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Level 9 Blazermate - (46/90)
Level 7 Geralt - (94/70)
The Maw > Storage Room
Words: 1468 (3 XP)

Blazermate found that the storeroom was... well the proper term was industrial creepy as if she walked into an industrial warehouse at night that was not well kept. And this wasn't aided by the mimics in the corner that she had seen before. Heck, if it wasn't for the fact the dead zone got nuked, she'd say they'd have walked back into it here. Still, there were quite a few useful items here. While the Koopa troop were looking around one area and Geralt another, Blazermate looked near the crying child. There wasn’t too much Blazermate could do for him right now, as he wasn’t injured or really afflicted by anything, he just seemed to… be there. For how long Blazermate didn’t know, maybe they could grab him on the way out? The floating items near him looked unappealing, being mostly... fecal based? ...what? But nearby him on another shelf were some more interesting items, although one of them was very... questionable. But considering the questionable stuff that the others found it wasn't too surprising in the end. And unlike the other 3 items, two of them were at least food based.

Most of these items Blazermate couldn't use, due to her being unable to eat and two of them being food based. However these items could be helpful for the others, as they most certainly weren't cursed as they were bean based, right? After all, this was a storage closet, so food stuffs kinda made sense? And upon grabbing the third item, a cute grateful looking ghost, the pickup just disappeared as its power flowed into Blazermate. Blazermate wasn't sure what just happened, but got the idea that it was 'help from beyond' or something and should she look closely, she will have found a red crack had suddenly formed on the ground.

She didn't have that much time to look though, as the noise of everyone moving, shifting, and finding objects attracted the attention of baddies, most of which looked like they were also from the dead zone, sorta. The snake being the most troubling of them all. Blazermate, unlike the kids, was much larger then them. But unlike them, she was a full robot and they were in a storeroom with various nicknacks, some of them being mechanical in nature. So Blazermate found an empty part of a shelf to sit on, and made herself to look like a shut off mechanical doll. This wasn't too hard, since her eyes never looked like they moved, so she could keep watch on the snake while hiding in essentially plain sight.

Geralt’s own search took him along with Bowser, though not quite as close as the Koopa King was originally intending. The plan that Kamek and Bowser had was good, insofar as it allowed the group to cover more ground while not losing track of one another. Geralt’s own search, slightly separated, was...frankly, not particularly fruitful compared to the others’.

In one box, he’d found a pendant which reminded him, in a vague sort of way, of his missing Wolf Medallion, and he took it, immediately wearing it around his neck. He didn’t feel any different wearing it, and the pendant didn’t seem to be reacting to anything around him, so Geralt chalked it up to being one of the personal effects of one of the Guests. Given that he doubted they’d miss the thing, he shrugged and carried on, pendant still hanging from his neck.

The goggles were sat upon one of the shelves, and after testing them, Geralt found that they didn’t impact his visibility much at all, so he decided to take them along with the hopes that they’d come in handy, whether it be in the salty sea air or at some point down the line.

The can of freeze spray, being cold to the touch, gave the Witcher pause for a moment before he grabbed it and stuffed it in the pockets of his pants, figuring he’d find a use for it then.

After a bit of shuffling about and searching the shelves and boxes, Geralt found himself confronted with a strange situation: tiny pieces of paper were stuck to various objects littered about the area, and Bowser was acting with an abundance of caution around them. That behavior itself was enough to warrant suspicion, but the words on those papers gave him pause: ‘Not a mimic’ indicated that something was a mimic, and with a name like that, Geralt didn’t need to guess to figure out what they were capable of.

As Geralt was heading towards Boswer, he passed a mug with the same note on it, but this mug was a liar. A liar, and a mimic. Leaping at him, the horrific creature managed to land one of its legs on Geralt’s bent arm, before attempting to force another down his throat. Lifting his free arm, thankfully still gripping the Nail, Geralt drove it through the creature’s body, causing it to leap free of him and run off, perhaps seeking prey elsewhere. “Boss, we’d best be careful.” Geralt reported, unhelpfully. He didn’t doubt that they’d just seen what happened, but it was still good to at least assuage any fears that he’d been hurt badly. “Managed to stick it, but the damned thing ran off before I could finish the job.”

