Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
Avatar of Archmage MC

Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (69/70)
Location: Almost up the mountain
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia watched as all the others did their attacks on Tora, everyone giving him some time to rest. Funny enough, out of everyone Sectonia's attacks seemed to have the most effect against Tora, being defense pierces, elemental damage, and all of that fun stuff. The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful following that whole thing.

The last stop of the train was some desert town that looked like they were ready for a party. Sectonia appreciated the vibrant colors, although she wasn't sure what to make of the residents who were all skeletons. Seeing as this was the last stop until the group started to climb the mountain, those who weren't prepared for the mountain and its harsh climate went into a nearby store to get supplies and possibly whatever else they sold. Sectonia took a courtesy glance in the store, and after finding not much to her liking, decide to wait outside for the others to finish their business, taking this time to count all of her minions.

The conductor said it best, there was a lot of them going up that mountain, some faces Sectonia hadn't even realized were there due to the large amount of minions for her to keep track of. While she did see the kid with the large shoes and the other kid with the extremely large head, she figured they were just part of the phantom thieves, but thinking back on it, no, they were new. Seeing as they were new minions, the Queen went over to the two (Sora and Raz) to make introductions. And while doing this, another person joined the group, although this one didn't peak Sectonia's interest as they just looked like one of the phantom thieves again. Although considering they were with Primrose, perhaps it would be best to greet them all the same.

As some of the group was discussing the point the conductor made about there being too many people, Sectonia spoke up. "Well, warmth will not be a problem. My fire antillions can keep those nearby warm." Really the only problem would be time, as Sectonia could carry most of the kids if need be, and Midna was also a flyer like her. And there were her gemstone platforms, if they were needed. She did remember the Scout arguing earlier about a 'platform gun' or something of that like.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
Avatar of Yankee

Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Word Count: 853 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 54/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

A solid strike! The Cadet could feel it in the force of his shield. He backed off as the sharq giant reeled, gearing up to follow the Shoryugeki with another blow when some unexpected help arrived. Ms. Fortune came down onto the beast, stabbing into it's hide. She must have tidily taken care of the murlocs she'd lured. Her timing was spot on, but the giant wasn't down just yet. It didn't even give the two time to acknowledge each other, as it launched itself forward in attack. Having already gotten a taste of it's surprise speed, the Cadet skirted out of it's path - though he was quick to follow it and Nadia into the dilapidated shack it had thrown itself into.

He rushed in through the hole the giant had torn in the shack's wall, and was immediately met with the thing standing upright and on the move. Once more the giant's fists met the Cadet's shield. It was a few tense moments where the sharq man beat on the metal trying to get around the monster hunter's defense, slowly driving him backwards. The shield held, and once the creature stopped for a breather the Cadet retaliated with his sword, slashing and stabbing.

Nadia appeared then, jumping down from a higher floor within in the building. There was also riotous noise filtering in from outside, the shouts of friends and foes along with what sounded like cannon fire. The Cadet could only guess that more trouble had shown up.

He met Nadia's eyes, grinning at her despite the current circumstances. If they had made a good team while transformed into children, surely as their adult selves they'd be that much more formidable.

"Sounds like things are getting gnarlycuga. Let's put this thing down and get back out there," he said, confident. He dove back in on the attack, hardly registering that Kamek and Junior had arrived as back up. But when his weapon suddenly burned with magic flame, The Cadet's eyes widened and he faltered.


Kamek was saying something, the old wizard must have cast a spell on him. The Cadet was not usually the target of such spells, and before he didn't think he would mind - but now it was making his skin crawl, and because his attention was going from his sword to where Kamek was floating off to down at himself where there was a soft green glow, he was not at all focused on the giant in front of him. The monster raised it's arm and flung it at the Cadet, swatting the redhead hard off to the side and right back out of the shack, making another hole in it's walls as he crashed through.

He bounced on the surface of the water once before managing to right himself, sliding and coming to a stop. Now outside, he could see the state of things - there were a few more little guys, but a lot more big guys. It would definitely behoove them to take care of the sharq fishman they were fighting quickly so they could help tackle these new threats. The Cadet looked at the enchanted sword still clutched tightly in his hand. It was some kind of power-up spell, but it felt... weird, and wrong to use it. He grimaced. Unfortunately he was going to have to spurn Kamek's generosity if he wanted to be of any use, because he doubted he'd be able to concentrate while seeing the magic around the sword. He could hardly concentrate now, outside of battle, because of the feel of the aura cast on him - a constant unpleasant buzz. Plus there were now a bunch of magic clones in the shack too.

The Cadet sheathed the Master Bang, put a knuckle to his forehead and breathed in and out deeply, willing himself to get over it. He couldn't just abandon the fight and move on after all, Nadia was still in there.

"Pull yourself together, Cadet!" he huffed to himself. He gathered himself up, shifting the sheathe of the Nightsky Ripper forward before zipping across the water and back into the battle. If any wandering murlocs thought they'd ambush some easy prey they shot full of holes courtesy of the guns on his rigging as he moved.

His new plan was to end this particular fight as fast as possible. He had swapped his defense for more offense with the long sword, pulling the blade out for a swift attack. To cover up the feeling of Kamek's buff, the Cadet activating Devouring Demon, further powering him up even as he felt his vitality start to drain. He'd unwittingly avoided the healing white mage by being thrown from the shack, and if he was quick enough he could keep avoiding it - and instead do some quick recovery by attacking the giant.

The Ace Cadet reappeared after Junior's antics. His eyes were hard and he pretty much forced his vision to tunnel, focusing only on the giant fishman so he wouldn't catch sight of anything distressing or distracting. The long sword flashed, it's blade finding it's way to the monster.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
Avatar of Lugubrious

Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 38 min ago

Tora and Poppi

Location: Sandswept Sky - Tostarena Town
Level 9 Tora (102/90) Level 9 Poppi (102/90) Level 5 Big Band (41/50)
Midna’s @DracoLunaris, Fox’s @Dawnrider, Jesse’s @Zoey Boey, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC, Primrose’s @Yankee, Yoshitsune and Sora’’s @Rockin Strings, Mao’s @Potemking, Raz’s @TruthHurts22, Ellie’s @Thatguyinastore
Word Count: 2571

As mealtime wound down, with all who partook in it packed with enough meaty, cheesy, spicy, savory goodness to see them through the arduous ascent ahead of them, contemplation of how exactly to go from here picked up. Poppi didn’t exactly appreciate the way that Mao misconstrued her statement, but even if he argued from a place of selfishness rather than concern for the others’ wellbeing, his pronouncements contained a few grains of truth. If every problem could be solved by just throwing more manpower at it, the entire population of Alcamoth would be swarming festive little Tostarena Town like a plague of locusts, its heroic hordes robbing Deportes Bienes blind and eating the Happy Hongo out of house and home. The image of everyone tripping over one another trying to scale the mountainside made Tora chuckle through his empanada, although in truth he knew as well as the next Nopon that the dangers in store were no laughing matter. When it came time to actually fight the boss he wanted all hands on deck, but until then an oversized party seemed pretty much cost-prohibitive.

Of course, even if everyone reached that consensus, a million questions remained, the most obvious being the question of who would stay behind. Despite the disadvantages incurred by his new upgrades, Yoshitsune seemed intent on making the climb, even if he lacked even the most basic idea of how to go about it. Approaching Jesse for ideas was a stroke of luck on his part, although not for the reasons he might think. Before she said anything Joker, remembering well the many remarkable features of the FBC director’s Tool Gun, interjected with a different idea. “Well, she could tie some balloons to you and then pull them around with her power. But look, even if there’s a way to get you up there like that, you’ll be totally dependent on either a hackneyed mechanical solution or someone else risking his or her own neck to carry you the whole way.”

Mona gave a sagacious nod, his little arms crossed. “This is gonna be risky. We can’t afford to have dead weight. It’d be smarter to stay down here, then back us up when the time is right.” Given that his countryman hailed from the distant past, and lacked any sort of grasp on technology, Joker hoped that Yoshitsune would see the wisdom in his more modern peers’ suggestions.

Big Band shot the cat a brief but pointed look for his condescension. “Although Mona coulda worded that with a li’l more tact, he’s got a point. If anyone can’t fly, climb, or jump good, you oughta think twice ‘bout makin’ the trip,” the trenchcoat-clad detective warned. Murmurs broke out among the group as the team members reflected on themselves, and after a few moments Heavy, Medic, and Blue Poison decided to sit out. Even Ciella reconsidered her participation in the climb, knowing that her greatest asset, her Agito form, couldn’t be employed casually.

As the team of stay-behinds grew, Juan stepped forward to offer some consolation. “Don’t worry, amigos, you won’t be bored down here!” he told them, his voice every bit as larger-than-life as the rest of him. “Loco as it might sound, Tostarena’s got a heaping pile of stuff on our plate we oughta deal with, so any help would be muy bien!”

“Especially from an Al Mamoon official,” Tostada added, her eyes on Ciella. “Naturally, the tourism industry means the town can reward you all amply for your efforts.”

Although what the town’s guardians spoke of sounded rather like something that was beneath her, Ciella gave a stiff nod. “...I suppose that is within my ability.”

With one decision more or less made, Raz had already begun working his thinker about the other piece of the puzzle. If a substantial group planned to stay behind in reserve, how exactly would they go about backing the away team up when push came to shove? He mentioned zip lines and the cannon he spotted in Deportes Bienes, although the team dwarf stepped up to shoot him down even after Midna said her piece. “Unless you’re talkin’ Deep Rock’s stuff, zip lines are for goin’ down, not up!” the Scout reminded Raz. After pushing away from the table he hefted the bright yellow Platform Gun he’d purchased from the sports shop with his own gold. “Didja mean this ‘ere Platform Gun? Well, it en’t exactly my specialty I’ll admit, but it shoots out a loada plascrete that makes a big ol’ disc wherever ya pointed it. Good for us while climbin’, not so much for whoever’s down ‘ere.”

Midna also mentioned the possibility of luring the region boss down rather than bringing the others up, which held some water as far as Band was concerned. “If we can do that, we ought to. Still, we shouldn’t place all our bets on bein’ able to manipulate this thing like that. Otherwise, someone could just fly up, flick its nose, and come right back down. Or hell, just shoot the dang thing.”

Primrose ended up cycling back to the original topic, wondering why the notion of everyone going up in the first place might pose an issue. She also introduced a newcomer, an acquaintance of hers that she’d apparently met here. As Midna chatted away Tora and Poppi couldn’t help but be a little jealous, having missed their own friends since the very beginning of this whirlwind adventure, but neither planned on losing faith just yet. Somewhere, out in this crazy, mixed-up world of light, Rex, Mythra, Nia, and the others were waiting; their time would come.

Since the team’s appointed leader and figure of authority, Fox, seemed to be keeping quiet, Poppi decided to answer the dancer’s question as best she could. “Poppi think big group take more resources, attract more attention, and make communication plus coordination harder. We not have enough supplies or equipment. Also, there higher chance of losing track of individuals, causing collapse or avalanche, and accidentally interfering with one another. If something bad happen, chain reaction could lead to catastrophe.”

Tora shivered, remembering a few narrowly avoided disasters in the icy innards of Tantal. “Meeeeh...Tora even more happy that Poppi going to carry me.”

“Confidence ain’t always enough,” Band summarized. “Now, I don’t claim to be an expert, but even I know that mountain climbin’ ain’t nothin’ to take lightly. I seen a movie or two back in the day that chilled me straight to the bone. The only reason we have a chance in the first place is ‘cause of all the powers and stuff we got. I don’t wanna see any o’ y’all cast your fate to the wind.”

Panther crossed her arms. “That just brings us back to how we’re gonna get everyone up there, though.” Her giant pigtails swung back and forth as she looked around the group in search of ideas. “Can anyone, like, teleport or something?”

Out of everyone present, it was the town guardian Tostada who stepped up first. “Actually, there may be a way for those who make the climb to bring the others up after them.” The blue-skinned heroine headed toward the restaurant’s door, gesturing for the others to come along. “If you’re finished, pack up your things and follow me.

A few minutes later, the couple dozen Seekers stood on the northern outskirts of Tostada Town, gathered upon the red sands at the head of the trail. In front of them loomed the unfathomable eminence, a wall of stone that from their point of view blocked the whole horizon, reaching as far in either direction as anyone could see. For now they stood on the foothills, so it would be a while before the going got too steep, although that meant a great distance yet to go horizontally as well as vertically. Everyone could see the point at which desert red gave way to wintry white, and even what appeared to be snow-laden trees, a narrow but tight-packed coniferous belt of murky green around the mountain’s immense waist. Only by turning around could the heroes grasp the altitude they’d already attained, for from here they could peer outward over not just the rooftops of Tostarena Town, but over the whole of the continent’s Eastern Desert, and thereby take in that ceaseless expanse of wind and sand in which the splendid city of Al Mamoon appeared to be more than a speck. It really put into perspective not just how far the heroes had come, but how far they had yet to go.

