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Queen Sectonia

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (0/60) +1 - Level up!

Dessert desert
Word Count: 646

It didn't take long for the rest of the group to find their way down the sand slide. With the sun going down, the party traveled along a pathway in the sand. However while traveling, a bright explosion of light could be seen on the horizon. This was a strange occurrence, and Sectonia was curious as to what exactly was going on. Midna was too, and got to getting the answers faster than Sectonia, summoning a moogle to discuss matters. Sectonia listened in to their conversation, and learned that the Dead Zone had apparently exploded, with most of the dead zone members making it out, with one of them being abducted by an "organization 13", which Sectonia only heard mentions of from some of the others. When Midna was done, Sectonia said. "From what I heard, good riddance to that area. Although I have a feeling that area isn't finished. Not if this 'mysterious' organization 13 were poking around there."

After traveling for a bit, what Sectonia saw made her do a double take, slapping herself to make sure what she was seeing was real. "Is this some kind of joke? Trying to make a desert out of dessert?" Sectonia said, a very complex emotion on her face made of a combination of confusion, laughter, joy, and disbelief. The bee queen did enjoy her sweets and sweet things, especially stuff made of honey although frosting was also pretty good. With her astonishment gone, she clapped her hands together saying. "Well, shall we get going?"

"Brown Sugar? Hm... Not sure how I feel about that." Sectonia commented at Midna's obersvation, having an affinity with sweet things, but also noting that the sand she slid on could be sugar, which can be difficult or uncomfortable if it melted. Sectonia wasn't going to try, with the combination of sand and now syrup looked like mud, and not clean mud you used to make yourself more beautiful. Thanks to her ability to fly and how it didn't exhaust her at all unlike Midna, Sectonia didn't have to worry about sinking in the sand unlike Midna's summons and the others who had to walk, these people having only a short route to walk on where they wouldn't sink.

And this would cause issues, as soon more enemies made themselves known, attacking their group. Many of these creatures emerged from the gooey sands that many of them couldn't travel in. Some small, and some very very large. First came some slugs that emerged from the sand and attacked the less mobile of their group, with others who weren't attacked joining in. Next came the airborn enemies, which Sectonia engaged with her swords, swatting down a few of them as the phantom theives helped deal with more. Still, even then these flying enemies didn't really pose much of a threat so far compared to the large creature that jumped out of the sand, knocking some on the path off of it.

Sectonia kept to the sky, helping keep them clean with the phantom thieves and their guns so that the people below could handle the rest below without much issue. Sectonia did offer some help below though when Poppi managed to temporarily freeze the large creature that was causing them the most issue, the size of the creature and the relative little fighting space available forcing their ground party members to move along further, picking up the pace in order to run away from it. Sectonia took the chance Poppi gave her to throw a large ring of light at the worm to damage it, taking a few hits from the airborn enemies she had to ignore to form and fire her ring. Still, she'd keep up with the party and provide support from the air, being one of the only ones who could actively deal with flying enemies.


Level 8 Blazermate - (58/80) +1

The Bismarck
Words: under 750

Blazermate only caught the tail end of things as she had returned. Seeing as they were relaxing, people were socalizing and learning where each one got their powers from, Ms. Fortune apparently having told everyone that powers in her world came from stuff like "parasites" and "life gems". Blazermate, having been a late arrival, had been questioned this by both Frog and Link, with Frog going further sa to ask exactly what Blazermate was. "Oh uhm. I'm a Medabot, Blazermate Model." Blazermate said, putting her fist to her chest with pride. "As for my power... Its all about Medals and the Medaforce." She said, replying to Link's question. After answering, Link leaned in, asking Blazermate about what Link had done while under Galeem's control about the insta trophy arrows he had used during the fight. Blazermate replied to the leaning in link. "Beats me. A giant hand gave you those." She wasn't the best to ask about this perhaps, as she had no clue who this giant hand thing was at all. Of course her short answer to Frog only confused him more, and Blazermate had to explain what a robot was in general, then a medabot.

As it got dark, Bowser went off meet up with his kid, while Ms. Fortune decided to take a tour of the town at night. Shrugging, Blazermate decided to follow Ms. Fortune as she was the new person on the team and her method of fighting kinda worried Blazermate. Her scanners said there were no problems with her with all of the body horror going on with Ms. Fortune, but still, she knew organics shouldn't bleed that much. While Ms. Fortune had to do all sorts of acrobatics to move around the town, using the ropes and rooftops to move, Blazermate only needed to grab the occasional thing to propel her upwards with her jets. It took her a bit, but Blazermate caught up with Ms. Fortune as she was wandering near a spikey, sphere like building. "Heya, I'll explore the town with you. I've got nothing better to do, and Medabots don't need to sleep, so..." Blazermate said, tapping Ms. Fortune on the shoulder as she hovered behind her.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (49/50) +2

