Avatar of Archangel89


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9 yrs ago
Alright status update: I have started a new job and am currently in the process of getting used to said job. To all the games I'm currently in I will starting work on responses this weekend
10 yrs ago
Due to a misplacement of my laptop I will unlikely be able to post until Friday or there abouts. My apologies for those waiting on me.


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A A R O N 'Z E P H Y R’ N Y L E S

AGE 23《》6'1" HEIGHT

Aaron is a rather breezy carefree individual whose major life motto is to not be too attached by or to anything. Due to his younger life and his upbringing he's discovered the dangers that come with tying yourself down to frivolous people or things and the pain that comes with it. He is one to usually deflect conversations with "too hard" questions to deal with despite his natural curiosity of people and the world around him. Aaron is a firm believer that people will tell you everything that you need to know about themselves without having to say a word and will observe people and things at a distance. If the situation comes down to it, Aaron is of the mind to quickly and definitively end a situation before it becomes too much of a problem..


Aaron's life, while not particularly tragic, has been a hard road to travel. For most of his formative years Aaron bounced from foster home to foster home in a small town where everyone knew everyone. Life without parents made him very bitter and angry which didn't help is living situations almost to the point that he was ostracized from any one his age. Until the day he met Samuel. Samuel saw through the façade Aaron put up and slowly introduced him to his group of friends; Kat, Remi, Thael, Rene, Freddy, Magdalena. Along with Samuel, these people slowly made Aaron into someone worth being around and for a time people actually began to see him in a positive light. All this changed, however, when the comet came.

When the infection began to spread and the spirits began to migrate into more and more people the mutated wildlife began making their way into the cities. One day when the kids where playing they came across said wildlife, a mutated stag that had wandered into the outskirts of the town. Aaron's natural curiosity drove him to go and investigate the creature leaving Samuel to come along to do his best to protect him as best he could. When the situation naturally turned south Aaron's fear got the better of him and made him cower before the thing while Samuel stood up to it, before the death blow could be struck a mass gathering of wind and electricity gathered into Aaron and the two of them escaped in a flash of light. The boys were safe and the creature was dealt with, but the group or the town began to look at Aaron differently. Samuel was the golden child able to do no wrong and he stood in defense of his friend, Aaron was a coward and hid and the town treated him as such.

For years after the fact Aaron was split apart from the town, these spirits gave him new abilities but he received foul looks from the town and his friends suddenly didn't see him in the same light and with all these things coalescing together he decided to join the UDF and give up his former life since they decided to give up on him. As he trained and grew in his spirits Aaron caught the eye of the Intelligence Division for his mobility and decisive actions, so when he graduated from the academy and received his captains rank Intelligence scooped him up and quickly began his work. He has spent the last 5 years investigating the infection, keeping tabs on R&D, and infiltrating high value targets to keep the flow of information coming into the UDF.


The Nakamasa High Frequency Katana is a blade that vibrates at extremely high frequencies that weakens the molecular integrity of whatever it cuts. In combination with his spirits of lightning and wind this effect is amplified even further in combination with Aaron's even heightened speed. The sheath of the weapon is fixed with a launching system that aids in Aaron's quickdraw style which also functions as a mid-ranged high powered rifle in certain situations. The system is powered by a 12.7x99 (.50 BMG) ammo.

  • Lightning
  • Air
  • Water




Five Hours Till Midnight

The defined features of Avery Wilde softened slightly as she smiled again.

"Then I look forward to it, Mister Silver."

Catching sight of something over Jayce's shoulder, Avery's smile faded, before she turned back to Jayce.

"Now, I am afraid, you must excuse me. I will leave you in the capable hands of Mister Black."

With that, she was gone, lost in the shifting crowd, and the rest of the room seemed to rush in around Jayce, as if it had been holding its breath. Mister Black was at his shoulder again, the too-wide smile, the prickling on the back of Jayce's neck, the smooth voice.