For now, their attention lay on the rectangular totems jutting out of the sand at the trailhead. Tied with scraps of cloth that fluttered like scarves in the wind, they stood no taller or wider than fence posts. All of them bore columns of holes carved into their fronts, and though most appeared to be no more than black pits, a handful of the little pillars featured dark blue stones that glimmered slightly with latent power. It was to these artifacts that Tostada directed the group’s attention. “We don’t know much about these crystals, but a number of those who seek to scale this mountain have pried them loose to take on their journeys. Perhaps you can make something of them.”

Sectonia rose to the occasion, eager to flaunt her talent for magical appraisal. She examined the small stones inlaid into the faces of the pillars, then the larger gems that crowned them one apiece. Despite there not being many left to pore over, the Florelia’s ruler came away with a solid idea in mind of just what they were meant to do. The big ones, roughly the size and shape of wine bottles, appeared to be magical anchors capable of receiving transmitted payloads, while the smaller stones boasted the ability to send them wherever they might be. “Like ships bringin’ cargo in to port,” Band analogized. “Looks like we’re in luck. If we take the destination with us, anyone down here can zip right up to it at a moment’s notice.”

The team quickly gathered up the remaining portcrystals and ferrystones, although the grand total came to just two of the former, and eleven of the latter. As they did, Peacock pointed something out about her compatriot’s logic. “Hold the phone, whaddya mean ‘notice’? How’re they gonna see or hear anything way down here? I fly a mean flag, but nobody’s peepers are that good!” From hammerspace she produced a pair of red and white flags and waved them to show what she meant.

As it turned out, the ferrystones didn’t glow if their portcrystal wasn’t available, so that problem solved itself in short order. In fact, with most of the issues figured out, not a whole lot remained to bar them from getting on with it. Few of the Seekers, assembled and outfitted for a grueling odyssey to the split peak of the lonely mountain, could claim that they faced this foe without at least a little fear in their hearts. But this was why they were here--to overcome impossible odds, and save the world.

“The first leg of the journey should be easy,” Tostada was saying. “Between the sand and the snowline it’s mostly canyons and crags. Just keep an eye out for Riders on the way up. They don’t mean any harm, but there’s always a ton of them out racing, and they’re about as reckless as they are committed to winning. Don’t worry about them even if they crash, just make sure it’s not into you.”

“Sounds like fun, meh,” Tora grunted, less than enthused about the prospect of being hit by careless mountain bikers. He shook his head and took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Stage One - Redstone City

From a distance it looked like nothing more that a stony slope that rose from the dunes, pitted and gouged by the incessant scraping of desert winds, but as they grew closer the climbers realized both how wrong they were and how little justice Tostada’s words did the incredible natural wonder that sprawled before them. Before them sprawled a veritable metropolis of rust-tinted rock, a burgeoning expanse a dozen stories high of walls and doors, arches and columns, balconies and galleries, ramps, rooves, and towers, as if an entire civilization had been hewed from the earth by primeval hands. Yet, as far as Tora’s awestruck eyes could attest, very little of it seemed to be manmade. Even as he waddled forward, stepping in and out of the shadows cast by the afternoon sun, he struggled to come to grips with it. By now the Nopon figured he’d be at least a little desensitized to all the marvels this World of Light kept throwing at him, but nope. Thoroughly able to separate the art from the artist, Tora just couldn’t stop being amazed by the wonders of Galeem’s creation.

As such, when the first bike slammed into him at seventy miles per hour, Tora was not remotely prepared. In fact, he’d already totally forgotten Tostada’s words of wisdom, so he only even registered the incoming blur a split second before it struck and managed to interpose his shield in the way. “MEEEH!?” he screamed, more surprised than hurt by the high-speed collision, although the same couldn’t be said for the Rider. The tartan-wearing man launched overhead like a bullet as his bicycle crumpled into scrap metal, soaring straight for the canyon wall. Focused by the realization of what happened, Tora whirled around, his eyes wide with fear. “Oh no, nonono! Tora sorry! Tora…” Just as suddenly as they arrived, both bike and rider blipped out of existence with an effect rather like television static, then reappeared totally unharmed off to the side a split second later. Not even shaken, the supernatural sportsman began working the pedals in a frenzy, desperate to rebuild the speed he’d lost. “...Sorry?” Tora watched him go in complete bewilderment until the biker disappeared around a corner a moment later, not a word uttered, as if the terrific impact never happened at all.

Poppi lowered her hand, glad that the ether barrier she’d channeled to protect her Masterpon hadn’t shattered from the collision. “Now Poppi understand what friend Tostada meant,” she remarked offhandedly. “Please stay alert, everyone!”

The appearance of other Riders all around quickly proved that Tora’s encounter was no isolated phenomenon. Arriving right at the start of a large-scale Mass Rass, the Seekers found not one, not two, not ten, but a hundred Riders to deal with all hurtling through the area. They cruised downhill at high speed, constantly hitting walls, one another, and sick tricks after flying off jumps in what would have been an exhilarating spectacle if the heroes weren’t right in the middle of it. Most of the daredevils sped through on bikes, but some came on go-karts, skateboards, or even skis (somehow), and some weren’t humans at all. The living wrecking balls known as Gorons rolled down the Redstone City’s narrow ‘streets’ with destructive power, easier to see coming but much harder to stop than their human counterparts, and similarly rotund Shiverians bounced through the canyons like giant, fuzzy ping pong balls. All of them seemed to be having a grand old time, too, in stark contrast to the heroes whose progress their sport was making considerably harder. Whether through dodging, blocking, parrying, or other means, the Seekers needed to push through.

Ms Fortune

Location: Carcass Isle
Level 6 Nadia (44/60)
Koopa Troop’s @DracoLunaris, Blazermate’s [@ArchmageMC], Hat Kid’s @Dawnrider, Geralt’s @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN, Ace Cadet’s @Yankee, Sakura's @Zoey Boey, Link’s @Gentlemanvaultboy, Mirage’s @Potemking, Delsin’s @Rockin Strings
Word Count: 2363

Claws flashed like daggers in the meager, sickly yellow light of burning sea slugs, and in their wake spurted odorous, unclean blood. Taken by surprise, the murlocs staggered away from the interloper hurled without warning into their midst, gurgling as they clutched their throats in a vain attempt to staunch the flow. Whether they bled out or not Nadia didn’t care; for now, she needed to focus on the Shark Giant menacing her friend. That Ace had faced bigger and tougher in his storied monster-hunting career she didn’t doubt, but none of them could afford to underestimate their opposition--not here, in this accursed place, swaddled by sickness and infested by horrors of the eldritch deep. She landed on the first floor with feline grace and spotted the pelagic brute, its encrusted anchor held tight as it fought the Cadet man to man. Nadia could hear a whole lot of hubbub filtering in from outside, but for now she managed to concentrate on the task at hand. Ace was okay, so much so that he could still crack jokes, which made her smile despite the circumstances. “Okay, let’s!”

Before they could get to it, however, something happened to Ace’s weaponry. It burst into a virulent green flame, taking both monster hunter and cat burglar by surprise, which given the circumstances led to an immediate, unintended side effect. Unbothered by the sorcerous fire and very, very pissed, the Shark Giant walloped Ace straight through an exterior wall and back into the village’s central basin. After him went Kamek, directing his support to the injured party to help him fend off the murlocs whose animosity turned his way. Instead, Junior came to the rescue, pelting the Shark Giant with both splattershot fire and bioelectricity. He taunted the monster from above, and with a garbled snarl it turned its attention on him, swinging its anchor again and again. Nadia realized that it would be only a matter of time before Junior got hit. As her confusion turned to anger she bared her gleaming fangs. “Nyaow it’s purr-sonal!” Without a second thought, she launched herself forward.

Once in range Nadia closed the remainder of the distance with a Cat Scratch, her claws aimed to rake through the exposed flesh under its arm. She could only guess where this twisted fishman’s protective ribs ended and its guts began, but she went all-in nonetheless, executing a second slash to deepen the wound before she sprang up to deliver an axe kick that cleave into the side of its face. The blow tore out a chunk of flesh right around the spot where its malformed, vestigial eye had been inundated with Junior’s paint, but the Shark Giant didn’t so much as flinch. Instead the oceanic juggernaut swung its arm without looking, as if to swat a fly. Nadia steered clear of the flailing blow with a downward blood spurt, then landed on the monster and kicked off just in time to avoid it twisting toward her. Three rows of teeth clamped down on empty air as she flipped backward, her gymnastic maneuver landing her on the floor a safe distance away.

She clenched her teeth as the Shark Giant turned her way. No longer interested in the annoyance that was Junior, it gathered itself to plow through the shack straight for her. This thing was strong, so strong that it could fight as mindlessly and sloppily as it wanted. Nadia could work with big and stupid and had done so before, but this thing made even the toughest Dagonian thug in Little Innsmouth look like a guppy in a fishbowl. Even damaging it was an issue; clusters of shellfish and tube sponges either adhered to or protruded out from most of its body, creating a grotesque armor that provided an extra layer of protection. Punches and kicks were going to hurt her more than they did it. Then again, even with its attention one hundred percent elsewhere, the best she’d done hadn’t even slowed it down. No matter how Nadia sliced it, this was going to be rough. She steeled herself, and the monster charged.

It crawled across the waterlogged floor of the shack with the speed of a ghost in a horror flick, then threw itself at Nadia mouth-first. She obeyed her panicked impulse to get the hell out of the way happily, dashing diagonally to avoid a toothy demise before she pivoted on her heel to strike the Shark Giant from behind. She closed in with a leap of her own and extended her arms to deliver a flying x-slice, then once back on the ground followed up with a Nail Clipper into a flip slash that brought her back to her feet. The giant began to turn, raising its anchor with both arms to smash Nadia flat, but the feral decided finished her combo off with Claws for Concern, a full-force crescent slash that brought her off her feet with its lunge and into a forward roll. Unfortunately, she misjudged her distance, and her enemy needed to course correct only a little to bring its weapon down on her with cruel might, just as Kamek and Ace re-entered the building.

A yowl of agony exploded from Nadia as the anchor fell upon her. Its force cracked her bones, and its point pierced all the way through her back and into a lung. With a roar the Shark Giant raised its weapon, feral still attached, and swung it in a vain attempt to hit her again. Instead Nadia tore free, flying away limply to crash into the shack’s wooden wall. She hit the ground in a heap, hacking up blood. “...Damn it,” she gasped, her voice haggard and hollow as she rose to her hands and knees. The Life Gem had already begun stitching her together, but her mistake had cost her dearly. A couple more like that and its healing would be too weak to keep her in the fight. With dismay she noticed how little she’d managed to gouge out of the Shark Giant’s body, and with it couldn’t help but despair at how long it would take to bring the monster down at this rate. This just wasn’t a foe she was equipped to fight on her own.

Luckily, she wasn’t on hand. With a longsword made deadly by dual empowerments Ace engaged the Shark Decoy, while Kamek appeared with his retinue of magical clones to extend Nadia the same support he shared with Ace earlier. For a moment Nadia didn’t realize what was going on, but when her healing accelerated and a malefic fire empowered her natural weapons, she didn’t question it. “Purr-fect!” She jumped to her feet, worse for wear but still more than able to fight.

Since the Shark Giant was busy with Ace, Nadia went right ahead and darted in to hack away at its thigh, one, two, three times. When turned on her with a roar and a swing of its anchor she leaned way back, detaching her head as she did, and felt the wind of the monster’s bludgeon in her hair as it breezed by her. She then whacked her head with the flat of her tail like she might a cricket bat, embedding it ears-first into the Shark Giant’s head. This time the brute actually staggered a little, and after putting her tail back, Nadia’s body took full advantage of it with a super-powered Limber Up kick that launched the blood-slicked anchor from the monster’s hand. She then unleashed a sneeze for the riposte, wrenching her head free in a spray of feculent fish goop to sail back over to her body.

Nadia caught her head and popped it on to watch the Shark Giant flail with visceral satisfaction. In this state it was wide open for Ace could go to town, and maybe even finish the thing. Despite the pain that still lanced through her back, Nadia grinned. The tides had turned.

Outside, the battle was similarly intense. After saving Delsin, Link found that the watery battlefield he’d helped to rid of murlocs had become a target-rich environment once more, and nothing commanded his attention quite like the loathsome Judicator. The hellish clamor stabbed into his mind like a poisoned blade, its eldritch toxins rattling the bindings that kept him sane, but the sight of outside assistance in the mix stayed his hand. Though as eager to carve the two-headed abomination into pieces as Link, Spinal recognized a cannon when he saw one, so when Geralt called forth his Ordnance Platform the pirate and his pokemon stepped back for a moment to give him all the space he needed. A second later the deafening report of the Witcher’s Abyssal artillery rattled the fishing village, a thunderclap on par with those of the storm surrounding Carcass Isle, and in its wake came the wailing of the Judicator. With almost half its life erased in a single blast, it howled its pain with not just the drowned voices of its two heads, but a guttural groan from the jagged maw that lurked beneath, or perhaps extruded forth, that damnably human torso. The swordsmen then passed one another, with Link skirting across the basin’s surface to take on the Sea Crawlers while Geralt waded through to finish what he started.