The Oasis > Desert
Word Count: 777

Sectonia wasn't expecting someone to actually take her up on the fact that she was only slightly interested in the sorcerous spirit, Premise coming up to the bee queen and requesting the spirit. Sectonia looked at the spirit for a second before handing it over to Premise, giving it a casual. "Pfeh, not colorful enough." as she handed it over, deciding to take the Pipe of Insight from the loot as everyone else had taken their spirits. The pipe itself was quite small and emitted a very subtle magical smoke. Sectonia wondered if she needed to hold this in her mouth, something she wasn't too keen on, but she found that its magic worked while just being carried by her, putting the pipe snugly in her fluff. With the pipe essentially attuned to her, Sectonia felt that she was far more resillient to magic and could heal faster, with her presence giving those around her and herself lesser benefits of this pipe. In addition to her testing, she found that if she channeled her own magic into the pipe, a magical bubble appeared around her and everyone who was in range of her queenly aura, shielding them from harm for a short time.

And seeing what Midna had become with her new fusion, going from someone who seemed to be all together to something.... strange, Sectonia was glad that she took the powerful looking magic item over the sorceror spirit which worked, fairly alright for Premise. Thinking about it, The first spirit Midna absorbed was also close to her basic shape, so the fusion was good. However the dragon spirit she had absorbed was very different, and granted its power at a price. Seeing this in action really limited her choices, and the queen decided that she'd only take a spirit that didn't mesh well with her if the power gain could outstrip the... well at least Midna got some dangling jewel things... The phantom troope didn't look much better with the fusions they had gotten, only exemplifying Sectonia's point she made to herself.

Another question was answered soon after, this time by Tora, who outlined what the strange box items were that Sectonia had found. Apparently there were some kind of cosmetic chest that used the paper currency she had found pointless before. "So its a key to a random assortment of cosmetic goods. Interesting." She said, looking at the items that were spawned from the lootboxes. None of them really caught her eye, but seeing how varied and different they were, she was sure one of these, should she find more, would give her something she liked.

With the remainder of the spirits dolled out, Midna experimenting with one of her wolfos and getting quite an interesting conclusion out of it, the unused spirits were crushed and spawned various items. Sectonia didn't know what most of them did, but seeing as one was a bit of a bug crystal, she decided to take that. She couldn't outright tell what it did, but it had some air of magic about it at least. With the rest of the loot sorted out, what wasn't used was put into the bag they had used to carry the spirits here and brought along, the group venturing down further into the ruins.

After some exploring in the ruins, the enemies not really offering much challenge and being used more to test what everyone had gained, the group found a bit of a sandy decline which the phantom theives decided they would slide on, including Tora and Poppi. Sectonia was much bigger than the rest of them though, and was one of the last ones to slide down, needing to tuck her wings in. Woe be to any that were below her and didn't get off the slide when she reached the bottom, her stinger wasn't for show! Upon reaching the bottom and having the space to fly again, Sectonia did just that, preferring to stay off the ground as much as possible. What they found themselves looking at was more ruins, however the heat wasn't nearly as bad as it was and the sandstorms had subsided as the sun was going down.

"Good, this wont be as exhausting as above." Sectonia said, agreeing with the others who voiced the same opinion. Seeing as it was much cooler here, the party decided to continue on foot. Still, they were going towards what they thought was the area guardian without much to go on, and they were getting farther and farther away from what Sectonia could call 'civilization' so they could only hope they were on the right path.



Level 8 Blazermate - (57/80) +2

The Bismarck
Words: 754

Blazermate, having her offer taken by the shipgirls and the entire situation disarming itself, decided to go with the shipgirl who was going to lead her to the infirmary. "So uh, for Payment. Just uh, pay for their food and whatnot. This will be quick. " Blazermate said, pointing to her party who was discussing stuff and making orders. Sephiroth had slinked off to somewhere, that boy didn't like staying with the party it seemed. He was turning into a real... Why couldn't Blazermate remember that anime loner's name? Either way, Blazermate didn't really think much of it, and as she waved to her friends, saying she'd be back later, she caught a glimpse of the Cadet touching some kind of orb. He seemed fine though, so Blazermate just let him at it, her scanners didn't pick up anything harmful after all.

It didn't take long for her shipgirl escort to bring Blazermate to the infirmary where there were multiple ship girls laying on beds, some bandaged, some still being worked on, all with all sorts of burns, breaks, bites, and other nasty physical injuries. "I'll be watching you, but if you can do what you said, please help them." Her escort said, standing at the door as Blazermate walked in. "Its ok. I've got this. No zombie plagues here!" Blazermate said, flexing one of her arms. Seeing as most of them seemed to have old injuries, her medigun was more effective than what she normally had to deal with.

