Current Roster
Archmage MC's Blazermate, Sectonia, Susie, and Roland
Double's Roxas, and Ganondorf
DracoLunaris's Bowser, Bowser Jr, Kamek, Rika, & Midna
Lugubrious' Nadia Fortune, Big Band, Goldlewis Dickinson and Sandalphon
MULTI__MEDIA_MAN's Geralt and Zenkichi Hasegawa
Yankee's Ace Cadet, Primrose, Therion, & Pit
Zoey Boey's Sakura, Jesse, and Karin
Known World

Where the heroes’ journey began. Though rather linear in structure it is a land of endless obstacle courses where Goombas and Koopas patrol beneath mushroom canopies and bricks that hang in the air
- Precipice Knoll - a ridge crowned by a single dead tree, where an exhausted Kirby wandered up from the interminable southern badlands to find his path barred by thirteen agents of chaos, with whom he would share his heart
- Western Corridor - a marshland whose winding rivers connect broad and peaceful lakes. Here and there are snippets of poison swamps or facsimiles of the ocean blue, where more notable hazards lurk
- Eastern Corridor - surmounting the cliff that looms over the eastern north-south river provides access to an elevated grassland that stretches all the way to the mountains that border the Land of Adventure, with only sky islands of water and slime between the green earth and blue sky
- Forlorn Factory - where the grass begins to yellow and the sky to whiten at the foothills of the border mountains, a lone bastion of industry sits amidst excessive robotic security
- 1-1 - the Kingdom’s central corridor, a classic medley of familiar notes guaranteed to please the palate. Literal rolling hills intersperse valleys, gulches and splotches of forest with polka-dotted gumdrop mountains and angular crags in the background
- Ancient Gardens - a whimsical blend of plains, canyons, and riverland replete with Rabbids and random objects writ large. If not for the robots, the mischievous creatures loaf and goof around in their little slice of paradise all day
- Junkyard - a sprawling dump of wrecked vehicles, machine parts, giant toys, and plain old scrap metal. Remnants of the defeated robotic horde that once called this place home still infest this place, stuck in a rut as they wage their hopeless little war against the rabbids
- Peach’s Castle - the seat of Mushroom King’s princess, where the tyrannical Megadragonbowser once held sway. Its moat, deep and wide, is home to not just aquatic creatures but Hat Kid’s Spaceship. Further beyond, the sprawling gardens extend all the way to the edge of Empty Space. In the castle’s highest tower the Master of Masters makes himself at home
A broad stretch of arid borderland between 1-1, the Land of Adventure, and the Dead Zone. Its unique blend of wide-open space and interesting natural formations, criss-crossed by countless roads and tracks, make it a haven for wanderers and opportunists. While it may seem desolate at first, countless points of interest can be found just off the beaten paths, as well as the vehicles of all shapes and sizes that ride them
- Hammerhead - a gas station at the fork between three paths, regarded by all as a safe zone in the brutish Paved Wilderness no matter your persuasion. Here the genius mechanics Cid and Cindy, his granddaughter, make a killing off the area's traffic. On the premises is a branch of Grillby’s Diner, not quite as cozy or classic as the snow-bound original, but popular nonetheless
- Rocket League Arena - nestled against the most immense stone monolith in the wasteland, beneath the leer of a colossal skull molded from junk, sits a sporting event as intense as it is incredible. A parking lot full of a huge variety of cars proceeds the arena itself, where the spectacle of car-based soccer draws packed crowds of spectators most every day
- Cheese Land - one of the most unique areas in the Paved Wilderness, where actual cheese can be mined from the earth itself as long as one is wary of the reckless racers. As a popular tourist destination, its campgrounds see a regular traffic of vans and motorhomes
This great expanse of idyllic countryside, hemmed in on almost every side by nigh-impassable mountain ranges, experiences the phenomenon of re-generation on a weekly basis. Every Monday, the whole interior is randomly remade, its sub-biomes and seasons ever-changing. The largely peaceful overworld (with rare but noteworthy endgame mobs here and there) features numerous dungeons that can be explored for treasure. Only a few elements, mostly on the region’s fringes, remain constant
- Lumbridge, the First Town - the bustling northwestern hub town that stands as one of the sole exceptions to the Land of Adventure’s re-generation. It is a quaint medieval village with a variety of different features, carved in half by the river Lum. Its primary trade is adventurers, from ordinary folks to heroes, who go out across the countryside to bring in each week’s haul of food, resources, and treasure. In the little castle, the cheery and bookish Guildmarm handles quest distribution and resolution under the supervision of the elusive Guildmaster. The houndmaster, Lumbridge's sheriff, can typically be found there too. Other important locations include the general store Malo Mart, the grocer Ham Panther, the smithy (run by sisters Ramona, Renee, and Rona), the Pokecenter, the Meowster Chef's grill, Mina's diner, and more
- The Hamlet - a village populated by civilized, amicable pigs in the east, run by Mayor Truffleston. With their professions chosen early on, each pig is an artisan in his or her craft, and the result is a highly prosperous and skillful -if docile- town. Lumbridge has attempted to prevent the Hamlet’s re-generation by linking the two with a trade route, but only time will tell if it works