When a sudden noise spooked a group of the weird things, which now that he thought about it really resembled what the Runaway Kid had turned into, Geralt watched with amusement that turned to horror, which then turned to anger as the Resentment stepped through the door into the storage room.

As the others scrambled to hide, Geralt noticed a familiar shade of blue hiding on one of the shelves, and sneakily made his way over to her and whispered. “Hey.” Bowser’s own ruckus was likely distracting the thing, so he wasn’t overly afraid of alerting it to their position.

Blazermate, not moving, replied when she saw that it was Geralt talking to her, also keeping her volume low. ”So uh… about that plan of Jrs…. I think I got something good for it.” When the snake wasn’t looking, Blazermate put power into one of her arms to grab and remove the red stew from her backpack, handing it to Geralt. ”This might help? It looks like a bean soup. I don’t know what it does though, but maybe give it a shot?”

Geralt looked at the weird bean stew in Blazermate’s hands. Then he looked at Blazermate. Then he looked back to the stew. And back to Blazermate again. After a moment, he shrugged. “Don’t suppose it’ll hurt any.” Grabbing the spoon, Geralt shoved the stew into his mouth quickly, some dripping down his chin, but thankfully splattering on the floor and not his shirt. It was actually quite good, and that wasn’t just the hunger talking, now that he’d gotten that small meal into him earlier. How it didn’t spill in her backpack, though, he didn’t question.

”By the way, I found that near this cute ghost powerup thing I absorbed” Blazermate said, omitting this information until Geralt ate the lentil bean stew. She omitted the crap based items also nearby it entirely.

Geralt let out a sigh and turned a glare on Blazermate that would have been much more intimidating were he his usual self. “And you waited until after I ate it to tell me that. Thank you.” Shaking his head with the snark, he dropped the emptied bowl and whistled for the Nail, which flew up from where he’d left it against the shelf and into his waiting hand. “Forget it, let’s go get this done.” He stated, perhaps a bit more curt than before, moving back to the others at a quick run.

Blazermate stayed in her spot due to her size, staying motionless until the plan went into motion or things went south. If they went south quick, she’d move herself over to the others posthaste.

As the Resentment was struck with the doughy projectile, Geralt and the others descended upon it like ravenous beasts, though they refrained from attempting to eat the thing, despite its appearance. As much as this place drove one to hunger, it’d take a lot more to get Geralt to try and eat anything that creature had turned into. Instead, he drove his Nail into the beast-shrimp again and again, powered by fury and, unbeknownst to him, the power boost provided by the soup he’d eaten.

Among the group, they were strong, but unless this new ability of Kamek’s lasted a while (Geralt having been unconscious-or near enough-when he fused with the Spirit), they’d have a new set of problems when the thing came back.

Best to kill it now, then. Assuming such a thing were possible.

Level 9 Blazermate - (43/90)
The Maw > The Stage
Words: less than 750

Blazermate, Nadia, and Ace came in at the right time to save the day, their fellow members having issues with fighting some rice, tentacle... things... But their intervention saved the day momentarily, allowing those turned into food to turn back with the defeat of said tempura wizards. IT was then explained what this 'curse' was, apparently only meat products were cursed, which Blazermate promptly removed from her backpack, offering the non meat items to those who were hungry. Thankfully she didn't have to worry about this curse, but it defensively caused concern for everyone else here. Especially after what happened...

After a bit of healing and eating, the group moved on to their next destination, the headquarters of whoever was running this ship. Unlike the others, Blazermate didn't actually see this geisha coming in, so she didn't know this was the big bad. Although the performance she was about to see would solidify that fact soon enough.

The group found themselves in a, frankly, japanese theatre with sitting pillows and everything. Much like Sakura, Blazermate said. "Its like at home when you go to Ninja world or something." She did agree with the others pointing out the 'guests' in this area.... They really weren't healthy. Nor pretty. The one that Bowser seemed to know was the best looking of the bunch, at least he seemed to try to keep himself looking somewhat proper. Although while two of the others were really ugly, especially the slug lady, the guy with the marble women around him looked weird, but not so bad thanks to his company? Why did he have moving marble statues anyway? Well that was a thought that'd get resolved never as a kid that had guided Nadia became the 'attraction' of the show, the room going dark and a single beam of light shining down upon him as a tall kabuki woman came out from some nearby manikins of herself and did.... something... to the boy, turning him into some shriveled husk thing, much to the cheers of the fatties watching the show.