"You certainly made a good impression, my friend."

"Did you have any doubts Black?."

The smug satisfaction that now seemed to be permanently attached to Jayce's face shown like a beacon to any and all that could see it. He could see the eyes of the faces of the other guests as they glared at him in a mixture of disgust and envy, he couldn't get enough of it.

"So Black, give me a run down on this dinner. Is there anything that I need to know cause I need to be prepared to deal with any possible outcome, the Silverhand name is riding on this dinner."

While his mouth spoke volumes about his goals, and they were still there, he couldn't help but feel like there was something more that could come of it. He didn't know but all he knew is that he could not wait to be in her presence again.

Mister Black smiled at Joyce’s confidence, clearly enjoying the preening of his companion.

“I am sure your social graces are without question, my friend.”

Suddenly stepping closer, the broad smile of Mister Black did not falter, even for an instant, but the man’s voice dropped lower.

“A word of warning though, if I may be so bold. The close circle of the Wildes is as much the great and good of Arkham as it is a nest of vipers. Choose your friends wisely.”

As quickly as he had moved forward, Mister Black stepped back. His voice was louder now, almost exaggerated in the way he raised his voice to be heard above the whirling music.

“If you are to be joining Lady Wilde for dinner, then I believe I should make some introductions!”

Dark eyes scanned the room, before seeming to find what they were looking for, and turning back to Jayce.

“That is, if you can continue to bear my company?”

"Of course, Black. You are my guide this evening, and I need to have names and faces straight if I am to be a permanent place here."

Mister Black smiled again, thin lips pulling back to reveal an unnerving number of polished teeth. Not for the first time, Jayce couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something sinister in that smile, but for better or for worse, he shook it off.

“I admire your ambition, my friend! I know of just the man to introduce you to…”

Before Mister Black could continue, a figure stepped out of the crowd, catching Jayce’s arm. Her clothes plain compared to the opulence and grandeur that moved about them, it took Jayce a moment to even notice her. A maid, plain features, mousy brown hair tied up, but her eyes.

“A drink, sir?”

Even as she spoke, her eyes burned into Jayce. Dark pools, Jayce could feel the breath catch in his throat at the intensity of them. Her manners and speech were polished, but her eyes, her eyes were screeching a warning, even as she held a tray of champagne flutes towards him. Her eyes unsettled Jayce, there was something disturbing and pleading within them. If he were to spend any length of time staring into them he thought that he might lose himself in them. As he remembered his place he quickly took a flute of champagne and tried to carry on with his mission.

"A...ah yes, thanks."

For a moment, it seemed as if the maid was going to speak, but then the dark eyes flashed across to Mister Black, and then dropped to the floor. The curtsey that followed was robotic and stiff, and then she was lost, disappearing into the shifting crowd. By the time Jayce had turned away, Mister Black had reached his apparent target. A lanky man, standing a few inches shorter than Jayce and wiry, fine dark suit practically hanging off him, thinning white hair. Mister Black had a quick, hushed, conversation, and then he turned back to Jayce, smiling broadly and gesturing him over.

“Mister Silver, allow me to introduce Mister Cobalt.”

As Jayce reached the figure, this Mister Cobalt, he was suddenly struck by a realization. He recognized the face behind the white and gold mask, he knew the piercing blue eyes. He couldn’t place the face, not yet, but he knew him. His chest suddenly tight, Jayce couldn’t help but wonder if Mister Cobalt would recognize him in turn. Even if he had wanted to change his course, it was already too late for Jayce, and a thin hand was thrust in his direction. A thin smile danced beneath the carefully maintained moustache and white and gold mask, but it was a smile that never reached the man’s eyes. The voice that spoke had a Chicago drawl.

“A pleasure to meet you, Mister Silver.”