- Marine Snow - so close to the western mountains that they don’t re-generate, the lush Coral Highlands sit atop the putrid Rotten Vale, each providing their own unique rewards to those daring enough to brave the monsters
- Ancestral Farmstead - deep into the Steppe, a ring of enchanted stones circle a blighted land close to the northeastern range. Stiff and gray to the point of fossilization, as if every bit of life has been sucked from the soil, the land slopes upward to a precipice where the boundaries between dimensions grow tenuously thin
- Haven - a city in the Land of Adventure's south, long since past whatever apocalypse once claimed it and reclaimed by nature in a big way. It is a sprawling urban jungle of winding roots, flooded chasms, and grassy streets, home to fantastical creatures, natural wonders, and plenty of treasure. Above it all looms the great Spirit Tree, over a rooftop cathedral where many people live under the protection of Ulthane. While the Root are plentiful here on the ground, the Spirit Tree keeps them (and other infestations) in check. It is a popular location for hunters, looters, and fighters, both to acquire reaches and resources, and to gain experience. One of their biggest outposts includes a derelict train station, which connects to the Nyakuza Metro's Mint Line
- Spiral Mountain - situated in the craggy southeast range, on the brink of the End, is a picturesque valley with a unique spire in the center and a gigantic witch’s head hewn from th stone. The activities of Master Hand have planted a great stone tower on the mountain's flat top, although it sustained heavy damage in a pitched battle. Since then, the agricultural community here has recovered a great deal
- The End - a nebulous no-man's land situated at the far side of the Land of Adventure from Lumbridge. It appears to be a rippling dark orb of miasma sitting among the mountains, awash in otherworldly magic. Within exists an alien hellscape and a nightmarish behemoth too terrible for this world–the mighty Enderdragon. Upon its defeat, the localized dark dimension could not sustain itself, and disappeared. Its islands crashed down to the Eryth Sea, while it left a spherical cutout among the mountains above
- Eryth Sea - a dazzling inland ocean fringed by mountains that separates the Land of Adventure and the Sandswept Sky. In addition to plentiful coastal and marine life, underwater ruins, and a couple shoreline structures like Last Resort, it was home to Alcamoth. Only one winding river drains from this inland sea, leading out through the mountains to the ocean proper
- "Smash City" Alcamoth - once a grand self-contained city, floating serenely above the Eryth Sea as its many denizens waged an endless series of simulated sparring matches, it was attacked, gutted, and ultimately left a gigantic ruin at the bottom of the Sea by a joint operation between Consul L's Vanu Sovereignty and Consul H's Terran Republic
- Twilight Town - a town between the sea and the sizzling miasma of the Sulfur Pools down at the south-easternmost reaches of the continent. As the name suggests, it -and only it- exist in a state of perpetual, sleepy twilight, with the town highly contained both physically and socially, making it safe and peaceful for the most part. The Central Station up at the top of the hillside city connects to the Nyakuza Metro's Mint Line, and features the lofty Clock Tower high overhead. Features of this place include a long, winding Market Street all the way through the city, all kinds of businesses along it, a lot of trains and trams, and the Barracks where the rather small local militia is housed
A region that spans most of the continent’s western coast as well as the ocean beyond, covering everything from palm beaches and rocky shores to distant islands and bustling ports to the horrors of the Bottomless Sea
- Inkwell Archipelago - a series of interconnected islands across the bay from Limsa Lominscuttle Town. Boasting a culture all its own and a bevy of surprisingly powerful citizens for whom the rules of nature are more suggestions, one can find an adventure most anywhere one goes. Beneath its final island is Inkwell Hell, where the Devil’s Casino rakes in the dough
- Limsa Lominscuttle Town - far more of a seafaring metropolis than one would expect from the name, Limsa is a sprawling harbor built on and between the seastacks of its Sapphire Bay. Its population and industry have allowed it to grow far beyond its roots, turning the central castle into the hub of an inverted wheel whose spokes are the canals between layers and layers of shantytown. Great bridges connect it to the surrounding coast, which themselves have seen both upscale and downscale residential development. It is both the region’s economic and military powerhouse thanks to its Azur Navy of shipgirls. It features a huge variety of vendors, guilds, and places of interest, like Hawker's Alley, the Arcanist, Fishing, Warrior, and Culinarian Guilds, the Drowning Wench bar, the airship dock, Sky's Hatchery, the restaurant Bismarck, and the militant Aftcastle
- Kanzuki Beach Estate - to the south of Limsa the coastline grows more tropical, and the area is a hotspot for popular resorts like Island Paradise, but none of those more commercial establishments possess quite the captivating beauty and serene charm of the Kanzuki beachfront property, which looks out across gorgeous coral shoals
