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Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (16/80)
Location: Mountain Cave
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia let out a sigh as the fighting was over, moving back next to her fire anitlion as this air was something she did not like without the heat of her summon around. While she kept her composure as best as she could, anyone paying attention could see when she wasn't near her antillion her antenna were shivering a bit. The rest of her allies were not doing so well either. some were much better off than others, but those who got assaulted by the feral zombie looking things that were, frankly, far more durable than they should've been, werent' healing right even with her regeneration aura benefiting them. Even so, they all did well clearing them out with band being a bit... flashy about how he finished the ice golem much to Sectonia's approval. Although he seemed to not want to come with the rest of them, having had enough of all of this before flying off like a rocket.

It was then pointed out by a few of them that there were no spirits left over from the feral zombie things they had killed. Sectonia knew what this meant, and said. "Well if they are just souls flying about, not spirits themselves, then someone or something summons these things and until we defeat that, they will just keep coming." Having said that, Sectonia scooped up her fire antillion and went up the shaft with everyone else. Now that its been shown how much of a threat these thigns are, she'd have to keep a much more attentive eye on them.

Level 10 Blazermate - (12/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Seeing Blazermate block its attacks with her ubercharge, the Orphan put two and two together for a moment and rushed at the Medabot as she had deployed her shield to deal some massive electrical damage to it. It put all of its might into focusing the invincible medabot, much to its frustration and Blazermate's annoyance. As it was focusing her, the rest of the group made their move, Bowser making the biggest move of them all.

This was one hard hitting, tanky area boss. The other bosses were tanky, but not nearly this fast. Nor did they manage to take out their biggest tank, Bowser! That was a bit of a shock, but thanks to his efforts, it did allow Blazermate to get up and heal up people while the Orphan transformed into its more... reaper... angel form? It was like someone thought. "hey, what if we made a flesh angel reaper?", buut they probably didn't think it'd be this painful to fight, or they planned on it in which case Blazermate would have to smack them around some if she ever met them.

Seeing as Peach was in the most dire of straits, as the Orphan was getting ready for its next attack Blazermate zoomed over to heal and revive Peach so she could get up and move on her own. She also made sure to shield Peach, the koopa troop, and anyone else nearby with the remaining projectile shield from the lightning and explosive attacks coming from the Orphan. She would protect her sentry... if it wasn't almost running out of ammo at this point. Still, at least this phase of the Orphan was more projectile based instead of being a melee monster, so her shield would be much, much more useful now. She'd also have to keep a very close eye on Nadia, since now the Orphan was using lightning attacks, and she seemed to be exceptionally vulnerable to them. But she'd have to get Peach up first before she could do much but heal the cat girl at this moment.
Ok had to make a new account because discord support is lame. Whats the server link again?
So I wont be on the discord server for a few days. Since I requested a refund of those hacked gifts I linked you guys, they have disabled the account until that all goes through. (If they'll even re-enable it after its all fixed, this is discord, they're terrible with customer service.) So I'll let you all know if I have to make a new account or not.

Level 10 Blazermate - (10/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

The Orphan was doing loads and loads of damage with its wild swings. The sentry gun was doing quite a bit to him though, and its massive amount of lead caused the Orphan to be unable to approach it with any amount of power behinds his strides. Although even with that and a light tap on the sentry gun, his tentacle smacked Dell and caused him to disappear as he was just finishing loading the esntry and was about to upgrade it to rank 3. So while the sentry wasn't destroyed, there was only about 24 seconds of ammo left inside it. This attack also clipped Blazermate, leading to some leg damage. Thankfully she didn't really use them, but damage as still damage and it'd have to be fixed up when she got the chance.

The rest of her team was getting hammered even through her heals, however all this damage not only recharged her projectile shield, but also fully charged her Ubercharge. An Ubercharge she'd use and bounce around her team-mates when the Orphan would do its next amount of strikes at her allies, an ubercharge she'd pair with a projectile shield that she'd keep on top of the orphan during her invincibility, causing some massive damage of her own.

"If only I could keep up with this level of damage..." Blazermate said, getting a little worried as allies got lower and lower. Kamek helped when he could, but his heals combined with Blazermates still weren't enough to deal with this monster's damage output.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (7/80)
Location: Mountain Cave
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia's time dilation field was doing quite the number on the agile Wendigo and the already slow ice monster. While Sectonia's sword slashes weren't doing too much to its icy exterior, she kept it occupied as her allies came at it from behind, dealing considerable damage to the monster. And thanks to how slow it was, its attacks weren't doing much in the way of damage. Double on top of its slow movements Sectonia's aura that reduced magic damage taken by a considerable amount for her and her allies and her mild regen aura, and things were going fairly well.

