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@Lugubrious Alistor was my fav character from Hazbin. Can't wait to see more of that series xD. I can def see Light hitting on Graft if he is normal looking then xD.

@Archangel89 Don't worry too much about stats. Light for example is a tanky brawler that does some strong damage and has middling stats otherwise., but she is about ability and resistances more than base stats. She has no magical attacks, and I only gave her a magic stat since she has an insanity aura and such. Just amp your defensive stats compared to her and have low attack/agi if your trying to get a baseline.
Yeah, poor eldritch girl wont get much love due to the insanity thing, even though all she wants to do is love people. (Although maybe a bit too hard, in the case of non vault intruders. think Tiny toons elmira, but a lot more violent when the hug gets too tight.) Got a feeling Chuunithulu will like her though, since they both seem to be based on Lovecraft stuff.

So, how deformed is Graft? Are we talking kind of almost zombie, or what? I'm imagining a more steampunk Alistor from Hazbin Hotel, but also a bit more decayed.
Oh jeez, I just noticed that xD. @Lucius Cypher

I don't fully get the overlord stuff, I'll pick up on things as the RP goes along. Also some Light quotes, at least for now.

"I love the way you talk Graft, but we need to do something about your complexion. xD."

"OK everyone, lets get along and hug it out! Don't mind the whispers, they just mean I love you."
Aw, but Light doesn't harbor hatrid, she doesn't really 'hate', shes just prepared. But yeah, her being an energy stealer/sanity drainer is a real problem xD. Ashara and Light are supposed to be friendly to each other no? I don't fully understand how the guild stuff works, I'm imagining a guild from most games, just more in depth. So yeah. Light is nice overall, just neutral at how her niceness goes. She'll do evil and good things as she sees fit, but will be overall nice. Chaotic neutral is fun xD.

I think being trapped is a bigger problem xD. Light just wants to hug people and be their friend. Beastmaster lady might want a few nibbles though... xD
Yep. But she'd rather be friends with everyone if possible. "Its a lot more fun when you aren't alone. Plus cuddling is fun."

Also I have a feeling Ashara from your changes is going to hit on Light isn't she? They're both flirty looking characters it seems xD.
@Xaltwind Oh she has weaknesses, very debilitating ones. I just didn't see/know if I had to post them without them being an RP element, because it'll be a thing that'll come up fairly uncommonly, but commonly enough since this is a fantasy setting. If you want it spoiled, I can tell ya, but I wanna use it for comedy first if possible xD.

She has a PLAN to kill everyone she meets, but she doesn't enact it unless she needs to. Think of it as being prepared. (It was a great line from Meet the Sniper xD.)
I might actually slightly pivot to a psionics-themed character. Making his sanctum all about stars, crystals, space, that kinda Far Realms shit.

Why am I getting a Darkest Dungeon vibe from hearing that?
@The Irish Tree Should I add/change that Light is anti-caster a bit? She can catch, store, and use evocation spells fired at her, so yeah. And would that be part of a race or class? Still working out details and stuff like that xD.
I know my character wont be much of a spellcaster. How many spellcasters do we have?
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