After emerging onto the plaza’s central promontory the Witcher engaged the Judicator in battle. Their swords clashed in the rain, sending up sparks amidst the clangs of silver against bronze. Though the horror fought with surprising ability, especially given the bombardment that left it wounded and shell-shocked, the exchange made Geralt confident enough to fight for real. Spinal joined the fray with gusto, teleporting in and around the Judicator to hack at its leg joints one by one. The monster fought with reckless abandon, spewing out gushes of blight from its mouths and swinging its scales like a flail along with its sword, but it couldn’t compete against the double onslaught. In the span of a few short moments its assailants drove it back toward the well it crawled up from, at which point Spinal’s Dhelmise unleashed its Anchor Shot. Steel chains ensnared the Judicator’s limbs, holding it in place for the others.

When Fizz joined the fight, however, he put a stopper in any plans to dispatch the Judicator quickly. His seastone trident, carefully aimed and swiftly thrust, helped to take down the Quen barrier already touched upon by the Judicator. Once unhindered by Quen, his polearm pierced Geralt’s armor and sank into his flesh over and over, inflicting bleeding. The little squirt moved constantly, darting around to reposition himself for another meaty stab, and if a coordinated attack forced his hand Fizz pulled off Playful Trickster, becoming untouchable for a brief moment as he vaulted to safety on his trident. Over the years Geralt had outmaneuvered many a larger foe with his speed and his wits, which made it all the more ironic to now find himself on the receiving end. Worse still, with its enemies’ pressure diminished, the Judicator took the chance to lash its own back with its scales like a flagellant, knitting together accursed flesh to heal some of the damage already dealt to it.

Meanwhile, Link attended to the monsters that emerged from the body of Scylla in the eastern harbor pit. He loosed an arrow at each to mixed results, getting the most mileage out of the shots that hit Eel-ectric and the tongue of the Hermit. Tidehunter cared little for the arrow embedded in his chest thanks to his Kraken Shell, which due to its negation of a flat portion of any physical damage dealt to him, made him incredibly resilient against low-damage attacks. The shot did, however, get his attention, and with a snort the burly leviathan waded Link’s way. Four to one made for poor odds, Hero of the Wild or not, but after another moment Link found himself in good company. Sakura arrived to push the Sea Crawlers into the shallows, which left Tidehunter all to Link until Peach arrived to back him up, her fusion with Chao Hu keeping her above the water. Tidehunter did not turn away from the two-on-one fight, for even if his damage output turned out to be inferior, he was confident that his wealth of debuff-inflicting abilities would tip the scales in his favor.

Sakura’s fight with the Sea Crawlers featured an explosive start, and though the street fighter managed to get her foes moving toward where she wanted them, her limited visibility didn’t tell the whole story. For instance, she didn’t notice that ‘Crabby’ reduced the damage of her explosive Hadoken to all three using its Coral Shield, but zoomed in to engage all three. Before they could surround her she put her new skill to use to deftly avoid Crabby’s haymaker, V-Shifting out of the way of its blow, then maneuvering it into the shallows. That put her at odds with all three at once, although her eager smile never left her face. The battle was on.

She kicked Crabby and ‘Clammy’ in sequence, but by the time her foot had connected with the latter, the former was on the offensive. Even if Sakura’s remarkable strength cracked its chitinous armor, the sheer crustacean bulk beneath absorbed physical attacks well enough to leave it almost totally unfazed. It unleashed a ground pound, the pressure wave kicking up debris and water in equal measure. Through the tumult flew a lightning-charged bubble, launched by ‘Zappy’ from afar, to explode on impact Both attacks, meanwhile, gave Clammy an opening. It lunged for Sakura in an attempt to clamp down on one of her limbs or even her head with its own, only to fall short. Sakura uppercut its rock-hard jaw in return, taking some damage to her knuckles and also triggering the electric aura placed on it by Zappy, shocking her. As Sakura and Clammy landed the relentless juggernaut Crabby attacked again, followed by a lash from Zappy as he used his electric eel like a whip. When he got back up, Clammy did not rush in again, but opened wide his four-hundred-pound head to spew a poisonous cloud in the area. Each of the three Sea Crawlers, it seemed, had a trick or two of its sleeve, and together all three could apply so much pressure that even a whiz kid like Sakura could barely keep up.

Bella's arrival put a sudden stop to the Sea Crawlers' bullying. She burst from the basin to snap the jaws of her leviathan tail shut on Clammy's human body, then dragged the monster into the water with her. In a miniature maelstrom she began her death roll, inflicting constant grievous injury without giving the enemy a chance to so much as get its bearings. When the poison cleared, only Crabby and Zappy remained before Sakura.

The Chalk Prince, the Fallen Child, and the Skullgirl

Location: Frozen Highlands - Alpine Skyline
Linkle’s @Gentlemanvaultboy, Frisk’s @Majoras End

Albedo did not anticipate the child breaking the silence he’d allowed to settle back over the small group in their booth by the window, although in all fairness Frisk had broken the ice earlier, too. No researcher worth his salt would forgo re-evaluation of prior conclusions when presented with new evidence, and even if just with a few words, this youngster seemed to be challenging Albedo’s conclusions about their nature. Maybe it wasn’t introversion that prompted Frisk’s typically taciturn demeanor, but a sort of considerate deliberation. Nobody could provide a better example of shyness than Treat, after all, and when juxtaposing her distance with Frisk’s nearness Albedo could see quite the contrast.

Then again, maybe he was making mountains out of molehills. His new acquaintance had just commented on Linkle’s eyes, describing as ‘cool’ what would probably be scary or at least ominous to the average middle schooler. Having observed her eyes himself, Albedo found himself in agreement. Of course, his definition of ‘cool’ better suited the brisk air that permeated the foothills of Dragonspine, but he knew the colloquial meaning, and irises that shone like rubies, inlaid with patterns resembling the matching halves of skull, struck him as fascinatingly novel. Still, Linkle couldn’t accept the compliment even for the sake of small talk. She could not disassociate her eyes from the evil that created them. So rather than chime in his consensus, Albedo stayed quiet, still except for the effort it took to take another sip of his cocoa. Did she truly believe that the Skull Heart’s touch conferred the irreparable taint of evil? In the alchemist’s mind he could thwart that hypothesis, convinced by ample evidence that Linkle possessed a good heart still, figuratively if not literally.

“Purity is a rare phenomenon.” he said softly, murmuring into his cup. “Oftentimes so much as to be merely conceptual. Nobody is pure good, nor pure evil. Every one of us is a mixture, diluted by countless sources. And yet, does what someone’s made of truly define what someone is?” He fixed his seafoam-green eyes on Linkle’s vivid red rubies. “People are remarkable creatures. That one is merely the sum of one’s parts...to me, that sounds like a hasty conclusion. As long as humans can choose, they can be more than the cards dealt to them.”

After that came the arrival of Treat, followed shortly by the arrival of the corgi on Albedo’s chest, then the arrival of Frisk to endow the friend-shaped animal with a sweater-clad embrace. Given the dog’s position, that meant getting up close and personal with Albedo too, yer the child betrayed not a hint of hesitation. Although momentarily frozen by indecision despite the mounting temperatures from the trio of heat sources, the alchemist decided to repay the gesture of friendliness in kind and display no aversion; he did no more than tilt his head away so that his chin wouldn’t impact Frisk’s cranium. If his time with that joyous rascal Klee taught him anything, it was that children wore their hearts on their sleeves. Maybe all of them liked doling out hugs as much as she did. “How...sweet,” he breathed, trying not to disturb either of the little ones making his booth their home.

Linkle’s encounter with Treat, meanwhile, took a different turn. Having her ears called ‘cute’ made the wolf girl smile despite herself, but when Linkle unveiled her long, silky rabbit ears, Treat jolted as if jabbed by a cattle prod. “Oh!” she squeaked, her eyes wide with fear as unwarranted apologies spilled out of her like spaghetti. “S-sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize..!” Without another word the girl backed off, averting her eyes from Linkle as if even her gaze might be an insult of some kind, until she could turn tail and dash out through Grillby’s front door. Albedo watched her fluffy tail flap back and forth until Treat ran out of earshot.

“Ah...that’s unfortunate,” Grillby remarked, rubbing his fiery head. “It’s my fault for forgetting. Apparently, before moving here she lived in a village of rabbit-folk like you, miss. As far as I know they treated her worse than dirt.” The gravity of his words made it clear that there was no pun intended. “Feared, distrusted, bullied, ostracized, the works. The rabbits in Snowdin aren’t much better. They’re so sure she’s just biding her time to eat them that they don’t think twice about making her life hell, and there’s not a thing anyone can say to convince them otherwise. But she’s got nowhere else to go, so she just shuts herself up inside. Living around bunnies has made her one lonely wolf.” The fire elemental gave a mournful shake of his head.

Albedo mulled over the information. “Routine cruelty from rabbit-eared people would explain the reflexive flight response, I suppose.” He glanced at Linkle, confident in his assessment that she could not let another mischaracterization stand. “I would hazard a guess that you’re not okay with such a state of affairs?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Level: 1
Experience: 4/10
Currently In: Snowdin, Grillby's
Word Count: 450 (+1 Exp)
Albedo @Lugubrious, Linkle @Gentlemanvaultboy

...They might've held the little corgi for a bit too long. After a moment had passed, Frisk released the dog from their embrace, and shuffled off of Albedo to where they were sitting besides him normally. "Eheh, sorry." They nervously chuckled. In all honesty, they weren't thinking of how close they had to be to the guy to hug the corgi, so they could've made him uncomfortable and not even know it. So it was probably a good thing he allowed it. Maybe it'd help warm him up faster. Or they could get Albedo his own sweater later if they earned enough money for the shopkeep, who knows?

The lady, Linkle, had introduced herself and Albedo to Frisk and Treat. The child turned their head back to her...and her rabbit ears that she apparently had. Okay. Maybe she was a monster. That or some weird hybrid. Curse maybe? The way she dismissed their attempt to compliment her eyes implied that she was under a curse of some kind, atleast to them. They quietly wondered. Could there be a way to undo the curse? Or atleast loosen it's hold on her for a while? Another thing to figure out later.

Frisk opened their mouth to introduce theirself next, and to explain that they've already been in Snowdin before. But they were interupted again when Treat freak out at the sight of Linkle's rabbit ears. The child prepared to stand up from their seat to calm the wolf girl down, but she fled before they got the chance. They quietly sighed, and plopped back down in their seat. Dang. Their attention went to Grillby, who explained the reason why Treat was so jumpy, and jumpy around anything that looked like a rabbit.

They frowned in remorse for the wolf girl. She was getting bullied, and they didn't see it?? Apparently no one else was able to convince the rabbit-residents of the town to leave her alone too! How would any of that be acceptable?! Frisk's remorseful frown turned angry, but more importantly, determined. If no one else could convince them to leave Treat alone, that was only cause they haven't met Frisk yet! Not willing to waste time any longer, the child got up from their seat and marched towards the front door.

They opened the door, prepared to step back into the cold. But there was one more thing they had to address. Frisk looked back to Linkle and Albedo, their expression softening slightly. "I'm Frisk." They introduced themselves. The child looked outside, then looked back to the two. "...You coming, or what?" Well, they did assume the duo had the same idea in mind. Might as well take the lead.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago


Tostarena Town
Rank 1
6/10 EXP

@Rockin Strings @Zoey Boey @TruthHurts22 @DracoLunaris

Ellie furrowed her brows as she heard the first of them speak - the imp, to be specific. Why were they heading for the mountain...? She supposed that place would be free of infected. They couldn't survive very well in the cold, after all. Not on their own. But... it was chilly as fuck up there. Like- anyone who wasn't a fucking penguin would probably freeze in those kinds of temperatures. Not that she'd ever been up there... but she'd been in cold-ass places before. They fucking sucked without the proper gear. Hell, they even sucked WITH the proper gear.

She slid back a bit to hopefully stay more hidden - crouching down further as she did so. Hopefully these fucknuggets wouldn't have the bright idea to check behind any doors. The shit they were talking about was making Ellie pretty damn suspicious, especially as the shorter kid with the goggles started talking. She didn't get a good look at whoever he was talking to - but it sounded like he was missing people? Ellie could relate to that, at least. Just about everyone could these days. But losing people didn't make you an inherently good person. Everyone's lost people, after all.

But... as fate would have it, the goggle boy decided to make the very shop that Ellie was hiding in his first place of interest.

