Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (52/60)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: 757
Many of the thieves took up Sectonia's offer to use her treasure helmet to get new gear from the crushed spirits. While some were apprehensive or even disliked the pain it caused them when they wore it, their amazement at the items they acquired overshadowed that.
"Hm... Considering the quality and usefulness of the items you acquired, even I am tempted to use that thing for a mere moment even knowing how ugly it looked. That is incredibly useful." Sectonia said as she observed thief after thief getting new weapons they immediately put on to use for their upcoming fight.
"A shame I can't wear it due to its size. But that is what minions are for!" Sectonia said, laughing lightly. Although seeing how this worked, only those who fought similar to herself would give her anything useful.
After the last person crushed their spirit and got their equipment, Sectonia took back the offered Symbol of Avarice.
"Good work all of you! Enjoy your new equipment." Sectonia said, delighted at the results of the test of this magical item. Her regen aura slowly healed up the thieves who took damage from wearing the hat, so there wasn't any real lingering penalty for using it, at least not now, although the upcoming battle would probably leave a few wounds.
"I believe now that we have seen the power of this item, only my minions shall get use of it." The queen said, dismissing the item in a puff of smoke, putting it where her staves and swords went.
"Sadly none of you fight like I do, but should you find spirits you wish to gain items from, just see me and I'll let you use this magical item again. As long as you're a loyal minion of course." The Queen concluded, stating the rules of how she would let people use the Symbol of Avarice. She wasn't a charity, and would be getting something out of this arrangement as well. But as long as people became her minions, she would promise them the power and rare items she always promised to new minions.
The newcomer, Mao, gave his own complaints about ruling, apparently he ruled a world as well. More royalty, but Seconia knew about vassilization, so she didn't keep the chance of him being a minion off the table. Although she figured it would be very doubtful, like that large koopa there.
"The key to any successful kingdom is a proper hierarchy. Its easier to let others do the busywork as you make the large decisions. Just keep them under scrutiny if they aren't fully loyal." Sectonia's comment having a bit of a double sided edge to it.
Eventually they made their way to the building in question, where more resistance members were saying. And they were not only waiting for the group, but were heavily armed pinning the group down almost instantly with gunfire, explosives, and water. Sectonia was one of the later ones to arrive to the fight, being a bit bigger and having a bit of trouble finding an entrance, needing to make her own after a bit of exploring. However, as she entered the room and fired off a globule of void at the enemies defensive wall, a tough shield weilder, one of the resistance members spoke some words and yelled, causing many things to fly about with the insane force and blowing the Queen back out of the hole she had just made, knocking her back a fair distance before she recovered.
"Well then..." she said with annoyance, only gaining slight injuries from scraping the wall on her way as the shout only seemed to push her back. She flew back to the hole she made, and cast her Slowing effect on the side of the room where the Resistance was set up, before summoning 3 fire antillions to advance on their position before finding some cover herself, staying out of the water. Her ice ones were still busy finding the lost mercs, and there was no way she was going to use the green ones with all the water about, unless her minions were out of the water themselves. This also meant she couldn't use her lightning which was one of her primary magical attacks she liked to use. At least her Rings of Light were still available to her, and considering the lineup of the resistance members, she had a feeling a few of them would be dangerous if she got up close.

Level 9 Blazermate - (26/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750
Blazermate was a bit too concerned with keeping an eye on the monster guy swimming underwater that she did miss a little bit of the shenanigans going around her, but not so much as to be oblivious. While still keeping an eye out for the aquatic monster man, who had seemed to be just sitting there, watching everyone, Blazermate noticed that Sakura had fallen. Getting closer, she found that Sakura was depressed, with a few people trying to cheer her up. Blazermate made note of that, hoping the others would help her out of her little funk, as she had a bit of a bigger issue with Mirage and the Koopa troop.
Mirage with the help of the ones that weren't comforting Sakura managed to get that thing that Sakura had healed with her friend heart, which on second examination apparently was the cause of her depression. However while Mirage could pilot that thing from the chair he was sitting in, it also had a side effect of making a large diving suit ALSO talk like Mirage. As Blazermate glided over, making sure to check that their aquatic monster buddy was still chill, she caught wind of the conversation. Apparently this was an exact clone of Mirage, although in robot form. While Blazermate didn't fully get it, as their was two Mirage, she did understand that somehow he got copied into that robot.
"So... Glad the chair worked Mirage. Although it made a clone of yourself in a diving suit." Blazermate said, landing and approaching the group, periodically turning her head to keep track of the soon-to-be monster should Bowser be right.
"So... New Mirage in the diving suit. Wanna help us with the whole diving thing?" Blazermate said, trying to diffuse the tension as both Mirages were getting irritated with each of them copying each other.
"Shame... I doubt that chair can copy Medabots. Imagine a ton of me running around! Not like that isn't uncommon where I come from. I AM a mass produced product after all..." Blazermate said.