The voice, the moustache, everything screamed money and affluence and he knew that there was something to him. He knew that Silverhand Chemicals had some sort of dealings with him but for the life of him he couldn't finger who or for what he did. The drawl struck first then followed by the hand, there was a part of him that didn't want to deal with him but social policies and his own drive to make a reasonable impression here amongst the Wildes' social circle drove him to meet this person head on,

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Cobalt. What a privilege to see you amongst such high society."

A frown crossed the older man’s face at Jayce’s introduction, piercing blue eyes narrowing slightly as he looked Jayce up and down for a second time.

“Forgive me, do you know me, man?”

"Haven't you had dealings with Silverhand Chemical in recent months?"

At the mention of Silverhand, the piercing eyes of Mister Cobalt narrowed, as if he was properly looking at Jayce for the first time. There was a heartbeat of silence, before the thin lips parted, as if Mister Cobalt was about to speak, but before he could, another voice interrupted him.

“And who is this dashing gentleman, darling?”

Turning towards the speaker, Jayce will find himself all but face to face with another guest. An older woman, with the unmistakable air of grace and dignity, expensive blue dress flowing around her and dark eyes framed by a white and gold mask that was the twin of the one that Mister Cobalt wore. If Jayce had been fumbling to place the face of Mister Cobalt, the face of this newcomer struck him like a lightning bolt. He knew the face. Suddenly, he was a child again, finally allowed to attend one of his parent’s lavish parties after months of begging and pleading. The suit he wore was scratchy and uncomfortable, but he had been lost in the colors and the music, faces blurring past him as he clung to his mothers skirts. One of those faces had paused, leaning down to coo in the young Jayce’s face. The same face that was now looking back at him from behind a white and gold mask. Amelia Harris. And with that name, the face of Mister Cobalt finally clicked into place. William H. Harris. With a slightly uncomfortable revelation, Jayce realized that the man that he had been conversing with was one of the great magnates of the American East, driving force behind the juggernaut that was the Harris Oil Company. The whirring wheels of Jayce’s epiphany were finally interrupted by the drawling voice of Mister Cobalt.

“That is the exact question I was about to ask myself, my dear.”

Three pairs of eyes were fixed on Jayce, and he became increasingly aware that a suitable answer was expected of him. The boring gaze of all three people dug deep into his soul and psyche in what felt like an attempt to pry something out of him. As seconds drug out into what seemed like hours, Jayce pulled on the years of social training his father beat into him, pleasant but not ignorant.
He reached for Mrs. Cobalt's hand and lightly kissed it in a display of gentlemanly humility,

"Ah, this must be the radiant Mrs. Cobalt, I am Mister Silver. I represent Mr. Damian Brennaman who was unable to attend this evening."

Mrs. Cobalt watched Jayce with a raised eyebrow, but she seemed to quickly reach a decision, nodding her head towards Jayce and smiling warmly.

“Well then it is a pleasure to meet you, Mister Silver. I am sorry to hear that Damian will be unable to join us this evening. It has been too long since we visited Boston, has it not, darling?”

The question was clearly directed towards Mister Cobalt, and it seemed to jolt the older man out of his contemplation, gaze finally leaving Jayce as he glanced across at his wife.

“Yes, of course, my dear.”

The next voice to speak was that of Mister Black, the lean man stepping forward and taking Mrs. Cobalt’s hand in his own, mirroring Jayce’s actions from just a moment before as he raised it to his lips.

“Please allow me to echo the sentiment of my good friend. It is a pleasure, as always.”

Mrs. Cobalt watched Mister Black, her face a mask of polite indifference. “I am sure it is, Mister Black.”

Her hand returned by the aforementioned Mister Black, Mrs Cobalt turned her attention back towards Jayce.

“How are you finding your evening so far, Mister Silver? I am sure this little soirée must seem old-fashioned to someone accustomed to the styling's of the Brennaman family, but I assure you that we are all quite friendly. For the most part, at least!”

