Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (1/80)
Location: Up the mountain
Word Count: Less than 750
Sectonia managed to save a few of her minions with her little plan. After all, while these creatures barreled down with much force, they were not all that threatening without any control behind it. With her flying above with Necronomicon, who was thoroughly enjoying Sectonia's little platform summoning skill, something she had to do a few more times when prudent so the others could get up the mountain unharmed.
Once they had reached and passed the starting line that these 'racers' were coming from and were out of that hazard course, the group took a bit of a break to relax a bit before the next part of their travels. "I have known much better 'jesters', those weren't even worthy of being fools. " Sectonia said, looking behind where they had come from at Midna's remarks more or less agreeing with the imp.
As they progressed further, they found a bear resting in the middle of the path. A very large bear that was even bigger than Sectonia herself. IT was sleeping however, and while it seemed to be at peace, many of the others were deciding how they should go about dealing with this thing. Some were poking it to no avail, Midna was going to make it sneeze, and others just wanted to fly over the thing if possible or even fight it. Sectonia did have a few ideas of her own. "Well if you can hold it down, I suppose my new secretary could brainwash it. Although I feel we would still need to fight it a bit even in that case." Sectonia offered. "Otherwise while I could defeat it without issues since I'm sure it can't fly, you all would be in quite a bit of trouble." So with that, her plan was to mind control the thing, if the others little schemes didn't work. Heck, if her plan worked, she would have quite the wall for a minion.

Level 9 Blazermate - (81/90)
Carcass Isle
Words: NA
Blazermate was having a bit more fun that she should've cleaning up the remaining Murlocks while the others dealt with the larger threats. At first she figured that skeleton with the anchor was going to be an enemy, but he ended up helping in the end, a welcome sight in this frankly disgusting rotting island. With a combination attack from frankly, most of the group, Tidehunter went down with Link getting the final blow, Peach showing a, very spooky, ability to conjure a weak point when there wouldn't be one, and one that was just as critical as a medal to boot! She wasn't that strong or could take many hits, but making a weakness out of where there wasn't one was quite something for sure.
Bowser meanwhile was acting like the big heroic teddy bear he was, showing compassion for a giant monster that was, frankly quite rude to the king and Bowser suffering some damage for his attempts at being a paragon. It was a good thing he was a tough turtle... thing, otherwise he couldn't take risks like that with Kamek thinking the same thing. Still, his efforts were in vein and they had to end up killing the thing anyway. With the battle over, Blazermate called all of her undead murlocs over while she got to healing up everyone's damage, having a special word for Bowser. "Aw, you tried, thats what matters." And Kamek, who while he didn't need healing, he did aid the others and as such Blazermate got a bit of a side word with the koopa mage. "I know he doesn't like being called this, but Bowser is just a big lovable tough teddy bear isn't he?". She'd show a smile, if she had any facial expressions to give on, so Kamek could only go by her tone.
Blazermate had no desire for any of the spirits herself outside of grabbing one of those lanterns Link had gotten, not as good as a flashlight, but it'd do in a pinch. Tidehunter out of all of them did spook her the most though; why did his big attack have to be TENTACLES? Its always tentacles... so instead she spent her time healing and playing with her new undead murloc thralls. She found they were very organized for zombies, all things considered, but she only has a small squad of them, so they probably wouldn't last long. Nor were they even strong enough to carry the medabot, so she had to catch her ride on Bowser again.
It didn't take them too long to get to the next area, some of the group apparently smelling quite ripe over all the disgusting stuff they had to wade through. Thankfully none of this bothered Blazermate at all, there were advantages to having a smelling system you could just turn off! But still, that didn't help how disgusting this all was. "Ugh... If I got more control over this suffering arm, do you think I could raise all the dead stuff here and make short work of the boss?" Blazermate said, trying to say something to get everyone's mind off the disgusting sight in front of them, with these ghostlike eels that looked like trouble just slithering around everything in front of them.