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June 2nd, 2019 - 11:32 | Justice League HQ

What a day. First training with one of the prime league members, something Willow questioned considering she was a robot. Maybe she was there just to make obsticles for people, considering thats what she was doing during the training. At least she could say she got something out of it, learning a few tricks at arranging materials so they wouldn't crumple as easily to super strength punches. And who had the foresight to know that might come in handy, considering what was to come with the whole atlantian invasion.

That was a fun thing for Willow to hear on the intercom. So far it had all been small time stuff or Batman requests, but here was something actually big and heroic. With a joyous expression on her face, Willow answered the call as soon as she could. The internet videos could wait, now was the time to beat up a lot of bad guys! Of course for some reason even though it was an invasion, Willow wasn't allowed to use lethal force on the invading atlantians. While this would make things trickier for her, it was always a neat hero challenge to not just delete the opposition.

Turning into her cloud form, Willow flew to the coast, where the invading atlantians were approaching the city. While Willow could probably make a weapon or two that could help with the invading sea mosnters, Willow figured she'd be better used dealing with the approaching atlantian soldiers. After all, they were reliant on their metal weapons and armor. And metal was one of the easiest things for Willow to mold to her will. As other leaguers did what they thought they should do, Willow swooped down at the edge of one of the atlantian battalions, coalescing on top of three of them as she ate their armor and weapons, turning the metal into a tesla turret that started to zap anything wearing atlantian armor that got nearby. When she had gotten the attention of some of the battalion, she turned back into her cloud form and flew away, looking for another angle of attack as a few atlantians had lost their armor, while others were getting zapped by non lethal electrical currents akin to a really big tazer.

She repeated the same tactic on other parts of the battalion, making sure to come at the angle of the sun to really disguise her approach. Soon there were tesla turrets littered around the streets where she had attacked, paralyzing any atlantians who approached. Hopefully the others were having the same success she had.
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Thaaaat's basically it. The ringmaster isn't allowed to answer questions as to where the powers come from.

Sounds good! That'll help out character motivations and all that very well.
@Majoras End So, basically the ringmaster gets them to sign a contract to get them as employees and possible fighters and thats it? I'm trying to get my head around what hes supposed to be. I mean, he can't take away powers on contracts the person has the free will to sign, that just makes no sense when there is zero incentive to do so. So it has to be something else.

I'll probably be going on the logic of. "This contract lets you do something you wouldn't normally be able to do, in exchange for occasionally letting the ringmaster call on you to do some fights and making you follow a basic tenant. And on the side you get to have fun in a cool circus with other weirdos."
Right now I'm figuring out how I want my character to be 'indebted' to the ringmaster, I assume thats what has to happen with the contact right? The Ringmaster is the 'mage' that controls everything or something akin to that?
This sounds fun. One question, does the character in question need to be human, or can they be a nice demon?
Once Light got her food, she started to eat it much like you'd see in a cartoon, notably in large chunks and an inhuman speed plates stacking high. Halfway through eating an entire chicken, half of it in her mouth, she noticed the newcomer and heard someone ask a question. Waving at the new lady, she swallowed the entire chicken like something out of a cartoon. "Hi Miss brittain. Fancy talk huh? Howdy!" Light said with a grin. "Metal huh? I'm a nomad looking for fun. Most people tend to not like cartoons. Or its my teeth, either or." Light said, answering Alexandra showing off her teeth to everyone before she dug into her food, more having been delivered.

@LemonZest1337 actually coming to think of it, full TF2 medic would be hilarious here. And I think your character and mine would get along well. Both surgeons, even if one of them is so insane he likes putting animal parts in people to see what happens. If you think that is a good idea I'll write up a sheet with a few power edits and whatnot.
@LemonZest1337 I'd think Aya would be fine. Though two doctors/healers would be really weird. xD I'd have to figure out what to do then I guess.
@vancexentan he only mimics mobility things so he can keep up with his patient. And not a full mimic, just the motions. So if he attached to bakugo for example, whenever bakugo uses his explosions to move in the air, he'd mimic the jerky motions, but can't use any explosions or anything. Same with super speed quirks.

Thats sort of the idea. It takes a long time to build that much charge, and if they don't use any other charge and save for that 100%, it gets rewarded by something very powerful that forces the opponents to run until it wears off. The alternative was turning the heal beam into a damage beam. I should mention kncokback forces still work on an uber patient so there is that.

75% makes them immune to CC and heals very fast, but they still take the damage that'd occur. So if they'd die by getting a car thrown at them, they'd still die. Just that the car would probably hurt them more since all that knockback force is diffused differently.
@vancexentan Here, let me just do the ability list for it. Its basically the TF2 medic without MvM upgrades. It probably needs some changes.

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