Having completed her show, she gestured in the direction of the group before moving on. "So... uh.... Guess we've gotta deal with her. Kinda a relief considering all the other stuff below if we can figure out what she does..." Blazermate said. Seeing as there were some rooms around, Blazermate suggested that they look in the one named "storeroom' to see if it had any weapons or anything. Although knowing this place, it probably was just full of corpses or something. Bowser and the troop had the same idea.

Level 9 Blazermate - (35/90)
The Maw > Kitchen
Words: less than 750

Blazermate didn't have much luck with Bowser on breaking down the door and when the koopa troop moved on, Blazermate followed them. In the next room the floor was very sudsy and slippery with Bowser finding some of his minions and stopping to convince them to join his party. Blazermate decided not to stay with Bowser as he tried to recruit his own minions, instead flying over soapy floor and reaching the next room, trusting Bowser to handle the situation with his own koopa troop members. This door was closed as well, but unlike the kids Blazermate could easily reach and turn the doorknob, opening the door, she found herself out on the main floor of the restaraunt. Now, being a medabot, even if she was one of the taller models, she was still shorter than many of the gusts here, the fat... repulsive... eating their own scraps... guests... ugh this place was awful. But unlike the kids she couldn't be gobbled up in one bite. That and she was made out of metal, not flesh, so Blazermate doubted she tasted good or anything.

She trailed behind Nadia and Ace, quite a bit in fact, to the point where she couldn't help the two out of their predicaments until she herself made her way down the dumbweighter the kids had gone down. Her journey through the restaurant wasn't nearly as dangerous as the two kids though, with the guests either outright ignoring her for the food in front of them, or in the rare case a guest got curious and tried to nibble on one of Blazermate's legs or pony tails, the guest giving up very quickly upon biting into her metal frame followed by a clonk by her new fishy weapon. "Why would you even try to bite a robot?" Blazermate said to herself after the first attempt, with the other two attempts at eating her and failing just annoying the medabot. Still, with her new fish weapon, she found that these guests were easy to deal with all things considered, even if their fat made them super hard to knock out, the pain of chomping on metal and a smack from a super hard fish deterred them. Finally, no giant fish monsters or giant claw monsters that she couldn't deal with, these were just obese humans. This emboldened the Medabot medic.

While she arrived later than Nadia and Ace due to trying to break down the door with the koopa troop, Blazermate did see them go down an elevator like thing. Due to her size, mostly her twin tails, Blazermate had to think a bit of how she was going to get down there. Eventually she came up with the only idea she could, climb down the shaft. But before she could figure out a way to do that, the pair of kids came back up and were being chased by a chef that ran on by, Blazermate not standing near the doors while she was thinking. Seeing this chef chasing her kids, she gave chase herself, fish up in the air ready to beat the everliving crap out of this hostile chef for trying to attack her kids. This was so much nicer than having to deal with those giant monsters for sure.

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (16/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia was glad the fight was over, a few resistance members dead but that was to be expected, none of her minions dead but a few badly hurt, including herself. Thankfully her little magic trinket gave her a good amount of regeneration, so her wounds wouldn't last as she passively healed as the team made their way back to the surface, their job complete. Seeing as they did manage to knock out Shadow, Sectonia did think about taking him out and gain a very strong minion, but that'd require grabbing him out of Necro's tentacles and that was a bit unsavory. Sectonia ignored Ceilla entirely, not really a fan of Midna's plan with 'playing dumb', nor having any interest in the hot headed girl. Heck, if it wasn't for her minions wanting her alive, Sectonia would finish her off for her impertinence.