- Radlandia - a grungy, altogether strange seaside town that sits at the mouth of the river that opens up into Limsa Lominscuttle Town's bay. It features all sorts of strange people and creatures both in and around it, from eye plants to sewer tentacles, and features plenty of weird and inexplicable phenomena. It's a hotspot for skateboarders, who regularly race across the bright blue tracks that run throughout town. The neighboring subregions are just as odd: to the northeast, next to the mountains, is the Far Far Range, where the slime ranchers who often sell their wares in Radlandia's farmers' market do their thing, while to the northwest are the dreamlike, color-coded psychadelic groves of what's called Psi King's Sensorium
- The Courtyard - far beyond the northern bounds of Limsa, a ways past where the coastal delta turns to mangrove-dotted marshland, the swamps grow fetid and the forest dark. Deeper still into that diseased grove lies the once-fabulous estate long since fallen into ruin, though the degenerated noble class lurk there still, reveling in monstrous debauchery
- Creature Beach - a large beach farther up from the swamps that house the Courtyard, where wildlife flourishes once more. The precipitous terrain nearby is largely volcanic, and a number of tribes call the place home
- Atlantis Resort - sitting in the shoals north of Creature Beach is an enormous temple, whose interior is an extravagant indoor water park. Its plethora of aquatic attractions bring in customers from all over to have a whale of a time
- Blackwater Bay - the crescent coast that separates the two halves of the Deep Blue Seaside, where the Abyssal installations under the Harbor Demon and Midway Princess form both the staging ground for their assault on civilization and the blockade to the Bottomless Sea. Across from the Harbor Demon's fearsome shoreline seabase looms the Midway Princess's island citadel, where the Helmaroc King makes his roost
- Luma Pools - a paradise of blue, blue waters, gorgeous falls, lush trees, tasty fruits, and pink flora. Its aura of peace and quiet is such that even the Abyssals steer clear, making it a rare sanctuary in the Edge of the Blue and also an overland route to the Bottomless Sea
- The Bottomless Sea - an expanse of dangerous waters shrouded by storms, home to terrible sailing conditions and many monsters, including the leaders of the Abyssal Fleet. Somewhere on the other side, the region boss lurks.
- The Maw - a terrible vessel the trawls the Bottomless Sea, away from the chaos of the mainland. Under the authority of the enigmatic Lady, it rounds up prospective guests (either from settlements or from the Sealab) and welcomes them to its circus of consumption, from which nobody ever returns
- Grineer Sealab - deep in the Bottomless Sea lies a massive network of bases, hubs, and tubes, where the maniacal Tyl Regor oversees countless experiments centered around genetic manipulation and cloning. Some of the labs remain in full swing, others drowned or derelict. All manner of horrors stalk those decrepit halls, of which splicers and amalgams are the least of one’s concerns
- Carcass Isle - shrouded in darkness at the eye of the storm is a spit of land languishing beneath the weight of the accursed sea’s dregs, littered with festering corpses and things more hideous and unnatural still
- Violated Fishing Hamlet - the squalid, flooded, sealife-encrusted village that squats in the ooze among the stones of Carcass Isle. In its eastern part of a ringed harbor around a great pit that descends into the ocean, in which the gruesomely abused but still-living body of Scylla was once imprisoned. The hamlet’s plaza is a basin that rises again into a tiny island in the middle, where an old well provides access to the caves below
- Parasite Farm - beneath the fishing village is a cavern draped with nets like massive spiderwebs, and whose floor is a mass of bone-white wormslugs all the way down. Further on it branches into four paths–a grotto, a cave arena, and an underground lake of ruins, where three foes awaited the heroes before they could travel the fourth
- Azure Weald - farther down through the caves from the Parasite Farm, the tunnels open up into a long cavern aglow with multitudes of alien flora, its purplish earth thick with prostrating sea creatures praying in motionless silence toward the barrier of dirt at the hallway’s end
- Kosm’s Beach, Where All Things Must Come - deep beneath the wretched earth of Carcass Isle, far below sea level, lies an impossible beach. There, on the precipice between this world and the next, the pitiable wizened child wrenched itself free from the entrails of its dead mother, its eldritch furor the beginning and the end of the ocean’s nightmare
A solid contender for the largest region on the continent, this vast desert spans most of the land’s eastern side. Much of it lies at or below sea level, and though covered by vast stretches of sand dunes, large portions of the desert are given to unusual terrain with extreme changes in elevation, their unique sandstone formations found nowhere else. Another constant here is the wind, constantly kicking up sandstorms and dust devils that hide swathes of the region at a time. Above it all, in the northernmost reaches of the desert, rises the monolithic mountain whose split peak emanates heavenly late no matter the time of day
- The Waking Sands - the first third of the Sandswept Sky, and the beginning of the journey. It is the flattest, emptiest, and most uneventful of the subregions. Although some structures and creatures can be found here and there, the greatest hazards to be found are the heat, thirst, and boredom
- Divine Beast Vah Naboris - a giant, ancient machine that resembles a camel, despite being essentially a walking temple and weapon of war. Within the domed structures on its back it generates electricity to power its attacks. It provides both effective offense and transportation to anyone able to control it, becoming a valuable but mobile point of interest in the Empty Sands