"Shit!" Ellie muttered to herself in a whisper. The door had been wide open, so as Raz made his way in, she simply backed further behind it. She stayed crouched all the while - making sure not to make a sound. Her hand hovered near her hip, where her gun was. She was more than prepared to open fire on this dork if she had to. But for now, staying out of sight was her main priority. Ultimately, she should've seen this coming. They did say that they needed supplies, after all. She should've just stayed in her room...

Before long, even more people made their way into the shop, much to Ellie's chagrin. 'Geez... how many of these assholes are there!?' she thought to herself as she watched them all make their way in. Some big guy... some thin guy... bunch'a weirdos, basically. They all shouted back and forth like some kinda arguing family. They seemed to be tight on cash - which, ya know, made sense. Who the hell carried cash in the post-apocalypse? No one, from what she knew. That was one of the things that she liked about this place. They managed to have the closest thing to a functioning society that she'd seen in like... ever, really.

Among this group was a tall lady with red hair. She reminded her of Marlene, sorta. She had that like- air about her. The kind of air that screamed, "I don't take shit from anyone!" Had she not been hiding from these people (and generally just not a very trusting person at all), maybe she'd have admired her more. But ultimately, she knew that more than likely, these people didn't have the best intentions. Even if the lady in question had immediately apologized to her-

Oh. She'd been caught, hadn't she? Well, shit.

"Uhhh..." Ellie slowly stood back up and tried to play things off as cool as she could. She was surprised that this lady hadn't called her out immediately for creeping around like this. But then again, she supposed that in this kind of world, people acting suspicious was pretty normal. Everyone did what they had to do to survive, after all. That survivalist instinct was what made shit like this seem ordinary. "It's... fine." Ellie assured the woman, seeming pretty awkward as she spoke.

She still absolutely did not trust these assholes at all. People could seem like the nicest folk alive, only to then stab you in the back as soon as it was turned. But Ellie definitely couldn't be openly hostile to these guys, either. She had a whole crew with her - and some of them were pretty fucking big dudes too, from the looks of things. The rest of her crew had since left the shop to go grab some grub from the nearby eatery. Ellie had never tried any authentic Mexican food before she'd ended up in this place. The shit they had here tasted fucking fantastic, though. Smelled great, too. It was definitely better than the scraps those soldiers handed out back in the big cities.

But Ellie was getting a tad off track.

She kept her distance from Jesse as they spoke. Ellie was definitely more tense than the other - which was obvious from just her body language. She kept her hand near her gun at all times, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. She was just about to question Jesse further... when another one ran in. For a brief few moments, her and Jesse had been the only ones left in the shop, with everyone else having long since left. Ellie was tempted to follow them... but she was sure that getting the info she needed here wouldn't be hard at all.

The other one that ran in was definitely like- weird. He had the worst case of bed-hair she'd ever seen. Like, she gets it. In a world overrun by infected fungus people, nice looking hair wasn't something most people were concerned about. But... c'mon man. She knew five year olds who could do better than that. His clothes were a whole other area of concern - really, that was all more than enough to give him an uneasy look all around. But it was more of an embarrassed uneasy as he ran in all jovially.

But then he stopped and gave her a look in turn. But it wasn't the awkward, embarrassed kind. No, no. This one was much more familiar to Ellie. It was the suspicious, very uneasy kind. The kind of look you gave someone when you weren't sure if you were gonna let them go, or beat the hell outta them. Ellie's hand drew closer to her gun as she locked gaze's with Sora. It was hovering right over it at this point.

"He a... friend of yours?" Ellie asked Jesse in an uneasy manner. She gave Jesse a side-glance as she spoke, but she kept her primary focus on Sora on the while. One sudden move, and she was ready to fill this clown-shoes wearing motherfucker with about seven or eight different holes.

Or just one, if she managed to get the headshot.

1,088 Words
+3 XP
1x Like Like
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sora held his hands up slowly. This girl in front of him seemed to carry her weapon on her side. Nothing like his friends back home… or Organization XIII for that matter. He took a quick glance around and saw a few of his allies.

“Looks like neither of us is alone. I don’t think this is the kind of place that we should fight in. Plus, I’d totally win.”

With the last line, he gave a slightly arrogant smirk and passed his thumb across his nose. Taking a more relaxed stance, his hands went behind his head, his left foot moving behind his right. “What’s your name?” he asked, both out of curiosity and cockiness.

He frowned at her reply and stood straight with his arms crossed. “Well, that’s not nice.” Turning away, he went to the counter.

“Do you have any potions?” he asked the man behind the counter, holding up one as an example. “I don’t want to run out.”

Upon being told it was a sports store, Sora looked at the man in confusion. With a shrug, he turned to leave the shop. "I'll look somewhere else."

As he left the shop, he glanced back at the girl again, not knowing what she was gonna do. "If you're lost, we could help you find who you're looking for," he said, though more out of hope and belief than any actual facts.

Upon leaving the shop, he was stopped by a giant bee. He'd seen her on the train and back in the last place they were in, but she was just now introducing herself. "Nice to meet you," he smiled, offering the queen a handshake.

After the royal giant insect accepted the handshake, he would simply smile and move on to the next shop, hoping to find someone selling potions. Whether he'd find them or not, he'd then begin heading back to the first shop to wait outside for anyone else heading to lunch.

Delsin Rowe
Level 1 [2/10]
Carcass Isle

Delsin cheered in victory for simultaneously taking out 2 of the monsters, though it immediately stopped as he looked down and cursed at the deep water below. Treading water, he looked around at the monsters. He couldn't fight like this.

Luckily, Link was quick to come to his rescue. "Thanks," he smiled, apparently standing on ice. Once he was out of the water and could fight again, he began rapidly dashing around, hoping to gather the monsters' attention on himself. Some, he had to shoot with a burst of flames or whack with his chain, but he got as many as he could.

While trying to daze one in front of him with a few on his tail, he ended up getting tossed in the air. It was then he took stock of what all they were fighting. Not only were there fish monsters, but there were also some bigger ones that looked like sharks, though they were quickly being dealt with, and some ball-shaped things that seemed to be self-replicating.

This wasn't going to be fast.

"I wish I had bigger attacks," he said to himself, grabbing another fish monster and throwing it into the group that was focused on him.

He found it relatively easy to keep the fish monsters’ attention on him, allowing the others to pick them off. When there were only a few left, he emptied his tank of fire blasts, killing any murlocs left. He was exhausted.

There were still the bouncing ball monsters but enough of the others seemed to have a handle on them. With what little energy he had left, he dashed over to Bowser’s side. “Hey, big guy,” he spoke, obviously out of breath, “is there any way you could start burning something so I can recharge?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
Avatar of Gentlemanvaultboy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Word Count: 2076

Level 7 - (16/70) + 3

Level 10 - (9/100) + 3


Location: Carcass Island

His arrows weren't finding their mark as effectively as he would have liked, but that was fine. He hadn't intended to stop the fishy foursome with arrows, just soften them up a little bit. As it turned out the person he was softening them up for was Sakura, who zoomed past him to take them on. He was about to follow when the giant shark monsters stepped past them as the brawl began, interspacing himself between them as he marched on. "I am Tidehunter," he grumbled.

Link scowled. He really should have been used to talking monsters by now. That wasn't all though. He eyed the arrow buried in the monsters pectoral flesh warily. He hadn't even reacted to being shot. Even Lynel's reacted to being shot, albeit with swift retribution, but the Tidehunter hadn't even broken his stride. Which meant that he either hadn't taken any real damage, or was tough enough that he didn't care. He certainly had the size advantage on Link, but that was mitigated someone by Princess Peach skating up beside him. Link felt his heartbeat quicken as he saw the monsters pure red eyes set on the Princess. "More prey?" Tidehunter said, a wide grin splitting his face and showing off his impressively sharp teeth.

The pair answered with another pair of shots, the roar of The Princesses shotgun splitting the night as Link loosed another arrow. Tidehunter, ghastly smile never leaving his face, dived forward. Both shots missed as shark monster disappeared into the deeper waters of the basic where neither of them could follow. Link looked around for any tell-tale ripples in the water, but found no sign of the Tidehunter save for the eerie feeling of being watched. He swapped out his bow for his Broadsword, not daring to move forward without knowing what his opponent could do.

There was a splash beside them, and it only took a moment for Link to identify the monster emerging from the briny depths, anchor raised to bring down on their heads. "Amphibious Assault!" Called the Tidehunter as he swung.

"Scatter!" was Link's response, he and Peach skating in opposite directions as the anchor came down where they had been, throwing up a spray of water. Peach fired into the spray as Link reversed course and charged in, leveraging his speed to punish the monster for his attack. He didn't notice one more ball of water among the spray, at least until it was too close for him to dodge. The gush of water the Tidehunter had fired from its mouth hit him full in the chest, knocking the wind out of his sails as he felt a sticky wetness begin to cling to his body. The effects were immediate. The liquid was heavy somehow, it felt as though it was trying to drag him down into the drink, and he found his charge slowed. The Tidehunter laughed, swimming toward Link at his own languid pace as he shrugged off the next hail of buckshot pumped into his back. He brought his anchor up again, swinging it forward at Links side. Link really wished he had a shield, but the only thing he could do was try and pull a Sakura by bringing up his arm. He felt the hull blade of his rigging absorb some of the impact even as he lashed out with his own blade to give a cut across the monsters head.

He was surprised by the results of the exchange. For one thing his arm hadn't been shattered by the impact. He had expected something like that anchor to do a lot of damage, but it had felt blunted. Was the hull blade that sturdy? He didn't think so. When he'd swung he felt something interfering with his own attack, and the cut across the monsters forehead was unusually shallow as a result. It was a familiar feeling, as though they had both thrown their attacks underwater.

He still managed to come off the worse of it, being thrown back with a throbbing arm as Tidehunter came in for another blow. Link heard he shotgun roar again as the Princess skated up close, blasting Tidehunter at a range that made the most of every pellet and blowing chunks out of his pretty green hide. Looking back at her, Tidehunter changed the grip on his anchor and swung in a wide arc. Another spray of salty water was thrown out as the Anchor hit the both of them, dousing them in yet more water that weighed down their arms and wormed its way inside the Princesses weapon. He next shot didn't have nearly the same impact even as Tidehunter closed to point blank range and lashed out with the rotting fish he held in his other hand, slapping the Princess to the waters surface in the process. Link's eyes went wild as he recovered from the blow, switching to the Ebony Battle Ax as he charged for Tidehunters exposed back. He gained speed, the first dousing of water he had gotten finally releasing its grip on him as he raised the ax and slammed it into Tidehunters back. Unfortunately between his weakened strength, the effects of the second dousing, and the protection Tidehunter had the ax didn't sink in nearly as far as it should have.

Tidehunter swung back around, bringing the anchor to bare again, but Link already had the Ax stowed and the Slate in his hands. He aimed and fired the Cryonis Rune, a block of ice springing up in the path of Tidehunter's swing. The ice shattered from the hit, Tidehunters arm being thrown back. The Hunter wasn't done yet, though. With his other hand he swung the fish at Link, an attack that Link jumped away from just in time for the fish to skim the tip of his nose.

As it did, everything seemed to slow down. Link suddenly found himself able to count every scale on the fish as it flew past his face. He had been wondering when his old reflexes would be back in working order, and for a moment he was able to observes his surroundings and think. This wasn't a good matchup. Tidehunter wasn't as strong as he looked, but Link was now sure that was only because of whatever ability mitigated the damage he was taking. It was like a shield that protected both ways. He also wasn't very fast, so he used that water to slow his opponents down instead of trying to keep up with them. Once he had you stuck in he would use the water to make your attacks less effective as he pummeled you. This was a battle of who could die slower.

With their speed he and the Princess could beat a tactical retreat, but he took a moment to swivel his eye to check on Sakura. She had already taken one of her monsters down, but could she handle three on one with her strength and speed sapped by this canny hunter? He couldn't risk Tidehunter joining that fight, so what could he do? His eyes flicked forward again, searching Tidehunter for any advantage he could take. He zeroed in the hand that gripped the anchor. Could that work?

Link leaned forward, Broadsword again in his hand. To anyone observing he must have looked like a blue and white blur as he moved forward faster than any human reasonably should. His sword carved apart individual raindrops on its way to cut at Tidehunter's wrist. The first blow, as expected, left only a shallow wound. That was, however, only the first blow. His sword sang as it fell again and again and again and again, so quickly that the attacks may as well have happened all at once. Each cutting deeper, digging into his wrist and across his slimy fingers until with one last blow the sword exploded in his hand. Time began to flow regularly for him again as he heard the monster let out a gurgled scream of pain. The Tidehunter's grip on his weapon, already shaky from deflecting off the ice, failed him. The anchor, the trophy he had taken from the ship of his nemesis, slipped from his grasp and plunged into the basin.