As they made their way back, they ran into Tora's group, who was making their way down. With everyone on edge, another fight almost started before people calmed down. "Ah, Tora. What was your group doing?" Sectonia said, with a tone asking for an update more than anything. Seeing Midna was hurt the most, Mao gave her some kind of healing candy, something the kid had a small amount of. Well, he did say he was a 'demon lord' or something silly like that, perhaps he was interested in dating the demon imp Midna? Ah, well, if he wanted to date one of her minions, he'd need to be Sectonia's minion as well.

Much like Necro, the other phantom thieves seemed to know Shadow, speaking in casual tones as if he was someone famous in their world or something. "So, you all know this "Shadow'? Why don't you tell everyone what you know about him. With his strength, if I hadn't dealt with him, well, I'd prefer not to lose minions."

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (15/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia's plan did work, a bit too well. She wasn't really expecting for shadow to be so much stronger than his allies. Blows that hurt Sectonia but she could withstand them, these ones though... It was a bit of a concern. Seeing her trick though, Shadow made another attempt to ram into the bee queen with his spiky body, although without the energy which allowed him to aim and hit her. This didn't hurt nearly as badly as the other one would've though, and Shadow only got one attack off before he was sent away and was dealing with Ciella, who had gone berserk at this point. Ciella arrow spray didn't hurt Sectonia as much as it did a few of her other allies, and her going berserk wasn't going to do well for anyone. Although while she kept Shadow distracted, now would be a good time to leave as they had decimated the resistance and all that was left now was Shadow and the ringmaster, which Ciella seemed to be handling fairly alright. (At least until she got hit by Shadow, but that was something for later.)

And with all the attacks from the two starting to destabalize the arena they found themselves in, with a few select minions being quite injured, Sectonia flew over and scooped up Midna and Mao, although as the latter was new and still 'Gleemed' she was a bit more hesitant about this one. "Right, best to get you minions out of here before you become one with the abyss." Sectonia said, helping out her two injured allies.

Level 9 Blazermate - (34/90)
The Maw > Kitchen
Words: less than 750

After their little mishap with the fish man, Blazermate's healing not working at it should've but everyone alive, they rode the elevator and found themselves in a cafeteria area for kids. Blazermate, not having any need to eat, didn't stick around in this room for long only scooping up a few of the non perishables like cured meats and bread into her backpack when she saw that half her team was eating and the other half wasn't. Either the curse would take those that didn't eat, or the ones that did, so being prepared for one of hte two scenarios would probably be best here. With that done she moved into the next room, which was full of older looking butchers tools such as meat grinders and the like.

Since Blazermate wasn't organic, the sight of all the messy organic bits didn't bother her too much. She knew it was gross, and it was, but unlike some of the others that would soon follow, it didn't bother her on a deeper level other than 'ew'. She then took a peek in the next room, in which she saw a huge butcher, adult sized or maybe even a bit bigger, which towered over her. Not as much as it did the others mind, but while she was one of the taller Medabot models, she still wasn't full human adult size. There were only 3 medabot models that were all things considered, with one of those models being a kaiju and the others being actual tanks. Still, a big human guy was a bit of a relief compared to all the stuff they had been dealing with prior.

And seeing as they were in a kitchen, maybe now Blazermate could find a weapon that wasn't just a piece of scrap metal. Looking around in the room she was in, there wasn't really much that stood out. Chains weren't her thing, and she couldn't pick up an actual meat grinder and use it efficiently either. But over in a corner she found a fish wrapped in a newspaper. However, soemthing about when she scanned this fish caught her attention, as it seemed to be much, much tougher than it looked. Almost as if it was as strong as an aluminum baseball bat. She tried playing with it for a bit, noticing how floppy it was, but after a bit she got some training and ideas with it to use it at least effectively as a club.

It was about time too, as the others had come and gone into the next room doing some shenanigans to open the door, them being much more conspicuous compared to Blazermate. However not long after they made a distraction which caught Blazermate's attention, another chef, more human looking and even bigger than the other guy, came walking in. And this other guy was far, far more perceptive than the other cook, finding the other kids right away and catching their abyssal friends in his clutches! Well this was a good of time as any to appear and help her comrades as the others tried the same thing. Unfortunitally Blazermate couldn't get to the man in time with her weapon, both chefs leaving the room and closing the door behind them with their new found catch.