- Lakeside - a compound situated on one side of a desert oasis, formed of antiquity’s ruins built upon by modern(ish) construction. This is one of the Maps where the enigmatic Administrator oversees an eternal deathmatch between teams Red and Blue, each assembled from a large roster of mercenary fighters and scrambled intermittently. Both sides experience continuous respawns to facilitate their matches, between which they can gather in the various recreation areas
- Pyramid of Wrath - the palace of Futaba Sakura, a tomb created by her feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing. Its ancient exterior hides an interior of superlative futuristic design. The little town surrounding it is mostly abandoned, with only bandits squatting in its hovels, and the whole thing stands across from the Lakeside compound by a desert oasis
- The Drywall, Rampart of Ruins - a monolithic barrier that reaches horizontally from one side of the desert to the other. Though breathtaking in the enormity of its construction, it remains an obstacle that broken bridges make that much harder to overcome. Once atop it, one can expect to squeeze and platform through a veritable cityscape of long-abandoned ancient ruins, fraught with thorns of calamity. The reward of persistence, however, is the shady oasis deep within, and on the path down to the Sinking Sands, an unforgettable view
- The Sinking Sands - the middle third of the Sandswept Sky. Its terrain is more unusual and unreliable than the land either before or after, comparable in places to a sand sea where one is more liable to drown than walk
- Parnasse, Dessert Village - situated among a syrupy stretching of desert is a stupendous layer cake canyon, and within that climate-controlled landscape of sweets and tempting Bugsnax is a haven of gingerbread houses and cream-puff hedges, whose edible inhabitants make any visit a treat. Under the authority of the Fat Princess, Parnasse trades its confections via train
- Hollow Heights - the underlying secret of the Sandswept Sky is made apparent by a gaping hole in the desert northwest of Parnasse. There, one can see that many hundreds of feet below the surface, the sand sits atop an infinite gallery of metal girders, supports, and columns that extend as far as the eye can see into the darkness, either below or abroad. The area is highly volatile and prone to eruptive windstorms, as if the earth itself is exhaling from this yawning pit
- Gerudo Town - past the Kara Kara Bazaar at a desert oasis, with its marketplace and spacious inn, lies the walled city called Gerudo Town not far from the eastern coast. Most notable for the strict enforcement of an all-female populace under the rule of Lady Riju in her palace, which is also the source of the town's flowing water, this place is kept secure and well-stocked by the towering warriors of the Gerudo tribe. Unlike many more anachronous settlements, this place cleaves true to an archaic, mixed Egyptian and Arabian flavor. Notable features of the town include Hotel Oasis, the Bath of Tefnut (one of several establishments run by the illustrious lady Eliza, others being lounges and clubs across the continent), Fashion Passion (Yuria's enchanted tailor), the Sand Seal Stables, and the Old Station, where a cat flap connects to the impossible Metro
- Al Mamoon, Cream of the Eastern Desert - the largest city in the Sandswept Sky, whose distinctive jug-shaped towers and turquoise blue domes tower above the oasis it was built atop, and nowhere higher than the palace of her Moojesty Queen Lowlah, the current Cowlipha. Though by no means a place with humble origins, in recent months it has expanded greatly under the leadership of Vizer Validar, whose single-minded pursuit of progress and prosperity have delivered the city to an economic and technological golden age, albeit not one without its issues. In opposition there arose a Resistance, sowing chaos among the populace, until the Seekers brought it to an end
- The Station - a spacious train station situated right in the middle of Al Mamoon’s western wall. It houses multiple trains of all varieties, including the mighty Railway Gun, and an outlet for the impossible Metro. To the south is the train graveyard, where a number of failures from the city’s rapid industrial push have come to rest, and hidden in there is one of the Resistance’s three hideouts. To the north is the residential district, with the hotel-lined, fountain-filled square directly ahead
- The Bazaar - the sprawling marketplace that takes up much of Al Mamoon’s eastern sector. There, one can expect to find a store or stall for just about anything, from food and drink to materials to equipment. The most prestigious boutiques and bars of all can be found in the shade of the Temple of Commerce at the back. Around the Bazaar is a fringe of warehouses, packed like sardines with scarcely a lot between them
- The Palace - the seat of the Cowlipha, although these days it would be more accurate to call it her bed. She spends all her time snoozing away in an immense four-poster bed at the end of the grand hall, dreaming of cheese. To the right is the administrative wing, and to the left the ceremonial wing, including the throne room. Just to the right of the palace is the Grimleal Temple
- Cultural District - Al Mamoon’s downtown. It has all the sights, including a number of both historic and contemporary areas, and the best places to eat. Among these sites is an ostentatious, palatial gallery that’s much, much larger on the inside
