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You gotta admit, Bowser is kind of the best video game dad out there. I mean, hes a single dad who freely adopts 7 misguided kids and still raises his own son. Plus Nintendo love using him as much in their ads.
@Archmage MC@Lugubrious

Quick question: since Blazermate merged with the spirit of the Engineer does that give her any insight into why he and the robot rodeo were fighting with the rabbids?

Thats up to lugu, I have no clue xD.

Level 3 - (9/30) EXP - Learned Teleporter Toolbox
Location: Scrapyard - Aftermath
Word Count: 506

"What in tarna... I wasn't expecting this sort of... change." Blazermate said when her change was complete, making sure to finish up healing the last of her party with one hand as she felt over her body with the other. the construction hat that now adorned her head wasn't too bad, although she did find it annoying that it was wielded to her frame. The overalls she was now clad in also felt really weird, yet somehow not so.

Blazermate was expecting a bit of change after absorbing that engineer soul, after all all medabots experience changes to their bodies and minds after swapping in a new part or changing their medals. However this was a bit more... explosive than what she was used to. She figured it'd be roughly the same as changing out one of her arm parts, but no, this came with a lot of knowledge, and a few downsides she didn't anticipate. For one, she gained an insane amount of intelligence. Sure, she was fairly smart before, but now she knew all sorts of interesting things, not limited to but including how to build that automated gun and all its ins and outs, how to build teleporters and all the quantum physical knowledge that came with basically warping space-time, and lots of other mechanical and scientific knowledge that came from the engineer's 11 PhDs. And even with all that, she felt there was still more this spirit could teach her, if she got more familiar with it.

But those downsides, were a doozy. For one, she needed to breath! Not much, thankfully, but the sensation of pulling air through her face plate was very weird. She'd need to figure out some way to fix this in the future, breathing just didn't feel natural to her, even if the engineer was very much used to it. Trying to keep her mind off this new sensation, she continued to make sure everyone was all patched up. Linkle carried over Minako, making sure that Blazermate noticed she needed healing. Minako seemed to be the last one to heal, and Blazermate got a good amount of healing in her before a few ships, one small, one large, dropped down from the sky.

Linkle was the first to examine the first smaller ship, and found a small girl inside. Blazermate wasn't too sure this person would be an ally or a foe, but she started to give a bit of healing either way as she didn't look too dangerous. But she didn't do much before a giant... dragon bowser? decended from the sky and demanded worship and tribute from the group. Echoing Linkle, Blazermate said. "What Linkle said." Either way, this one unlike that girl didn't look too friendly, so Blazermate started to use her new ability gained from the engineer soul she had absorbed and pulled a large blue toolbox from her backpack and sat it down. She'd start to construct the building should this new foe turn out hostile, which was highly likely.
I need to post. I'll post tonight or tomorrow. Got a lot of things to finish up before I go to bed.
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

With her respiratory system! Her lungs aren't very large, but they're there, with the oxygen they process keeping that engine of hers in top shape. Air could easily move through a vent behind that facemask.

Works for me. And a robot needing to breath... I'm sure shes going to want to fix that ASAP xD.

Now I'm not sure how much texan accent I can give her so forgive me for that. And I'll prob not do much german accent for Medic later down the line. I WILL change her speech pattern though and combine it all. Thats going to be fuun.
Teleporter. As useful as the dispencer would be right now I think if we plan to take the castle, which is an idea I love, we should have the teleporter up first so we don't have to come back to set it up.

Yeah that was my thought too. Dispenser is at next level up anyway.

@Lugubrious I just realized, how does Blazermate breath now?
Now I have an upgrade point in the wings, would you rather I spend it on the teleporter or Dispenser? Teleporter enables 'fast travel' back to Peach's Castle whenever and lets us make it a hub, Dispenser will enable item generation for those who use items like Roadhog/Courier/Michael/Linkle/ext...
@ProPro I know I've only had Blazermate call him cowboy, and courier/6 in narration so all of you know who I'm talking about. Same with Roadhog.

Level 3 - (8/30) EXP - Holding level up
Location: Scrapyard - Aftermath
Word Count: 526

That bastion robot really didn't seem to like being outsmarted, and made a few motions that seemed kind of off for something she figured had an immobile cannon. Doing some weird spinning motion with his cannon, Bastion knocked Blazermate and the Coruier off himself, then launched into the air bombarding the area with explosives as he flew. Blazermate tried using her new fancy projectile deleting gun, but it only let out a tiny 'zap' sound as it had ran out of ammo. Noticing this, Blazermate jumped and tried to get out of the way of the incoming shots, however one hit her out of the air and sent her careening into a scrap pile.

Blazermate's plan sort of worked? At least, the Bastion got destroyed although it was by whatever Minako summoned rather than anything her and 6 did. And all she had to show for her little plan was herself face down in a pile of scrap and notable damage from one of Bastion's explosive shells hitting her. Sure Medabots were made of fairly sturdy stuff since there were blaster type medabots that used explosives, but it still hurt. As she groaned getting back up, one of her ponytails bent the wrong way, a light metallic 'thunk' could be heard from the hammer that one of Bowser's minions threw. She wasn't expecting to get any kind of healing this way, but she was thankful for it as she got up, snapped her pigtail back into shape, and looked at the rest of the team.

"Oof. Lots of wounded, and I'm not at 100% either. But..." Blazermate said as she gazed at everyone. Most people had injuries of varying degrees, but they weren't as bad as what 6 had for injuries. "That is... bad. Gotta fix that!" She said, brushing off her healing arm and putting her healing beam on 6. Apparently Bowser's minions were healers too, as they at lest did some of her work in healing the slightly injured to full health. While healing him, she noticed that she had landed near to where the engineer had fallen and perished, a bright glowing rainbow soul before her. Deciding she could use a powerup, as her ability to do damage seemed to be lacking in this world, she absorbed the Engineer soul into herself. 6's healing would only pause for a moment as Blazermate took the soul's power into herself, but once that was finished she continued healing. Once 6 was back up to nearly full strength, Blazermate moved on to heal the next heavily injured person, and went down the injured list until everyone was healed up.

"Hello there Geno, you really shouldn't separate so much from your medic." Blazermate said as she was healing someone. Looking at this 'Mario' character a bit more closely, she wondered if he did something similar to this engnineer she just consumed. Looking at Bowser, he seemed to not be happy at all at seeing this Mario character, and Blazermate wondered why. But she figured she had best make sure everyone was in tip top shape before she went prying into that bit of business.
Well, shit. So many wounded. Only if there was something to fix that. lol

"Oy, I can only heal one person at a time. All of you, stop bleeding out on me!"

You know, once she gets her medic soul, I can see it then being...

"Guys, don't bleed out on me. Unless you want me to poke your insides~"
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