Seeing its high defense though, Sectonia changed tacts. Putting away her swords, she pulled out her staffs and began to toss void globules at the beast, retreating a bit while she did so. High defense meant nothing to this magic, and with how slow this creature was especially under the effects of time dilation it wouldn't be dodging these anytime soon. Meanwhile her allies used the slow she applied on the remaining Wendigo to pile on it, doing their best to destroy the creature. Those that had made their way to the burning boat above were also on their way down to help the rest of the group. Speaking of that ship, Sectonia would have to blink out of the way of it soon once it started to come down in earnest and she kept an eye on that waiting for that moment.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (5/80)
Location: Mountain Cave
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia at first didn't see the enemies approaching the group as too much of a threat. This changed when it was shown the little wendigos were actually very threatening as they were both fast, and seemed to be far, FAR stronger than their frame suggested, causing tons and tons of damage very rapidly to her minions. All while the ship above was set ablaze by those exploring it from above. Well, things were starting to go a bit more poorly than Sectonia expected seeing how the previous enemies weren't all that threatening, so the queen decided to get a bit more active than she was prior.

While her allies were able to destroy two of the wendigos, although taking some heavy hits to do so, one was left alive and ready to pounce. Meanwhile an ice creature approached that looked a bit more dangerous than stuff they had fought prior, both advancing on the group. Sectonia, seeing an opportunity to cause some real damage, smacked both enemies with a slow spell. This wouldn't affect the ice creature nearly as badly as the wendigo, who relied on its speed to do anything and well, slow removed that advantage. Seeing as she was mostly fresh compared to her minions, Sectonia stepped up to deal with the newcomer ice creature after hitting it with a slow effect form her hovering perch, rapidly slashing and stabbing it with her swords. Hopefully her minions could deal with the much, much slower Wendigo.

Level 10 Blazermate - (8/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Blazermate was having issues keeping up on the healing for the group. The good news was that at least the group was giving her a ton of ubercharge and Orphan didn't really seem to care about the engineer's sentry, the sentry having upgraded to level 2 and on its way to level 3. The bad news was her shield had gone down now and people were still being thrown about, Jr. having gone down but was still in good shape all things considered.

Blazermate didn't have any nearby cracks to fly to without stopping her heals for a long amount of time, so she refrained from that and just kept the heals up on everyone as best as she could. She was almost ready to deploy an ubercharge, and with how much damage this creature did per hit, invincibility could do quite a number on it with no fear of damage, or at least drastically reduce damage intake for a few seconds. At least her allies were getting in a few hits here and there, and while Blazermate wanted to go in and do some damage, since even Bowser was getting smacked around like he was nothing that kept Blazermate on the defensive.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (4/80)
Location: Mountain Cave
Word Count: less than 750

Manual labor was underneath the queen as the rest of her minions went on attempting to repair an elevator. Sectonia standing guard and overseeing everyone more than anything. Entering a crypt soon after, something Sectonia didn't partake in as she didn't feel muh in the way of magic coming from anything that wasn't the skeletons. However thanks to all the grave robbing, when enemies came at them, much like Midna who had cleaned up her language, or attempted to at least after Sectonia chastised her, she smacked the skeletons and other frozen baddies that came at the party, her fire antilion causing lots of damage thanks to its power over fire and the Queen being difficult to approach thanks to that and her own swordplay. Although she didn't appreciate being knocked back by some of the skeletons shouting RUS at her. She decided to stay down below as Midna, Raz, and Therion decided to go and investigate a frozen ship a bit further up.

Eventually moving through the caverns they ended up having to deal with a few more bits of manual labor, one of them requiring pushing a stone filled cart that was frozen over with some of the party discussing how to handle that. Sectonia, being a bit tired of the cold even though she was being warmed by a fire antillion and the darkness of the cave. (At least the Scout could do something about that...) summoned another fire anitlion telling it to aid the minecart gang. That wasn't the only thing that was going on though, as the party was still basically constantly under attack with more baddies coming out of a side cavern. The good news is that since this whole place was fairly closed in, it was difficult for enemies to dodge Sectonia's spells, and knowing that she shot some large rings of Light at the wendigo, her allies being fine as the multiple rings illuminated the cavern as they moved down.

Level 10 Blazermate - (6/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Yep, this was an area boss alright! It was vicious and hideous and throwing the melee fighters around like rag dolls, even Bowser! It was also a bit cunning and keeping itself away from the ranged fighters like herself, Kamek, and Jr by having their big bruisers block their view. Well, this part didn't matter all too much to Blazermate as she was fine being the support backline. And she needed to be that support backline in this fight as everyone was getting hit super hard and being thrown around like they were ragdolls, even Bowser! but Blazermate could somewhat capitalize on this too, as the red cracks appeared around the room she could use the momentum of someone being tossed towards one to awaken the ghost inside. Although how often she'd get that opportunity was left to be seen.