- Business District - the northeastern sector of Al Mamoon, where much of its infrastructure resides. One of the most notable structures here is an anachronous office building. Though normal at first glance, it hides the main Resistance hideout far below, as well as a gladiatorial arena from the future suspended in a massive pit
- Residential District - a hubbub of homes, hotels, and even high rises that house most of Al Mamoon’s population, although a great many also live in or above their stores elsewhere in the city. Various public facilities like parks and even a school or two dot the place, including a desert temple. Beneath it lies the Temple of Khamoon, winding through trap-filled chambers and rugged caverns to a dungeon in the depths, where the Resistance maintained a stronghold
- The Rising Sands - after Al Mamoon, the dunes redden, and the desert begins to slope upwards, slowly but steadily. Painted mesas and hoodoos crop up frequently, their remarkable formations of stone giving the area greater variance in elevation. Secrets and undesirables lurk among the canyons and cliffs
- Tostarena Town - the last stop on the tracks from Al Mamoon is a festive, colorful town at the base of Split Mountain. A popular tourist spot, it provides a whole host of recreational activities, including sports, and one can always look forward to a hearty meal at the Happy Hongo
- Split Mountain - the tallest mountain in the World of Light. From its split peak an ephemeral light shines out across the entirety of the Sandswept Sky, enticing the curiosity of many an intrepid explorer, and it is in that same location that the boss of the region makes its home
- Redstone City - the first stage of Split Mountain. It’s a fascinating stretch of narrow cannons and natural spires, so intricate and interconnected that at first glance it seems man-made. A steady stream of daredevil Riders can be found racing downhill here on their bikes, boards, skis, and more pretty much at all times
- Titans’ Grove - the interim between the first and second stages of Split Mountain. It’s an autumnal belt around the mountain whose redwoods and leaf litter are home to all sorts of woodland wildlife, including a massive bear, perennially a-snooze in his cave
- Baur’s Reach - the second stage of Split Mountain. With spring but a distant and comfortable memory, this once-bounteous forest is now a beautiful but austere winter wonderland of light, fluffy snow. Tribes of Snowmads live at this altitude. As one climbs higher the woods begin to thin out, and olive trees wither among rockier terrain
- High Hrothgar - the interim between the second and third stages of Split Mountain. The Greybeards pursue ascetic lives in silence within their stone temple, which precipitates a branching path between between the interior and exterior of the mountain for any prospective climbers
- Inner-Mountain - the third stage of Split Mountain. Myriad tunnels, a perilous ice bridge past a frozen titan, and catacombs lead to a huge cavern with a base full of mining equipment, among them a lift able to carry adventurers through the cavern’s icy upper reaches
- Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage - the interim between the third and fourth stages of Split Mountain. The place where the frozen and burning embrace in communion is an abbey dedicated to the worship of a woman who melted her own face in an act of utmost piety. Its sisters and attendants are violently zealous, and eager to share the pain they endure with trespassers
- Graveyard of the Peaks- the fourth stage of Split Mountain. Simply put, it is a steep field of snow headed to the top, bare except for the many tombstones of those whose journey came to an end here. The winds blowing down from the summit make ascension so hard as to seem impossible
- The Apex of the World - the frosty lesser peaks that sit in a silent council before the mystical summit of Split Mountain. Within their center lies the great bell Jondo, built upside-down so that its tolls might be heard across all the earth. The Apex stand alone, the highest point in the World of Light, amidst a sea of clouds from one horizon to another beneath the illimitable sky. In the distance the vague outlines of celestial sky islands like Palutena's Temple and Celestia can be glimpsed
A region wreathed in perpetual winter
- Dragonspine - against the frosty taiga of the Highlands’ northwestern shore stands a lone mountain whose peak swirls in a vortex of snow. Once known as Vindagnyr, it became the resting place of the mad dragon Durin, whose poisonous blood still brooks corruption around the mountain. The Skyfrost Nail can be found at its peak
- Edinburgh MagicaPolis - a Scottish city in a world where the road of mankind’s future was blazed by magic, rising from the arctic waters off the frigid coast where Dragonspine can be found. Its unique blend of magic and technology make for a surprisingly normal and comfortable life for its citizens, although its most notable feature is probably its fabulous train system
- Nyakuza Metro - an immense indoor cityscape hidden inside the giant pumpkin in Edinburgh's center. Awash in neon lights and positively silly with cat-themed iconography, it is a transitory but charming place with innumerable nooks, crannies, and alleys, with more food courts and lounges tucked away in the most unlikely places. The lower levels are primarily brick walls, concrete floor, and wrought-iron fire escapes in a modern-day urban flavor. The upper levels, meanwhile, feature more metal overall, but no matter where one goes one can expect to see the Metro Cats, the generally passive and agreeable black-furred residents, going about their business. The Metro's primary function is to act as a hub for a space-bending subway system that connects all corners of the World of Light together, but in order to gain entry to any of the color-coded lines, one must purchase a pass for that line using pons. These green gems float all throughout the Metro, requiring some measure of agility or cunning to gather, and the process of getting them (as well as finding the right booth to spend them at) is lengthy enough to circulate visitors all around the city, increasing local business
