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Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (64/70) +2
Level 5 Sectonia - (4/50) +2

LoA - Floating Reef Isle
Word Count: 897

After falling and a bit of flying, everyone found themselves on a reef island in the middle of the ocean that was hanging around below the End. Why this was here made no sense, but then most things made no sense here so while Sectonia just shrugged at the weirdness, seeing much weirder in her home kingdom, Blazermate was confused. "But... But why though?" She muttered, moving around a bit in confusion before she remembered that there were injured people. "I've seen weirder. My kingdom has floating water blocks inside a volcano." Sectonia said offhandedly, a bit amused at Blazermate's confusion.

Seeing an opportunity, Jr and his family started to set up camp as the Courier was learning what he could do with his new ender dragon spirit, looking sort of like a weird cosplay of himself and the dragon. Seeing as people were relaxing, Blazermate summoned Dell to build a quick dispenser for everyone, telling him that he could build a sentry, but it probably wouldn't be needed. Still, dell loved his gun, so he made it anyway, but spent more time making the dispenser to level 3 before working on the sentry. Although Dell didn't build his dispenser in a good spot, keeping it away from the fire for some reason.

Once he was done though, Blazermate figured that maybe he could help fix her up afterwords with his remaining time, as well as help Tora fix Poppi. "Hey Tora, Poppi. Think Dell here can help fix us all up? Everyone else, we got a dispenser here, although one of you might need to carry it to the campfire... Still, it can heal you while I fix myself up." Blazermate said, sighing as she sat down and began tinkering with herself. Sectonia sighed at the lack of foresight of Blazermate's summon and moved the building herself to sit next to the campfire with everyone else. She was about to grab a smore, but decided against it as she saw everyone at the fire.

Getting a look over everyone, Sectonia noticed most of them were battered with their cloths and everything ruined and some of the letting off some nasty smells. "Well... If you all are going to be in my service, I'll need to make you presentable. No tattered clothing or funky smells." Seeing as she could now summon her minions, Sectonia did just that. With a fwe waves of her hands, 5 portals opened up with some green and some blue Antillions falling out of them. Seeing as they were summoned by their mistress, they bowsed waiting for orders. "Minions, your task now is to fix up this group and make them presentable. If they are to stay within my presence, they must at least have a fraction of my beauty." giving a salute at hearing their queens orders, they got to work, ignoring the personal space of whoever they were dealing with.

The first one they worked on was the biggest of the group, Bowser. He was larger then their Queen, and his tattered battle worn suit and slight smell thanks to all the acid he took and fighting he did would go a long way to helping out the Queens image. Although as they were about to get started, a few newcommers appeared, Bowser, Fox, and a few others apparently knowing them. As Sectonia looked at them, she noticed they didn't have that red glow in their eyes that a lot of the others did, and they seemed non hostile, so while she gave them a stren look she didn't do much beyond that. She did mentally put them on the 'beautify' list however.

Undeterred by the newcomers, the blue antillons took to the cleaning and bathing of the koopa king, using their magic to clean him with a simple mist while the green ones started on repairing his cloths, making sure to take them off before the blue ones got started on their job. After a bit of squirming from the king in a thick mist cloud, the cloud dispersed and he looked sparkling. It took the green antillons more time to fix his outfit though, so the blue ones moved onto one of the next people that didn't really wear cloths, bathing them as the greens finished fixing Bowser's suit. This pattern happened for everyone, although some got bathed in their armor or clothing as it wasn't damaged, or only needed minor fixes and not massive stitching and material like Bowser's ruined suit. Still, this was probably not very comfortable for some people, especially as there were newcomers about. However when any Antillions got near Poppi, Tora, or Blazermate though, Sectonia told them to move onto the next person instead, informing them that they could fix those three up when they weren't injured. She was somewhat familiar with a little bit of mechanics as her castle used some of it, enough so to know that water plus electricity lead to bad things.

