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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (53/60)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

So not only Sectonia, but one of those resistance members could control time, as well as teleport! And how impurtinant, kicking the Queen after teleporting her and Necronomicon above the fight, this black... thing confident in its ability to take out the Queen of Floralia and this Persona alone with two frankly small guns. "I concur." Sectonia said to Necronomicon's declaration for a quick and speedy end to this creature. In fact, his powers to teleport others and his even greater mastery of time seemed like it'd be very useful, although his attitude didn't leave much to the imagination.

Her cape wings open in a grandious showing, Sectonia was ready to face off against Shadow. With Necronomicon to her back and Shadow to her front, she began by casting her Slow spell on the hedgehog, not only to reduce his speed but reduce the speed of the bullets coming from his guns. Of course the hedgehog was faster than the Queen, getting off a few shots on her. What the hedgehog probably didn't expect though was just how tough this bee was. Although once he was slowed, Sectonia began to attack with a flurry of sword strikes and stabs. The hedgehog emptied the rest of his akimbo clips into the approaching Queen, but the slower projectiles greatly reduced their power, and the Queen was quick enough to parry some of them with her swords.

She made sure to keep up with Shadow when he used his teleports with her own to do a strange dance of sorts. Shadow was no coward, and unlike others who would face her might, always tried to go on the offensive. This did score him a hit or two at the start of the dance, but once Sectonia was used to how he fought, she kept the teleport strike dance going for a good while until she decided to swap one of her swords out for one of her staffs, and began to add lightning strikes to their little choreographed fight in the air here.


Level 9 Blazermate - (27/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

So, this little 'copy' of mirage was just that, a copy. But a copy that wasn't aware it was a copy which was weird. Maybe because Mirage wasn't aware he'd be copying himself when he got in that chair? Either way, he hadn't attacked yet and was still being fairly amicable like the real mirage, even if he was galeem'd. With a bit of effort, the group was able to get the submarine in the water, Jr. being the one to helm it. Well, Blazermate wasn't going to go down there if she could help it, but maybe there were other ways she could help. "Is there anyway I could tell Jr. when that monster is getting close to him? I can still see him down there... changing..." Blazermate asked the group.

The suit of Mirage was getting a bit tired of the antics going on, asking everyone to be serious for a moment. "Well Big Boy Mirage, we need help with getting into the next room and hopefully fully out of here. I'm sure you know that right? Well..." Blazermate started as her sensors told her that the sea creature was on the move now, having fully transformed into a grotesque creature. "Everyone look out!" Blazermate said, but it wasn't needed as even with a swimming start the creature couldn't reach them all up on the catwalks, even with how much he shook the area.

"Well, thats good... Yeah we need help with THAT thing. Serious enough for ya?" Blazermate said, with even her robotic disposition finding the creature disgusting. "We just need to get where Peach said and work that panel. With your illusions, it should be a snap right?" Blazermate said, unaware that Suit Mirage couldn't use illusions. She wasn't sure how Mirage did it, maybe it was one of those spell things that Kamek used? "I'll keep an eye on this guy as you guys try to get that panel!" Blazermate said, making her way to and hovering over the catwalks and focusing her attention on tracking that disgusting monster.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
Avatar of Zoey Boey

Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Level 6: 01/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 1,273
Points Gained: 3
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 04/60

Sakura looked up at Geralt with big, wet eyes. She accepted the hug, squeezing her lids shut and listening to him speak. A friend did sound nice. But she couldn't help but laugh, just a little bit.

"You're so little, Mister Geralt. But somehow you still sound like you did before." Sakura sniffed and wiped her eyes. The girl listened to his story, grimacing as she imagined the horrible scenario. Sakura was a woman, too. She could fill in the blanks of Geralt's ommission. Girls are filled in pretty quick on that particular situation whether they like it or not. One of the first times she ever got into a street fight was when her and her friend Kei were being targeted by a similar group of men. Maybe this once it would be her preserving Geralt's innocence, in letting him believe Sakura hadn't been affected by things like that already. But, she was lucky that she lived in a world where she could happily kick their sorry butts. Even if she was still an amateurish 16 year old at the time. Their faces made for good practice. Fortunately, it seemed to be Kei who didn't really get what was going on.

Sakura stared off into the middle distance now, thinking about Geralt's words. What he was saying- it made sense. She had said something similar after the battle, but she was losing faith in her ideal now that the Maw was affecting her so badly. But hearing someone as wise and as experienced as Geralt reassure her, well, it certainly made her feel better. That her feelings were valid, and not just valid but good. It was what Sakura wanted so badly to believe, because she simply couldn't do away with them. Even if she tried sometimes. To be "tough."

"I thought you said you weren't good at this." Sakura wiped her eyes again. "I just feel so guilty and sad for Mister Carl. I thought it would make him better." She lamented quietly. "And nobody else seemed to care, which made me even sadder. Plus the idea of using him after I...got rid of him." She shuddered. "It's horrible. I don't have the stomach for it." Shaking her head, she let out a breathe.

"But of course you all care. I'm just- not good at-" She clenched her fists and shook them like she was holding a box. "I don't know. I'm used to taking hits. But not ones like this. I've never made such a horrible mistake in all my life."

Now, she looked over Geralt's shoulder at the situation brewing with the two Mirages. Blazermate and Bowser explained it, but she didn't feel like they understood the implications. That was a clone of Mirage. A person was that suit. She thought she would explain it to Geralt.

"Now, look. Oh, God. It's horrible. It's not a ghost. The Mirage in the suit is a copycat. But he thinks he's the original. Do you understand, Mister Gealt? That's what happened to Carl. He was a person copied into a robot body, still thinking he was the original. But if you can think you're a person- you are a person. Now there's two Mirages and one of them will never be able to live the life he wanted too. All those hopes, dreams, and puns are now knocking around inside that big metal head of his." Sakura weeped openly, the tears continuing to stream down her face. "It's horrible. Trapped in a body he doesn't want. How could someone find happiness like that? I can't even begin to imagine."

Bella, Peach, Nadia, Ace and especially Junior were making good progress on escaping. That genius kid was really brave, hopping right into the submarine. There must be some cultural differences in turtle people and human people, since big Bowser was perfectly happy to let his son get aboard. Junior was certainly smarter and overall more capable than Sakura was from what she could tell so far.

Sakura watched their dangerous ploy. The most disgusting fish monster yet tried to eat them, sinking back into water. "Eugh! Who the heck is that?!" The brunette recoiled visibly, even from her more than safe distance. "Why's everyone trying to eat Blue Team? Not cool." She wiped her eyes again. Taking a few solid breathes, Sakura rose to her feet.

Now the Universal Helper that used to be Carl was being put to good use. Sakura flinched and looked away, putting it from her mind for now. From what she had learned, he was no longer in there. It was just a regular robot now, like the day it had been built. No more Mister Carl. She would just have to remember him, like Mister Geralt said. Maybe some good could come out of it, now that she had learned her terrible lesson.

"I'm not gonna let this happen again. I'm gonna do my best, Mister Geralt." Sakura looked shaken up. Maybe it was mistake but she was cutting her breather short. Someone was in trouble. "I'll also need to tell Nadia it's okay. She seemed to feel bad that I felt bad, which is making me feel bad." Sakura smiled a sad, appreciative smile. "Gee."

With that she approached the looming, confused, agitated diving suit. Sakura stood next to, and then a little infront of, Rika. Looking up at him, she held her hands together. "Um, hi, Mister Mirage. It's me, Sakura. You're really confused right now, and that's okay because there's a lot going on. The kid over there has red eyes for a different reason, he's confused too." She said. "But you know me, right? Sakura? At least a little. I wouldn't lie to you. Not at a time like this. Please just hear me out. I think this is important." She took a deep breathe, gathering her thoughts. How could she say this? It didn't seem like anyone else wanted to step up, so it was up to her.

"So, Mirage. Do you remember Mister Carl? That guy we met earlier? The guy that I..." Sakura hesitated.

"Got rid of? By accident? Well, he was a copy of the original Mister Carl. Put into a robot body. But he thought he was still in a human body, right?" She cleared her throat and took a sharp breathe, keeping her energy up. Then the girl took a few ginger step forward, setting her tiny hand on the diving suit Mirage's knee. Her eyes were still a little red from crying so much. Then she moved her hand from the knee and up into his metallic hand. "Here. Follow me, please."

Carefully, she lead the diving suit Mirage over to the water. Where the kid Mirage looked at his reflection earlier. "And, um, if you remember, you sat down in a funky looking chair everyone was worried would mind control you. But it didn't. Instead you got a headache. And so now, it, uh, copied you. All of us, here, in this room, see a diving suit. A diving suit with another Mirage inside." Sakura said. She indicated for the diving suit to look at his own reflection in the water.

"So now there's two of you. One in the original body, and one here. In a diving suit." Sakura summed up somberly. "I'm...I'm so sorry." Hopefully her explanation got through to him. And he would have the time he needed to process and calm down a little.

Level 3: 08/30
Word Count: 782
Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 10/30

Believe it or not, things didn't get lessconfusing. It was utter mayhem. A firefight the likes of which she had never seen. Jesse was having trouble keeping track of who was on who's side. While she did have a pretty good memory, everyone in the room looked so unique and strange. In the past, it was pretty clear who the monster was. Now, in here, everyone was a person. And unlike Jesse and the team she was on, they weren't interested in taking prisoners. She had this giant rocket launcher strapped to her back, but she didn't want to use it. These people weren't in their right minds. Especially Jinx. She looked super crazy. That's why she was "just" smashing her with a desk. Though on second thought, if she was tough to tank that, she was tough enough to take a few gun shots.

Wait a minute. That weird black anima guy. Was that..."Shadow the Hedgehog? What the fuck?" Jesse uttered in amazed, wondrous bafflement. It wouldn't last for long, as he did some crazy time control shit. It put everyone in their tracks. This Jinx lady would be annoying, if Jesse let weirdos like her get under her skin. Clearly she didn't realise everyone in here was going easy on them. Though Jesse realised with how powerful the Resistance was, going easy on them was probably a waste of effort.

When the time stop ended and the chaos resumed, Fuse fired a sniper right at Midna's head. It connected, and Jesse prepared to watch her new princess ally get splattered. Fortunately, it just bounced off. Guess she was tougher than she looked.

Jesse wasn't so lucky. The exposed Director repositioned behind fresh cover, taking many hits from Jinx in the process. The bullets seemed to bounce off, but Jesse grunted. Lightning, too? "Aagh!" Though no blood was drawn, her resistance to damage was now almost gone. She still had a hit left but she would need to do some damage to get her health back. Without that force protecting her, she was just a squishy, regular human. Maybe in this new world she would be slightly tougher, but tanking raw damage was never her strong suit.

Jinx was being handled by the Phantom Thieves, and Jesse figured they could take her.

Now it was just her, Midna, and Fuse. "Yeah, we did." Jesse replied simply, hoping this meant he would surrender. When he inevitably didn't, she tossed aside the cover he was hiding behind only for him to already behind the next one. When he emerged he...plugged her. Jesse coughed in surprise as several shots penetrated her abdomen and chest. "Uh-auh." The Director dropped to her knees and then onto all fours. Blood began to drip from her belly, soaked her black shirt and then pooled onto the floor beneath her.

(No way. Not like this.) She thought in disbelief, eyes wide.

The red-headed Director glanced up as Midna offered her something. Jesse! Healing! Catch! A pink heart! Exactly what she wanted!

She reached out with her telekinesis and pulled the heart towards her. When it touched her hand, there was a flash. All at once, it made sense. And all at once, the pain was gone and she was feeling back up to full strength. For a breathless moment, the woman considered her situation. That moment passed, her gaze hardened, and she refocused on the task at hand with renewed vigour and understanding. The Director went on the offensive. Sprinting faster than one might expect, Jesse dashed aggresively forward. As she did, she un-shouldered her new eldritch rocket launcher and held it with one hand.

Jesse didn't like this Fuse guy very much. Raising the Tool Gun, she predicted where he was going to hide by her current movement. Then, whatever cover he was planning on using, or whatever was nearby, suddenly became utterly intangible. No-Collide. It looked like it was still there, but it really wasn't. With any luck, the guns he had hidden would clatter to the ground, their hiding places no longer working. Jesse stopped moving forward and took a knee behind one of the pieces of cover she hadn't no-collided, a chest high heavy desk.

This rocket launcher was a new toy she wanted try out. Why not on this guy? It was a disgusting, creepy looking weapon that looked alive, with a toothy maw for a barrel. The aesthetic was just right for Jesse. If a little cumbersome.

Tracing Fuse with her rocket launcher, she fired several high velocity explosives in his direction. The gun came to life with something like a scream. And the explosions were freezing cold. Badass.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potemking
Avatar of Potemking

Potemking Command Grab / Bottom Text

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


LOCATION:]The Maw - The Depths
MENTIONS: Blazermate, Sakura

The large suit turned to look at Blazermate, unsure of what exactly she expected it to do. Had it not explained it good enough? Flesh. Human. Not a diving suit! Her lack of any real reasoning for it to believe otherwise left it raising it's arms to shrug at the huge monster that was now a threat to them all, but mainly the submarine with Junior inside. "Decoys are a no-go," It explained, gesturing towards the water as it continued: "Wouldn't go anywhere but straight down. Maybe the glow could be a distraction if that thing came over here, though." A lack of faith in the idea being of any use lead the Mockingbird to not thinking hard on it, though it did consider seeing if it could bamboozle that thing, since it got the holo-suit back anyhow.

This moment of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice, the Mockingbird glanced downward to see Sakura. The guilt Mirage had felt prior carried over to the suit, and that caused it to try and stay a little lighthearted as to not distress her further than she had been already. "Careful with the 'Mister' stuff, kiddo. You're gonna make me sound old." It joked, but started taking things more serious as she kept talking. Looking back at the smaller Mirage in the pilot seat, it agreed that things were confusing at the very least. It had no grasp of why there'd be a version of itself with red eyes, but Sakura seemed to want to talk, and considering it's blunders with her before, it decided to hear her out. W-Well, I can't exactly do much to help right now, so I can hear you out." It didn't particularly know Sakura well, but it had seen her attempt of being kind to Carl, and considering the reaction most of the others had... That said a lot.

Speaking of Carl, she brought him up! "Yeah... I remember." It answered in a more somber voice, unsure of where she was going with this. Hearing her talk about what Carl was, or at least what they had assumed he was, lead the Mockingbird to nod. "Right. We have technology like that back in the Outlands; Putting humans into machines." Carl was a lot different from the humanoid constructs back home, but the idea was the same, it thought. It also still didn't understand how it was Sakura's fault. As Sakura's hand met with the Mockingbird's, it was surprised to feel... Nothing, at all. Not the softness of a hand, or the warmth one would expect. The empty, almost numb feeling, really, almost caused the Mockingbird to physically shudder out of fear. It decided to comply and follow after her, it's heavy footsteps easily overshadowing any noise Sakura herself might have made.

Edging closer to the water, it listened closely to what Sakura had to say. It's mind raced, piecing together what she was saying and matching it up with the fact that... Where it had just regained consciousness, it shouldn't have been there. "But, I can see myself. I don't see any suit, Sakura. It doesn't make sense that the last thing I remember before waking up was the headache, but this is still crazy." Though stubborn, it wasn't going to tell her off for requesting for it to look into the water, even though it had no idea what good that would do.

However, as it did, it went extremely quiet. Where the Mockingbird observed itself as perfectly normal, it found itself stunned as nature's own reflection showed it something entirely different. It swung an arm, as if it make sure it was itself in that reflection. Seeing the suit in the water, but seeing it's own perfectly normal human arm on it's actual body.

It was difficult to comprehend, though it's own knowledge of Mirage's homeworld didn't mark it as impossible. It never could have imagined how simple it was to see yourself as human, even after something like this. It noted it'd have to give Revenant some pity once it got back home... Though, if it wasn't the original Mirage, were the Outlands really it's home? Regardless of originality, it felt real, and it's mind was on a different track from the original Mirage's. It was still alive, and that was possibly the only thing keeping it from breaking down.

"I see it." It answered, her apology weighing heavy on a heart that didn't exist. It sighed, unsure of what to possibly do in this situation. Things were wild... It was the same person that came into the Maw with them, yet at the same time, it wasn't. This stuff was confusing. "You're the one that deserves an apology." It added, kneeling down for a moment to get on more even ground with Sakura for a second. "Carl, earlier... Well, I guess that wasn't me, but it was, that treated it in a kind of off-handed way. I pushed it aside as just being a malfunctioning machine, and then went into that chair and started controlling him after he was gone."

One of it's metallic hands scratched against the floor, clenching into a fist. "I'm not, uh, one to usually say how I feel. But it was... Gut-wrenching to realize where I was when the helmet connected me to that BULL. I know the implications, but I wanted to give us any chance we could at getting out of here faster." Though it had no real face, it was fairly obvious that it was staring directly at Sakura, simply adding: "It might not mean much, but I am really sorry."

It pulled itself to it's full height, view shifting between the group and the BULL now in the water. Looking back down at Sakura, it only had a bit more to say. "You'll probably hear this from, well, ME me later. I guess you can cut him a break, yeah?"

With that, it braced itself before bringing itself closer to the edge. With a wide step it managed to drop down onto the BULL, it's weight causing the machine to shift slightly, though nothing severe. "Guess I'll hitch a ride on this thing! What could possibly go wrong, right? Unless a certain someone crashes this thing like the Mirage Voyage!"

Mirage was glad to see some semblance of peace, but the comment was still irritating. "Hey, Mirage-Two, you technically crashed it too!"

"No," The Mockingbird answered, hands on it's hips. "I'm my own person, weird diving-suit thing or not. Mirage-Two ain't gonna fly!" It pondered what to call itself, before a sudden stroke of genius caused it to raise a hand, as if a light bulb turned on. "I think I'm gonna go with... Duerage!"

With the helmet on, nobody could see Mirage roll his eyes at this.

"Eh, tough crowd! Just remember it so you can cheer for me once I come back from saving the day!"

Despite everything, Sakura's approach in the end had yielded positive results for the Mockingbird-- Duerage. It was still in need of time to cope, but it could deal with things once all of it's friends were safe. So once Junior and the BULL took the dive, it'd be going too. And it'd offer the hammiest salute it could muster while doing it! To Sakura, in particular.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Geralt of Rivia

The Maw- The Depths

Lvl 7 (69/70) -> Lvl 8 (70/70)

Word Count: 420 words

To say Geralt was happy that Sakura seemed to at least be...less upset, would be an understatement. He wasn't ecstatic, or thrilled, but he was still rather pleased. It was a small mercy in this messed up scenario they'd found themselves in. And he'd learned early on to take those and hold onto them with all he had, because that was all he was gonna get.

Everything Sakura said only confirmed for Geralt that she really was a kind soul. Not necessarily pure, not quite wholly innocent, not if the strength she brought to bear was any indication, but kind. Kinder than most, perhaps kinder than was wise at some points, but kind nonetheless. And that kindness had done them some good. It was what inspired Geralt to friend heart that giant bird instead of killing it, and while that only lasted a short while, it allowed him to intervene against the Harbor Demon and hopefully save lives.

Sakura's description of the copies as real, living people made Geralt pause. He hadn't wanted to think about it, but he figured he probably sounded the same when he told villagers off for trying to kill a Troll that was killing their livestock or hurting their people. Just because they didn't understand, or didn't want to understand, didn't make the point any less true, or meaningful.

But something she said made Geralt chuckle. 'Trapped in a body he doesn't want, eh?' Funny she should say that to one of the few people here in such a situation. Between himself and Frog, he knew who had it worse, but Lambert certainly wouldn't want him talking down just what they'd gone through to become what they were. Shaking his head, he spoke up, answering her question. "It's in the little things. The sunrise over the Skellige Islands. The way the coins rattle after a game of Gwent. Slipping into a warm bed at the end of a successful hunt." A small smile crossed his features at that, but Sakura was hyping herself back up, and Geralt nodded. She was tougher than she gave herself credit for, that he could easily tell.

Standing up with her, Geralt didn't pay her conversation with the copy of Mirage (the second Mirage?) much mind, instead focusing on the giant mutated monster that had appeared and was trying to eat their allies. Because of course they had to be right, and that guy either transformed horribly, or brought back a friend.

What a wonderful day they were having!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
Avatar of Gentlemanvaultboy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Word Count: 1173

Level 5 - (63/50) + 2

Level 9 - (45/90) + 2


Location: The Bottomless Sea ~ The Maw

@DracoLunaris@Yankee@Dark Cloud

When the moogle offered the back scratcher to them he might not have expected anyone to take him up on that offer, but Link was a career hoarder. He accepted it without hesitation and slotted it into his belt as a fallback weapon. Anything was a weapon if you put your mind to it, after all.

It was interesting that the moogle didn't seem at all hungry, but maybe it was just that he hadn't been here long enough for whatever foul magic permeated this place to take effect. "Well, that's good at least. You should probably get out of here before that sets in, this place is..."

Link trailed off as he saw Ms. Fortune and the Cadet reappear up in the catwalks. Were they coming back? Had something gone terribly wrong? His confusing only became more pronounced when when they set to work on the catwalk itself, cutting into the chains holding the platform up and making the journey across them more perilous. For who? Were they being chased by something?

Link's questions were answered as the final chain snapped and the platform went plummeting into the water. Seconds later, it erupted from the depth. As it's mouth unfurled to try and snatch the kids above it Link had never before so badly wished for a bomb. A Molduga. Some kind of horrifically warped sea Molduga, all puss and tentacles and wearing a crown of malicious eyes. For a moment Link feared that it was going to make it, fly up there and devoured his comrades, but it was already falling by the time its mouth snapped shut. It slammed back into the water, disappearing but not gone. Lurking. Still lurking. Its prey was still here.

The moment the thing had broken the surface, without even really being conscious of it, Link had swept the moogle behind him and begun backing up away from the edge of the water. His arms were extended, his weapon drawn, so as to shuffle all behind him back toward the relative safety of the stairway toward the doorway they had entered from. Toward more solid ground, were the monster would have a hard time getting them. As he did his mind went back to Ms. Fortune and why they had just antagonized the thing. The answer came quickly, because there was only one; someone was in the water. They had made it through and someone was trying to lower the water, so the creature had to be distracted.

He looked up again, and wondered if they could do better than distract it.

"I have an idea. Stay here." He said, stepping back out into the depths and whistling up to Ms. Fortune and the Cadet. "OI!" He pointed up to the swinging scaffold above his head, then down at the partially submerged red platform in front of him. "If I lure it over to me, do you think you can drop one of those on him?"

They would have to cut most of the chains first, saving the last for when the monsters appeared, but that monster was at least twenty percent eyeballs. There was no way some of those getting a heavy sheet of metal dropped on them wouldn't stun the beast. Anything was a weapon if you put your mind to it, after all.


Merge Rate: 31%

Location: The Cold Monastery

To say Linkle was taken aback by the woman in the towers basement would be an understatement. That statement would be buried somewhere deep in the earths molten core. Gods were supposed to be august, beautiful, almost incomprehensible things that kept watch on the world from far above. When they had first entered the room Linkle had on instinct bowered her head and set here eye on the floor just in case a real god was to great for her fragile mind.

The sight of this woman did momentarily break Linkle, but not from awe. This wasn't a temple, or some kind of sanctuary. This was a playpen, a place you held children. Messy children, judging by the pictures scattered around. This wasn't a child though, this was a grown woman. A beautiful woman, to be sure, but one that was doing everything in her power to convince you otherwise. She also fit the incomprehensible aspect, but again not at all in the way Linkle had expected. She talked weird when the Father drew her attention, less like she was far above them and more like she wasn't all there.

More than any of that, though, was that she felt way too real. As she proffered her newest picture to Linkle for appraisal the action itself seemed to have too much weight to it. She breathed. She gave off body heat. She was just so..so...there! There was nothing ethereal about this, not like the statues from earlier. It was like she was just an ordinary woman, no different from Linkle or Din or the lady that worked behind the desk back at the guild. Linkle thought for a moment that this must be some kind of prank or mistake.

Then there was the dog which, while charming, was a completely different can of worms.

And yet...

This was the woman that the Stanger had taken an interest in. No matter what, out of everything here, she had said something that caused him to go off. She hadn't always been like this, she had to remember that. It was unsettling to think that the Stranger could beat even a god as physical as this to the point of insanity, but it also implied some kind of connection.

Gently coming out of here shock she reached over and took the picture from the goddess Skadi. She had no idea what a kawaii was, and so had no idea what the woman was asking her. She didn't want to offend her or anything. Then she had an idea of how to find out. She smiled, held up a finger to Skadi, then knelt down. She took a deep breath and placed her palms on the floor between the scattered drawings, then looked at the dog sitting in the middle of the room.

Her hair flashed blue as she poured cold onto the floor. Ice started to grow, first as a thin sheet between her hands before it began to build upwards. Linkle bit down on her bottom lip as she concentrated, growing the ice into the shape before her. Steadily it began to take form, paws sticking out and tail curling up out of a loaf of a body. A chuffy neck rising up, and from it three points the molded themselves into ears and a snout. In a few seconds the ice had arranged itself into a replica of the dog about the size of a bowling ball. Linkle looked up at at Skadi from her kneeling position, he hair shifting back to its prober color. She had only one question. "Kawaii?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
Avatar of DracoLunaris

DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,654 (+3)
Bowser: Level 9 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (124/90)
Bowser Jr: Level 8 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (50/80)
Kamek: Level 8 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (48/80)
Location: Bottomless Sea – the Maw - the Depths
Feat: Rika

Despite having initially insisted that he was an expert in these things Bowser rapidly lost track of the situation involving the diving suit claiming it was mirage, and his initially threatening posture became one of befuddlement, the King leaning on the hammer head and scratching his head with a finger as he tried to process this all

“There's lots of me too,” Rika offered when Blazaermate suggested that mirages might be mass produced, but that didn't really sync up with what was going on when she thought about it some more “Though, uh they all look like be but defiantly don't act like me, least not the me who is me now, which is kinda the opposites with your situation. You seem as nice as the other Mirage, just a bit confused. So. maybe not the same?”

Fortunately for both of them, and for the mockingbird, Sakura recovered from her stupor thanks to Geralt, and then moved in to help clear up the solution, showing the diving suit himself in his reflection, which his delusion did not extend to for some convenient reason. Whatever the case, the matter was resolved and the suit, now aware of its new existence, named himself Duerage.

“Well I think it's a great name, Duerage!” Rika, having been in that situation and knowing exactly how hard it was, said encouragingly to him. Bowser just shook his head, still confused but kind of instinctively recognizing that Durage had gotten a bad deal in life.

”Ouch. You know maybe Junior had the right idea sitting this one out. Speaking of which,” Bowser turned and then shouted over at the round sub ”How you doing in there son?”

”Good! I think I’ve got it.” Jr called back while giving the controls a final little test shoogle to make sure he did and then shouting ”Yeah, I've got it. We're ready to roll out! Who’s coming?”

The first, and possibly only, person to come over was Missfortune, not to hitch a ride but to give him her fan to use in-case of emergencies.

”Gee, thanks. Guess I’ll if I get crunched I’ll just hold my breath then huh. I mean I’m good at that compared to most people, I think? Koopa fizzy-ol-oggy. How is this thing powered anyway?” Jr said, giving it a once over, mostly to distract himself from the mental image his brain was helpfully creating of the nature of the situation that would lead him to need to use the fan, but not figuring anything out while doing so. Least if he was lucky it's inscrutability meant it would maybe be waterproof. It would, he thought, be very ironic to survive the death of the sub only to be electrocuted to death by Nadia’s well meaning gifted/lent item.

”So just me then huh? No one else? Fine! You’d have just slowed me down anyway” Jr asked after waiting for a few moments for anyone else, and then huffed when it looked like no one else was coming down.

“I mean I could...” Rika approached and offered but was shooed off ”No no you're fine, help Papa distract it and maybe give that thing a shot of two for me. Besides, if we do need to swim, that battery is definitely not gonna be safe to have with us.”

“It isn't?” Rika cocked her head in confusion

”Uh, yeah… seriously, don't go into the water with that on, it’ll shock you super bad.” Jr told her

“Ok I won’t.” Rika said, taking this in stride “So... Good luck? That’s what people say right?”

She got an appreciative nod.

”Go gettem son, Papa’s gonna make sure that stupid fish doesn't get anywhere near you. Speaking of that: Rika! Grab some of his stuff so we can taunt him with it!” Bowser called over from where he was in the process affixing the weird gross whatever it was that had been in the jar to the end of the shoddy fishing rod without touching it with his claws. This was not going well as his only tool for doing this was a hammer head, and, well the mess that would result of treating the thing like a nail was not something anyone wanted.

“That seems kinda mean?” Rika said, glancing over at the guy’s sad pile of things.

”He’s gonna be trying to eat me. He gets what he deserves. ” Jr asserted, before moving to close the hatch.

”Jr, one last thing! Here, Rika, give him this!” Bowser called out, before tossing Rika a black winged key he’d already taken from the fish guy’s things. He missed/she failed to catch it and it got way too close to falling in the water, but after that heart attack of a near miss, she picked it up and completed the relay by handing it to Jr with a “here”

”Huh. Thanks. Man it would have been bad to get down there and realize we needed to come back for the key wouldnt it” he joked.

“Yup” Rika said back as she headed over to the fish’s junk pile.

”Welp. Here we go for real” Jr said to anyone that might have joined him last second during the series of delays, or maybe just to Mimi who was definitely coming with him, and then battened down the hatch, made doubly sure it was secure, strapped himself into the pilot’s seat and then steered the sub to followed the two Mirage piloted robots down into the water.

As he started to set off Rika headed over to the fish man’s cruddy cubby hole, haphazardly scooped up the other jars, the doll, the cards and, failing to get much else out of all this, the whole tv which she then she lugged over to the King.

”Wow, didn't mean that too. Are you alright there? Gotta save your strength. Don’t wanna go mad from the hunger ha ha ha... urg.” Bowser tried to joke but the hunger gnawing at his belly was not really something that he could make light of. Rika shrugged in response as she set down the tv and then, on a whim, sat the porcelain doll on top to watch the water while she explained that “I thought maybe it’d make a nice splash?” right before Nadia made a far larger one by dropping a platform into the water.

”Goomba Shoes! What in the world are they doing!” Kamek cried out in alarm down below where he was with Frog, Link and the Moogle (apparently pretty useless as far as Kamek was concerned) where standing when the drop happened, and then their fishy host gave him something to really be alarmed about when he crashed out of the water in all his disgustingly horrifying glory.

The members of the troop who could see this all watched in horror as he launched himself out of the water at Nadia, but fortunately the big bad salmon fell well short of the clambering cat. Kamek was so relieved that it was only when she mocked it with the fact that she was too high up for him to catch that Kamek realized ”Oh. We aren't are we… Oh bother!” and then turned and waddled after Link who’d realized this much much sooner.

Rather than retreat all the way to the door, however, Link had stopped, and then started yelling out a plan to act as bait. ”Are you mad?! Wait you're a hero of course you are. You can stay here and risk your socks then. I am going back into the other room, thank you very much, and the rest of you should come with me if you're wise.” He said to the others, before doing exactly that. What was he going to do, after all, hope his shell gave the beast indigestion?

”Oh wow. Yup. Definitely the worst thing that could have happened happened. Ugly thing isn't he? Belch” Bowser commented on the big fish with revulsion to Rika who nodded while grimacing. The abyssal fleet had normalized her to some pretty gross stuff but this thing took the cake.

“I can try shooting him, but I’m not sure how well that’d work?” She offered. He was big, her shells small and limited in number.

”Guy’s covered in weak spots so go for it if you can hit em” Bowser replied

“Oh? Where?” She asked, not knowing the king was good at appraising things like this.

”Big googly eyes. Always weak spots on boss monsters. Remember that cyclops guy in the ocean? And the other cyclops guy downstairs? Massive eye weak spot. Good guys always go for em, so if we’re playing the good guys we should too.” Bowser said, tapping his forehead knowingly despite being wrong.

“But they had one, and this guy has like, tones?” Rika pointed out the flaw in his thinking

”Eeeeh, same difference” Bowser said, setting aside his own fishing rod based distraction for the moment and rolling his jaw in preparation for some fireballing ”Now let's line up our shots and when Link’s plan works out, we blast him good if he's still moving!” Bowser announced. He’d probably regret it in the long run, fire burned fuel keeping him running and he was running on empty right now, but if it’d keep his son safe? He’d tough through the pain, no question.

Rika wasn't worried about wasting fuel by shooting, not realising the battery wasn’t an infinite supply of power, and so instead she checked her remaining shell count before nodding and making the same kind of assessment. Better to spend shots now, even if they might need them laterer, than lose one of her friends to the slimy fish jerk.

Down below both other Koopas in the water, Jr flinched at the impacting splashes of metal and fish on water and then, after steeling himself, leaned to the front of his sub to hand signal through the window to the Mirages that he was ready to go down into the depths with them.

All they could do was hope the mayhem the others where stirring up kept them safe for long enough to get down and then back up.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dawnrider
Avatar of Dawnrider


Member Seen 2 yrs ago




Level: 6 (2 -> 5/60)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon - Obelisk Temple
Word Count: 1781 (+3 EXP)

Power: Charge Shot

Upon discovering the first telltale signs of conflict already underway after entering the monument atrium, the splinter group made ready to move in, but were slower to act. While others discussed possible routes, Fox spared no second of hesitation before leaping from the balcony in a three-step running start without a word. With two aerial traversal methods available to him--needing for only one--he would have no trouble clearing the jump (or redirecting his flight if/as necessary). Of course, not all of his team could say the same, hence their delay, but he knew he couldn’t afford to simply hang back with them to find them another way if he could better serve them by leading a head start on reinforcement. He just had to trust that they would catch up while he bought time up ahead.

It turned out they wouldn’t have far to go (but plenty to get through after an ambush), for the ongoing battle waged in the corridor just two stories down with no further rooms or halls in-between, as Fox could now plainly see. He darted forth, abruptly cutting into the middle of the action, and sliding to a stop on both feet, ducking low to the ground. His hands hovered at both sides, above his sidearm and shield each, ready to reflexively draw whichever one the situation most immediately demanded.

Having come upon a fight already well underway and thrown himself straight into the thick of it, Fox quickly learned exactly what that meant. He got only a quick glance at the temple’s third floor, broad and square in shape and bearing no features save flame-lit wall sconces and a forest-like array of archway-linked pillars throughout, before an unidentified assailant appeared before him. She moved with just about imperceptible speed, kicking up a gust of wind that tousled Fox’s fur as she paused in front of him. The stranger, a blonde girl in a fanciful dress who wielded a giant zweihander longer than she was tall, stared at him for a brief moment with blue eyes of utter blankness. “Entity not recognized. Commencing termination.”

She darted forward, swinging her blade as if it weighed nothing. No slouch in the speed department, Fox flipped back out of the way of the rebel’s sword, but noticed too late something off about the trail it left behind. The arc of blue light, darker toward the sword’s base and lighter to the tip, expanded outward to form a crescent of hard light crests, sharp enough to draw blood and then some. Es did not pause to see the results of her attack, but leaped past Fox with another crescent slash over his shoulder, then a third at his right hip, boxing him in. The next second she loomed over him a downward slash summoning a spear-like crest to impale the overeager pilot from above.

Then a blue light appeared from nowhere and slammed into Es mid-plunge. Fox caught a glimpse of Azwel, wielding a blue crystalline shield. “Forget about me?” he cried as he extended his other hand. From a spark of light a terrific double-bladed battle-axe manifested, red as crystalized blood and lit from within, and with a form of magic telekinesis he brought the axe’s head down to cleave the girl’s in two. Instead she blocked it, forced by its weight back to the ground. With her sword she slapped it aside, only to be greeted by two levitated scimitars of red and blue. Controlled by Azwel, they attacked like hornets, stinging again and again until she flung them aside with a spin sweep and lunged Azwel’s way. Her blade flashed beneath the sorcerer’s conjured shield and cut into his leg, but the azure spear that shot out from beneath the shield and sent her flying away more than paid her back for it.

She got up and disappeared behind a fallen pillar, one of many already felled by the furious duel. “Splendid!” Azwel crowed as he limped up to stand beside Fox. “We’ll take the stage together!” He summoned his twin swords and entered a ready stance, the weapons crossed over his chest. “Flush her out now, I’ll be waiting in the wings!”

Having paid in cuts and piercings for an unsolicited* taste of what Azwel had been dealing with for the likely duration of their raid, (*In fairness, Fox had intended to fight, so the instinctual assumption that he was a definitive threat on her part was circumstantially valid, even though he intended to help in a way while he was at it.), he had already begun making mental adjustments to his approach to be put into effect. Subverting her gimmick would likely be a simple matter of getting in through the gaps to stay inside of her weapon’s effective range, which was par for his usual method, so little at all would change for him if he was right. The main thing he would have to worry about was her greater mobility with which she could create and close distance as needed in little time, an advantage usually afforded to him that they had in common here.

To start, he closed on her cover with a Burst dash directly for it, intended to blow it apart, or force her out of it. Whether she took the hit or got away clean, he would chase her into the air to keep pressure on, wearing down her guard or health with airborne melee until one or both of them had to back off. Where he used kicks up-close, he answered in kind with light shots at a distance, more as a distraction or to bait out attacks than a means of offense. Long range, or arm’s reach, with no in-between: he aimed to manage that for spacing to control the pace of the fight… while considering that he wasn’t the only other one in it.

Fox’s explosive dash took a chunk out of the pillar he targeted, kicking up enough force and shrapnel to convince Es to move. Being a swordfighter, of course, the artificial human had always intended to go toe-to-toe with her opposition, and doing so meant quickly coming to terms with whatever tricks and traits Fox might offer. The two quickly ascended into the room’s limited air space, and while they exchanged blows Azwel hurried over. Fox and Es clashed at blistering speed, a flurry of limbs and gleaming arcs, with Fox a little speedier thanks to the more straightforward path of his punches and kicks versus his foe’s slashes. He landed a handful of strikes across her arms and torso, but any chance at building up enough momentum to overwhelm her was dashed by her crests. With every swing, landed or not, Es left behind more and more trails of ephemeral patterns that took just longer to fade than they did to make. The end result was an array of blades and spikes that served as defense just as much as offense, forcing Fox to constantly rethink his attack patterns lest he cut or skewer himself.

After a brief but furious moment the pair split, with Es using her blade to block Fox’s parting shots. He kicked off again the moment he landed in pursuit of her to find that she’d launched herself at him as well. She span like a vertical sawblade to unleash two wheeling slashes that Fox evaded, only to finish with a quick jab of her sword’s hilt right to Fox’s sternum. In retaliation she took a strike right to the head, only to follow through anyway into a horizontal cleave that clipped Fox as he jumped away. The results of that blow plus the ones he dealt earlier were ample proof that Es didn’t take damage like an ordinary teenage girl, either.

“Can you stand the test?!” As Fox repositioned himself Azwel moved in, and his scimitars bit into Es’ back. When she turned to face him she found a conjured axe sweep already on its way and leaped back out of its path onto the fallen pillar. Azwel’s axe appeared above her but fell far too slowly to stop her dashing his way. The sorcerer only just got his shield up in time to block a waterwheel swing, but the crescent trail prevented him using the spear he brought out along with it. In midair Es pivoted to unleash another horizontal, the crests of which formed a cross along with those of its predecessor. Azwel withstood them as best he could with his feet planted, but the great downward spike that followed him smashed him into the ground beneath his shield. He rolled away as Fox approached once more, conjured a floating shield that he crouched upon, and charged Es from the opposite side surrounded by suspended weaponry. “For the human race!”

As the two closed in Es jumped again, unleashing slash after slash to fill the air with crests and stop her enemies in their tracks. As he attacked Fox needed to not only maneuver his way past the crests, but also avoid getting accidentally impaled by Azwel’s charge. This served as yet another reminder that Fox was actually fighting not one, but two that would need to be pacified, and he wasn’t sure how much energy he would have left to manage it on his own if he made the mistake of allowing it to last.

Quicker to process their impending collision, it fell to Fox to avert it through quick evasive action. He sprang around the first vertical crest he passed, touching down by one hand to propel himself forward between two more horizontal and diagonal formations, essentially diving between them. He hit the ground once more in a foot-forward slide beneath Azwel’s surfing shield and between every jousting weapon he controlled. All the while, he opened the action on his blaster, chambered a Heart into it, and readied it once more with a sustained squeeze of the trigger to begin building energy at the lens for a more powerful shot.

Whether Es was ready to be freed or not--as a measure of damage taken--didn’t (and likely wouldn’t) show, so he was taking decisive action to wound and heal in one move on the assumption that it might work. His best indication was in his provisional ally’s condition, evidencing fatigue. He would have to wait, for Fox’s sights trained narrowly past him as soon as he stood. With a sufficient charge welled at his fingertips, he released the echo trigger to let fly an empowered, vibrant pink blast intended for Es, knowing that, success or fail, it wouldn’t end the fight either way.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Yankee
Avatar of Yankee

Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Word Count: 579 (+1 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 2/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

The Ace Cadet was completely, thoroughly, totally, absolutely and utterly confused. He was glad to hear that Mirage was okay, though he did a double take when the suit answered him as well. So, there were two Mirages now... sort of? Their Mirage, the original, had said he got a sick feeling and then the diving suit came to life. It definitely wasn't a ghost, but it was a copy or something like that. The logistics of such a thing went way over the little hunter's head, and he was at a loss for words as Mirage (our Mirage) went to confront the suit with the others.

On the plus side, the Cadet could grasp at least that the situation with Suit-Mirage didn't seem dangerous. He was a nice a guy. If they could convince him to help, he probably would. They had the sub in the water too, so now all they had to deal with was the mutated man lurking down there. With no plans to join the underwater expedition, Cadet was on the distraction team - and he turned quickly to Ms. Fortune when she proposed her plan.

"Yes!" the Cadet said, the word falling out of his mouth before Nadia even finished. Pretty much everything about the situation was making his head hurt, so he was eager to leave it behind, let the others sort things out. He went over to the door and waited on Nadia to join him, then they were off. It was a short trip from the command center to maintenance, then back out to the where the catwalks hung above open water. The Ace Cadet flashed Link, Frog, and Kamek a smile that said we have a plan before scrambling up after Nadia and taking one arm of the cutters in both of his hands.

"Okay! One, two..." they got through one chain, then another, and when the final was cut he watched the whole platform fall with loud splash. It was followed quickly by a grotesque monstrosity, erupting out of the water almost immediately after. They were right! That guy transformed!

The Cadet was leaning over the edge of the catwalk, it's railing creaking under his grip. His attention was fixed on where the monster had disappeared. It was about as large as a Gobul, but about three times as ugly. It was the closest thing to a proper monster he'd seen in a while - if only they weren't little kids right now he would be in the water handling it already! But they were, which was the whole point of the distraction plan.

He came away from the railing and turned to Nadia with wide eyes. "Talk about an eyeful, huh? But hey, your plan worked! Yeah, let's keep going!" The Cadet led the way to the next platform, knowing Nadia was right behind him, but they paused when Link called up to them. Ace Cadet looked to where the Hylian was pointing, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely, let's get this thing!"

The redhead took Nadia's hand and brought them both close to the platform Link had pointed out, on a route that seemed safe enough to cross. He looked down at the group, which was short one Kamek now that the Koopa retreated for a safer area.

"Be careful, it looks like a Leviathan-type. They can be tricky!" He called down to Link. Then he took up half of the cutters again and looked at his partner. "Ready?"

Word Count: 860 (+2 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 21/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Well, wasn't that nice - a death room complete with pit, blades and spikes. Primrose sighed heavily through her nose and placed her hands on her hips while she studied the deadly space. Before this point, things had actually gone fairly smoothly. Big Band had proved himself capable and sturdy, it was easy to dance for the detective and let him take the lead in battle while conjuring a spell or two. Though she'd also believed that the stone door would open once they'd taken carry of the opposition, even getting trapped behind it wasn't disheartening because there was another exit.

...but that exit lead here, to their current predicament. Primrose's eyes flicked over to Band.

"There must be some way to stop the trap, a lever or some other mechanism," she said, although she didn't see any such device from where they stood. She reasoned that it must be on the other side, since it would be easy enough to have someone start the blades swinging again once their allies crossed over the bridge, or to stop it so they could return. She didn't suppose anyone would be kind enough to do that for her and Band, though.

Primrose knelt down, checking to see if there was room to crawl under the axes. Though there was no such luck of being able to go under, there was space between the axes, enough for someone to stand in. They were swinging in a rhythm too, if someone timed it right...

That 'someone' would have to be me, she thought. Like Band had said, there was no way he'd be able to get through. She doubted the space between the blades was even large enough for him. Primrose ran a hand through her hair once, twice, gathering the nerve to give it a go. She breathed in and out deeply, then shed her robe and bag, handing them to Big Band.

"I will go through," she told him, meeting his eye's with her own determined ones, "then I will see what I can do to get you across too."

She stepped up the bridge, close enough to feel the whoosh of air being pushed aside by the massive weapons swinging. For good measure she took a step back to preform the Panther Dance and give herself a little extra speed. Then, just after one of the massive axes went by, she held her breath and dashed forward.

A second passed the blades swung down again, but Primrose was unharmed. She was still in one piece, standing precariously in the space between their path. She let herself breathe out, and stayed put for long enough that the axes swung by a couple more times. Much too late to get cold feet now, she thought to herself. After judging the timing she dashed again, and again. She was making it through, the combo of speed and grace allowing her to slip by the danger - until the last axe. Maybe she'd waited too long between dashes and her bonus speed had run out, or maybe she'd gotten a little too comfortable with the timing and misjudged, but just went she thought she was in the clear Primrose felt a sharp sting of pain in her shoulder. Suddenly her feet weren't on the stone of the bridge, the only thing beneath them was air as the force of the axes' momentum swept the dancer away.

It wasn't the first time Primrose wished she could fly. She'd closed her eyes on reflex, trying to keep calm while she fell. She was surprising herself with how well she was faring, considering it didn't even feel like she was falling at all. Her eyes flew open, figuring that something was strange. She found herself floating in the air above the chasm, the scarf around her neck glowing brightly.

...what? The fabric had been so light she'd forgotten to take it off with her robe, but now she was thankful for it. She had enough sense to realize it was the scarf allowing her to stay there suspended above the pit. The markings on the scarf were gradually disappearing, but as soon as Primrose wrapped her head around the magic item she willed herself to fly back to the bridge. She landed just outside the spike ring, pressing a hand to her chest to slow the rapid beating of her heart.

After shaking off the fright of near death, Primrose noticed that there was something odd in the wall passed the spikes. A portion of stone subtly raised from the rest. She wasted no time in pressing the relief, shoving her good arm through while the other still bled from the shoulder wound. She would take care of that soon, test one of the new spells that'd come to her mind, but first thing's first.

With a rumble, the golden spikes retreated back into the wall that housed them and the swinging blades slowly stopped moving and froze near the ceiling. Primrose finally looked back at Big Band, beckoning him over to her. Though it hardly needed to be said, her expression suggested that the detective be quick about it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
Avatar of Lugubrious

Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Team Mao

Location: Al Mamoon Northeast - Rocket Inc.
Midna’s @DracoLunaris, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC, Mao’s @Potemking, Jesse’s @Zoey Boey, Laharl’s @Dark Cloud, Joker, Mona, Fox, Necronomicon, Braum

The echo of the Dragonborn’s shout took a moment to die down, but when the dust settled Braum and his shield still stood tall. Despite these people being his opponents, the Dragonborn couldn’t help give a nod of respect as he prepared himself for what promised to be a riotous melee fight. Sure enough Mao and Laharl leaped out from behind the shield to rush him down, and the Dragonborn met them with magics cycling through one hand and a magnific green-bladed war axe in the other.

Before Mao reached him he switched to Alteration magic to cast Stoneflesh, increasing his defense to make up for Marakunda, then back to Destruction magic to start things off with a blast of Chain Lightning. Undeterred, Mao dashed in and landed a good cut to his left arm, then pivoted to aim for his right. The Dragonborn did not let the pain distract him, but deflected Mao’s sword with his axe. He tried for a counterattack but the blockstun left the blow too slow to land, and as Mao moved to the left Laharl jumped in from the right, a blazing fist extended. A momentary panic galvanized the Dragonborn to action, but the skill of an adept guided his axe blade as he swung upward at Laharl’s incoming knuckles. A fiery explosion blossomed at the point of impact, pushing the demon off course and the Dragonborn a step closer to the corner.

He realized his situation immediately, and no doubt the more tactically minded Mao would too. Rather than wait for the demons to attack him at once again, the Dragonborn took the fight to the enemy. With a battlecry he charged forward, kicking the fallen barrel of a decimated water cooler at Mao for a momentary distraction, and lashed out at Laharl where he landed. Since he swung from the right and the kid had the wall to the left, he naturally dashed back to avoid blocking the blade with his exposed skin, but a momentary lack of situational awareness drove him straight into a computer desk in front of a still-intact cubicle divider. The Dragonborn’s next attack came before Laharl could get his bearings and forced him to block the axe with his bare forearms, cutting nearly to the bone as the force bent his upper body backward over the desk.

Without a moment’s delay the warrior kicked the desk itself to knock it over, not to further harm Laharl but to knock him down long enough to deal with Mao, who the Dragonborn now turned to face.

Clutching his electricity-burned arm and gritting his teeth, Shadow sped backward out of immediate attack range. Elemental magic, swords, teleportation, time magic, summons...was there anything this bug didn’t have? And that irremissible flying saucer, so difficult to target and so easy to lose track of, insisted on making Sectonia even stronger thanks to intermittent buffs, heals, and magic restores. None so potent as to turn the tide, but annoying as hell nonetheless. “Damn insect,” Shadow growled. He disappeared, and a moment later appeared above her, a packed trash can as big as he was held over his head. “Squash already!”

He hurled the trash can down like a fast ball, his strength giving it a lot more speed than gravity would be itself. Still, it was far from unmanageable for Sectonia; a small dodge would be enough to avoid it, or she could just strike it down before it reached her. Whether destroyed early or allowed to fly past her, however, the can soon revealed a devilish secret. With a final muffled beep the grenade planted inside by Shadow went off in a foul-smelling burst of flaming debris and metal shrapnel. A maelstrom of fire and garbage filled the air in a wide area, making it extremely tough to see anything

Wielding a light machine gun retrieved from inside the office, Shadow entered the trash storm. The minute he spotted Sectonia, visible through the mayhem thanks to her large size, he started unloading. He fired on the move, constantly circling and moving up or down as thirty rounds of punishment hurtled the big bug’s way one after another.

Fortunately for the insect queen, she had help that didn’t need eyes to see where in the chaos Shadow was lurking. “Locking on to his bio signature!” Necronomicon announced after about five seconds of being shot at, floating behind Sectonia to use her as a shield. She began to create holographic objective markers at Shadow’s approximate position every second or so, each one a red exclamation point in a black diamond. “I’m pinging him as fast as I can. Mess ‘em up!”

Return fire was something Fuse expected from the normal-looking woman with the weird pistol, not from that helmet-wearing elf lady. The Legend ducked as he continued to run, knowing that even if Midna was a total amateur when it came to firearms, all it would take was one well-placed shot to put him down for the count. Rather than chance returning fire with his pistol, he kept his head down and made for a better position. Once she ran out of bullets and the guns fell from her recoil-deadened hands he’d teach her a thing or two about gun etiquette.

A moment later he reached his second stash, sliding like a baseball player to home plate. On the desk lay his favorite Prowler, the endearingly funny-shaped SMG just begging to be fired. “Oh yeah, come to papa,” he muttered, but just as he reached for it it suddenly fell through the desk and vanished. “...What!?” he exclaimed, baffled beyond words. He nearly stood up to look over the desk to search for it, only to realize he might get his head taken off for such impulsiveness. “Tsk,” he clicked his tongue as he looked over toward his final stash, where his last hidden weapon, a long-range, high-power light machine gun lay shining in the light. “Guess its time to break out the big guns.”

Instead, Shadow warped in, grabbed the gun, and disappeared again. It happened so fast that Fuse blinked and missed it, leaving him stunned. “What the hell is this!?”

In reply, he received an explosion. Quadruple rockets breezed straight through his cover as though it wasn’t there and detonated against the floor. His world disappeared in a cacophony of noise, force, and bright blue light in a blast that put Jinx’s to shame. When the explosion faded a moment later, a fresh sheet of ice covered everything in the vicinity. Everything that remained, at least.

For the moment, that included Fuse. He was gravely wounded and chilled to the bone, but a combination of body armor, distance from the blast’s epicenter, and sheer fortitude saved him. As unpleasant as getting simultaneously blown up and frozen was, he got the feeling he should be grateful that the cold was numbing the pain. He cracked open one eye to see Midna and Jesse, who was not bleeding out of the floor but instead right as rain, on their way to finish the job. Damn. Though I got the redhead. Maybe they thought he was dead already? That couldn’t be good. But at least they wouldn’t be expecting one final trick.

With the only hand that worked Fuse pulled a fragment of magic bone from his pocket. He remembered the boss handing them out and the instructions she gave. Use in case of dire emergency. Well, this fit the bill. As his enemies approached Fuse squeezed the brittle bone until it broke, hoping for a full heal or superpowers. Instead he disappeared in a burst of magic and was gone without a trace.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Jinx sang. She stalked between what was left of the rows of bullet-riddled cubicles, climbing over debris cast far and wide by Ciella, Shadow, and the Dragonborn’s destruction. Her rocket launcher dangled behind her on its harness. Every couple meters she summoned a Flame Chomper, a snare grenade with biting mechanical teeth, and tossed it down. “You’re starting to bore me. C’mon, my Flame Chompers wanna play! I have the best intentions…”

With a final flourish of magic from Zorro the last of Joker’s wounds closed up. Mona nodded. “There, all healed. That was a nasty surprise, alright. Sure hope Necronomicon’s doing okay up here.” Brief snippets of hushed radio chatter confirmed that the Persona was operational wherever Shadow took her, at least. Carefully Mona peered out from behind the fallen vending machine where he and Joker hid. “That just leaves this psycho. Any bright ideas, Joker?”

The Leader of the Phantom Thieves pondered the situation. “We can’t just swarm her,” he whispered. “She said ‘flame’ chompers, and I saw some kind of beefy stun gun on her. That means she has both your weaknesses.” As the others winced he considered his own arsenal. “Leena should be resistant to Gun attacks, but chances are I’d still be outgunned. I can try hitting her with a status. Ghul should do the trick.”

“Whatever we’re doing, we must do it fast,” Fox warned in an urgent murmur from his position in a ‘tent’ of cubical wreckage. He peered through a crack at Jinx. “She’s still placing bombs. We’ll have a hard time fighting if our eyes are on the ground.”

Joker understood. “Status it is then. I’ll fear, you freeze. Mona, stick to your slingshot and stay mobile. Let’s do this.”

As one the Phantom Thieves sprung from cover, splitting up in three different directions. Jinx’s eyes lit up as she spotted them running across the cubicle walls. “There you are! See, I told ya all along. No need to be scared--or alive!” She cackled as minigun bullets ripped forth, but not so fast that the Thieves could stay one step ahead, for the most part at least. Jinx quickly taught them to not be predictable by shooting where they were going to be, drawing blood from both boys in quick succession. Mona attacked first, charging his slingshot as he jumped around. When he let loose eight shots flew at once that slowly curved through the air to find their mark. Jinx didn’t flinch, unbothered by the minor damage, and laughed as she chased him with a storm of gunfire.

Noise to her left made her turn, and with uncanny speed she unholstered and fired her Zapper. The stun bolt narrowly missed Fox’s head as he veered sideways, and as Jinx unloaded the artist’s blade began its colorful dance. In his hands his rainbow-edged katana moved even faster than her yellow gunshots, and it painted a pretty picture in the air as it sliced through each and every one.

“Ugh, stay still! I’m trying to shoot you!” Annoyed, Jinx switched to her rocket launcher, Fishbones.

Fox finished the barrage of slashes with a flourish as his Persona appeared behind him. “Goemon, strike!”

A meteor of ice fell upon Jinx as her rocket blew Fox back, but though Goemon’s magic dealt a chunk of damage, it did not freeze her. The sounds of a Flame Chomper snapping shut and an accompanying yelp drew her attention to a freshly-caught Mona. She grinned and aimed her stun gun at him. “Zap!”

“Ghul!” came the yell from behind her, and Jinx spun on a dime to shock Joker instead. Rather than a masked teenager, however, she found a hideous creature mid-lunge, its desiccated skin peeled back from the mutated bone of its talons and nightmarish face. Jinx stood firm and fired, only for the shot of lightning to pass straight through the Persona and a few feet to the left of Joker. The thief reached out his hand. “Evil Touch!”

As the gaunt horror’s claws fell upon her, Jinx felt fear well up within her heart, a terror that she’d never known. Hands of freezing cold clutched at her spine and deadened her nerves. With her braids flapping behind her she turned tail to run, but Fox stood in her path. As his sword flashed from its sheath, Joker and Ghul attacked from behind. In a few seconds their double-bladed assault left Jinx on the floor, bleeding from a dozen wounds, her hair and bandoliers in pieces, and thanks to the slice to her hamstring she wouldn’t be moving any time soon, either. Breathing heavily, Joker clamped down on a bullet wound with his free hand. “Good thing they aren’t any stronger than the average Metaverse bullets.”

“Is that it?” Fox sounded surprised. “I was expecting this to take a lot longer.”

Joker thought about the fight and came to a realization. “Well, she wasn’t a boss or anything. Just about our level. High damage, low defense and mobility. She needed more help from her team than they gave her.” He noticed her hand close around something that had fallen on the ground behind her. It wasn’t a weapon, but as he looked closer Joker noticed the bone glowing with some sort of magical fire. His eyes widened. “Hang on, she’s got!”

“Yoink!” Freed from his bonds and greedy for treasure as ever, Mona hurtled by and slid the bone right out of Jinx’s grasp. He came to a stop and held up the macabre item for examination. “What’ve we got here? Your ace in the hole?” The anarchist growled into the carpet and said nothing. Mona expected as much. “Guess I’ll just...whoa!” As he looked for a way to use it, the bone turned to dust, and magic appeared around him. With a final cry of alarm he disappeared.

“Mona? Mona!” Joker put a hand to his mask. “What happened? Where are you!”

A tense moment of silence passed before the cat’s voice reached him in answer. “I’m fine, I’m fine! I’m back in the hospital! That stupid bone warped me here somehow!”

Fox sighed in relief. “I’m glad to hear you’re alright. But, hurry back.” His eyes landed on the fight unfolding in the conference chamber between Ciella and Amara. “We’ve got a lot more work to do.”

“Yeah, I’m coming. Don’t get yourselves hurt before I get there!”

A loud crash drew Joker’s attention to the Grimleal Lieutenant as well. From his perspective it appeared as though she’d summoned meteors of ice in the room, just as Fox did in his. He heard her cry, “Floor of Despair!” and a moment later a hard wall of water swept through the conference room and dealt Amara a heavy blow. Another followed on its heels, this one from the opposite direction, but the Siren evaded it by getting behind one of the ice chunks. She began moving between cover quickly, filling Ciella with lead as the rabbit lady tried to chase her down. Joker nodded, and the two Thieves moved out.

Tora and Poppi

Level 9 Tora (29/90) Level 8 Poppi (99/80)
Location: Al Mamoon Northwest - Obelisk Temple
Yoshitune's @Rockin Strings, Tora and Poppi, Kan-Ra, Panther, Skull
Word Count: 1222

The lull in the battle lasted only a moment, and the Witch Doctor started round two off with a bang. In a swirl of vomit-green necromantic devilry she brought forth a fetid zombie stuffed with volatile magic. It charged, gurgling violently as it flailed limp arms, and together Tora and Poppi stepped up to the challenge. Sword and shield side by side, two halves of a whole warrior, they readied themselves and waited patiently as the undead drew near. To their left, Dante sliced through Kan-Ra’s bandages and started swinging, forcing Kan-Ra on the defensive. Close quarters combat was clearly not the sorcerer’s forte. “Assist me!”

“Jump on Tora signal!” Tora told him. The Zombie Charger gave a wet, strangled cry and threw itself at him. “Now!”

Poppi Alpha swung her claymore in a sideways chop over Tora’s head, but his tuft of hair went unharmed by the flat of her blade. It smacked the zombie out of the air and sent it flying to the left as it swelled up to explode, and as Kan-Ra launched himself over it, the undead blew up right in Dante’s face. With a cry as disgusted as it was pained, the demon killer stumbled backward, allowing Kan-Ra to seize the opportunity. While still airborne he coughed up a swarm of cursed locusts that chased Dante down and struck multiple times. He landed in a burst of sand, creating another trap, and as Dante lashed out with a weapon transformed into a silver scythe an arm of sand pushed up from below Kan-Ra. The scythe blade cleaved harmlessly through the arm while Kan-Ra soared over and came down in a diving turn to start a new combo. Sand kick chained into bandage whirlwind into a summoned scorpion sting, but rather than deal with the slowing curse Dante just whipped out the Rebellion and shot forward in a Stinger of his own. His blade pierced Kan-Ra’s chest and carried him clear to the other side of the hall before sinking into the sandstone, but still the sorcerer grinned at him. Dante’s lip curled. “Why don’t you curl up and die already, asshole?!”

Bandages encircled his arms as Kan-Ra sneered. “I have evaded death since the time of the Babylonian empires of old, you mere, foul-mouthed upstart! The magic and experience of thousands of years is alive within me. The likes of you could never quash it.” He raised his arms above his head and crossed them, activating some sort of power. His rotting skin turned to sand, and with ease he simply pushed himself off Dante’s blade. “Your soul will be mine!”

At the same time Tora and Poppi contended with the Witch Doctor. With the better swordsman out of the picture Poppi could change back to her more offensive QT Pi mode, so Tora protected his partner from screeching firebats while she transformed again. Blade extended, he spun like top using the Speedy Sword art to swat the bats from the air like flies. He got dizzy fast and came to a stop in time to see another explosive zombie headed toward him, followed by a horde of spiders and toads. With a sharp inhale he brought the Variable Saber into position and unleashed a Swooshing Slash to catapult himself off the ground, the hapless undead along for the ride. In midair he twisted to deliver an upside-down horizontal swipe, cutting his foe in half before it could detonate. “Meheh, yes!” Tora celebrated as he fell, pumping his free wing.

The next moment he landed in Poppi QT Pi’s arms. She smiled down at him. “Good hit, masterpon! Not too dizzy, Poppi hope?”

“Not at all!” Tora boasted, putting on his tough guy act. “Tora ready for more!”

Poppi grinned and lifted him up, holding him like a bowling ball. “In that case, Poppi not need say ready-set-go!”

“What!? Meeh!”

Before he could protest further she launched him with all the strength she could muster and sent him rolling down the corridor at a breakneck pace. He bowled straight through the toads and spiders, knocking aside those he didn’t crush, until he struck the Witch Doctor right in the shins. She toppled with a cry and fell atop him in a heap. “Mehmehmeh!?” Tora gave a muffled squeak in surprise, pinned beneath her like an exercise ball. “H-hold on, magic lady, Tora not complain, but Poppi get wrong idea if see-!”

“Masterpon!” he heard from the direction he came, prompting him to start wiggling. “Get out of there RIGHT NOW!” Poppi jumped into the air and boosted forward, rocketing down the hall. As she came she prepared a mighty flying kick, which Tora could not entirely assume wasn’t meant for him, and with a last ditch effort the Nopon pushed off with his wings to throw the Witch Doctor into Poppi’s way. She took a direct hit right to the belly and flopped away, every bit of air driven from her lungs.

Tora jumped up to see Poppi standing with her hands on her hips. “Total defeat! Great job, Poppi!” he congratulated. Before she could say anything he pointed behind her. “Look look, Kan-Ra need help! Let’s go!”

He snatched the Variable Saber and ran off toward the other fight. Despite Kan-Ra’s boasts Dante was figuring out his tricks one by one and getting the better of him with his more varied arsenal, and once the sorcerer’s Instinct ran out he found himself with no room to breathe. Tora joined the battle with a Steady Beam that blasted Dante’s legs out from under him, then passed the sword to Poppi calling, “All power to weapons systems!”

Poppi caught the saber and blasted her thrusters. “Poppi laying down law!” She dropped onto the Demon Killer with an electric overhead slash into a flip kick to pop him up. The Variable Saber morphed into shotgun form, and with Tora cheering her on, the artificial blade hammered him with two near point-blank shots.

“Gah!” Dante snarled as he tumbled away. He immediately tried to stand again, only to fall to one knee. “You little shits! They’re gonna have to scrape you off the pave--huh?” He looked down to see a yellow magic circle forming beneath him. “Oh come on, dammit, I’ve got this! Just gimme half a sec to regener-”

In a flash of magic he was gone. Tora turned to see the same thing happen to the Witch Doctor. He crossed his wings, looking pleased with himself. “Got ‘em both! Meanypon talked big, but no match for Tora and friends!”

Kan-Ra stared at where the circle had been. “I doubt that will be the last we see of them. I suspect that they were forcibly withdrawn. If we are fortunate, they will not be fully healed next time.”

The Nopon shrugged. “Meh. Tora heal out of fight anyway, so fair fair. Next time we wallop even better! Let’s find way down.”

Poppi stopped him. “Hold on, Tora covered in frog and spider muck. Poppi switch to water core to wash off.”

Not content to wait, Kan-Ra stood up from where he’d been examining Red and headed down the hall. “Do not waste much time. Every moment spent might be an ally’s last, yes?” He spoke the truth, and before long a cleaned-up Tora and Poppi hurried after him.

Big Band

Level 3 Big Band (19/30)
Location: Al Mamoon Northwest - Obelisk Temple
Primrose’s @Yankee
Word Count: 773

In supportive silence Big Band watched his dance partner contemplate the ridiculous gauntlet of axes and spikes before them. When she worked up the courage he accepted the personal effects she shed while doing his best to stop his gaze from roaming. He heard her resolution and nodded. “You got this, girl. If anythin’ goes wrong, I’ll jump in right after ya. We’re in this together.” After that, it was go time, and Primrose stepped forward to strut her stuff.

She slipped past the first axe and paused. If the first step was a doozy, the first axe had to be a whole different beast. After that, however, she proceeded with speed and grace. Primrose ran like the wind between the blades, making it look easy, and any doubt Band might have harbored about her reaching the other side drained away. “You’re killin’ it, girl! Keep it up!”

Scarcely had the encouragement left his lips, however, before disaster struck. The final axe of the bunch clipped her, grazed her really, its fleeting touch no more cruel than a goodbye kiss. But it was enough. Without even a cry of pain Primrose parted ways with the bridge and embarked into the open air. “PRIMROSE!” Band bellowed, the force of his amplified cry shaking the room itself. He tensed his servos to jump, but before he could cast himself into the abyss after her, he realized a little something. She wasn’t falling. The dancer hung in the air, buoyed up by the magic of the scarf wound around her neck. Band let out a heavy sigh into his mouthpiece, which released a couple of off-key notes of relief from his instruments. “Mercy, mercy, mercy. If that ain’t a miracle I don’t know what is.”

Though maybe even more surprised than he was, Primrose managed to figure out what was going on. She didn’t need Band’s detective skills to realize that the scarf’s pattern was receding quickly, and made her way back to solid ground before gravity could reclaim her. Understandably she took a moment to compose herself. It wasn’t long before she sussed out a switch of some kind as pressed it. After a series of mechanical clanks and locks, every trap in the joint made itself scarce. Band wasted no time cruising straight down the bridge, through the former ring of spikes, and ahead of where Primrose waited. He returned her things, then doffed his hat. “My thanks.”

Ahead lay another staircase, and Band led the way down. “This must be the third floor,” he observed, and sure enough, when he listened closely he could hear the faint echoes of heavy combat somewhere nearby. Before he or Primrose could pay much attention to that, however, another delightful spectacle awaited them.

This time, the room opened up into a cavern of mammoth proportions. Light streamed down through an array of holes far above, possibly another grate in the city streets, to illuminate the vast space. At a certain distance from the surface the natural stone of the earth gave way to immense walls of masonry, pillars and arches and bricks all of stone. How much effort it took to make this, or why anyone would in the first place, Band couldn’t fathom. A much longer and wider bridge than the last spanned the whole space, seemingly sunken in the middle, but as Band went over to the edge he realized that along with greater safety came more danger. He gave a long whistle as he stared down, down, down. “Don’t look now. ‘Cause I hear this sorta thing looks back.”

He stepped away from the edge to look around, kicking at the corner of his trench coat that got a little too close to one of the piles of candles that seemed to be everywhere. It didn’t take the genius to notice the platform a short drop away from the bridge, about halfway down and to the right side. The sounds of fighting issued from there. “That’s gotta be it.” More noise turned his attention back to the bridge. To his displeasure he saw a gaggle of skeletons headed his way, both normal and fun-sized. They waltzed on up with all sorts of weapons, barring the way forward. Even without Primrose’s invaluable help, though, he would have felt pretty confident. “Hmph! Tough crowd, huh?” He deployed two giant fists and pounded his brass knuckles together. “But not as tough as us! Care to dance?” With standard enemies like these, he didn’t think it necessary for Primrose to stay back and stick to support. She could get a few licks in of her own.

Ms Fortune

Level 4 Nadia (71/40)
Location: The Maw - the Depths
Blazermate's @Archmage MC, Bowser's @DracoLunaris, Ace Cadet's @Yankee, Sakura's @Zoey Boey, Frog's @Dark Cloud, Mirage’s @Potemking
Word Count: 819

Although Nadia wasn’t about to admit it her heart had nearly leaped out of her chest when the transformed Moreau jumped for her. Even with all the desensitization built up after the butchery of her family and the casual self-dismemberment she employed while fighting, the primal fear of something horrible jumping at her never went away. Still, she needed to put on a brave face as she went about the business of distracting that monster. She might not be able to stop other people worrying, but she could keep them from worrying about her. Every day of her early childhood as a stray had been a battle for survival against starvation, the elements, and anyone who might look at a lost, raggedy kitten and see an opportunity. She couldn’t fight back then, but fear and hunger -her constant, faithful companions- spurred her on where they slowed others down. They could do so again today. She could get through this.

Plus, she had the ever-dependable Ace Cadet, and even Blazermate came up to lend a hand. The damage to her flight systems meant she could only fly in short bursts, which meant she had to be content with monitoring Moreau rather than helping directly, but the feral appreciated any companionship up here. With her allies’ help Nadia proceeded with her strategy. After one more chain-suspended section of catwalk went hurtling down toward the water, the trio reached the long bridge Nadia crossed earlier, the one with the missing grates in the middle. Enough grates still lay in place on either side to present an opportunity, and the strength of a couple four-year-olds proved enough to lift the grates from their housings and slide them out, no hazardous chain-cutting required. With every object that splashed into the water the monster fish made his presence known, bellowing awfully as he surfaced to take another shot at the kids disturbing his domain. Each time he came a little close for comfort but short of the mark, though once one of his tentacles actually brushed Nadia’s tail. She jumped, then in a feat of childish disrespect that felt very appropriate to the situation at hand stuck out her tongue to blow a raspberry at the horror. “Yeah, keep tryin’, freakshow! This cat ain’t gonna be fish food!”

Two grates into the bridge Nadia heard a whistle from afar, and looked down toward the submerged scaffolding by the Depths’ entrance to see Link standing alone, makeshift weapons in hand. His expression was serious, so despite how cute it was seeing a little kid so ready for war with a tennis racket and back scratcher, Nadia craned her cat ears to hear him over the noise of Moreau sloshing through the water. So, he wanted to try dropping some heavy metal, huh? The idea of attacking the monster directly never really occurred to Nadia, given the sheer luck it would take with her strategy. But if someone could guarantee the abomination’s position? That could work! By the looks of it Ace thought the same thing, which meant they were in agreement. “Yeah, let’s do it!” Nadia called back, getting ready to move.

After making it once she knew the path that lay before them was dangerous, but by no means impossible. “Okay, we’ve just gotta get back to where we started,” she then said aloud, as much for herself as her partner in crime. “I’ll show ya how I crossed this bridge in the first place. After that it’s easy thanks to my...fan.” Her little face scrunched up as she remembered who she entrusted it to. “Rats. Guess my way’s no good. Well, at least BJ’s got it for an emergency.” Once again she pictured the young Koopa using it like a propeller to get to safety, totally oblivious to the issues of using the device underwater.

Instead her mental power went to wondering how long it would take her and Ace to get through the aerial maze again. They needed to be dropping stuff at all times to keep the heat off Junior and the other divers. Her thought processes paused as Moreau breached once again, hurling himself in her general direction even though she and Ace hadn’t sent any more distractions. “Hopefully he’s mad enough at us he won’t notice the others while we’re movin’,” she remarked, a little more nervously than she would have liked. She did not expect Ace to take her hand, his touch full of warmth and reassurance. “Huh?” But there was no time for questions. He led her across an alternative route through the labyrinth, one that put them right where they needed to be. Ace positioned the cutters, and with renewed vigor Nadia seized the other side. “Ready!”

It came down to Link. He needed to get the monster’s attention from ground level without getting snapped up by those wretched jaws. “You got this, little hero!” she called down.

One by one the divers in the Command Center took the plunge, with the intrepid Bowser Junior leading the way. Although the resolute Mockingbird intended to follow the BULL down, it took long enough for Bella to maneuver the Universal Helper up, over, and down into the central pit that the diving suit had more than enough time to jump in itself. A few moments later the BULL splashed down behind it, and at Mirage’s direction its vortex motor kicked into gear to propel it through the water with respectable speed.

As the machine disappeared into the deep, with the eyes of all those who remained upon it, Bella took a deep breath and let herself down from the comm station’s chair. She didn’t know what to make of the goop-filled suit that called itself Duerage, but whatever it was, it represented one of three chances to access the controls that would get everyone out of this godforsaken place. But she knew they weren't equal. The Universal Helper was just remote-controlled metal, totally disposable and an ideal tool for the job. Whether human or not the Mockingbird couldn’t be killed like Junior and his faithful Mimikyu could. Being honest with herself, Bella was terrified for the two. “Good luck down there, guys,” she told them, hoping that the prayers of the Seekers would reach those brave few who faced the Depths.

Down below, the divers were greeted by oppressive darkness. Making any progress at all demanded that the onboard lights of all three crafts be switched on, especially for the Mockingbird if it were to have any idea of what lay beneath it as it drifted straight to the bottom. Once on, their lights shone through water mostly devoid of murkiness or organic contamination, revealing a flooded factory frozen in time. Rusty machines and structures provided a lot of clutter to carefully navigate around, but no sealife appeared to challenge them. From off to the left there issued intermittent grunts and bellows that reverberated through the deep, and the traces of movement in that direction suggested the presence of a single large creature near the surface--the hideous fish-monstrosity currently occupied by the efforts of Nadia and the Cadet. So long as the divers didn’t give off too much noise -or foolishly shine their lights Moreau’s way- they could focus on the descent. The plan was working.

Mirage saw something first. As he worked the BULL’s roving lights, scoping out the machinery and other obstacles he needed to guide the robot past, he happened to land his light on a corpse-white body afloat in the water, motionless except for the slow swirl of her incredibly long, pitch-black hair. Most eerily, though the body’s head pointed directly at him, she had no face whatsoever. Just a blank, featureless stretch of pale skin. When he continued his descent he kept his light on the body as long as he could, then moved it to make sure the BULL could navigate around a couple pipes. When he sent the light back up to check on the corpse, it was gone.

A few moments later, the light of Junior’s sub revealed an unrotted, raven-haired body in the water. This one floated close to the side of a large, cylindrical structure, sprawled as if swimming, but neither its limbs nor its disquietingly faceless head made a movement of any sort. A moment after Junior relocated the light, however, a sudden spike in anxiety directed him to move it back, just in case. It had been gone for just a moment, but when the beacon fell on the cadaver again, it wasn’t where it had been. It was closer. Much closer. Just a few meters away. And its hand was reaching out toward the glass.

The Mockingbird alighted softly on the factory’s bottom floor. Cluttered with tools, materials, structure gel growths, and products rendered inscrutable by their water damage and various states of completion, it offered tricky but workable terrain to an entrepreneuring diving suit. A right turn put the Mockingbird on course for the flow controls that lay somewhere on the flooded factory’s wall opposite the door the Seekers entered through. Were there nothing in its way the suit could mosey on over and beat the others to it by a long shot, but that didn’t appear to be the case. Through the gloom ahead the Mockingbird could see a pale pink glow that slid through the water, a lone light in the darkness. Behind it followed something unnatural, pulled along as if by a carrot on a stick, yet as it became aware of the diving suit’s headlamp it was drawn like a moth toward the stronger source of light.

Cold Monastery

Location: Frozen Highlands - Alpine Skyline
Linkle’s @Gentlemanvaultboy

With both Monastery visitors at something of a loss, a few seconds passed in silence before Skadi changed gears again and started lavishing her dog with attention, stroking his his, cupping his ears, and squeezing his cheeks. Still bewildered, Albedo could only look on and wildly speculate until Linkle took action. As she lowered herself and her hair changed color, he backed up to give her room to work her magic, curious what she intended to do with her ice. As she beckoned and molded her freezing power, giving it definition bit by bit, his weren’t the only eyes on her. Skadi herself seemed excited, bobbing back and forth with her eyes fixed on the wintry enchantment being built before her. It didn’t take long for her to recognize what Linkle was making, and her eyes sparkled with delight when they beheld the finished sculpture.

After giving her dog a final pat the vacant goddess scooted forward toward the Skullgirl’s offering. “Sooo kawaii!” she sang, a big smile on her face. She laid her hand on the glacious Shiba Inu’s head as if to pet it, only for her eyes to widen in surprise and fascination. “Such...cold…”

A cool mist issued from the point of contact. For a moment, Skadi was still, her breathing soft. A living, breathing, material goddess knelt before Linkle, just a handful of inches away, on the other side of her sculpture. She was close enough that the girl could see her eyes, and for a moment it looked as though a light glowed within, crisp and clear as a cloudless winter sky. From here she could also make out faint lines straight above and curved around the bottom of her right eye, like face paint. Had those always been there? Just as with her eyes, it was nearly impossible to tell, so dim were these traces. Unable to feel the cold, Linkle didn’t think to look down until Albedo whispered her name. “Linkle…” He directed her gaze down to the ice dog, the sight of which prompted an unexpected realization. At Skadi’s touch, it had grown larger, bolstered by fresh ice, the source of which could only be the goddess herself. This strange woman who looked so totally out of place in the Frozen Highlands retained some trace of winter inside her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

LOCATION: Al Mamoon Northeast - Rocket Inc.

Mao simply scoffed at the idea of his blow being deflected by the Dragonborn, both insulted and impressed a human had the capacity he did, but being impressed wasn't a reason to spare the man any pain. Regaining his stance he took a right-sided approach, allowing Laharl to attempt a push to the left. As much as he was disgusted with the bare-chested runt he was competent enough to aide in pressuring this guy. That unfortunately came to an end as the Dragonborn realized he was getting cornered, and lashed out in response: The water cooler's barrel hit Mao in the legs, tripping him up and causing him to plant face-first into the floor. The impact busting his nose, but a little more bleeding after the bullets from earlier wouldn't kill him. It did, however, leave him taking a moment to recover while the Dragonborn dealt with Laharl.

Once Mao stood, he noticed the quick-paced carnage that the warrior had dished out: Laharl was injured, pretty bad Mao'd say, and the four-eyed Demon wasn't sure if he had healing items. Gritting his teeth, he noted that this was a one-on-one conflict for the moment: Perhaps not because Laharl couldn't stand, but if he died, it'd probably get pushed onto Mao somehow. And while he didn't need this runt overlord on his side, he didn't need the others against him because the one teammate around him ended up dead. "Whatever!" He muttered aggressively to himself, planning to charge a Star attack to punch straight through this warrior. However, as he clenched his fist, he felt nothing. Momentarily, he looked at his hand in shock, unsure of where the hell his magic went. Unknown to him, the chain lightning from earlier hadn't hurt terribly bad, but it had the side-effect of draining the magic reserves of anyone it damaged as well. Leaving Mao dry on magic, much to his annoyance.

If he tried to chug a BBQ bottle to restore his magic, he'd either get rushed or the Dragonborn would kill Laharl outright, probably. So that just meant it was time to keep the good 'ol physical combat flowing. Not Mao's last resort by any means, so he was okay with it. He just had a much more varied opponent than he first expected, and that was coming around to bite him in the ass.

Not having much of a choice, third time was hopefully the charm on charging this guy. If anything, Mao was a persistent and stubborn bastard. Though going head-to-head seemed to be semi-effective, with his scrawny blue-haired distraction injured he'd have to make due by himself. He'd say he worked better alone, but that was less for a villain and more the lines of some cringe-inducing anti-hero. Mao didn't want to be mixed up in that crowd.

Sheathing his sword, Mao stuck close to the wall: Scooping up a couple of fallen picture frames before giving them a hardy toss during his approach, both violently spinning as they made their way towards the Dragonborn. If the guy could tank one of his blasts, then Mao didn't expect the frame projectiles to do much other than distract as one of his feet met the wall, leaving imprints as his second foot came up to the wall as well, the fast-paced demon managing to gain a bit of height from a few additional steps while also getting closer to the Dragonborn. A leap of the wall leaving a small crater as Mao took to the air, aiming to grab the Dragonborn by the horns of his helmet. The momentum sending Mao towards the Dragonborn and his's own strength could provide enough of a force to drag him down backwards to slam him against the ground, or at least the white-haired demon could hope. If that could succeed, Mao figured ringing that skull of his with a solid stomp afterwards could aid in delivering some additional damage.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Potemking Command Grab / Bottom Text

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

LOCATION:The Maw - The Depths, Underwater

Though it'd taken some effort, they were finally able to begin their war path towards the flow controls. All the talk around him about this 'big monster thing' was getting him kind of concerned, some of the group seeming to leave as well, or at least Blazermate's heavier steps seemed to imply such. It made him realize that, despite the effort here, he wasn't really in much danger, was he? He wasn't exactly sticking his neck out at the moment, though honestly with the strength he currently had just thinking straight was just about too much to handle. There was a bit of respect for the others who remained action oriented even in these conditions. Though, if roles were reversed, he'd try his best too, he figured. Or, maybe hoped?

Regardless, he couldn't do a whole lot to respond to Junior once he picked up his signals on the BULL's camera. A gestured pincer his way as a sign he noticed, at the very least. But before long it was time to go. Mirage had no hesitation in diving into the depths, the BULL fully disappearing from view along with Duerage who offered a hammy salute like he was on a sinking ship, before being left with nothing but dark, murky water to deal with.

Mirage hardly noticed when the Mockingbird took the dive: He figured it'd stay atop the BULL but rather, it seemed to have it's own objective, or wanted to be alone. It quickly sank out of view for him, and left him mostly alone, though he tried to keep around Junior in case something went down. Unfortunately it was difficult, the BULL having to navigate the debris while the smaller submarine had a much easier time going about it. The BULL's light was a necessity to see under here, noting that if this water wasn't 'cursed' or something, then drinking it would probably kill you anyways, because of how damn dirty it had to be. The thought of water caused Mirage to bite at his dried lips, a little ping of desperation making him thirstier, despite the grossout.

Mirage caught something in his lights to distract from that: Disturbingly enough there was a corpse in the water, just drifting. It was pale, the skin pruned from the water, which was gross enough when you got out of the shower, let alone on a corpse. Seems like we weren't the first ones down here. He speculated, but was caught off guard as it's face, or stretch of free real estate on it's head that was supposed to be a face, was just empty. The disturbing sight caused Mirage's actual body to recoil, stumbling as he nearly fell off his shoebox. He didn't want to know why it didn't have a face, and he wasn't looking to have any of his friends end up like that. So he set it aside with minor navigation troubles: The BULL shifting between some pipes, Mirage flashing back to look at the body again out of paranoia, only to find it was gone.

Cold sweat leaked out from the helmet, Mirage feeling genuinely unnerved by the fact it had disappeared in such a short amount of time. "It just drifted away." He told himself, not wanting to press the matter further. Rather, he pushed on: Light from the BULL dimming as it made turns, trying to not alert the giant fish to their location. It's descent was slow, but steady. It hoped to reach the bottom a bit faster, though navigating the mess underwater was proving to make that more difficult than he originally thought. But with persistence, he'd manage to get down there! Or at least he hoped.

Mockingbird 'Duerage'

LOCATION: The Maw - The Depths, Underwater

Duerage had used it's time sinking to the bottom to think. The conversation it had with Sakura was helpful, but there were a lot of issues it had the more it thought about the situation, growing more sad than anything. Just because there were two Mirage's, didn't mean there were two Evelyn Witt's. Two moms. Two Ramya's. Two Renee's. Would it's friends still be it's friends, even if it wasn't the original Mirage? Maybe Renee could help, actually. She had that whole 'alternate universe traveler' thing going on. Maybe she could find a world where Evelyn lost her last son. A place that could be filled in, in some way. Was that disrespecting to it's deceased self? Wrong to do, in general? probably didn't matter. Whatever the situation was to get home, that was the first task. And with this ship, it seemed like a hefty one.

Least Path would treat me the same. It mused, finding a little happiness in the thought of his tin-can friend. He was sort of a tin-can too, now, so maybe they'd get along better! Find enthusiasm in the little things, that was how Elliot rolled! But as usual, that enthusiasm was finding itself acting as a shield rather than just a source of joy. it'd never been deep-sea diving before, so this was actually pretty fun aside from the paranoia instilled in it from the thought of a huge monster being around here.

Traversal was easy enough. With it's firm grip it could easily pull itself up most obstacles, at a slow but steady pace. With such a fast descent, it mused that this would be pretty fast and they could get on out of here. But it seemed the waters had other plans, as there was a strange, somewhat faint glow coming in Duerage's direction. Focusing on it came to show it wasn't Junior's sub, either. Rather, it seemed to be some sort of round fish with huge teeth.Tch, nuts... It tried to think fast, taking in the area for a moment before shutting it's light off. Slowly, it moved off the path it was on, reaching out to try and find anything solid: Hand coming into connection with some old scrap that served as a bit of an obstacle, but also a fair enough wall to hunker down against for a second.

If I leave it, it could go after the others, or come back to me once I have my light on. Duerage thought, reaching back to the scrap behind it to snatch up any piece of metal it could get it's hands on. It managed to grab the remnants of some smaller pipe, pulling it out of the pile thankfully without causing the rest to fall. It wielded the pipe with the intent to lash out and stab the creature as it floated by. Heh, it wondered how Bloodhound would respond to this. probably something along the lines of yadda yadda, Félagi Fighter, yadda, slátra.

It tried to not let it's amusement distract it from the task at hand.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
Avatar of Zoey Boey

Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Level 3: 10/30
Word Count: 627
Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 11/30

The rockets connected! Her plan worked pretty damn well. Shadow the Hedgehog (Yes, the one from the video game) briefly appeared and screwed over his teammate. Shortly there afterward, her new semi-sentient rocket launcher blew Fuse to bits. Well, mostly. He was still alive, which was good. He used something to warp out. She'd probably have to beat him twice.

"I have no idea how to reload this thing." Jesse said, taking a closer look at her rocket launcher. After a few moments she just set it down on the floor. It was just slowing her down. Maybe she'd go back and pick it up later, or something.

"Anyway." Jesse plucked at the fabric of her shirt, which was also repaired by the Friend Heart.

Now that she was free of Galeem's influence, Jesse's eyes were the blue-green they were supposed to be instead of covered by that red sheen. A great weight had been lifted off her shoulders as she could now comprehend the full depth of the situation. There was nothing she hated more than not having full control of her faculties. For the first time in a long time, she could think clearly.

"Thank you, Princess Midna." Jesse went over to Midna to take her hand and shake it.

"Thank you so much for whatever you just did. I finally know what we're up against!" She smiled. "Oh, and, uh, saving my life. That's what I get for going easy on people." Jesse wouldn't make that mistake again. It was shoot to kill from here on out. If that guy could survive getting blown to hell, then there was no reason to do anything other than open fire at full force. Let them get lucky or unlucky, for all she cared.

Jesse sighed, putting a hand on her own shoulder and rolling it. "Jesus Christ. This is the largest Altered World Event in history. That must be what the Metaverse is. Thresholds of different worlds being pulled together-" Cutting herself off, she looked at Midna and shrugged.

"Apologies. Bureau jargon. And also, teenager jargon." The redhead glanced around. Time to focus on the situation at hand. "Unfortunate we couldn't capture that guy. At least we shut him up, though, huh? Wonder where he went. Or maybe we got lucky and he just vaporized himself."

Jesse Faden surveyed the battle scene for a moment. A decent portion of the group had been split off from the other by a teleport. However a large amount of skirmishes were still happening in the center room. The two kids were battling a viking. The Dragonborn, who Jesse now recognized as the Skyrim Guy. The two overlords needed help, it looked like. Or at least, they could use it. Maybe they were demons or wizard or whatever, but they still looked and acted like bratty kids. So the Director was inclined to help them.

"I'm going over there." Jesse said to Midna, pointing to the Dragonborn and Mao's showdown. The Phantom Thieves were going to help Ciella with her punch-woman problem. The Director summoned forth her Service Weapon and sprinted forward. Once she was about twenty feet away she got into a crouching position and lined up a shot on the Dragonborn. Mao was going in for some kind of showy bounce-off-the-wall attack. A skilled viking warrior might have something to say about that. In order to help prevent him from dodging or blocking, Jesse aimed for Dragonborn's lower half. Hitting his legs anywhere would reduce his mobility or just hurt like hell and distract him. It also reduced the chance for friendly fire, since Mao was in the air. With all this in mind, she fired off several hard-hitting rounds at the back of the Dragonborn's kneecaps. Ouch.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Word Count: 537

Level 5 - (65/50) + 1

Level 9 - (47/90) + 1


Location: The Bottomless Sea ~ The Maw

@DracoLunaris@Yankee@Dark Cloud@Archmage MC

When Ms. Fortune and the Cadet got into position and gave him the go ahead he gave them a thumbs up and looked down. He could see into the depths below him through the grating in the floor. He figured it would be the worst for him if the leviathan came at him right from below, so he kept his eyes trained there. From its previous efforts he knew there was no way it could surface with making noise, so all he had to do was listen and he'd know it was attacking from the side. At least he hoped so. "If I miss it, someone shout." He called up before starting.

Link began to jump, his little boots splashing in the water before impacting the metal below. He beat the railing to his side with the racket, pounding it over and over again before sliding the racket inside the railing and whirling it. The sound was, appropriately enough, similar to a ringing of a dinner bell and was cut with the splashes of the racket smacking the water at the bottom. To add a cherry on top to his cacophonic sunday he started whistling, much like you would while trying to call a dog. He had to look absolutely ridiculous, but even still he kept his eyes whirling around searching for any sign of the beasts approach. Given any indication that it was coming he was going to bolt back toward the relative safety of the stairs and through the door beyond.


Merge Rate: 31%

Location: The Cold Monastery

"Yeah, this place is...much cold." Linkle said, staring at the woman. She was surprised? She didn't know what ice was? Was she actually that out of it? As she watched she could see a flash of something around her eyes, like a tattoo or something.

It took Albedo to bring her attention to what that meant. Looking down she saw the ice dog had grown larger with her simple touch. "Hehehe, you're much better than me at this." She said, but in her mind she had already drawn a connection. Tattoos, and ice. This may not have been the person the Stranger had been looking for, but Linkle was getting more and more sure that she was the one Linkle was looking for.

"Miss Skadi?" She asked softly, leaning forward over to doge sculpture. "We really need you help. Do you remember a man that came here? He had red hair and a lot of tattoos. Not kawaii at all, much whoreson. Do you remember what the two of you talked about? I could make you more dogs if you tell me. I'm sure Albeato can too, right?" She turned briefly around to give a hopeful look to Albedo before giving her attention back to the goddess in front of her and trying to gauge her reaction. She desperately didn't want Skadi upset. Even as diminished and physical as she was, the woman was still a god. She didn't want a god to get upset with her and wind up with another curse. She had seen it in the woman's eyes, the power that was still there.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,049 (+2)
Bowser: Level 9 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (126/90)
Bowser Jr: Level 8 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (52/80)
Kamek: Level 8 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (48/80)
Location: Bottomless Sea – the Maw - the Depths
Feat: Rika

“He’s really doing it, huh” Rika commented as Link started stirring up one heck of a ruckus to try and bait the big fish jerk into a trap “he must really care about Jr to risk himself like that huh?”

”Eeeh, we barely know that guy.” Bowser waved his hand dismissively at the idea. He wasn't even sure if the hylian and his son had ever spoken ”Putting their lives on the line for strangers is just kinda what heroes do, and while it's mostly a pain, you won't see me complaining about it this time round.”

“I see” Rika said, before asking “You worried about him?”

”I mean yeah, but he’s a tough kid. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Bowser replied, ”We just have to be ready and on-point up here to do what we can. Like roasting this big fish if getting a platform dropped on him doesn't finish the job.”

As Link made a nuisance of himself to attract the giant fish’s attention, Jr descended into the depths along with the two machines piloted by Mirage. Or the machines with copies of mirage in them. Jr did not know what their deal was, and frankly he did not care either. What he did care about was the fact that once they started getting deeper they ended up spitting up and away from him.

”Hey, you're supposed to be protecting me, not running off like that” Jr wanted to yell at them, but the oppressive atmosphere of the depths caused him to whisper-shout it instead. Not that they would have been able to hear him anyway. Probably. That was what he was assuming anyway, that the metal hull and dense water would smother his words as much as the water would smother him if the thin glass separating him from it got busted.

As the others drifted away, not even that far really, but far enough that they were beyond Jr’s biological sight, the prince was left feeling alone in the dark abyss, staring down a narrow beam of light surrounded by blackness.


No. not alone. Mimi was there, Jr was reminded as the fay specter bopped its cottenball of a ‘head’ against the side of his own, the little interaction letting the boy release a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding.

”Yeah, you're right. Just gotta keep moving.” He said after a few more breaths and then did just that, continuing to sink down into the depths, following his memory of Peach’s map towards their destination.

As they sank the prince carefully scanned the surroundings with the lamplight of the sub, doing his best to spot anything he might bump into, while also trying to avoid shining it over to where the big fish was rampaging around. He hadn't actually seen what the fish had looked like himself, but boy oh boy could he hear it making an awful ruckus even from down here, though even that was fading away as the sub continued to descend, which was good. If it was still making a nuisance up there then they were alone and safe down here.

That turned out to be a very incorrect assumption.

Jr flinched as he came across a body drifting in the water, and then shivered as he saw it had no face. That was never a good sign, he reflected. Still, it wasn't moving, so after getting over his shock the boy endeavored to keep moving rather than sit lingering on the drowned body for any longer than he had too. Staring at an example of how you might die was not a good way to maintain your sanity after all.

It wasn't clear if Jr caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye, unconsciously picked up on the slight vibrations through the water, that he was in tune with Mimi’s animal/ghostly instincts or if part of his brain remembered that there were no dead bodies in this world of light but something made him swing the light back to the body to give it another look mere moments after swinging it away. And then scream as he found the faceless thing now swimming right at him at shark-like speed with a hand outstretched towards the sub’s front window, which Jr’s brain registered as an intent to punch said glass out.

”oh nononononononono! Go away! Go away!” Jr yelled at the thing in panic while ramming the sub into a full speed reverse, which was probably a stupid idea because he had no idea but there was a freaky fish lady swimming at him and he had no way to- No wait, he did!

”Mimi! Do the shadow claw thing!” Jr commanded his pokemon, who responded by squeaking “kyu? MiMiMiMi!” back at him in response, the Pokemon trying to explain to him that she didn't know shadow claw yet, as that was a level 42 move.

Jr, still backing up, practically screeched over her explanation in a rapid fire panic ”What? You did it before! the thing where you snuck your shadow out and-”

“Mi!” Mimi broke him off (or rather just ignored the rest of his yelling) now getting it. Well it still wasn’t the actual name of the move but it was close enough for her. She shoved her hands into her shadow, which grew longer behind her and then twisted, swinging around her like a pendulum across the inside of the sub and then, impossibly, stretched out the window, past the lamp light that had been creating it and onward towards the faceless woman. Or was it a girl? Whatever it/she was, despite not having eyes, it/she was clearly not enjoying the bright light from the lamp and had, while Jr and Mimi had been yelling at each other, actually stopped charging after them. Instead it/she was in the process of swimming up and out of where jr had left the light beaming pointing after spotting her when a shadow suddenly dimmed the light.

Whether it/she felt glee, relief or nothing at this or not was unknown, but if it/she did feel anything then that feeling would go away just as swiftly when the Mimikyu shaped shadow started trying to scratch it’s/her blank face to ribbons with her spectral tendrils.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
Avatar of Zoey Boey

Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Level 6: 04/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 534
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 05/60

Sakura looked up at the Mockingbird as he finally realised his situation. Poor guy. It really was Mirage. A digital copy, maybe, but...well, Kasugano Sakura has made friends with at least two clones. People call in all shapes and sizes from all different places and sources. This diving suit with a consciousness was no different.

Much to her surprise, the diving suit knelt down and started to apologize to her. For what happened to Carl. Sakura thought she was done crying for now, but she wasn't. Geez! She was going to carve a canyon into her cheeks at this rate. Or die of dehydration.

"Oh...oh it's okay, Mister Mira- uh. Mirage-kun." She reassured him, wiping her eyes in vain. Sakura corrected herself based on his request from earlier, to not make him feel old.

"Thank you, though. For the apology. It does make me feel better." Sakura sniffed. She glanced over at the murky waters, thinking about that horrible man/kitty eating monster they were going to have to face off with. They were under there, ready to jump out and try to gobble up one of her friends. If only she could do anything to help! She definitely felt like one of the worst kid versions out of everyone here. Compared to what Bowser Jr could do, it was downright embarassing.

The diving suit didn't seem to mind though. With a bout of showmanship he leapt to meet the challenge. "Wha-" Sakura said in surprise. She laugh-cried. "B-be careful Duerage! It's dangerous down there! Take care of Junior-kun for us!" Sakura wiped at her face again. It really wasn't doing anything, though. Shallow breathes were all she could manage.

Now she stood next to Bella. "They'll be fine, Miss Bella. Junior's the best pilot out of all of us, you know?" Sakura reassured her friend. And herself.

It looked like the plan was to distract the fish man, making plenty of noise somewhere else so Junior, Duerage, and Junior's pet Pokemon, and Mirage remote piloting the BULL. (...Mister Carl...oh, darn it.)

The idea of the BULL drove a knife to the inside of Sakura's belly, reminding her of the hunger. She'd managed to ignore it sometimes, mainly because of her training. She'd gone a long time without food before. But now, the pain was getting to her in reminding her of the bad things that had happened thus far. At least she managed to help Duerage see the truth. Now she just needs to help him workshop a better name.

Rika and Bowser were having a conversation, one she thought she would butt in on. "Mister Bowser! Be nice to Mister Link. He's on our team. And he's being very brave." She looks at Rika. Trying to be a better example for her. "The only way..." She inhales, catching her breathe. "The only way we're winning, is if we work together." The kid punched her palm to emphasize her point. Her face was still pretty red from all the crying she had been doing. And still was partially doing. Realising this she turned away, embarassed.

"Man. Does anyone have...a tissue or something?" She sniffed. Her hands really weren't doing the job.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Geralt of Rivia

The Maw- The Depths

Lvl 7 (70/70) -> Lvl 8 (71/70)

Word Count: 271 words

As the others moved to enact their plans, Geralt half-jogged, half-ran back to the catwalks section, stopping at the bottom of the ladder and getting a good, if somewhat distant, view of the pool of water that the mutated Moreau was now wallowing about in. Nadia and the Ace Cadet were doing a hell of a job distracting the guy away from the folks who had gone underwater, but Geralt had another idea in mind.

While the two Seekers above were moving back towards where he was coming from, Geralt watched Link pull what a borderline suicidal move in actively trying to get the giant fish monster to attack him. He figured the little hero knew his own limits well enough to be able to get away in time, but a helping hand couldn't hurt, right?

No, no, don't answer that question.

Letting out a slow breath, Geralt repositioned the nail in his hand and took a throwing stance, as if he were planning to throw a javelin. It felt almost natural for the nail, which was a bit odd, but there was a lot going on here that was odd, so the Witcher child went with it.

Careful to take a spot where the others wouldn't run into his line of fire, Geralt waited for the mutated fish-man-monster to show itself, launching the nail at its back when he did so.

He didn't take much time to see if it worked, instead turning tail and running to safety before getting gobbled himself. Hopefully he'd bought a little more time for the folks below.

It would have to be enough.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
Avatar of DracoLunaris

DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

wordcount: 1,025
Midna: level 5 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////// (46/50)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon Northeast - Rocket Inc.

Click went one gun, then the other, as Midna emptied the remaining ammo from both her stolen firearms in Fuse’s general direction. She was fairly sure she didn't even scratch him with her erratic fire, the guns kicking like mules in her grip and vibrating her bones with every shell expended in such a way that left them almost numb, but it did seem to give him enough pause that Jesse got her headspace together. Quickly too. Minda approved.

Fuse never got to find another heavier gun to replace his pistol, Jessy dumped one to the ground by making its resting spot intangible with some kind of even weird than normal gun, then Shadow blinked in and out to steal the other and finally , if he had any final tricks the rocket’s from Jessy’s rather freaky looking launcher put an end to those plans when it flash froze everything around him and hurt him something fierce. Midna, spying this, moved out from cover to get close enough to pin him down with her shadow hand and, maybe, free him. But before she could do either he crushed some kind of magical bone and, in a flash, vanished without a trace. Jessy later hypothesized/hoped he might, if they were lucky, have just vaporized himself but the princess would bet good gold on it being an emergency teleport of some kind (and t be fair that was Jessy's main guess too).

They probably hadn’t seen the last of him.

Still, their fight was over, which gave Midna and Jessy a few brief moments to recover and exchange words.

”Can’t help you there, I don't even know how you ‘reload’ these things” Midna commented when Jessy said she didn't know how to reload her big devastating frost blasting weapon, the princess gesturing to her stolen smgs as she spoke, now functionally useless to her due to lack of bullets, before dumping them back to the twilight realm for storage purposes, thinking she could maybe pawn them or give them back as sight of good faith to their owner if/when he was freed.

After that she met the head of the Bureau halfway and shook her hand right back with a royal handshake when her’s was taken. ”Yeah don’t worry about it, though you doooo owe me twice over for those” she replied to being thanked, the latter part cheekily said to let her know she wasn't actually serious about being Jessy indebted to her.

After that she was bombarded with a bunch of lingo which she did not get, but at least the deliver realized this a few moments into whatever it was she was on about and stopped herself from going on with her musings on the situation.

”Yeah, your going to have to run all that past me at some point” she replied, and then glanced over at the Thieves, who were presently finishing dealing with the wild blue-haired lady, who’s teen lingo she assumed she was meaning. She was a little peeved to not being in on whatever that new sounding aspect of the situation they might be privy to, despite not having spent any time with them where she could have pick it up, ”and I’ll do the same for anything more you want to know.”

It was a quick exchange all in all. They had places to go, people to beat up. Jessy said she was heading for the battle where the overlords were duking it out with the heavy hitting armored fighter, leaving Midna with the question of what she was going to do next.

”I’ll make a quick check or our loudmouthed friend’s location just in-case he’s pulling something sneaky and then...” She did not want to deal with the lightning- flinging warrior who Jessy would be helping handle anyway and didn't know where Sectonia was fighting the appearing and disappearing shadow, so that left ”I’ll chase after the thieves' target. I mean she’s got her hands full already, but she’s also got arms to spare so…” a little backup might be appreciated. Both with her and, possibly, with Ciella if her blood-lust got in the way of their recruitment drive/casualty reduction plan.

As Jessy ran off to danger, Minda moved towards Fuse’s last location on foot, dragon clawing toes spiking the carpet as she first sprinted and then, recognizing she had a moment to power up, tossing in a Dragon Dance as she traveled. An investment that slowed her now but would speed her up till the fight was done.