- Police Station - home of the EMPD, run by Police Chief Brian Irons
- The Noumenon - a towering library that rises almost as high as the Edinburgh's giant pumpkin itself. Said to be the repository of all magical knowledge
- Grammeowster's Kitchen - the humble homestyle eatery of the old cat known to all as Grammeowster. A beloved fixture of the local community
- Aether Resort - a pristine white artificial island floating in a circular 'lake' in the city north of Edinburgh's pumpkin. The home of the Aether Foundation, an organization dedicated to the research, wellbeing, and conservation of Pokemon, which is epitomized by the fabulous climate-controlled Aether Paradise within. Also on the island is the mansion of the organization's leader
- Snowdin - nestled in the Highland’s interior between flat ice fields, a hilly pine forest, and a ridgeline that overlooks an icy lakeland to the southeast is a cozy little village on either side of a single main street. A warm, shared glow shines from happy homes and sleepy shops through quiet snowfall, and in the town’s center stands a lovely Christmas tree protecting presents beneath its evergreen boughs, its star a beacon to any poor souls in need of companionship. Snowdin is home to Grillby’s, a library, Morshu’s general store, Survive, the Eastern Motel, and more. Branching away from the thoroughfare are the rabbit-filled Warrens district and the lonely, rumor-shadowed Beneviento Estate
- Himalayan Monastery - a remote monastery perched atop the precipitous mountain ridge that overlooks the Alpine Skyline. It is a spiritual haven, and though the majority are Hindu and Buddhist monks, it is a refuge for adherents to a remarkable number of faiths, as well as a couple actual gods, and though few there would compromise their beliefs, the overall philosophy is one of mutual tolerance if not acceptance
- Alpine Skyline - a loose community formed by the various peaks that rise above the misty valley where the Wildwood Glades reside
- Goat Village - upon earthly brown stone lies a rustic, rural mountain village of quaint, warmly-painted domiciles and tiered farms, where alpine grasses blanket the rooves and giant goats lumber up and down the paths. It is the hub of the Alpine Skyline, connecting not just the other peaks but the Monastery as well
- Old Mill - this structure stands tall on its blue-tinged mountain spire, a monolith of white planks and blue-painted rings. The bright red banners of its blades, being more than half as tall as the mill itself, can be seen from an incredible distance. It made for a splendid sight, wholly without any appearance of neglect, since even though the populace of the Alpine Skyline turned to smaller, more convenient and accessible mills for their grains some time ago, this grand fixture of the region had never stopped turning
- Wildwood Glades - known also as Shangri-La, it is a brisk, fresh valley of verdant growth overcast by a veil of mist. In the sunlight that filters through, fields of wildflowers bloom in lanes among bone-white birches with velvet-red leaves. The creatures here are gentle and kind, including the humble gardener Tuley, although the Witch of the Woods hides her home here as well. The water in this place is as scarlet as the canopy, most notable in the lake whose ruins stare out in serenity over the waters
- The Boreal Valley - beyond the misty valleys and cloudy mountains of the Wildwood Glades and Alpine Skyline, nestled against the colossal mountain range between the Frozen Highlands and the Theater of War, there lies a valley of sparkling snowfall and moonlit, auroral nights. Within is the legendary old city of Irithyll, where the choir of the gods echoes down from on high
Nothing is currently known about the Dark Forest
- Gutsford - an academy town situated on the protected northern coast of Dystopiascape. Though peaceful, it is permeated at all times by an atmosphere of fear for the future. Its Yasoinaba Station connects to the Nyakuza Metro. The town is laid out in a large triangle of avenues with roundabouts on each of the three points. Around the top are Gutsford University, Blackwell Academy, and Bullworth Academy. At the bottom left is the school bus depot, and at the bottom right is the Trade Depot. The triangle's interior is made up of shops and businesses and such, while residential zoning exists along the two sides, and the bottom overlooks the scrubland
- Kunad Highway - the generalized name for the region of rocky canyons, valleys, ridges, gorges, and rivers between Gutsford and Midgar. It is home to roving herds of wild trucks that want nothing more than to crash into other vehicles on sight, so it's largely unpopulated by people. The actual Kunad Highway is a mad tangle of overpasses and roadways overgrown by baobabs and sakuras, much closer to Midgar itself
- Midgar - the biggest metropolis in the World of Light, with a huge population as well as a high degree of technological advancement, but political turmoil rages within even as the triple-threat of Machines, Others, and Chimeras threatens the city from without. A presidential election in the near future will determine its future, for better or worse, but the harsh realities of monster attacks, economic inequity, and Redshift sickness concern the average citizen more. It is home to myriad factions and entanglements, from the city's defenses (Psych-OSF, Desporhado, and Neuron) to its rebels (Avalanche, Hermits, Reunion)