Blazermate watched this as she was getting repaired and repairing herself, laughing a bit. "Ha. When I'm all fixed up, I'll take some of that cleaning. Medabots are completely water proof, we don't run on electricity." she said. She didn't know much about how to feel about the newcomers, but seeing as Bowser and his family wasn't worried, she wasn't worried either.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (62/70) +21
Level 5 Sectonia - (2/50) +21 Level Up!

LoA - The End
Word Count: 450

And with one final combined effort ending with a strike from Bowser, the ender dragon was dead! At first it seemed like it was going to do some kind of suicide attack to take everyone else with her, but she couldn't muster the energy to do it before she died and turned into a spirit alongside the other endermen that the others had defeated nearby, Sectonia's minions making chittering sounds of victory. Blazermate was relieved to see that the combat was over and could begin healing up everyone so that no lingering injuries would occur, healing herself up first for what she had left to do before healing others so that she could heal at full efficiency.

Sectonia meanwhile didn't like the fact that she got nothing from helping with this fight. But at the same time this fight didn't even injure her at all unlike the one in Spiral Mountain, so she was still debating this fact as the others were celebrating. As she was doing that, Blazermate was looking at the others, they definitely needed healing. Poppi was missing a leg, Jak was face down and unconscious, and everyone else was hurt in various other degrees. But before either lady could come to a decision the bubble encasing the End, revealing the clear sky, removing Galeem's influence from the ones who were still under their influence, and before the islands fell, Sectonia was pretty proud of the view that was being made. At least until, well, the island started to fall and she had to swoop down to catch a few that couldn't fly.

Since Blazermate could fly herself, she wasn't too worried about the island falling, but she WAS more worried about everyone else especially the injured. Jak made it easier on himself by waking himself up and lazily made his way towards Blazermate as she made her way towards him, attaching her beam and healing him when he got in range. Sectonia meanwhile had caught a few of the non flyers, ignoring her minions as they fell to the ground, them disappearing in a puff of smoke when they hit the ground. "After this, you all owe me some tributes." She said with a sigh.

Blazermate, after making it so Jak wasn't so groggy, then aided Tora with fixing up Poppi with her healing beam so she could carry him so he didn't go splat. Jak was flying without much issue now, and Sectonia had grabbed a few others that didn't grab one of Linkle's chickens or weren't being assisted by Bowser and his family. So it was just her, Tora, and Poppi at this point who needed to be airborn to not suffer the falling island, and she could fly when they got a bit too low for her liking, or when Poppi was flying, whichever came first.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (41/70) +4
Level 4 Sectonia - (21/40) +4

LoA - The End
Word Count: 690

The dragon was getting hit from all sorts of angles, although not as many as it could've with a few of the others aggroing and cleaning up the endermen. Although some attacks were better than others, and more effective or less dangerous. Blazermate and especially Sectonia were confused at how Donnie just used himself as a bomb to attack the dragon. Meanwhile Courier was the smartest of the group, just attacking the dragon at range. Still, all the explosive attacks that also did self damage made Blazermate sigh in aggravation. "Are you serious right now?" She said facepalming internally as she moved in to heal those who were self flagrant. Especially since those attacks caused the demise of Link and Euden, with Cadet's cats carrying them off.

Sectonia meanwhile just looked at the scene with sheer confusion. Who on popstar would willingly damage themselves to hurt their enemy just a tiny bit more? She could MAYBE understand it if it was a huge change in damage, but only a tiny bit? She just couldn't wrap her head around it and from the looks of it, even their healer Blazermate was frustrated at the situation as well. Although Sectonia figured that since they had such a strong combat healer, something that she, nor most, have ever seen, people were being far more risky. Still, looking at who the dragon hit and was trying to knock off the ledge, Sectonia went back onto catching duty, catching the Cadet, Fox, and Hat Kid as she flew about. Thankfully the kid and fox were light, even if she did have to smother the both of them into her chest to keep hold of them.

