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I'd be interested in participating in this, using a bounty hunter that uses whatever to get their bounty. Due to this, they tend to use kinetic weapons over energy weapons/blasters due to them just being superior in every way when using blaster tech in a slug thrower, even if they require a LOT of extra work to keep in operational order/creating the ammo. Maybe make them a droid, since I don't see one of those here, but thats up in the air.

But I have a feeling that wouldn't work if we're using RPG stats.

// scrapyard - end // 1371 words

Blazermate attached her healing beam to Roadhog, noticing he was taking the most damage out of everyone. The others were just jumping into their fights, but the big pig boy was taking bombs to the face from the skinny guy, and that couldn't be good. Plus, he was the closest of all the people to her, and her Sentry also noticed this fact and started to shoot at Junkrat when it finished building, letting out a single beep before it shot at him with perfect accuracy.

Roadhog felt the beam and saw that the omnic had followed him away from the battle. Of course, he was annoyed since he wanted to deal with his friend alone. Plus, it was an omnic that decided to help him out. He had a deep hatred of machines since the Australian government decided to give the Outbreak to them. It was for "long term peace between human and machine" according to the government, but Outback's residents were furious at the deal. Especially Mako Rutledge. He later formed the Australian Liberation Front to restore the land lost to the machines and the rest was history.

Roadhog watched as the sentry managed to land a hit on Junkrat. The junker fired several shots at the sentry from his grenade launcher and ran away from the battle. Roadhog had enough of the machine's presence and turned towards before saying harshly, "Leave, tin can. This is my fight alone."

"And my job is to keep ya'll healed and keep my turret up. You can't survive eating grenades like that." Blazermate replied to Roadhog's protests to her assistance. She jumped up into the sky and hovered there to dodge the bombs that Junkrat sent her way. Sadly due to how weak her sentry was, the superpowered Junkrat was able to destroy it with his barrage of bombs, but then those were bombs that didn't hit anyone else.

"Besides, I'm sure a big boy like you would love to go on a rampage.~"
Blazermate continued, watching the slightly injured junkrat retreat, the skinny Australian man trying to get behind some cover before Blazermate could set up another turret. Yeah, this big guy had it rough, only recently getting his answers before getting into another fight, but he didn't seem like too bad of a guy. Pulling out her pistol, she took a few pot shots at the retreating Junkrat, aiming for his crippled leg. This poor fella had a lot of weak points for her to exploit, blazermate thought.

Roadhog grew more angry at the machine while it refused to leave his side. Even with the sentry destroyed, the machine was able to cripple Junkrat with her pistol. Before it could take more shots, Roadhog knocked it out of its hands with his hook. He had enough of the machine and decided to stand between it and his friend. Roadhog was going to be the one to kill his only friend not some omnic from a completely different world. He got his shotgun and chain ready for another fight.

"Leave now or get crushed." Roadhog warned the omnic, ready to stand his ground and prevent it from killing Junkrat.

Blazermate really didn't like how confrontational Roadhog was being towards her. Saying with a clearly annoyed tone in her voice. "Well if you don't want any healing, then I can just go heal anyone else whos fighting." Blazermate said, the others now starting their own fights with either their old allies like Ratchet, or the other people who were guarding the bridge. No one was injured yet, and considering Roadhog was keeping Junkrat busy, Blazermate looked to scavange more materials for another sentry gun. If Roadhog kept being so confrontational, she'd just leave after making another gun. Unlike the engineer before her, she could actually carry a building with her very easily.

However, the insane junker came up with a plan while Roadhog was stalling the omnic. He threw a concussion mine and waited until it landed behind before detonating it. Roadhog was sent tumbling to the ground while he fired several shots at the omnic. And in the moment of peace, Junkrat ran towards cover to fix his crippled leg while firing several more shots. Roadhog got off of the ground and reached for his hydrogen while holding his shotgun. He looked at the omnic and grunted before marching towards his friend.

"Take this!" Junkrat screamed at Roadhog before firing his launcher.

Roadhog took a few hits before inhaling the gas coming from the container. He kept on walking towards him despite being hit from the explosions until he ran out of hogdrogen. Junkrat jumped out of cover and threw one mine towards Roadhog before detonating it. Then, he fired more shots from the launcher and threw another mine at him.

"If this guy is your friend or something, you do know we've gotta cripple him before we can un-brainwash him, right? Ya did hear what the robed guy said right?" Blazermate said, scrounging up some scrap metal in the area. She kept one eye on Roadhog while he was keeping Junkrat busy. Before she could heal him however upon him taking another explosive and being knocked around because of it, she noticed that he had a self healing ability of his own upon inhaling whatever was in his canister. "Well no wonder why hes so snappy, he thinks he can do this all on his own. He so going to die..." Blazermate thought to herself, attempting to deploy another sentry having gathered enough metal from the surrounding scrap. And that was when Roadhog had enough of the pain and fell to the ground. He watched while Junkrat was coming towards him with the determination to kill his bodyguard. With a mechanical sigh, she started to heal Roadhog, moving away from her sentry as it finished building.

"I heard enough, machine." Roadhog answered the machine while trying to get up from the ground. "I don't want him to experience this hell."

Roadhog saw the sentry being built beside him and Junkrat destroyed it with ease. While he was reloading his launcher, Roadhog grabbed his chain and threw it towards him. Junkrat's crippled leg was caught on the hook and it sent him falling to the ground after Roadhog pulled on it. Now, it was time to finish him for good. He got on top of Junkrat and started choking him around the neck with both hands. While he was doing that, the foolish junker tried to free himself. Roadhog could easily snap his neck in the matter of seconds, but all of the good memories with him were preventing that from happening. After all, Junkrat was the first and only true friend in the Outback and the world. And if Junkrat was in his position, the idiot would have done everything to save Roadhog.