- Sector 01 - situated farthest from the ever crisis, Sector 1 is a world almost unto itself, with its upper and lower sections locked in an eternal standoff with one another. It is also the only bastion of magitech in Midgar, and the only place where more fantastic people can take refuge from the future
- Upper: Piltover - a thriving, progressive sector of power and influence. It is a cultural center, where art, craftsmanship, trade and innovation walk hand in hand. Its power comes not through military might, but the engines of commerce and forward thinking
- Lower: Zaun - a large, undercity district in perpetual smoggy twilight. Unfettered development of volatile technologies and reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of it polluted and dangerous
Sector 02 - one of the more unique Midgar Sectors, with the most open space and fewest connections between structures. Its overall population and importance are among the lowest, and though more socially stable than its peers its perceived structural instability and vulnerability to Ever Crisis attacks keep it from being a peaceful haven- Upper: Hekseville - a highly vertical cityscape clad in an iconic green hue, known for its well-run factories, church grounds, and giant clock tower. Its somewhat impractical and inaccessible layout, except by sky rails, lead many to decry it as the lowest among the Plates, but that also makes it one of the least dense and chaotic
- Lower: Lei Legona - a ramshackle collection of run-down houseboats, shanties, and wooden structures that hang down in inverted towers from the bottom of the Sector 2 plate over one half of the city's reservoir. It is wrapped in a perpetual haze of fog, and is home to some of the city's lowest classes
Sector 03 - Midgar's entertainment and shopping center, though what goods and diversions you might find vary wildly between the upper and lower sections- Upper: Golden Saucer - a place of dreamlike escapism and high-class revelry among massive malls. Above the glittering miles rises the multi-tiered bastion of extravagance that gives this plate its name
- Lower: Casino Night - a flash, sleazy, and sometimes dangerous mega-center of casinos and other similarly dubious pastimes. Its gaudy veneer thinly covers a powerful undercurrent of organized crime
Sector 04 - One of the most technologically advanced sectors of Midgar, especially in terms of cybernetics yet home to its most egregious class divide. An interesting and vibrant place to live for those of means up above, but a hellscape to the disenfranchised down below- Upper: Veles - home of many of Midgar's most prominent computer and experimental tech, including the Arasaka Corporation and the Ascent Group. It is strictly policed and closely guarded, with some of the most intense security the city has to offer. Neuron's headquarters are here
- Lower: Night City - widely regarded as the worst place to live in Midgar. It is a dense hive of corruption, organized crime, and gang violence. Practically any kind of tech can be found here for the right price
Sector 05 - The epitome of the city's 'Brain Punk' culture. Almost everything here is designed with psychic sensitivity in mind; it is the toughest place for 'duds' to live, whether above or below- Upper: Suoh - a sparkling red metropolitan. Dominated by Visions invisible to the mentally inept, it is the pinnacle of psychic society and the model for the rest of the city. Its greatest landmarks are Suoh Tower, the only rival to the Shinra Building in height, and the headquarters of Psych-OSF, known as the Otherlobe
- Lower: Seiran - a concrete jungle of towers and highrises perched above half of Midgar's vast reservoir, though before any reach the sky they terminate against the upper plate. Visions of fish swimming through the air best encapsulate its maritime subculture. While one of the best-off Lower Sectors in Midgar, it is in all respects second-best to Suoh up above, and many of those here harbor intense smoldering resentment against Suoh, though they treat duds no better themselves
Sector 06 - A futuristic Sector known alternatively as Midgar's utopia and a privatized surveillance state. The Memorize Corporation holds a lot of sway here, and its Sensation Engine technology develops even further on psychic tech- Upper: City of Glass - a pristine pinnacle of reflected beauty, translucent and glittering white. The austere home of Migar's high society, it is a place of privilege and envy under almost authoritarian control.
- Lower: Neo-Paris - a festering layer cake network of slums, tunnels, aqueducts, catacombs, and metro lines, many overgrown by plant life. It is where those addicted to and burned out by Sensen -and other psychic technologies- end up, drifting in and out of augmented reality
Sector 07 - a rather ordinary stretch of city compared to its more quirky or strongly-themed fellows, where both psychic and electronic tech hold ground in equal measure. Both its upper and lower sections feature the most open skies- Upper: Megafloat - a quieter and sleepier urban environment, with fewer towering superstructures than other Plates and the most dedicated residential zoning. It's as close as Midgar's upper sections get to middle class
- Lower: Slums - a vast array of slums and junkyards sprawled out beneath the Sector 7 Plate, with very few tall buildings. Its dirt-bound shanty homes and factories among stony ridges form a hub for salvage and where most of the wreckage from the Every Crisis ends up.