Some of the kids went through a nearby vent to try to get to their captured allies, others, the ones who ate, were too big and couldn't fit through said vent, were banging down the door. Blazermate joined this door group, using her own robo strength to join in the bashing with Bowser and the like as the ones who could get into the room using their own methods were doing what they could to rescue the girls. Oh, these chefs were in for a surprise when a robot wielding a fish with the strength of an aluminum bat brought her retribution onto them. She was quite tired of this running and hiding business anyway.

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (15/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

Well, it seemed either Galeem's influence was stronger than his will, the blue girl's mind control was greater than his will, or this Shadow creature was just a fool. All most likely, but that was neither here nor there. As Sectonia was ready for Shadow's next attack, she managed to dodge his much stronger Chaos Lance with a blink of her own. Seeing as he was using far more powerful attacks now in sheer annoyance or rage, Sectonia wasn't sure which nor did she really care, but this did give her an idea.

Having blinked away, she positioned herself so that Shadow's next attack would go crashing into Sven. This would end up being a good idea, as Shadow launched himself towards Sectonia in a sphere of darkness. And playing into her hands Shadow barreled towards Sven as Sectonia blinked out of the way of his physical dash. With that done, Sectonia then gave herself and her allies haste, making sure not to take her eyes off of Shadow. He was strong, stronger than the rest of the enemies here, and probably too strong for some of her minions, so she would keep his attention. And the haste should help her minions out either way, Shadow seemed to be able to dispel the slow.

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (15/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia managed to avoid the ice attack from Ciella who seemed to be having a bit of an issue with some of Sectonia's minions, most notably Midna. Although beyond the arguing Sectonia couldn't tell what it was about. Either way, Shadow somewhat took her bait, getting near Sectonia. Although he had a different idea, using his time stop power yet again to move Sectonia in the middile of her allies aiming her random lightning towards Ciella before resuming time on her, causing her triple lighting blast to scatter around and hit everyone nearby. However, much like her light rings and void blasts, this lightning did no damage to her allies. Ciella didn't know that though, and took the attack as it looked like, shooting out more ice at people.

At the mention of no reenforcements coming from the enemy side, Necronomicon used an ability to give everyone a burst of healing and magic power. While Sectonia didn't use mana, the burst of healing was quite nice and caused her Nukima's Opinion to fire off a couple of green ghostly skulls which homed in on the nearest foe dealing a fair bit of damage considering Sectonia's bulk. Then reenforcements of their own appeared in the form of that cat that turned into a vehicle crashing from the ceiling, causing a momentary pause in the fight. A pause which Sectonia used to formulate a plan to deal with her main opponent Shadow, someone that many of her minions were very hesitant to even think of fighting.

This Shadow was being quite the annoying opponent, an opponent that would make a wonderful minion one way or another. And it seemed like it'd have to be the other way, as he hated the idea of serving anyone... And that thought gave Sectonia an idea, a devious idea. Engaging Shadow again, "I'm surprised that a strong fighter such as yourself with such an independent spirit takes commands willingly from one weaker than himself." she said, gesturing to Nastiasha who had managed to mind control Shadow. "Or perhaps your strength comes from her and not yourself. After all, if you are controlled by another, how can you claim anything you've done as your own?" Sectonia's plan of psychological warfare here, she hoped, would cause the strongest member of the resistance to possibly turn on the rest of them, if he was as strong willed as he led himself on to be. Either way, she was ready to counterattack Shadow should her plan not work the way she intended.

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (14/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia's plan of dealing with their ringleader sort of worked? Well, she got her attention at least while a few of her minions made a surprise attack from behind. What didn't feel good though was Shadow following her teleporting and slamming her to the ground. Now, while Shadow did grab her by the neck in an attempt to wind her, the hedgehog didn't know that wouldn't work the way he thought it would. It did hurt, and Sectonia was quite anooyed and angered at not being able to speak for a bit while her throat recovered a bit, but it didn't wind her all that badly. When she recovered from the slight stun of being chokeslammed though, she didn't have time to retaliate as another one of her 'allies' (this one not being a minion yet.) started to cast their own spell that covered most of the arena in ice that crept towards the downed Queen and the rebellion. So using this little distraction, she blinked away much to Shadow's annoyance.