So, he let go of his neck and delivered a knockout punch before Junkrat could react. Roadhog angrily hit the ground beside Junkrat and got off of him. He turned towards the machine and said weakly, "Don't you dare touch him."

With a knockout punch, Roadhog subdued Junkrat. With his declaration to Blazermate for her to get away, she shrugged. "Fine fine. Feels like ya don't like a cute robot like me or somthin. Remember, you gotta either kill him for loot, or have someone return his heart." Blazermate said, flying off in a slight huff. Meanwhile a few of the other fights were going on, with Zer0's fight concluding. Seeing the injured Blazermate made her way over to Zer0 and started to heal him, and at his request, Gauge as well.

The weirdest part of this whole fight was, the ones guarding the bridge seemed to ignore Blazermate. In fact, they only ever went after anyone who tried to get past them or whatever attacked them. They apparently had no concept of what a healer was, and Blazermate found that really odd. She voiced this concern to Zer0 and Guage. "Does anyone else notice how these Galeem brainwashed people tend to ignore me while I heal people? Its like they want to lose."

I'm a medic!

Well I hope you guys enjoy having a butcher as the surgeon I guess lol.

But what this guy says. Willow loves to dismember people if she fights them.

Willow is basically someone playing Skyrim right now. Loots everything thats not nailed down more or less, and is a murder hobo.
Willow was a bit annoyed that her presence caused a bar fight. She guessed it made sense, after all, her movement wasn't super natural. But she wasn't expecting people to pay attention to the dragging boots of her disguise, especially while most of them were drunk! But that was neither here nor there, as the other members of her crew that were nearby decided to jump into the Frey. While they were far more egar for a fight, Willow was well aware her fighting style would cause a lot of maining and corpses, so she refrained from joining in directly.

Instead she goading other patrons to fight each other with the odd tossed coin or small object, leaning her disguise in a corner and darting out to throw the object before darting back to the disguise before it collapsed too much. Due to her size and speed, if anyone even saw her, they'd just think she was a rock or something being tossed, especially with all the drunks in the bar.

When she got her pranking fill, she moved nearby Riko, staying well out of weapon range, and said to him. "Seriously who knew drunks would notice how odd I move in this thing."

Level 3 - (10/30) EXP
Location: Scrapyard - Big Brawl
Word Count: 506

Well, even with the attempts for a peaceful resolution from many of the group members, things ended up in a fight. It was a good thing Blazermate was preparing herself for a fight, unlike a few of the other members. Dragon Bowser, much like the real thing, was a bit of an idiot all things considered, although without the charm of the original. Instead of just roasting everyone here, he decided to summon minions to do the work for him while he was going to clear out Peach's Castle for some reason. Didn't he already claim that area as is? Well, either way, he left his little minions behind, and they didn't look nearly as tough.

While Blazermate didn't recognize any of the figures that this dragon bowser summoned, the others of her party seemed to recognize them. Ratchet was overjoyed at seeing a tiny robot, and went to embrace him only to become... corrupted? Apparently this meant you had to be careful, a heartfelt embrace would only hurt you, not help you, in this world. Only that thing that the Master of Masters, Cowboy, and Tora did was what would work, and according to the MoM things had to be weakened before it would even work. And considering the looks some people were giving, that might need to happen to some of these minions here.

"Well fellas, best get ready for a fight." Blazermate said, pushing a button on her toolbox. Right away, the toolbox opened up, and a level 1 sentry began to slowly build. It was around this time that Roadhog was fighting the weird scrappy guy with explosives and burnt hair. Using her healing arm, she focused her beam on the giant pig guy to make sure he could work his fight, while using her other one to rapidly beat up the sentry as it built to make it build faster and level it up. Once it was fully built, it targeted the closest enemy with a beep and started to fire. Thankfully this gun provided Blazermate with some cover against the enemies that were engaging the rest of the party, so she could heal and upgrade this gun at the same time.

Thankfully, considering her strength was far superior to the engineer's original strength, she could very easily move her sentry if needed, and she figured if she was going to weaken everyone that would be a necessary thing.
Not interested anymore due to the face claim requirement. GL with this RP mate, its hard to do any kind of beast-looing hero like blankka ext with a faceclaim requirement like that.
I'll show some interest.
@Lugubrious Hey, should I have Blazermate learn Engineer weapon effects when she learns how to make all the buildings? Like the Eurika Effect, Rescue Ranger, Wrangler, and the like?
So, which of these spirits are people's second characters and whatnot? Because I don't think Blazermate's sentry gun can pick targets without her having a wrangler.
Willow wasn't super thrilled with the idea of being dressed as a parrot, saying. "I have wings on my back, I don't think that'd work Handel." Hovering properly above the ground, she walked off with Flint. He often did a lot of the shopping, and while he shopped, Willow tended to take things. After all, very few shop owners even noticed a few of their things missing, and those that did often times blamed those nearby instead of the little fairy woman inside a strange disguise.

While Willow was busy taking a few random nick nacks from the nearby stalls, hanging her disguise in an alleyway on a railing. She'd then fly and grab an item, make her way back to her disguise, and store it inside. While she was going on her little crime spree, mostly taking tools and supplies the ship needed or food, getting a few other people in trouble in the meantime, Flint had gone off to do... something. Willow wasn't sure what he was doing, but he did say they would split off when they reached the market so she didn't think much of it.

Having her disguise full of loot, which was mostly assorted junk, Willow made her way to where Alesia went, a weird bar that was full of quite a few shady characters. She decided to just sit at a table and keep an eye on her captain, a young woman like her (Although Willow wasn't much older) would probably attract a lot of attention. And to be honest, causing mischief at the market was fun, but a brawl could also be fun if one just so happened to occur...
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