New thread:

With an army of Master Hands under its control, Galeem sought to create a new world.
The fighters and their countless stories came to an end as light consumed them.
Thus, the universe was crushed in the hands of Galeem.
Those who fought the light were devoured.
The others lost their bodies and became spirits.
Only one survived.
A star of hope twinkles faintly as the dust settles on a new world.

With an army of Master Hands under its control, Galeem sought to create a new world.
The fighters and their countless stories came to an end as light consumed them.
Thus, the universe was crushed in the hands of Galeem.
Those who fought the light were devoured.
The others lost their bodies and became spirits.
Only one survived.
A star of hope twinkles faintly as the dust settles on a new world.
Welcome to the World of Light. An otherwordly entity known as the Lord of Light, Galeem, has annihilated the universe, sending streams of all-consuming light into every game world to wipe the slate clean so that he might build something anew. Only Kirby, borne on a Warp Star while Galeem's attack still picked up speed, escaped.
But the weight of the world is a heavy burden indeed, and his constant fight has left him exhausted. He managed, however, to free a small group of spirits, and split his remaining power into Friend Hearts to revive them. They're a motley crew, hailing from a variety of world and origins, but with Kirby unable to fight any longer, the task of finding and defeating Galeem falls to them.
You're a denizen in the World of Light. You can be any game character from any game franchise, hero or villain, side-characters of all stripes. You face impossible odds, an adventure across landscapes that span the imagination, an endless series of battles, puzzles, and obstacles, meeting friends and foes familiar and new on the chance that you might reach the Lord of Light and undo all he has wrought.
In essence, this is a massive crossover adventure, with the players deciding where to go and what to do, encountering all sorts game worlds, characters, and items. There will be some RPG elements, with EXP for word count and as rewards, and each level earning you a new ability. Since most characters bring with them a narrative, who you pick and what you do will directly impact the RP's events, so the possibilities are endless.
Important Notes
- All standard roleplaying rules apply. Be excellent to one another.
- Your characters will start off somewhat weak, no matter how strong they were originally, but as you play you'll become stronger and more capable.
- Your character has to originate from a video game, but it can be any officially-licensed game, no matter the console or company. Characters that originated in other media are prohibited. Other media built on top of games can be considered canon to the games, however
- While you start with one character, you will be able to get more if you want. In order to qualify for another character, you must reach level 3 with an existing one, as well as be able to handle the additional workload
- While not 18+, there will be some more mature themes going around, including violence
- You can make some slight changes to your character, or expound on one that would otherwise be too shallow (following fan interpretations if necessary) but otherwise you should aim to be true to your chosen character. I would suggest against making your character a create-a-character or blank slate with no canonical traits or characteristics, which tends to be uninteresting and unengaging to play as in an RP. They can also be problematic in terms of nailing down abilities and balance. If you choose to anyway, do your best to give it a solid personality and background based on its world
- The typical posting schedule is once-a-week. I usually make a big update on Sunday evening after 11 PM CST. Since players are making a promise of a commitment by applying to the RP, I'd expect you to post at least weekly as well with all of your characters. If you don't, you'll be left behind at best and (in a dangerous situation) take damage at worst
- If you give your character's speech a color please make sure it's a color that's easy to read. Please do not give your posts gigantic, obnoxious headers
- You can change your sheet's Kindred Spirits even after acceptance up until any Spirit on the list is sighted, at which point the list is set in stone
- Your decisions matter in this story. Ingenuity and creativity will be rewarded, especially in regards to teamwork, but bad decisions may have disastrous consequences. In fact, it's possible for characters to die if things go poorly enough.
EXP earned for posting is as follows: <750 words is 1 point, 750-1250 is 2 points, and 1250-2000 is 3 points, then +1 for every thousand after that. I would only expect the upper echelons to be reached by big-time collabs. You will also get bonus EXP after successful encounters. Your level of contribution determines your growth. Please keep track of it your own EXP, please be honest when it comes to reporting and don't use filler to inflate your word count.