Blazermate meanwhile was healing up Donnie a bit until she saw who the dragon was attacking, Tora, and after a couple of hits, the onion bird man was... super critical? Wasn't he supposed to be a tank? Well, either way, seeing this, Blazermate instantly stopped healing Donnie and made her way over to Tora, who was running around still in the danger zone. In order to get to Tora quickly, she couldn't really dodge getting hit by a bit of the acid splashes that were going on, but she weighted this with her Medaforce level being fairly high.

"Seriously everyone is hurt now, I can only heal one of you at a time!" Blazermate cried in annoyance as she got her beam attached to Tora, essentially being in the dragon's area of attack like the bird onion in order to clear his acid debuff and heal him up so that he wouldn't die the moment he stepped into acid. Still, it'd take a bit to bring his health back up due to how low he was so she wasn't able to heal anyone else, and due to the damage she had taken her healing wasn't as effective as it'd normally be.

Thankfully she was getting Medaforce on all of this healing, and once she had gotten enough as she was close before, for a moment she stopped healing Tora to turn her medi gun on the ender dragon, firing a powerful laser beam at the dragon that, when it hit, would splinter into a bunch of smaller lasers that looked like Blazermate's medi-beam that'd return to her, healing her for the damage she dealt to hte dragon. With this done, she went back to healing Tora, sighing at the onion man saying. "I can heal you, but still take better care of yourself" Sadly it was a Level 1 Medaforce beam, so its damage wasn't as strong as she could make it, but she didn't want to spend all of her medaforce for a level 2 or 3 beam when she was using it more as a deterrent and to heal herself.

While Sectonia was escorting the trio who weren't known to fly back to the island, her minions were doing what they did best, attract whatever enderman they could and attacked them with their scepter-maces. They were very big, very bulky, and very slow thanks to their golden armor, but this worked in their favor as the Enderman were relentless and came to them instead of them needing to come to the endermen, making their defense of the koopa family much easier.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (37/70) +4
Level 4 Sectonia - (17/40) +4

LoA - The End
Word Count: 610

The dragon, being pummeled by attacks from all angles wasn't having any of it. Thanks to Blazermate calling out its weak point, everyone was targeting the head which, to her scanners meant they were doing more than triple the damage they'd do hitting the body. The dragon was losing health pretty fast, and in its retaliation attack, it swept its tail on the lower pillars where Blazermate was setting up a firing range with the engineer. He had only upgraded his sentry to level 2 before the tail came swinging in, destroying the sentry and dispenser and knocking the engineer off the pillar.

Blazermate having been looking at the dragon reacted quickly. She knew her suffering shield was damaged, so she only used it to try to deflect the tail a bit as she jumped off the pillar herself to dodge it. The tail clipped the top of her shield as she jumped off, causing her to spin in the air as she just barely dodged the tail itself, but still hit the ground without much grace. The Engineer, being injured but still alive, began to rebuild his base on the ground, although he wouldn't get beyond level 1 on his sentry or dispenser before he despawned.

"Owwww. I hate this dragon." Blazermate said, pulling herself up as she saw Bowser being swarmed by Endermen and a few others either getting hit by acid, attacking the dragon, or just being injured. She weighted healing herself or the others and decided she'd heal herself a bit while she moved to stay away from the dragon as she made her way to Jr, Courier, and Jak who were the most injured and healed them up. Or at least, as much as she could before Jak told everyone to move away from him and the dragon as he launched some strange attack.

Sectonia meanwhile flew higher in the air to dodge the tail swipe from the ender dragon, retaliating by blasting it with her lightning. This got her to drift away from Cuphead, who mentioned some name Sectonia didn't know. This was before he seemed to get a good idea, at least to him, and he took off his own head. This somewhat surprised Sectonia, seeing as his head was an actual cup in basically shape and form apparently, but this surprised turned to disgust as he tossed the same stuff that she had gotten hit with earlier, but this time at the dragon. "No, no. Ignoring that." She said shaking her head, trying to put the ordeal out of her mind. She then saw the horde of Enderman attacking Bowser and her allies helping that. She only gave this idea a passing thought, as she didn't know what magic she had, but she waved her hands above her head and to her surprise, her summoning portals appeared around that location.

