Avatar of Archmage MC


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@Lugubrious So, do our characters know each other off the bat? like they jsut met? or are we going to do a meet and greet post sort of thing?
@Lugubrious So, for guns, mine has a basic low caliber rifle built into her frame (Although I'm unsure if ti uses actual bullets, or is a 'blaster' kind of weapon. Its very ambiguous), should I list that in items alongside all the other built in items in her frame? (the only other one would be a short blade that isn't really all that combat usable.)

EDIT: On Second thought, best I not include these. She can unlock them later on as abilities/powers or whatnot. More room for growth.

Also just beat World of Light. That wasn't nearly the slough people said it would be. Although I found an insanely OP character/spirit/ability combo that let me basically oneshot everything and liquify bosses really early on so... I guess there is that.
The whole Zero thing is not a problem. In text, the o or 0 at the end will distinguish them, and in speech, characters might invent nicknames, just say 'hey, you', or just say Zero and have comedy ensue.

Also, @Stern Algorithm, Din is accepted! Welcome to the party.

Thats the idea and thats why I love it.
Man, Two Zeros, Thats not confusing at all! And they're both essentially robots, THATS NOT CONFUSING AT ALL! xD.

This is going to be fun.
Hm. Actually trying to decide, TF2 engineer, or should I put a robot character for that third slot. hmm... Any ideas fellas?

Man, playing a healer is going to be fun. So many things to do, and so many people to give Kirtz.
OK moved my character over and gave her the final 2 kindred spirits. This should be a fun powerset.

Heres my adorable support robot lady. Now I just need to figure out my last kindred spirit. TF2 medic + Blazermate does pretty much everything a support should have so.... yeah. Any ideas? Or can I fill them in as the RP goes/I know what everyone else is using?

BTW my Smash ultiamte just came in the mail, so I can play World of Light now and catch up. xD

@Lugubrious ok fair. I was thinking XCOM and how robotic enemies are immune to the flamethrower. I'll change that. Although come to think of it, robots would also have cold resistance... I can leave that out for now, but yeah. Right now shes just immune from being lit on fire.

Alrgihty, if you say thats all I need I'll add to it. Gotta think of 2 more spirits though... TF2 medic sort of does all I want her to do atm. And just this spirit alone with the character I'm doing should keep me entertained fora while. BTW I can't actually use any Medabot characters themeslves for her spirits, because she is actually the secret super boss/postgame boss of her game, and the only one that would synergize with her is a big NO NO as it'd give her the ability of temp immunity to everything for 10 seconds if she got hit. So I gotta think of other spirits to use.

I will say my backstory wont be as through as Lmpk, as Medabots was made during the Pokemon craze era, and thus is very light on story.
Have you considered the option of characters building up to a final smash? Second question, more for others as I wouldn’t want to, but with the background set here is Kirby officially off limits?

Yeah, anyone with a oneshot that copies people should probably not be allowed for game balance I think.

Heres mine. Still needs a teeny bit of work but its mostly done.

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