Once free and away from the effect that Ciella was using to finish the rebellion in one fell swoop it seemed, Sectonia coughed and readied herself for the fighters that would stand after such an attack. Shadow would most certanly be coming their way, and Sectonia had a triple dose of lightning ready for that hedgehog should he come in recklessly like he so liked. However as she got ready she noticed that Mao brought a friend, the dragonborn who blew her away that one time with his voice, the glow free from his eyes. Well, this gave her an idea, although considering how difficult it was to land any damage on her quarry in the first place, said friend heart would probably be more detrimental than helpful.

Level 9 Blazermate - (33/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

This fat ugly fish man really didn't do himself any favors. While Blazermate was able to save NAdia and Mirage from being nommed and brought them to the elevator, Mordeau had one more trick up his sleeve. He didn't appriciate having a massive nail driven into his back by Bowser and began to bloat up quite a bit, he released a deluge of acid spraying it up and raining it everywhere with a few of her friends getting hit by the acidic deluge. Blazermate could shield those she saved though on the elevator, and a few of the others from most of the acid, as while it looked really painful against organic material, metal didn't seem to be affected as much by it leaving Blazermate with a bit of a tingling feeling as the acid drops landed on her metal body. Sure it'd ruin her paint job, but she could fix that later.

While she could only heal one at a time, Blazermate kept juggling her healing on those who needed it. And much to Sakura's dismay, her healing beam couldn't fix clothing. That medi gun she got that could turn people invincible could, but her stock medabot one could not.

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (13/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

While Sectonia was raining down chaos about the battlefiled, at first she wasn't challenged, allowing her to cause quite a bit of chaos among the ranks of the Resistance. Midna wasn't taking her fights super well, and thus Sectonia focused a bit more in Shadow's direction as overall he was the biggest threat. Seeing the bee queen throw spells his way, Shadow retaliated in a fasion that was more befit a rogue than a boss, just throwing out one of his ultimate moves right away instead of seeing if he needed to pace. Sectonia had really struck a nerve with the hedgehog it seemed and he wasn't one to take that lightly. He froze the bee queen in time yet again, a very annoying ability, before placing bombs around her and timing his unfreeze with their detonation.

Now, against any other member of the team bar Tora, this attack would've probably crippled them or have been their end. Thankfully the Bee Queen, in anticipation of another kind of attack, had erected her magical barrier from her pipe of insight. The item additionally gave her quite the amount of magic resistance, which let her take the blast outright. Now, this did hurt, quite a lot to be precise, but not enough to break Sectonia's will and grace, and out from the smoke the Bee Queen emerged looking like nothing had happened outside of a bit of soot on parts of her body. "If that is enough to take out your weaklings your world must be quite lacking in strength." Sectonia said to taunt, with a bit of a laugh. While taunting, she did get an idea though, as much as she disliekd Midna's plan even if they friend hearted these people, they would still be under the mind control of their leader. A leader who didn't want to fight and would've taken Shadow with her.

While laughing Sectonia blinked, leaving an after image of herself as she drew her swords and made her way to Nastahsia, blinking around to confuse her as she looked for an opening, striking with a slash at the blue lady. If the group was to even hope to gather anything more than items, powers, or strikers, this person had to go.

Level 9 Blazermate - (32/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

As more and more people made their way to the exit, some had issues, some didn't. Either way, Blazermate was able to help Cadet, and now there were others that needed saving. Seeing as a few were trying to distract Mordeu, Blazermate used this opportunity to help those across and access the elevator who didn't have good movement, offering her ability to fly to help the shrunken members jump with great height and cross vast distances of the room easily like she had done for Geralt before. She wouldn't get involved with the Mordeu distraction until everyone who couldn't fight or wanted to sit by the elevator were there, at which case she'd have to start aiding or extracting those who were engaged with the monster. Thankfully she could heal them and get them out of the area if things got too bad. Modreu was big, but lumbering and without nearly the grace Bowser showed in the way of agility.
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