Either way, Blazermate did what she always did, summoned her striker in a bit of an advantageous position and allowed the engineer to get set up. Although the sentry fire would be blocked by the occasional ally passing in front of it, it would either be a good source of damage or a distraction. It didn't matter which, as Blazermate had to worry about healing everyone instead. The good news at least, is that due to everyone getting hit so hard, Blazermate was gaining her projectile shield and uber at its fastest rates, and it didn't take long for her to deploy her shield. While it wouldn't be super useful with the child doing large sweeping strikes that would just pass through the shield, if the orphan tried to attack through her shield, at least he'd take some damage. But she used her shield more for defense instead of offense in this fight, covering an ally she was going to heal by said shield.

Using the fact Link was tossed aside by one of the orphan's blows and flew near one of the cracks in the floor, Blazermate copied his increased momentum with her medibeam's ability and touched the crack as Link unleashed a bit of a ranged barrage before running back in, before going back to heal the frontliners. Of course the ghost, not being the smartest thing around, decided to attack the Orphan and blow up when Geralt was nearby hitting them with a bit of the ghost explosion too. Just another thing for Blazermate to heal... But at least Blazermate was soon to attach her beam and heal Geralt, her uber shield barely overlapping the witcher.

Level 10 Blazermate - (4/100) - Level up!
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Blazermate looked over her new look and clothing, she felt so fancy! Although she felt a bit heavier, which she figured out quickly reduced how fast she could fly a bit. What else this gave her... she didn't know right now. But did she get the rezzer? Well... time would tell as well. Still, this knee high kimono did give Blazermate an air of menace if she hovered, which was sort of hilarious all things considered... Was she too heavy to ride Bowser now though? While thinking about these things, she noticed bella and the other abyssals having a bit of an argument over... really stupid things. With the New Southern one being quite... rude about it.

Hearing where the conversation was going and all that, Blazermate floated over and interjected. "So your sad your mass produced for combat? Go be a Medabot for a week then come back to me and make that same argument that its 'bad'. At least you aren't put into fights with your friends, with the winner taking the literal body parts of the loser, one of which could be their very soul." Blazermate thought a bit to herself over what she just said before continuing. "Actually... we're all medabots here. But without any kind of 'master' or 'medafighter' or anything like that. Free to make our own choices, with the underlying medafighting system of parts being a thing for those who end up not wanting to be friendly. Still, if your so worried about being mass produced, at least your not a mass produced toy on top of that." She finished. Blazermate wasn't the best with words overall, but maybe she got her point across?


The group moved forward through a wonderful looking lit cavern with various creatures all worshiping... something. Blazermate wasn't much one for the whole 'worship' thing, being a medabot and all, so she didn't really get what was going on nor why a few of the others were having issues with this place. Of course they didn't stay in this area for too long, as when they found what everything was looking at, the boss of the area, it was... a bit weird all things considered. A... child? Infant? Something was off about this thing, like really off. And it wasn't too pretty either, but considering that to beat this thing someone had to absorb its spirit... well... This wasn't going to be pretty.

While Sakura wasn't going to take much of an initiative, Blazermate began to overheal everyone and scanned the thing. And as she scanned it, the ability of the Sun Princess came to reveal itself, placing a holographic marker on the weak spot that Scan had found for everyone to see, meaning Blazermate no longer had to call it out. "OK thats cool." Blazermate said to herself.

Level 10 Blazermate - (2/100) - Level up!
Carcass Isle
Words: 548

Blazermate was glad that everyone managed to finish their missions and that this stupid hand wasn't in control anymore... at least for the time being. "I really hate that thing." Blazermate said, not fond of being a toy, even though in her world she WAS a toy all things considered. She listened to Bowser ramble on about who and what Master Hand was, and said sarcastically. "So they're an abusive meda fighter more or less. Great." They had a few spirits to dole out for their trouble at least, their varied appearances sort of showing what the others had to face. Kamek then brought up a terrifying thought of boss monsters being fused with other spirits like they all were as he spoke about the abyssal leader. "Oh jeez... Not good." Blazermate said.

Seeing as everyone was hurt, She summoned Dell to make a dispenser before dismissing him, allowing those that got around it to craft new ammo and heal up, while using her own medigun healing those that needed it. Bowser seemingly taking some weird damage that her cleanse protocol wasn't getting rid of, but the damage was slowly fading in potency as Blazermate healed the big lug. "You guys had an entertaining fight then I guess." Blazermate said to Kamek. "Meanwhile we had to deal with someoen who mind controlled people, and Mr. Teddy over there really can't handle it." Blazermate said, pointing a thumb at Bowser. "He just unloaded everything he had right at the start on us! Honestly he was more of a threat than the Siren herself." Blazermate thought for a bit, then said. "Maybe I could teach him how to deal with mind control. The key is realizing you swapped to a less effective team, and putting in less effort to match their lack of teamwork. And/OR just running because, well, your new team sucks." Blazermte went to say. After all, those that mind controlled others never wanted to work as a team with their temporary member. "Although I will say, I'm a lot easier to manage than Mr. Big Bad over there." Blazermate said, giving a thumbs up to Jr.

