To what extent Midna could salvage her new ride in the case abandonment became necessary, Mona could not say at all. Nobody could as far as he could tell, so the cat guessed that the floating muscle-imp liked talking to herself. Not such a strange thing, he knew, when juxtaposed with all he'd borne witness to as of late, and the Phantom Thief felt quite sure things wouldn't be getting any less weird any time soon. He bounded across the stone ridges of the neck of Vah Naboris to clamber atop the six-eyed mask that formed its head. If the Divine Beast's steady stride jostled any less he might have liked to start sunning himself there and then, but since its heavy jaunting seemed a little too liable to send unanchored nappers flying toward the desert below, he contented himself with posing heroically as he kept an eye on the expansive vista ahead.
Tora didn't mark the departure of either Mona nor Midna, focused instead on the Medic as he rendered to Poppi his response. As a matter of fact he would be able to heal Poppi, which roused a welcome 'Hooray!' from Tora. Typical healing, from the doctor's art to restorative potions, conferred no benefit to Blades in his world, but here was a miracle man who'd be able to help no matter which member of the dynamic duo took a beating! And with their stalwart shield all the sturdier, Yellow Team would be all the more free to slap around whomever might cross them. “Meh meh! Tora feel like things just got way easier for team goodypon!”
Soon after conversation turned toward the journey ahead. The new recruits, freed as they were from the confines of either a techno-pyramid or a purgatorial deathmatch, quickly got a grasp of their teammates' objective. It took just one look out of a window from Vah Naboris' double-domed interior to see the majestic eminence that towered above the Sandswept Sky, and indeed much of the World of Light itself. For all their traveling so far, Split Mountain seemed essentially no closer, but the heroes were undeterred. Sectonia ruminated on the perilous area ahead, noting that the larger members of the time might be too much for one of the fliers to catch alone should they fall. Poppi wasn't so sure, however. “Maybe for Sectonia spindly arms. Er, no offense. But even in Alpha mode, Poppi superstrength enough for task.” Smiling,
she put her hands on her hips. “Poppi new form have more than enough power to carry two Heavies!”
Without getting up
Tora poorly imitated his artificial blade's pose, looking pleased. “That Poppi QT Pi for you! We carry our weight from now on, meh!”
Poppi crossed her arms playfully. “Poppi know this because Poppi have to carry Tora all the time.”
Areas of rock and ruin became steadily more common as the Divine Beast plodded on. Everyone got a good chance to rest, recuperate, and even recreate during this second stage of the journey. Still, the wait didn't have a chance to become intolerable before the distant barrier visible from the heights of Futaba's Palace became visible not just to the Phantom Thieves' lookout, but the rest of the heroes as well. Though it seemed little at first, Yellow Team knew better than to expect it to stay that way by now, and before too long the wall of standstone loomed dead ahead in the afternoon sun.

Tora exhaled deeply at the sight of it. “Whew! Well, not just stepping over that one, meh.” As best as the Nopon could estimate, Vah Naboris stood at just over half the wall's height. Poppi, Sectonia, and maybe Midna -as well as the Courier if his solo expedition brought him this way already- wouldn't have an issue getting over it. But the rest -including the Divine Beast itself- wouldn't have things quite so easy. At least from here, the mountain did look somewhat closer.
A moment later Poppi flew in through a window and landed to give her report. “It not just wall in way. More like cliff. Desert keep going at wall-top level on other side. See building tops peeking above wall?” She pointed to make sure they did. “As friends can see, bridge heading up in pieces. Bridge may look intact to east, but actually not extend all way to wall, and no way hold up under little titan.” Those present would either need to remember, infer, or wonder what she referred to, that being the Divine Beast. “Poppi also see wildlife. Take look outside if want. Poppi spot two kinds of flat fliers. One with
green eyes. Other with
person stuck in.. There also
buggy dragons,
walking heads,
leggy worms, and
super-nastybug.” What to do with the information she left to Yellow Team's fluffy leader and his fearless advisors, those being everyone else.
The black-iron Ranger regarded Sakura with a stunned expression, half anger, half disbelief, and half-hidden by her newfound half-mask, when the wounded Street Fighter skirted a rolling wave to place make herself an obstacle between the avenger and her foe. “What are you doing?” The question pertained equally to her protection of an enemy and her broken state, but Sakura's disjointed, miserable mutterings failed to explain either. “Whose side are you on? I'm sorry, but even if you helped us, I can't just let that monster...?”
All of a sudden Sakura broke the tension, trying to distract her in an almost comically unconvincing manner. Like a schoolchild. The teacher in Ranger felt condescended to, and she couldn't help but cross her arms in indignation. “You aren't serious. I'm an instructor, you know. Such tricks have no effect on--!”
In the middle of explaining the uselessness of Sakura's attempted diversion, the street fighter threw herself across the surface of the water on a full-on roll. Taken aback, Ranger's hand tightened on the handle of her launcher, but even as a figment of her spirit-altered psyche whispered at her to
attack, the shipgirl refused to hurt someone she believed to be an ally still. Sakura, meanwhile, knew she had no choice
but to. Her knee struck her fellow naval warrior with surprising force for a woman in such ruinous condition, all the more shocking for Ranger's disbelief that her new acquaintance actually hit her. A split second later, however, she hit the teacher with something altogether different. In just a moment's time the damage was undone, fading along with the unwholesome light in Ranger's visible eye. It turned blue as as sea that reflected clear sky, and went wide as Sakura grabbed Ranger and launched into speech, bolstered in her efforts at explanation by Kamek as he arrived.