"Heh, yes the Brennaman family can certainly throw one heck of a party, but I must say that I've quite enjoyed myself this evening. I've been able to see the finest in Arkham gather in one place, I've made some wonderful new friends," gesturing between the Cobalt's and Black,"and have even met the illustrious Lady Wilde. I must say that I rather enjoy old fashioned if parties happen like this."

You know we'll be here when you get your inspiration back

@Rockette lol
Man I know that sucked, I got stung across my face and it set me to twitching and blinking for a few minutes.

@Salsa Verde
While that does work meat tenderizer works just as well, so said the beach lifeguard when I cried to him that someone was gonna have to pee on me lol
@Salsa Verde

Huh, would you believe me when I say that's actually didn't know that before I wrote that lol. If I'm being honest I heard a tiktoker say that and I thought it sounded cool, although come to think of it he was reviewing anime fights so I guess I should've known that's what he was trying to do. Thanks for teaching me something I've actually wanted to learn proper japanese for a while. I think I'll leave it as is and chalk it up as fantasy language in universe.
Alright got a post up, man this group is really getting my creative juices flowing. I love this dynamic!!

DAY - 1 《》 STEELWATER [LZ Alpha - Creek] 《》 Late Morning 《》 @Prisk@Rockette[


The dance never seemed to end, Gar would bounce from one place to another Levi wailed in her glee of battle and Aaron dashed through hordes of these living roots and branches. The bright flashing streaks of his spirits could be seen from the transports above as lightning crackled and flashed with each draw of his blade as the faint sound of thunder always trailed behind him. As he heard Gar’s instructions all he could do was shake his head and give a sarcastic roll of his eyes,

”Whatever you say boss, I’ll cut us a path but you guys are gonna have to keep up. These things are gonna close the distance fast.”

As he reoriented himself in the direction of the creek he couldn/t help but admire Levi as she carved through these muties with both bulled and blade, such a love and joy for war and combat. It would almost be sexy if it didn’t terrify him. The onslaught had barely begun again when, just as Aaron and Gar deduced, the BIG one reared its ugly head. The thick mass of tendrils and pseudopods rose from the creek, it appeared to be at least somewhat humanoid in some fashion as the tentacles morphed into some sort of appendages that resembled arms and hands. Its maw was lined with what could only be described as jagged razors that resided under three glowing orbs that were supposed to be it’s eyes. The creature's stench stretched far as the foul odor reached Aaron’s nose and caused him to slightly recoil in offense. This is what caused the tiny ones to react the way they did. As he was preparing his mind to deal with such a nauseating creature, an almost sadistically soothing purr tickled Zephyr’s ears,

"Lead on Zephyr,I'll get on your flank and come around back, I say we blind the bitch, try to scramble it and the lesser nasties."

Aaron turned to Leviathan and watched as she assembled her lance in the heat of combat. The thick blackened blood of these lesser creatures covered her lithe frame as she brushed her hands through her plaited hair clearing her field of view for the melee that was to come. There was something about the way spoke that was infectious, her joy and bloodlust seemed to seep over and spill onto the already bloodstained ground, he could almost feel her delight fill the space between them and lap at his ankles like a gentle flowing stream. As a grin slowly eased its way across his face, he could feel the desire to go all out and truly let loose as he replied in an almost guttural growl,

”Ikuza”, lets go Leviathan, bet I’ll kill before you do!

In a flash Zephyr had taken off and commenced his assault on the massive creature. In his initial dance around the creature he could not get a good sense of if there was anything akin to feet that he could slice and bring the creature down to his level but in his jovial state he decided to take a different approach. As he moved out from under the creature Aaron employed the same technique he used in his landing as he launched himself in the air to meet this thing's torso and landed on a dais of solid air and dashed towards the creature slicing the thing on passing. When he came on the other side he repeated the process and launched himself in a different direction and continued this as he continued to gather speed. The more he danced around slicing the creature the faster he went until the creature was covered in strands of flashing light that streaked into the ever brightening sky. Aaron’s exuberant laughter could be heard over the comms as for the first time in a very long time he was having fun, the spirits of the wind could be heard across the battlefield howling as lightning crackled and reached into the sky as if trying to pull more lightning from the clouds themselves. In that moment the rest of the world fell away and there was only the joy of the fight, of that single moment. As he totally gave into his spirits influence he almost didn’t want that fight to end, to continue flashing across the sky killing these muties for as long as his body would let him fight.


