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We need some pokeballs. If we bring back some pokeballs so each toad could catch even one of the pokemon wandering around that would quintuple their effectiveness as guards.

True. Plus if Blazermate could put down more than 1 sentry, that'd also help. Those things are brutal.
Light watched the fight between her new friends and these new people with excitement. It was interesting watching Naja and Sam fight against these stronger foes, and it was also interesting seeing what the stronger foes were capable of. Sam seemed to take quite a beating, and dished out just as much. And unlike the guy he was fighting, who relied on rapid blows, Sam only needed a couple hits to injure him, even if this guy also seemed to injure Sam at the same time with a mighty kick. Naja on the other hand felt a lot more like a martial arts movie, with quick motions and lots of countering.

Acting a bit like a cheerleeder, Light said, posing all the while. "Go Sam! Go Naja! You got these two goons! Show them how strong you two are!" She felt a bit sad she could only palm palm with her hands, but considering their size, people got the message she was giving.

Level 4 - (12/40) EXP
Location: Peach's Castle
Word Count: 824

Mostly interacting with @Simple Unicycle@ProPro

Whoever this guy was, apparently his heart wasn't into hurting the king koopa. Bowser only got knocked down, the man quickly apologizing for his actions, taking Bowser as one of those galeem people. "Yeah, Galeem has messed up a lot of stuff. But ya know, what Bowser said, Galeem wont last long." Blazermate said, moving her way to make herself known and in the open, having stayed behind since she had no use for food. "Nice to meet ya Gene, I'm Blazermate~." Blazermate continued, observing Bowser shrug off what was basically a cheap shot like a champ.

Wanting to be near the rest of the group and maybe socialize a bit, Blazermate gestured to Gene and said. "Do ya want some fod partner? I'm a robot, so you can have my serving, if they made me one." She followed Bowser, hoping that Gene was following the pair. The more allies, the better, especially if things got way stronger than megadragonbowser.

When Blazermate got into the dining hall with the rest of her friends, she noticed right away that Bowser was trying to flirt with the princess from before. Blazermate giggled at the situation, especially after Bowser broken the counter near the kitchen trying to look cool. Finding a place to sit down, Blazermate decided while everyone else was helping with the food or getting their food that she'd take a look at all the stuff the Engineer soul she had absorbed had gifted her in detail. She pulled out the toolbox that made sentry guns, and after investigating it more throughly, noticed a small dial on the side with four settings. The first was the sentry gun, which she had been using as a way to support and deal damage from a range, but there were 3 other settings labled 'Dispenser, Tele Ent, and Tele Exit'.

Curious as to what these were, Blazermate moved off to the side, set the toolbox to the dispenser setting, and deployed it. Unlike the previous setting where it was building a gun, this time it was very slowly building some kind of box thing. And like the sentry gun, Blazermate found hitting this building with her right hand made it build faster and after 10 seconds of metal hitting metal ringing through the room alongside hydrolic motor building sounds, the dispenser came to life. While it was a very square looking building, it also had a canister of air or gas on its right side, a bandolir of bullets on its left, and a bit of metal coming out of a cup on the bottom. Just being around this thing felt great, as if it was passively healing anyone nearby.

KNowing she could upgrade her sentry, Blazermate decided to try to upgrade the dispenser. But something in her mind told her to 'optimize' setting up her buildings. While she upgraded the dispenser, the sound of metal hitting metal ringing through the hall for another 15 seconds, she had also placed down both the teleporter entrance and exit nearby, curious as to what they did. As the teleporters constructed themselves, the dispenser changed shape vaguely as it upgraded. At level 2, knobs popped out of the front and back of the building with various settings related to what she figured was crafting. And at level 3, a heart monitor popped out of the top of it, and the healing it gave out felt much stronger, almost as strong as Blazermate's healing beam itself. "Interesting...." Blazermate said to herself.

She then went on to test the newly built teleporters, noting that when they were online they emitted a glowing light as its bottom spun at insane speeds. As she stood on the entrance teleporter a flash of light signaled her teleport moving her to the exit teleporter, all of 4 feet. Having teleported a passanger, both teleporters slowly whirred back up to speed, the dim glow acting as a floor for Blazermate ot stand on. After a bit more experimenting with her new buildings, she jumped with glee at how she could now teleport people, and it seemed like it'd be extra useful, although she questioned why the teleporters couldn't go both ways. Having not been a gear head until very recently, Blazermate decided to consult someone who said they worked with all kinds of machines, Ratchet. It took her a bit to find the taller Ratchet helping out in the kitchen.