Hit by an emotional shock stronger even than the numbed blow to her shoulder, Ranger couldn't help but tear up herself as Sakura wept. Memories forced into dark obscurity by the scorching light of Galeem surged to the forefront, and though she also recalled fighting Abyssals before the extinction, she could bring forth no fragmentary trace of her former fury when she looked upon Seaplane Tender's gentle face. Sakura collapsed into Ranger's arms, their rigging pushed out of the way. She herself might have fallen if the Water Princess didn't arrive just that moment, holding the three up with the weight of her tail as she embraced the others. A still moment passed on the ocean blue, a savior sandwiched comfortably between two former enemies, where they would not allow her to fall. As the Atomos edged closer, Seaplane Tender released the others to Kamek's clones and the safety of the cargo bay, where the healer could begin Sakura's urgent treatment. She remained on the water at a safe distance, a downcast face turned to the magikoopa. “I understand,” she said simply. All her life she'd been fighting without question, mindlessly killing without even a fraction of understanding of what love was. The Friend Heart, by stirring her own, not only woke her to a new world of feeling, but was gradually making her realize the weight of her own misdeeds. “Don't bother healing me, si'l vous plait. Just help her. She is so very hurt...” Her eyes lay on the shifting surface below her, shying away from the smile and gesture given by Sakura as she was carried off. “If you still wish to sink me...I won't resist.” She could feel the weight of eyes on her, though far less heavily than the crawling feeling on her back. More than anything, she wanted to repay the undeserved kindness shown to her by making amends, but how could she, with so much blood on her hands?
Nadia grinned when Bowser realized her nickname was a pun. “Took ya long enough to 'cat'-ch on, ya big doof!” She thought it was funny that everyone continued to allow him to 'lead' them, although given his volume she doubted there being much of an alternative, and she didn't exactly pounce on the role either. Truth be told, she didn't know very much about the Skull Heart, defining as the Skullgirls were in the history of her world. Every so often -seven years or so- a new Skullgirl would appear to terrorize civilization, thanks to making an impure wish on the thing. From what she just witnessed, however, Nadia felt inclined to drop the 'impure' descriptor—that accursed thing would no doubt find a way to twist any wish to disaster. As for getting rid of it...Nadia's expression soured. All it took was a whole lot of force, but it also meant killing Linkle. Though Bowser complained that the Nobody stole her before the heroes could help her, Nadia found herself feeling a little grateful. If they found out that meant killing her, it would have been a day even more rotten than that stinking Gore Nest.
She shared what little she could with one of Vandham's subordinates as King Koopa continued to occupy the mercenary boss's attention. Bowser's declared intention to find his son in the 'Blue' left Nadia wishing she knew where to go herself. The Skull Heart had been all she thought about for...well, ever. Ever since she came here, however long ago that had been. It would be nice to relax for a while, somewhere that didn't reek of undead pestilence or curl her hair with demonic heat. The size, starkness, and technological flavor of Alcamoth didn't do much for a Little Innsmouth girl like her, either. Say...the place Vandham mentioned was on the ocean, wasn't it? Maybe following Bowser to the Blue after a quick catnap wouldn't be so bad after all.
After the big man directed interested parties toward Mercenary HQ to get a look at the map, the group began to disperse. Mr. Bones and Sans sauntered off to see the sights, while Dante led Nero and V off raving about pizza. Nadia watched the short-haired devil hunter go, wondering if he'd turn around to wave to her or say goodbye. Nero, however, did no such thing. With a sigh, the Feral wondered if she registered in his mind as anything more than a friend. Maybe there was someone else...? That mechanic girl, for instance, with whom he seemed close. She couldn't really ask either way.
Oh well. For now, with the Skull Heart no longer in sight, she could focus on her new goal: Bowser's. To save the world. And hopefully, wherever she was, Linkle's too.
Mercenaries Gained: Dante, Nero, V, Jak & Daxter, Doom Slayer, Mr. Bones, Skelly, Pandemonica
Player Character Gained: Miss Nadia Fortune
From darkness the Skullgirl and her darkly-clad captor emerged, deposited by the latter's nebulous portal into ankle-deep snow and a stinging chill. The wind raced around the mountain like a pack of wolves and just as viciously bit every inch of exposed skin. Yet it did not pierce the agony devouring her, that horrible hollowness inside her chest and the numb, cruel thing that did not beat within. And when the pain of being emptied died down, and the archer could open her eyes, she saw their crimson luster cast upon the snow, but she did not feel its cold. In her pale form its pervasive grasp found no warmth at all to oppose as the girl tried to come to grips with her new self.
“Hate me if you must, although it was for your own good,” the black-coated photographer was saying from a couple meters away, his sophisticated voice obliged to reach a less smooth volume to beat the keening wind. “And your friends, as well. You've got quite a lot of power now, haven't you? But you're in a volatile state. Well, as much as I would have loved to see you paint an exquisite picture of death for me, we need those heroes well enough to put down more Guardians. You've got your own fight now, I think, though I suppose if you were to destroy this area's Guardian on your own, we would have to thank you. Maybe you'll be the one to save everything after all, hm? Or will you turn this World of Light into one big grave?” Another portal appeared behind him, and he backed up into it. “Ciao!”
A moment later the darkness faded, leaving the Skullgirl alone with the screaming wind, feather-soft snow, and ineffectual cold.