At first, Blazermate was under harsh supervision as while she was a medic bot, these doctors had been treating these injuries for awhile now, and didn't trust this newcomer all that much. Their tunes quickly changed though when Blazermate put her healing beam on her first patient, the ship girl's bones snapping back into place and healing, her skin closing up, and her complextion that was one of pain becoming one of releif. It didn't take too long for her to be fully healed up, and while she was getting out of her bed, jumping for joy at being healed so rapidly to the astonishment of the doctors and other patients, Blazermate was already working on another girl who had a nasty large bite taken out of her.

As Blazermate healed more and more shipgirls, the other injured shipgirls were stirring, hope in their eyes as tehir injuries would be healed momentarily. After around the 5th shipgirl got up with no injuries remaining, the doctors stopped checking Blazermate's work and just let her have free reign of the place as it didn't take too long for her to heal up the rest of the shipgirls. At one point, a new patient came in, bleeding profusely and if Blazermate wasn't here, would've been dead before the bandages could go on. However, all the healing had charged Blazermate's ubercharge which she used on the quickly dying ship girl, completely stopping her from bleeding, her healing stabalizing and getting her mostly recovered as her ubercharge wore off. "What... what are you?" One of the shipgirls asked, surprised at what had happened. "Oh. I'm a Medabot. Names Blazermate." Another one pointed to Blazermate's healing arm and asked. "How does that work? It would be really useful for our soldiers!" Blazermate gave a reply, but by the look on the shipgirl's face, it wasn't what she wanted to hear. "Its my healing arm part. More focused healing than a Nutranurse! It just heals, I don't know how." she continued, leaving the ship girl doctor crestfallen.

It took her a bit of time, but eventually the infirmary was empty of the injured ship girls. "Alrighty! Thats all done. Can you lead me back to my friends now?" Blazermate said, making a gun blowing animation on her arm, making the sound but since she was a robot she couldn't make any breath come out. Her escourt, with a bit of regret at how useful Blazermate had been about getting ship girls back on the battlefield in record time, brought Blazermate back to the restaraunt. Having gone to heal the ship girls, Blazermate had missed all of Ms. Fortune's story, coming back in with Bowser asking for a to-go dish. "Hiya guys, I'm back!" Blazermate said, waving. Looking around, Blazermate noticed a few weired out faces, most notable on Peach, while Link had a much mor interested faec. "Did... I miss something?" Blazermate asked, walking in the shop to sit with the rest of the group.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (47/50) +2

The Oasis in the Sphinx
Word Count: 1126

When the bathing pool started to get a bit overcrowded with more of the mercs joining, Sectonia decided to get out. While she was somewhat ok with a slight mixed bath, it was getting ridiculous now. At least she was able to get all of the sand off herself, her fluff taking the longest to clean. After getting out of the water and 'sitting' in the campsite itself, she began wringing her fluff dry as she was out of the water and combing it to perfection with her hands, something she was well versed in, although you could tell she wished she had a comb or something to make the job easier based on the expression on her face.

As she 'sat' there, or well, sitting as best as she could with her lack of legs, Sectonia listened to the phantom trope explain the different types of food they had as her Antilion continued to clean the cloths of those who left them with it. She wondered where their utensils were to eat with dignity, but seeing how Midna and the others started eating their foods, there apparently was none which made Sectonia's eyes twitch in the shear audacity of the situation. But as she had done before, she soon relented, and much like Midna, tried to eat what food she could with regal dignity. "I prefer fruits and vegetables over meats." Sectonia said, sighing at the lack of such things as everyone else enjoyed the meat. It wasn't that she couldn't eat them, just that unlike fruits, meat was messy and wasn't nearly as elegant to eat, especially without silverware. Still, she knew food wasn't easy to get in the desert, and there was little chance of getting her selected diet here, so she ate the meat although not with as much enjoyment as the others. She'd also make sure to get her fill of the drinking water, needing quite a bit more than the others due to her size.

After their dinner was done and everyone got their fill, the Antilions done with their cloths cleaning duty and handing the cleaned cloths back to the Queen and the others, the group started to discuss what to call the Galeem controlled people after one of the people asked how they could even recognize them. Sectonia told the now idle Antilion to clean the area, then patrol to keep the camp safe as ideas were tossed around. Tora's name was... well, considering Sectonia had gotten used to his speech patterns it was at least on par for what he usually said. Did the puff ball just not care about anything name wise? Thoughts for later as other ideas came out from Daybreaker to Daybroken. Both were far too long and took too long to say. Midna came up with the idea of Gleeming, mentioning her dislike of the sun in general as it apparently was barely a thing in her world. "The sun is fine, but I prefer the moon. Its far more beautiful, especially when its ethereal blue glow shines over your palace. It wasn't easy to make it a full moon 24/7 over my palace. Is that how your world is?" Sectonia said, asking Midna. "As for names. Gleeming is alright. There isn't honestly much that rolls off the tongue that isn't sun or day related like Sunstricken or Dawnfallen. And I'd rather not give that... thing... any credit with a good descriptor if I can help it." Sectonia said, unable to come up with a name that wasn't taken already, being a bit petty afterwords.

After the discussion of names, on came the distrobution of loot. The Medic and Midna taking spirits into themselves and Midna experimenting with her Wolfos, putting multiple spirits into it to change it into something else. Sectonia doubted that would work for her antilions though, as she had an endless amount of them and never summoned the same one twice, or at least, as well as she knew. Still, she decided to look through the stuff that was left behind. Much like Midna, she saw no use for the paper money, but her eats perked up at the mention of Midna's currency being gemstones. "Hm. My opinion of you grows as time goes on it seems. Another person of royalty who uses vastly superior and more beautiful gemstones as currency. Although mine are shaped like stars. I'd prefer flowers, but they only form into stars for some reason. I suppose the planet being called Popstar is to blame for that." Sectonia said, giving out another compliment to Midna.

With everyone sorting through the loot Tora found an item he liked called rocket boots, something Sectonia had no interest in, and decided to tinker with it. At a suggestion by Poppi, he then grabbed a spirit of a heavily armored knight and gave it to poppi, who absorbed the spirit and became a heavily armored version of herself with accompanying sword and shield. "I have a minion that looks like you Poppi. it is, frankly, kind of useless in an open field, but great in a narrow corridor." The Medic, having taken in the soul of one of the dragon creatures, gained the ability to levitate like Midna and the queen. Midna offered him hoverling lessons, which meant the queen didn't have to.

Looking through the spirits, there wasn't really anything Sectonia liked. She did mull over the Sorcerers spirit, but she got the feeling that it contained magic she wasn't an expert in, and absorbing its power would lead to her losing her regal look. after all, this sorcerers was drab and boring, apparently coming from a world where color was completely sapped from it. "Hm... I am not going to absorb this spirit, but I feel like it could be some useful equipment." She did accept Midna's proposal first though, and didn't crush this spirit immediately, waiting to see if anyone would be interested in it. She wasn't going to use her 'free spirit claim' on this thing, thats for sure!

She did however, find that she liked an item that was on the ground, the Pipe of Insight. She could feel strong magic coming from the item which interested her greatly. However, while this would be her 'claim' of the loot, being something she could just carry on her person instead of causing some mutation she would dislike in the case of the sorcerer's spirit, she also took an interest in the strange boxes that seemed to have no way of opening them. "Does anyone know what these are? I sense no magic from them, but they are also locked shut." Sectonia said, confused at the loot boxes.


Level 8 Blazermate - (55/80) +1

The Bismarck
Words: Less than 750

"Aw. I didn't get to kritz someone!" Blazermate said, a bit disappointed at how quickly the battle ended. This Cia wasn't all that strong of a person if she was defeated this easily, stuff in the Dead Zone was way worse! Still, it looked like they weren't going to eat in this restaurant anytime soon with how trashed it was, ESPECIALLY due to the giant hole Bowser left in the ground in which Geralt fell into, the witcher being saved in a princess carry by Bowser which Blazermate couldn't help but giggle at. "Aw, thats so cute!" She said to the pair, smiling as well as she could without a mouth. Her mood quickly soured though as the owner of the restaraunt came out and complained about all the damage that had been done, followed by the guards outside finally deciding to rush in after things were done.

What was weird was these guards sort of looked like a weaker, more marine Poppi. Blazermate didn't know anything about what was going on, and as Geralt said his mind, having been here, Kamek gestured for everyone who wasn't here to listen to him as he explained everything and how, while these guards were being rather stupid, that they still needed them to get the guardian of this area. He asked for diplomatic tact, which Bowser took to mean to shift the blame onto Peach. "C'mon Bowser, if your going to shift all the blame onto your girlfriend, its no wonder why you haven't made it past 1st base~!" Blazermate said to tease the koopa king.

She then turned to the, frankly, taller ship girls and said. "But if you want payment, I can offer some healing services. They don't come cheap, but I can heal up any of your commrades that are injured and make what would take weeks or months of recovery take less than a few minutes." Blazermate offered, showing this by healing up the injured people of her party, snapping bones back into place and stitching skin shut in a few moments. Although she had been doing a good job of that before, so there wasn't that many injuries left. She was a bit sad that the anime boy wasn't doing anything, but they tended to only be interested in fighting anyway and got nervous around girls, so it made sense why he wouldn't want to talk to these ship girls.

Level 8 Blazermate - (54/80) +1

The Bismarck
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate, being the resident healer, brought herself attention from Cia who unlike most of the enemies in the Dead Zone, had brains behind her and saw the medabot healing the wounds of those who she was trying to destroy a nuisance. With this in mind Cia sent one of her dark link shadows towards Blazermate intending to deal with the team healer. Blazermate, already in a defensive stance, raised her shield to deal with the incoming dark link clone, however it never reached her as both Kamek and the cadet took care of the clone before it could get anywhere near the heal bot.

"Oh, thanks guys! I'm still charging, but its almost there!" Blazermate said, keeping her defensive posture but healing those who needed it. Thanks to the efforts of her team, even though they were destroying the building, the colored clones were disappearing one after another, turning into spirits. Blazermate didn't really have much of a need or interest in these spirits. Still, Bowser's idea to hold them for later was a good idea.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (45/50) +2

The Oasis in the Sphinx
Word Count: 787

Thanks to a combo of the unrelenting desert followed by the cooling, soothing bath Sectonia was partaking in, the queen was much more amiable than usual, and a bit more chatty. "If this is living like a king to you Heavy, then I don't know what to say. This is paltry compared to what I have in Floralia." Sectonia said, attempting to strike up some basic conversation. "At least, I did, until Galeem..." The Queen continued, clenching a fist. After a moment of this, she relaxed, a thought crossing her mind. "That's right, you and the doctor here don't know about Galeem after you were cured of its influence."

Leaning back a bit, her golden wings sinking into the water, Sectonia said. "I suppose it is best you know. Much like my kingdom of Floralia, whatever world you knew is lost, instead being mish mashed into whatever this Galeem wished to create. while bits and pieces of it may be there, it is there alongside items such as this 'sphinx', items, objects, and people utterly foreign to you." The queen started, getting into a bit of a monologue, sounding regal instead of her standard haughty. "Apparently according to this robed figure known as the 'Master of Masters', a pretentious title, in order to set things right, get our kingdoms back, and maybe a bit on the side, we have to destroy the guardians of Galeem in order to challenge the light ball in the sky." Sectonia continued. After saying this, she leaned forward, her golden wings dripping form the water they had just been dunked in.

"Personally, ruling a world made of all worlds sounds great to me, but to even get there we would have to defeat that ball of light, and considering it had the power to merge all of our worlds and brainwash millions or billions of strong people, we must gain strength ourselves." Sectonia said, knitting her hands together as she continued. "Like I said when we first met, there is great opportunity for those who take it here. Defeated foes can grant you their power if you take it into yourself, but be careful, while you will gain the powers and memories of those you absorb, you will also turn into an amalgamation of you and them, which can look quite hideous if your not careful of what spirits you decide to take in." It was a shame Sectonia didn't know what Bowser had become, nor Dante, who had almost become a different person altogether, but she did know of a certain robot who looked like a mish mash of parts slapped together. She WOULD have mentioned Midna, but her merge with Uriobosa went well and only made her more beautiful, although not nearly to the level of the Queen herself. "Our Princess of Twilight here is an example of a good merge, if I must say so."

After giving Midna a compliment, Sectonia continued. "You can of course crush a spirit to gain an item or weapon, those horns on my crown being an example of something like that." Sectonia said, pointing to the arcane obsidian crystal horns that she managed to merge to her crown, which was currently being cleaned by her blue antillon. "However, if you have the choice, it is best to make the stronger of the bunch, such as yourselves, allies. While some of those controlled by Galeem are hostile as you have seen, others are neutral at best, and as long as you don't attack them, you may gain strong allies, as you are well aware. Sectonia gave herself a bit of a stretch, having never actually explained this to anyone before, usually letting others do it for her. But as she had these mercenaries in her employ, it would do her well to show her knowledge. "Even then the hostile ones can be made to serve, although I have yet to find one of a strong enough position for me to even consider, as it is an... involved process. And even then it may be better to take their power as your own. I suppose that is a matter you will need to decide yourself."

While the Queen had said most about the spirit process, there were minute details she didn't know, as the explanation she had been given wasn't the best or fairly cryptic at points, but she got the most important parts down. With her little explanation done, she lounged in the water, finding it almost comical how many of them were in this pool of water while the Phantom Thieves were keeping the camp moving, her Antillions helping where they could.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (43/50) +2

Into the Ruins
Word Count: 1002

Sectonia wasn't all that thrilled about bringing more people up this cliff side, although she had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time she'd be requested to help the vertically challenged of their little group. At least Poppi took the heaviest of the group, the Heavy, while Sectonia was left with transporting Midna and the Medic, the princess of twilight being relatively easy to carry as she had the power to hide in the queen's shadow. If she was feeling philosophical there could be something to gleem from that, but that wasn't where her mind was at the moment, still annoyed at carrying things. At least the hand of hers that carried the loot that the trio had collected eased her annoyance a bit. Most of the stuff, especially the green ornate paper didn't really interest her, but she also relented she didn't know everything and she was sure that even that had some use here. Midna had shown the same confusion and disdain, so her and the queen were on equal footing there.

When they reached the rest of the group, Sectonia put her charges down, holding onto the bag of loot with one hand and keeping it away from her body. "We can decide where this goes when we have time to rest. First we should get out of this sun." Sectonia said, the others wordlessly agreeing as they made their way deeper into the ruins, following the Phantom thieves who had scouted a path ahead. Apparently their goal was this 'sphinx', whatever that was. Again Sectonia and Midna were on the same path when it came to knowing things that the others took for granted, which was both comforting and unsettling at the same time.

As they went deeper into the ruins, the sand kicked up something feirce and while it didn't have the same magic draining effect it seemed to have on her compatriots, the magic draining effect, the sharp particles, and the great winds kept Sectonia down low tot he ground. Still unlike Midna, it didn't cancel out her hovering entirely. Still, the queen had to hold her empty hand up to her face to shield her eyes from the sandstorm they wandered through as the sand whipped her face. After traveling a little while through this, the sand died down a bit but still raged on above the party as they reached a pit full of platforms. The quick sand looked worse than the previous pit those snakes had come from, and while there was a set of platforms hovering above the pit that allowed people to cross, there were various enemies and obstacles that made jumping from platform to platform a bit tricky. Midna, worried about the bag of treasure, took it off Sectonia's hands and made her way after Tora.

Unlike Tora and Midna, Sectonia had no method of actually 'jumping' and just bypassed the platforms by flying around them and avoiding the shifting walls and crushing rocks when she could. This of course didn't come without its own risks and the projectile firing enemies from below and the invincible bladed things did land some hits on the queen due to her large size and not completely adhering to the route that the others had due to her lack of jumping abilities, leaving the queen covered in bits of sand, bruises, and a few sand caked cuts. Still, she kept her composure through all of that. While people wouldn't think it, she was quite tough for someone so obsessed with beauty. Even so, she didn't escape this little obstacle course without a scrape, but at least they had a medic along now to heal her up. At some point she'd have to explain to the man her anatomy, something she wasn't too entirely enthused about.

Soon after that annoying sand pit and more sand, the team reached the sphinx and upon descending into it, found a camp set up by the Phantom Theives, their... alternative clothing not looking nearly as good as their original clothing. Tora, Poppi and Midna, or rather her mount? Sectonia wasn't sure how much control she had over that wolf, darted for the prepared pool of water to wash themselves off. Heavy followed soon after, not even bothering to undress and doing a rather undignified cannonball that splashed water everywhere. At least he was living up to his name. While not charging it as those two did, Sectonia joined them with a bit more dignity, with her taking off her royal cape and crown and dipping into the water with her lower half, a bit away from Heavy, using her hands to wash that off and getting the sand out of her face before trying to dip lower to get all the sand out of her fluff. Unlike Midna, she wouldn't disrobe entirely, opting to leave her breastplate on for obvious reasons. When her fluff was sand free and she felt clean, she would soak with only her lower half in the water, watching the others having fun in the water. Seeing how sandy her cloths themselves were, Sectonia summoned one of her blue antillions and ordered it to clean their laundry much like before. She then summoned a green and a couple red Antilions to help around the camp as she relaxed in the water, the minions getting busy helping whatever they could. The blue antilions using their powers over frost, the red ones using their power over fire, and the green ones using their power over electricity where needed.

"Good job setting this up you lot. Although I prefer your other cloths, these... seem too plain." Sectonia said to the phantom thieves who weren't in their fighting outfits, relived that they were out of the sand. Much like Midna, it bothered her eyes something fierce, but unlike Midna, Sectonia didn't have one eye constantly covered by her 'crown'. Sectonia then gestured to the Medic to heal up her wounds she had just cleaned up before teasing the group with a rhetorical "Enjoying yourselves?", a slight laugh coming from the queen.

Level 8 Blazermate - (53/80) +1

The Bismarck
Words: Less than 750

So, apparently the barrier that blocked the door didn't block any other way into the building, as was found out by Ms. Fortune who after finding a way in, joined in on the fight with her weird power to turn her limbs into bloody rockets. Looking at the way Nadia got in, Blazermate followed suit as Bowser found his own way in. Looking at the fight inside the building, there were a few more faces that Blazermate didn't see before, such as Hat Kid being beset by a, burn damaged blue woman? The woman looked like the one that was near Link, although with a lot more damage, blue, and well... If Blazermate wasn't a medabot they wouldn't like what was happening to the blue clone buuut she was so...

As Bowser and Geralt made their way towards the blue copy, Blazermate started to heal up her known teammates. Although they didn't look taht injured, even if what Ms. Fortune did would constitute something that would damage her, her health wasn't going down. Still though, she was sure spraying a looot of blood, like, how did she have so much? Still, with the injuries of the group not being that bad she could actually start overhealing people! She started with the ones of the group, such as hat kid, Sephiroth, and Kamek who had the lower overall health of the group, then moving up to Geralt and Bowser, the former concentrating on something and the latter tackling the blue woman.

"So... with all the magical explosions going off, I'm just going to hide behind my shield here and well, yeah." Blazermate said, holding up her shield to hide behind as she healed her allies, the overheal giving them some temporary health for them to take damage with before their actual health went down. This also let her charge up her uber fairly nicely, so soon she could do something with that.

Level 8 Blazermate - (52/80) +1

Outside the Bismarck
Words: Less than 750

With the little detour at the bar and the strange toga man behind them, the party made their way to the actual eating establishment that link was being held captive in, the Bismarck. Cuphead lead the way, knowing the area with Bowser lumbered his way there, the others following him with much less severe but still hurried steps, Ms. fortune returning to the party after doing her little thing. As they made their way to the establishment, Kamek and Geralt found the group, Kamek flying alongside the group for a bit on the broom he swooped down on. Bowser, seeing his adviser sort of caught him up on why they were here. "Yeah, what Bowser said. We found an anime swordsman too, but he went to go do something. He has a suuuper long sword." Blazermate said, also catching Kamek and Geralt up, having absolutely no exhaustion in her voice in comparison to Bowser due to him having to run and talk.

When they got to the building that Link was being held, the group found that there was a barrier blocking their way in, a barrier that Bowser tried and failed to break through. Ms. Fortune mentioned that she had seen these kind of things in the Dead Zone, although the closest thing Blazermate had seen was that locked police station. Either way, Kamek looked at it, suggesting a magical solution to get psat it. This is when the toga man from before, irritated at being ignored by Bowser, had chased them down to. But when he was going to berate Bowser, he saw the fight that was going inside. Excited by a brawl, he did the same thing bowser did, and tried to break down the barrier with physical force, with no avail. What he did next though...

Angry at the barrier for knocking him on his ass, the toga man sloshed the stuff in his wine cup everywhere. Why this would bring down a barrier Blazermate wasn't sure, but once the stuff in the flask hit, well, anyone... Blazermate wasn't sure how to describe the feeling. She felt hot, her head was hazy, and her limbs didn't listen to her half the time, causing her to constantly stumble around like the others around. "Ish... thish what itsh like to be drunk?" Blazermate said, stumbling around as Bacchus laughed at the chaos he had caused, although not in a mean way. Bowser, not having any of this guy's shenaigans, tried to take a fighting stance, at least before he stumbled on his belly while Ms fortune lost her head. Blazermate, unable to coordinate herself, tripped over Bowser's legs, rolling a bit before landing comedically on Peach who was just out of it. While Blazermate was dazed on top of Peach, her shield began to lick the ground, trying to get more of that golden wine. Apparently it was really happy about this sort of thing, making the drunk sounds Blazermate herself should've been making.


Level 8 Blazermate - (51/80) +1

Limsa Lominscuttle Town
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate followed Bowser into the bar, where he was accosted by a large, drunk, fat man wearing a toga. While Blazermate was familiar with drunks, this guy gave off an aura of fun, calm, and felt like he could start a party at any time. He mentioned Bowser being some kind of god, which Bowser refuted before declaring himself king, which made Blazermate chuckle at the oddity of everything. Another man that was with him, another anime looking person, although not nearly as good looking as Sephiroth, approached the group and offered to take one of them on a date. Ms. Fortune, being the cat she was, gave a bit of a 'catty' response of maybe before dashing off somewhere. "This zone must be so much better than the dead zone for this kinda thing." Blazermate said.

Wanting to keep them on task, Blazermate said, more because she couldn't do much at a bar and less about the mission. "So uh, Bowser. We should find link." She then thought for a moment, and asked the large drunk toga party guy. "Hey, why did you think Bowser was a god? Do you worship something like him or something?" Blazermate said, completely unaware of Bachus's actual divinity.

Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (38/50) +1

Atop the Cliff
Word Count: Less than 750

Still more and more things come out of the dunes to attack Sectonia and her group. Her lightning was extemely effective, although dangerous, when used on the first lamia that attacked her. The dangerous part came in when the air was still charged with ambient electricity, the dark sparks emanating off the dust that Sectonia had struck in the air with her bolt. With the aid of Tora and the phantom troop, one Lamia was down, although a new wheeled monstrosity and a local came in. While one was hostile, the other wasn't. Seeing as this was the new big threat, and confident in Sectonia's abilities, the others left the other snake person to her, which leaped at her. Although it didn't really account for their size differences, and Sectonia having a fun idea in her head to teach this thing a lesson, blocked it with her staff, using her other free hand to grab it around its neck as it tried to bite around her staff. She then took off into the sky, the lamia starting to panic a bit in her grasp as it saw the ground vanish and nothing but sky fill its vision.