Out of the two portals dropped a giant golden large bipedal ant-like creature with armor and a scepter that looked like a mace. They were a good 3 meters tall, not as large as Sectonia, but much, much heavier due to their armor. They were slow moving, but as they swung at the endermen, orbs of energy came out of their mace like staffs as they struck out, giving them two different types of damage and attack each swing, in an attempt to break up the enderman crowd with the others.

Surprised her plan worked, Sectonia then attacked the dragon again, keeping up her attack. She was looking pretty good all things considered unlike Blazermate who was getting battered around a bit this fight.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (33/70) +4
Level 4 Sectonia - (13/40) +4

LoA - The End
Word Count: 625

Thanks to her efforts, Bowser wasn't crushed by the ender dragon, and instead got a face full of acid alongside a few other injuries that one would get trying to tank such a large dragon. Still though, Blazermate was pretty happy with herself as Bowser tried is best to tyrannize the ender dragon with... less than satisfactory results. Although Sectonia was amused at how Bowser summoned a rabbit only to squeeze it like eyedrops and gave a laugh. It was also amusing that the cup boy, the one who looked the most fragile of the group, dodged the dragon in his own way, by flipping over it.

Blazermate did have to ubercharge Bowser and save him, but there were others who were injured and she needed to get to them. Looking over everyone as Bowser wasn't getting damaged as the ender dragon disengaged from him and it would take a long time to overheal the king. Knowing that, Blazermate flew up and made her way to the animal duo who had crashed themselves into a crystal earlier, the pair the msot hurt out of everyone. Or rather, they would've been, had Gaugetron not been oneshotted by the kaiju battle going on between bowser and the Ender dragon. But there was nothing Blazermate could do about death, even if there wasn't any... corpse? That was weird. Well, she didn't really have time to think about that as she found the duo and healed them up.

Sectonia meanwhile, having no one to save as Bowser blocked the wind the Ender dragon was making with his bulk and having not seen Gaugetron die unlike Blazermate, noticed that all the crystals were down. With the final crystal destroyed, rather humorously with junk and a rubber ducky, the dragon could no longer heal or be supported by their magic. Even so, this dragon didn't seem to even care that they were gone, almost as if they were unaware of what they did. Sectonia laughed at how fragile these things were, her crystals were far, far more beautiful and durable. With nothing else to do, she began to summon more of her Light rings to throw at the dragon. Seeing as it was so big, she would use the big ones as they had a very low chance of missing.

This also registered for Blazermate, and with its support crystals gone, Blazermate could see the weak point of the Ender dragon with her Scan ability. "Hey guys, the Ender Dragon's weak point is its head! Aim there!" Sectonia heard this as she was preparing to fire her rings. while she was going to just aim at the dragon, Blazermate's information forced Sectonia to change how she attacked and she aimed for the dragon's head, although her first ring just went for the dragon itself.

Although you could argue that the ender dragon didn't notice or care about its crystals, that didn't stop the fact that the Ender Dragon was essentially making the floor acid by less breathing acid, more vomiting it out as a goop. Sectonia and Blazermate weren't really worried about this, Blazermate perching herself on top of one of the obsidian pillars and summoning Dell to construct a sentry gun, and Sectonia just buzzing above the whole thing like she did. Still, with a sigh noticing the others who couldn't fly, after firing off her rings, she swooped down and picked up two of the lighter ones who couldn't fly. She debated grabbing the cowboy, until she got a whiff of him as she passed by and vehemently shook her head as she grabbed the other person nearby him. She'd place these two on one of the thicker pillars, before going back to throwing rings at the dragon.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (23/70) +4
Level 4 Sectonia - (3/40) +4 - Level Up!
New ability

