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Ok I posted. Going to try something different for once. Besides, come to think of it, bastion is a really ineffective battle robot with such glaring weaknesses.

Level 2 - (17/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard - Fight
Word Count: 491

Blazermate spent most of her time healing people on the battlefield, which happened to be mostly Tora, Bowser, and the occasional linkle or Minako. For the most part, the team kept their damage taken on their big beefy boys, which made Blazermate's job of healing much easier than it could've been. It was interesting watching how her allies attacked, and even more interesting to see that the wooden medabot Geno was safe, if a bit beaten up, as he came rocketing out of the castle with someone in hand. Considering the roar of anger Bowser let off and the name he said, she could guess this red capped man was Mario. Thankfully Din went to his aid, leaving Blazermate free to concern herself with the others.

But she didn't have time to worry about that, as the bastion robot turned itself into a tank and fired round after round of explosive ammunition, having shot at Tora and Blazermate briefly with its minigun and was now attempting to destroy the rabbid minion Bowser had coerced into joining the team. Thankfully Tora took most of the hits, and the few that tagged Blazermate she could heal away with her own healing, although it did take a bit longer to self heal herself. But taking damage from such a haphazard thing such as that didn't really go over well with her, and she had an idea considering how many angles this bastion robot was being attacked over.

Pulling out that weird tazer gun thing she got not a few moments ago, needing to attach it to her free hand considering its weird gauntelt like grip, she made her way to the Bastion robot, firing one of this item's weird energy ball things as she edged her way closer. At first she didn't know what they did, but when a blast vaporized one of the tank bastion's explosive rounds, she was much more confident in her plan and rushed the Bastion, making any return fire it shot at her useless. After Zer0 had unleashed a few rifle shots, Blazermate took that opportunity to dash to and on top of the bastion robot, laughing as she slid behind its only method of attack, its cannon. She then started to hammer away at the bastion, assisting 6's pickaxe swings with her own augmented strength.

Considering the Centurion, Bowser, and the others were taking care of the engineer bot, who's gun seemed to be very stupid at targeting, destroying the more autonomous Bastion was a better idea. And thanks to her scan ability, she could guide 6's pickaxe strikes to where the Bastion was weakest, all while it could do nothing in its tank form to dislodge the pair. In fact, Blazermate wondered if this strategy would also work while it was in its minigun form, if she could also get behind the gun. Thankfully she could still heal with one hand, although she could only heal those in range at the moment, and the Centurion and 6 would need some heals. Especially the Centurion, because whenever that gun from the engineer came online, it'd target him first since he was the closest.
@ProPro@thedman Don't forget, Blazermate told both of you off too xD.
Riko was a weird one, but at least his joke got a small giggle out of Willow. Yeah, that mask would draw a lot of attention to himself.

Willow watched as the ship came into port, fluttering near her cloak disguise as she saw how everyone seemed to be very friendly to pirates? Something was definitely off here, Adam had the same observation and voiced his concerns. "Well, at least I can use my disguise easier here." Fluttering, she put her disguise on, which was basically her flying into a hole in the hood and lifting it all up using a weird system of supports and a few straps inside the hood. Flying properly above the ground, Willow could slide the boots along the ground and only observant people would notice that this 'person' wasn't walking, but then this wasn't for them.

"yeah, I'm going to stick with everyone as well. Although I'm not too worried if we get into a fight. People are very easy to deal with." Willow said, fluttering next to Flint in her disguise and 'walking' next to him as everyone was departing the boat to head into town.
@Archmage MC

It's a free roam type RP with overlaying events I put up, and players can request. You do what you want, interact with who you want and go where you please. So far, most people have taken an angle on slice of life for a start. There is no hero force. I do not know where that impression originated.

The whole hero license thing, thought that was something like One Punch Man or My Hero acadamia sorta thing for some reason. OK, so, I'll have to think of something to start with I suppose xD.
OK, I don't really have any idea of how I'm going to start/insert myself into this world. I don't even know whats going on. Are some characters part of a hero force or something? Or is this just slice of life and we work our way there or something?
@Lugubrious Poor MoM, with his chipper personality, I don't think he'll get a straight answer xD.

BTW, Blazermate left her minigun near her while she heals, if someone wants to pick it up to use it go for it.

Level 2 - (16/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard
Word Count: 587

Bowser was quite the charismatic giant turtle man wasn't he? Not only did he turn a rabbid to their side, but he was also a gentleman and gave Blazermate a weapon she could actually use! Sure it was only a simple 12 shot pistol, but it was better than just punching things. As for the rest of the party, this Roadhog guy was trying to piece things together, while Michael and the courier were fighting each other over different ideals. "You two really shouldn't fight. This world so far has shown that everything you do is the right call. Bowser talked an enemy into joining, or you can just crush/eat the spirits for their power. But if you two wanna have a macho clash, do it after we've gotten to the castle ok?" Blazermate said, moving over to her dropped minigun at half ammo and picking it up after putting her little gift from Bowser into one of her pouches on her waist.

After picking up her minigun and carrying it akwardly with one hand, Blazermate turned back to look at the courier. She noticed Kirby was up and about, and did some kind of weird motion. Something about it looked... familiar? Blazermate couldn't put a finger on the right word to use. Thankfully she didn't have to think about things much, as when the group was making a move to follow Bowser who had ran ahead after his new minions, the master of masters decided to ask her a question. It was a strange one, but she figured she'd indulge the man. "Aw, you have an interest in little me? Hehe. Well, I'm a medabot. I'm just a cute robot in a schoolgirl blazer that can heal and fight~. I guess I came from a school, but I'm not really sure~." She couldn't help but tease the man, he gave that kind of feeling. But she wasn't being too cryptic, she did go to a medabot school with her operator once upon a time.


When the group caught up to Bowser and the rest of them, it looked like a crapshow. Finding cover, she dropped the minigun she had carried along as she looked over the battlefield. Minako and Bowser were keeping the attention of a... living person that looked like those robots in the hard hats she saw earlier and a giant minigun robot. Meanwhile Linkle wasn't looking hot, and Tora was out cold with wounds all over him, all gunshot wounds. "Seriously? You guys gotta stay with your medic!" Blazermate said, moving into range and into cover, healing Tora as he was in the most critical state. Thankfully he wasn't dead, but he sure wasn't in a good state.

Using her free hand, she drew her new pistol and analyzed the two beings on the hill that were shooting at Bowser and Minako's weird summon thing. The living hardhat guy didn't have anything in the way of weaknesses, neither did his gun, but they also weren't super sturdy. Meanwhile the minigun robot had a crippling weakpoint on its backside, but it kept that part as hidden as it could. "Hey guys, the big minigun robot has a weakside on its back. Shoot that!" Blazermate said to everyone as she took aim at the engineer and took accurate pistol shots at him, his gun totally ignoring her since it had Bowser as a target.

This pisto was such a nice gift. It was nice being able to heal and fight.
@Archmage MC

They can develop, grow stronger and evolve.

However, as I stated in the opening post, magic doesn't exist. Fantasy creatures don't exist. If you have one mutation, you can't evolve abilities that have nothing to do with that mutation. You don't learn mutations, they evolve from what you already have.

Yeah I get that. Was just basing all of those things off fairy lore itself. I mean, weren't ye olde fairies in this world mutants back in the day, so what they could do in the stories is what Willow can eventually do? (Although obviously modified because unreliable stories and whatnot. And of course no magic.) Just figuring out a path of evolution is all xd.

@Archmage MC


So, the powers we have at the start is what we have for the whole RP?
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