It didn't stay there for long. Managing to disarm the shark monster had only been phase on of the plan. Phase two required the other Rune Link had gotten back post Maw. His hands already free thanks to the destruction of his Broadsword, Link took the Sheikah Slate in his hand and selected the Magnesis Rune. He spotted the still sinking anchor, highlighted in yellow, and sent the beam of magnetic energy snaking its way after it. It locked on as Tidehunter stopped reeling, and Link tugged on the Slate as though he were pulling up the catch of the day from the depths of the ocean. Tidehunter opened his mouth, outrage driving him to finish off this prey with his teeth, but before he could close his maw around the boy the anchor of Admiral Kunkka exploded from the depths and cracked him across the face with tooth shattering force.


Merge Rate: 33%

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin

@Majoras End

"Huh? Bu, hey! Wait a minute!" Linkle said, standing up as the wolf girl fled in terror at the sight of her ears. He ears? Her ears!?! No one had ever even reacted like that to her eyes, which were one hundred percent pure evil and super intimidating, but she got this reaction by showing off her ears!?!?!?!?

It was dumbfounding. She stood there as the girl bolted out the door looking like someone that had just been punched in the faced and wasn't at all sure that they hadn't done something to deserve it. She just couldn't stop hurting people today.

It didn't take a moment for Mr. Grillby to lay out the whole sad state of affairs. Linkle supposed it made a certain amount of sense if you were talking about regular wolves and regular rabbits, or even regular wolves and people. The Goddesses above only knew how many wolves and wolf adjacent monsters she had taken out. They were a collective menace to anyone that had to travel or were unfortunate enough to farm an animal that didn't mercilessly peck anything that attacked it to death. She had been half-afraid that the wolf girl might smell the blood of her kin all over Linkle. That was the thing, though, she was a wolf girl. A person. Wolf people wouldn't eat rabbit people, that didn't make any sense. Not eating people was one of the things that made people people.

"Of course I'm not okay with it." She replied to Albedo. "This isn't the way a hero makes people feel. I've got to apologize. Show her that not all rabbits are stupid. I know a huge group of them that are...well...they're all pretty stupid. But they're good stupid." She had never before imagined that there was a distinction between Good Stupid and Bad Stupid.

As she was saying this the kid was making it clear that they didn't like what had just happened any more than Linkle had. They went to the door before looking back at the pair, introducing themselves. Frisk. That name did not make things any clearer. They did urge Linkle to come along. "Yosh!" She nodded, putting her hat back on and pulling up her hood for good measure. "We're gonna have to delay heading to that hospital for a little bit." She said apologetically before heading to join Frisk at the doorway and searching for the wolf girl up and down the main street.

Linkle stepped out into the street to get a better look, but try as she might she couldn't spot Treat anywhere. He eyes did fall, once again, upon the festive tree and it gave her an idea. Destiny had already done her well here once, maybe it would help mend this bridge she had inadvertently burned. She walked over and sifted through the presents laid out under it before finding another one wrapped in pretty green wrapping paper. She ran back over to where she had parked her sled beside Grillby's door and set the present on it before turning to Frisk. "Do you know where she lives?" She asked, content to let the kid lead the way if they had any idea.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,645 (+3)
Bowser: Level 10 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (102/100)
Bowser Jr: Level 8 EXP: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (115/80)
Kamek: Level 9 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(42/90)
Location: Bottomless Sea – Carcass Isle
Feat: Rika

Jr’s taunting had the expected result, which was that the shark giant he was mocking got royally mad and turned its focus onto him, flailing his anchor at the boy as he buzzed backwards in his clown car, laughing in the face of danger as Mimi clung to his shoulder for dear life. Nadia’s assessment that the cocky little shit was going to get hit sooner or later was most likely accurate, so it was fortunate for him that she decided to intervene, darting in to claw at its guts and face, and forcing it to switch targets again.

”Yeah, get im!” Jr cheered as Nadia stuck out at the monster, before the feline dexterously flipped away from its retaliation when it turned its attention back to her. He was going to follow up her attack with one of his own, however before he could it raced off after Nadia, leaving the prince to follow in both their wakes and only catching up at the same moment as Kamek and Ace reentered, which meant he also caught up just a moment too late to try and prevent it from absolutely clowning the woman with its anchor, impaling her with the blunt implement and then hurling her away with a second swing.

”Oh nononono” Jr panicked, forgetting for a moment how resilient the feral was. He was relieved to see both her picking herself up off of the floor and Kamek rushing towards her with a ”Don’t worry, I’m coming!” before directing his minions to heal and buff her, while the mage and Jr both put themselves between Ms fortune and the shark giant to make sure it couldn't come and finish the job.

Fortunately they wouldn't have to try and body block the titan or anything so desperate, as it was fully preoccupied with the Ace Cadet, with whom Kamek had had something of an odd experience with a few moments ago.

”It was the strangest thing. He didn't take well to my assistance at all” Kamek briefly explained to Jr as the monster hunter went at it with the shark, notably not using the blade he had enchanted, but a different one he had drawn moments after receiving the buff. He glanced back at Nadia, worried that maybe the same might happen to her, but of that there was no concern as the woman leapt over the top of the hovering pair with a pun on her lips and with Kamek’s three fold buffing magic glowing on her body without a hit of discomfort.

She absolutely laid into the shark giant with increased vigor and power before parrying it and sending it flailing, ripe for a final blow. The prince and the mage had been staying back while Nadia did her stuff, not wanting to risk getting in her way, but with her parry Hook, the scentinet meathook, forced them to get involved as it launched itself out of Jr’s clown car on its own accorded with a; ‘Let me get that fish for you’ before whipping round and impaling itself into the mouth of the monster.

”Hook, line and sinker! Now pull!” Jr shouted, slamming the clowns car into reverse as Kamek, all his clones and a hastily summoned shadow Bowser all grabbed the length of chain and together they all gave a serious tug, turning the shark giant’s flailing into falling, tipping it all the way over onto its back with its belly exposed to the Ace’s blade, while the koopas fell over in a heap as the hook slipped free a moment before it was crunched down onto by the shark giant’s many rows of teeth.

”Run! Run! We’re coming for you gahahahaha” Bowser yelled as he practically bounced down the street, bunny hopping across the waves after the last of the fishy flankers.

“Aaand pop!” came the voice of Rika from his shoulder, followed by a loud bang as her heavier arm cannon fired off, slamming into the back of their final floundering fishy foe, blasting the sorry sap to bits

“looks like they didn’t run fast enough” she joked as the two splashed down and the ship girl dismounted from the shoulder of the king.

”Not nearly enough, nothing gets past me” Bowser replied with a blatant lie, before glancing around the now empty street and then back up it towards the now somewhat distant square ”Now let’s get back to the others. Bet they’ll be nearly finished by now. Hopefully” he said, with a little hint of concern on his lips.

“Mmm” Rika agreed with a nod as the two hastily skated up the street and into the square where all the action was happening, finding that, yeah, it looked like things where more or less finishing up with everyone accounted for and working together to deal with the big baddies. The only exception to the teaming up on the titans rule was one Delsin Rowe, who was in the mists of being chased by a bunch of, or in fact most of, the remaining small fry.

”Tch. Amature. Well let’s go help him out” Bowser grunted, misinterpreting the man’s intentional strategy as a folly. Rika at least thought that he looked confident enough that this was a situation he wanted to be in. Either way, they moved to take part in his unstated plan.

Bowser circled in on the conduit’s right, his multiple cannon emplacements unlocking from his back and slotting onto his side before blasting the murlocs with, of all things, water. The high powered blasts sent some of the locks tumbling, while others were mostly pushed back a bit while being drenched in seawater which turned out to be a bit cleaner than the stuff the sea monster blood and village detritus tainted affair they were swimming in, making it almost refreshing.

There was some mocking gurgling that might have been laughter from the fish, that was quickly cut off as Posidon’s blessing kicked in and turned the air itself around them into razor sholes, slicing at the murlocs as they tried to move through it, hurting them more they faster they tried to go.

Some tried to race forwards regardless and catch up on Delsin’s heels. Those ones where practically shredded for their efforts, rendered easy prey for the conduit’s fire blasts, while the rest slowed down and became easy targets for Rika as she came in from Delsin’s left in a simple pincer movement. Turrets swiveled, slugging locks with shells while the ratatatat of her rifle and thump of her arm cannon brought the pain as she closed in and met the last of them in melee.

She charged at one of the small ones, driving a smash of a punch into it that sent it staggering back, stunned but alive much to its surprise. A second surprise went off a moment later as the Brachydios slime that the hit had splattered on it detonated and ended its life. Not even looking at the explosion the shipgirl spun a quarter circle and blocked a swung club by making an X with her gauntlets, before using her hull blades to chop out her attackers guts and then slamming 6 small shells from the rigging’s elbow mounted cannons in there for good measure. A third tried to take her down while she was finishing the second, only to receive a meteoric hammer down swing to the dome as one of Bower’s hammer bro’s came flying in, tossed by his king.

Then the king himself showed up, bull charging a puss filled fish with his horns, knocking it over and leaving it unable to prevent the king roasting it with his firebreath, while his tendrils snatched up a little one before strangling, poisoning and beak biting the life out of it while the king was otherwise occupied with helping Rika and Delsin deal with the final few Murlocs.

“This’s the last one?” Rika asked, while pumping the last of her rounds into a bayonet speared murlock, its club held in the loose grip of her cannon arm’s jaw unable to strike her.

”Yup. Gottem all,” Bowser confirmed, dusting off his hands before telling them ”Nice work you two” which got a beam of a smile out of Rika and, in a roundabout way, a request for fire from Delsin.

”Fire huh?” he asked, before looking up at the rain and instantly regretting it when he got water in his eye ”Urgh. Nah. Way too wet for any of this sodden mess to light.”

“Can you do that fireball that jr did? The one that left fire on the ground for a bit? Maybe that'll be enough?” Rika suggested, but received a shake of the head ”Nah. My boy’s the one with the fancy tricks. Real prodigy. Me, I can only do smaller or bigger ones”

Rika thought for a moment and then asked “Like those really really big and slow ones?”

”Yeah? What about em?”

“Well if you can charge while you walk then maybe that’ll help you?” she turned to Delsin to say while Bowser said ”What?” not having gotten it. It took a few more moments to outline the plan, but after that Bowser set himself up, sucked in some air and then with a huff and a puff and a fwooomph of flame a titanic fireball nearly the size of the king himself was lazily drifting back down the street they’d entered through, lighting it up as it traveled at a gravity defying walking pace and put out heaps of heat and fire that Delsin could hopefully nab to fuel his batteries.

”So how’s that work anyway? You gonna eat the fire or something?” Bowser had to ask the man as he turned to check out the rest of the battlefield to see if anyone needed a hand or if it was all over.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TruthHurts22
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Member Seen 4 days ago

0/30 EXP

Sandswept Sky - Tostarena Town

Well, he thought his ideas had some merit to them. "That's why I said a reverse zip-line!" He snapped back to Scout. "I've seen a reverse waterfall before, and it's not like this is a super normal place! It might... exist!" He thought about throwing down the last half of his burrito in anger, but that felt too rude to the restaurant staff, so he opted to scarf it down with pointed aggression.

Still steaming, Sectonia floated over to him to properly introduce herself. Raz swallowed his anger, since if they were going to risk their lives on the mountain, there shouldn't be any lingering animosity. "Oh, yeah, I know you," Raz said, shaking Sectonia's hand. Surprisingly dainty. "I mean I've seen you with the group before. I'm Razputin, but you can call me Raz. Probably better to get introductions out of the way before the dangerous climb and big bad fight at the top, huh?"

A lot happened pretty quickly, from the appearance of another couple of people who seemed interested in the group, for different reasons, and finally it seemed there was a solution settled on to deal with the big group problem. "You know," Raz said aloud as they all split off and gathered the teleportation markers, "I'm going to take a biiit of credit on this one, since I mentioned teleporting before. So, thanks, Me! And you're welcome." Really, Raz didn't mind whether or not he got respect now. He'd show his worth on this climb. It was like he was born for it.

Sandswept Sky - Split Mountain Stage One, Redstone City

...though it would be a while to go before his expertise would be needed. The start of the ascent was bound to be the easiest, so Raz took the opportunity to plan with his fellow climbers.

"I might not look it, but I'm great at dangerous stunts and climbing up things not made to be climbed," he said to everyone, hurrying just ahead of the group. "So once we start hitting the steeper cliffs, everyone who can't fly, float, or hover, just follow my lead! I'll find us a way up like a pack of mountain goats migrating for the winter. Or is it the summer? Wait, do goats migrate?"

Any goat-related questions would have to be put on hold, however. Those 'Riders' that the luchadores warned them about literally ran right into them, with Tora taking the brunt of the hit, probably just by chance. Raz was sure to give Tora an encouraging, "See, you're getting it!" either way, what after the train ride and Tora's doubts on his protection skills. One shield-wielder wasn't going to cover everyone against the rest, though. In lieu of an actual tactic here, Raz just shouted, "Quick, we have to get ahead of them!" There was no telling just how many riders were coming down, or if they'd respawn back to the start of the race just like that biker had, so the best solution was to essentially win this race, but in reverse!

