@Lugubrious Alistor was my fav character from Hazbin. Can't wait to see more of that series xD. I can def see Light hitting on Graft if he is normal looking then xD.
@Archangel89 Don't worry too much about stats. Light for example is a tanky brawler that does some strong damage and has middling stats otherwise., but she is about ability and resistances more than base stats. She has no magical attacks, and I only gave her a magic stat since she has an insanity aura and such. Just amp your defensive stats compared to her and have low attack/agi if your trying to get a baseline.
Yeah, poor eldritch girl wont get much love due to the insanity thing, even though all she wants to do is love people. (Although maybe a bit too hard, in the case of non vault intruders. think Tiny toons elmira, but a lot more violent when the hug gets too tight.) Got a feeling Chuunithulu will like her though, since they both seem to be based on Lovecraft stuff.
So, how deformed is Graft? Are we talking kind of almost zombie, or what? I'm imagining a more steampunk Alistor from Hazbin Hotel, but also a bit more decayed.
Aw, but Light doesn't harbor hatrid, she doesn't really 'hate', shes just prepared. But yeah, her being an energy stealer/sanity drainer is a real problem xD. Ashara and Light are supposed to be friendly to each other no? I don't fully understand how the guild stuff works, I'm imagining a guild from most games, just more in depth. So yeah. Light is nice overall, just neutral at how her niceness goes. She'll do evil and good things as she sees fit, but will be overall nice. Chaotic neutral is fun xD.
I think being trapped is a bigger problem xD. Light just wants to hug people and be their friend. Beastmaster lady might want a few nibbles though... xD
@Xaltwind Oh she has weaknesses, very debilitating ones. I just didn't see/know if I had to post them without them being an RP element, because it'll be a thing that'll come up fairly uncommonly, but commonly enough since this is a fantasy setting. If you want it spoiled, I can tell ya, but I wanna use it for comedy first if possible xD.
She has a PLAN to kill everyone she meets, but she doesn't enact it unless she needs to. Think of it as being prepared. (It was a great line from Meet the Sniper xD.)
@The Irish Tree Should I add/change that Light is anti-caster a bit? She can catch, store, and use evocation spells fired at her, so yeah. And would that be part of a race or class? Still working out details and stuff like that xD.
(This is her old image, I'm 3d modeling her new design, I'll change this image with her new design when I can.)
Name: Light Gender: female Age: 25 Occupation: Vault Keeper Residence: Vault area. It looks like a mostly empty area, and in that way it looks extremely suspicious. Besides the scrooge McDuck style vault door that guards the treasure room, the foyer is pretty much barren. This is to hide the various traps in the floor and hidden rooms along the walls that contain a small living/sleeping area and a teleport circle placed by Light. Sensor spells tell Light when anyone is infiltrating the area, so she can quickly make her way there and deal with them. Character Focus: Bruiser/dueler/Physical DPS. With a bit of anti stealth and anti magic. Personality: Light comes off as a happy-go-lucky airhead. Shes very honest, loves almost everything, very flirty, and just loves hugging people. One would think shes stupid, but this is far from the fact. She is dangerously intelligent, and knows that being happy go lucky will make people think shes dumber than she really is. She has a plan to kill everyone she meets, and quite the silver tongue on her. She would prefer to not fight if possible, as its more challenging to beat someone with words than fists. However she isn't against fighting in general, and will fight if she needs to. If she fights, she tends to not fight seriously unless someone is infiltrating the vault area, as "Fighting seriously means everyone dies." in her eyes. Notable Skills: Void Creature: Light is a void creature, which greatly changes how different things affect her. * She has no life force, instead running on void energy. * Anything that tries to drain or steal from her, such as trying to take her life, energy, stats, ext... will instead have the opposite effect, and Light will steal from whoever tried to steal from her instead. This is passive. * Light has immunities to Reality Warping, forceful teleporting, time manipulation, disease, soul/spirit attacks and effects, and emotional attacks/effects. * She has high resistances to sanity sapping effects, healing debuffs, shadow, light, poison, and void attacks, and slight overall magic resistance. * Being in her presence slightly saps your sanity and energy in the area. She can't ever turn this off, but she can greatly reduce its effects when interacting with allies. * Light can choose to touch incorporeal beings. * Light can pick up cursed or magic items with no ill effects, but will not gain their positive effect either unless they are beneficial and she is 'worthy'. * Possessing Light causes the thing possessing her to have an insanely intense version of her Void Siphon ability applied to them until they leave her body or die. * Light absorbs a bit of the power of whatever she kills. * Light can sustain herself off the sanity she drains, fear, and other strong emotions. * Light is unable to bleed. Instead when she would bleed, wisps of void come out of her instead.
Super Strength: Light is insanely strong for her frame.
Regeneration: Light has incredibly strong regeneration and can regenerate any part of her body, including her head if it gets blown off. She can reattach severed body parts with no issue, and can control recently severed body parts for a short time after they're severed. While her regeneration is strong and is fast enough to be used in combat, it is also draining to use in repeated succession and in order to regrow/regenerate huge wounds she needs to concentrate for a little bit.
True Sight: Light can see through illusions, invisibility, stealth, and can tell if an item is magic or not.
Devil Sight: Light can see in darkness, including magical darkness.
Void Siphon: Light's touch is akin to touching the infinite void. This causes whoever she touches to lose energy and sanity every second the are touching her, regenerating her own energy reserves in the process. This causes Void Touched to whoever she siphons energy/sanity from, which causes them to be immune to healing and energy restoration from outside sources. This status lasts for twice the duration that Light had touched them. So if Light touches them for 3 seconds, they have 6 seconds of this debuff. An enemy can have their sanity drained completely from this touch, causing them to fall under the command of Light as they listen to the whispers of the Void. If they run out of energy, well, they just die.
Void Shade: Should Light die, her essence will manifest itself into a void shade. This state leaves her unable to tell the difference from friend or foe, and gives her a single drive to absorb as much life energy as possible in order to reincarnate herself. While in this state she is incorporeal, but vulnerable to binding magic. If she manages to absorb enough life energy, she is reborn with full hp.
Void Teleport: Light can slash the air in front of her, opening a wormhole that links to either any spot within her sightlines, or a teleportation circle she has created for herself. Only Light and objects in her Pocket Space can go through these wormholes.
Void Slip: Light surrounds herself with Void energy and dashes forward, causing damage and 5 seconds of the Void Touch debuff to whatever she hits while being immune to all damage and effects. She can only use this every so often.
Pocket Space: Her Inventory, but with a different name and more storage. She can even catch spells out of the air and store them as well! Spells stored like this enter a state of stasis.
Natural Weapons: Her claws are sharper than most swords, while her feet are sharper than most spears. This does cause her some trouble when walking on soft terrain though.
Creator Information: Fredrik was very interested in, and could probably have been considered, a cultist to the Great Old Ones as foretold in the works of Lovecraft. Although making a tentacled horror wasn't very cute or appealing in an MMO, so the creator took some creative liberties to make a cute, although creepy looking monster girl. After all, this was an MMO, and why would you ever do something standard when you could make a monster girl waifu. Throw in a bit of no-lifing to make her strong, and thats what you get today. Light's powerset after all the leveling and such was said and done ended up being perfect for guarding the vault. After all, Light could always teleport there if anyone was intruding, so it wasn't a difficult job to fill. Total Level: 60 Class Levels: Brawler(B) (15), Grappler(H) (5), Eldritch Knight(H) (2), Mage-Killer(H) (3), Great Old One (R) (5) Race Levels: Abberation(B) (15), Eldritch Horror(H) (10), Void Creature(R) (5) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral