Level 8 Blazermate - (49/80) +2
Smash Tower
Words: 939
Everyone got through the teleporter without a hitch, beating the explosion. Once she could summon the engineer again, Blazermate would tell him to destroy the teleporter on the Dead Zone side so no one took it and accidentally got blown up. Of course, before that happened, Blazermate had to get an ear full from the current director of Smash Tower who gave everyone their missions and whatnot as they had returned in 'failure', which Blazermate took issue with. But before she could say anything about that, Bowser spoke first explaining the situation in his usual loud roary manner. "What he said. Plus the zone is going to blow up soon from a nuke. We can go back after that happens." Blazermate said, her annoyance a bit lessened due to Bowser stealing the show.
Their new recruit, Sephiroth, wandered off apparently just looking for something to do, looking through the new area he found himself in after being freed from galeem or... something? Blazermate was a bit distracted helping Bowser in his argument to notice where he went off to. But after they were done with their little spat with the director, Bowser wanting to go to Blue team to meet up with his kid, Sephiroth approached Blazermate asking her about how the world worked, being free and all. He wasn't the first to ask Blazermate this, and she doubted he'd be the last. Although what got her almost blushing was his little polite bow while asking her name like a samurai, although it looked different without the armor.
"Oh, uhm..." Blazermate started. Seeing as most of the group had dispursed, she hoped she could get a few others in this conversation. Ms. Fortune seemed to be the only other one around who didn't know any of this stuff, so Blazermate dragged her over to take a listen with Sephiroth. "I'm Blazermate, our teams medic bot. But thats what -mate medabots do, so I'm fine with it." She then continued after shyly scratching her faceplate. "So spirits. They're the thing you get when baddies controlled by Galeem are defeated. If you put them into your medal... err heart they give you lots of cool new powers! If you put them in your head, which I just learned recently, you get their knowledge and some changes but not that much. You can bond with them to summon them, with no changes to yourself, or crush them into weapons and such." Blazermate said, summerizing how spirits worked. "When you absorb a spirit, your body changes like me and Bowser there. I'm a medabot, so replacing parts on my body is like, just what I do. And these parts are awesome because I still keep my old parts! Buut they don't work like that for you, so yeah, take care what you take into yourself. Only get the really cool ones with really cool powers!" She continued, then explaining the whole shape changing aspect of them. "But uh, don't just go attacking Galeem people indiscriminately, as some are peaceful and can be your friends later, and usually those ones aren't as strong anyway. Wait for stuff to attack you, or the boss spirits to get the REALLY good stuff. Like this shield arm here, I can make zombies and control them with this! its really cool! Although it twiches a bit and I don't like that... But I haven't played a video game since I got here so thats not suuuch a big deal." Blazermate finished, giving Sephiroth a run down on why not to attack people at random if they were galeem controlled, something Blazermate had learned herself. She also, although poorly, explained that spirits had a detrimental side to them as well.
After having explained everything, Blazermate thought a bit. She looked over the two she had just explained this to and saw that while Ms. Fortune seemed to be totally ready to follow her and Bowser to the blue side thing, Sephiroth looked a bit... lost? He after all was new and this was a lot to take in, so Blazermate said. "Hey do you two wanna come with me and Bowser to the beach? I think thats where Blue team went. There is a casino ran by the literal Devil there, and uh, other cool stuff. I only know about the casino though." Blazermate said, opening the offer up to the other two. Blazermate then noticed how Sephiroth looked at Bowser. Not in any mean way, but a bit... worried? He was just as hard to read as Sectonia, but being nice helped with that so... "Don't worry too much about Bowser. Just be nice to him and he'll be your bestest of bestest friend!" Blazermate said, saying it in an adoring cute voice and giving Bowser a thumbs up. "But uh, yeah. Don't get on his bad side. He can grow giant and punches dragons without a care in the world. He can also take one heck of a beating, although I'd be nice if he didn't get hit sooo much, but makes my job easier I guess..." Blazermate said, probably saying a bit too much but still in a friendly voice. After trailing off, she then continued. "But yeah, you two should totally come. Its a lot better than Yellow team, they are in a desert where sand is. Sand that gets into your joints and takes forever to get out, and I doubt it'd do well for your hair. I wonder how our other person of royalty is doing out there?" Blazermate finished, ready to get going to the next zone.