After getting enough height to make a good impression, Sectonia. let the lamia go, it hanging onto her staff with its teeth in desperation. Of course this didn't mean much to the bee queen, who just dismissed her staff and watched as the lamia fell. However, while Sectonia was expecting a bit of a 'splash' when the snake landed, it wasn't the splash she was expecting. Out of either instinct, or a stroke of genius, the Lamia angled itself into the sand pit it had emerged from and in one elegant motion, dove into it with a slight splash, only taking minimal damage. Sectonia descended a bit slowly, confused for a moment as to what had just happened, before saying. "Hmph." shaking off her mild shock and moving to aid the others in their fight.

Level 8 Blazermate - (50/80) +1

Limsa Lominscuttle Town
Words: Less than 750

Sephiroth, at the smash tower, agreed with Blazermate for the most part, deciding to go with the team. Although he gave her quite the sharp retort about how there was also sand at the beach, which Blazermate retorted, a bit embarrassed but also petty. "Yeah, but thats fun sand! You can't make a sand castle out of the desert sand!" Bowser also looked a bit bothered, but Blazermate wasn't sure why. Ms Fortune then made a good observation, which Bowser backed up, they were flesh and needed food, sleep, and bathing. Although that middle thing wasn't something Blazermate figured they needed, they weren't in the dead zone for THAT long! Still, the cleaning bit sounded like a good idea, the medabot had dust and grime all over her beautiful blue parts.

When they reached the area of Blue team, the coastal city of Limsa Lominscuttle Town however, Ms. Fortune, who had brought up the idea of bathing, decided to take a dip in the water nearby. This gave Blazermate an idea, and while the rest of the group was interested in seeing the bathing Ms Fortune, well, bathing was a bad idea, she apparently was just as take apart and put togther ad Blazermate! Just a flesh version! Blazermate made a much less noticeable splash nearby to clean off all the dead zone grime. while she was a robot, she was a medabot, and thus didn't run on electricity or need circuitry or any of that, so water didn't bother her at all. Although she couldn't swim without aqua parts, so she just fell to the relative shallow bottom, climbing up the nearby wall and back to the rest of the team after she had washed herself off, making sure to follow the team as they went to look for blue team. She was there to catch Ms. Fortune's comment about "cat got your tongue", and while still dripping water, she said, tapping her faceplate. "I'm a medabot, I don't have a tongue, or mouth."

Surprisingly in this sprawling, pretty, and NOT DEAD town, it didn't take too long for them to find Peach. Bowser, the one that knew her the most, was the one who made first contact, making sure everyone could get to the princess. After a quick chat and Peach being updated about all that had happened, Blazermate and the rest of the group learned that Link had been abducted by someone, who was keepign him hostage at a restaurant. Blazermate commented saying. "Sounds like a date." She didn't have a need to eat, so she didn't share Bowser and Ms. Fortune's desire for food, but she was interested into seeing who abducted link to date him. He was alright, but he wasn't that pretty.

Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (37/50) +1

The Bridge
Word Count: Less than 750

"From what I can gather." Sectonia said to Midna, when she asked about how to handle the Galeem controlled mercs. "Don't attack them and offer what they want, and they'll follow you like any follower. They just wont know why."

When they arrived at the new area, much to Sectonia's annoyance, they decided to fly people around, with one of the youths that had gone to the pyramid apparently transforming into some kind of UFO thing with tentacles. The Queen found this very strange, but she also did realize that the lady didn't like using this form out of its ugliness, so the Queen could understand that at least. Looking over the area, with Midna and Tora commenting on the creatures around, Midna commenting how she could use one back at her castle, Sectonia scoffed. "Even those 'dragons' need to be more beautiful. Maybe some ornate patterns, crystals, or flowers would help, but I doubt it." She was then reminded of the Medic and his need for experimentation, and asked him. "Doctor, how well do you think you could make these creatures more beautiful?" His response wasn't what Sectonia was expecting from the man, and gave her a bit to think about.

After carrying some of the phantom troop up the cliff, they eventually found their way to some sand pit. "Hmph, a Queen isn't a 'taxi service'." she said, deciding to go with the scouting party than grabbing a few others. Besides the only ones left seemed to be interested in the stuff below or were too large for her to carry anyway. As they scouted the area above, they found a strange sand pit. Sectonia, being the residential flyer, and the only one who's only method of movement was flying, didn't care much at all about this as she could just fly over it. Joker however, who was curious, mentioned that when he touched it, his "MP" drained, whatever that was. Tora tried the same thing, but didn't feel a thing, much like he should. It was just sand after all. However, as they disturbed the area, two snake like women appeared, jumping towards the party to attack them.

"Hmph. Stay in your sand." Sectonia said at the snakes, summoning one of her staffs to strike them with her dark lightning. Considering how hot it was here and the 'work' she had to do, she wasn't really much in the mood with dealing with an ambush from such repugnant creatures.
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