AARON “ZEPHYR” NYLES STEELWATER [Landing/Battlefield] 10:00 AM @Prisk@Archangel89
War was never something that he would get used to. The absolute chaos and destruction of it was something that he absolutely abhorred which is why he did not stay in WarDiv. As the transport delivered his crew and him through this wasteland he couldn’t help but somewhat marvel at the well-blanketed precision of the World Eaters. A veritable cornucopia of fire and devastation that covered all that the eye could see, if one was a psychopath one might even see a beauty in it. As conversations were had around him Aaron focused himself for the mission ahead a light breeze laced with visible static flowed around him as his focus carried him into a state of zen-like nothingness. As the LZ came up the pilot mentioned something to Gar and she stood up and prepared herself for drop. As he gathered himself up to follow in suit he realized that they were still significantly high up in the air and she was going to do one of her famous drops into the Hot Zone, an exasperated sigh escaped him as rubbed the bridge of his nose in amused derision. As she was about to take her first step off he couldn’t help but get in her ear and yell out,


As he watched her soar down and land with a sickening thud and proceed to lay waste to all unnatural creation he couldn’t help but think to himself,

’Heh, show off. Can’t let her be the only one to do something cool!

He turned with his back to the open door and peered over his comrades as he gave them a sarcastic salute then fell backwards out of the transport. The sounds of rushing wind past his ears was the most at peace he had been in quite some time. There was nothing in him, around him and for those few seconds he was truly at peace with all of existence, even the muties underneath him didn’t matter. Peace has a way of ending just as you get to enjoy it. On instinct he twisted his body into a normal crouching position as just before he hit the ground a the air under his feet created a solid landing point. As time slowed to a crawl he was able to line six or seven creatures in a zig zagged pattern that he would capitalize on. Lightning surged around him as he kicked off the solid air as he sailed through the air, dodging bullets, biological attacks and other people and quickly drew his lightning infused blade and effortlessly sliced through his first target. As he replaced the blade to its sheath he dashed in a flash and dispatched yet another. This cycle of slice, replace and repeat continued as he tore through his prey with ease until he stood behind the last of his initial targets. As they fell lifeless to the bloodstained ground Aaron finally stood up and survived his surroundings. The mutated creatures were harmless enough, easy to dispatch which made Aeon’s like him were going to have an easy time with these things although swarming was a distinct issue here. As more started to surround him Aaron quickly dropped into his stance and gathered both the wind and lightning into his blade as he quickly drew his sword unleashing a flashy arc of electrical energy knocking out another three to five in a stroke. This was far too easy. These things were too simple of an enemy to be here on their own, something else had to be there out in the inky black of the battlefield. Deciding to keep Gauda as a center, Zephyr dashed around several meters in all directions and got a surveillance of their drop. In the distance the World Eaters continued their bombardment as the immediate field was heavily inhabited by foot soldiers from either side. As Leviathan and Garuda continued their onslaught Aaron continued his effortless killing of these muties a small handful at a time. As he made his way back to the makeshift killing floor center Aaron put his back to Gar and called through the haze of death,

”Boss, this is too easy. Surely there’s something more than this? We need to move and EVAC as soon as possible otherwise were going to get overwhelmed pretty quickly.”

Ok gang I'm back from COVID and I'm gonna try and get a post up this week. Now of all things my laptop has decides to no longer work so I'm doing this through the phone currently so be patient with me lol
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