Sector 08 - a jam-packed urban Sector, more dull and functional than many of the others. Though not as strictly controlled as 5 or as frenzied as 4, it remains an economically segregated technological and corporate powerhouse, and the home of its mechanical augmentation industry- Upper: Inkopolis - a bustling and trendy cityscape home to many evolved sea creatures as well as the popular sport of Turf Wars
- Lower: Detroit - the center of Midgar's mechanical augmentation industry. While it has many dilapidated tenements and abandoned buildings primarily under the control of the street gangs, large portions are under the sway of powerful corporations disinterested in the greater security on the Upper Plates. Desporhado Enforcement makes its home here, including its headquarters the Bunker and its factories
- Sector 01 - situated farthest from the ever crisis, Sector 1 is a world almost unto itself, with its upper and lower sections locked in an eternal standoff with one another. It is also the only bastion of magitech in Midgar, and the only place where more fantastic people can take refuge from the future
- Abandoned Subway System - a network of old train tunnels of a variety of styles situated beneath the earth to the west-southwest of Midgar, nearest to the Sector 05 and 06 undercities. It connects a wide variety of different facilities and communities, almost all as defunct as the subway itself. However, there are plentiful signs of recent activity down here. According to the Suoh higher-ups, it's crawling with Others
- Valley of Ruin - also known as the Eternal Apocalypse, it is the vast sunken landscape between the eastern and western mountain ranges south of Midgar, closest to the city's Sector 07 and 08 undercities. Here lie the remains of vast cities spanning different eras and worlds, all long dead, many of them collapsed, flooded, overgrown with greenery, or all of the above. The Machines' factories lie hidden in this vast area, their ceaseless war efforts sustained through supply lines that recycle the fallen and the process the land itself. Machines can be found almost everywhere in this area
- Aviary Biodome - in the arctic north lies a massive man-made dome of reinforced glass, with a lush ecosystem of alien flora and fauna inside. Accessible chiefly through the Black Line of the Nyakuza Metro, which lets out into the bunker facility near the dome's center, it provides rich environment for tourists, researchers, naturalists, and hunters alike. However, powerful monsters often crop up inside, necessitating quick and well-armed response teams to deal with threats before they escalate out of control
- Dirtmouth, the Fading Town - once a booming mining town, this settlement has since experienced steady decline, and now stands as a dilapidated ghost town, a solemn shell of its former self with most of its houses empty and dead. Only the Elderbug remains, who greets new arrivals and warns them against descending into the Chasm, from which nobody has ever returned to the surface world
- The Chasm - right next to Dirtmouth is the Chasm, a gargantuan, rugged pit surrounded by miners and bandits that provides the best-known entrance to the subterranean realm called the Under. It goes down a very, very long way
- Queen's Station - a quiet, solemn crossroads that serves as both a Stag Station and an outlet for the Nyakuza Metro's Purple Line, overlooking the misty, bubbly Fog Canyon. Two side-tunnels lead to the Fungal Wastes and the Salt Pits, respectively. Peaceful for the most part, although visitors both normal and monstrous sometimes pass through
- Fog Canyon - a spacious, highly vertical region of lavender bubbles, hills and walls covered by budding moss, sizzling acid pools, and jellyfish-like creatures that float lazily among the countless bubbles. Though treacherous to navigate, one can expect to find little peril here, unless one disturbs the wildlife
- Fungal Wastes - sprawling caverns totally overgrown by mushrooms, warm and humid in the yellow light of countless spores, inhabited by surly and territorial tribes often fungal themselves in nature. Bouncing along through the open is preferable to scurrying through the dark, squishy recesses, where more horrible fungal monstrosities and parasites make their homes
- Salt Pits - crystalline tunnels and grottos of deep scarlet, caked in layers of snow-white rock salt. Though more barren than the other nearby regions in terms of life, it offers plenty of ores and other resources, which have led to the presence of miners throughout
Very little is currently known about the Forbidden Kingdom
- Esaka, the Tiered City - a city mentioned by Asbestos. Combat, martial arts, and fighting tournaments seem to be the core component of its culture, and the city is highly stratified based on the fame and success of its many dojos
Very little is currently known about the Theater of War, other than the testimony of travelers that it seems to be embroiled in a state of constant war between three imperial powers
Little is currently known about Empty Space, other than what can be seen from its perimeter. It is a vast void in the center of the continent where gravity doesn’t apply. Various asteroids and pieces of interstellar vessels can be found here. The pit itself extends through the crust of the earth, and the cosmos itself lies beneath, with all its stars
Toward the top of the continent, the ground slopes higher and higher upward to form a vast plateau overlooking the great beyond, and upon that coastal height sprawls a dismal, gloomy, colorless city of countless looming buildings that bend and sag down like dying plants. Seemingly abandoned and gripped by decay and damage to the point of being criss-crossed by giant fissures, it lingers listlessly beneath a perpetual gray sky, but it does not suffer in silence. The Transmission that emanates from the Signal Tower, broadcasted through the countless television sets throughout the city, enrapture the deformed faces of countless Viewers, content to spend their whole lives staring away at their screens unless they’re interrupted
- Oldest House - a Place of Power located in the nameless city. Appearing as a featureless skyscraper of the Brutalist architectural style, the interior of the Oldest House is a space-defying, constantly shifting labyrinth connected to various alternate dimensions through spontaneously occurring Thresholds. This place acts as the global headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Control, where the Bureau carries out research on paranatural phenomena, and contains hundreds of Altered Items and Objects of Power
- Signal Tower - the source of the Transmission. This black monolith, standing tall on the cliff’s edge beneath the eye of the swirling storm, dwarfs the warped highrises of the nameless city. Viewers without television sets can be found throughout the dusty metropolis, transfixed by the sight of the beacon at the zenith of the Tower, so much so that they may heedlessly fall from their roofs and balconies and destroy themselves on the ground far below. For any who trespass within the Transmission’s domain without protection, succumbing is only a matter of time