LoA - The End
Word Count: 705

Blazermate seeing a bunch of her allies get bowled over by the ender dragon, had to stop healing Bowser and Tora, keeping their overheal, and instead swapping over to heal the group of people who got hit. The biggest thing she noticed was that Cuphead, the weird looking western anime guy, got hit the hardest comparably to everyone else. Apparently he was extremely fragile, and his whole body was a weak point which concerned Blazermate greatly. Thankfully when Blazermate got to healing the cup boy, his low HP also made healing him very quick and she was able to jump to a few others before the dragon came around again. She didn't know why Tora just stood there for a small bit before bieng picked up by Poppi and placed on one of the pillars. Blazermate wasn't sure it was a good idea for those who couldn't fly to be ON those pillars, but apparently Bowser and Linkle thought it was a good idea too, even if Linkle did jump down afterwords.

Sectonia meanwhile was watching the dragon fly about, having hit it with her light rings. She was expecting a bit more damage than that, considering these were her second strongest attack, but that was just a testament to the strength of this 'dragon'. As her gaze followed the dragon, she saw one of the crystals atop the pillars channel something into the dragon with its wounds healing instantly. Being someone who loved making things out of crystals, magical crystals were something she was familiar with. Kamek noticed this too, and asked Sectonia for her opinion on the matter. "Yes. Some kind of support magic indeed. Best to get rid of them." She said.

Kamek's summon, Quiet was ahead of the bee queen however, and shattered one of the crystals with a melee attack, causing it to explode. Thankfully Sectonia was looking at this, as she had drew her swords and was ready to teleport around to slice each one of them up. "Hmm..." She said, giving Kamek a nod as he warned everyone that it was explosive. That Bowser sure had some decent minions himself if this blue robed.... what did he call himself? koopa? was anything to follow by, although she figured Kamek was a bit more akin to her Taranza, more an 'ace' among minions than anything.

Still, watching a few of her allies attack a few crystals even though they couldn't fly or really hit them from range was giving the queen a bad look and that couldn't stand. Deciding to focus her attention on the crystals, she targeted ones that the others hadn't attacked, throwing her light rings at them to destroy them safely from a distance. Best part was that if two crystals were lined up and close enough, one of her larger rings would destroy both of them without much issue. And considering these rings were about four times her size, aiming them wasn't that difficult either. She did make sure to not aim her rings where they would hit some of her other commrades, mostly Bowser and his son, who made their way up the pillars. Although why Bowser now looked like he hit himself with an ugly stick trying to make himself beautiful she had no idea why. She'd need to fix that tattered suit too...

Blazermate meanwhile was busy hovering out of the way of the Ender dragon and its acid breath, healing up those who needed it. Her Ubercharge was ready, and if someone was looking like they'd get attacked severely by the dragon, she was ready to attach and deploy it on them. Otherwise she was busy healing Cuphead, Jak, the Courier, and all the others who got hit. Dell hadn't recharged yet, and there were no zombies nearby, so this was all she could really do against this dragon. At least she was pretty nimble in the air and unlike the dragon could reverse direction fairly easily. While not everyone was healed up, Blazermate had to swap her medibeam to Tora as the guy had grabbed on the dragon's tail, and he'd need the overheal to survive whatever the dragon was going to do with the onion bird man.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (19/70) +4
Level 3 Sectonia - (29/30) +4
LoA - The End
Word Count: 505

With the Enderman taken care of, A few party members started to make their way over to the larger island with the large columns. Seeing as there weren't that much if a threat right now Blazermate de summoned Dell as his sentry was only partially upgraded to level 3.

Peach gave a plan of attack, Sectonia way ahead of her by grabbing Link around the waist. It was refreshing to see another if this group who listened to her royalty, although she wasn't sure if she should laugh or be annoyed at Link's pun. All link would see is a slightly amused eye twitch as she began carrying him with one hand and holding Cuphead the same in her other hand, flying them to the center island. While flying she got a look at light Jak and gave him a nod of approval, even if she didn't like his passenger. Blazermate meanwhile thought to herself a but before saying."So... I can fly but I can't carry anyone." Blazermate said. "I can help someone jump better though like linkle's chicken thingy. " She offered, looking to the more athletic of their compatriots.