Kamek mentioned that in his hands one of the spirits could bring back the dead. Blazermate was a bit skeptical as she looked over the remaining two as Kamek had taken one into himself. She remembered what fusing with an 'organic' did to her and she wasn't going to deal with that, probably needing Peach to take whatever spirit she had out of her if that nonsense happened again. But seeing as how she could be a better healer from one of these spirits, she took the one of the Sun Princess herself. "She kinda looks like a super humanoid fancy medabot, I mean look at her joints! Ball jointed like me! I can try this one, and Peach can fix it if it doesn't go well." Blazermate also liked the fact she wore a fancy Japanese kimono outfit, which would look good on her seeing as she mostly flew anyway. After absorbing the spirit and transforming, Blazermate hovered and looked herself over. "So how did your fights go?" Blazermate asked as the group was resting up after their ordeal.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (3/80)
Location: Mountain Cave
Word Count: 751

Sectonia was a bit disappointed that the bear wouldn't be her minion after all, but at least everything was resolved without any problems. Seeing as the mountain was beginning to be Snow based, Sectonia did what she said she'd do and summon a fire Antillion, who acted like a space heater warming everyone who was nearby. Sectonia made sure to keep it close to her as she was one of the few who used her own skills to warm herself instead of using cloths like the others, but she wouldn't be too annoyed if others came close for the warmth... as long as they were minions that is.

Their traversal up the mountain had its fair share of trials. Midna played with some torches and was rewarded with a treasure chest, which made little sense. There were just puzzles laying around that if you solved they'd give rewards? Very strange. As they moved on, they got assaulted by the various mountain deizens. The fire antilion made quick work of some of them, Sectonia slashing at the others with her swords and with the efforts of everyone many foes fell although the Queen did take a few hits due to her size. These foes were fairly weak all things considered, but maybe their spirits could be useful. When she could without much trouble or without getting lost in the oncoming snow storm, Sectonia scooped up the spirits of those that ambushed the party in the snow.

There was one peaceful section in between the travels through the wind and snow, with Midna taking a fascination on a frozen man who was content with just dying there. Strange considering the group had ample wwarmth, but that was his decision after all.

Speaking of Midna, Sectonia noticed her language had been devolving more and more as they traveled, being far less princess like and more like a basic thug. However until they reached High Rothgar, Sectonia didn't make a mention about it as they were all in danger while traveling. Once there though, and introduced to the Greybeards who were fairly hospitible and letting the group rest a bit before continuing, Sectonia pulled Midna aside to chastise her for her choice of words as they climbed the mountain. "For a princess, you have quite the... lacking vocabulary. Do I need to give you a lesson in proper royal language?" Sectonia said, almost acting like a fussy mother to Midna than anything.

With their rest completed at the greybeards, the men discussing they couldn't speak due to being able to only speak magic, and being quite poor at controlling it, the group decided to make their way up the lift being introduced to them that would take them through the mountain and lead to the top without the wind, but it'd still be cold and dark. Both things Sectonia could easily deal with with her fire antillions. A few others left the party however, not wanting to continue on the trek. These weren't Sectonia's minions however, so she didn't care too much about their departure. After all, they took some of those ferrystones so they would be back later.

Moving through the cold cave wasn't all that eventful compared to their climb, Sectonia catching a bit of conversation that Tora and Poppi were having about the group going through this trial a bit fast, having possibly missed treasure along the way. Sectonia could get what they were talking about, but... well, who would want to explore an icy wasteland? Sure it looked pretty when you could see through the blizzard but even she had to say it was a beauty that wasn't worth it. She had already gotten beautiful ice top mountains in Floralia that put this one to shame as it was anyway.

They then came to a big open cavern with an ice bridge that zig zagged next to a sleeping giant in ice. "Oh Wonderful." Sectonia thought to herself, gesturing for the Antillion to reduce its heat output to not melt the ice of the giant. Yoshitsune, not being very good with ice, requested Sectonia fly him across the gap as the bee queen flew. Sectonia mentally sighed as she grabbed him to assist him crossing this chasm. Her fire antilion being held in her other hand forcing the bee queen to have to move slowly through the area, not really being able to lift both of them but she could assist just the same. And Yoshitsune was kept warm by the antillion that walked right behind him at least.
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