A quick glance around and sweep of a shadow hand around the area didn't find an invisible Fuse or any other kind of trickery, while her magical knowledge/senses did pick up the residue of some kind of teleportation spell, though that could be a result of the black and red beast man, and she also wasn't able to track either to their destination with just a mage’s glance. What she did find was the last of Fuse’s guns, the prowler, which she hadn't seen him use, awkwardly clipping under the desk it had been on.

”Can't leave that lying around now can we, someone could get hurt” or Shadow could come steal it too. Best take the initiative on that, she thought.

Midna’s shadow hand snatched up the gun like a prize grabber and then dropped the weapon in her hands from which she banished it to the twilight realm for storage. The princess was becoming quite the thieving little loot gremlin now that she knew she could sell things for money. Or was she gaining dragon-like hoarding tendencies? She still had to deal with those cursed artifacts some way or another after all. Whatever the case, she hadn’t gotten so bad that she went looking for the man’s other two guns and instead tossed in another Dragon Dance as she raced after the thieves to the battle between Amara and Ciella

If the bunny lady was hurt enough, she’d give her a healing and freeing friend-heart. If not, well, she’d lend her (bigger and beefier) energy arm to the task of wrestling with the Siren’s many inferior energy limbs. If the thieves and Fox hadn’t handled her already by the time she caught up that was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Yankee
Avatar of Yankee

Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Word Count: 468 (+1 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 22/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
A gentleman, hm? Primrose returned Big Band's thanks with a small grin and a curtsy, then wasted no time putting her things in their proper place before moving on toward another dark, dingy set of stairs. Following the detective's lead they descended, with the sounds of battle growing louder and louder as they went. This was the right way, then. The duo had made good time, they might even have beat the rest of the group there. Primrose used the short trek to get the hang of another of her new spells, placing a hand over her wound and channeling magic through the pyromancy flame. The fire grew dim, and it's warmth gradually healed the cut. Though she thought that she might have a hard time with the spell, to the dancer's surprise it came fairly easily. She mused that the nature of the pyromancy flame was the reason, given that Primrose had a higher affinity to that kind of element than the Light-nature healing spells of her cleric friend.

The area had become brighter as they neared the end of the stairs, and once they went through the opening in the stone yet another bridge greeted them. Much more inviting, but that's wasn't saying much.

"That bad?" she said, peering over the side despite Band's words. "..."

Indeed, it was bottomless. Or it appeared so anyway.

Their destination was close by the sound of it. Their opposition was much closer.

Animated skeletons were enemies Primrose had plenty of experience with. There were all kinds of Bones that roamed caves and ruins in Orsterra, and they hardly proved a problem. She assumed the same applied to these walking bones, especially the ones that looked a bit sillier than the others. She smirked at Big Band, already conjuring a spell in her hand. "With pleasure."

This time she was back to her innate dark magic. The trusty Night Ode encircled the group of skeletons, magic bubbling beneath their feet. The quicker skeletons made it over the magic circle before it erupted, but those caught in the blast had their bones sent flying. It was a regular rain of calcium as bits and pieces of the skeletons flew out. Though many fell into the abyss, the bones that landed on the bridge pulled themselves together, some forming odd half-complete shapes that endeavored to attack Primrose and Big Band even if they had to crawl their way over. Primrose clicked her tongue, having hoped to get a few more of them in her blast.

She stepped back, making sure to keep some distance between herself and the bones on the off chance that any of them slipped by Band. Though she was already summoning another spell, she was ever ready to perform should her companion have need of a pick me up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Team Mao

Location: Al Mamoon Northeast - Rocket Inc.
Midna’s @DracoLunaris, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC, Mao’s @Potemking, Jesse’s @Zoey Boey, Laharl’s @Dark Cloud, Joker, Mona, Fox, Necronomicon, Braum

One demon child down, one to go. Axe at the ready and what magic remained in his reserves primed, the Dragonborn rounded on Mao to engage him in mortal combat, but found himself assaulted by picture frames instead. He turned his axe to block his head from the unfamiliar projectiles, lest a lucky corner gouge an eye or chip a tooth, and watched out for whatever else his foe had coming. When Mao took to the air the warrior expected another jump and nearly launched a preemptive attack, but somehow the demon boasted enough alacrity to run along the nearby wall itself in order to gain height. An outstretched hand reached for him. Did he mean to disarm the Dragonborn? The well-traveled Nord narrowed his eyes. This foe was both nimble and strong, but no matter his tactics, the Dragonborn could leverage the tools at his disposal to come out on top. The reach of his longer arm plus his axe meant he could intercept Mao long before those stubby fingers could seize hold of anything. In the end it was a matter of timing--of experience. The Dragonborn imagined a mangy wolf lunging at him, jaws outstretched, and swung.

Then a series of loud bangs that he recognized by now as the report of a gun sounded out from somewhere behind him. Before the Dragonborn could so much as process the thought that he was about to get shot, let alone do anything about it, his knees just about exploded. A jolt of pure agony shocked his system, paralyzing him, and the next second Mao connected his grab. The demon grappled the Dragonborn to the ground with an impact he scarcely felt and a crash he scarcely heard, then stomped down on his helmet. The blunt force carried right through the forged iron and into his body, breaking his nose in a spurt of blood and stunning him.

Any normal man would have been concussed and down for the count, but the one who devoured the power of dragons was a man of steel. He possessed enough mental acuity to switch to and call upon the power of Conjuration, and from a sudden gout of magical fire above where he’d fallen the Dragonborn summoned a flame atronach. Other than that, however, he couldn't do much. Not without some help. He maneuvered his right arm to place the axehead between his own head and Jesse, a desperate attempt to stave off a killing shot, and with his other hand reached into his pouch to retrieve the magic bone he’d been given.

Though wary without their medic, Fox and Joker took to their heels nonetheless to rush to Ciella’s aid. They even managed to get a few steps before Jinx gave a croaking laugh of derision. “What, you’re gonna leave me here? Seriously? You know I’m just gonna plug ya the second I get my hands on Pow-Pow?”

The Thieves slowed to a stop and shared a look. “...Right,” Joker mumbled, having not thought things through much more than his friend did. The crackle of shattering ice brought their attention back to the conflict in the conference room, and Joker made another snap decision. “You go ahead, but watch out for friendly fire. Even if she’s not our enemy, she’s not exactly our friend, either.”

Fox glanced back at Jinx. “What about her?”

“She’s coming with me.”

As his ally nodded in understanding and ran off, Joker returned to the fallen gunslinger. She glared at him over a vicious smile. “Oh yeah? Just try somethin’ funny! But be careful, ‘cause I bite!”

The leader of the Phantom Thieves brought out his new pistol and leveled it at her head, staring down the barrel. Jinx stared back in a cold sweat, her teeth gritted. There wasn’t anything else quite like looking at someone in this way--staring death in the face, all pretense thrown aside. It brought out one’s true essence. It did for Shadows at least; Joker never so much as touched a gun in the real world, and hoped never would. But as the eyes of his captive had turned a lambent yellow as they bored into him. Negotiations could begin.

“Lend me your power.”

Jinx was taken aback. “H-huh? What was that? I’m kinda pissed right now, ya know. What’s that ya want?” She scoffed. “You understand me, right? Ya just waltz into our territory, actin’ like you belong here...who the hell d’you think you are!?”

Joker shrugged. “I’m me.”

“Shut up, smartass!” his captive fumed. “That just makes me wanna shoot you in your stupid smug face. Maybe that’s ‘cause it’s what I’d say.” The anarchist groaned and laid her head down on the ground, face scrunched up from the pain of her wounds. “Ugh...I’m gonna be killed no matter what, right? So tell me something first.” When the young man threatening her said nothing, she continued. “What kinda impression did I leave ya with?”

Tilting his head ever-so-slightly, Joker replied, “An unforgettable spark of chaos.”

The Loose Cannon grinned. “Hee hee...at least I’ll be remembered fondly, huh? Finally, someone who gets it. Hey…” Her eyebrows rose as she blinked. A blue mist surrounded her, lifting her off the ground. “I remember. I was born from the human heart. My name is Jinx. As long as you know rules are made to be broken, we’re on the same team, ‘kay!” In a swell of azure flames she disappeared into Joker’s mask. Without a word he turned and sprinted through the wreckage of the office building’s ground floor to where Fox had joined Ciella’s scrap with Amara.

He arrived at the same time as Midna, who’d taken a brief detour on her own before heading over to render her assistance. They found Fox taking cover by the door, his outfit notably damp as he watched a number of giant water arrows bouncing off the walls within. “Water blast, the moment I set foot inside,” Fox explained, pausing as one water arrow shot out through the doorway and burst inside a lovingly-decorated cubicle, sending sodden papercraft everywhere.

“That’s our cue,” Joker said, and with his dagger in hand he dashed inside. Before them lay a conference room to which the women fighting inside had laid total waste. Every scrap of furniture had been reduced to kindling and waterlogged, while chunks of ice lay everywhere. Ciella herself sported a number of fresh wounds, with her dress in particular scored by bullet holes, but despite that she seemed not much worse for wear. Joker figured she must be a lot tougher than she looked.

Amara, meanwhile, wasn’t faring that well, and the arrival of reinforcements didn’t help. She spotted them immediately and went for cover, yelling, “Damn it! Fight me one-on-one, you cowards!” Her Siren power flew forth, conjuring a fist of blue energy that rose from the ground beneath the interlopers. “Be still!” The Thieves leaped aside as it closed, catching Midna if she wasn’t quick enough.

Their rabbit-eared ally didn’t look much happier to see them. “She’s mine!” Ciella snarled. “Don’t you dare interfere!” From her longbow she unleashed a charged shot to wash away Amara’s icy cover.

Joker shrugged. “Whatever you say.” He fell back, with Fox along with him, ready to strike if necessary. That just left Midna to decide whether to accede to the fighters’ shared request or take action herself.

Big Band

Level 3 Big Band (20/30)
Location: Al Mamoon Northwest - Obelisk Temple
Primrose’s @Yankee
Word Count: 377

The incoming skeletons really had no idea what they were in for. Before the bony warriors even closed to melee range Primrose called forth her magic, welling up a frothing pool of black magic from the surface of the bridge itself to blow the less speedy skeletons apart in a geyser of darkness.

As the enemy’s backline fell to pieces Band took it upon himself to put his best foot forward. “AAHHAAY!” He burst onto the scene with a full-force Brass Knuckles, reducing the first bone rabble to its constituent components before it could even take a swing. Its friend lashed out with both swords at once but connected with nothing but air as Band backdashed. The bridge shook ever so slightly as he landed, which the detective took note of, but it hardly stopped him from launching a counterattack. “Hot socks!” He stepped into a crouch with Sharp Note, popping an oboe from his mechanical calf to poke his foe, then with a call of “Get hot!” sank down with a sound-blasting Bass Drop to pull the skeleton closer for a crushing Low Rank to end it. “Few!”

Another bone swordsman came up with a jumping attack that Band blocked, then punished with a throw. “Hey, listen here!” He extended halves of a bell from his torso, one from either side, to clamp together around both the jumper and its closest friend. As he did he pivoted around to face Primrose, then rang the bell to hammer the skeletons with its rings before he released them for her to finish off while he faced the rest. Toward the rest of the lightweights he charged with another Brass Knuckles, prompting them to block, only for him to perform an Emergency Break, stop short, and strike low with two Glissando trombones. From there an Overblow tuba blast sent them sailing.

Not counting those served up to the dancer, that just left the skeletons that pulled themselves together. As they clattered and snapped back into place (more or less) and rallied around a single four-armed bone warrior, Band shook his head and took a step back. “No time to clown around. Gimme a sec ‘fore I waste these things.” He deployed a set of bagpipes and began to play.


Location: Al Mamoon Northwest - Obelisk Temple
Fox’s @Dawnrider, Azwel

Against the odds Fox managed to dance through the danger, narrowly evading the myriad blades of both Es and Azwel in one daring display of alacrity. He escaped the mayhem with a special shot prepared, and as both other combatants reset to neutral with fresh wounds dealt by the other he faced Es with his blaster at the ready.

He pulled the trigger, speeding the Friend Heart the girl’s way, but as it made contact and fizzled into nothingness he quickly realized Es wasn’t worn down quite enough yet to be restored. The fight continued as Azwel ran in and Es unleashed a crest wave that traveled through the air as a projectile, a flying sword blade in its own right. Azwel leaped over, summoning his twin swords as he took to the air. Es spun about with a flourish, creating a large crest ring around her that began to pulse, and just before Azwel fell atop her she burst upward with a splendid sword uppercut that left behind a spiral of crest blades.

The sorcerer, however, had not tried to attack, but jumped ready to block instead. Evidently he’d already learned a thing or two about jumping in willy-nilly, and as Es launched herself into the air he readied his axe for a grand punish. He struck once low as she landed and corkscrewed forward, his blade revolving around to strike overhead. Then the girl’s ring activated, expanding from a ring into a spiked crest snowflake that skewered Azwel on one of its points. He then suffered an upswing into heavy chop, and as he rolled to his feet she came in to apply pressure.

Es did not anticipate a slow axe swing to her legs that swept her off the feet. With a grin Azwel summoned and threw his swords, one after another, from different angles to lift his foe higher into the air. At the height of her arc he leaped upward, almost to the ceiling, snagger her over his shoulders in a command grab and fell upon his floating shield in a sitting position. A crack sounded out, and as Azwel flung Es off she went in Fox’s direction. She swung as she came flying in, but it was clear nonetheless that Azwel meant for his ally to take his turn.

Ms Fortune

Level 4 Nadia (72/40)
Location: The Maw - the Depths
Blazermate's @Archmage MC, Bowser's @DracoLunaris, Ace Cadet's @Yankee, Sakura's @Zoey Boey, Frog's @Dark Cloud, Mirage’s @Potemking, Link’s @Gentlemanvaultboy
Word Count: 554

The plan had been made. Everyone was in place. All that remained was to actually do it. Nadia knew that she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous, but considering that she got to hang out in safety up by the ceiling while Link risked life and limb as bait, she had it pretty good. Suddenly, but not surprisingly, the little hero started making noise. Nadia’s grip tightened on her arm of the bolt cutters as the racket echoed through the Depths, both over and through its gloomy waters. A moment later the mutated Moreau made his entrance, rising to the surface with a hideous, wet-sounding roar. He plowed through the water like a mammoth shark, close to the surface, his long body gyrating in a corkscrew pattern to push him forward. Link fled back into the adjunct room as Moreau drew close. The monster’s flapping jaw-sections locked tight to form a single, solid mass, and with all his weight behind it the dread fish drove his head into the metal platform.

If the sound of Moreau hitting the water before was loud, the sound of his collision with the scaffold tower was downright thunderous. Along with the splash, which sent a wall of water across the platform and into the door Link jumped through, came the wrenching creak of buckled metal. The thin metal pipes that formed the stair tower’s supports broke without much coercion, but even the topmost platform itself bent and crumpled under the sheer mass of frenzied fish. At least with Link out of the way, there was ultimately no need to worry--unless your name was Moreau.

“Now!” Nadia yowled, perhaps needlessly, and together she and the trusty Cadet squeezed shut their bolt cutters. The final chain snapped cleanly away, allowing its former burden to drop like a sack of bricks straight for the garden of eyeballs that sprouted from the monster’s back.

The falling metal made contact with a thick, meaty thwack, and the effect was instantaneous. A guttural bellow shook the Depths as Moreau thrashed, a swath of the eye-like growths burst and bleeding all matter of unspeakable substances. Even better, a giant nail soared in from the direction of the Command Center and sunk right up to its head in eye meat, scoring some extra damage! Nadia loved to see it. “Didn’t like that one, huh? Feelin’ a little fishually impaired?” As the freakshow pulled itself away from the damaged scaffolding and plunged back underwater it became clear that the kids weren’t lucky enough to put it down on one drop, but dealing a blow like that was reason enough to celebrate. Nadia turned to the Cadet with a fang-toothed grin and extended a fist for a quick bump.

As she re-assessed the situation, however, it looked like repeat performances would be difficult. Even without the damage to the scaffolding and the platform atop it, which looked just about ready to fall apart and sink at the drop of a hat, the little team would need another conveniently-positioned bridge to drop. And right now, no more contrivances seemed forthcoming. “Looks like we can’t just rinse and repeat,” she observed. “Now what? Back to distractions?” Her bright eyes turned to survey the depths, but they turned up nothing. Wherever her friends were, she hoped they were okay.

Down in the depths, Mirage did not waste time fretting about the phantom corpse in the water, but instead renewed his diagonal journey with heightened alertness. Aside from the occasional bit of structure or machinery impeding his progress, no other issues confronted him as the BULL continued its descent. The vortex motor it utilized turned out to be a quality piece of tech, even if not quite up to the standards of the Legend’s own world, and it propelled the Universal Helper steadily onward. With stressful time passing slowly, the bottom floor of the factory crept up before Mirage knew it, and his light fell upon the door to the room whose water-eroded sign barely identified it as Flow Control, just where Peach said it would be.

As the BULL drew near, however, a beam of light originating from somewhere behind it moved frantically across the wall in front of him, and for a very brief moment he could see a dark shape housed within. It was humanoid, feminine, with a head of hair so long and swirled that they obscured a good chunk of the silhouette. It was a familiar shape, and one made much, much worse by the fact that it was moving. If Mirage put two and two together, he could realize what the cast light and shadow meant: that Junior’s submarine was both behind the BULL, and making contact with a potential enemy. Going forward meant reaching Flow Control and fulfilling the missing; going back meant potentially saving Junior’s skin, if the clunky Universal Helper could do anything about it in the first place.