Word Count: 499
EXP Gain: +1
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Level 5: 25/50
Word Count: 556
Location: Tostarena Town
Points Gained: 1
NEW EXP balance--- Level 5: 26/50

Was this kid...packing heat?

Jesse didn't know why she thought this was so strange. With all the other strange happenings, a kid with a gun shouldn't seem so odd. Maybe because unlike all the other kids that were tagging along, this girl seemed like an actual, regular teenager. She didn't look like she was from a video game like Shadow the Hedgehog.

(Isn't Shadow like, 14 years old, anyway? He sure talks like one.)

Hold on, Jesse. Kid still has a gun.

Not helping, Sora, the other teenager, strolled up next to Jesse like this was no big deal. He didn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation at all. Jesse definitely didn't want to piss the stranger off. She kind of reminded Jesse of herself when she was younger. Jumpy, paranoid, maybe a little dorky.

"Easy, Sora. No one's fighting anyone." Jesse tried to placate both of them. Not that this new kid needed any help standing up for herself, with her swift rebuttal.

The red-headed woman casually kept her hands in the air. "Listen." Jesse said to Ellie. "You don't have to worry about us, all right? We're moving out right now. There's a pretty significant chance none of us come back, either, so that's a win for you." With a wave she turned and followed the rest of the group. "So long."

The four armed Samurai, YoshitsuneJesse glanced over at Yoshitsune. "Err, yeah." She looked him and his unique body up and down. "I mean, I could stick some balloons on you so you float. Might be a bit awkward, though. If we get into any fights I can let you down instantly, so you don't have to worry too much about being vulnerable." The Director rolled her shoulder. "That's the best I've got. Alternatively, I could make you small and carry you in my pocket. Guess that's your call. Might be best to just stay behind for now."

Practical solutions were made apparent to their practical problems. Teleportation stones could be used to call in reinforcements. Sounded like a plan to Jesse.

Soon, they were off, many in number, including a new friend for Primrose. Jesse Faden was already rusty on getting to know new people, so the idea of socializing with everyone here was an obstacle even greater than the threat of the mountain.

Once in the canyons, it became apparent what the ominous warning meant. Riders, right out of a racing game, happily plunging down the desert slopes at breakneck speed. Any lethal crash was barely a hinderence to them. Jesse concluded that the safety of her group was much more important than the happiness of these carefree daredevils.

The Director moved to the front of the group, careful to avoid any Riders. Once there, the next Rider plummeting her way would be met with a nasty surprise. A telekinetic shield would form infront of Jesse, and the Rider would crash and bounce right off it and be sent scattering. No doubt only to get right back to it in a matter of moments.

"Tell your friends, asshole." Jesse taunted with a smirk. Both hands forward, she formed a bulkhead for the Seekers. She couldn't do it forever, but if she ever needed to escape, she could jump and Evade out of the way. In the meantime, she was focused on defending her fellow Seekers from harm.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 38 min ago

The Chalk Prince, the Fallen Child, and the Skullgirl

Location: Frozen Highlands - Snowdin
Linkle’s @Gentlemanvaultboy, Frisk’s @Majoras End

Albedo's intuition proved to be spot-on, although he also found out that the list of people who wanted to help out poor Treat went beyond himself and Linkle. In fact, the kid who'd just a moment ago been snug in the alchemist's booth with his dog did not hesitate to spring from their seat, then march straight for Grillby's front door with palpable determination. Whether through latent strength, the force of the wind outside, or both, the small child practically threw open the front door, and a shiver-inducing cold front blew through the establishment. Just short of plunging back outside into winter's chill, however, they stopped to look back at the teens currently extracting themselves from the booth to follow suit, and offered an introduction.

Frisk, the alchemist repeated in his head. An odd name even in this World of Light, not for unfamiliarity but for being an ordinary word, and not one typically associated with pleasant experiences, either. Still, if the few minutes Albedo knew them were anything to go by, this Frisk harbored nothing but good intentions when it came to matters of the heart, so he saw no reason not to answer the child in kind. "Albedo," he said simply, offering nothing more or less than his name. On account of the term's more esoteric origin he doubted this child would know, but he shared Frisk's peculiarity of wielding an ordinary word as a name--chalk, the second stage of alchemy's magnum opus, being pure from corruption but yet to awaken.

He didn't blame Linkle for being so focused on the task at hand to introduce herself. Right about now, she probably found herself with quite the inner turmoil. All that talk about her eyes signifying the evil within her, and yet it was her adorable floppy rabbit ears that caused Treat to turn tail. The idealistic young heroine had already been stressed out by her transformation into the Skullgirl courtesy of that malignant heart that beat within her, not to pump blood but against the walls of her mind, As if the stress of becoming the Skullgirl wasn't enough, with that malignant heart inside her beating against the walls of her mind, she'd been freshly scarred by her encounter with Freya. Were he to ask Albedo imagined that the valiant girl might assure him that she cared only about destroyed the Stranger and keeping the good people of this world safe, but another hypothesis hung at the back of his mind. While he couldn't know for certain and hesitated to broach the subject, the alchemist felt sure that more than anything, Linkle feared falling to the evil within. The idea of becoming something evil, a dangerous monster that threatened all she loved, probably caused so much distress that she couldn't stand the thought. As such, the sight of someone afraid of her prompted not just a strong reaction, but an unquestionable obligation to make things right. She was right in that the hospital visit could wait. Albedo nodded his assent, jogged over to grab his coat, then followed Linkle and Frisk outside with his corgo bounding at his heels.

Outside the trio found no sign of Treat, which presented an immediate obstacle. Although still pretty pristine, the snow had seen enough foot traffic to obscure the runaway's bootprints, which would already be troublesome to distinguish from the rest on account of her being a wolfgirl rather than a wolf. With no solid leads to go on they stopped instead at the Christmas tree at the town's center, that beacon of charity and cheer whose perennial communal offerings gladdened every heart, save one. While Linkle rummaged for something suitable to use as a gesture of good faith, Albedo took a different route. Rather than wrack his brain for any half-forgotten clues as to Treat's whereabouts, he approached a rough-looking man with swept-back hair and a long black coat who they passed a moment ago as he strode toward's Grillby's entrance. Unintimidated, Albedo asked if he might know anything about the lonely wolf Treat, and though the man looked neither particularly friendly nor obliging, he pointed southeast.

"You know the little mountain, on the village outskirts?" he asked, his voice as hard and coarse as his face. "Follow the trail going left, up and around. There's a house on the ridge, overlooking the lake. Townsfolk shun it on account of the rumors, so she holed up there."

Albedo thanked him and hurried back toward the others, where Linkle and Frisk were wrapping up their present hunt. He arrived in time to hear her question and took the chance to respond. "The little mountain just outside the village," he told her, not bothering to name his source. "Follow me."

The inundation of warm windows, merry decorations, and small town comfort came to an abrupt end right after the trio passed between the local Food Donkey and Morshu's Shop and stepped onto the mountain trail behind them. Dignified, wholesome pines gave way almost instantly to a canopy of bare, dead branches, twisted like passageways in a maze overhead. Snowdin's cozy ambiance gave way to a heavy silence that permeated the grove, interrupted only by the crunch of snow beneath questing feet and the occasional jeering caw of a crow. Though he looked as composed as ever, Albedo kept a careful eye on his surroundings, alert for any sudden dangers. He couldn't help but wonder why Treat would choose to live at the end of such a spooky path, unless to her it sounded like a better deal than living among hateful rabbits. His eyes landed on a series of porcelain dolls, dangling from the scraggly branches like hanged men. If this wolfgirl wanted isolation, this was the right way to go about it.

Luckily the hike through the deadwood copse turned out to be both uneventful and short, even if it took Albedo, Frisk, and Linkle uphill. The trail brought them out of the grove and onto the mountainside along a sloped ridge, the going made much easier than the trip to the Cold Monastery by the presence of carved steps in the stone. Of course, that posed an inconvenience for Linkle's sled, which made it simpler to carry her gift by hand as she went by foot. With each step a distant but constant noise grew louder, mistakable for television static by a more modern mind, but assignable to only one natural phenomenon as far as Albedo knew. After a couple minutes the snowy ridge both widened and smoothed out, then shortly thereafter terminated at a set of ornate wrought iron gates. Behind the gates loomed a gloomy, austere dwelling of impressive stature, more of a mansion than a house, whatever that rough-faced stranger said. Beyond that lay the waterfall that Albedo and the others heard from afar, a torrent of freezing water from the mountain peak all the way down to the lake far below. Although the ridge afforded the newcomers an amazing view of the land to the southwest with all its snowy forests around interconnected bodies of water, Albedo kept his focus on the lonely mansion where Treat ostensibly lived. He saw two sets of tracks, their boot prints identical, one going toward town and faded by the snowfall, with the other fresh leading straight through the open gates.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Level: 1
Experience: 5/10
Currently In: Frozen Highlands, Snowdin >> Snowdin Outskirts
Word Count: 571 (+1 Exp)
Albedo @Lugubrious, Linkle @Gentlemanvaultboy

Once it was confirmed the other two would accompany them, Frisk went ahead and stepped outside, leaving the door open for Linkle and Albedo. They looked around for any sign of Treat, or anyone who could've harassed her. Nothing. How fast was she?? Maybe they could follow her footprints in the snow? The child glanced down to look. Their brows furrowed. It wasn't that Frisk didn't know what the bottom of the wolf girl's boots looked like, moreso any sign of bootprints were quickly covered up by others. A bit annoying, but maybe they can figure something out.

Their attempt to figure out a trail led them to the christmas tree next to Linkle. In their curiosity, they stopped and watched the peculiar girl search for a present. Perhaps for a peace treat-y? Frisk snickered to themselves at the pun that crossed their mind. But that does seem like a good idea. Maybe they could look for a gift too? As Linkle put her present up on her sled, they carefully searched for something they could give Treat too.

"Hm?" They lifted their head up, looking back to the skullgirl once she asked if they knew where Treat lived. Admittedly, they didn't. As far as they knew, the wolf girl only lived around the area. They only answered with a shrug, picking up a smaller gift box with a familiar shade of cyan. Luckly Albedo already had the answer for them. Treat lived on a mountain, huh? Frisk stood back up, setting their gift next to Linkle's, then nodded to Albedo.

Though before they did leave, Linkle wanted to stop by the motel for something. Frisk didn't know what, but they were cool with it. A moment of waiting passed, and as it turns out, she had grabbed a hat for Frisk so their ears wouldn't get too cold. They quietly looked over the snowcap, then tried it on. ...Huh. They didn't have a mirror nearby to check how they looked, but it is comfy. Frisk looked back to Linkle with a smile. "Thanks."

The child theirself made one more stop to a checkpoint, just in case anything happens while the trio was outside of town, then they were off.



Frisk quickly remembered why they kept to Snowdin for so long. The warm scenery that matched the town was snuffed out by a depressing, kinda creepy atmosphere of dead trees and...porcelain dolls? If the cold couldn't give them chills, this certainly would. They might not have watched much horror movies, but those dolls dangling in the trees didn't seem normal. They kept a close eye on them, and stayed close to their new friends. Their brows were furrowed again, in their attempts to ignore the creepyness around them.

The creepy trail was short and sweet, fortunately. Frisk let out a relieved huff, warming their hands as the trio went uphill. The child did have to carry their cyan present with them though. Not a problem for them. And eventually, they came across a gloomy manor by a waterfall. Gloomy, yet it still had a sense of beauty despite. Did Treat really live here? The trail of bootprints; the one Frisk was looking for before, confirmed it. This was the place.

The child took a deep breath, their stick in one hand, and the present under their arm. "Come on." They said, walking through the front gate, and to the front door.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 1190

Level 10 - (12/100) + 3

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin

@Majoras End@Lugubrious

Luckily for them it was Albedo to the rescue. According to him Treat lived on a mountain on the village outskirts, and led the way down the street. "Right! Let's go." She said, grabbing the handle of her sled. She noticed as she did that Frisk had set their own gift beside hers. They didn't need to apologize for anything, so they must have grabbed a present just because they wanted to give one. She couldn't blame them, giving gifts was almost more fun than getting them.

She also noticed Albedo's dog following them out into the snow. "Aw, are you worried about her too?" She asked it, leaning down to dog level. That also involved leaning down into the snow, so Linkle picked up the little pooch and set it on the sled as well. It immediately leaped down. She set it up there again, only to have the same thing happen. She tried a third time, and this time the wagging of the dogs tail as it jumped down told her that the dog thought of this as a some kind of fun game. She sighed. "Fine, you win. But hop on if you get cold, okay?" She told it.

During this exchange she failed to notice the man she had been eager to meet all day stepping past her into the restaurant. It did, however, serve to hammer in the notion that other people got cold. So, when they began to set off, it kind of gnawed at Linkle that Frisk seemed to be making due with only a sweater over their shirt. "Can we stop somewhere first?" She asked. "I have to pick something up before we leave town."