Blazermate saw what happened when someone took in one of the Enderman spirits and didn't like what happened. Mostly because they teleported around, messing up her healing. "ok that is annoying." Blazermate said sighing. Tora had a good plan on not absorbing said spirit, although Sectonia only caught a tiny bit of his complaint on becoming misshaped, being too preoccupied with her task.

While Blazermate gave some assistance to whoever accepted it, Sectonia reached the main island. She dropped off Link and Cuphead before pulling out her swords, ready for the ominous thing flying about. With a roar the Ender Dragon appeared. Bowser and Tora tried to stop the dragon as it dived, but some Allies pushed them out of the way out of fear of them falling into the Void. "I suppose I'll catch some of you if you fall but I can't grab that 'King' there." Sectonia said, aware these people were still useful even if some were ugly.

The Ender Dragon was pretty big, and neither Blazermate nor Sectonia had ever seen a dragon. After being shoved out of the way by Poppi Tora got ready to attack the dragon. Meanwhile Bowser who had also been pushed out of the way had his group preform a few attacks with Jr. Doing the most with his car and Pokemon.

Blazermate took a bit of time to assist her passenger to the main island, impressed that big Bowser could jump so nimbly. When she arrived, she attached her healing beam to the two tanks, juggling it to keep them both relatively overhealed as long as they stood close together. Sectonia meanwhile began conjuring her large rings if light, throwing the massive disks at the Ender dragon.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (15/70) +0
Level 3 Sectonia - (25/30) +1
LoA - The End
Word Count: 667

---Before the enderman---

As they entered the world, some members of the party showed a bit of surprise, others calm, and one was extremely excited. While Geralt Link, the courier, and Jak came in with determination or outright scorn, Daxter and Cuphead were more animated in their own ways. Sectonia had very little interaction with the cup boy beforehand, only noticing him on the car ride there and during the fight prior with the minions of 'subspace'. She thought he looked a bit odd and moved a bit odd, but then at the same time he looked almost like he could've been one of her minions, almost. But then he had to take in the spirit of that... bushman. Thankfully it didn't make the cup boy too ugly except for that... nose... It just looked so off on him.

Speaking of said cup boy, when they entered The End, he made an offhanded comment, no doubt a phrase of his land, about bees. At first Sectonia didn't give that much attention as she herself was looking beyond the land, but when the cup boy locked eyes with her with his gaze slowly moving down her body, Sectonia took notice. At first, she figured that bushman spirit might've given the odd boy an appreciation for her beauty. However soon he apologized for the 'lack' of Sectonia's knees, which caught her off guard. All he'd see however was her eyes flicker a bit between surprise and annoyance before returning to normal, her saying. "I do not have, nor never have had, 'knees'." If she wasn't a bit annoyed about being wrong, she would've concluded with "no apology needed." but she just left it there.

---During and After Enderman---

As Sectonia was fending off this creature who attacked her by her merely looking at it, a few of the party relayed that looking at these creatures made them attack whoever looked at them. "Lucky me." She said sarcastically as she clashed her swords with the Enderman's claws. Link, the swordsman who had given her trouble and looked at her with a look of vacillation, showed none of that hesitation upon battle, and used his combat knowledge to maneuver around the creature to strike it down from behind, aiding Sectonia. This didn't go unnoticed by the bee queen, and she aided the hyrule knight by being a bit more defensive with her swords until the moment link struck it in the back. This unexpected pain to the enderman left it wide open, and Sectonia rapidly stabbed it with her swords until it poofed into a cloud of nothingness. Admittedly it only took a couple stabs as Link had done far more damage than Sectonia had thought, or these creatures were just very weak.