Giving a small bow to Cooking Mama, Blazermate said. "Excuse me miss. I need Ratchet's help with something." Turning to Ratchet, she said, pointing at the stuff she made in the corner. "Hey, apparently I can make some neat devices now, including a teleporter. Think you can help me maybe work something out with it? I can see it bein' mighty useful, but its a one way trip. Figured you might know a way to make it a two way deal instead."
Welp, shes fine then, because shes flying over the fight after she sliced things. Like shes flying higher than baku.

I was really confused though xD
So.... what happened to my character again?

Level 4 - (11/40) EXP - Learned Dispenser Toolbox
Location: Peach's Castle
Word Count: 407

The battle was over. With a lot of punishment coming from Ratchet, the mages, Michael's rifle, and the kid, MegaDragonBowser was down for good, although not without a few taunts. Blazermate was actually a bit concerned with his taunt, trying to get Bowser to absorb his soul. The two were basically the same thing, so it would feel like that it'd be super easy for this boss to influence bowser in the worst way possible, all of which Tora and his friend pointed out and Blazermate was all too familiar with. "I agree with Popi. I'm the only lady who is around that has taken in a spirit for more than a little bit. And it does change you, just like new parts do." She said, telling the king koopa to stay away from that spirit.

With the defeat of MegaDragonBowser, the castle seemed to get... nicer? It was hard to explain, but it was as if the entire area was free of Galeem's control, all the Galeem controlled Toads going back to normal as apparently a princess named Peach came from... somewhere to greet everyone. Blazermate wasn't too impressed unlike a few of the others at her appearance, but went with the group anyway as they made their way to another room in the castle, finding their other allies that weren't part of the megadragonbowser fight.

Speaking up, the Centurian took the spirit. After a bit of hesitation, with some help from Tora, the Centurian took the soul into himself, and after a bit of light and flame, he emerged, a more demonic, firey version of himself. "Aw hell. All I got was trousers and this weird, not cute accent. You get demonic. Lucky," Blazermate said, jealously looking at the Centurian's new form. While the rest of her team mates were eager for the food in the mess hall, Blazermate wasn't interested being a robot and all. Instead, she noticed a newcomer making his way to kick Bowser who was busy arguing! Seeing this, Blazermate put her healing beam on Bowser, although she doubted this guy could hurt him too badly.
Seeing the clearly hostile action that these enemy pirates were taking, Willow smiled a devilish smile. Seeing the pirates that were shooting everyone in the back, Willow darted through the air towards them. Weaving through the trees, her small statue and quick speed let her get to the archer pirates fairly quickly. And with a flash of steel, as Alesia and Bakuto were dealing with their parties, Willow dispatched the ranging pirates in one fluid motion. To an onlooker, they'd only see the pirates going from being perfectly normal, to bleeding profusely as their necks were cut by a very fine blade.

Remembering Bakuto's warning from earlier, after dispatching the ranged pirates, Willow flew up into the treetops of the swamp, flying above whatever Bakuto was going to do as she made her way back to the party.
I think Agoston is the best candidate to tame the savage Spirit of this dragon. Let's count down the pros here.

He's already got fire powers, so the upgrade is on brand. He's a physical attacker, and spirit would likely make him beefier. He wight get wings to carry him into battle more swiftly. Finally, The dragon won't be able to drive him to rule the world, because that would mean he would be betraying the emperor. I think its a good fit, if no one else wants to enthusiastically call dibs.

I agree with this statement. It makes sense and will give ya a huge power boost as well.
Light watched as Kiyoshi seemed to blame himself for what was going on. Well, after knocking out Cobra with some kind of.... well, Light couldn't really explain it. Some afterimage rush attack? It played tricks on her, distracting her from the puncture wounds she had gotten. As the thugs got up and retreated, dragging their comrades away with them, in came a jeep with a dragon symbol on it. "More reinforcements?" Light said as two men came out of the jeep.

One was some emo looking guy that Light instantly disliked from his appearance alone. The other was some native American guy that she thought looked way cooler, and was far more interested in. both of them wore dragon tatoos, so Light figured they were from one of the other gangs. And considering the emo guy announced their group as 'not being part of the gangs', Light was right.

Light absently scratched at the wounds Cobra had inflicted on her, which reminded her that she had gotten stabbed. Naja approached the pair, choosing to be part of the '2 on 2' they asked for, with Sam soon following suit, the two striking a pretty fun pose all things considered. As they were doing this, Light focused a bit putting a finger in her mouth and blowing into it. With a slightly audible pop, all her wounds closed up, leaving her skin pristine with no scarring. "Yeah, you two go get'm! Now if only I had popcorn...." She said, stepping back to give Naja and Sam the space they needed to fight. She made her way over to Llexe and Kiyoshi, patting the latter on the shoulder. "Hey mate. Do you know how to heal her? I can regenerate, but I dunno if she can." Light said, offering what help she could.
There is no point in making a droid character, they have no room for growth with the current sheet, hence why I haven't really updated this to remove the more OP stuff.
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