So they made a quick stop at the motel where Linkle had spent the night before, the hylian ducking into her room for just a moment before emerging with the cute hat she had gotten from crushing that monster spirit. "Here you go. Don't want you catching your death out there." She said, handing the hat over to her new friend and enduring that it fit snugly. She had had that one earmarked for the other mysterious kid she knew, but she supposed she would just have to find Hat Kid a different gift. As it turned out Frisk had somewhere they wanted to stop as well, but for the life of her Linkle couldn't figure out why. Frisk led them to a spot that, as far as she could tell, didn't have anything of important and then walk up to seemly random random spot. They stood there for a little bit, seemed satisfied, then moved off. As they did Linkle to a moment to step forward and stand in the same spot, watching the child's retreating back. She couldn't feel anything different. "Huh." Maybe it was a local custom, like the tree. Stand in this spot, get good luck on your journey. She would have to ask about it later.

After that they were really off, leaving Snowdin and it's cheery light behind for a trail that was so dismal that she could feel the Skull Hearts approval for it radiating from the back of her mind. The trees were twisted enough to blot out the light of the midday sun and cast the entire path in gloom, but not so covering that they managed to keep the snow off the path. She kept a wary eye on them as the trio moved along, hands on the grips of her crossbows ready to blow up a third forest today should it prove to be as hostile as the first two. From among the branches black birds watched them with beady red eyes, but more disturbing than that were the dolls. From the branches of the trees hung down many dead eyed dolls, swaying in the breeze and making as uncomfortable knocking noise against one another and the branches. "Looks like she either really likes dolls, or really hates them." She said, trying to get a sound out that wasn't that knocking.

Soon she got her wish. She was the first to pick up on the constant, relaxing sound as they neared the edge of the forest. When they found the stairs Linkle looked back at her sled as the dog began clambering up them. She parked it behind a nearby tree, and as she picked up her gift she thought for a moment before sliding the big intimidating firearm off her back and placing it on the sled. It took another to take her crossbows and lay them beside it. Nothing had harassed them in the forest, after all, despite its spooky nature. If Treat was able to take this road safely by herself there was probably nothing to worry about, especially not thieves. If the wolf girl wanted to be alone this place definitely did the trick.

It was a crying shame that no one came here, because as they reached the top of the stairs the view was breathtaking. She had seen a lot of beautiful vistas today, but none of them had contained a waterfall. The torrent of water roared over the top of the mountain, loud enough to her now to almost hurt, and from the lake it filled snaked away rivers to other lakes that spread as far as the eye could see. She wondered if this waterfall fed all those rivers that she had passed on the way to Snowdin?

The waterfall bathed the gloomy mansion that sat on the edge of the of the cliff in mist, and Linkle though that with a bit of love and elbow grease you could turn this into a fetching place to live. Put some warm candles in the windows, beat the iron fence back into shape, maybe convince the sun to shine a little harder, and anyone would want to stay here. As it stood, though, she could see why the only inhabitant was someone that wanted other people to stay away. As Frisk pushed their way through the gate she added oiling the joints to that list of improvements as it let out a cliché and audibly annoying SCREEEEEEEEEE. Linkle followed after them, noting that they were a little on edge.

"You know, in The Legend of the Twilight Princess," Linkle began as the four of them crossed the courtyard, "the Hero had to explore a spooky mansion at the top of a frozen mountain. And while it really was haunted by vicious old monsters, it was mainly the home of a big nice yeti and his adorable yeti wife. They made a stew together, and the yetis taught him how to snowboard." She left out the part where the adorable Yeti wife had been possessed by visions shone to her in an accursed mirror and the hero had had to beat her up with a giant iron ball until she was better. That probably wasn't how this was going to go down. Best to keep optimistic.

When they reached the front door Linkle made double sure her hat was on, her hood was up, and she had the brightest smile she could muster on her face before reaching out and giving the door three loud knocks.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle

Lvl 7 (113/70) -> Lvl 7 (114/70)

Word Count: 407 words

Geralt scowled in frustration as he felt Fizz break the shield Quen had provided him, and he lashed out with a boot to kick at the creature, which dodged with minimal effort. Giving the skeletal pirate a nod, Geralt broke off to engage the smaller foe, trusting the man to keep the larger monster at bay. While conventional wisdom would bring one to think the large combatants would fare best against one another, Geralt's own experiences gave him a unique edge at asymmetrical warfare.

Fizz darted to and fro, scoring multiple hits against the oversized Witcher. the mystical powers of his bleed amulet helped keep his vital fluids from draining everywhere, but the sheer volume of strikes made up for that. He wasn't exactly pleased with being on the opposite side of the death by a thousand blows, but once he managed to get a bit of a read on his opponent's movement patterns, Geralt began his counterattack:

As Fizz darted in to strike, Geralt swept low with his sword, connecting and parrying one strike, and allowing the follow-up to connect while drawing the plasma pistol with his free hand. Taking a few shots at Fizz, Geralt watched as the little thing dodged back expertly, nodding. Stowing the weapon, he closed the distance himself, this time pointing at the amphibious creature and summoning his Striker, the PT Imp Pack.

Smirking as the thing found itself outnumbered, Geralt drew a grapeshot bomb from his pouch, watching Fizz dip, duck, dive, and dodge his way out of danger, even vaulting out of the way of a triple-strike by using his trident as a vaulting pole. When he came down on a dry spot near the well, however, Geralt threw his bomb, which landed next to the champion and detonated, spraying him with shrapnel as the Imps vanished, their time having expired.

Geralt moved in to follow up on his attack, but he was surprised to see Fizz little worse for the wear, who proceeded to slip between his legs and catch Geralt in the side of the calf with his trident on the way. Cursing, the giant Witcher reached out a hand and made the Sign of Axii, moving to overwhelm Fizz with a barrage of blows after stunning him with the magic. To that effect, he called out to the others, "Need a hand with this one! Quick little bastard, and I'm a bit too large for this!"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (0/80)
Location: Almost up the mountain
Word Count: Less than 750

There really wasn't too much for Sectonia in this town, at least not like the others. Sure her minions complained about this or that, but what they complained about she could do anyway so she didn't see much of a problem here. Still making introductions to her new two minions, Sora and Raz, was a good idea. Sora being a bit more... energetic than she was expecting. She probably should've known that, thanks to his goofy outfit, he would be a bit of a fool, but she had learned over the past couple days you can't take anything in this world at face value. (Although a lot of things did need to be beautified...) While Sectonia didn't show the same enthusiasm as Sora, her hands could handle his shake, almost to the point where Sectonia questioned if the lack of arms and his hidden strength caused this whole situation? Well anyway... "Good to work with you. Lets see if that enthusiasm will help you with whats to come." Sectonia said, being formal, but letting on that whats coming up might be tougher than this kid would be expecting.

Meanwhile Raz, her other new minion, was a lot more mature for being, frankly, younger looking. A bit more her style of a minion, jsut something had to be fixed with his outfit... Most outfits she found needed to be redone out of all of her minions. If only she had the resources of Floralia... Well that wasn't much to think about. "And good to meet you too Raz. Lets see what you can do."


As the group moved to the mountain base and started to scale it, Sectonia was reminded of the ruins from before. Ruins that would prove to be an issue for some of their party due to their groundbound existence. Meanwhile Sectonia and Midna could just float above it all. And knowing this would be a challenge, Sectonia wasn't surprised as boulders, bikers, and boulder people rolled down the hill. Boulder people... at least they weren't Gordos. Still, they were barreling towards the group, so Sectonia had to do something as her other minions did what they could. An idea came to her, and with a wave of her hands, she summoned a large crystal and tilted it so that it was sitting like a ramp to give her minions below cover.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 54/60 ------ Level: 1 - Total EXP: 6/10
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 993 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

It was a muted welcome, though all things considered it made sense. Going over the logistics of moving such a large group up a mountain, and then having to worry about one more? Therion could just imagine what the organizers of this whole thing were thinking. The said, he was glad for this kind of reaction. It was normal, expected. It told him that the "do-gooders" Primrose was traveling with weren't all half-cocked and annoyingly upbeat hero types. That was more than fine with him.

One of the stranger looking of the bunch, and probably one of the strangest looking creatures Therion had ever seen, floated over to him to introduce herself. She also reminded him that oh yeah, the whole reason they were climbing the mountain in the first place was to fight some big bad monster or something. Primrose had mentioned something like that.

"There's nothing I would rather be doing," he responded with a completely flat, deadpan tone. While traveling with the others in Orsterra he'd fought against all sorts of dangerous, disgusting beasts. It completely sucked every time. There were a million things he'd rather be doing. But it wasn't anything new, and he'd already made up his mind. Beside him he could hear a muffled chuckle from Primrose which he chose to ignore.

It wasn't long after that one of the local guardians seemed to think of a solution to the problem of getting everyone up the mountain and led the group out of the restaurant. While everyone filed out after Tostada, Therion among them, Primrose sidled closer to Midna, who was fast, strong, crafty, and had tagged along in her shadow at the start of the journey into the Sandswept Sky. She'd seen that pang of jealousy not just in Midna, but in many others of the group as well. They all wanted to be reunited with their friends and family. Primrose didn't take it personally, instead it reinvigorated her just the same as meeting Therion had.

"...keep an eye on him? He may not look it, but Therion is trustworthy. The sooner that light is gone from him, the better."

It was selfish, but Primrose wasn't above asking such things. Freedom was something she knew Therion cherished above any physical treasure, he certainly wouldn't forgive anyone or anything that stripped it from him with their mind-altering abilities. With favor asked, the dancer continued out of the establishment with the rest of the Seekers.

Magical teleport stones seemed to be the answer. It was actually much more practical than anything Primrose imagined they'd come up with. With the climbing team going up, the rest of the group that weren't as well versed would stay behind and wait for their stones to glow. If it worked, then this would indeed be the best option. She thought about staying behind with the ground team, but after convincing Therion to make the trek that just wouldn't do. Plus, she all the exercise she'd been doing the last few days could only make her stronger - which included this climb.

She stepped out of her sandals, slipped on the boots from the sports shop, and wrapped the cloak around herself once more. At some point Therion had acquired some of the items that Band and Peacock had procured for the crew, though she didn't know if they'd offered it to him or he'd just helped himself. His hooks and ropes were secured to his belt, and he tugged his scarf tighter around himself. Both of them supposed that they were as ready for the climb as they could be. All that was left was taking the first step.

Steadily they moved up the trail into the canyon. It was a natural wonder for sure, with all the stones cut into shape by nature. There was little noise besides the sound wind whistling around the spires of rock, and of the Seeker's footsteps as they continued up. There was a faint echo of things moving far above them, which didn't exactly make the first part of the journey peaceful though.

The first rider seemed to come out of nowhere, slamming right into Tora at the head of the pack. Despite the high speed, they both came away from it unscathed. Damn, they weren't kidding, Therion thought as we watched the rider get up and keep on going. If they were part of a race, then the other racers wouldn't be far behind. The canyon practically trembled with the sound of racers rushing down it, complete with boulders rolling after them. It was chaos. After a couple of narrow misses Therion was tired of dodging the riders and was content to duck behind Jesse and her defensive wall, though he wasn't sure how they'd be able to 'get ahead' of the wave of racers besides just waiting them out. They just kept coming. There were probably hundreds of them!

It was probably much easier for their fliers, though not completely free of danger given that some riders were propelling themselves into the air by riding over Sectonia's ramp, or naturally formed ones around the area. Primrose chose to try her odds in the sky, jumping out of the way of one of the riders and using the enchanted scarf to float out of harm's way. When it's magic needed to recharge, Primrose landed behind their bigger, more defensive allies. At one point she took shelter behind Jesse as well, where Therion gave her an incredulous scowl.

"Since when could you do that?" he said, to which his companion replied, "Since yesterday." If she could have shared it with him she probably would have, but it was impossible. They huddled behind the shield as far as it would take them, splitting up again once Jesse needed a break. Primrose took to the sky again, while Therion stuck closer to the wall. They just had to keep moving up, even if it was slow and steady.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

wordcount: 861 (+2)
Midna: level 7 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (12/70)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Tostarena Town

Minda grinned a toothy impishly simile at Therion’s deadpan response to the danger they were about to face a trek through a frozen over hell to fight goddesses knows what kind of monster at the top. She liked him already ”I’m sure. Everything about you screams legendary warrior” she teased, before deliberately glancing at Primrose and adding more genuinely ”I mean if you’ve got tricks under that cloak in the same way Prim has tricks under her… stuffed in her ponytail then I’m sure you’ll be a welcome part of the team.”

She was about to drift off, having had her fun, when Primrose caught her ear and asked her for her help in keeping an eye on the man for an opportunity to free him. The way it was asked had enough genuine concern for the man that it made her feel a touch embarrassed about hassling him right off the bat out of a sense of jealousy. Only a little bit though. ”Yeah sure, sure, I’ll help you keep a watch on him. It’s not like he’s hard on the eyes” before she nonchalantly gave one of her twin-tails a flip and then Primrose a smile to let her know she was just teasing about that last bit.