When you level up, you get a Level Upgrade, which can be stored for later or used for one of the following:
1. A new Power from your character's Powerset, something that your character can do in his or her home game but didn't start with here, or something that your character could learn or develop in the home game. Exceptional 'stats' can count as Powers
1.5. A new Power pertaining to a Spirit. After fusing with a spirit, its Powerset is added to your own and you can choose abilities it has in addition to your own
2. A new Strength. Sometimes, a skill is more important than a Power, or is necessary to make proper use of equipment or Powers. One cannot just pick up a brand-new weapon or dynamic ability and be an expert, after all
EXP Share
A phenomenon that you'll find helpful in a post involving multiple player characters, whether owned by the same player or otherwise. The word count (and thus EXP cashout) from any post involving those characters is attributed to every character involved; if you do a collab with another person and the count is 1250, you both get 3 EXP, and if you have two characters that both star in your 750-word post, both get 2 EXP.
EXP gain is boosted during boss fights.
In the World of Light, every character has a spirit, a bundle of light that defines who and what they are. By default everyone we'll meet in the World of Light has the sunset-red glow of Galeem in their eyes, their palette somewhat desaturated. This Gleaming state is a sort of brainwashing. makes them unable to remember or comprehend Galeem or their worlds' end, leading them to believe that nothing is wrong with this world, when attacked they must fight until physically unable to continue, and they must follow absolutely any commands/programming given to them by a Higher Being, like Master Hand. This includes player characters, who must be freed. Otherwise, they act and behave very much like themselves, including speech and nonviolent activities. Only a Friend Heart, Keyblade, Off Wave, or other acutely soul-related process can cure this Gleaming status.
Upon death, everyone leaves their spirit behind. These spirits can be used by those still living, as long as they know how. Heart-fusion will confer a new Power, mind-fusion a new Strength, spiritbinding a new Striker, and crushing an item or equipment, all without having to spend EXP. However, fusion will also alter your character in mind and body, as well as include a new weakness. But in the World of Light, you need whatever power you can get, right? Once you decide on a spirit and utilization, just let me know and I will give you the results; you don't choose for yourself. These changes are permanent, unless you find someone capable of exorcism to undo the bond. The number of spirits you can have is limitless, as long as you don't become a chimera, but the number of strikers you can have is equal to your level, since they demand spiritual power.
By the way, about Strikers: they are capable of using whatever abilities they could in life, but they are not independent beings, instead being extensions of the host. As such, they cannot know anything the host does not, and damage done to the striker inflicts corresponding damage to the host, albeit mitigated by the striker's defense. A singular 'striker' can be a thematically appropriate collective, like Jak & Daxter or a squad of goombas, and the weaker and more numerous the collective is, the less damage each one passes to the host
Friend-shaped Sacred Heart
If your character has reached level three, it gains the ability to manifest a Friend Heart (by touching its own heart and then lifting up its arms, at which point a bright pink Friend Heart appears. It can then be tossed or given, and as long as the recipient is weakened somewhat (lower than 75% health) it will be freed from Galeem's influence. However, making a Friend Heart costs EXP; the cost follows the formula (level - 2). You can play as any freed character as long as your latest character is at least level 3, increasing your character count up to a maximum of 4. If you wish, you can release characters in your roster to make room for new ones. Please don't take more characters than you can post for
Final Smashes
Final Smashes--the ultimate attacks. As 'ultimate' and 'final' both imply 'nothing greater than' and 'nothing beyond', Final Smashes are desperation moves available to any character who knows what he or she has to do and has the will to do it. By igniting ones' own spirit and using it as the ultimate power source, one can warp reality and space itself to unleash an almighty move, but the spirit is used up in the process. After the attack concludes, the smasher has only a few moments before the last of their light fades away and they die for good.
I'm here to help, and in a variety of ways. If you ever have any questions I'm here of course, but I can also take a more active roll in your posts. If in the course of your writing you need an NPC response, want the results of a spirit usage, or are looking in an area and want to know what you'll find, you can send me a message via Discord or DMs to get the results to include in your post for immediate action without having to wait for the next GM update. Combined with players' creative license, this means you can more done between updates than you might expect. Don't wait; call now!
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