for glory? Why are you here and what are your goals with the Brigade
Other things: If there is anything else you believe needs sharing, do so here.
Battle-Frame Name: All Frames are given unit numbers based on production code and a callsign. EX: PAL-0035:PALADIN
Appearance: Fairly obvious. Pictures are highly preferred with a text description of a couple paragraphs is also fine.
Primary Weapon System: Your Frame's main weapon an assault rifle, sniper, rocket launcher, the main armament your frame depends on.
Secondary Weapon Systems: Back up weapons or weapons your Frame will carry incase it's main weapon is damaged or unusable. Usually light and less bulky. This can include things missile pods or shoulder cannons as well as pistols, Sub-machineguns, shields, and etc.
Prototype Weapon/Equipment System: This is your specialist gear, unique to your Frame and made to give you the pilot an edge against larger numbers and more experienced pilots.
Weight Class: This is about Mass, the more weight slower you are, take this in to consideration when moving, this also sets the tone for we should expect you to move and fight. Are you a lightly armored and packing plenty of guns? Or maybe a heavy unit barraging the enemy down as you waddle forward? This is just to give an idea of where the Frame rates in term of speed and maneuvers for yourself and others. Light, Medium, and Heavy are the options here.
(Optional, though highly encouraged!)
Nation name: What is the state or nations name? Membership: Are they part of a greater power block? A distance nation far off? Who do they support (or would) support in Avrupa? Position in the world: Where are they relevant to the Avrupa nations? Recent history: What have they been up to? How has Therranite and Frame tech changed their nation? Did they get consumed by a larger nation? Character's Relevance in the nation: Is your character important to the nation? Is it important to them?