She would keep an eye on him however, she genuinely meant that.

The discussion about who would stay and who would go, and how/if they’d be getting people up top didn't really go anywhere, so it was fortunate that they stumbled across a solution only a little bit later. Namely a bunch of teleportation rocks sitting at the start of their accent.

”I could have told you that” Midna grumbled when the giant bee queen gave them an assessment of the long distance transportation rocks. Could she? Maybe. Probably not. It didn't really matter. What did was that they now had magic rocks which could sling them back and forth across the world. Or at least back to the big rocks, of which they had two so ultimately they could go between two places, as well as back to said places. Useful, no doubt, but not some kind of global traversal network like she was aware the blue team apparently had, if she understood the magic paintings one of their number could produce. Still, it was exactly what they needed, for getting the non-climbers to the summit in a flash.

”Well I guess I’ll take this one” Midna said, picking up and then sending one of the large ones to the twilight realm, before having a thought. She picked up a small stone and tried to see if it could find the one she had just transported, but to no avail.

”Drat. Well. at least no one’s going to accidentally send themselves home to get turned into a wolf I guess” she muttered and then sighed before tossing the little stone back to the gang staying behind. That would have been too convenient a way to check in on home, she supposed.

After that was all sorted out, and who was and wasn’t going was also sorted out, the gang all set out on their hiking trip, the first step of which was traipsing through a realm of pillars, arches, ramps and doorways carved out of stone completely haphazardly. It was quite the bizarre and yet also quite beautiful natural formation. Or ‘natural’ formation. There was probably some kind of arcane or divine nonsense responsible for the mimicry of mortal constructions going on.

Minda rode her way through it on the back of one of her Wolfos, saving her strength for the climb that was to come, her lovely sombrero doing wonders and shielding her from the still baking desert sun and letting her enjoy the environment better than if she were forced to handle the light unprotected.

Unfortunately not everyone was content to simply admire the scenery, and only a little bit after being warned about them, the hooligans of the red wastes came storming by. The Gorgon’s she recognized from, but many of the rest of the pile of mad racers rolled over them riding all manner of infernal contraptions unknown to Twili kind.

”Goddess, bitch, mother fucker!” was Midna’s vitriolic initial reaction to their sport as her wolfos leapt to the side to narrowly avoid becoming roadkill at the hands of a rolling metal sphere that promptly launched off of a ramp and beyond sight while Midna yelled ”Watch where you're going!” after it like a crotchety old woman before coughing from the dust being kicked up by the racers.

With seemingly no end to the riders in sight Midna moved to do something other than just dodge. She started by slipping her half mask up over her face to fit snugly against the underside of her helmet, the lens and air filter keeping her eye and lungs dust free. Next she dismissed her wolfos, who was close to a panic from all the roaring and rolling, and then dropped to the ground, moving up beside Jesse and finally she brought out a max size shadow hand and putting it out palm first (unwittingly in a way that made it look like a giant stop sign) to form another magical barricade next to the director’s floating debris.

”Get behind us or form up! There’s got to be an end to them” she shouted hoping that with the two ladies (and maybe Braum) holding down the fort they’d be able to barricade down a large enough spot for the team to simply hunker down and wait out the storm.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Level 9 Blazermate - (65/90)
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Thanks to Blazermate's Ubercharge, Mirage was able to free his own leg, getting the creative idea to blow up the coral snake grabbing onto him with an explosive, launching himself unharmed out of the danger area and towards where they had come in. Using what Ubercharge she had left, Blazermate went to touch the crack in the area, a ghost coming out and immediately flying at one of the big enemies that had just appeared. Seeing as no one really needed too much in the way of healing now, Blazermate moved to summon another ghost, and another. After the third ghost though, she had to get back to healing people as the new contenders were causing issues.

She joined the frey with Bowser and Co, using their attacks and a few bites from her shield to raise a few more murloc zombies as she healed and overhealed Bowser and his son, who would probably be involved in the next few fights. Geralt was another big target now, but her shield could help defend if he came under attack, Blazermate wasn't sure how much damage he would take, while she did know how badly Bowser tended to get hurt.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dawnrider
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Level: 6 (48 -> 50/60)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Tostarena Town -> Redstone City
Word Count: 1200 (+2 EXP)

When the suggestion of downsizing their collective unit for ease of management on the mountain ascent was brought to attention, Fox quietly sat out any debates of attendance that followed. He expected he could trust each party member to individually assess themselves and their capabilities and make their own judgements about their ability to make the climb unhandicapped. If they had any doubts about making it to the top, or otherwise suspected they would more burden than benefit the group trying, it was up to them to speak up and opt out for their own safety and that of their fellow Seeker, for which no one would blame them. They each knew themselves better than any, and could best be their own judge on the matter, as he saw it. All he knew for certain was that he would be going regardless, and whatever may happen as a result, he would accept responsibility for.

Between the Heavy, Medic, BP, Ciella, and Sly (whom almost no one else on the team knew about), they accounted for a total of five stay-behinds out of their crew of two dozen, with Yoshitsune tentatively recommended for reserves as well. One of the town’s resident guardians assured them that they wouldn’t want for activity if they stayed behind, prospectively cutting into the idea of having a reserve force, but Fox couldn’t pretend to mind. Were he among the staying, he might oblige the town and its people however he could, and among those making the trek, he was confident as always that they could prevail with what they had. At any rate, he saw no means of expediently summoning reserve aid should they need it anyhow, which brought to mind a couple of vital concerns of planning and contingency.

“I wouldn’t count on it,” he began by weighing in on the frankly ludicrous notion of luring the Guardian down from its nest on the mountain peak. “We’ll be fighting it and the mountain on the way down if we try.” If they (rightly) thought scaling the mountain would be difficult, coming down from it with one of the World’s dozen apex entities right on top of them the whole way would make for a hellish exercise in task management they might regret considering, never mind the collateral threat it posed to the town (and possibly beyond) should they hypothetically succeed. Fox almost preferred the idea of turning the Railway Gun on it from where they stood if he honestly thought it a viable option. Range, accuracy, altitude disparity, risk of causing avalanche/rock slide, and attrition least of all were just a few among several conceivable impediments to an artillery-based approach. “We’ll be fighting on its territory either way. We may just have to accept that and make the most of it,” he concluded, simply to keep expectations reasonable.

As it happened, the luchadora was able to bring them directly to a passable solution, one that would conveniently allow the climbing party to beam the ground team directly to the summit with them if they so choose. Fox, however, did have one suggestion: “We should leave one down here,” he said, referring to the recieving portcrystals, naturally assigning an adjoining ferrystone with a climber. “If anything happens, we’ll have to be able to get someone out; someone who can get word home if we don’t make it back.” This was essentially the same plan going the opposite way to serve an alternate purpose, and if enough stones were available to keep a two-way option open, potential volunteers could work that out amongst themselves prior to the team setting off. They had then to figure it out, and later to make good on their options.

Tostada, apparently having done this no small number of times, was glad to lead the Seekers up on the first stretch of their ascent, and Fox contentedly fell in behind her. She forewarned them of the first obstacle of reckless joyriders they would encounter on the way, assuring them that wouldn’t pose too much of a threat, and certainly not intentionally. Be that as it may, if said obstacle, the first and least of several to come, felled or gave hard pause to any of them, that would confirm for any in doubt whether or not it would be better for them to push on with the rest or stay behind and wait for them to clear the peak.

Anyone who could or cared to appreciate it had enough time before the initial challenge to take in nature’s splendor as they passed through one of its fine examples; a welcomed, pleasant reminder that deserts weren’t always so barren as to be devoid of value. A veritable peak range in itself, the graduation of burnt red spires tightly formed together almost as if by design gave the impression of having once been settled—or meant to be—and would have almost come as a surprise to find out that no one was taking advantage of it by making there a home for themselves. Surprising, if not for what it was being used for.

The first bike crashed headlong into Tora, putting his improved defensive reflex to work right away, with utter disregard by its rider for their own safety, demonstrably for lack of need. The perpetual reset autoroutine allowed them to forego caution to focus expressly on building and maintaining speed and momentum, though at the expense of those who weren’t part of the race. The group responsively made their own haste setting up a defensive front against all manner of oncoming hill traffic that threatened to run them down. Along with Tora came Jesse, Braum, Midna and the Queen to establish a protective front line, revealing also just how many more ‘shields’ they turned out to have. Of course, they would get nowhere fast by simply staying behind it, as Razputin had realized aloud. Him and Midna both were right, in a way. The line had to end somewhere, and all lines for sure ended at the start. To get behind them, rather, would see them past this.

Rather than sit tight and wait to see if they stopped coming, Fox decided to put his theory to the test by timing hard presses forward against traffic, moving from cover to cover between passes. The various riders were comparatively easy enough to sidestep or bound over, but the dense, rotund golems and seals of stone skin and thick white fur respectively that rolled and bounced downhill in tandem tacked on an unneeded layer of complication to their effort, as well as posing an evidently greater inherent danger to the health of bystanders. Though not without a share of near misses, Fox was soon able to get a cursory read of their trajectories based on the difference in how they moved, pivoting around pillars and hugging walls to slip by the Gorons, and ducking low in his sprints to pass under the Shiverians, taking special to flatten his profile for when they hit the banks, diving and sliding as needed. If there was an answer to their predicament at the top of the foothill, he was putting himself at risk to reach it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Online

Word Count: 775 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 54/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

Focus, focus focus. Although humanoid monsters like this one weren't exactly his forte, the Cadet had plenty of experience with them by now. Plus he had taken down bigger, stronger, and probably even smarter monsters before. There was an excellent weapon in his hands, made all the more powerful now thanks to buffs. So why did it feel like be was struggling so much? His usually steady grip had been trembling slightly since Kamek had cast that magic. It made fending off the sharq giant's blows harder, but he was holding his own. In his periphery he could see the others, the Koopas darting around and Nadia recovering enough to go on the offensive. She worked on crippling it while he kept it's attention, and when it rounded on her the Cadet swapped tactics to take her place, dragging the sword across the monster's legs.

She staggered it, giving him an opening - which was made bigger by the Koopas hooking it and pulling it down onto it's back, making it completely vulnerable. The Ace Cadet moved in to make sure it wouldn't stand back up, skewering the sharq's lower stomach with his longsword and drawing it up through the creature's guts and into it's chest. Without it's anchor weapon, the sharq squirmed and tried swiping at or taking hold of anyone it could, but it's hands found no victims. It was on death's door, and the Cadet pushed it through with a sharp twist of the blade still embedded in it.

Finished, finally. As the giant fishman's body dissolved into ash, the Ace Cadet swiftly brought his foot down onto the glowing orb of it's spirit, crushing it. The hunter exhaled, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead. A smudge of blood was left behind. It could have been his, he was banged up after that, but it easily could have been the monster's too given it's death throes had splashed it around. But he'd deal with that in a bit. Now that the spell was draining away, the Cadet was starting to feel better. There were aches and pains from battle, but he but wasn't so tensed up and his mind was clearer. He could tell that it had made him stronger, but man did it just make him feel... uncomfortable. He physically shook himself as if that would hasten the spell's end, and once it's effects were gone the Cadet turned his attention to his teammates.

"Are you guys okay?" He looked them all over, relieved to see that all three of them seemed to be fine... well, maybe not all of them were 'fine' but they were still standing. After putting her head back onto her body Nadia was in one piece again, that Life Gem pulling her back together after the nasty hit she'd taken when he first arrived back into the shack after getting tossed out. It must've hurt like hell.

"You alright?" he asked, giving her another once over. Before Kamek might offer to summon his healing clone again, the Cadet pulled out one of the bags of lifepowder that survived the submarine's crash. "Here." He tossed the powder into the air, and it did it's work healing some of the damage those in the shack had sustained. It was all around less effective then getting a complete heal from a mage, but the thought of that made the Cadet uneasy. He did not want any kind of magic touching him, so he should probably make that clear even if it didn't make sense.

He tucked the longsword back in it's case and looked at the elder Koopa. "Kamek..." he started, wanting to add a "sir" but refraining, "thanks for the help - and you too Junior - but, uh..." When about to put it to words, his worry seemed silly, so he wondered how to word it. "...I'll be fine without that kind of magic stuff, okay? So you can focus on the others." What went unsaid was something like, please don't cast another spell on me! The Cadet seemed a little distressed talking about it, but he flashed a smile afterward. Everything was fine.

Outside the battle was still going on it seemed, though perhaps winding down since the noise level had dropped. One sound that was impossible to miss was that of allies calling for a helping hand. The Cadet head sheathed the Nightsky Ripper, but all of his weapons were just a draw away. The mini cannons on his rigging reloaded themselves, ready for more action. It was time to clean up what was left out there, help their friends and get back on track.
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