"Thank you Knight. I knew you'd be useful." Sectonia said, putting one of her swords away. It was around this time Sectonia and Blazermate watched as Jak grew wings and flew with Daxter on his back towards the larger island. A few others had indicated that they needed to go there, and the imposing pillars on that island suggested as much. Blazermate, being busy with Tora, waved the others to head without her, as she could fly very easily. Many of the others however, could not. Sectonia noticed this, and got an idea. She was fairly neutral on most of the people here, but she knew this knight, Link, would be useful, and the cup boy looked fairly light himself. And while she hated the spirit he fused with, she wouldn't hold it against the cup boy.

"You two." She said, snapping her fingers before pointing to Link and Cuphead. "Should you serve your Queen, I will aid you to cross over to that large island." She offered this as one seemed to be very useful, while the other was just super light and had a long range attack that could deal with anything that came at them as they flew.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (15/70) +1
Level 3 Sectonia - (24/30) +1
LoA - Spiral Mountain > The End
Word Count: 343

A last few preparations before everyone moved through the portal came from some of the party members. The biggest one being Cadet sending out these little bugs to apparently mark Blazermate, Sectonia and a few others. Funnily enough, Blazermate was the one to react negatively to the bugs sniffing her, freaking out as they buzzed around her and crawled on her. Sectonia however didn't care, as weird as it was, this was pretty close to what happened before this, world of discord. Although she didn't enjoy the 'sniffing' bit, which was kind of akward. All while Peach gave a speech which both ladies weren't that inspired by, more so because Blazermate was already ready and Sectonia didn't care much for someone telling her what to do.

With everyone prepared, they stepped or flew through the portal. Although instead of seeing the maze that Bowser said they'd see, they were on a flying island with lots of other islands surrounding it. The black sky was the most offputting thing though, as if they were in space. "OK, this is weird..." Blazermate said. "Didn't you say this would be a maze?" Sectonia said to Bowser, her annoyance at his disinformation competing with her relief of not having to solve a maze.

Soon however, the black static like beings moving around the island soon came for them. Or at least, the ones that Tora looked at. Seeing them under attack, Blazermate summoned Dell, the Engineer getting busy to make his buildings to give them a defensive point, before putting her healing beam on the paniced Tora to calm him down.

Sectonia meanwhile stood back a bit to observe what was actually happening with Tora and this thing. It was curious that there were other creatures like this in the distance, but they weren't attacking. At least, not until Sectonia locked eyes with one, the creature teleporting at her in anger and attacking with Sectonia pulling out her swords and trading blows with this sudden attack. Dell, having built a level 1 sentry, didn't even look at anything but his buildings, them being his only concern. The sentry shot at whatever of these creatures was closer, plunking away at it with its bullets as it got upgraded.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (14/70) +10 +2 (Learned Advanced Healing - Blazermate has fully adapted to the Medigun and its healing powers.
- She has a slighty increased base rate of healing.
- She now heals people faster if they haven't been injured recently. If they haven't been injured in the last 15 seconds her healing rate is doubled, and its tripled if they haven't been injured in the last 20 seconds.
- Blazermate can Overheal people up to 50% of their max HP, generating Uber and proccing healing effects while doing so. This overheal rapidly decays linerally over 15 seconds if the person isn't being actively healed by a Dispenser or Medi-beam.
- Blazermate now matches the movement speed of whoever she is healing if they are faster than her. However she still has to actively use this speed. )
Level 3 Sectonia - (23/30) +13 +2
LoA - Spiral Mountain
Word Count: 910

With the battle's end, the various people who got spread around due to the fighting made their way back to the rest of the group. Although considering most of this fight was either alive or trophy, Blazermate was shocked at how many people actually got injured as Fox, who was freed from Galeem's evil, and the animal duo of Banjo Kazooie came up, both injured. Kazooie mentioning that she was injured, although she didn't really gesture to any part in particular. "Yes, I can see your injured, same with Fox there. My scanners can tell me your health, conditions, and even your weak points." Blazermate said to Kazooie, swapping her medibeam on Fox after Link was in a healthy but not fully healed state. "Although I don't know what you think I can do for a chronic condition. I'm a blazermate model, not a nutranurse." Blazermate continued with a bit of sass, unable to, but trying to meet the sass of the red breegil. She'd get to the pair once Fox was fully healed.