Behind him, Junior attempted to take matters into his own hands, with the help of his Pokemon partner. The abrupt blotting out of the submarine’s searchlight did for a moment seem to convince the long-haired girl it had another chance to get closer, but with that darkness came a flurry of pain. Dark talons suddenly scratched at the soft white skin of her torso and face with a vengeful fury, with no source the wraith either saw or understood. Rather than attempt to fight back she fled at full speed, darting away into the darkness. With all the clutter around it was all too easy to lose track of her again, which left the daring duo right back where they started. Any moment now their attacker would come again, and maybe this time they wouldn’t flush her out fast enough.

While this unfolded, the Mockingbird was having troubles of his own. A light-sensitive horror blocked his path, but rather than let the gel-infused angler meander on by, the Mockingbird went on the offensive. It seized a piece of pipe and thrust it into the creature, but the water resistance and the less-than-ideal sharpness of his blindly-chosen weapon bogged him down. Its pipe pierced the horror’s twisted flesh, but no more, and the thing reacted. The eyes of the human face grafted into its eyes snapped open wide, followed shortly by the disfigured fish’s mouth as it lunged for the Mockingbird’s head. Instinctively it threw up an arm to protect its head, and when the nightmare jaws closed the angler took a chunk of forearm with it. Then it beat its tail, pushed past, and was gone. Shock flooded the Mockingbird’s mind, not from pain, but dissonance. Its copied mind needed to rectify its human visualization with its missing part and ruptured diving suit, and it needed to do it now, or go mad from the whiplash.

Cold Monastery

Location: Frozen Highlands - Alpine Skyline
Linkle’s @Gentlemanvaultboy

After laying eyes on Skadi, Albedo quickly became convinced that the problem before him was far beyond his abilities to solve. His domain was matter and science, researchable, quantifiable. Regular people were hard enough to come to grips with, but a being who didn’t operate on human terms even before she became confused? No chance. Once he reached the edge of the strewn-about drawings that blanketed the lion’s share of the floor here, he’d gone no closer, as if an invisible wall existed around Skadi through which neither could reach the other. Her appearance and behavior, so utterly alien and bizarre, made it seem to him that nobody could penetrate the barrier, but in retrospect he should have expected Linkle to try anyway. And somehow, against all odds, she had succeeded.

Never would he have thought to do what the Skullgirl did and try to reach her on her own terms, through the act creation. Her approach left him bewildered, and even ashamed. Creationwas something he could do. Through the power of alchemy he could achieve things that amounted to fantasy for the average person. But for all his power, he didn’t even think to use it in such a way. As Linkle seemed to connect with Skadi, and began speaking to her, Albedo looked down at the floor, his face blank. Isolation stems not from a lack of ability, but a lack of perspective. If this Skadi could connect with people but he could not, she was far more human than he.

As Linkle questioned her, Skadi scrunched up her face and tried to remember. The general airheaded look that clung to her slunk away as her new friend’s descriptions ran through her mind, disturbing the ground beneath which heinous things were buried. “Red-haired man...lots of tattoos,” she repeated, tapping her head with a marker. “Whore...son.” A few moments passed by quietly. Then her eyes jerked to face straight ahead, widened ever so slightly. A pained look crossed her face. “Ah...agh!” She clutched her head with both hands, jostling her multicolored pigtails. “No! Much hurt! Don’t wanna talk about it. Don’t wanna think about it!” The goddess twisted herself away from Linkle’s ice sculpture, as if the sight of it now invoked an awful memory, and buried her face in the sublime mass of her dog’s body. Looking sad, the creature nuzzled her.

The kerfuffle brought Albedo out of his stagnation. Clearly, whatever the Stranger did to her made her reluctant to even consider what happened. That made sense; anything that led to such a drastic personality change had to be heavy. The alchemist couldn’t say he understood the human heart very well, but if gods like Skadi were essentially human, he could apply what he knew. History said that the Archons of his world behaved rather like humans did after all, plying their powers in petty squabbles and bloody wars for dominion. This beaten-down goddess needed a change of perspective. He stepped forward. “What about revenge?”

Skadi opened her eyes, looking at him with bafflement. “Huh?”

Albedo crossed his arms. “The person who hurt you is an evil man, but worse than that, he is a bully. Capricious and cruel, without any care for picking on those weaker than himself. It is past time he got what is coming to him, and it is our mission to do so.” As he paused to draw breath, the eyes of Father Guerra fell on him with their brows raised. The priest knew that the Monastery’s guests opposed the Stranger, but to hear a declaration like this was something different. “You want this man destroyed as well, yes? You have the power to make that happen by telling us everything you know about him. That means you can take your revenge.”

In quiet Skadi mulled over the alchemist’s words, looking somewhere between hurt and alarmed. “Revenge.” As she lowered her hands her brows fell, casting her eyes in anger. She still knew the meaning of the word. “Yes. He ought to hurt, too. Make me feel a little better if that man were dead. Such blood. Very corpse.” She balled her fist.

Relieved that his words seemed to be reaching her, for more reasons than one, Albedo took another step forward. He half-expected her to question his and Linkle’s ability to actually accomplish this feat, but maybe she didn’t think about it that far. “Then tell us about what happened.”

“Maybe it’ll make you feel better if you let it out,” Linkle suggested. “You know, get it off your chest.”

Another couple moments passed before Skadi took a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll...I’ll try.” As she sat up her dog scooted up beside her for support, and after laying down against the creature’s belly the goddess began. “He came one day. Asking about gods. But he didn’t care about most of them. Only...Norse.” She said the word slowly, as if its touch numbed her tongue. “That me. I mean, I’m Norse. I said yes, and he...confronted me, very anger. He asked if I knew some names. I said yes. He asked if I knew him. Said no. Then he asked one more name I know, and where...where she is. I asked why. He said...so he could kill her. For...what she did to him.” She shivered. “Such rage in them eyes. Made me shivery. Afraid for my daughter. I said no, I won’t tell him where she is. Then…” Skadi fell silent. Her gaze fell, and one hand went up involuntarily to her face. Then she cradled herself.

It wasn’t hard for Albedo to imagine what happened next. He exchanged glances with Linkle. “I am sorry,” he offered, knowing what people ought to say in that situation. “But we can make him pay for it. Every inch. Just...if you can tell us, what is your daughter’s name?”

Skadi looked up at him like a cornered animal, wary. “D-daughter? What do you...what do you want with her? Are you with...” As she shrunk back her eyes unfocused, and a smile crept across her face. “I don’t have one, silly! All I have is doge! C’mere, boy!” She turned to tousle his ears.

Albedo sighed. Perhaps his line of thinking had been wrong from the start, after all. Or maybe he just pushed too hard at the end, trying to get a little concrete information. “Unfortunate.” Hopefully Skadi hadn’t totally closed herself off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potemking
Avatar of Potemking

Potemking Command Grab / Bottom Text

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

LOCATION:Al Mamoon Northeast - Rocket Inc.

Considering how many of their opponents had guns earlier, Mao wasn't sure for a moment if he was being shot at or if another member of Yellow was being filled with lead. Luckily it came to light that it was in fact a friendly bullet, piercing the Dragonborn no less, which gave Mao more than enough of a chance for his maneuver to work flawlessly. Or so he thought, wiping his shoe against the Dragonborn's shoulder, figuring he was done. But a sudden use of a spell on his end caused Mao to step back, the sight of the flaming atronach taking him by surprise. Healing, elemental spells, and now summoning? This guy had every trick in the book, and honestly, Mao was a little envious of summoning in particular. No matter, it was just one more to cut down on his warpath, and it wouldn't take long.

At least, Mao hoped. Glancing back, his movement had put him closer to the injured Laharl. They were in a bit of an awkward position against this wall still, with the Atronach on one side with the Dragonborn floored, and Laharl on the other side with Mao in the middle. The wall simply meant there were less ways to dodge or weave, and whoever applied pressure would be the one to gain the advantage. Not to mention having something strike in Laharl's direction was less than ideal, so moving again seemed right.

Not fond of the idea of striking the flame summon with his bare hands, Mao went for his sword. "Just one more for the chopping block!" Mao boasted. If the Dragonborn had intended for the Atronach to be a good distraction, it was. He didn't give the Dragonborn a second glance as he brought himself towards the Atronach and away from the wall, his unsheathing of his blade going directly into a wide swing that covered a dodge to the left or right unless this creature was fast enough to evade. And unless it could phase through a wall, it had no method of simply backing up, either. And if it chose to counterattack, at least Mao wasn't in Laharl's path anymore, leaving it no reason to prioritize finishing him off.

LOCATION:The Maw - The Depths, Underwater
MENTIONS: Bowser Jr, Creepy Water Lady

Mirage had descended a fair amount by this point, growing excited as the light on the BULL was able to illuminate a floor, marking his arrival at the bottom. Hah, easy! He thought to himself in a triumphant manner, keeping high enough to not have to fret about the debris on the floor. He attempted to use memory to get an idea of where the Flow Control was, but it was mostly him floating along to find a wall that'd lead him to any doorways on the bottom. One of which he luckily came across, and which yielded results as with his squinted real eyes he could make out the word 'Flow' at least on the sign. Which gave him enough of a spark to exclaim that "I found the controls!" To the group still near his pilot seat.

This enthusiasm died as a bright light suddenly shined behind him, allowing him to see a rather horrifying form on the wall. An immense amount of hair flowing around, something that felt familiar and not in the good way. The feminine form of the body moving around in a less dead way caused his eyes to widen, the BULL's turning speed not exactly being the greatest thing in the world, but there were only two other sources of light he was aware of and both of them were friendly, meaning either he was getting a warning from them or he'd seen them in a moment of need.

By the time he'd got around and tried to barrel over to what was now identified as Junior's sub, all Mirage could see was the weird figure fleeing. Not exactly wanting to go after it, he had to try and figure out a way to communicate with the smaller Bowser for a moment. The BULL's camera eyed the submarine as it blinked it's light a few times to get Junior's attention, before beginning to head back to Flow Control in reverse. The pincers of the BULL raised up and tilted slightly towards it, not having much mobility but enough to maybe gesture This way! so that they could get this done.

Hoping he got Junior's attention enough, he used the BULL as a spotlight to keep an eye out behind him as he came along, specifically focusing on the direction the 'water lady' had gone. Unfortunately, to make sure he didn't crash into anything, Mirage took it slow. But Junior might've understood the direction by now and could speed ahead to try and get to the Flow Control, leaving him to try and distract their long-haired stalker. The BULL was expendable after all, so if it wanted to terrorize or mess with it, Mirage at least knew he was safe physically. Seeing that faceless form was disturbing though, life endangered or not...

Mockingbird 'Duerage'

LOCATION: The Maw - The Depths, Underwater

The poor decision to attack this creature truly came to light as he attempted to jab into it. It was larger than he thought, only managing to piss it off with his attack that lead to a horrific dismemberment that was sending him reeling, cries hard to hear in the waters. The fish left, but Duerage was left reeling from the assault, light turning on to try and examine it's damages. There wasn't an arm: There was torn diving suit and partial machinery, and a strange gel in the air. No blood. To an extent, it knew it wasn't normal, but this horrific sudden tear from it's view of itself caused it to begin to panic immensely.

"I-I'm gonna drown!" He cried out, hearing his own voice but not even registering he could still speak. His mind rushed to panic about drowning, attempting to bring itself upwards, with no results. It was much too heavy to swim up, and this only heightened it's panic, as it stomped along, attempting in any way it could to find a way out of the water. Hefty stomps on the floor carried it along, unfortunately in the wrong direction of Flow Control, but that wasn't something it could prioritize right now. As it marched, a multitude of thoughts and words came to mind, thoughts racing, not able to slow down from the panic.

I'm gonna die here!
I can't even feel the pain from my arm.

Where are the others?
Am I all alone?

Will anyone ever find me?
Will anyone remember me?

She'll remember me.
She gave me a chance.

"̵͕̣͓͔̗̿̿̀͛̽̿̽̈́͗̍͑͑̚̚̕͝Į̶̡̨̠̞͔͕̭͎͉̆̿ͅ'̵̡̢̲̙̭̣̩̮̼̂͒͐̑̽̑̔̀m̶̱͈͓̣̊̅́͑̎̑̑̄́̂͜.̵̧̠̣̘͇̘͈͗͋͊̏́͌̄͝ͅͅ.̶̨̞͙̔͑̊́̕.̷̨̩̠̮͍́̈́͊̈́͌̽̚̕ͅI̶̛̩̍́͂̾̆͂́͊͊̀̀͐͝͝͝'̷̡̧̛̺͉͓̹̰̫̭͍̇̾̏́̄̒m̶̻̣͉̞̳͕̩͂ ̷̻͉̻̣͚͉̱̺̱͈̖͙̹͗̏͊̿̎̃̅͜͜͝͝s̸̡̘̥̲̻̙̥͍͈̲̹̊͐̆̇͛̆̀́̆ò̶͎̙ ̸̨̨̼̼̖̖̭̬̙̬̭̼̫̠̟͎̔̅̋̅̂̂̚͜͝s̵̡̧̘͕͔͈͙̠̺̤̞͓̩͉͐̓ò̶̫̗̠͇̠͑̇̈́͐̓͒̅͊̇̔̚͜͠͠r̵͈̹̈́͒́͋̄͋̀̚͝r̸̛̥̺̺̹̪̮͖̩̹͓̹̠̦̊̒̔̽̋͊̎͐͒̕͜͝ͅỳ̵̧̖̩͙̭̥̮̥̞͈̯̝͆͆̀̐̿̋̋͛̀̿̕͘͘.̷̢͓̰̥͔̻̞̈́̐̓̀̊͊̀́͂̈̈́͐̅͘͝"̵͕͇̗̼̩̤͓̱͈̰͈̪͎͛͂́̇͋̑̿̓̀̉̋͘͜͜ ̷̛̝̈̄̕͝

"̷̱͌͊̋̀͌̿̌̊̂̀͆̏̚͜͝T̴̞͕̋̇́ą̸̢̨̬͙͔̱̘̻̺̻̖̄̇̍͆̀́͒̃̄̓̔͑̕̕̚͝ķ̸͔̮͕̼̤̞̟͇́̊́̐̐́̒̐̈́̂̚͜ę̶̝̱͖̫͉̭̤͉̝̘̯̤͗̀̓̅͛̄̍̑̀̒̎́̄͂̓̄͜͜͜͠ ̶̤͉͙̞̎̉̆̒̀̌͘͝͝ç̵̛͉̪͕̳̘͉̊̀͂͋̆̌̎͂͛͆͒̎̊̎̀͛à̷͖̋͒r̶̡̛̛͓̖̖̖͖̩̱̝̙̔͛̾̾̀́͋̉̐̌̕͜͜ę̵̡͈̭̪̼̱͍̣̰͖͔̽̊͋͜͝ͅ ̵̧̛̦̥̮̥̲̥͑͋̋́̊̓̔̀̿̍̔̒̒̈́̕͘ǫ̴̯͈̝̱̫̼͙͇̔͆͊̔f̸̳̝̠̮̮͕̦̖͎̭͇̯̰̳͖̼̉̊̽̽͊͜ ̵̡͚̘͚̳̣̺̳̯̣̼̭̙̦͓͗ͅJ̶̨̡͍̹͔͉̞̝̝̬̺̰̠͔̲͐̊ͅư̴̧̢̗̹̞̤̪͉͙̈́͆̂̉͜n̵̛͚̬̊̒̀͛̍̌͌̃̈́̈́͋͆͛ȋ̷̢̢͇̙͜ơ̴̢̝̺̮͎̬̦̏͐̀̾̏͂̐̀̈́̑̑̎͌̈͠r̷̬͚̣̻̈́͒̓͆̑̄́̒̍̓̄̎̚̕͜͝͝-̶̞̪̠͒͒̑̏̏̈́̿̿̄͛͑͌̈́̂̚͠k̸̪̮̱͔̻̻̹̟͌̊́̈̓̽͑͗̽͌̐͆͋̽͘̚͝ư̵̡̧̬̩͓͍͎͋̐̀̋̏̕̚n̸̜͓̼̑̈́̒͛̀̉͊̔͜ ̸̛̞̠̩͕̖̺̼̫̲̘͑̍̓̀̓́̈̌́̿̚͜ͅf̵̧͇̥̻͍͚͇͆̇͗̄̚ơ̴̧̞̪͔͉̼̤̩̜̥͈͍̲͛͗̔͌̋̈́͂͋̎͐͝͝r̸̜̹̻͋͐̒͊̔̊͂́̀͒́̌̚̕ ̷̨̧̺̼̙̝̹̻̂̀̾̄͗͋ͅư̴̙͌́̓̎̏̓̇̈̐̆̃͆̒͛s̷̺̞͚̈́̇͒̽͌̀̌̇̽̃̈́͘͠ͅ!̸̛̛̲̪̥̜̮̥̻̓͗̅̒̆̎̿̓̎̏̾̚͜͜"̶̠̦̼̣̖̟̂̄̒͗̽̄̃̊̅̾́͋͋͑̚̕͠


Whether it stumbled during it's panic or simply fell over from the shock of what had happened, the Mockingbird's heavy suit laid upon the floor. Occasionally it's stable hand twitched around, but it couldn't cope with the sudden injury. Instead, it was left laying there, mumbling that it was drowning. Wishing it'd get help. But even if help came now, it was much too late. What grasp 'Duerage' had on it's own situation was now lost, the Maw claiming an innocent that tried to use it's newfound life for the better.

Unfortunately, nobody would ever know it lost itself trying to help.
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