While healing Fox, Tora suggested, although not so subtily, for Blazermate and the other girls not named Sectonia to absorb the spirit of the scantily clad sniper lady, with Poppi smacking him on the head for the idea. "Uh, no thanks Tora. I'm already not 'wearing' a whole lot in the first place. Plus I'm more in it for the support or super cool stuff. Becoming a Sailor Multi doesn't really appeal to me." Blazermate commented. Sectonia looked at the pair very oddly, almost with a look of disbeleif that this kind of conversation was even happening. Thankfully her attention got divided with Donnie reappearing, talking about this and that about his world to Tora. One thing he did say caught her attention though, and out of everyone here, Donnie probably didn't expect to get a comment about the LoG from Sectonia.

"Yes, I met this monitor man myself. He was an odd one. Although I didn't catch much of what he said since I was indisposed at the time. He mentioned something about no 'sequels' for me, whatever that meant. Cryptic" The bee queen said, only a bit dismissively. She did dismiss the notion of taking any of those sniper souls though, as she noting she had more of her magic powers back. She pulled out the magical horns she had gotten earlier, when she awoke in that strange lab, and mulled over their magical potential at hearing Tora and Poppi complain about feeling weak. They didn't look all THAT bad, although the obsidian really clashed with her whole motif, the runes at least matched the blue of the middle of her crown. "You wouldn't happen to have any blue or gold paint in that magical bag of yours, would you?" Sectonia said, looking to Donnie. She would much rather prefer to make these horns match her crown in some way, shape, or form, but if this was the 'boss' of the area coming up, she could stomach taking in the power this item would give. It didn't look THAT hideous, not like some of the other things she had seen some of the others use or wear. With that last thought she glanced at Blazermate's horrific demon shield arm. Yeah, these horns weren't nearly as bad as THAT thing.

Blazermate, while healing Fox, noticed that when he became fully healed, his health 'continued' to grow past his max vitality up to 50% more. Confused, Blazermate started healing Banjo/Kazooie while watching Fox, and noticed that this 'extra health' drained away super fast while she wasn't healing him, decaying and going away in under 20 seconds. Blazermate also noticed her healing rate had drastically increased. "Huh... thats cool." Blazermate absently said, trying this out on a few others to test out how it worked. Since her healing rate had increased, Blazermate was absolutely giddy with excitement. "Hey guys, my healing got loads better!" Blazermate said, overhealing a few people and letting them get used to the feeling of the extra vitality. When Sectonia got the feeling of Overheal, she felt much stronger than normal, as if she could take quite a few more hits, although that dissipated quite quickly when Blazermate healed someone else.. Her new horns also glowed slightly with an eerie aquamarine glow, but nothing came about them due to no enemies being in range. They seemed to react to healing Sectonia noted, which was very helpful considering the robot girl of the group specializing in it.

Link, the new addition to the group, seemed to be one of those who knew others before this whole 'world of light' thing, talking to Peach, Bowser, and Fox with familiarity. Linkle meanwhile, much like Donnie and Kamek before her, took in some of the other sniper's spirits and made the crossbow wielding one a striker. "You know Swordsman. You gave me some trouble back there. I expect you to pay me back by doing the same to our enemies." Sectonia said, giving Link a stern look. Sectonia wasn't too familiar with how these odd tall and limbed 'hylians' are supposed to look, but even she could see that Link looked quite... feminine for what she assumed was a guy. If that was because of his natural looks or taking good care of himself she couldn't say just yet. But it was an interesting observation.
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